Hanukkah Stream (Kenny Jones and Ethan Ralph) 2018-12-02

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_10: Hanukkah is a festival of lights.

Unknown_10: Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights.

Unknown_10: When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree Here's a list of people who are Jewish just like you and me

Unknown_10: David Lee Roth likes the menorah. So do James Conkirk Douglas and the late Dinah Shorah. Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli? Bowser from Shanana and Arthur Fonzarelli.

Unknown_10: Paul Newman's half Jewish. Goldie Hawn's half too.

Unknown_10: Put them together, what a fine-looking Jew. You don't need Deck the Halls or Jingle Bell Rock, cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, both Jewish.

Unknown_11: Put on your yarmulke, it's time for Hanukkah. The owner of the Seattle Supersonicas celebrates Hanukkah.

Unknown_11: I figured we'd start the stream off right, the only way we know how, with a copyright strike from Adam Sandler. As G-D would intend.

Unknown_22: Is that you are early, my friend, you are early. The stream is not over. I have no idea what I'm gonna do, but every time I start up a stream just to talk shit and accomplish absolutely fucking nothing, everybody piles in and everybody has a good time. And then my stream usually gets deleted by WMG after the fact, so what the fuck ever.

Unknown_22: The fragment appears in the stream.

Unknown_22: Let me actually post the video.

Unknown_22: I have not advertised this at all. If you're watching right now, you are early.

Unknown_20: You are the fucking notification squad.

Unknown_20: Oh jeez, I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to.

Unknown_20: Those are like way too much. All right, how is everybody? How is, how is my fine audience of fucking weirdos?

Unknown_22: Dan easy peasy from the stream. I don't know if that's an option. He might just force his way in.

Unknown_22: I guess if he calls in, I'm gonna have to take the call. But you know, it's Hanukkah. He's not gonna be, he's not gonna be around on fucking Hanukkah.

Unknown_22: He's out in his fucking bunker safe, safe and secure from those bombs that'll be dropping shit.

Unknown_22: Here, I'll show you guys something funny that I just noticed.

Unknown_22: I see that DuckTuckToad is ready to go. Take this up, type in Hanukkah. How do you spell it? There it is. Type this in. Look what happens. What? It didn't do it. Oh, you're making me look like a fucking fool, YouTube. It only happens in the English version of it, I guess.

Unknown_22: Hanukkah. You can just do this by yourself, by the way. I'm going to take a screenshot.

Unknown_22: Or do you have to spell it with two K's? Yeah, there it is. Spell it with two K's.

Unknown_22: Isn't that nice of Google? Look at how pretty that is!

Unknown_22: Look at how pretty that's so nice!

Unknown_22: It's such a nice little display. I'm sure...

Unknown_22: I am sure they're going to do this for Easter and stuff, right? I mean, you're going to see it for, you're definitely going to see it for whatever the fuck the Muslims call their winter holiday.

Unknown_22: Ramadan, is that it? Yeah, Ramadan. You're probably going to see a Ramadan backdrop, but maybe some Easter too, right? That's going to happen.

Unknown_22: for sure it even has shekels that's right that's a that's a thing though you do you have to give you have to give gold coins i'm pretty sure that's a thing i'm pretty sure that's a thing what did you miss you missed absolutely nothing you missed not a thing we're just gonna settle down i'm gonna do an hour and a half tonight talking about that fuck all

Unknown_20: About fuck all the only thing that I've heard in terms of actual funny stuff is Is this let me pull up this picture from what I saw it was funny I try I think I have it on my desk Yes, I hope I do Maybe not Oh

Unknown_20: like he's uh you can okay you can see that's his mom right there and that's his wife and there's a picture of them side by side and it's just it's fantastic they look identical to each other pretty much i sent it to fucking coach red pill i don't have the actual URL anymore

Unknown_22: We find out it's worth showing people and I can't tell if he's he's being like facetious unless I guess cuz it's all caps rage and shit like he shows But I Hope like this guy's eating so much shit recently and it's just kind of funny. I

Unknown_22: And he deserves it. He doesn't sound like a nice guy. I don't have a strong opinion about him, but from what I've seen, he's not a nice guy. Does the chat have any funny stories about H3H3?

Unknown_22: Funny and H3H3 should not be in the same sentence. It is when he's mad that people are saying he looks like he buried his mom.

Unknown_20: So what?

Unknown_20: I guess if people want to fuck their moms, I can go ahead.

Unknown_20: Eat some borscht fatty. Spend this on Jewish jelly.

Unknown_22: I'm glad everybody's concerned about my food intake. I assure you I'm eating well. Don't worry about that.

Unknown_20: Yeah, I hope this is a... He's a kick three and he displays all kick three behavior. This is true.

Unknown_20: Kick three is in that like, is that like TikTok?

Unknown_20: His wife is definitely pick three. Where the fuck is that picture?

Unknown_22: I'm so pissed. I gave it to fucking Coach Red Pill, but now it's like it's lost in the fucking abyss of the really good comparison picture.

Unknown_20: I feel shafted. Oh, there it is. I had to scroll up very far in my Discord.

Unknown_20: Perfect.

Unknown_20: To me, it's uncanny. Coach Redfield disagreed.

Unknown_22: He said they look different enough, but the only thing that's really different is that she has blue eyes.

Unknown_22: But aside from, and her mom's hair is more curly.

Unknown_20: But aside from that, they've got really similar facial structures. It's all fun until you're a bruncle? I don't even know what the fuck that is.

Unknown_20: His wife is disgusting she looks like a horse and an empty vessel void of emotion totally like a skeleton.

Unknown_22: That's fucking mean.

Unknown_20: That's a yikes. I can show you something that I did on Twitter.

Unknown_22: Like when I keep I always get banned from Twitter because I'm always a little bit too mean in my messages. I guess I show my hand too much.

Unknown_20: This person, I found this message incidentally.

Unknown_22: Are trans women women? Retweet for yes, like for yes. But I reply, excuse me sir, what is the option for probably not? I have to reply for that. You have to delete your account for probably not. Delete your account. Both people want me to delete my account.

Unknown_20: Then I can only vote.

Unknown_20: This is how it starts. This is why I keep getting fucking banned from Twitch.

Unknown_22: I keep bantering with trainees and people don't like that.

Unknown_22: I need to do a stream on this guy, by the way.

Unknown_22: Yes, this acronym or this pin name is not a joke. It's evil trans latinx as in like the gender neutral thing that dumb Americans try to push or Latino versus Latina latinx here. Okay, I need I'll do this a stream meeple because I'm curious about what people think about this

Unknown_22: I've had this debate, I've had a very passionate debate with many people about that word, L-A-T-I-N-X, right? And on Stream.me, I'm gonna do a poll, because that's how I sound. Because I want to see what people think.

Unknown_22: Is it pronounced, is it pronounced Latin X, or is it pronounced Latinx?

Unknown_22: Latinx or latinx because That's the question. That's the question that I don't know and you if you're a new to me Don't miss whichever just type it and I'll watch it Let's winks Latinx a cholo links

Unknown_22: Latinx I'll tell you where the divide comes for this because there is in the full stack industry Or in web servers, there's something called engine X And that's how you pronounce this You pronounce it like a car engine X But if you just read it, normally you're gonna be inclined to call it latinx In latinx is the is the more humorous way to pronounce it.

Unknown_20: I feel I

Unknown_20: But Latinx sounds cooler.

Unknown_22: I see it's like a 50 50 divide on stream.me for what to call it I mean, let's see what YouTube is Low tax That's mean don't don't bully poor low tax he can't feed his family As a Mexican you don't recognize the awful word Latinx Yeah, I can't well that's what I said. I said no fucking no latino person actually says the word latinx because you can tell it's a dumb american word because if you know spanish like imagine trying to replace all the genderism in that fucking language with x like you would be choking on on the x sound like constantly because it would be replacing like the ending of every word bullshit and happy hanukkah to you dorip happy hanukkah

Unknown_22: Now, is the gender-neutral version of Hanukkah like Hanukinks? Hanukkah X?

Unknown_22: What's the gender-neutral version of that? We gotta get some...

Unknown_20: Fucking work for it.

Unknown_22: Progressivism. Progressivism. We gotta get more progressivism in Israel. Because, uh, that's important.

Unknown_22: They need to recognize that gender is a spectrum.

Unknown_20: Like autism. Exactly like autism.

Unknown_20: Oh geez, okay.

Unknown_22: But yeah, about ADF, ADF is fucking amazing. He constantly, constantly rants about the Kiwi farms being fascist. Can I read some of these?

Unknown_22: Fuck gender norms, this trans ethics hashtag won't be erased.

Unknown_20: Being normal.

Unknown_20: Yeah.

Unknown_20: See, his timeline is just like a great cross-section of just the craziest fucking people.

Unknown_22: Add the trans flags, you cowards!

Unknown_22: You hear that? You hear that, Twitter? Your biggest issue right now is that you do not have a flag for transgenders on your platform. Oh, God.

Unknown_22: Oh, boy.

Unknown_22: Co-chair for MNTG Alliance. Business analyst, analyst, former carny? What the fuck does that mean?

Unknown_20: Like a carnivore? What the fuck's... Chat... Chat, what the fuck is a carny?

Unknown_22: Is that like a carnival person? Like a person that conducts a carnival? I think that's it, right?

Unknown_22: Oh God, can you imagine this person in fucking clown makeup? Oh God. And no, I'm not making fun of transgender people, okay? I'm making fun of this thing. The Minnesota Transgender Alliance. That must be what the MNTG...

Unknown_20: Like legit, they look like the gravekeeper. I'm not being mean. Oh, gee.

Unknown_20: This is what happens.

Unknown_22: You scroll down those fucking pages and then you just feel cold bitterness in your heart.

Unknown_22: What was happening? Oh, I was reading ADF. ADF is really funny because, oh, ADF follows Lorelei Bailey. Lorelei Bailey, I've mentioned this before, Lorelei Bailey's a rapist. They sold out Lizard Squad, they narked on Lizard Squad, and then while using their grandmother's house, they gave free rooms to other transgender people and then raped them, and then uploaded the videos of themselves raping their friends in their house.

Unknown_22: And, you know, that ends up here because fucking ADF is awful. Retweets the fucking people. Or his friends. 10 years of organized cyberstalking didn't happen in a vacuum.

Unknown_22: It had the tolerance of a capitalist and ableist society to go to as long as it happened. Cyberstalking has condemned me to poverty five years of houselessness and somehow I am the violent one? Oh, this is the funny one.

Unknown_22: Uh, Kenny, who's also a retard says that also Latina. Okay.

Unknown_22: Like I'm trying to explain to people what ADF is and I'm choking on my words. Cause every time I say something, I have to show somebody something else to give it context. I'll get back to that. Let me just read this. Rumor has it that a person is a hardcore and heavily armed member of Antifa now around Portland. Ten years of organized violent cyber stalking by fascist Kiwi farmers plus predecessors are definitely going to create perfect recruitment material for those anarchists and Antifa.

Unknown_22: So this is a reply to Kenny, who is his own special nut job. Actually, we'll open him up and look at it. Because he was begging for my attention. He said he was going to write articles calling me like a, like a fascist or something. I don't know. He's a retard. But he says that Austro-Latina person is one of the few so-called low cows who are truly dangerous.

Unknown_22: Australis, okay. Let me just google it. Maybe I can find a fucking map and show you what the fuck Australatina is. Australatina.

Unknown_20: Perfect. Okay. I want one with a ocean map.

Unknown_20: Is that it?

Unknown_20: No. God damn it. Where the fuck is it?

Unknown_20: Is there not one that shows, like, where it is in proportion to the United States?

Unknown_22: Basically, okay, this guy's a spastic and he likes to make, uh, civics. He likes road signs and traffic signs. Like, he draws this shit constantly. These, these signs in broken Spanish.

Unknown_22: And that's like his big autistic thing right, but this is his country australatina and it's it's if you can't tell it's a portmanteau of Australia and Latina and It's it's literally in his world like you can see this is the coast of America and Canada so it's literally like what if Quebec was like this giant fucking island this square shitty looking island and I

Unknown_22: like he spends his days drawing these road signs and shit and that's his entire life is drawing these road signs but um he also likes to write like fantasy logs like right now there's a there's a civil war i think

Unknown_22: In his fake country and he's being there's a coup d'etat to try and overthrow his government and his own fictional universe so even in his own fictional universe he's a fucking loser and his his his entire country his fake country hates him and I think that's what Eric honest with you

Unknown_20: See, oh this somebody said he likes uh, he likes uh Infrastructure in fake countries like you like flags.

Unknown_22: Well, I'll have you know, this is a fake flag. I made for australatina It's the I think it's the flag of cuba. Um, the The austrateria I think the southern cross is the constellation and then an extra little soviet star to make it like replacing the the big star in the australian flag This is my fan art for his country. I think it's a great plot.

Unknown_22: Uh, what else? Anyways, yeah, he's a spastic. I should talk about Kingel, too. Kingel deserves his own shit. You know how much I hate Kingel? Kingel's watching this right now. He's the biggest, fattest, dumpiest fucking loser in the world. And he's watching this right now, and Kingel, I want you to- Kingel! Show yourself!

Unknown_22: Show yourself in the chat now, I command you!

Unknown_20: You fucker, present yourself.

Unknown_20: If you're not gonna speak up, Kingel, forever hold your peace. I will. I will just proceed without you. I'm gonna give you a minute. I'm giving you a minute, Kingel.

Unknown_20: You know you want to.

Unknown_20: Kenny Jones, is that the real Kenny Jones? Kenny, you're a fucking retard too.

Unknown_20: Go away. This dude, okay.

Unknown_20: Press one in chat.

Unknown_22: Yeah, this is the real Kenny Jones. Press one in chat if you want to hear the story of Kenny. You're derailing me. I asked for Kingel to show himself in chat, and Kingel has not shown himself, but Kenny Jones has stepped up to the mantle.

Unknown_22: And he wants to be talked about. Oh, oh geez, I'm seeing the ones. I'm seeing the ones. I guess we're gonna be talking about Kenny now. Thank you, Kenny, for distracting us.

Unknown_20: I was just gonna talk.

Unknown_22: Oh, Kenny's involved. Kenny wants to talk. Kenny, you wanna get in Discord and have a nice conversation about how you stalk women? Do you wanna get in Discord real quick?

Unknown_20: We'll just talk, we'll just talk.

Unknown_20: I'm looking I'm looking at looking I'll give you the link if you want the link you can and that you'll make my Hanukkah stream We'll just talk about how you fucking stalk women Well, I guess I have to get him an invite

Unknown_20: Create an instant invite, edit link, generate copy, send it to him. If he wants to come on and talk, I guess he can. Actually, no, you're in my chat, aren't you? Did you leave?

Unknown_20: Ah, geez.

Unknown_20: You're busting my balls here, Kenny.

Unknown_22: Kenny did nothing wrong. That's the thing. Oh, he left. He didn't even want, he asked me to talk about him. The second I started talking about him, he fucking leaves. He's not even in the Discord anymore. He just, well, I guess he doesn't fucking object then. Here, you know what? I bet you a good number of you people haven't seen this. So let's pull this up. It's in my fucking archive, I'm pretty sure. And we'll watch this together, because Kenny made this. Kenny fucking made this. Ralph played it on his stream, right? Ralph played it on his stream because Kenny, not only, Kenny paid somebody to write the script, Kenny paid somebody to, uh, to, uh, uh, narrate the script and he paid somebody to edit the script together into, um, into a final product. So let me pull this up and we'll just watch it.

Unknown_20: You man this desktop download Give me the money My connection might get shitty as I download this. I'm not gonna I'm not just gonna throw it up Firefox

Unknown_22: Last chance Kenny if you want to get into my fucking hotline we can talk but otherwise I'm just gonna make fun of you for the next hour because you've thrown yourself on the altar. I wasn't gonna make of this Kenny. I was gonna make fun of this Kenny. Look at this Kenny.

Unknown_20: Let me pull up a picture of this Kenny.

Unknown_22: Every time I want to talk- Kenneth is the most boring fucking person in the world, but every time I want to talk about him, somebody else steps up to the plate and it's just like, please, please make fun of me on the internet.

Unknown_20: No, I guess we're not going to talk about this, Kenny.

Unknown_20: It is what it is.

Unknown_22: Is it finished? It sure has. Okay, let's watch this. Keep in mind a black guy paid $300 to make this video as you watch this. And let's go.

Unknown_00: Kindness, honor, and trustworthiness are important aspects of society. These morals keep societies together and maintain the trust between fellow man.

Unknown_00: In a time of heightened social awareness, we tend to see more and more terrible people. So it's always a treat when we can see someone who holds on to morals and calls for society to reach.

Unknown_22: Actually, sorry, I'm going to, I'm going to do this a little bit differently. I lied. I shouldn't have downloaded that video. I should have, uh, I should have just gone to YouTube and played it because now I can't pause it and I need to be able to pause it. So I'm just going to go ahead.

Unknown_22: I'm going to go ahead and wait. This video does not exist, but it literally just existed.

Unknown_20: Oh, I see.

Unknown_20: I see. I'm dumb. All right.

Unknown_20: Okay. I'll pull it up on Firefox.

Unknown_22: I'm sorry. I'm a dummy. I'm a retard, but it's okay now. It's all good.

Unknown_00: kindness, honor, and trustworthiness are important aspects. We tend to see more and more terrible people, so it's always a treat when we can see someone who holds on to morals. Okay, first, before we do this, I want you to take a look at the bottom of your screen.

Unknown_22: Do you see that Margaret McLennan fan channel?

Unknown_22: Let's pull this off, let's take a detour from this fucking immediately. Guess who runs this?

Unknown_22: Guess who runs this creepy as fuck archive of all her videos?

Unknown_22: I guess that's her and her mother? Guess who runs this?

Unknown_22: I'll give you a hint.

Unknown_22: I give you a hint. It's fucking Kenny.

Unknown_22: Oh yeah. His narrator is great. Um, I think the only reason the narrator even agreed to do this fucking video, cause they knew if they turned Kenny down, they'd fucking like cut, cut his dick off or something and calls for society to return to them.

Unknown_00: But what happens when one of these speakers calling to return to morals isn't honorable, trustworthy, and a lot of times not even kind to their own fans and supporters?

Unknown_00: An online personality catering to the political communities of the internet since late 2016, Margaret McLennan has called for society to return to better morals. She prides herself on leading people to become more trustworthy, holding

Unknown_00: Are you sure?

Unknown_22: Because this video that I have, I think was published like somebody. Okay. There's a bit at the end that I think he cut out.

Unknown_22: Um, I'm pretty sure I archived the, the, the original version of this clip. If there's a, if there's an archive of it that has the ending part, let me know. And I will play that.

Unknown_22: Otherwise I'll let this continue.

Unknown_00: Onto their promises and generally just being better people as we all should be.

Unknown_00: Her personal Twitter bio faintly describes her as right-wing gossip plus social media tactics, highly read ghostwriter, belly dancer in past life, now ostomy crew.

Unknown_00: Margaret began her journey into the online political community in 2016, back when she became a manager for a privilege grant, helping unfairly treated kids go to college. Unfortunately, later that year, Margaret was fired from the grant.

Unknown_22: If you don't remember, privilege grant I think was the thing that Milo Yiannopoulos ran that generated $150,000 in donations in which nobody received any money from.

Unknown_22: And according to her, she did not receive pay for her work from her boss.

Unknown_00: After this incident, she became ill and bedridden in a hospital for the next couple of months.

Unknown_00: Margaret continued her online career from her hospital room, despite her condition requiring the removal of her lower intestine. Despite her poor video-making equipment, she gained the attention of quite the large fanbase with her simple videos. October of that same year, Margaret established a Patreon and began raising fun.

Unknown_22: Okay. This is the most important part. Keep it. Look at that number. It's like only like my Patreon at patreon.com slash man at the internet makes more money than Margaret McClennan's. So just keep that in mind that this, this fucking tiny amount of cash is the major contention of this video. And Kenny's hatred of this woman.

Unknown_00: Her fans came together, raising money and sending her computer parts so that her video's quality could grow. Her fans wanted to know what she could make with the proper tools. Finally, in 2017 and free from the hospital, Margaret had built her new PC from the parts donated by her- Oh!

Unknown_22: Oh, look who it is in chat! Margaret from the Women Fan Channel. He will not let me on the stream. I've been out of his Discord for two months. Nigga, I will let you on the fucking stream. Oh, you're there.

Unknown_20: Kenny? Kenny? You're muted, Kenny.

Unknown_20: Josh, you fucking idiot. You, you motherfucker.

Unknown_22: What the fuck? How did he time this? Got you. No, okay, I'm pissed off because he says in chat, as the Mark McMillan fan channel, he says in chat.

Unknown_18: I did it like five minutes before. Yeah, you've been waiting there. And then he fucking lied.

Unknown_22: I'm going to consider this a grand Kenny scheme to trick me.

Unknown_05: Yeah, it's just the way it works. Whatever. See ya.

Unknown_00: She rewarded her fans by releasing a schedule for when she would start releasing videos. It was quite ambitious for a newer YouTube channel. Her busy schedule consisted of live streaming every Monday, live streaming a game every Tuesday, publishing a video on YouTube Wednesday, and finishing her week with a game stream on Thursday. Fans, especially the Patreons paid into it, were excited to see what Margaret would do.

Unknown_00: I wouldn't want Patreon dollars until I can get on a schedule and prove my worth. Margaret.

Unknown_00: Margaret set up a d- This you, I'm pretty sure this is you.

Unknown_20: Can you hear me okay? Hi Kenny.

Unknown_20: How are you, Kenny? Did you have something to say?

Unknown_09: What's happening, man?

Unknown_20: Nothing much.

Unknown_22: Just having a nice little Hanukkah stream.

Unknown_09: I'm getting a bit of a delay. In some ways, I can't hear you through the Discord. Give me a minute to fix the settings if you don't mind.

Unknown_00: Let me know I'll keep playing the video discord channel for her patreons as well So that they could chat with her directly and the community could build within her small group of support and try again things We're looking up 1 2 3 4 5.

Unknown_09: Okay. I got you. I got you. Thank you. I appreciate it Alright so what's it what's been happening man? What's been what's been cracking?

Unknown_22: I've been streaming. It's been, it's been going pretty well. How about yourself? Did the video have the impact that you expected it to have? Oh yes.

Unknown_09: Oh yes. You know, I got the, uh, you know, I got, I got more, more replies and more views than I ever thought I would, you know, but 2.2.2.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I always just want to make it just for basically me and the 32 people. So that's a lot more than the 32 people. If you look on the screen, what you're looking at, Anus, he also made a video, a matter of fact, and did some decent research into this matter.

Unknown_09: I would check him out because you know this has nothing to do with me. This is not me doing research So if I was you I would you know Who's the who's the most vocal about like when we talked to in the in that conversation?

Unknown_22: You seem pretty adamant about having wanting to have her be destitute and that seemed to be your goal. I

Unknown_09: I don't, I think you misinterpreted what I was saying and you finished spreading a narrative that's incorrect.

Unknown_22: I don't think it's wrong. Cause you said that what you wanted was for people to stop supporting her, which, which would mean that she would be destitute.

Unknown_09: Well, stop supporting her through YouTube and other internet things. I mean, she has jobs on the internet, you know. I'm not talking about her bosses to stop paying her.

Unknown_09: You know what I'm saying? So, I mean, if the people that used to be her supporters will stop giving to her, stop, you know. Yes, it's Gump Jones.

Unknown_22: But what if they're happy with what they're getting? What if they're getting what they paid for and they're happy with it?

Unknown_09: If they're happy with it, then they're happy with it. I'm not forcing them to do anything.

Unknown_22: Again, when we talked, I could not understand what your point was, and it seemed to me that you just wanted her to be bankrupt. What is the goal?

Unknown_09: See, the goal was, is she did what I consider to be unethical things, and yet she kept the reputation of a decent individual long after she did these things. Okay, and my issue is if she keeps her reputation of someone that's honest and so on and so forth, then she can do it again to someone else in the future. And I don't like that. I don't like the idea that someone keeps a good reputation when they haven't done good by anyone.

Unknown_22: Well, I think it's safe to say that she tried to fulfill her obligation.

Unknown_09: If I tried, you mean given about 10% on occasion, then yeah, I agree.

Unknown_22: So okay to clarify for people who don't know the main his main contention is that he bought a like a platinum standard power supply unit for her for her build and Several other pieces of like audio accessories. Like I think you said soundproofing phone and stuff and I think you said it total up to about like $500 worth of gifts and

Unknown_22: And the understanding would be that Margaret McLennan would stream a specific schedule.

Unknown_22: And this was right before her health issues.

Unknown_09: What's that?

Unknown_09: I said that she made her fans didn't, um, didn't force this schedule on her. It was a, it was a schedule that she made up by her own will. That's, you know, I'm just saying that it wasn't, it wasn't like Kenny Jones bought, bought a, um, a hard drive. And all of a sudden I'm saying you better do Tuesday and Thursdays, you know, it wasn't nothing like that. She's the one that came out and she's the one that made this a schedule, you know, for herself.

Unknown_22: Right, she came out and she set some goals for what she was going to do, but then right after the computer was put together, she had health issues, right?

Unknown_09: For a very short period of time, yes.

Unknown_22: Okay, she had debilitating health issues to the point where she couldn't stream, even. For about a month. And then when she comes back,

Unknown_22: I mean, you said that while she was in the hospital, you were still trying to get her to do streams and stuff, right?

Unknown_09: No, no, no.

Unknown_09: She she was sick. She was sick. I don't believe she went back to the hospital. And I'm mistaken, but I could be mistaken on that count. She was sick. But but we didn't harass her. We did. You see, we didn't really start going after Margaret and trying to get her to do the things she's supposed to do or keep her word and to about her birthday, which is in May.

Unknown_09: So this was this was so she got her computer on Valentine's Day. She got a symbol on Valentine's Day and the next week after Valentine's Day, she got sick of 2018 of 2017. So almost almost two years ago at this point, she gets she gets her computer and she gets sick and she's in the hospital for about a month, right?

Unknown_09: She's in the hospital for about a week if she was at the hospital at all.

Unknown_22: Are you saying you don't think that she was in the hospital? She's missing parts of her bowels, bro. I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_09: Well, yes.

Unknown_09: Yes. But you need to understand that my video is incorrect.

Unknown_09: It actually did.

Unknown_09: My video is incorrect. So she didn't have her intestines removed in 2017 or 16. It actually happened around 2014 or 13.

Unknown_22: Right, but that's like, it's like a chronic condition that you have to keep it keep taking care of.

Unknown_09: Right. I understand. I mean, I'm just saying that she was in a hospital getting anything removed at that time.

Unknown_22: Right. She was she was just she had a flare up because she has multiple issues. It's not just like her bowels are fucked up. She has several degenerative

Unknown_09: Yes, yes. But let me explain.

Unknown_09: She was sick that week, but after that week, she was relatively healthy for many, many months. Okay, to the point where she traveled, she went to California, she went to the, you know, she went camping, you know, she was pretty well healthy. She was even starting to do exercises. She was exceeding her doctor's recommendations for her behavior, you know, when it comes to exercising and so on and so forth. You see what I'm saying? So,

Unknown_09: quite healthy and, you know, out and about and doing these things. And physically active doesn't mean that she's all put together properly. Well, I didn't say it was. I'm just saying she had the energy to jog a mile. And I was saying we were asking was in our stream a day.

Unknown_09: Well, OK, and only on certain days. And, you know.

Unknown_22: When we talked last, I hadn't started streaming, and I've only been streaming for about two months, but I can tell you, one of the draws of it, having people throw dollars and stuff is fun, but really, streaming itself is fun. If it wasn't fun, I probably wouldn't do it, right? Is that fair to say?

Unknown_09: Yeah, I agree. You shouldn't be like Wings of Redemption, is what you're saying.

Unknown_22: Yeah, yeah, you don't wanna be like Wings, you don't wanna be like DSP, where streaming becomes your job, because part of streaming is you're supposed to be entertaining, and you can't really entertain if you're miserable, right? So that's why Wings and DSP are so shit, it's because they're miserable when they're doing what is technically their job.

Unknown_22: So, you know, Margaret, especially if Margaret's being like pressured into going back to streaming, like that instantly makes it less fun.

Unknown_09: Well, see, that's that's the issue. She wasn't instantly press it into streaming again.

Unknown_09: Like I said, we didn't people in her discord.

Unknown_09: We're very supportive of streaming, right?

Unknown_09: He asked about her time, about her birthday. That was like May. So she put her computer together in February. She got sick in February. And she was long since, you know, unhealthy or even healthier than she usually is by May, when her birthday was around.

Unknown_09: So people didn't really start, you know, going out there and asking. Instead of asking, they were being polite. No one was, you know, out there calling names or threatening her in any kind of way like that. I mean, when it comes to the Internet, her fan base and people that talk to Margaret are extremely polite, you know, to the point where it doesn't seem like the Internet.

Unknown_09: So, I mean, so about May or so, people started asking, you know, when are you going to get back on schedule? You know, you made a schedule on, you know, Margaret, and you said you were going to do these things for, you know, in exchange for helping you get a computer and being your Patreon supporters and so on and so forth. So when are you going to get back on schedule? And, you know, for months, and I mean months and months and months, she ignored the question.

Unknown_09: In August or so, she got back from one trip, and she's going to go on another trip to California.

Unknown_09: Yes, that's a picture I did. I really like it.

Unknown_22: You drew this?

Unknown_09: I didn't draw it. I didn't draw it. I just found it somewhere.

Unknown_09: Look, I mean, I've made my fair share of mistakes. I admit it. All right, you know But all I'm trying to say is in August she went on a trip she was more than healthy enough to go on it on a trip to California for a week and you know and so on and so forth I'm not I'm not suggesting that she's 100% healthy and she can be a Olympic Olympic champion I'm just simply saying that she made a schedule. She didn't keep it She was she's long since been over her that previous week sickness

Unknown_09: She had time on her hands and she hasn't responded to the issues to this day.

Unknown_22: Well, OK, so you get like there's a girl in chat. She says, if I had people like this breathing down my neck, I'd not want to stream, too. So like, hypothetically speaking, OK, we go back in time, right? And and Margaret is in this position and she wants after she gets her computer after she's sick and she's feeling better. She wants to get out of streaming. He wants to get out of it because she's not having fun anymore. How, how does she do that without, without failing to meet the obligations that you say she has to estimate?

Unknown_09: Well, one, one thing I would recommend is, is she, she should have done is she should have cut back streams and tell people what she was about to do. Right. If, if I made an obligation to you and I say, Hey, if I say Josh, people use a real name, right. Um, uh, if people, if I, if I went to you and I said, Hey man, um,

Unknown_09: How about if I do research for you, and I give you one article a week for four weeks.

Unknown_09: And so I do one article, and I don't like it. I don't like this. And if I just quit and disappear,

Unknown_09: then you're kind of without an individual doing these articles that I've, you know, I've come out to you and told you I was going to do them. You didn't come to me. So, you know, if I was going to quit, I can tell you how that's handled in the real world, if you'd like. But let me explain. So if it was me, I would say to you, I say, man, you know, this isn't as easy as I thought. This isn't very fun.

Unknown_09: If you don't mind, I like to, you know, quit after this. I mean, I like to do them a week and like to quit.

Unknown_09: You know, and that's that'll be reasonable to me.

Unknown_22: OK, well, in the real world. OK, let's say there. Do you know anything about contract law? I imagine not.

Unknown_09: I know. I know the basic idea of contract.

Unknown_22: Well, it's a little bit different. If you say to me that you're going to write four articles, we're making a publication, we're making some kind of online blog, and I contract you for that. If I do things to put myself at financial risk dependent on you meeting your obligation, that's a tort if you don't meet that.

Unknown_22: I mean, there's various ways to go about it, but there wasn't any contracts.

Unknown_22: You gave money to her to expect streaming, but my main thing was, it's been so long since this was the case, so long since this falling out.

Unknown_22: It's been, again, almost two years. How long would she had to have streamed?

Unknown_22: If she quit Valentine's the next year, would you still hold it against her for quitting streaming?

Unknown_05: No, I wouldn't.

Unknown_09: The thing is, you know, after she made that schedule for herself, she hasn't kept that schedule for one single week.

Unknown_09: Okay. Since, since, since she made that schedule, Valentine's Day of 2017, not one, not one week. And you know, that's, that was her schedule. She's the one that made it, you know, I personally, I would have been happy with one, excuse me. I would have been happy with just one hour stream a week.

Unknown_09: Well, she does stream still, right? Yes, she streams, but you've got to understand that this is a pretty recent turnaround.

Unknown_09: So if it was me, you know, and you said, you know, hey Kenny, I'm getting kind of sick of Tyler streaming I'm I hate overwatch, you know, I'm tired. Hey Kenny specifically No, not you not me specifically. All right. Hey chat. Hey patreons who you just you know, whatever you want to put there, right? You say hey, man Hey guys, I'm sick of Tyler. I've had you know, I'm sick. I don't like this no more and So, you know, I'm not going to keep that schedules, but I'll tell you what I will do for, you know, I'll ask him once, you know, once a week or so, you know, that to me, that'd be reasonable. That's cutting it down.

Unknown_22: Didn't you say that?

Unknown_22: I'm asking like she she's doing her one one stream a week. And I'm talking about like that doesn't satisfy you. Well, yeah, that's that's.

Unknown_09: Then what's the problem?

Unknown_22: If she's doing what she... The issue I've come to you to talk about, really, because you just now started talking about this, but the issue I've come to you to talk about was about the false allegations on that article on Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_09: Because it doesn't only make me look bad, Josh, it makes the site look bad when it's false information. I mean, next time when you go... Well, let's go through it then. Next time when you go, when you have another, you know, one of those phony instance, or some of those signs. People are going to point to your article and say, look, they got it wrong. No, I'm saying, and I'm simply trying to say that, you know, one article that is massively inaccurate, it puts a small amount of, you know, discredit on all your other articles. You know, people need to have a certain amount of confidence in Kiwi farms if it's going to make any kind of effect against people.

Unknown_22: Let's go through it then. This is by Valkyria, I think.

Unknown_09: Oh yeah, may I make an announcement? He's a knucklehead. All right, go ahead.

Unknown_22: Can you hear that, Australia? Bring in the vans. OK, so Kenneth Jones, a.k.a. the Mush Mouth Menace, is a 27-year-old basketball American slash Indian, feather and not dot, also known as Zambo, who sent YouTuber with Crohn's disease money and computer parts, saying he did so out of the goodness of his own heart. He now feels so entitled to both her and her time that he's embarked on a yearlong campaign to slide up in her DMs, And if he got his way, that Joe. Uh huh.

Unknown_09: That's accurate so far, right? You know, it's not really all that accurate. So what he's doing there is he's applying motivation he has no proof of.

Unknown_22: Well, we have a down here he supplied a screenshot where he says that where you say that she's a nine out of ten and you're sending her Men don't listen cuz tits don't talk. I mean you're pretty good But that was a one that was a one-time time joke, you know Pictures of her of her tits and in discord and like a not safe for work channel

Unknown_09: I mean, it's pretty clear that you're... Actually, I was sending those in DMs because people kept asking me, well, who is this woman and what is she, you know, why in the world do we care? Why should we care? You know, does she have nice tits? Send us a picture of her tits. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right? So, yeah, I'm sending them at the people. I mean, you're clearly sexually attractive. Go back one, they go with the red shirt. Red shirt? Yeah, in the Discord thing you were looking at.

Unknown_22: Uh-huh.

Unknown_09: No, the DMs. Yeah. See, when people keep asking me to post tits and stuff, then I just do it. I say, OK, fine, whatever. And I send it. All right. This isn't me just all of a sudden out of blue saying, hey guys, you want to look at Margaret's tits? Hell yes. You know what I'm saying? It's a request by them just because it's getting them to shut up.

Unknown_22: Well, I'm just saying, like, you're clearly sexually attracted to her.

Unknown_09: I mean, she looks all right, but that's not the reason I did this. She's a nine out of 10.

Unknown_22: That's not all right. That's that's pretty clear endorsement.

Unknown_09: But that's not but that's not my motivation for doing this.

Unknown_22: So it's yes. The answer is yes. You are sexually attracted to her.

Unknown_08: I wouldn't say sexually attracted because I don't have I don't have sexual thoughts about her.

Unknown_22: Sure. That sounds like I should be honest.

Unknown_09: Well, you have to understand me as a person, right? So I'm, I'm a, I'm a Christian individual and I try best to live a Christian life and, and, and a Christian doctor and you ain't supposed to have sex until after marriage. So, you know, it'd be counterproductive if I had, I was thinking about, you know, sexual relations with Margaret out of blue without, you know, being married to her. And to be honest with you, if I was married, if I was married to Mark, hold on, if I was married to Margaret, I'd probably end up killing myself.

Unknown_09: Why?

Unknown_09: because he's a pain in the butt just on how to deal with online is a pain in the butt.

Unknown_22: He's been going out of her way to ignore you.

Unknown_09: She's been going out of her way to discredit me.

Unknown_22: She's been ignoring you, you said she doesn't address you.

Unknown_09: She doesn't address me, but she's been talking to people behind my back.

Unknown_22: Well, she didn't. Well, the whole thing about, you know, stalking her is true, though.

Unknown_09: I beg your pardon?

Unknown_22: The thing about you stalking her is uh, is true.

Unknown_09: We haven't, we haven't really, I mean, can we, can we stick to one issue at a time? Let's, let's go back to you talking about being a good Christian boy who doesn't have sexual thoughts about other women.

Unknown_22: Cause here she's saying, uh, I said that that wasn't when it comes because you can be attracted to a person without immediately having sexual thoughts about them.

Unknown_09: At least I can.

Unknown_22: Okay, well in this tweet from May, she says, you know how I know you're a virgin? You think that sex dolls will replace the real thing. And then you reply, question how is being virgin an insult? Bravery is standing by one's principles, which we'll get into, because you're very principled apparently, regardless of the opinion of society. So are you saving yourself for marriage?

Unknown_09: Well, I wish I could say yes.

Unknown_09: But unfortunately, you know, I had instant when I was a kid when I was you know in fifth grade My teacher took advantage of me right so I can't say I can't say yes to that I mean besides that I don't ever I don't ever take that as a I Don't ever count that like as far as like consent goes you're still holding yourself out for me, right?

Unknown_09: Yes Okay, his chat was curious I'm just, I'm just telling how it is. I mean, you know, I tell you, there's not much, there's not many things I, you know, I wouldn't tell, wouldn't remit to or tell the truth about. There was this one thing, you know, in Cherokee, but we won't talk about that now. In Cherokee?

Unknown_09: Yeah, in Cherokee. You know what Cherokee is, right?

Unknown_22: I know what it is. Is that a place?

Unknown_09: Yeah. So it's the mountains, the Smoky Mountains and, you know, in North Carolina and Tennessee.

Unknown_22: Well, you can't throw that out there. What the fuck is what happened in Cherokee?

Unknown_09: Well, I mean, we're not it's that it is a part of topic. I mean, I don't want to know where the serial killer was, you know, and the serial killer is actually where I live. Actually, it's kind of strange. What happened?

Unknown_22: No way. Well, you can't say that and then back out from it. What the fuck happened in Cherokee?

Unknown_09: It involves a church trip.

Unknown_09: When I was real little, there was a church trip to the Cherokee Mountains.

Unknown_09: Most of the guys at church, the bigger boys, were bigger than me, and I wanted to impress them. They said, do something to impress us.

Unknown_09: I was like, what? And they didn't tell me. So basically, I went behind one of those cash registers in Cherokee, and I stole two swords and a candy bar.

Unknown_09: You stole two swords? Yeah, they had these replica swords in Cherokee, lots of knickknacks and stuff. So two swords and a candy bar, and snuck out the door and ran to the guys and stuff.

Unknown_09: So the joke is can you still teach a key store candy bar in Cherokee? And you know, is that is that where Al is?

Unknown_09: Oh You know about our do you?

Unknown_22: Yeah, somebody sent me a message talking about Al saying that he's a menace a Menace for three generations of Joneses.

Unknown_09: That's right So he says you're not he's number one on your kill list even higher than Margaret.

Unknown_22: I

Unknown_09: I didn't say kill list, I said dislike list.

Unknown_22: Okay, so who is Al from Ace Hardware?

Unknown_09: He's a disreputable businessman that tries his best to get over on people, not taking care of business like he's supposed to at a local hardware store. For example, my granddad took a chainsaw to him to get it fixed. He was two months behind schedule, and when my grandfather got there, he took the motor out of the chainsaw.

Unknown_09: Not only did he not fix the chainsaw, but he stole the motor out of the chainsaw to fix my other chainsaw.

Unknown_09: My father's had issues with him. More than one. And then I had issues with him. So that's three generations of different Joneses.

Unknown_22: What happened with your dad?

Unknown_09: Everybody pretty much knows who I am now. My father was a pastor of a church. And so he went there to rent a

Unknown_09: a structure for, you know, to keep the rain off people doing certain, got some kind of eating thing we were having at church that day. And he, he made it, you know, he made it, uh, he, he got the thing. He, he made the, I was called the, uh, he scheduled it for like three months or so ahead of time. Like, you know, called in a little early next week, the man had it and everything.

Unknown_09: And, uh,

Unknown_09: You know, the man didn't have it. He gave instead of the thing he gave him, he gave him one that had holes in it and it was rusty and it fell apart when he put it up and there was people underneath it and there was food everywhere. Blah, blah, blah.

Unknown_09: The people in chat don't want to listen to this.

Unknown_22: I'm still curious. I'm curious about Al. What happened? What did he do to you?

Unknown_09: It has to do with me trying to make snake traps.

Unknown_09: So I was trying to make a snake trap and stuff. And I was asking him, I need a metal that wouldn't rust.

Unknown_09: And he, instead of giving me a metal that wouldn't rust in certain items and so on and so forth, I had to explain it in real detail, if you want me to explain how it went wrong. But basically, he gave me material that was substandard. And when I caught a cottonmouth in a trap,

Unknown_09: was carrying up the hill, the cottonmouth fell out. And, you know, needless to say, it was kind of a awkward situation with a cottonmouth near my leg. So, you know, so that's that's basically it.

Unknown_09: Well, no, he didn't bite me, but it was it was it was none to.

Unknown_09: It wasn't it wasn't fun.

Unknown_22: Did you shit yourself? It sounds like, you know, I mean, I mean, it just it just, you know, the cotton mouth of venom is a venomous animal.

Unknown_09: I mean, you know, a venomous snake drops by your feet. You know, it's you know, it's kind of unnerving to say the least. I mean, nothing else happened. It's just, you know, the snake was there. I told someone to throw me a snake hook and I brought the snake up the hill with a snake hook. And now, you know, we put him in a snake bag, which is basically a pillowcase. And that was it.

Unknown_22: Do you hate this owl guy more than you hate Margaret?

Unknown_09: Yes. Yes, I do.

Unknown_09: If you think about it, because of his stupidity, he almost coughed at least my leg. But I don't know. When it comes to Al, I pretty much let it go. And I pretty much let the Margaret thing go. I haven't really talked about it too often. Until I came here and asked you to please rewrite your Kiwi Farms article.

Unknown_22: Well, so far it seems pretty accurate. I mean, we got to, uh, let's, let's go back to that cause that's what we were doing. Cause I, I, I contest that you do want a fucker. I think that's, that's a fair statement to make.

Unknown_09: Well, you need to, but you need to understand there's other motivations behind giving, giving someone something other than wanting to have sex with him.

Unknown_09: I mean, can you agree with that?

Unknown_22: Um, for most people, yes. I, I just don't think, I just don't, I wouldn't give you the benefit of a doubt with that though.

Unknown_09: Okay. But I mean, but what, what, what about, what about me that would make, make it seem that I'm highly sexual, sexually active? Like, uh, have you noticed me doing it? I didn't make that claim.

Unknown_22: Hold up.

Unknown_09: Like, I'm just saying like, like, I'm just saying like, you say, you know, for me, you wouldn't get a benefit of doubt, but what about me that tells you, that it wouldn't be another reason behind it.

Unknown_22: Because of how you've handled it, like if you handled it in any other way, literally any other way, I would say for sure, like yeah, you probably just got fucked over by an e-thought, and shame on you for trusting an e-thought to begin with, but I don't think you're burned over it, like you're very clearly burned over Margaret not giving you what you want. And to me, that implies some sort of very strong emotional attachment to her that makes you feel personally scorned by her not doing these streams.

Unknown_09: I am personally scorned by her, but not in that way. We will get into it a little bit later and, you know, why I've continued as long as I have and what made us all personal. You know, there's a little bit of context, you know, we need to go through, if you don't mind.

Unknown_22: Okay, well before we do that, let's continue on to the second paragraph. So far, his autistic obsession with one Margaret McLennan has cost him his job, and will very soon cost him his dream job as a field researcher to molest poor defenseless reptiles in the wild that people already knew were there.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I know Kiwi Farms is a joking website, so I'm gonna let that molesting reptiles pass. But the other thing,

Unknown_09: So this pretty much leads up to the other point about my motivation for continuing this. So my motivation for continuing this was because instead of accepting my challenge to the Kumite, back when the Kumite was a thing and was worth watching, instead of accepting my challenge to the Kumite, she decided to publicly disgrace my name, publicly discredit me by, you know, saying a bunch of extreme things about me. One of them in which calling me a serial killer, essentially. She didn't call you a serial killer. Alluding to me being a serial killer.

Unknown_09: And that ended up leading to me losing my job.

Unknown_09: So me losing my job made it personal.

Unknown_20: And that's why I've continued it as long as I have.

Unknown_20: That tweet is not on there, I wish it was. Of course it's not on there.

Unknown_09: I want it to be on there because it's one of the most interesting things.

Unknown_22: It's the only time as far as I know she's ever interacted with you.

Unknown_09: She didn't interact with me, she was interacting with failure.

Unknown_22: Well, it's the only time that I've ever seen her even Acknowledge that you exist in any way Yeah, well, I mean if you want me to see one with some pictures of our conversations, I suppose I can send them to you but I mean Like I have no interest I have I mean before she made these these comments about me to got me fired I just want to talk to her to see if there's any kind of way we can resolve the issue Blood sports

Unknown_22: People don't go into internet bloodsports to have friendly conversation and work out their problems.

Unknown_09: Don't you think that if somebody was contacting you for months and months and months and months you wouldn't want to talk to them?

Unknown_09: But I mean, this wasn't, when I say months and months, it's not like I was messaging her every five minutes, every day for all these months and months and months. And it's not as if, you know, I was the only one. It doesn't really matter.

Unknown_22: Okay, look, I run the forum and I get a lot of shit from it, which is fine. I deserve to eat a lot of shit for running my site. But like, I get people who contact me sporadically, like at least once a month, every month. And I would say that they're stalkers.

Unknown_22: Like even if they're not contacting me every day, like if I made it clear, I don't want to talk to you. And you continue to contact, which you're harassing me.

Unknown_09: She hasn't, by the way.

Unknown_22: Well, by not responding to you at any point in time, I'm pretty sure that is that's clear that she doesn't want to talk to you.

Unknown_09: But I mean, I can I can I can agree with that if it wasn't for the fact that she treats everyone like that.

Unknown_22: How do you know this? How do you know how she treats everybody?

Unknown_09: Well, because I talked to her from her patrons and discord.

Unknown_22: Yes, you do. And that's also worth mentioning, because after I uploaded that video, I get comments on all of my all of my videos, every video I put up.

Unknown_22: I get one person and I don't know if it's you I don't know if it's the other creepy weirdos, but they just say Kenny did nothing wrong It's like it's like a his name was Robert Paulson kind of chant where it's just Kenny did nothing wrong just like for every upload I make and Like those are the other people and you mentioned them that you work with them you conspire with them to try and get back at her

Unknown_09: Um, what are you accusing me of? Stalking! No, I mean, about the King did nothing wrong thing. Stop puppeting or getting other people to comment on my videos very awkwardly. Okay, Josh, look. Here's the truth, right? So there was 32 individuals that, as you know, there's 32 individuals on Patreon.

Unknown_09: Only about 10 of those individuals were ever active on her Discord when she was active on her Discord. And only about 5 of those individuals I talk to now. Okay, you still talk to a lot of them. That's so a lot.

Unknown_09: Like, look, I'm just saying there's five. These individuals, though, these individuals don't don't want their names known, and they don't really want to get involved publicly because, you know, they don't want to end up like me. You know, put it bluntly.

Unknown_22: Yeah, they don't want to end up labeled a fucking creepy soccer pro because they know what they're doing is creepy and weird and not OK. They're not they're not doing anything, though.

Unknown_09: I'm trying to explain to you these individuals aren't... I haven't asked them... They're talking to you to try and get back at Margaret.

Unknown_22: That's something.

Unknown_09: No they're not.

Unknown_22: They didn't help you with your video. They're not making other videos like your video that you're pinning on your videos in the description.

Unknown_09: No. They haven't made other videos. No. Absolutely not.

Unknown_22: Who the fuck was the guy that you pinned on your on your video in the comments that that's somebody anus or whatever.

Unknown_09: He's he was doing it. He decided to do an investigation into this. He is not a patron. He is not a fan of Margaret's. He's I don't I haven't I didn't know him until like Ralph went to Ralph's discord. So I haven't like he's a completely independent as far as I know.

Unknown_22: OK, just as a detour, what's this about a hooker?

Unknown_09: A hooker?

Unknown_22: Somebody said, ask Kenny about the hooker.

Unknown_09: I don't know anything about a hooker.

Unknown_22: Is that like a thing with a serial killer? Did he kill hookers?

Unknown_09: Oh, well, the serial killer, I don't really know too much about him. Apparently, there's three women that got killed, and there's like one missing. And that's about, the last one that went missing happened in October 2017.

Unknown_09: And for you guys, it's wondering if I did it or not. I was in Washington, D.C. at the time, so no I didn't.

Unknown_22: No, I don't think he thinks you're a serial killer either. I wish he wouldn't have implied it either.

Unknown_09: I mean, it's ridiculous.

Unknown_22: It's obvious that she's not accusing you of being a serial killer. It's just like when I read the thing about molesting reptiles, you immediately recognize that as a joke and brush it off. But when she says something that's a joke, that's offensive about you, It becomes a serious point of contention that you consider lawyering up for to harass her further with litigation.

Unknown_09: Yes, but there's two differences, right? So, as you suggest, I recognize that as a joke, so I have the capability of recognizing jokes when I hear them. Number two is, you don't state five different facts that are actually true and mix them in with a joke that's not.

Unknown_09: Okay, you see what I'm saying?

Unknown_08: No, I don't.

Unknown_09: Like, you don't say, okay,

Unknown_09: Let's pretend that I say this guy is wearing a green shirt, this guy has nice tennis shoes, this guy went to mailbox at 1am, and this guy went to town today.

Unknown_09: If that guy was actually wearing a blue t-shirt, and I was just making a joke about a green t-shirt, you wouldn't mix that joke in with three different truths about the individual. The full context of that tweet was just something like, yeah, he's stalking me and he's from a city where there's an active serial killer.

Unknown_22: So that makes me nervous. I guess that's what she said.

Unknown_09: But but that's but that's that. But you also got to take an account that says as close that as close as you can call someone a serial killer, legally speaking.

Unknown_09: Like if she actually want to call me a secret, that's the closest you can get without being held accountable, legally speaking. Now, I mean, you clearly you can see that.

Unknown_22: I mean, I guess you could word it much more concretely to say, like, this guy's a serial killer.

Unknown_09: He worded it pretty decently. I mean, if he had, if you, you know, if Valk or Valkyrie or whatever his name is, as he did his job and posted more, you know, proof and evidence, if I was going to say evidence, more evidence, you know, other than stuff that fires my hide.

Unknown_09: Um, you might get more of a context and so on and so forth. And another thing is, is that picture with the white background and stuff? That's not me.

Unknown_22: Oh, OK. I think I think what people were referring to is when you paid some guy on Fiverr to doctor. That's what they were asking about.

Unknown_09: Oh, I do say it's about a hooker.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I don't know. I guess they know it was a drug dealer. Oh, OK.

Unknown_09: OK, look, um,

Unknown_09: Yes, I did pay a guy that said he was a private detective, Al Furor. This was after I lost my job, and I wanted to sue Margaret. Now, regardless if anybody agrees with me suing Margaret for this or not, that's my intention. So when you sue someone, when you want to file for a lawsuit, you need an individual to go to that person and have them hand them the papers in person. And to do that, you need an address. So yes, I did hire a private detective to find an address and stuff and phone number. And so I could give it to my lawyer so he can have that stuff done. I don't know much about lawsuits, I'll be honest. I didn't know much about them at the time. I didn't realize... Well, you had them wired up before then, right?

Unknown_09: Well, I was... See, my plan was to kill two birds with one stone.

Unknown_09: Is, you know, while I was finding a lawyer, then the proprietary could be finding that information. You see what I'm saying? That was my original thought process.

Unknown_09: But it was a flaw to say the least.

Unknown_22: Usually what you do is you contact a lawyer and then he'll find the information.

Unknown_09: I know that. I know that now. I won't tell her in the process of finding the information that somebody on Fiverr paid them to dox you.

Unknown_22: That's usually what happens.

Unknown_09: But she hasn't been doxed, though.

Unknown_09: That's another thing. Because the guy told her that you were after her.

Unknown_09: Yeah, but here's the thing, right? So before he told her about me and doing that stuff like that and blackmailed me, we'll get to that in a second, Before he told that, he gave me the information.

Unknown_09: All right. So I do have information. One thing is she's never had a call from me, and she's never had anything sent to her house from me. OK. And another thing is her information has never been leaked. All right. So that information has been. Yeah, from a PI, yes.

Unknown_22: OK, so why didn't you sue her?

Unknown_09: I didn't sue her because all this other shenanigans going around the thing.

Unknown_22: What?

Unknown_09: Well, like people, people accusing me of being a serial killer, being a stalker. I thought that was the point of the lawsuit, though. She caused reputational damage. Well, she did cause reputational damage in my job. Yeah.

Unknown_22: Okay. And so why didn't you sue her?

Unknown_09: It was the lawsuit, we would inquire, basically, what's called an international lawsuit. Since he lives in Canada and I live in America, that would be a great deal of expense. And since this isn't a criminal case, I would have to basically take that out of my pocket. And seeing that I just lost my job, I didn't have excess money to spend on a lawsuit.

Unknown_22: You have money now, don't you?

Unknown_09: I have a little bit.

Unknown_22: I mean, they rehired you to do fieldwork and you're getting paid like $6,000.

Unknown_09: I didn't. They didn't rehire me at the same place. I'm an independent contract worker now.

Unknown_22: But they're contracting you from the same place. Well, they are. And you've said they contract the same place contracts you, even though you're not technically employed by them. They contract you.

Unknown_09: Well, I mean, I'm not going to lie. I mean, I make a little bit of money. But I mean, you make enough to fund this lawsuit if you really want it. I don't know about that. Like I said, it's an international lawsuit.

Unknown_09: And not only that, you know, she's she's even, you know, she's even moved since then. And then now I got it.

Unknown_22: Now you can now you can pay a lawyer, the doctor for real.

Unknown_09: Yeah, paying an extra thousand dollars. Yeah.

Unknown_22: I mean, I mean, you've been doing if you have been saving money for the time that you've been thinking about suing her, because this was like last year, right? I didn't.

Unknown_09: But but even in a time I was thinking about suing her, I didn't have a job, so I couldn't save money.

Unknown_22: You've been working for the better part of a year.

Unknown_09: Yes, I have. And if you also mean. But like I said, it's a it's a pretty expensive lawsuit, Josh.

Unknown_22: I've had complete fucking nut jobs living off British basic income to me.

Unknown_09: Yeah, British. That's a key word here.

Unknown_22: Sure, but they're living off the dole.

Unknown_09: Uh-huh. Well, I mean, once again, they're in a different financial situation than I am in America.

Unknown_22: Yes, but you can still sue her.

Unknown_09: And it still cost me a lot of money.

Unknown_09: You know, and what would I really get out of it if I did sewer now? Originally, I wanted sewer so I could get my job back or get, you know, something along those lines.

Unknown_09: If I sewer now, what's it going to get me? I already have basically the same kind of job. You know, I'm independent now, but I have the same kind of job.

Unknown_09: You know, so I don't, like, I'll be honest with you, and this is going to sound a little bit crazy, even for me.

Unknown_09: Um.

Unknown_09: The truth is, is I don't want to ruin Margaret. If I sue her to that extent, it will ruin Margaret completely. All right. I don't want to ruin Margaret completely. I'm mad at her. You know, I know I don't have many nice things to say about her, but I don't want to ruin completely stomach her her career like that.

Unknown_22: Well, she almost ruined you, right? So what's the why withhold?

Unknown_09: Yeah, but I can't.

Unknown_09: I wouldn't do that to an individual that I once called a friend.

Unknown_22: But you would follow them for two years and do everything you can to remove them offline like a consumer.

Unknown_09: No, I was trying. I followed up. You say I followed up, but but I didn't do anything beyond that lawsuit to me that that doing getting information from that private detective was justified. Because... You don't need to justify doxxing to me.

Unknown_22: I'm there. There's literally nothing wrong with doxxing.

Unknown_09: I'm not.

Unknown_22: As I famously said. I don't agree with it though.

Unknown_09: Not just to go spread around, let everybody know someone's personal information. No.

Unknown_09: You need a reason for doing so. When those furry people was molesting animals and so on and so forth, there was a reason for finding out where they live and spreading the information. So you have a group of people to come together and do what needs to be done. I just don't understand where you want to change. For Jim, for example,

Unknown_09: You know, there's no real reason to spread his information. It's counterproductive if you like Jim as a content creator.

Unknown_22: Okay, that's a nice opinion to have.

Unknown_22: My confusion is, okay, you say that you basically want to remove her from public spotlight online.

Unknown_09: I didn't say that.

Unknown_22: You did. You said you wanted to make sure she couldn't get any support online.

Unknown_22: You said that's how we started this conversation up. You said that you wanted to make sure that people would not support her online. You want people to see her as a fraud and a thief.

Unknown_09: Yes.

Unknown_22: Because she didn't stream enough for your liking.

Unknown_09: Yeah, but I don't want to ruin her life, though. You see what I'm saying? There's a difference between wanting a reputation and a follower.

Unknown_09: If people don't support her- Yeah, Patreon supporters. Okay. Patreon supporters.

Unknown_22: Patreon, like, if she's really fucking sick and she's not making any money, you know, 20 bucks on Patreon goes a long way to, like, having a decent life, you realize.

Unknown_22: OK, can you repeat that, please? If you are sick, if you're if you can't work because your body's all fucked up and you're in bed constantly, having money come in from online is a huge boon. You can go out to Starbucks and get fucking coffee. You can have, you know, a higher quality of life with just a little bit of money. It helps.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I agree. And, you know, the thing is that there's two things, the two things that I want. I wanted to stop.

Unknown_09: I want to start because of a bad reputation, was one, people trying to support her in like a Patreon or giving to her in certain ways like that. And two, people giving to her through, what's it called?

Unknown_09: PayPal donations, okay?

Unknown_09: You see, like, I don't want to affect her writing jobs.

Unknown_09: Okay, that that's not what I think that drives me fucking crazy when I talk to you Like I talked to you about this and I'm asking what you want I'm right and when you talk about this like I have people who fuck with me right constantly and When you ask what do I want?

Unknown_22: I just want them to fuck off and one particular guy Like I could stand taking some money from him to help with the damage. He's done to people

Unknown_22: Like, I can tell you in one sentence what I want from this. I talk to you about what you want, and you, like, take this general stance, like this guy over a map of a battlefield, and you're like, I want her to be able to do one, I want her to do one hour of streaming about one topic that she said that she was gonna do on Patreon two years ago. And I don't I would take this from her. I would take this money from her. I would recover my job from her. I would get an apology from her, but I wouldn't want to touch on her writing. I do want her to not have any patron support, but I do want her to get contracts like like you're going in depth and you're like, I want this for I don't want this for I want I want her to do this. I don't want her to do this. I want her to get this. I don't want her to get this. And it's just like you want to plan her entire life for. And all you fucking did was buy a PSU for like two fucking years ago, bro.

Unknown_21: And that's why people think you're creepy, because when we talk about her, it feels like you want to get in there with gloves and like like do her fucking life for her.

Unknown_22: And it's creepy.

Unknown_09: I understand that it would be creepy if that's the things I've said. Now, what you need to understand is Margaret has two different careers on life. I mean, excuse me, two different careers in online. One career, I would suggest it was more of a hobby dash half a job. And that has to do with YouTube, with streaming, with other things like donations and Patreon and blah, blah, blah. That's one side of her career online. Her other side is more of the backbone and the meat of her career online. and that's the writing work and whatever the hell else she does. Now, what I want to do when it comes to Margaret is effective her reputation so random individuals won't come to her on Twitter and run into her and think she's a pure, decent, honest individual that's worthy of giving money to.

Unknown_09: And Margaret closed her Patreon, by the way, for all those who are asking.

Unknown_22: So what could you possibly hope for?

Unknown_22: She's already closed it.

Unknown_09: She's already decided she doesn't ever want to take money from strangers on the internet again because they want to own her life.

Unknown_22: She's already done that. You've already taken that from her.

Unknown_00: She doesn't want to stream ever again.

Unknown_22: She doesn't ever want to take money on Patreon ever again. You've robbed her of being able to enjoy things that people should be able to do.

Unknown_09: Well, I didn't rob her of that. She's the one that brought that upon herself.

Unknown_22: So it's not, it's not my fault that happened to Margaret. It's just that I made, she made me do it. Like, like, do you know what I'm saying? Serial killer?

Unknown_09: No, what I'm trying to, what I'm trying to say to you is, is, is it's not, how can I explain? So what I'm saying is, is, is she's the one that didn't keep her word on, on the things she's

Unknown_09: All I was trying to do was get her to keep her word.

Unknown_22: And she's not going to do that. She's not going to do that anymore because she's so turned off from having any kind of interaction with her fan base. I've accepted that. She doesn't want to go back to it.

Unknown_09: I've accepted that. I've already accepted that, Josh.

Unknown_22: But you're still making videos about her.

Unknown_09: I've made one video about her, not videos, one video.

Unknown_22: Okay, you made one video about her, and now when people talk about how you're a crazy stalker, I wasn't even talking about you, but you get into stream chat and you get my attention because you want to talk about it.

Unknown_09: But when you type in my name, Josh, when you type in my name and stuff on Google, one of the things that pops up is your website, and it doesn't look good, and I have an issue with people accusing me of things I didn't do.

Unknown_09: That's one thing I've never done to Margaret,

Unknown_09: And she never did. I warned you.

Unknown_22: I warned you in that conversation. If you did this video, people would would go after you.

Unknown_09: But you went. But but Josh, this this Kiwi Farms thing was made long before the video.

Unknown_22: Well, even then, I couldn't help that. I mean, I'm not asking you to take it down.

Unknown_09: I'm not asking you to take it down. All I'm asking you to do is make it correct.

Unknown_22: Okay, well, let's continue, because we still haven't gotten to a part where I agree that it's somehow wrong. So she did cost you your job. That's right. Valkyria says, I recently joined a Discord for the IBS stream Killstream with the Ralfertort and co-hosts, where I stumbled upon a bumbling autist and a fledgling lolcalf. I was told that he was a bit odd and obsessed with a belly-dancing YouTuber, someone I personally followed and found missing in action from the platform one day.

Unknown_22: I had no idea why she had left, but I had found the reason after a brief and not so brief. What's that right there?

Unknown_09: OK, the reason why she left. OK, so I didn't I didn't do anything.

Unknown_09: So the things that that Margaret is is mad at me about, I didn't do any of those things until until about September. Like I wasn't I wasn't really going at like I wasn't really taking a big stance against Margaret until September 2017.

Unknown_09: Okay, that's when I start publicly calling her out.

Unknown_22: Which is already like six months later.

Unknown_09: Okay, I understand. Six months later from what?

Unknown_22: From the Valentine's Day.

Unknown_09: Yeah, yeah, but six months later of her not keeping her word, but still being healthy enough to do other things. But let's not get back to that again. We've already been around that a few times. What I'm trying to say is she wasn't doing content long before I started doing anything. So it wasn't me that caused her to stop doing content. It was her that stopped doing content that got me to do what I did.

Unknown_09: You see what I'm saying? Sorry, could you repeat the last sentence?

Unknown_09: What I said was, it wasn't me that caused her to stop making content.

Unknown_09: It was Margaret stopped making content that made, that made me do, motivated me to do the things I've done.

Unknown_22: Well, we've already talked about that. I hold the belief that she could easily have been dissuaded from coming back because of what she saw. Like, it might not even have been from you. It could have been other people in your group, you know?

Unknown_09: That did shit while she was sick. There's no way I could have. But either way, it wasn't me that stopped her from making content, okay? That's inaccurate on that article.

Unknown_22: Well, after a brief and two not-so-brief conversations regarding his involvement with the retreat of the aforementioned Ms. McLennan from the internet, I arrived at the conclusion that he was at best a jilted fan and at worst a potential murder-suicide. I was content to sit back and watch the dumpster fire with, uh, and when occasion called, milked for lols. I hate the word fucking milk.

Unknown_06: Yeah, he has repeatedly said he hates and cannot stand Margaret and has hired people from fire to track her down When the PI the menace hired to stalk Margaret turned on him and demanded $50,000.

Unknown_22: They demand $50,000 No, absolutely not see even he demanded about three that $3,000 I will you know $50,000 good graces like

Unknown_09: A guy wasn't and I think you've got to get to that but a guy wasn't fundamental mixing. I like With that and had it spread around But you know that it's kind of laughable that some hick from North Carolina with a lisp You know hire someone for the Mexican cartel. I mean really I mean anybody can be on Fiverr If he's from if he's from the Mexican cartel, I don't know about it. That's all I can say. I

Unknown_22: Kenny refused and the Fiverr PI sent out all the information he had to her and she proceeded to remove herself from the internet.

Unknown_08: That's not true.

Unknown_09: Because she's clearly still on Twitter.

Unknown_22: Well, she could have taken her thing down.

Unknown_09: No, she didn't. As a matter of fact, she tried her best to expose me as much as possible like I'm trying to do with her.

Unknown_22: From what little I know about afflictions like Crohn's, stress can be a huge contributing factor to the pain and exasperation of the condition. The stalking of Margaret has no doubt added to the already painful life this woman has to lead. Update on the man hired to investigate, turns out it's a Mexican drug dealer. Well, that doesn't have any... Wait, did you pay him money? I paid him like $150 to find the information. Did you pay him money to keep him quiet?

Unknown_09: No, I did not. I don't.

Unknown_09: He asked me to pay him money to keep him quiet. I told him absolutely not because I wasn't doing anything illegal. And I didn't, you know, I didn't feel like I was doing anything wrong. So I said, go ahead, do it. Tell everybody. And he did.

Unknown_22: I'll remove.

Unknown_22: Um, after watching this interview and talking to some of Margaret's friends, I'm dragging this cunt out into the sunlight. He gets extremely nervous in the latter part of the interview. Uh, that's when, after I, uh, you realize that it's me, I guess. Uh, this is the information that I have found on the Mushmouth Menace. If I find more, I'll be posting it in the comments below. Uh, display name of uploader, Margaret McLennan Fan Channel.

Unknown_22: Oh!

Unknown_22: Oh, so this is like, I guess she tried to DMCA you and this is a reply from you?

Unknown_08: Yeah, that's right.

Unknown_22: So, Margaret, this is a ridiculous and unreasonable way to treat a channel dedicated to letting your fanbase see your videos again. All credit was given to you both in the description of every video and in the page of the channel. It also clearly says none of the videos on this channel have been monetized. You and I both know it is unethical to deny the sponsors of your videos the right to see the very videos as possible. This is an official YouTube message, so I know you have seen it. That's creepy.

Unknown_09: Yeah, well, I mean, like you said, she doesn't she doesn't apply to me. So I just want to make it clear that I know she got that message and stuff. Like, you know, I'm sick and tired of, you know, speaking to the wind when it comes to, you know, Anybody about this issue, right? All I want all I want to do originally was just just to sell this, you know behind the scenes like this You know come up with some kind of alternative For her making content. I know we could I mean even if she didn't want to talk to me She can talk to some anyone else in the patreon thing or whatever. There's other people in patreon I wouldn't mind, you know, someone else talking to her, you know, we could come up with some kind of other compromise

Unknown_09: that everybody would have been approving of. And here's the thing about it.

Unknown_09: I didn't just buy a power supply. Everybody says, oh, it's just a power supply.

Unknown_09: Here's the truth about it. I bought the majority of the parts for that computer.

Unknown_09: Okay, it's not something I talk about because it's not something I brag about Because it's supposed to be it's supposed to be a gift to help people It's supposed to get to help someone achieve something and you certain, you know Hold something that you shouldn't hold something over their head like that You know in my opinion Oh, oh, yeah, I forgot you tried to hire an assassin to kill you Well, that was a joke

Unknown_09: Don't pay that too much mind. That's the same guy, that's the same guy, that's the same guy that I hired to, that was the investigator. And see what happened was, is he had a very bad, he couldn't speak English very well, like he was like Indian or something. And I got so tired talking to him, like he just, I just, I just want to joke around a little bit. And I was like, look, do you know anyone I can, I can hire to go ahead and kill me from having to talk to you? So, you know, how to explain this stuff to you over and over again and blah, blah, blah. So it was more of a joke than anything. What's this part about using Ralph?

Unknown_22: He asked you.

Unknown_22: Did she tell you to stop contacting her through Ralph?

Unknown_09: No, he he recommended that I use Ralph to contact Margaret and and and give her messages and stuff.

Unknown_22: What does that mean that she asked you? What did she ask you?

Unknown_09: I don't think she asked me. Oh, yeah. She asked me if it was me. She asked me if it was me that was calling her phone.

Unknown_09: And it wasn't me. It wasn't me. It was him.

Unknown_22: Oh, is this guy? OK.

Unknown_09: Yeah. So, you know, the two people that had the information was me and it was him. And it was him that was making the call. It's weird that when her phone rings and she doesn't recognize the number, she automatically assumes that she. Well, I understand it's weird. I mean, how did she even know about you by that point?

Unknown_09: But when she asked Ralph that, that was after I was looking up information about her. So in her mind, I was the most likely to be calling her.

Unknown_09: I've never called Margaret before. I've never texted her. I've never messaged her or her family or anything along those lines. Now, she has threatened to contact my family, by the way.

Unknown_09: That's not a thing.

Unknown_22: Well, I mean, she wants you to stop fucking with her.

Unknown_09: Well, that doesn't mean that you bring people's family and things like this. I mean, when they brought your mom, your mother into this one time, you know, you can't go down Keeley Farms. You know, you know, suffice it to say, that was very unpleasant for you. That shouldn't happen.

Unknown_22: It wasn't just my mom. They went after people three generations.

Unknown_22: People I've never met.

Unknown_09: It's still crossing a line. Your parents had nothing to do with it.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I mean, I guess, like, I don't really, like, I don't moralize and say, like, that's something that's out of line. But, like, I don't know, if she's in a desperate situation and she really, really just wants you to go away.

Unknown_09: If she really, really wants me to go away, all I ask is her to be reasonable and talk to one of the other Patreons. That's not too much to ask.

Unknown_22: Well, if they're all stalking her, yeah, it is. Because look what happened. The one time she even acknowledges that you exist, it sets you off on a fucking rampage, dude.

Unknown_09: It sets me off because she alludes to me being a serial killer, Josh.

Unknown_09: I lose my job, Josh. That's why it sets me off.

Unknown_22: Well, what's going to happen if she talks to you again? I mean, who fucking knows?

Unknown_09: If she talks to me like a decent individual, you know, like an adult, instead of accusing people, accusing people of a crime, you know, nothing's going to happen. We might work something out, but I don't want to talk to her, to be honest. I don't have no interest in talking to her no more. I mean, she's beyond, you know, tick me off. I just don't, you know, the time for me talking to her is over. I just, I'm done.

Unknown_09: The communication chain has been broken permanently, hopefully, between me and Margaret. I haven't tried to contact her in, let's see, what's this month? This is 12th. I haven't tried to contact her in about seven months now.

Unknown_22: But you still go on live streams to talk about it.

Unknown_09: No, I don't.

Unknown_22: And you're here to talk about it.

Unknown_09: I'm here to talk about the article that's on Kiwi Farms. That's what I'm here about. It just happens to be about Margaret.

Unknown_22: Yeah, because that's the most interesting thing about you.

Unknown_09: I agree.

Unknown_22: So, I mean, I don't know, like you complain that it's on Google when people search your name, but like, yeah, but just it's not it's not that the article exists, because if I do something that's wrong, right, I don't mind suffering the consequences of it.

Unknown_09: It's when it's when people say I did things I didn't do that I have an issue with.

Unknown_22: Okay, so if this article was just replaced with a picture of you and a message saying, warning, this guy stalked Margaret McLennan for two years, like, I mean, does that satisfy your requirements?

Unknown_09: At least it would be more accurate than what's here now.

Unknown_22: Okay, well refresh it because I've edited some bits like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna change it entirely to your liking I remove the one thing about I changed the number from 50,000 I'm not like I said, I'm not saying I mean look I'm not saying you know, you get rid of thing or anything I'm just I'm just suggesting that it should be it should be accurate and stuff that you have on there be somehow supported with some kind of documentation Satan noted to prove that this is correct and Yeah, usually the threads are much more comprehensive like the tweet from from Margaret is missing and that's really funny and it's important to the lore, but in general, it's just like The the the skeleton of the post accurate This is what happened okay, I mean I Have an issue would be caught being called a stalker.

Unknown_09: I But let's pretend for a moment that I am a stalker. I said I have an issue with it. So I'm saying let's all go along with the idea that I am a stalker.

Unknown_09: So there's a lot more on that other than me being a stalker. There's a lot more garbage on there that simply isn't true.

Unknown_22: Well, I mean, my point is, is that you're complaining about how it affects potential employers, right?

Unknown_22: Or people?

Unknown_09: Well, I'm actually more I'm actually more concerned with people that know me and my family looking it up and seeing a bunch of lies about me. That's really what I'm concerned about.

Unknown_09: When somebody types in my name and stuff, and they're looking for my Facebook, and this pops up alongside it, that concerns me, because it's not true.

Unknown_22: Well, it should.

Unknown_22: Okay, even if this was true, I don't think you understand this. If you were to have this conversation with anybody else, anybody besides me, anybody besides random people online who are just there to put on a show, they're not going to want to talk to you again.

Unknown_22: You tell the story to anybody in your life, anybody you know, anybody you're considering being friends with, that you, over a failed obligation to video, livestream video games and shit, went after this chick for a fucking year and a half. Like, they're not gonna wanna talk to you, because it's creepy.

Unknown_09: It sounds dangerous. It's dangerous to know you in real life. Yeah, but without the context, you know, it is creepy. The good context is… Even with context it's creepy.

Unknown_09: Well, that's your opinion. The context is I actually followed a certain moral code and a certain structure. She has not, in this case.

Unknown_22: Who gives a shit?

Unknown_09: Okay, even you said, let's pretend that I'm a stalker.

Unknown_22: Well, let's pretend that I agree with you. Cause I see, I see your creepy friends in chat saying she stole from him. Well, she's still, I didn't, I don't know.

Unknown_09: I don't, I haven't asked anyone to come to here. I give my word. This is the guy, that L bear guy for people in chat, that L bear guy is one of the guys that comments on every video saying Kenny did nothing wrong.

Unknown_22: I have no fucking idea who he is. He's a creepy asshole weirdo who probably wants to fuck her stoma. But for real,

Unknown_09: I did not send anyone here and I've never sent anyone to one of your videos. I give you my word.

Unknown_22: Okay, well, I'm just saying that this happens and I can tell it's her other fucking fans. And you know, you're this only talks about your interaction with her. These are there are other people like you who are worse. who are, who, that you're inadvertently lumped into. And yeah, you might not have personally driven her off of YouTube, but you're a part of this fucking weird clique, and you have defenders like this fucking Elvira guy.

Unknown_22: Yeah, you are.

Unknown_17: I can't. I can't.

Unknown_22: I'm stalking you guys. No, you're obviously obsessed with this. And you definitely want something from Margaret. You want that fucking stoma. And it's creepy. I'm just saying that it's creepy.

Unknown_09: You know, just like Jim, I can't help who supports me. I mean, you know, I can't I can't control that. Right. So I can only control what I do and said the things I've done. And you should have walked away a year and a half ago. I would have walked away a long time ago if she didn't say something about me being a serial killer. No, no, no.

Unknown_22: See, that's the thing. Like, it's like... No, that's a serious issue, Josh. Even in retrospect, you don't admit fault. You don't say, I should have walked away. I should have cut my fucking losses and walked away from this.

Unknown_09: You, but Josh, people make mistakes. And in life, people make mistakes. You've made a lot of mistakes. And even when people tell you about the mistakes you're making and how you can avoid fucking yourself in the future, you don't take the hint.

Unknown_22: You just keep doing it. That's why people have sympathy for you.

Unknown_08: No, I don't, Josh. No, I don't, Josh. We had this exact same conversation months ago, and I warned you, don't publish that video because you're going to just get more negative attention for you.

Unknown_22: And now you're complaining, oh, my family and my friends are going to see that I've been talking mogwit. And it's like, well, yeah, because you made a fucking scene for it. You stayed in the discord for the Ralph Retort for months talking about this chick. You were the butt of every fucking joke for months.

Unknown_09: And I agree. I am taking the loss and just fucking cut it.

Unknown_09: Josh. There are more important things in life than a person's reputation online.

Unknown_22: But you've just said that you've been spending all this time going after Margaret's personal reputation online.

Unknown_09: Yes, I have but you if you also if you also remember I said I wasn't I don't want to affect Other portions of a life. That's one reason, you know, that's that's one reason. I don't really want to the Continue that loss. I was talking about like like that lawsuit would would affect I know would cost a significant amount of money and the money will usually come from the loser if I if I lost, you know, that's She would have to pay legal fees to defend herself

Unknown_09: Right.

Unknown_09: I don't, I'm trying my best to explain to you that, you know, even under these circumstances and things that, you know, I feel she's done to me and things I think she's lied about, I don't want to completely ruin, ruin Margaret.

Unknown_22: Well, that's fine.

Unknown_09: I don't look, I'm saying that, you know, that's almost like a, uh,

Unknown_22: I don't know what to call it, but it's like, you shouldn't even be thinking about that. If she did damage to your, your concern should be how to recover the damages. But it's not, your concern is how, how are you going to interact with her? How's this going to affect her? How, how are you going to do this in such a way that it only hurts her in certain areas where you think she deserves to be hurt? And it's like, you shouldn't even have your mind on that, but you're obsessed with micromanaging her own life for her.

Unknown_09: No, no, no, because the way I affect her is not me micromanaging her. It's me micromanaging my own actions.

Unknown_22: Well, if you were doing that, you would have fucking stopped like a year and a half ago.

Unknown_09: Well, like I've already explained to you, I would have stopped a year and a half ago

Unknown_09: Matter of fact, that Kumite challenge was going to be it. She didn't accept it. She didn't comment. She didn't do anything like that. That would have been it. That was my last resort. I publicly called her out on the Kumite. There's nothing much else I could have done. So that would have been it. But instead, she finally chose to respond to it. And how she chose to respond to it was to make up a lie, was to discredit me and reveal information about me that really people shouldn't reveal to people. She talked about something that was extremely private to me, about how I got molested by my teacher in the fifth grade, and how that's somehow disgraceful because the child got abused. You know, there's a child from where does she say that? She said it in the same sense when it's about me being a serial killer.

Unknown_22: But.

Unknown_09: Yeah.

Unknown_22: I don't remember that. It was screenshot.

Unknown_09: I mean, I can I have it in a file. I know you do, motherfucker.

Unknown_22: Send me that over Twitter or on.

Unknown_09: OK, I will eventually, but I have to have to go through and stuff. I mean, it's.

Unknown_09: What?

Unknown_11: Take your time. Take your time.

Unknown_09: I send you. I mean, it's going to be a moment of silence while I concentrate on this, though. I mean, you don't want another dead air diogeny, you know, or something along those lines.

Unknown_22: Just dig through it.

Unknown_20: I'll find something to entertain chat.

Unknown_05: Sounds like a lot of air to me. I'm playing the song.

Unknown_21: Read chat while it's quiet.

Unknown_22: Alright, um... Okay, say something chat. Quick, go.

Unknown_22: It'd be better if he had an archive than an easily doctored screenshot. I guess I can try to beat him to finding his own.

Unknown_09: That'd be embarrassing.

Unknown_22: Margaret's Belly, Twitter... Wait a minute, I can't send you anything because it says that I wasn't in your server or something.

Unknown_09: I guess I am in your server now, so never mind.

Unknown_18: Uh, it's... Don't think...

Unknown_09: did you see that i sent you the dm what did you send it i sent you dm on discord

Unknown_20: Alright, so Okay, I remember this this isn't look Hey Margaret's belly.

Unknown_22: I hear someone wants to challenge you to the Kumite if you're interested in me Hey, man, I love the show, but I'm being challenged by a guy who impersonates me harass me lies lies about his job As he lost his virginity to his high school teacher uses his adopted mom's credit card to send me gifts live 17 minutes away from the bodies of four women that were dumped I Mean you see that don't seem like a joke to me.

Unknown_09: I

Unknown_09: Maybe I'm just okay from her perspective, you know, keep in mind because Again, you take this really personally and yeah, I can I can kind of see why I'm not I'm not totally unempathetic But at the same time like from her perspective, I think you were the most vocal of her critics, right?

Unknown_22: Oh

Unknown_09: Yeah, I have it. Yeah, I would say that. Yeah.

Unknown_22: Okay, most vocal of her critics. Now keep in mind, you got other people like L bear, right? Yeah, all these other creepy weirdos that you don't even talk to that you've never met who were doing shit to her. And I think she assumed, and probably not unreasonably, that you were everybody doing anything to her. You know what I mean? Yeah,

Unknown_09: I mean there should be a certain amount of, I don't know, a little bit of evidence should be provided that I had something to do with before she says this so publicly next to an internet figure like Failure. I mean this is a pretty big Sledgehammer statement.

Unknown_22: Yeah, but like again, from my perspective, I have lots of stalkers and you know, one in particular, something happens like I, you know, he uses 10,000 different aliases, but I'm pretty sure it's him. And like, I empathize with her position because when that shit happens, you know, it's hard to tell because you get people using a bunch of stock accounts, a bunch of different names to hide blame. And I guess you just assume that you were, you were fucking with him or fucking with her in all these different ways.

Unknown_09: No, I've never done that. And if she would have, if she would have, you know, attempted, if she would have came off a high horse for a few seconds, a few moments and see, you know, and, and, and ask a few questions to any, to a few individuals, not even me, but a few individuals that she talks, she does talk to. Like the last thing you want to do is interact with them.

Unknown_22: Cause look, she's, she says one tweet about you and you've justified everything that's happened after this tweet. I'm trying to explain.

Unknown_09: I was trying to explain something Josh If she has a guy that's a guy that was a patreon that she's a pretty pretty good friend with You know, this isn't revealing anything much about him. Another one is mainly chicken Milly Chicken was a good friend, was an acquaintance of Margaret's, and another guy named Nemo. If she would have went to them, and she would have said what was going on, and asked a few questions here and there, she would have determined that it was not me, because I talked to Nemo a decent amount. Me and him talk a lot.

Unknown_09: Um, you know, but again, if you have a stalker, the last thing you want to do is communicate with them is that when you're not, but I didn't say communicate with me in any kind of ain't no, no, no, no, not just communication in the sense that we're talking right now.

Unknown_22: I mean, in any kind of communication, if you acknowledge they exist, like she acknowledges you exist on this one tweet, everything you've done based off after this tweet has been in your mind justified by this tweet.

Unknown_22: it's fueled the fire for an additional year and a half so no if if you're being stalked don't ever ever under any circumstance talk to the person stalking you because it will fuck you even if it's just well you know through intermediaries

Unknown_09: Well, I mean, there's an issue with that, right? If the individual that's constantly messaging you, or keep on, let's say harassment, right? Harassment is determined by the individual that's being harassed. So I can, you know, you send me two messages, I can consider that harassment.

Unknown_09: So harassment, if the individual that is harassing you has legitimate arguments, has legitimate complaints and proof that he can use to show that he's right, then he's not going to just go away because he's not about, let's see, I don't know, a meme.

Unknown_22: That's a good one though.

Unknown_09: Oh, anyway, it's not about having her reply. It's about, you know, revealing the things that she's done.

Unknown_09: You see what I'm saying?

Unknown_22: But you've been like at this time you were contacting her.

Unknown_09: Right. I was I was leaving messages underneath her tweets to tell other people.

Unknown_22: And you're talking about how like what we haven't even touched on is that. Did you see that picture with the computer that tweeted with a computer image?

Unknown_22: No, it's on its own.

Unknown_09: It's on the Kiwi Farms article.

Unknown_22: What am I looking for?

Unknown_09: It's the it's the the one with the image of inside of a computer.

Unknown_20: Margaret you realize that the gaming PC project was for a purpose right not a tip but a gift with a purpose and that purpose being making higher quality videos and giving you the ability to live stream and play games like for watch again, so we could Okay.

Unknown_09: Yeah. All right. So so this this message was on these Margaret's tweet and A reason it was on a Margaret's tweet wasn't necessarily just for Margaret. It was also to explain to

Unknown_09: Why I'm so upset, why, you know, this is an issue for me, you know, to me. Okay. So I saw the computer, her computer, this is a computer that she worked on that day. Right. And I show the, uh, the, you know, uh, explained, you know, why I'm here, why I'm messaging, you know, her messaging on the tweets and, and, and why I've been around, you know, exposing her as much as I have been. It's not just, it's not just to get a reply from Margaret, you see.

Unknown_22: Okay, but like, I think we didn't cover the fact that how you said that even if you were on bad terms, you would still watch all of her videos.

Unknown_09: I beg your pardon?

Unknown_22: Like at this point, there's clearly an issue, right? Where she's not communicating with you and you're unhappy about it, so you're tweeting that she didn't start streaming again. Like if she started streaming, then you would still watch all of her stuff, even if she didn't like you.

Unknown_09: Actually, I said the opposite in the stream of me and you last time, if you remember.

Unknown_22: Oh, that's right. You know, thank you for reminding me, because that's even worse. You said that even if she went back to streaming, you wouldn't watch her stuff. You just want to know that she's doing it.

Unknown_09: Yeah, because I know she's keeping her word. That's that's so fucking creepy, dude.

Unknown_09: I guess in a certain context it can be it is creepy in this context where you're saying I want Like I'm gonna spare her this this lawsuit because I don't want to affect this parts of her life I just want to affect this parts of her life, and then I want her to stream.

Unknown_22: I'm not even gonna watch her stream I just want to make sure that she's streaming because that's her fulfilling her obligation even if I'm not watching it and It goes back to me talking about how you're trying to micromanage this fucking woman Like, you want her to do these things, you want them to do it in a certain way, and you're gonna spare her on these details, but you're not gonna, you know, you're gonna go after her on these details, and that's justified because of the principle of the matter that's based off of this tweet from a year and a half ago, and it's just like, it would be so much better for you to say, fuck it, and go back to snakes. Like that, how do you see what I'm saying? Do you see how that how that appeal appears to other people and how like even if you even if in some some sense?

Unknown_22: If you took the facts of the matter and you looked at them and you weighed them and you said, okay, Margaret did a wrong against this guy. Even if that were the case, because of how, how you talk about this and how you present your case to people, it looks like all you want to do is control her life.

Unknown_22: I do. Do you understand that? Do you know what I mean?

Unknown_09: I understand what you're trying to get at. However, you can't equate one hour of her time as her entire life. Oh, sure I can.

Unknown_22: Imagine how this would work in any other context. Imagine if somebody said, you're going to go stand on the street corner and hold up a sign for an hour a week. Like, you know what I mean? Like, that's not freedom. When somebody's forcing you to do something, even if it's an hour of your time a week, it's still, you're being compelled, you're being forced against your will to do something that you don't want to do to appease somebody who is not in your life and who you don't want anything to do with.

Unknown_09: Like, that is... What's the scenario again? Can you repeat that one more time?

Unknown_22: Like imagine somebody said that you're obligated to stand at the like a street corner holding up a sign Like I mean just being compelled and he's like I'm gonna I'm gonna keep exposing you I'm gonna make sure that nobody gives you money Unless you unless you do unless you like stand on the street corner holding up a sign, right?

Unknown_09: yeah, if that is if that individual is something like we'll say a

Unknown_09: a Taco Bell employee or something and part of their job is to go out there and hold that sign. But you can quit Taco Bell.

Unknown_22: Margaret can't quit you. She can't say, leave me alone.

Unknown_09: But she did quit all these, she did quit us. But she's eating shit for it because you still fucking go after her.

Unknown_22: to go

Unknown_22: Fucking Jonathan didn't hold up the fucking sign. I hired him He knew that people have to hold up the sign and when I hired him he knew that's just fulfilling his obligation Then he quits I have to fill the slot. You know that fucking Jonathan Motherfucker left me high and dry. He didn't fulfill his obligations. He didn't fulfill the it's the principle of the matter You know, I don't even need them to hold up the sign anymore. It's just I'm glad you brought that up actually, um and

Unknown_09: So what you're saying is that your employer was depending on you to keep this job going. So when you gave him your word that you're going to do this job, and you didn't keep it, now that employer is stuck with an empty job position. And he could have spent that time looking for someone that was more qualified and was going to stick to it. But instead, you're the one that went to it and said, you're going to do it, and you just left him high and dry. That's not right.

Unknown_22: Yeah, no, I would agree that's not right. That's a bad thing to do. You give your two weeks notice, even if it's a shitty job, because you don't want to burn bridges. You might not know, like that guy might need you for something, and you might need him for something later. You don't burn bridges. I agree. But at the same time, that act of leaving somebody high and dry like that does not justify the manager going on a fucking crusade.

Unknown_22: You know, like if the Wendy's calls up the manager of the Taco Bell saying like, hey, have you employed this guy? You have any problems with him? He's like, oh yeah, he quit. He was a no call, no show one day. He didn't want to do his job. Like that, that's okay. But like going out, like doing all the shit you've done for as long as you've done it is just creepy. And people would agree that it's creepy in any other context. And they agree that it's creepy in this context.

Unknown_09: I mean, I'm willing to accept it looks creepy.

Unknown_09: But I, I still, I still, um, I'm still on the, I still believe that the things that I've done were justified because the things that she'd done, um, is what was justified. It was justified responses to things that she's done.

Unknown_22: All right. I have somebody who wants to talk to you. Easy.

Unknown_17: Hey Kenny, how's it going buddy?

Unknown_22: Happy Hanukkah, my friend.

Unknown_17: Happy Hanukkah to you John.

Unknown_22: Hey, happy Hanukkah.

Unknown_22: You don't seem very happy about happy Hanukkah, Kenny.

Unknown_09: I've never had a Hanukkah, to be honest.

Unknown_17: Well, you're going to celebrate now.

Unknown_17: Buddy, listen up. You Viper Violator, you Python Penetrator, you Cobra Cutler, why did you ask me a few months ago to ask me to write an ED article about Margaret?

Unknown_08: I beg your pardon?

Unknown_17: It's okay, you're forgiven. You're forgiven. You fucking... Say it again, so people can hear you.

Unknown_20: Say it again, what did he ask you to do?

Unknown_20: by the police. Let me tell you something, man.

Unknown_09: I've never, someone just got a traffic ticket in my life.

Unknown_09: Whole truth. You feel free to look me up anytime.

Unknown_09: Call the Robertson County Shelf Department, if you like, and ask them, had they heard about Kenny Jones? And I'll tell you, no, they have not. They have never so much as seen a piece of paperwork with my name on it. And yeah. What?

Unknown_17: I'm just asking. Have you ever touched any of the snakes at the petting zoo? I'm just curious.

Unknown_09: Actually, I've actually I've donated snakes to the petting zoo so people can look at them.

Unknown_09: I'm sure they were already too traumatized. And and other reptiles and amphibians. And matter of fact, I mean, you know.

Unknown_17: Please tell me more about the snakes. I enjoy listening to that part.

Unknown_09: Josh, what kind of individual is this? Are you talking to him?

Unknown_17: We're both called Josh.

Unknown_09: Oh, well, the only one that's named Josh for Discord.

Unknown_22: No, he's the guy you talk to when you try to get the ED article from Margaret.

Unknown_09: Yeah, let me explain.

Unknown_22: People mystically had an audio issue. Kenny said in Discord that he was being investigated by the police.

Unknown_22: According to Easy Peasy.

Unknown_09: I wasn't being investigated by no police.

Unknown_09: Come on now.

Unknown_17: You can't write the fucking article about her because the police are looking into you because she complained to them about you. And that's why you need me to write the fucking article, and you would not leave me the fuck alone.

Unknown_09: The reason I told you I couldn't write the ED article is because I'm autistic, and I can't make a joke worth anything, and ED is more of a joke and website.

Unknown_09: So I couldn't make it I couldn't make it funny Oh, so that so that was just our little inside joke that you're the police are after you about this I never said anything about police.

Unknown_17: You clearly said that you cannot If I clearly were stalking if I clearly if I clearly prove it was a screenshot I was fucking banned from Twitter It was on Yeah you when I was

Unknown_17: I think I actually do kind of remember something on those lines. I mean, it's been a lot. I thought you were talking about the Wikipedia Dramatica discourse thing.

Unknown_09: Oh yeah, you got kicked out of there too because you're a fucking sperg.

Unknown_09: If you say so. But yeah, I do remember talking to someone about that, but I didn't say anything about me getting investigated by the police. I can tell you that right now.

Unknown_17: No, that's pretty much exactly what you told me. No, that's not what I told you. You're already in some sort of legal trouble for your interactions with her, and you can't… you can't write yourself. You need me to do that for you.

Unknown_09: Uh-huh. I mean, but once again, I never say anything about the police. I mean, if there was an issue with that, I mean, it's easy to look that up.

Unknown_17: So clear it up. What exactly did you tell me? What was the reason? It was not that you can't make jokes. That was not what you said to me. Tell me what you said to me.

Unknown_09: Well, one thing I would I would have said to you was something along the lines of I would like someone to write the story about what happened and that's unbiased and wouldn't what doesn't know the story, right? uh-huh, if I one of the reasons I wouldn't I wouldn't want to write a story about Margaret because I would be extremely biased and and I already know that I already know my side of the story. It hasn't stopped you from talking about her until now. But that's not me making a story.

Unknown_17: Uh-huh. Okay, keep going.

Unknown_17: What other reasons could there possibly be for you not wanting to write this yourself?

Unknown_09: I just told you why.

Unknown_17: That wasn't the reason you told me on Twitter. Keep going, just try it.

Unknown_09: You keep saying it's not what I told you, but you have the instant coincidence you can't get into your Twitter.

Unknown_17: Unfortunately, I can't. You can look up my old Twitter and see that I'm fucking bad.

Unknown_20: It's not my fault. I didn't do it.

Unknown_17: Yeah, but if I sign back in, then Twitter recognizes me and then they'll ban my new account.

Unknown_09: Oh, so listen to all these different circumstances going on here.

Unknown_09: Here I am, you say all these things I said and all the things you claimed I did, but you don't have a shred of evidence to prove it. Do I seriously need to start changing my IP and shit to get into my Twitter?

Unknown_17: That's like it's like 12 at night, but I will do all would you listen to this?

Unknown_17: I'll dig that I'll dig that shit up for you later. Okay, Josh. I promise I'll figure it out.

Unknown_09: Isn't that adorable? Go to bed. It's time to go to bed Okay

Unknown_20: Okay.

Unknown_17: Okay. Let me talk to you for a second, you fucking viper violator. What the fuck is wrong with you, you brain-dead retard? Do you understand that this bitch is dying? So, what happened here is that you went to Patreon and you wisely invested your money in an internet thot. You threw your money into the thot hole and now you want something in return because you're fucking autistic. The bitch

Unknown_17: She is on her fucking deathbed. She will be dead in like 10 years. You want her to spend a year- years that she has left- wasting her time streaming for you because you gave her parts of- which by the way she-

Unknown_17: for it. She had an Amazon wishlist and you, of your own accord, got a bunch of people together and got that shit for her. She did not ask you to go above and beyond and she does not owe you anything. So what you do is you stalk this poor dying woman and then you go on streams and you ask people to harass her for you and you go to people's DMs on Twitter and you tell them, hey, write the slanderous article about her. This other site also write the slanderous article about her.

Unknown_17: Okay, sorry.

Unknown_17: Thank you for correcting me. You snake licking piece of. Why don't you jump into a pit of fire and try your VPN on?

Unknown_22: You can even go into your email because I get I get email notifications for PMs and take a screenshot of your. I mean, I'm late.

Unknown_09: I'm letting you go on and on. But basically what I'm hearing is a bunch of name calling. And no evidence.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I'm not impressed.

Unknown_09: I want some evidence to another guy.

Unknown_17: I really don't want to get this fucking Twitter.

Unknown_22: I can't.

Unknown_21: I can't do this. Easy peasy.

Unknown_20: Oh.

Unknown_22: I'll be waiting for. All right. This guy really wants to talk to you to cyber. Wait, I'm one at a time.

Unknown_09: That's all I can say.

Unknown_18: Hello? Can you hear me? Yes. Can I be heard? Yes, you're fine. Hey, so Easy Peasy is fucking a stuttering faggot. He should shut the fuck up. Josh, you're fucking moral fagging. There's nothing wrong with thought patrolling. You're fucking arguing in circles. Kenny didn't do shit wrong. I'm not Nog fucking, I'm not defending this Nog either.

Unknown_22: Yeah, you fucking are.

Unknown_18: But he did nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong. What did he do wrong? What did he do wrong? He didn't do anything wrong. He paid a few hundred bucks to get a video narrated. And that's it. Well, that's not it, but that's the main part. But that's nothing. That's easy. It's throwaway money.

Unknown_22: He fucking followed her for a year and a half to try and force her to do streams against her will, bro.

Unknown_18: So, oh yeah, he was holding a gun to her head. He was like, forcing her to hold, grabbing her by the fucking throat, forcing her to do this.

Unknown_22: No, but he was harassing her.

Unknown_18: You're a fucking, you're a fucking moral fag, bro. You're a fucking, you're, I mean, I thought this, not at the internet, I thought we were going to be talking about somebody else, but you had to bring this guy on who did nothing.

Unknown_22: You're the worst fucking Nazi ever.

Unknown_22: What happened to protecting the beauty of white women from Zambo menaces, motherfucker?

Unknown_18: Okay, listen. That white woman is not in danger from fucking Kennedy. Her life isn't on the fucking line. I don't care about a fucking... No mercy for ethos. I don't care if they're right-wing. I don't care. Whatever the fuck they are.

Unknown_18: So, so, either way, either way, Kevin, Kevin did nothing wrong and you can't prove that he did nothing wrong. His name isn't Kevin, you dipshit motherfucker, get the fuck out of here.

Unknown_22: Or Kenny, whatever. Kevin, fuck off.

Unknown_09: Kevin.

Unknown_22: Here's Manly Chicken.

Unknown_09: I guess I'm from 880 now.

Unknown_19: Oh shit, I'm on, fuck. Hi. Uh, first of all, I disavow completely. I am not a member of, uh, Kenny's weird stalker whatever bullshit.

Unknown_09: Oh, hey man. Remember, remember the plan we did a few minutes ago? Yeah. You're with us.

Unknown_19: Yeah. So, uh, I just wanted to say that I don't think even if Margaret is an e-thought or whatever, I don't think it's, uh, it's not your position to say to other people, Hey, don't waste your money on this idiot. Like it's your position to say that, but it's not your position to force her off the internet. So people can't make that decision on their own. I didn't do that. No, you're you're going online. You're saying you want to make it so she can't make money online anymore from that specific thing You're saying hey other I'm gonna I know it's best for you. I know it's best for Margaret. I know that uh You guys shouldn't be able to give her money. She shouldn't be able to use her titties to get free money or whatever and a

Unknown_19: Fucking I'm funny on that live stream. I mean she let me on that live stream to co-host and she never let you go Yeah, I turned it down.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I don't think that's true. So back in the day back to whatever back like 20 whatever 2015 16 17 she started this like thing with me and a couple friends that I still talk to Called that straight talk where it was just the dating stuff like dating advice for like right-wing people

Unknown_19: than a

Unknown_09: Manly chicken, manly chicken. Yeah. So here's the thing. All right. So one, I'm not the one that drove off the internet. She was leaving the internet long before I started doing any of this kind of stuff. Now, me and you, you should know that. You were a longtime follower of hers. And you should know that she was doing less and less and even more less and less content as time was going on. You should know that. Now, isn't that right, manly chicken? I mean, come on.

Unknown_19: and a

Unknown_09: I would be too, and that'd probably be the same conclusion I would have if the same guy, individual, didn't say he was going to do a lawsuit against me and why he was getting that information. It doesn't matter if she said that.

Unknown_19: No, I don't think she said that. Litigation can be used as part of a harassment campaign.

Unknown_22: Because that's like, if you want to really get at somebody in a way that they can't ignore, you sue them. to a a a a a

Unknown_19: the

Unknown_09: You, on the other hand, have multiple times made jokes about wanting to have sex with that hole in her stomach.

Unknown_21: Yes, I have made many jokes because it is very funny.

Unknown_19: Look, Margaret is hot. She has nice titties. If she came over to my house and said, hey, let's fuck, I'd fucking do it. Well, if I wasn't in a relationship, that is.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I'm just trying to explain that out of the two of us, you're the only one that has ever shown signs of being romantically interested in Margaret, OK? I disagree with that. You said she's the 9 out of 10.

Unknown_09: So I say I say someone's 90 and that's equivalent to saying hey, baby like nice tits, huh?

Unknown_19: No, it means that you're sick You're at the very least romantically attracted to her want to do something with her if I say something's a nine out of ten That means yeah, I totally fuck her Kenny you sound you sound jealous of the fact that he's had like close contact.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I

Unknown_09: is a

Unknown_09: DM hangout and stuff with Margaret and if you have a father call you were complaining about because she abandoned it and some of those lines Yeah, because she was getting freaked out because people are sending your shit to her address like she got this one package from this guy I don't know if it was Kenny or not.

Unknown_19: I don't think it was where he said that uh She got like she just got this random like she's been getting postcards from people That she hasn't given out her home address and she's been getting postcards to her home address like Kenny isn't necessarily the only person who?

Unknown_19: drove Margaret off, but she's definitely a huge contributor.

Unknown_22: Like, why would she say that? Because it's probably happening. It may not be all from you, but you're the most public critic.

Unknown_19: There's this, like, thought experiment that they give, like, five-year-olds, or, like, even earlier, where they say, okay, Jim and Kelly, or I don't fucking know, Kelly has a cookie, and she leaves the room, and then Jim puts the cookie under a little bucket and Kelly comes back, where is she going to look for the cookie? And if you're like a little baby who doesn't have a reasoning skills and doesn't have a sense of self, you're going to stay under the cookie or under the bucket or, you know, you're going to stay under the bucket because you'd assume that everybody has the same information. You seem to think that Margaret has a complete understanding and the same view of the world as you. And what I'm saying is from her point of view, she got sick. Or maybe she wanted to take a week off or something or had a reason, and then she comes back and this dude starts going after her personal information, trying to get into her shit. And even if you don't think it's true, she might think it's like, even if she did say, OK, I'm not going to do this schedule right away, or I'm just going to fuck off the schedule, that's a very minor thing compared to going after her and trying to find out where she lives, writing

Unknown_19: Paying for some people their research shit and write and voice a video and edit it, you know What a minute wait a minute wait, I'm not the one that sent I'm see someone sends it to me Yeah, she sends you a DMCA because you've reuploaded all of her shit.

Unknown_09: Oh

Unknown_19: that's not true

Unknown_19: at like a minimum wage job, you'd have more than enough money to pay back or to get your investment back on your PC part.

Unknown_22: You can't use that line of argument because he just says it's the principle. Like every time you mentioned about cost loss, cost loss analysis or sunk loss fallacy, tell him like he just says the principle. to the

Unknown_09: Yeah, mainly chicken mainly chicken. I've let you talk. Give me a second, right? Okay, you say I've gone overboard and certain situations. I agree Okay, that's not that's not that's not in dispute here. All right now I'm not I'm not suggesting that that Margaret doesn't have other other individuals out there. That's way more extreme than me

Unknown_09: And I'm not suggesting that she should acknowledge their existence, just like Josh said. But what I am saying is if you have Patreon supporters, and you have individuals that actually fund your content to the point where basically it wouldn't exist otherwise, Not only because the money people get through patreon, but because the machine you use to make that content It was was built and was was supported by the parts by uh individuals uh from from you know from your fan for fan community

Unknown_09: then I think those individuals have a certain amount of right to see those videos. Now, Margaret has taken down all, this is something that Josh didn't say, I've archived and re-uploaded videos because Margaret, for unknown reasons, took down all of her videos for no reason at all. The reason she gave Because YouTube what she want to get a moral stance against used to however She sees more and more work and content to do a live stream with that woman on YouTube. So that's another inconsistency in life That's that's she's that's for a different audience.

Unknown_22: What's the thing that she's doing now? I Haven't really kept up with her. Well, what's her she's not doing it for herself. It's not her own stream, right? She's just co-hosting

Unknown_09: I mean, she's the one that said that she doesn't want to have anything to do with YouTube anymore because she wants to take a moral stance, a principled stance, however, right? And yet here she is on YouTube.

Unknown_19: Even if she is being disingenuous and just saying that because she wants to pretend like she's making this stance, it doesn't really matter because The effort that you've put in and all the shit you've done is completely disproportionate to what she's done. I do want to get to other people, but manly, I have a question.

Unknown_22: Is she single? I don't even know.

Unknown_19: Probably?

Unknown_22: I think she's trying to save herself for marriage. That's fucking gay, but ask her if she wants to come over to Ukraine because she's hot.

Unknown_19: She is very hot. Even with that second butthole. See ya. Oh lord, really?

Unknown_22: Here, I want to talk to a chick.

Unknown_22: or Vermont.

Unknown_12: Oh, Huck from a happy Hanukkah, guys.

Unknown_06: Oh, geez. Happy Hanukkah.

Unknown_09: Please hand me some shekels.

Unknown_12: So I only got one question. Hypothetically speaking, if we were to forget everything that happened and imagine that you are Margaret's brother.

Unknown_08: Oh lord, please, anything but that.

Unknown_12: And someone else is doing all that stuff you did to her. What would you, as a brother of Margaret, do? Or what would you say to your sister?

Unknown_08: Hmm, that's actually an interesting question.

Unknown_20: You know what he's gonna say, right?

Unknown_22: I know what he's gonna say. I can answer that question for you, because I know what you're gonna say.

Unknown_09: Okay, go ahead and answer it for me.

Unknown_22: You're gonna tell you're gonna tell her to do the streams Because because that's what you want and you can't you can't recognize how other people know about that No, I'm trying to I'm trying it's difficult for me to put myself exactly in a position of a brother whose brother's family and brothers someone that grew up with her and lost one and so forth so if it's Margaret make her out to be

Unknown_09: And he would know that family ever would know it. Right.

Unknown_09: So it is kind of difficult to put myself in that composition. If I was her brother, I would tell to get off the instant period.

Unknown_09: Because I'm her brother, I would want her to take all precautions necessary to keep her safe, regardless if it's true or not. I would be willing to risk, if it's true or not, to protect my sister.

Unknown_22: Right, because even though it may not be a 100% proven critical risk to her.

Unknown_22: What she's seen and what she's endured is scary, right?

Unknown_22: That's why you would want her to get offline. As a as a as a brother, like I said, you know, I'm not all that interested in it.

Unknown_09: You know how much merit is in truth if it's 1% chance.

Unknown_09: I wouldn't want her to be at risk. I mean, that's family. But it's a greater than 1% chance because she's getting contacted without asking for it.

Unknown_22: To her people?

Unknown_09: Yeah, but as far as I know, and I've been subscribed to Margaret and followed Margaret on Twitter since August 2016. As far as I know, no individual has ever threatened her in any way.

Unknown_09: Okay, there's never been there's never been a time many chicken says something about about postcards being sent to her house I'm pretty sure that's never happened. She got postcards sent to her post box that she sold everybody send stuff to

Unknown_09: And that guy who sent her postcards, by the way, he asked her if he could pursue a relationship with her. He was a truck driver. So if he could pursue a relationship with her, she said no, and that was it.

Unknown_09: But as far as I know, he's never sent that information to her address.

Unknown_09: He was a big member of Margaret's fans and Patreon. Well, again, this is only the people that you've talked to and what you've heard.

Unknown_22: I understand that, but we can't just assume.

Unknown_09: You can't, because he's saying that she told him that people were sending shit to her address. I, I, but, but Josh, the thing about it is, is we don't really know if that's true or not.

Unknown_22: So you're just calling her a liar is what you're saying?

Unknown_09: Yes. Yes. After calling me a serial killer, after saying that I lied about my job, after saying that I paid with my mother's credit card number, after saying, yeah, I'm calling her a stone cold liar. Absolutely. No, no.

Unknown_22: You said that you paid with your mother's credit card.

Unknown_09: I said you said that you paid with your mother's credit card because you didn't have your own credit card And you just gave her money to cover the cost you told no I didn't say I didn't I didn't say that I didn't say I didn't have a credit card I said because my mom my mom and dad are basically computer illiterate I Use their credit I've used their credit card through Amazon as we say the same account yeah, I'm just I know I

Unknown_22: Yes, but that's what you said that she said she lied, but I don't buy but I don't buy her gifts like that Then what I don't even know what you're trying to say But you said it when we brought this up last time You said that she got that because the card you use did belong to your mother. You just paid her back for it Yeah, it's at that part somewhat like I said, but okay.

Unknown_09: Yes, that's true and However, I didn't buy and I'm not out buying her like love gifts or whatever Like I was saying like I don't just go out and buy her gifts like that the things that I bought was computer-related Right, but it would have been on Amazon and it would have shown you or shown her the name of the purchaser I guess you I guess you have a point But the serial killer thing

Unknown_09: And she didn't plan on calling you a serial killer.

Unknown_22: She said, these are the things that happened. I think this is from this guy that lives in this town with his active serial killer. That's what she said.

Unknown_08: I still call her a liar.

Unknown_22: You can call her whatever you want.

Unknown_09: Actually, I can call her a liar because she didn't keep her word on the things she said she was going to do. There's multiple different streams, multiple different things he says he's gonna do that he flat out either didn't do because of legitimate reasons, or 75% of them he didn't do for unlegitimate reasons. He has lied multiple times in the past. So on and so forth.

Unknown_09: Like, if you want me to give you some more evidence on her lying and stuff, that's something that's difficult to prove because her lies transcend like just one website. It goes from, you know, Twitter to then to Twitch. And she says it on Twitch and it says something on YouTube. It's really difficult. She's just talking about shit that's fucking happening to her, dude.

Unknown_22: That's what it sounds like. Like, I don't know her, but that's what it sounds like because I talk about shit that happens to me.

Unknown_09: Well, if you give me time, I will show you a list of lies she's made and prove it to you. We can't do that.

Unknown_22: We have to go. I think people are getting sleep. I'm getting sleep.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I'm getting sleep. I mean, you don't want to think. All right. Whatever. All right.

Unknown_12: OK, thank you. Thank you for your answer. Sunset.

Unknown_08: Oh, we're going to get in kill stream up in here, huh?

Unknown_22: Sunset. That's just the common language.

Unknown_20: I don't know how to say it. I don't want to take everybody. Sorry for people.

Unknown_20: This guy was begging her. Loon.

Unknown_20: Once I didn't think that people actually want to talk to me, I don't know what's with this.

Unknown_22: Well, I don't know. I don't know if they just want to yell at you or.

Unknown_20: Let them let them yell, you know. OK.

Unknown_16: Kenny, this is like... You both were in the wrong at the start of this argument that you had with Margaret.

Unknown_16: You lost a couple of bucks to Neidhardt. Dude, just move on with your life. This is not worth it. This is coming from a normal person. This argument you have with her, it's quicksand, dude. It's quicksand you have fucking stepped into. A lot of people are throwing you a rope to get you out of this shit. God bless Josh your soul for fucking doing this shit at this point. But fuck's sake, dude.

Unknown_16: Get on with your life. This is so not worth it.

Unknown_09: But like I was saying, I've... Oh no, not the feet picture again.

Unknown_09: Uh, yeah, what was I saying again? Oh, yeah, I I have I have ended like I said at that video I've pretty much put it into all this stuff um, I'm only I'm only on this stream right now because you know You can see if I can get Josh to at least alter some of the things that's on a kiwi farms page to be more realistic uh, that's What the hell is that?

Unknown_16: Fuck sake what do you mean you you're over with this?

Unknown_16: that I don't even remember doing that I guess I did do that in a home

Unknown_09: that the

Unknown_16: If this doesn't get through you, dude, I'm sorry. You are gone. And that's it. Nobody can do anything about this. Fuck. Shit, man. Sorry. I appreciate you, guys.

Unknown_22: But haven't you been trying to get on, still get onto the kill stream to talk to him?

Unknown_09: Yeah, as a matter of fact, here's another thing I want to publicly say. Ralph, you're a coward. A lying, good for nothing coward. He's friends with Margaret and he doesn't want to give you a platform to talk for two and a half hours like you've been doing. He's a coward. He's the one that said, he's the one, I don't want his platform. I challenged him to someone else's platform.

Unknown_22: Well, he doesn't want the, he doesn't want to give you any power.

Unknown_09: He's a liar. He's a bum. Okay, I take that back. He's not a bum. He's a hard-working man. But he's still a liar, and he's still a white knight for Margaret.

Unknown_22: Well, he is friends with her, which is why he doesn't want to give you an amplification to attack his friend.

Unknown_09: It doesn't matter if he's friends with her. If she's done something wrong... Is that the matter of principle?

Unknown_22: That he has to come talk to you so that you can get more... If he says he's going to do something, he should do it.

Unknown_09: Yeah. It's called keeping your word. It's called being a man and keeping your word.

Unknown_22: I mean, if I cared at all about Margaret, I wouldn't be talking.

Unknown_09: Oh, hell, Negro Joe.

Unknown_03: You don't understand the principle of the matter. I just want to suck Margaret's colostomy hole like a caprice.

Unknown_09: I can't hear you, Negro Joe. I can't hear what you're saying.

Unknown_04: Because Kenny has me muted because I make fun of his stupid ass all the time.

Unknown_22: You have him muted?

Unknown_09: I think I do, but it was from Ralph, it was from Ralph's, Ralph's, uh, uh, Well, he said, he said you want to suck the shit out of her colostomy holes.

Unknown_09: Yes. Okay. Here it is.

Unknown_04: I can confirm.

Unknown_09: Okay. Nigga, Joe, try talking now.

Unknown_04: Kenny, Kenny wants to suck Margaret's colostomy hole like a, like a Capri Sun bag.

Unknown_09: Well, that's instant speculation, but you had no proof to prove it.

Unknown_03: Are you saying I have no evidence to prove that you want to suck a cosmo?

Unknown_09: You have no evidence that an alligator needs a toothbrush. That's right.

Unknown_22: What?

Unknown_09: Is that like an Indian saying? No, it's from Waterboy. It's like, the alligator's on me because he's out of those teeth and no toothbrush.

Unknown_22: Kenny, you should not be quoting Waterboy. You're really testing it there.

Unknown_09: Hey, I'm just giving them what they want, man. They want me to be water boy? Hell, son. They're not.

Unknown_22: Was that it, Nigro Joe?

Unknown_04: Yes. I just wanted to let everyone know that Kenny has told me and several others in private calls that he... The reason that all of this started is because he asked Margaret to send him a used bag, a colostomy bag. Because he wanted to just...

Unknown_04: He wanted to stick a Capri Sunstraw in there and suck it dry but she wouldn't do it.

Unknown_04: He's been scorned by this denial of that Colostomy bag. It was one of the Patreon goals, you send a certain amount of money, you get a free Colostomy bag and he didn't get it.

Unknown_20: Alright Kenny, stop asking for that Colostomy bag.

Unknown_22: There's lots of people waiting, but I feel, I feel bad. I don't know if I can- Hey, let them all in!

Unknown_09: I don't have anything to do. Fine!

Unknown_22: Okay, hold up. Hold up.

Unknown_20: Everybody join the free-for-all.

Unknown_20: shit long enough have we suffered under the oppression of women we have reached a new age of man a man where women an age of man where women have become obsolete and we shall fight together against these gods i would i would really love to stick my my my poisonous snake inside a margaret i stand with okay

Unknown_04: Margaret is going to die because I'm going to strangle her with my throat.

Unknown_21: I'm going to wrap it around her throat.

Unknown_17: I personally think Margaret would look good straightly with a boa constrictor around her.

Unknown_04: I've made mistakes, guys.

Unknown_20: Sorry for subjecting you. Now, we're quiet.

Unknown_20: I think that's all I can stand. Oh, geez, I accidentally rejoined.

Unknown_22: Be gone. Okay.

Unknown_22: After we can bobby lately.

Unknown_22: I'm gonna read.

Unknown_20: I didn't do it.

Unknown_20: Okay, now that's over.

Unknown_20: The dog days are

Unknown_20: Why are they all in at the same time? I wanted everybody. What could I hate?

Unknown_20: You fucking halfway retard. Why? You know, it's all about having fun. It's all about having fun.

Unknown_22: You think you'll get out of this with a simple apology?

Unknown_22: Those are all the voices in Kenny's head? Oh jeez. Is it Irver? It's Irver.

Unknown_22: What should I do? It's been two and a half hours. I only meant to stream. Every time I try to stream for just an hour, just an hour to talk to people, to have a little bit of fun, it never goes as planned. It all shits itself like immediately.

Unknown_20: Oh, geez. Okay. Let me find a song.

Unknown_20: I'm tempted to find a Jewie song.

Unknown_20: Hmm.

Unknown_20: could just reach out say let me check through your project if there's a monk Monarch W doc the monk.

Unknown_20: Oh, that's a racist joke. Like what the fuck? What monkey? What are you talking about? Oh, yeah, apparently the discord. He's still in there arguing with people.

Unknown_20: He gone Kenny thoughts. Oh fuck. Hold up. I forgot one thing. I forgot one thing.

Unknown_20: I have to correct this.

Unknown_20: Oh, where is he? Where is he? Anyway, hold up. I got one more. I got a question for you.

Unknown_20: Did you die?

Unknown_20: He might not. He's not going to connect.

Unknown_20: I'm butthurt.

Unknown_20: I just wanted, I just wanted Kenny to say, uh, as a final farewell, uh, I'm a pay pig.

Unknown_22: I just wanted him to say that he's a pay pig. But... Don't read superchats, goyforbis. I don't, I don't read them unless they're funny.

Unknown_22: Because... Like you donated twice, you said, please kick this idiot. I guess you're referring to Kenny, but Kenny's funny.

Unknown_20: This is a real life Discord experience, soundbite.

Unknown_20: Fuck Josh. I don't know, people seen that. Let me just find a nice clip.

Unknown_20: Oh, you know what?

Unknown_20: Fuck this, we didn't finish the fucking, we didn't finish the video.

Unknown_22: Silly me, I got distracted by Kenny.

Unknown_00: For her and her growing fan base.

Unknown_00: Due to the disappointment of many of her Patreons, Margaret was unable to maintain her video schedule. She failed to publish the many YouTube videos she promised, but in some people's eyes, she made it up by live streaming more often.

Unknown_00: However, this disappointment was just the beginning for the community, as Margaret failed to uphold the many promises she gave to her Patreons and fans.

Unknown_00: To her fans' disappointment again, Margaret eventually stopped reading her Discord messages, and she slowly began to split off from her fanbase. Her video content declined from there, leading to just a single livestream a month sometimes. Margaret's fanbase came together. They were worried for her health and well-being. considering her history in the hospital and the recent removal of her lower intestine. However, the constant Discord messages did the opposite, apparently. Margaret deleted her Discord channel suddenly in September of 2017. She claimed she deleted it because many Patreons became increasingly nosy, treating her like their girlfriend or acting as if they were her manager. Her YouTube channel was next to go. She deleted all of her videos in protest of YouTube's unfair practices toward creators. She complained about being demonetized by the video giant, putting her videos up on Facebook and Vidme. RIP Vidme, you will always have a place in our hearts. Margaret became more and more disconnected from her community, angering her small fanbase that had given her the funds to begin her internet career.

Unknown_00: In November, Margaret held her last live stream. Since then, she hasn't released any new videos or hosted any new live streams. She still hosts a small website, blogging about current political events and the such. Her fanbase wanted answers, however.

Unknown_00: One of Margaret's Patreons really wanted answers and challenged her to Bloodsports, a livestream debate featuring two debaters and two moderators. The fans asked Margaret to participate, giving them the answers they wanted. That's when things really went downhill.

Unknown_00: Margaret vehemently refused to accept the bloodsport challenge. She rebuked her challenger, accusing him of harassing and impersonating her, using his own mother's money to send her gifts, and even suggesting he was a serial killer because he supposedly lived near where several murdered women were buried in the last year. Hey man, love the show, but I'm being challenged by a guy who impersonates me, harasses me, lies about his job, says he lost his virginity to his high school teacher, uses his adoptive mom's credit to send me gifts, and lives 17 minutes from where the bodies of four women were dumped in the last year. Margaret.

Unknown_00: For a lot of people in the small community, this was the last straw. Margaret's claims resulted in the Bloodsport challenger being suspended from work without pay, after complaints from some of Margaret's followers began piling up against him.

Unknown_00: The way Margaret treated her challenger, who was once a big fan of hers, was a real sign of who she had become.

Unknown_00: They give to you and this is how you give back? All they're asking you for is a 5-minute hello on Discord and a 30-minute livestream. That too much? Stefan Serdic.

Unknown_00: And some people online write me every day as if I'm their girlfriend. I have good reasons to be less fully interactive. Margaret.

Unknown_00: Some. A few fans talk to you too much, and that's why you can't give the rest of them 35 minutes out of the week, and you're the victim here? Stephan Serding. While Margaret calls for better morals in our time and age, perhaps she should begin by following better morals herself.

Unknown_00: Margaret has not kept to the promises she made to her Patreon nearly a year ago. When her community came to her with supportive questions, she lashed back out at them, spreading rumors and damaging one of her fans' life.

Unknown_00: And, in the end of it all, she acts as the victim, because a few of her Patreons may have treated her as their girlfriend or had acted like a manager to her. With Margaret split off from her community so much, it's hard for her original supporters to get in contact with her and ask her to return to her original promises of creating videos and live streaming every week. Her originally promised schedule was very ambitious, so just restarting with a one-hour live stream every week should be fair. Her fans deserve to get something in return for giving her the funds to jumpstart her internet career. Yes, Margaret McClenna had a difficult life in 2016.

Unknown_00: However, she did heal, she did make promises, and she did start an internet career that she promised she would continue. That's why her Patreons funded her. They were told they would be given more content. The Patreons didn't get as much content as they were promised, and when they even dared to ask her about it, they were attacked and harassed by her. Ironically, she claimed she was the one being harassed. All in all, Margaret's actions are unacceptable and just disappointing. As a right-wing voice on the internet, she should live by the standard she calls others to live by. She wants better morals in society, then she'd better realize that she's a part of society. When you put ethics secondary, you're more likely to do it half-assed, and that's unethical. But impulses rule. Margaret.

Unknown_00: This video is not aimed to attack or insult Margaret. It is simply her original community of supporters asking for answers and trying to get back in touch with. Oh yeah.

Unknown_22: You see how it awkwardly cuts out right there. That's the part where, um, you know what did I hold up? I know for sure that I archived this when it just came out.

Unknown_22: Hold up. Where the fuck is this?

Unknown_20: Okay, give me a second. I promise I'm gonna open this in media player. Window capture.

Unknown_20: Window capture NPC.

Unknown_22: There it is. So far so good. I've not boomered this up yet. Transform. Fit the screen. Can I do this without fucking it up? Are we there yet?

Unknown_22: Nine. 945... No!

Unknown_00: How the fuck does nobody have a copy of this original video?

Unknown_20: That's crazy.

Unknown_20: Okay.

Unknown_20: Alright, what do you want?

Unknown_20: I have a copy.

Unknown_22: You have it where I can access it?

Unknown_09: You have a copy of the video? Of course I do.

Unknown_20: I mean, can you can you send it to me?

Unknown_22: I know that that was a very rude thing you did.

Unknown_09: I don't care. I can tell people what it was.

Unknown_22: It basically just said that Margaret shouldn't abandon them.

Unknown_09: I don't have any kind of is that much evidence to support that? I don't know. You guys don't want to be, you know, saying, oh, yeah, I sent it to you. I sent it to you. Of course you are, because you don't want me to tell people what it is without it.

Unknown_22: Just look, I'm just I told you I sent it to you.

Unknown_09: I mean, what do you want from me?

Unknown_09: I mean, dang, I'll say it to you. I want to thank you for letting me be on your show and give me a chance to speak out and at least give me an opportunity to address some of these issues on that Kiwi Farmers article, even if you will or will not change anything. I appreciate it.

Unknown_19: No worries.

Unknown_09: And that's all I wanted to say. OK.

Unknown_09: Good, good, uh, good talking to you if you don't mind.

Unknown_22: Can you say I'm a pay pig?

Unknown_09: You are not Jim. I don't do things like that. Come on. No, no, no.

Unknown_22: Come on. Say it.

Unknown_09: Say I'm a pay pig.

Unknown_22: You are a pay pig though. You pay pig like a lot of money.

Unknown_09: I paid, I paid, I also, I also get to kill stream. I mean, come on.

Unknown_22: So what? I mean, you got, you got to, you got like, you gave her $500 plus. I didn't give her $500 plus.

Unknown_22: You said that you said before you gave her a ton of shit. It wasn't just the PSU that was $200 by itself. It was a bunch of other shit like audio foam.

Unknown_09: Well, that don't they didn't cost that much. I don't think.

Unknown_22: You said it was over $500 or something. Yeah.

Unknown_09: And I hope that is. I wish Ralph was here and I would tell him he's a coward if he was. That's pretty much all I just want to make sure. And just in case he is here.

Unknown_09: That's all I have to say and It's good. It's been good. It's been fun and I will send you That the unedited videos so you guys can have a little chuckle. How about that?

Unknown_22: I'm almost done. You're not gonna say that you're a payfag even though it's kind of true

Unknown_22: Oh, yeah, here's another thing I didn't even mention because I forgot about it Weeks and weeks later after the first time we talked he sends me this video from this other woman Where she's a little bit upset because in one of my videos I made fun of somebody who had some kind of chronic illness and she made a video Basically saying that I didn't do enough research. I didn't know what I was talking about and Well, Kenny sends me a link to this video that I had seen, and I'm thinking, how the fuck did you find this? Are you just looking for videos of people shit-talking me? And he says, no, I've been on her Patreon for fucking like a year. And I'm like, her videos get like 50 views. How the fuck are you on her Patreon? And then he says, oh, she was a co-host with Margaret. I'm like, oh, so you're paypicking for all her friends, too, and watching her friends' videos, and then when one coincidentally says something about me, the very same fucking day, you're sending me a link to this video because you fucking watch it.

Unknown_09: Yeah, but the thing about is is on when Margaret was doing a co-host that when she was on co-host with Margaret, uh, Margaret told her audience to, you know, to subscribe to, to be a patron and others, you know, support her content. And that's what, you know, I decided to do it because that time.

Unknown_06: You fucking retarded faggot. Here I am. You've been talking all this shit. You wanted me here. I go, what's the deal.

Unknown_09: I thought, I thought you in that chat there, Ralph, what are you doing here? You knucklehead.

Unknown_09: You wanted me here, here I am.

Unknown_06: I just got my Christmas tree today. You know, normal people are thinking about the holidays, not obsessing over some retarded two-year-old Patreon.

Unknown_09: I'm not going to out-yell you, Ralph. We're not going to play this. What are you doing for Christmas?

Unknown_06: You're going to have put your presence under your Margaret Schron or like, how are you going to celebrate this year? No, that was last year, Ralph.

Unknown_09: I don't know.

Unknown_06: OK, OK, OK. You got a new you got a new female to obsess over this. Yeah. Who's your friend?

Unknown_22: Her friend is now like I sent her a p.m. I sent her a p.m. on Twitter. Like, look, if this fucking guy offers to buy you anything, say no. Do not take doesn't matter what the fuck it is. No matter how much it costs, you know What's funny is Kenny, you know, he supported me on patreon.

Unknown_06: Congratulations. I do appreciate that but he Put out a I put out a patreon. I put a patreon message out last week Kenny no joke wrote about a thousand word reply about all this on my patreon and I was like, dude I don't want to hear it

Unknown_09: What else it was more like it was more like you get you getting exposed and you want to do It's true, it's true, okay It's so it's so you lying

Unknown_09: It showed you not keeping your word. It showed you being a coward. It showed a lot of different things.

Unknown_06: You're the one that said you were willing to talk about this issue on a third party channel.

Unknown_09: You said that, not me.

Unknown_09: All right, I'm just trying to keep, I'm just. Leave me alone. No, look guys, Ralph, come on.

Unknown_06: My titties are not as big as Margaret's, so I'm not sure how much mileage you're going to get out of obsessing over me, but. And you have two holes, not even three. At least one has four.

Unknown_09: Ralph, Ralph, Ralph, just look, all I'm asking, all I was asking is for you to keep your word. All right, that's it.

Unknown_06: Okay, well, here I am. What do you want to ask me exactly? I just want to talk to you about the video.

Unknown_09: I want to talk to you about the video. You know, the video was cringe Kenny.

Unknown_06: You shouldn't have made it. You spent money on it. You should drop it because it's stupid. Why is it stupid?

Unknown_09: Why is it stupid?

Unknown_06: Why are you obsessing over this? Do something else with your life. Jesus. I do do something else with my life.

Unknown_09: You don't, you don't know me.

Unknown_06: All right. Okay. Well, I just know what you put out on the internet every single day and it's- I don't put out this every single day. You try to hit up all these people to write articles. You try to hit me up to write articles.

Unknown_09: Hey, do you want to, hey, that's a good idea, Ralph. Do you want to show, why don't you go ahead and show people what I said to you and DM. It's actually a very good idea.

Unknown_09: Go ahead and take a screenshot of everything I was saying to you in the DMs and show it right now.

Unknown_06: It's what I said. You tried to talk me into writing the article. No, it's not. No, no, it's not. Show it. Show it.

Unknown_09: Show it.

Unknown_06: I don't have control over the stream, Kenny.

Unknown_06: Go ahead. Send it to Josh. I don't even know what your Twitter is anymore.

Unknown_05: BS, Ralph. Come on. Okay, give it to me.

Unknown_06: Give it to me. What's your Twitter?

Unknown_05: That's all I need. This is precisely why they want to get into this, Kenny.

Unknown_09: I'll send you a DM so you can find it really easy. And I want you to... I see it.

Unknown_06: I got it. I see it right now. Okay, I got it.

Unknown_06: That's what I thought. How about this? How about this, Kenny? Oh, Jesus. You will not believe. Oh, my God. Oh, God.

Unknown_06: And don't forget, I had the same thing.

Unknown_09: So if you alter something, we'll know it.

Unknown_06: Mr. Mondain, Matt. No, I'll read it. I'll read it. I just, it's very long. Should I just read it or it's up to you, Josh? Let me try to do a print screen. Uh, let me try to do a different type. If you want to send me a print screen, you can send me a thing as well.

Unknown_22: I'll put them side by side.

Unknown_09: If I see any alterations, I will send it to you. No problem.

Unknown_06: I'm just going to send him no edit, nothing. I'm going to start off. So he did message me some before, not about the Margaret stuff, but before I even went to jail and stuff, but I'll start. I think it was April maybe when he started this up. Okay. See this Kenny, this is why I didn't want to do this because it's pointless. No, it's not pointless.

Unknown_09: No, it's not.

Unknown_06: Yes it is. Why are we even talking about it? Because you showed up.

Unknown_06: And that's why I did wait Kenny you're the only patron for that woman you're the only person What you're the only patron for that woman I wasn't I wasn't at one time I must be the only one left I Just you know, okay, I patreon people I just don't I just I

Unknown_09: I leave it. I mean, there's lots of people on Patreon, too, that just don't really, you know, I just don't think about it too often, to be honest.

Unknown_22: I mean... How many people do you pay Pic for, Kenny?

Unknown_09: That's irrelevant to this conversation. All I will say is it's a mixture of gender. Hey, I'm, you know...

Unknown_06: There you go. There's the unedited screens. I don't even know what's in them all because I didn't take the time. I just I just. You should have looked at him.

Unknown_09: You should have looked at him.

Unknown_06: No, I don't care.

Unknown_22: Get up on the screen. I'm just going to scroll real quick. Holy fucking shit.

Unknown_09: No, no, no, no. Don't go too fast. Everybody read it.

Unknown_22: Well, this is from April 19th. I just saw a post where you talked about being a neutral moderator. I know you would be interested in paying for an amendingly smaller internet dispute. I know your time is valuable, especially right now, so I'll be willing to wait for a more opportune time. If interested, please provide me a quote for this type of service? You're trying to pay him?

Unknown_09: I didn't, I didn't, my thought is his channel. So I was going to ask him to do something special with his time.

Unknown_06: And also tell him how you tried to pay me in the, in the patron chat and the discord. You're like, I'll pay, I'll pay. You set it up. Of course, Margaret's not interested anyway, but that's beside the point. I couldn't care less about that. Okay.

Unknown_22: Okay, and then he asked you what kind of thing that you're moderating He says this dispute is between me Margaret McLennan and the rest of her supporters Linking to building a gaming PC on Valentine's Day, which I guess is her stream of her putting her computer together And he goes he's apprehensive now. He says what's this beef exactly because I think he knows her Do you know her by this point?

Unknown_06: Yeah, I've known Margaret for a while.

Unknown_09: Yeah, he white knights for a lot. So he knows her.

Unknown_06: Well, I've never given her money. Let's just put it that way. I've never bought her a computer or obsessed over her for years. You just ban the topic. Let me talk, Ralph. Come on, Ralph. Let's not have a yelling contest, Ralph. Let's not have a yelling contest, Ralph. I'll speak first, you fucking retarded Bobby Boo Shane fucking brain dead faggot. Oh no, a name calling.

Unknown_09: I'm dead. Oh gosh.

Unknown_06: No, you're the one trying to interrupt me.

Unknown_09: Okay, go ahead. Go ahead, Ralph. Go ahead.

Unknown_06: I'm saying, I didn't buy her a computer. I've never given, given her one single Dom. So, I mean, yeah, I've known her and talked to her for years. I would consider her a friend, but, uh, I would say you're, you're way deeper as far as obsessing over Margaret goes.

Unknown_09: So what you're saying is you're highly biased, right?

Unknown_06: I mean, I've never, I've always said that she was a friend of mine.

Unknown_09: Okay. And so, and why do you want me to just read the dams?

Unknown_06: Uh, wait a minute.

Unknown_09: I wasn't finished yet. I'll let you finish.

Unknown_06: Also show this Josh too. What about you? Oh my God.

Unknown_06: Go ahead. Now, go ahead. Keep speaking.

Unknown_09: Thank you.

Unknown_09: What I was going to say was is clearly, clearly you're biased. But at the time, I didn't realize you were going to white knight so much for, you know, the only topic that's ever been banned for a patron stream. Ralph was the Margaret topic. Mr. Free speech.

Unknown_09: The only topic, the only topic that was banned from Discord was the Margaret topic, Mr. Free Speech.

Unknown_06: Kenny, I don't know if you realize this, this stream is my stream. We'll talk about whatever I want to talk about. Hey, that's not what you said to Patreon supporters.

Unknown_06: And the reason I don't want to talk about it is because it's devolved into this. Do you not realize every single time you try to bring this up, which is all the fucking time, it devolves into the most autistic thing ever when everybody with a brain says, Kenny, just move on. Kenny, just move on.

Unknown_22: Okay, to recap what you sent me, this is in a still active tweet from Margaret that's on Twitter, replying to somebody named Viresense, sending her that screencap of Kenny reviewing her, please be patient, I have autism cap on Amazon.

Unknown_09: I didn't even, I didn't even know she did this. Well, you mean I did it did what so this is the original review.

Unknown_22: This was published on November 3rd 2017 don't bully the autism and It's it's her. Oh, oh, okay. I thought this was a hat. She was selling No, this is a hat that says please be patient I have autism but he's posting her picture on to Amazon as part of the review and

Unknown_06: And so she, she put out that as a joke, like making fun of Kekistan.

Unknown_09: No, she didn't. No, she didn't. Ralph. No, she didn't.

Unknown_06: I don't care about Kekistan. Okay. Yeah. That's a completely serious photograph there, Kenny. Yes. The flag, the flag. No, no, you're right. You're a a a

Unknown_22: onto the reviews on Amazon for this hat that says, please be patient. I have autism. She sees that because somebody sends it to her and she, you know, he recognizes sends it to her and he says, I'm done. This is this is a full year later. This is November 28. This was recently.

Unknown_06: Yeah.

Unknown_22: So she's, she's just saying like, look, this shit's still fucking going on. People are still seeing this shit. And then she links to a different review. Um, customer review from Kenny Jones. Don't do, do don't buy. I'll tell you why. I got this recliner for my birthday on, uh, October, 2017. I already need a new recliner. I have no pets. This air stays in the same place. The only one that uses it, uh, both of my arms show extensive wear.

Unknown_22: Why does she include this?

Unknown_09: because he's a knucklehead and she wants to look me up. What was funny about it?

Unknown_06: Oh, it's just it's just funny to me. I mean, it's very subjective.

Unknown_09: Explain the joke, Mr. Mr. Mr. Bias. You explain it. I mean, you're a Spurge seeing you write about it. Explain. Explain.

Unknown_06: What? Why don't you explain? Why don't you explain the stuff that you wrote me in a fucking mile long Twitter? I mean, DM thread.

Unknown_22: Well, yeah, let's get back to the thread. Set this aside. No, he's referring to what's on the screen from Twitter.

Unknown_02: Okay I'm looking at it now.

Unknown_22: So this is from April. In the first paragraph you say that she called Milo out for not paying her for the privilege grant which was a scam as far as I'm aware.

Unknown_22: At one point the video quality was so bad during a live stream that it was named the spooky cam. Margaret had posted on her Patreon that all the money would be going to the parts for the computer. So for the reasons I'll not bore you I came up with this idea to give the remaining Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. You you rallied her patrons together to each buy one part from her Amazon gift clip, right?

Unknown_09: Yeah, uh-huh because it was a PC project.

Unknown_22: Yeah, okay, but I'm the white knight.

Unknown_06: Yeah, okay, and then Defending Morgan at the time she was that makes sense.

Unknown_09: No, no, you're right.

Unknown_06: You're right. Uh, you're right. I concede. Yes, I I'm the white knight. Wait a minute. I just rallied a whole a whole list of people to buy a bitch a computer at the time. At the time, Margaret was a interrupting me, Ralph. Don't worry. I concede, Kenny. I concede the point. You don't even have to. I conceded it. You don't have to go into. After like I was saying the the reason we don't the reason people were willing to donate to Margaret was because she would she just lost lost her job with Milo and get paid and She was saying, you know, she was in out of hospital and she had no substandard technology and stuff To do the contents you want to do and so, you know what somebody had always suggested but I basically brought we brought it up that hey, you know if each of us

Unknown_09: get one computer component, she would have a functional working computer, right? And so we got her this laptop because she seemed like a person in need and that didn't have many things going her way at the time. Now that's different from white knighting because I'm not defending Margaret, I was aiding someone that I thought needed help.

Unknown_06: White knighting, in other words.

Unknown_06: No, that's not defending. How many men have you done that for Kenny?

Unknown_09: Two. What? Name them. That's as far as we can go with that conversation.

Unknown_06: I don't believe you. Prove it. Look, I don't have to, I don't, I mean, Ralph. You made an assertion. You don't have any proof. You're just, you're spouting bullshit. No, you, you made a claim and I corrected you, but I don't have to.

Unknown_09: So you're lying.

Unknown_06: In other words, you're lying.

Unknown_09: Donations are personal, Ralph.

Unknown_06: Tell me who it was. Show me the receipts or else I don't believe you.

Unknown_09: Ralph, after banning me from Discord, honestly, I don't, I really don't care if you believe me or not.

Unknown_06: You have no evidence.

Unknown_09: Okay.

Unknown_06: All right. But we do know you, you bought a bitch of computer and not only did you, well, you, you bought an expensive part for the computer and rallied a bunch of other people to buy her computer, but you don't, you don't, you don't think as a friend, as a friend of hers, you should say, thank you.

Unknown_06: I don't care. I don't have anything to do with her computing power.

Unknown_09: I mean, you should, I mean, it helped her out.

Unknown_06: Okay.

Unknown_09: I mean, it's your friend.

Unknown_06: I don't, I don't go around and try to make sure they all have sweet computers. I didn't say, I didn't say you did, but I'm saying if, if someone goes out and helps out a friend of yours that was in need and it was in a desperate straits.

Unknown_09: I mean, if I, if I was you, I would say.

Unknown_06: So I should thank you for white knighting for Margaret. I didn't say that.

Unknown_09: I didn't say that.

Unknown_06: No, you're welcome. You're welcome. Kenny. Thank you for white knife for Margaret. I appreciate you doing that. That was very chivalrous of you, Kenny.

Unknown_09: Continue, continue Josh.

Unknown_22: Okay, um, okay so after Margaret got her computer and a single week went by that she did what she said she was going to do when she got a new computer, admittedly some of the things were out of her control and the original planned amount of content was a little too ambitious. She made less and less content over the next three months, giving very little to no reason why. In fact, she was of the opinion she shouldn't have to explain herself, which to a point she was right, but all we asked for was a general reason, not all the personal details behind said reason. Over the next few months, she became less responsive, and by the end of September 2017, only three videos were made, and all streaming had completely stopped. No one expects a select few

Unknown_22: Margaret would even reply to on Twitter herself being one of the few there are more details But I really tried to keep this as short as possible I have evidence to prove that what I say is true And I'm more than willing to go into more details of my answer or answer any questions you have. Thank you I'm linking to That tweet that you made me pull up earlier my newest feature in getting Margaret to address the issue Ralph says I don't know I'm not sure I can't help I can actually help you with this one by the way I don't know what I could do

Unknown_22: He says, I need a neutral third party who Margaret respects enough to reply to their messages and also take the position of moderator for either a public viewable live stream or a private live stream.

Unknown_22: So that the issue could hopefully be addressed. Well, you know, Kenny, I'm like right there. It's like you say you don't even want this to be on like the Ralph Retort. You just want somebody, you know, who can get into contact with Margaret to do so on your behalf, which is the behavior of a fucking creepy stalker. the last

Unknown_09: Yeah. Okay. So this was a time when, you know, as far as I knew, there wasn't this, there wasn't all this, you know, confusing. Oh, he's a stalker and he's, you know, a danger to me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right. This was before all that. So this is, this is a different, this is a key talk about in a different context of a relationship than the one that you're referring to.

Unknown_22: But the behavior of trying, like, OK, you look again, you're asking her or asking Ralph to get into contact with her on your behalf and especially the part about the private live stream. Like you just want like, what the fuck does that mean?

Unknown_06: The reason I said private show, in other words. Yeah. You know, the reason I said to put her into contact with you.

Unknown_09: Yeah, but the reason I asked for a private live stream is because I didn't want to, you know, basically show her dirty laundry. Right. I didn't want I didn't want this to be, you know, too far out that. And every time we call you on something, you always twist it to be for her benefit.

Unknown_22: Why didn't you see her?

Unknown_09: But that's the reason I didn't want to live.

Unknown_22: Like, but that's the reason, I mean, I'm telling you the honest truth.

Unknown_09: I can't I can't do nothing but the truth. I mean, you're clearly not looking out for her best interest because you're doing this shit. But just because just because I don't want to ruin someone or I'm trying best to take it, you know Basically take it easy on an individual, you know at the time I thought you know could have a legitimate reason for not doing something Doesn't mean that I'm not going to you know, speak up when I think they're doing Well, we've already been over how I feel about Okay, I'm just I'm just I'm just telling you how you know my my reasoning behind it is

Unknown_09: Just because all the things that Margaret has done to me doesn't mean I want to make a master nuclear button on her career. It also doesn't mean I could do it.

Unknown_09: For those who say you couldn't do it, it doesn't mean I could do it, but I'm just saying if I could do it, it doesn't mean I wouldn't do that either. To me, even all the nonsense she did, the reason I helped her to begin with is because she's a person in need. I would rather not put her back in need again.

Unknown_22: I don't know, again, anytime we bring this up, you're just like, well, I'm doing it for her, I'm concerned about her. You're obviously not. That's just how it looks. Second part of this message, I would like you to know it's against my nature to be in the public eye. In fact, my original plan was to buy the needed computer parts and take a step back so I could watch them be put into use by someone who, at the time, I believe, had potential to make awesome content. The reason I brought this up is I wouldn't normally request help in calling someone out if they didn't truly believe some type of closure was needed for the issue. That's another word that you've been avoiding this conversation. You said closure about a hundred times last time we spoke.

Unknown_09: Yeah, yeah. Did you get closure? Yeah, this definitely isn't closure, that's for sure.

Unknown_22: I thought you said after the video you would have all the closure you needed. That's why you were going to go through with it no matter what.

Unknown_09: And that's exactly, that was exactly the discussion I wanted to have with my good buddy Ralph here. Yeah, you saw how long that lasted.

Unknown_22: So you're saying that you didn't get closure is what you're saying. I did get closure because Ralph... You told me, you have come to me that this was the best thing to do because it would give you closure and you would move on after that. And you're already back and you're saying that that didn't give you closure.

Unknown_06: By the way, I'm going to jump back on in my car. So I'll jump back on the call in just a second, but I'll be driving. Just ping me.

Unknown_22: All right. Yeah. You told me for three fucking hours that this would give you the closure that you want. It didn't.

Unknown_09: Yeah. And I thought I honestly thought it would. I told you that it wouldn't. And it would just reaffirm. Yeah, but I didn't. You've been wrong before, haven't you?

Unknown_22: No, I'm not. I'm always right. Everything I'm telling you is the fucking truth.

Unknown_22: You need to listen to me.

Unknown_09: All right, man, you look Ralph's not here, but we'll keep reading this one. Yeah, go ahead.

Unknown_22: that he says, what is it you want me to do, though?

Unknown_09: Party neutral thing. See, I wasn't asking Ralph to do a hit piece. I was asking Ralph to look into it because I thought he was a I thought he was a person that looks into stories in an honest fashion and to give you know what he thought to be the truth. And I was incorrect about that. I was I didn't want to hit piece. I just want a fair assessment of the situation to get into contact with the private lives.

Unknown_22: Like what the fuck is a private live stream?

Unknown_09: I didn't really mean a live stream. I was basically saying, you know, me and Mutt-Mutt talk, but be it recorded so there won't be no misunderstandings later on about, oh, he said this or she said that.

Unknown_09: You see.

Unknown_22: Uh, okay. So he's asking, what is it you want me to do though? Ask her about it. I don't think she's going to do a live stream on it to be honest. You say to me, asking for people to invest in a tool so that you can provide them with content and then neglecting to do so as an issue that should be called out. I have tried, but Twitter doesn't offer a good outlet for explaining details and providing evidence exactly from an insignificant Twitter account like mine. I know she's a longtime friend of yours and I understand if that's the reason you would prefer. Oh, so you knew when you contacted him that she was a long, that they were friends for a long time.

Unknown_09: And yeah, but once again, I thought he was a person that of how can explain a person that can be somewhat remain unbiased, like search for the truth. You know, that's what that's the kind of individual he was in GammaGate.

Unknown_09: You know, it seems to me that you contacted him because you knew he could get into contact with me. I contacted. That's why I wanted to get into contact with him after the video came out, because you knew that anything that happened with him would have would get to Margaret somehow.

Unknown_09: Not not really.

Unknown_09: What video are you talking about? The one I just made?

Unknown_22: Any of it. Any time you're trying to talk to Ralph to get to my... The reason I got back in contact with Ralph again was because he brought up my video on his kill stream.

Unknown_09: Because I told you that would fucking happen! What did you think would happen? And the issue I had about that is, you know, you debut someone's video on your stream, but you don't have them on to talk about it. You know, he had he had Monday. He had Monday met on when he did when he did the same thing with his video.

Unknown_22: But he knows that you're after Margaret and that having you on just lights the fucking fire up under your ass. This shit's going to I'm going to call it right now because I'm always right. We already went over this. You're going to be at this shit in 2020. You're going to be at it.

Unknown_22: Like for the next year, you're gonna find new ways to be mad at her. She's gonna like this tweet this tweet She just did dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen anybody do Marguerite is a dumb bitch for tweeting this shit out cuz you you've got it You've got your tweet to go on for another fucking year Like remember when she tweeted this out and then went on my Amazon to look at my other reviews And now she's stalking me. She's the real stalker. She went on my Amazon account and Yeah, exactly.

Unknown_09: Thank you Thank you. Oh, this dumb nigga is gonna.

Unknown_22: Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.

Unknown_09: Thank you. Thank you. I'm going to drive a fucking stake into my forehead.

Unknown_22: Oh, I see Ralph Ralph.

Unknown_22: Yeah, what's up, man? I'm in the car now. I guess you didn't hear what this guy said. I said, Margaret tweeting this shit out is the dumbest fucking thing she's ever done, because now he's going to go into 2020 talking about how she's stalking him going on Amazon, looking at his reviews. And he's like, yeah, exactly.

Unknown_09: Yeah, yeah. Sounds like a pretty good idea. I mean, you said that was going to happen, so I said, hey, man, thank you for helping me out.

Unknown_06: Kenny, why don't you just do something else, man? I've said this forever.

Unknown_06: Can't you do anything else, Lee?

Unknown_09: I do. Once again, you don't know me. I mean, you have an impressive amount of autism.

Unknown_06: Just think if you focus that on something worthwhile.

Unknown_09: I do.

Unknown_09: Thank you. I appreciate it.

Unknown_06: Well, I'm not seeing it. I'm not seeing it.

Unknown_09: Well, you're not seeing it because you're not in the reptile industry.

Unknown_06: No, he said you're not in the reptile industry, but to me Because of his accent it sounded like reptar industry.

Unknown_22: I'm just thinking of the fucking That would be kind of that would be kind of cool, I mean it was awesome

Unknown_09: Hey, they had that green stuff in the middle. I mean, I always wondered what that was, that green stuff in the middle. But never mind, that's another story. In the middle of Riptar bars, there was this green stuff.

Unknown_09: I always wondered what kind of- Is this like a candy that they sold that was Rudd Rats themed or something?

Unknown_22: No, on the show itself, the Riptar bars- No, on the show, they had the chocolate bars.

Unknown_06: I don't know if they ever actually sold them. Oh, no, they did. Holy shit.

Unknown_09: They gave them a-

Unknown_09: At the we'll see was Nickelodeon theme park plays as well This looks fucking good.

Unknown_22: Yeah, you see chocolate Green stuff in the middle. Yeah, I'd eat this. It looks like it's mint flavored, you know Hung it turns your tongue green when you eat it. How fucking cool is that? Yeah. Yeah, exactly Good shit. I'm in the stall to tripping now and fucking regret. Oh

Unknown_22: Or anyways, I know she's a long time. Oh, this is what I got to that on a diversion. I know she's a longtime friend of yours. So when he contacted you, he knew already that you that you were friends with Margaret.

Unknown_06: Yeah. And see, that's the thing he's talking about. I want to unbiased moderator. He already knows this is my friends. Like, what is he doing in the first place? Really? What he wants is somebody that can get him more contact with Margaret. That's what he wants.

Unknown_09: No, the reason I was using you in this example was I figured if you could look at the evidence, and if I was correct, right? If I was correct, and then you looked at evidence, and you were able to see the truth within the evidence that I thought was the truth, then clearly I was right. If a friend of hers was able to see the truth, then I was definitely right. And I was hoping that you would look into it, and basically I was testing out my theory.

Unknown_09: Did it work?

Unknown_09: It didn't work because Ralph didn't take the story. All right, well, because there's no story, Kenny, that's what I'm that's what I even if there's nothing there, like what?

Unknown_06: I don't understand. This is not a big issue.

Unknown_09: A woman cheating 32 individuals, a woman making promises about content, about her being sick when she wasn't sick, and so on and so forth. To me, that seems like a story to me.

Unknown_09: A story to you was a fight between Margaret MacLennan and Lacey Green on Twitter. And that was a story to you. So to me, this is definitely a story in my book.

Unknown_06: Two Twitter chicks with big tits fighting on Twitter. I mean, yeah, of course.

Unknown_09: They wasn't showing their tits. I mean, it's just a Twitter account, Ralph.

Unknown_06: Okay, well, I'm just saying, I have a pretty good track record with What's The Story, and it just doesn't, there's just no, there's no pop to it.

Unknown_09: Okay, I'll take your word for it. All right, continue, Josh.

Unknown_09: All right, so, what am I saying?

Unknown_06: I'm on my way to get these Christmas lights, Kenny, and if I'm late and end up missing my Christmas lights tonight, I'm never gonna forgive you, because they close in nine minutes. All right, I'll pay, I'll pay.

Unknown_20: I took time out to come on this fucking stream.

Unknown_06: I'm even talking to you in my fucking car right now. And I appreciate it, Ralph, and I appreciate it.

Unknown_09: Thank you very much for taking the time. Take a shot of liquid courage and slam on the gas.

Unknown_22: You can make it. Yeah.

Unknown_06: I'm literally leaving and getting out of traffic. I'm on probation. I probably should chill out. Chill out, motherfucker. It's just Christmas tree lights.

Unknown_22: Alright. Nah, it's cool.

Unknown_06: They won't do anything if you get a traffic ticket. I'll just have to pay a fat-ass fine.

Unknown_22: That's the reason I prefer not to be involved, but people were lied to, abandoned, and borderline scammed out of money. Is that enough reason to pique your interest as a writer? Margaret.

Unknown_09: I actually did say that. That's nice.

Unknown_22: Tweet from YesMargaret. Some give me thousands of dollars so I can buy a PC that doesn't overheat and better camera for streamings. That's like a joke tweet she put out. Someone give me thousands of dollars. That's like a hyperbole like I say that I say that chat chat Send me super chats so I can but I can ship my fucking computer from the u.s. The fucking glow niggers They got it hostage help me out But the reason the reason I took that as not a joke is because she's made other comments in the past about how much how much money and stuff she gets and

Unknown_09: And those weren't actually jokes, right? So the reason I say that is, you know, the comment that it was referring to wasn't, the context that comment was given wasn't a joke. And I have other tweets that can substantiate my claims on that one.

Unknown_22: was a

Unknown_06: Anytime you defend any female position, like, oh, it makes you white. Yeah, it's like, OK.

Unknown_09: Yeah, but the reason they call you a white knight, Ralph, is because you banned the topic on your Discord. You banned the topic on your Patreon stream, even though you said it was up to the Patreons. I didn't ban it on the Discord.

Unknown_06: I said, I don't want to talk about it.

Unknown_09: Yes, you did. Yes, you did. You brought it up. You talked to everybody on the Discord. You talked to everybody about it. Ralph, Ralph, your wife and Zidane Both banned that topic on Discord. They pulled me in a special room to yell at me because of something- They said we don't want to hear about it because you've been talking about it for months straight.

Unknown_06: It's weird.

Unknown_09: But I was only talking about it when people asked me about it. You literally try to hit people up in DMs to like tell them- No, I didn't. No, they asked me about it and I tell them about it.

Unknown_20: Why did they ask you about it? Because you're talking about it nonstop. Okay. All right. Okay. Whatever.

Unknown_09: I mean, you ought to jump in the VC once in a while, you'll see what I'm talking about.

Unknown_22: Well, people are making fun of you because you're an insane person, Kenny.

Unknown_22: I beg your pardon? People are making fun of you because you're an insane person.

Unknown_09: Well, you know, it's fine with me. I've always been insane.

Unknown_22: Okay, look, no. This is circular logic. You go into a public area, you act like an insane person. People start asking you questions. When people start asking you questions, you say, well, people are asking me about it, so I got to talk about it. Like, it's circular logic.

Unknown_02: No, I mean, when I say, when I say, you know, that's literally circular logic, but listen, but listen, this, this is something you need to understand.

Unknown_09: When I'm, when I'm sitting in a VC and I have my mic turned off, I'm just, I'm just, I'm not doing nothing. I'm not typing. I'm not doing nothing. And you got people that hop in, especially to talk to me and especially get me to talk about Margaret. To me, that's, that, that doesn't mean that I'm bringing up the topic.

Unknown_09: That has nothing to do with something I've done. But people bring it up because it's what you're known for, because you talk about it on social media. But if I'm not talking about it, it's not my fault they bring up that topic in conversation.

Unknown_06: They know you're going to spurg out about it, Kenny. That's why they bring it up.

Unknown_09: No, I don't always spurg out about it, Ralph.

Unknown_06: OK, well, I've yet to see you not spurg out about it.

Unknown_09: a a a a

Unknown_06: I don't know what to tell you. I'm only responsible for what I do. If somebody's fucking with you and they post a doc.

Unknown_09: Actually, Discord says you're responsible for your Discord. I don't give a fuck.

Unknown_06: Delete the goddamn Discord. I really don't give a shit. Well, go ahead and do it then.

Unknown_09: It's not my problem. I'm like, I don't care.

Unknown_06: You act like I care about this Discord. I mean, it's a nice place for people to call in and talk, but so what if they deleted it? I don't give a shit.

Unknown_09: I mean, I'll just tell you how it is. You say any of the words.

Unknown_22: Well, speaking of the the discord rules against doxxing, so Dr. Roxo wants me to ask you about the doubloons, Kenny.

Unknown_22: I beg your pardon? Tell me about the doubloons.

Unknown_09: Oh, OK. Yeah.

Unknown_09: Roxo came up with a term doubloons.

Unknown_09: Because I because I click I collect rare coins and stuff like gold coins platinum coins and stuff and that's like a hobby of mine And I was talking to him about he asked me one day like what are you up to? I said, I'm just looking, you know taking on some coins and stuff. I might be interested in some some some red shekels, right and That was basically that's basically it

Unknown_09: So I collect coins and stuff like that. He says you resell them. Yeah. I also make a, I do sometimes resell them by a, I get a set. So you can, you can buy, um, let's say you can buy a coin of 2016 in 2016 and 17 when 17 comes in 18. And if you sell them all together, you can make a profit.

Unknown_09: And I was just telling them how I make a little change selling coins and stuff in sets instead of individual coins, you see.

Unknown_22: Let me continue with this.

Unknown_22: I didn't really, you said, I don't, I didn't really answer your question in my last reply. I apologize. What I'm requesting is a live stream with Margaret versus me and maybe, well, this is now with versus you. It's not about answering questions versus, and maybe having on some of her online supporters and friends for context. You're asking for backup.

Unknown_08: There we go. So it's not private no more.

Unknown_22: Right. But you said, again, this is mostly about getting you into contact with her and you can get some backup maybe too.

Unknown_09: Yeah, but some backup. I was just want to invite the patreon supporters. I mean, I mean, to me, that's the key in this issue. I mean, you know,

Unknown_22: OK, and or maybe a small story. So this is just having him write your hit piece for you.

Unknown_09: It's not a hit, but it's not a it's not a hit piece, because if you look right above this, the comments you just previously read, it says, I want a third party to remain unbiased and not tell him. I'm running low.

Unknown_06: I made it with two minutes, Kenny. You better hope I get these lights.

Unknown_22: Run, Ralph, run. Okay, so I honestly don't have many ideas about how I should proceed. All I know is that I need to find a way to do something. I'm willing to take suggestions if you have any. Thank you for your time. Ralph says, I don't think she'll do a stream. And as for a story, I mean, it's not really something I would normally cover. Plus, it's my friend. I think she would have a different response to all this. Not shitting on you or anything, just saying. You say, I understand. Thank you for considering it, at least. Would you have any suggestions as far as what I should do to get this issue addressed? Ralph says, I mean, I don't know, to be honest, I'm not sure how you could resolve it. My suggestion would probably be to move on and find another game streamer you like and support them somehow. But maybe there's an angle I'm missing. I don't know. You say thank you for your time and patience. He says, You're welcome, man. Sorry you're having this issue. Me, too. Is there any is there a message Margaret has for me or a question?

Unknown_09: OK, let me let me get me. Let me get me. Let me get context that. So on a, um, on a, uh, let's see, I think it was any whiskey stream. Um, I, I sent a super chat and then Ralph says something along the lines of Margaret said this, this, this about Kenny and response to what he was saying to me in DMS. And so what I was saying was I said, does Margaret have any more anything else to say to me? Because he brought it up on any, any whiskey stream.

Unknown_22: He brought up that you sent a super chat.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I beg your pardon. Okay, there's a okay notice that there's a time difference. So between April 24th and May 2nd I guess Ralph mentioned that Margaret had become aware of see this is yeah.

Unknown_09: Yeah. Yeah It wasn't it wasn't me saying all this Did Margaret talk about me today? Did she please? Oh. It's more of a lie than just... ALICE Well, no, what happened is that somebody... Ralph spoke in parcel tongue, because he's talking about snakes, and you come out of the fuckin' brush to ask questions about Margaret, because he mentioned your name and her name in the same context, the same soup, and yet you... JUSTIN Wait a minute, wait a minute, what?

Unknown_08: I'm saying that he mentioned your name and her name in the same paragraph the same context and immediately You got you're up in the fucking DMs asking questions It wasn't it wasn't But but he wasn't No, no, no, no, no, he didn't bring up my he didn't bring up my name or Margaret's name a matter of fact I just saw his opportunity to get him to respond to a question and

Unknown_09: Um, because Margaret was going on Twitter at the time talking about someone calling her and vaguely alluding to it was me. And, and, and I, you know, I want to see, and I asked him on, on the stream, you know, because I thought he'd feel more obligated to answer it. And yes, he did. He did answer it then about, you know, her thinking it was at her asking if it was me, you know, it wasn't me. And that's about it.

Unknown_22: Somebody asked, uh, by the way, in the stream.me chat, uh, who's harder to help Kenny or Christian? Uh, Kenny, by far, because Chris, like when, when Chris gets fucked over and he's in over his head and he doesn't know what to do, Chris is willing to accept help. If he's desperate, he will take help. Kenny has admitted no fault. He is not looking for- That's not true.

Unknown_09: I did say I made mistakes.

Unknown_22: But you're not looking to correct anything. You're not looking for input on how to do things differently. You have justification and context for absolutely everything so far.

Unknown_09: Exactly! That's how you know you're right, is if you have context- I'm using those in sarcasm quotes.

Unknown_22: Sarcasm quote, justification, and sarcasm quote, context. I'm making fun of you by saying that.

Unknown_22: Okay, so he says in response, I don't know that she has a message besides what I read on air, at least she hasn't given me one if there is. Okay, I would like you and her both to know that I have never called her once in my life and whoever is doing it, all the calling, it isn't me. So you're acknowledging that there are other people in her fandom doing crazy shit to her.

Unknown_09: I was acknowledging that it could have been that guy that was, I didn't tell him about. I'll be willing to show phone records to prove it, now the GPU to her friend, I did in fact send it to him along with, wait, so you sent her a GPU too? No, I sent the GPU to a guy that he streamed with.

Unknown_09: Look, never mind about that nonsense. Let's keep moving on.

Unknown_22: You know, every time you say that, never mind about that. It's like, it piques my interest more.

Unknown_09: The guy, look, this is what happened.

Unknown_09: So the guy helped Marvin build a computer. So he basically instructed her on how to build a computer. He walked her through the process for the live stream. He did quite a bit for it, and she didn't really do much. It was to the point where you want to say thank you to the guy or something. You want to play with him once in a while, and she didn't really do much say thank you. So I figured, it's a long story, but basically I had a spare 980 lying around, and I was

Unknown_09: I gave it to him, right? And I'm saying, thank you for helping Margaret build a PC. And that's it.

Unknown_22: So this is another instance like with the other woman who you're the only patron of, that somebody in Margaret's circle you're a supporter of and you're sending stuff to.

Unknown_09: I wouldn't say Margaret's circle, because the other woman, like I said... He's in direct contact with her and is building her computer for her.

Unknown_22: He's in Margaret's circle, dude. Come on.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I said I don't know about him, but I'm talking about the other woman. I ain't talking about him. She was a co-host on her fucking show. But she's, but Margaret's told her audiences to support her on Patreon.

Unknown_22: Yeah, so that's Margaret's fucking circle. If Sargon says support this guy on Patreon, Then it would be fair to say that that person is in Sargon's circle, would it not?

Unknown_09: But I mean, it wasn't me just taking the initiative and just going out there, you know, blindly and saying, oh, she must know Margaret, therefore I must support her.

Unknown_22: Well, that's clearly what it is.

Unknown_09: If Margaret hadn't have said to do it, it wouldn't have done it. It was recommended by her other co-host.

Unknown_22: OK. Okay, whatever. If that's if that's the line of logic you want to go for it. Look, that helps me sleep at night. Thank you. I hope so.

Unknown_22: I did infect him to him along with the white cow leather. What the fuck? Is there a leather? Oh, so you sent him. I didn't even read the next sentence. So not only did you send him a computer part, you sent him stuff to give to her. That's that's that's an important.

Unknown_09: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, absolutely not.

Unknown_09: Um, so she was built, she was building or making a costume, a cosplay costume, and I lost the bet.

Unknown_09: on a live stream or something along those lines. And when I lost the bet, basically, you know, I'm a man of my word, and I keep it. And I end up, and she said she needed, and I said, well, what do you want? And she said she needed white leather, something along those lines, to help finish her costume. So I sent the white leather and the GPU both to her PO box at the same time, since them two live close to each other, blah, blah, blah. You know, that was pretty much it. So it was a bet I lost. I'm sorry. I mean, thank you.

Unknown_09: I guess so. I lost to a girl. All right. I don't know.

Unknown_09: All right. Please don't don't don't. I mean, it was bad enough. I had to pay for the mess. Really?

Unknown_22: For what mess?

Unknown_09: Let's continue. I'm not. I'm not going to help you beat me up. At least continue reading. What mess?

Unknown_22: I'm just asking what the fuck you're meaning, because you just said something about a mess and people are going to be asking.

Unknown_09: This is a mess. It's a total mess. Oh, OK. This is a mess.

Unknown_22: I thought you meant like you spilled something on or something and you paid to help.

Unknown_09: No, no. I never met Mark in real life, and I really, really extremely hope I never do.

Unknown_22: Well, I had bought two 980s for my PC upgrade, but decided to go for the two 1080s instead. It's a pain trying to ship things for a refund, so I gave one to Simon, Margaret's friend, for another friend you're giving shit to.

Unknown_09: No, that's the same one, and I'll, you know. I forgot that we use real names and stuff in DMs.

Unknown_22: The other was given to my cousin in exchange for the cow leather I mentioned earlier. I can prove it as well. He says, OK, I'll try to pass it along to her. Ah, Ralph, you fucked up. Don't do that shit. Creepy stalker should get messed through. Just got up, had to take a nap. I'm sorry for getting involved in something you didn't want to get involved in. The kind of high school level drama is always more fun to watch than be.

Unknown_22: He says, yeah, it's all good, sorry you're having this issue, but obviously I'm in a bad spot to take this one. I like you though, and thank you for all the support.

Unknown_09: Oh, isn't that nice? He likes me.

Unknown_22: Well, you're supporting him as well, you know, you're paying on quite a few farms.

Unknown_09: That's sweet. You know, I have a Patreon as well, and I do live streaming, and if you help me upgrade my fucking shitty laptop, I will continue to stream at least once a week.

Unknown_09: It's patreon.com slash man at the internet in case you're looking for more guys to even out the gender ratio in your portfolio Okay, Margaret screenshot that you sent him my mistake.

Unknown_22: It's only three bodies and one missing I mean clearly it's not true.

Unknown_09: It's garbage. I

Unknown_22: The chat wants to know where the bodies are.

Unknown_09: Um, look, I gave him the same hide. I'll let him take care of those things.

Unknown_22: Good answer.

Unknown_22: All right. Mr. Ralph, I would generally appreciate you considering you're asking him again, considering doing a story about Margaret, the mark. Oh, so this was after that tweet came out and you're pissed off again about doing a story about Margaret issue.

Unknown_08: It's my job.

Unknown_22: Yeah. If for no other reason than to get the truth out there, I'm not suggesting that my truth is the only one, and I'm open to the possibility that I'm truly the bad guy in this situation. If that's the conclusion you've come to after this story or symbol, I'll not only give you my word, but I'll sign a contract saying I was in the wrong, and nothing more than stalking creep that should be locked up before it's too late. Plus, I'll delete all my Twitter accounts and disappear and absolutely never contact Margaret, okay? Or bring up this issue again. Please consider the story. This is an image of Margaret telling people I am.

Unknown_22: Are you still planning on months and months later? No response Are you still planning on showing that stream on the kill stream still planning on being there though?

Unknown_22: He says down 100 100% if I'll be tonight or tomorrow You reply stop stop.

Unknown_08: Stop. Stop there, please Okay, everything else is classified Going all the way all the way all the way

Unknown_22: You can't stop you can't stop the way Okay, let me know so I can plan on being there I don't like the idea of being brought to the slaughter without even the opportunity to defend myself If for whatever reason you decide it's not important enough. That's fine, too I'm not exactly thrilled to have to defend myself in front of 3,000 people, but I'm willing if I have to and If you take a quick look at Margaret's Twitter, you'll see that she's unusually quiet But I have a feeling Margaret also wouldn't want this talk about in front of that size audience Please keep me updated. I can be available if he says are you up? I have a hang which he didn't do what you didn't do Jim had to call me out before he would have me on Margaret McLennan mismanage privilege. Is this the video? I

Unknown_09: Yeah, that's that's the guy's video that I was talking about that did a independent research into Margaret. This is just that once again, right? Yes, a genius. And this guy, I know his name sounds stupid, but he has to be decent job at some stuff.

Unknown_22: Well, I don't know whether it's classified. The only reason why I can think that you get mad about that is that I know for sure that you have not only those patrons in your in your private discord where you talk about her,

Unknown_09: No, it's not. It's not my discord. It's actually belongs to another Patreon user.

Unknown_22: But, you know, this genius guy, even if he's not a part of that discord server, there are people like him, like Elber and this chat right now who keeps fucking spurging and calling.

Unknown_09: If you if you give if you give him, I think if you talk to him, you'll realize he's not like that.

Unknown_09: he's a pretty sensible- listen- he just- he just- no, listen Josh, listen. He just now got into it, okay? So he's not like me, and he's not like the other Patreon supporters. He heard about this case- he heard about this issue, and he's been investigating it for like, you know, two months or so.

Unknown_09: So if I was you, I would attempt to get in contact with him to some degree and talk to him about it. He's not like me, right? So if you think I'm insane and crazy, he's not. So... Again, Kenny?

Unknown_07: Yes, again.

Unknown_09: What is this, like the ninth fucking show that you've done on this?

Unknown_07: Is this like the autistic fucking Groundhog Day with you?

Unknown_09: Yeah.

Unknown_07: How many fucking times are you gonna cry about this fucking woman and this fucking power supply?

Unknown_09: But this wasn't about the woman, this was about the article that was written on me.

Unknown_09: Who cares? I care.

Unknown_07: What the fuck is wrong with you? You look like a fucking wacko.

Unknown_09: Well, you know, I gotta do something.

Unknown_07: I gotta do something in my spare time.

Unknown_09: Are you kidding me? A fucking 980, dude?

Unknown_07: That's like a $200 video card from fucking six years ago. I have a stack of them in my closet. I will literally give you one to shut the fuck up about this.

Unknown_09: But this wasn't about the 980. I will give you three to shut the fuck up about this because I have no use for them anymore. This wasn't about the 980.

Unknown_07: Then what is it about? Because you didn't buy her a power supply. You threw $10 into a Patreon pool for a power supply.

Unknown_09: No, I didn't.

Unknown_07: You told us the whole fucking story.

Unknown_09: I bought her a power supply outright. Thank you.

Unknown_07: No, you didn't.

Unknown_09: Yes, I did.

Unknown_07: And I had the receipt to prove it. The whole fucking story. You bought into a pool and you bought her the fucking power supply. I have the receipt. Okay, show us the receipt right now.

Unknown_09: Oh, hell.

Unknown_22: You bought it on, uh, Amazon, right?

Unknown_09: Yeah, so I'm gonna go ahead and I guess I have to screenshot it and then block some stuff out so you won't know my address.

Unknown_07: We already know your address. Remember? We're a bunch of doxxers.

Unknown_09: No, you don't know my actual address. You just know my parents' address.

Unknown_07: Yes, you do. We know the trailer park that you live at. I don't live in a trailer park. Yes, you do. No, I don't. You live in a trailer park, Kenny.

Unknown_09: I got my lights. Good job. You can't keep snakes out of the park. It's against the rules.

Unknown_09: How would you know that? Because when I was little, I checked into the parks. I mean, I couldn't afford living in a house all my life. We weren't all born rich, Ralph.

Unknown_22: Ralph, I know you're driving right now, but I'm filthy rich, yes. I got some Jager.

Unknown_09: I didn't say you would.

Unknown_22: I'm gonna take a shot for you in spirit.

Unknown_06: Yeah, I got some when I get back to the house. I'm gonna need one. I thought, I was just like, I was trying to hurry up and there were some people in front of me. and I kept the store open late, and I was like, ah, they'll probably be done by the time I get back, and then I thought, nah, it's Kenny, they'll probably, they'll still be on. It's just like, how many fucking times are we gonna do this show?

Unknown_07: How many fucking times, dude? I'm hoping this will be the last one, to be honest. Really? Because you said that the last four fucking times, dude. Yeah, you always say that. I just was on a show with you two weeks ago, with Andy Warski, and you told me yourself that you were done talking about this, and you'd moved on. Andy Warski? I feel bad for Andy Warski. You were crying about this on the Andy Warsky show.

Unknown_09: I've never been on a show with Andy Warsky.

Unknown_07: Yes, you have.

Unknown_09: No, I haven't.

Unknown_07: Yeah, you have. No, I haven't. Every fucking Discord about this. Like a jaded ex-girlfriend that can't fucking move on.

Unknown_09: Well, wait a minute. Look, man, I've never been on a... You can ask him. You can ask him.

Unknown_07: I've never been on a thing with Andy Warsky.

Unknown_09: I mean, it's ridiculous.

Unknown_07: Dude, it's ridiculous that you're still talking about this. Nobody fucking cares. It's ridiculous that you made up a lie.

Unknown_09: I mean, that's garbage. It's a huge fucking story that you're releasing, dude.

Unknown_07: You're not fucking Slumdog Millionaire. Nobody's gonna make a fucking movie called The Kenny Jones Story. I didn't say I was. Nobody fucking cares about a mentally retarded Alabama fisherman who fucking donated a power supply to a retard. Who cares? A retard who can't shit.

Unknown_07: Yeah, I'm really sure they're gonna spend out the extra money to get somebody to wear a shit bag. Nobody gives a fuck about that. And you're still fucking talking about it.

Unknown_09: If you didn't give a kid, then why are you showing up on this stream?

Unknown_07: Because you're just fucking annoying. Every time I turn on YouTube, it's your fucking Spurgo. She doesn't owe you shit. Nobody owes you shit.

Unknown_07: Nobody owes you a fucking thing. You donated that money on your own choice. I don't listen to pedophiles.

Unknown_09: I don't listen to pedophiles.

Unknown_07: Well, you're a pedophile. No, you're a pedophile.

Unknown_09: You're the one that had the extreme view of being a pedophile.

Unknown_07: You are. Yeah, we talked about that too, and then you apologized to me for two and a half hours.

Unknown_09: I said I apologize if what you said was true, but I haven't seen anything that supports it.

Unknown_07: I haven't seen anything to support that you're not a faggot.

Unknown_07: So why are you on stream with a dick in your mouth again?

Unknown_07: Yeah. Checkmate. You're a faggot. Shut the fuck up about this.

Unknown_08: Yeah.

Unknown_07: I'd rather listen to Chris Chen talk about dilating his asshole than listen to you talk about a fucking power supply again.

Unknown_08: I'm not- I wasn't on here talking about a power supply.

Unknown_07: Oh, now it's a GPU. Yeah, you never mentioned- It wasn't a GPU!

Unknown_09: I was- I told you- I told you what I was on here for, and then now you can't even remember- No, the problem is you have a severe manic state that you've never broken from.

Unknown_07: because your mother didn't beat you enough as a child to learn how to get over something.

Unknown_09: Uh, everybody's considered going to a therapist.

Unknown_22: Can, can you, can you do that for me? Can you go to a therapist and tell, tell them about Margaret and say like, look, I'm having this dispute and you know, everybody on the internet is, is, you know, they're taking her side. I feel like I'm wrong.

Unknown_09: Not everybody. Matter of fact, there was an individual that showed up in your own, you know, I took my side member.

Unknown_07: See, nobody takes your side, Kenny, because they listen to you.

Unknown_09: Don't say my girl because there are people in his circle, but it's it's so like the ratio between people.

Unknown_22: Yeah, and they're fucking wackos too. Yes, that's but when you say an absolute like nobody's on your side or everybody's against him, like his brain fries because it's like that's not literally correct.

Unknown_09: I'm just technically saying I'm a technical kind of guy. His brain was fried a long time ago.

Unknown_07: I'm just saying that's how it works.

Unknown_07: I'm not instant and talking to a pedophile, man.

Unknown_09: I'm sorry But I mean that's more proof about You're a fucking you murdered a bunch of women in North Carolina and you think it's okay to bitch about a power supply You seriously gonna moral fag here with all those vans?

Unknown_09: Yeah, now you're making stuff up.

Unknown_07: No, it's the truth. You killed all those women.

Unknown_09: So now you're lying. Now how do people know what you're lying about? Okay, disprove it.

Unknown_07: Show us your basement. Or your kill room. I bet you dress up like fucking Dexter and you have saran wrap everywhere.

Unknown_07: Cause you know, it's the principle. You don't want to get any blood all over your mother's coffin.

Unknown_09: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You mean the basement in the cartoon? Yeah, you don't want to get that blood on your mother's coffin.

Unknown_07: Gotta get that swan wrap.

Unknown_09: But I mean, you mean Jason from the cartoon?

Unknown_07: My mama says, what are you doing with all that swan wrap? I say, I'm just wrapping up the gate of me, mama.

Unknown_09: if all this stream is gonna do is devolve into insults and stuff well at this point Kenny we've circled like I've already had this exact same conversation with you to a much smaller audience yeah but I mean I'm not look I don't have an issue talking to Godspeed Alright, I don't have an issue.

Unknown_07: You have an issue facing the fucking truth and the truth is that woman doesn't know you a goddamn thing and you can't fucking handle it because you're so fucking autistic that you think you're entitled to something on the internet. Nobody owes you fucking anything. You could donate ten bucks to anybody on the internet. You could donate ten bucks to Josh.

Unknown_09: I have an issue talking to an individual.

Unknown_07: that just makes claims out of the blue, but has nothing to support him. I mean, I know, I just don't have time, I just don't have the energy to... Well, I don't know what he said, I muted him. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown_07: I mean, I'm sorry, I mean, I'm calling it quits. This dude is to the point that he's literally hiring Mexicans who pretend to be detectives on Fiverr to do investigations into a woman that he donated ten bucks to for paycheck. Kenny!

Unknown_11: Merry Christmas, Kenny! Get a new hobby!

Unknown_07: That is felony stalking and fucking insanity. If you explain this to any kind of doctor, he would lock you up.

Unknown_22: Later take it easy. Okay. I'm really I'm gonna get some I'm gonna get some final thoughts in with Kenny. Thank you for coming on route Yeah, you too, man.

Unknown_09: Nice talking to you Ralph.

Unknown_22: Well, okay Kenny Well, it's me and you nice and quiet. No, there's no cyber bully. Well, I'm technically a cyber bully. I'm nice Okay, I do want to close it up because I'm now I'm now drinking and it's 230 and I'm I'm I'm pretty I'm ready to go to you want to stop me all I'm I'm I want to ask you in sincerity from the bottom of my heart and the bottom of your bottle the bottom of my bottles just about to say that great minds think alike.

Unknown_22: But like, just, you know, get a little like, you know, it doesn't cost that much money to get into contact with a professional. And then you can tell them, you know, all the shit that you got, you got hanging heavy on your chest. You can show them all the shit you show people. And, you know, it's what you're talking about.

Unknown_09: Talk about a therapist, you say therapist or a psychologist. Oh, look, look, man. Look, I've been to the therapy thing. Like I said, I always realize I'm insane, Margaret, but stuff.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I quit. I mean I quit going to it there. I think we're going to therapy. Oh Well, I guess it's been quite some time. You're right, but you know, I know I'm saying I mean you have to be somewhat insane to handle venomous snakes on a daily basis. Come on.

Unknown_22: Well, yeah, of course, you know the greatest the Mad geniuses that trope exists for a reason right people crazies people do do crazy shit that changes stuff It's not I'm just saying that like You know just consider it because you've been you've been putting all this effort into shit and Maybe maybe if you got a little bit Not even like not help but like just somebody talked to that isn't me not in front of a great audience and like But you you're making a profit on this.

Unknown_09: I mean, I don't see why you wouldn't I am I

Unknown_22: Not as great as Ralph would make like Ralph turned down money like having you on like people love to hear you talk because it's so alien to them and It's yeah show. I mean look at look. It's more than a thousand people because it's 920 on YouTube It's 200 on streamed on me over a thousand people

Unknown_22: It is a great show, but it's not the kind of attention that you want, because this isn't going to convert to people ragging on Margaret. It's just people who love how weird you sound. The shit you say and the way you say it is funny to them, and you're not going to get anywhere with that.

Unknown_09: I'm well aware of that. Believe me, I am.

Unknown_09: Um, but it's the only voice I have. It's the only, it's the only way I know how to speak.

Unknown_22: It's the only way you know how to speak. And maybe if you talk to somebody who knew more, they can help you.

Unknown_09: I've already talked to people that know more about that. This, this is the two things I like to say, and I would appreciate it if I can, I can call it quits after that.

Unknown_21: Sure.

Unknown_09: I just wanted to be known, I came on this stream here, not to talk about Margaret, but to have some of the lies or the misinformation on that article edited or changed at least a little bit. That's the reason I came on here, not to talk about Margaret, but about the article. Number two is, it's been a blast, and like I told you before, and I'll even throw out a thank you to Ralph for showing up. I didn't think he would, but he did. So I think say thank you to Ralph and stuff and Godspeed or whoever for showing up and giving the time to talk to me. So thank you, audience, and have a nice day. I just want to close before you leave.

Unknown_22: I just want to say if you ever find yourself in a position where you're very frustrated, very sad, don't go to streams. Just open up a directory and find a doctor. I'm not sad and depressed. I'm just saying, if you ever find yourself in a position where you are, that's the route to take because you might find- I'll come to you.

Unknown_09: How about that? I'll come to you and say- No, don't come to me. I'm not a doctor.

Unknown_22: I am a carny with a whip making a circus. Don't come to me. I'm a cyber bully.

Unknown_22: Don't do it. Don't do it, Kenny.

Unknown_22: That's all I got to say. I'm just saying, I'm throwing the idea out there.

Unknown_09: Okay. All right. It's are we done now? We're done. Thank you, Kenny. It's been a pleasure. See you later, man.

Unknown_22: Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah.

Unknown_09: Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Get yourself some shekels.

Unknown_20: Thank you.

Unknown_20: Okay.

Unknown_20: Back.

Unknown_20: Back to the quiet. It is just you.

Unknown_20: All right. Kenny is already seeking a therapist. He really doesn't. Yeah.

Unknown_20: Kenny is head thought auditor. Get him out of here.

Unknown_22: Merry Xmas.

Unknown_20: Josh is a sweetie.

Unknown_22: Good guy Josh and all.

Unknown_22: Life advice from Josh. That'll turn out well.

Unknown_22: Josh moral fags his way to dependence once again. It's over Josh. Drink up Josh. Stay over.

Unknown_22: I wonder what BS Kenny is going to be in next week.

Unknown_22: Getting kinky, Josh. Josh was a serial killer. He'd be Hannibal Lecter. He's all polite about it. Josh, how drunk are you? I'm not drunk. Had a couple sips.

Unknown_22: No stills, real world, shekels win. Josh does a pretty cool job. Prevents autistics. If you're doing ASMR, I'm going to report this stream.

Unknown_22: I need something crinkly for that. Do I have anything crinkly? Oh, look.

Unknown_22: Sensual. Sensual candy wrapper.

Unknown_22: Perfect.

Unknown_20: Drink? No. Don't gotta tell me. Sounding a bit tipsy, go away. I need some growing up to do.

Unknown_20: Are we seeing the creation of a new Shadalay Strangler? Maybe.

Unknown_20: Josh, start your own better help for Spurgs.

Unknown_20: Orgasmic.

Unknown_22: Reported. Oh jeez.

Unknown_22: Stop that faggot shit. Alright. Alright, alright, alright. Alright, that's enough. I love my chats. I love all my chats equally. But we gotta, we gotta call it quits. This is a song. Here's a song. I gotta get another copyright strike, so I hope you guys enjoyed this stream.

Unknown_20: Fucking disappear. Take it easy guys.

Unknown_14: with an average life. I work from 9 to 5, hell, I pay the price.

Unknown_15: All I want is to be left alone in my average home. But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone? And I always feel like somebody's watching me.

Unknown_13: And I have no privacy. Oh, oh. I always feel like somebody's watching me.

Unknown_14: People call me on the phone, I'm trying to avoid. But can the people on TV see me, or am I just paranoid? When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair. Because I might open my eyes and find someone standing there. People say I'm crazy, just a little untouched.

Unknown_13: But maybe showers remind me I'm psycho too much. That's why I always feel like somebody's watching me And I have no privacy, oh I always feel like

Unknown_15: Oh, the neighbor's watching me.

Unknown_15: Well, it's the mailman watching me.

Unknown_13: And I don't feel safe anymore.

Unknown_15: Oh, what a mess. I wonder who's watching me now. Who? The IRS? I always feel like somebody's watching me.

Unknown_13: And I have no privacy. Oh. I always feel like somebody's watching me. Tell me, is it just a dream?

Unknown_13: I always feel like somebody's watching me. And I have no privacy. I always feel like somebody's watching me. Who's playing tricks on me? I always feel like somebody's watching me. I always feel like somebody's watching me.

Unknown_13: I always feel like somebody's...