Comfy Riot Hour - Midnight Mad 2018-12-01

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_03: Okay.

Unknown_03: I know these look like computers.

Unknown_05: Totally not. Well, you guys filled in faster than I expected. Oh, geez.

Unknown_16: I just felt like streaming. I want to show, um...

Unknown_16: Wanna I want to watch the riots. I want to watch the riots in France. Yeah, that's what I want a lot Maybe maybe you guys won't watch the riots in France with I might I might just leave this stream off and for the time being I do want to do or before we fight I it's Let's let's read something because if you

Unknown_05: You happen to be a follower hero the wolf type drama There's something interesting happened very recently last two days. I want to show you guys that is Look over it.

Unknown_16: Yeah, Kira the wolf Twitter account. Oh, oh These tweets are protected. That's literally within like the last 24 hours or so

Unknown_16: Very very recent and he put out while his tweets were protected he went out and put out this statement I'm just gonna go ahead and read it. I think it's funny. You guys might think it's funny, too You want the truth then fine as

Unknown_16: Here it is. Yes, the police are investigating me, but only because hundreds of people have called in. They have to look at each claim. I have only talked to the police in person once, and that's when I gave a statement. Besides that, they called me to verify my driver's license.

Unknown_16: I guess.

Unknown_16: I have not been interrogated, my devices have not been seized, there are no warrants or charges against me. Why? Because I didn't do anything. In the meantime, real police work is being interrupted with phone calls to report a crime that didn't happen. I have tried to be silent on this whole thing because I wanted the police investigation to be finished before I made this statement. Which means that he is making the statement without a lawyer But the hate has gotten completely out of control. I've asked for patience while the investigation finishes But in the meantime, I've had thousands of death threats sent to me and harassed every day on every platform I can't tell you how many messages I've gotten telling me that they want to stab me at MFF Which I guess is a furry convention, which is why I've canceled my trip. My supporters have also been targeted This is all coming from the fandom that prides itself on being a friendly and open community. I've been in this community for years. I have seen it devolve into absolute garbage when someone points a finger.

Unknown_16: And goes on, there's only a couple of these. Goes on to say, I'm not the first victim of these witch hunts. Other furs, both famous and not, have had angry mobs sent to them, completely unjustified. Some furs have been driven to suicide from online bullying. This is not what this open, fun, welcoming community is supposed to be about. Turning on each other, taking sides, backstabbing. What happened? The problem is the fandom is full of vigilantes. I don't know why this is. Why there are people who are so motivated to post rumors, hate, and hypocrisy or to blindly, I guess blindly believe these things as truth. People are attacking people for fun and saying that they're doing it for the memes.

Unknown_16: for the memes it may look like it's all good fun from the outside or maybe people are trying to appear superior by anticipating and kicking someone while they're struggling but it hurts and it ruins people's lives even these words will fall on deaf ears because people have already have their minds set and won't listen to a reason you know he had like months to write this statement and it's shit like just poorly written

Unknown_16: Just as a thought. Like he had all the time in the world to write this but he opted to make it as shit as possible.

Unknown_16: There are good people that I met in this community and I love and appreciate all of you. My fans, thank you all for your support through this. But there are also a bunch of children who need to grow up and a bunch of trolls that are happy to send threats and hate to an innocent man. This has to change. I'll still make YouTube videos. I'll still be me. But my involvement in this community is going to be limited. I have seen what this community is capable of and it is unacceptable. This is not the community I thought I knew. You hear that, furries? You hear that? You have let... You have let HeroTheWolf down.

Unknown_16: Every furry out there should be ashamed of themselves for letting this poor defenseless man

Unknown_16: down I don't know I just thought that was funny because he's blaming everybody but himself for being a part of a fucking Zeus a this telegram group I think that's just fantastic

Unknown_16: Geez On top of that, let me find a comment real quick. This is this is all impromptu. I've not written anything down this is just gonna be a comfy stream where we watch riots and make fun of furries together and That's basically That's basically there's a another comment that I saw recently that made me laugh.

Unknown_05: Oh

Unknown_05: Uh, was it already so long ago? Felt like it was just yesterday.

Unknown_16: I get a lot of furries on my, um, Kero the Wolf video.

Unknown_16: Defending, uh... Defending Kero, kind of. And, you know, all these people who are defending Kero have... have fucking furry avatars.

Unknown_05: No surprise. Uh...

Unknown_05: Age restricted, so it doesn't start playing automatically.

Unknown_16: Tiger Festival says, what Kero and other Zoo sadists, it feels gross even having a title for them, did is fucked, but you're acting like his group is representative of the entire furry fandom. It is, I say. It's literally not. It's literally not. You are just factually incorrect, LOL.

Unknown_16: There's other... God, this isn't the one that made me laugh out loud because it's literally just this, uh... It's just this furry saying, you guys are gonna laugh when... Or I'm gonna laugh when Kira was found innocent.

Unknown_16: I swear it was just the other day that I got this.

Unknown_05: I just get so many comments on my videos now. Isn't that... Isn't that... Aren't I just spoiled?

Unknown_05: Thinking that.

Unknown_05: Oh, no, this is a different one. This is somebody talking about sucking off dogs again.

Unknown_16: I could go over that and talk about Adam Johnson and how he thinks it's okay to suck off dogs.

Unknown_16: I've already beat that topic.

Unknown_05: All right, let me find this fucking riot stream. That's what I want to watch.

Unknown_05: That's what I want to watch.

Unknown_05: I literally just had it open. Actually, let's read chat.

Unknown_16: Chat, I have a question for you, be honest. Do you think Kira's gonna get it? Do you think he's gonna get got? Do you think he's gonna go to jail? Because apparently he's in Pennsylvania and the guy commenting on my video... Oh geez.

Unknown_16: That's Virgo Rouge. She's projecting from my brain into everything I do now. I just can't escape it.

Unknown_16: He's from Pennsylvania and apparently, apparently in Pennsylvania there are no bestiality laws whatsoever. So I don't know what to expect with that.

Unknown_05: I just want to open up my channel, YouTube. Come on now.

Unknown_05: I gotta fuck me like this, YouTube.

Unknown_05: I wanna read, I wanna read chat, I desperately wanna read chat.

Unknown_16: Chat's the, if you don't know, because you're not, you're not an internet famous streamer, chat is by far the best part of streaming. And if you, like whenever I see, especially, I used to think this before, but now that I watch it with this retrospect, anytime I see like a, like a streamer slagging off chat and being butt hurt about chat, it's like if you're not enjoying your own chat, You're really, you're really fucking missing out on it. You're missing out on the best fucking thing about the entire, the entire act of broadcasting.

Unknown_16: Take out an ad, newspaper ad in his local paper and it could do it.

Unknown_16: Still wouldn't go to jail for it though.

Unknown_16: It's over for him. It's okay to suck off dogs, bigot. Does the guy have a thread and the guy sucking dogs off? Dude, it's Yeah, he has a thread.

Unknown_05: He's famous. He has movie reviews.

Unknown_05: How long have I been live? Only a couple minutes. I'm just fucking around right now.

Unknown_16: I don't have anything else to do. I might stream a marathon through Christmas. I have literally nothing planned for Christmas whatsoever. And even the people I know here are going to be busy on Christmas. They're going to be out of the city, out of state, out of Oblast.

Unknown_05: Only 10 minutes late?

Unknown_16: Oh, you're not gonna miss anything. I'm not covering a specific topic. The best I can do is cover some recent drama. Actually, I'll tell you this. I will set this in stone now. I was gonna stream this weekend about China.

Unknown_16: But the guy I was gonna talk to about China is busy this weekend. So next weekend, mark it on your calendars, ladies and gentlemen.

Unknown_16: Next weekend for sure Barring unforeseen unforeseen happenings. We will be having a stream on China. There'll be a lot of audience participation Guy is full-blooded Chinese living in Australia, but he is He still goes back to China. He has family in China. He works in China sometimes so he knows a lot about it and he has a has a good perspective on China, so

Unknown_16: If you're you're interested in talking to somebody who's Chinese and he doesn't necessarily He's not I wouldn't say he's a Chinese apologist, but he definitely has a very soft perspective on China compared to the West so The things he'll say probably will catch people off guard as being unusually sympathetic towards the regime So it'll just be it'll be interesting and I'll take as many questions that I can from as many sources as I can So not just super chats if you're if you're wondering reading chat

Unknown_05: Maybe taking colors since they don't do that enough China info sounds good.

Unknown_16: Hopefully hopefully it's interesting because people have been talking about China for a while Jim likes to talk about China Ralph likes to talk about China. Everybody likes to talk about China. I

Unknown_16: He rubbed China a long time. He does the big fan He like he's one of the people who thinks that China is just gonna continue to get bigger and more powerful over time and Yeah The fuck is that I'm trying to find I'm biding time for myself I'm trying to Find that fucking live stream of France burning, but I can't fucking find let me just check. Uh, I

Unknown_05: Check trending, it's not there. I'm in a pain in the ass, I'm gonna cut my proxy onto France and see if it shows up there.

Unknown_16: You have a link to it posted in chat and I'll check chat in a couple seconds.

Unknown_05: Alright Frenchies, I want to see cars burning. I don't know, of course it's not on trending, what a fucking idiot I am.

Unknown_05: The thing that YouTube would have Have fucking Anti-wrong think live streams going that's not happen YouTube doesn't want that Caravan plays Carpenter bright history channel analytics. I know it's oh, oh That's it. This is it

Unknown_05: There we are. Show some cars on fire, cameraman.

Unknown_16: Okay, in case you're wondering, and you may be wondering, the reason why France is burning at the moment is Macron had hiked up petrol prices to encourage people to go green. But unfortunately, the French are very backwards, and instead of going green after the petrol prices went up, they just started setting things on fire.

Unknown_16: So that did not work out. They're currently advocating for Macron to be put in prison. Or not put in prison, but to resign. Jesus Christ.

Unknown_16: I don't think they put people in prison in France. When you're a corrupt politician the public gets tired of, they just cut your fucking head off.

Unknown_16: You don't get a say in that shit.

Unknown_16: Yeah, France, if you want my suspicion, France is the country most likely to go actually fascist in the next decade or so. Because, you know, you hear there are websites like Stormfront in the English-speaking world, but when you hear Stormfront, you just think of Nazis, right? God, I keep calling it Stormfront. The Daily Stormer. Stormfront is just like the Boomer Klan Fed posting board. The Daily Stormer is the big blog that

Unknown_16: that people know of. But you know, you hear the Daily Stormer and you just think of like Nazi shitposts and shit.

Unknown_16: The French complement to that is either like Blanche Europe or Democratic Participation. And the Democratic Participation website is very popular in France. And you'll see it shared around like normie sites where you would never see something like the Daily Stormer.

Unknown_16: I don't know, I just see people warming up to it, and it'll be interesting as time goes on.

Unknown_16: The UK is looking pretty authoritarian to you. Yes it is, but that's not fascism.

Unknown_16: That's a 1984 dystopian fucking nightmare. Where you need a license. Let me pull up something, you guys will get a laugh at this. I don't mean to be too political, but you guys will get a laugh at this.

Unknown_16: okay if you don't know what busking is busking is when you see street musicians asking for money while performing that's busking in the UK

Unknown_16: In the UK, you need a license to busk. You need a, you need to pay a license to beg for money playing an instrument in the subway, in the tube. That's just, that's really funny.

Unknown_16: Like even the homeless people begging for pincers and shit in the fucking subway need to have a license.

Unknown_16: I think that's just me.

Unknown_16: I'm sad that there's no burning cars, because there were burning cars directly in front of the Arc de Triomphe.

Unknown_15: Now it's just people milling about.

Unknown_16: I don't know the full story behind this, but they call them the Yellow Jackets.

Unknown_16: And the yellow jackets are the protesters, and the yellow jackets are the factions leading.

Unknown_00: And from what I understand, France has a rule, for some reason, where every car needs to have a yellow hazard jacket in the vehicle.

Unknown_16: I don't know if that's literally what it is, that every vehicle needs to have one of these yellow jackets.

Unknown_16: Or if there's some other Requirement or maybe it's just protesting where you need to have the yellow jacket But they're all wearing it because of that regulation the same in the same way that they're burning shit because of the petrol Can somebody clarify I

Unknown_16: Somebody said that that is the rule, so maybe that might just be the case.

Unknown_16: Increasing gas taxes doesn't hurt anyone other than the poor. It isn't very egalitarian to force the poor not to drive because they can't afford it. The rich won't change their habits anyway.

Unknown_00: Yeah, it's a completely fucking retarded idea.

Unknown_16: You're not going to convince people to go buy a Tesla because you jacked up the price of the petrol. You're just going to crash the entire economy by making things unaffordable.

Unknown_07: What's going to be the next time I talk to Ross? I didn't plan on talking to Ross the last time it happened.

Unknown_16: It just happened.

Unknown_16: The UK has a growing homelessness problem. That's because nobody can afford anything.

Unknown_16: People don't have jobs and housing prices are going up because of urban population China's buying property You should start lopping off heads I do We need some good decapitations back in Western politics There was a car burning right in front of the Arc de Triomphe

Unknown_16: I just can't get over watching this. How much of a fucking dump Paris is. Like Paris is just such a shithole.

Unknown_03: It's so depressing to look at.

Unknown_11: And you know, in the photos, Paris is just so pretty.

Unknown_16: Like they're right in front of the Arc de Triomphe right there. Let me pull out a historical photo. You look at these photos and you're thinking, wow, you know, it used to be so pretty. So pretty back in the day, but now, now it's just not like that.

Unknown_16: Rest in peace.

Unknown_16: Oh my god, me?

Unknown_16: It's just an old historical photo. I'm sharing my love of history.

Unknown_16: The first one was better. Let me pull up... Let me see if I can find the first frame, because there is still shit going on. I think it's midnight there. It's not midnight, it's just really fucking late. It's winter, so it's dark as shit.

Unknown_16: But, there is some proper fucking cars burning. And proper fucking rioting.

Unknown_16: It probably helped all those refugees feel right at home. It's a Christmas miracle.

Unknown_11: You know, Muhammad, Muhammad, and Muhammad were sitting there.

Unknown_16: And then they see a gleaming star outside. And they're like, what is that? So they go out, they go to the window, they open the curtains, they look outside, and there it is. It's a car fire, just like back at home. And they all tear up, they start sniffling, and it's a Christmas miracle. Brought some real fucking joy to that household.

Unknown_16: The Parisians are real, are good hosts. And they know how to make a family feel right at home. In trying times.

Unknown_16: I keep hearing these pops and I don't know if they're gunshots or tear gas canisters or what.

Unknown_16: This is, oh you can see some fire back there. I was watching this earlier. Just relaxing and enjoying the fire.

Unknown_16: There's some fire.

Unknown_16: You're the fire cameraman.

Unknown_16: There it is.

Unknown_16: What a nice fire.

Unknown_16: I'm a little bit of a pyromaniac. Seeing these cars on fire makes me very happy.

Unknown_16: Get some more fire. Oh, hell yeah. Right there. Good footage of a fire. Check that out. There's multiple fires in one shot. That's the good stuff.

Unknown_16: Paris is beautiful this time of year.

Unknown_16: Alright, I got a text message. I don't usually get text messages. Very strange when somebody wants to talk to me. I'm like, who the fuck are you? I know you. Link the Flame Ashen one? I don't know what that is. I got two streams going on. This one, they're just milling about the Arc de Triomphe.

Unknown_16: Nothing's going on. I think I started a fire. If they had a fire, this stream would be more interesting.

Unknown_16: The earlier shooting was better. They had to fire. Except for this, it's all fucking up.

Unknown_16: Ah, yeah.

Unknown_16: Better watch out. I don't know. They're setting up these barricades. Those are the protesters setting up barricades. I was like, you better be careful inhaling all that fucking burning car. You're gonna get cancer.

Unknown_16: Burning cars are illegal in California because of the cancer risk.

Unknown_16: Let's see. Well, we have this nice fire happening in the background. This Christmas Yuletime log in Paris. Let's check and see if there's anything in the Kiwi Farms. Because we did feature some threads. Oh, I don't want to set the event yet for the Wednesday stream, but the Wednesday stream will be about the guys that are inflating their balls with silicon. because that's that's interesting and it's timely it's a thing that's happening right now that people are interested in so i'm gonna i'm gonna start taking notes and get that going the most interesting thing to to me personally

Unknown_16: Like, I'm interested in search engine stuff optimization. There are little things that you do in your webmaster to make your site more palatable to Google and Yandex and all the other ones. But with the ball guys, they're engaging in some asymmetrical warfare with the SEO results. And I want to show you what that looks like.

Unknown_16: Give me a second.

Unknown_16: M sent me this.

Unknown_16: I'll give you just check it out the the Google results for their name The Kiwi farmstead is of course the first Dylan half after pen I'll take a screenshot of that Google Dylan after I spelled it wrong

Unknown_16: really Google you fucking assholes show me just show me the results of that one and make me take a fucking screencap of it oh oh also Google does this this cute thing where they they tell you how your SEO is and God I wish

Unknown_16: I wish I could show you what I saw just yesterday. Like you, uh, I'll show you this real quick.

Unknown_16: And then I want to show you the beat. Really? Is that name blocked in fucking Slavic Google? That's weird. That's really weird.

Unknown_16: Cause the results are completely different and wow. There's no way he has to be filing like litigation in order to make that happen.

Unknown_16: That's really fucking weird. Okay. Let me just take screenshots of it. That's that's super weird. I've never seen that before Or I can just take the exact same like no result for a fucking name in Google. Are you shitting me? Yeah, that's that's bullshit. There's some kind of a legal barrier for that Screencap one And that screencap too

Unknown_16: Motherfuckers trying to censor the signal. You can't block the signal lady.

Unknown_16: Not lady. You're a dude with massive testicles. Not massive testicles even. Dude with artificially inflated testicles. But um, okay. That's what I get when I see Google results. We're always the top position pretty much.

Unknown_16: But when I first saw this, I also saw underneath my, the result for Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_16: I saw all these videos and you know sometimes you're browsing Google and you see a bunch of videos under the first result he had done something where he still uploads videos on his channel and

Unknown_16: his videos were like the only things I saw so he was clearly uploading like videos on YouTube to try and and try and fight a little petty SEO battle with me which he's not gonna win because when people search for his name that they don't want to see his fucking videos they want to see the kiwi farms and that's ultimately the thing that matters the most with SEO

Unknown_16: Whatever search result terminates the search, Google recognizes that and they make that the most prominent result for that particular search result.

Unknown_16: Yeah, see this one, this one's way more interesting. They're still just standing around. Look at that. Look at all that trash on the floor. Pick up the trash, Paris.

Unknown_13: You guys know, this is like a famous thing, so you guys probably do know, but there is a, a, there's a name for it where Japanese people go to Paris thinking it's going to be the most beautiful city on earth, and then they see that it's like a fucking dumpster and they kill themselves.

Unknown_16: They become so,

Unknown_16: They're so enamored with the city, and then they're so disillusioned when they go there, they actually just fucking kill themselves because they can't take the reality. The crushing reality that Paris is a dump. Nobody wants to live there.

Unknown_16: You can't see?

Unknown_16: Oh. Oh, oh, sorry. Green shot wasn't... There we go. There's that fire.

Unknown_16: This is in Paris for people who are late. I like how there's just bits of shit flying around.

Unknown_16: The guy recording can't get too close. The protesters are the guys in the hazard suits, the light suits.

Unknown_16: Oh, they're throwing. That's why shit's bouncing around. But they're the ones protesting. Look, they're throwing it at the guy!

Unknown_16: But he can't get too close because they're throwing shit at him. That's why.

Unknown_16: In Japan, there's a suicide force. In France, it's Paris. Probably. I mean, you probably don't even need to kill yourself in Paris. You just get fuckin' a LaHua card and shit.

Unknown_16: You know what this reminds me of, this footage? You ever play that game, Tom Clancy's The Division? This reminds me of post-apocalyptic New York City. Where you just have all these destitute people slumming around a dirty city.

Unknown_16: Mr. France, your stream is shit right now.

Unknown_16: There we go, that's a nice fire.

Unknown_16: Hey, I played Division for a little bit, not for too long.

Unknown_16: The game was very overrated.

Unknown_16: The Dark Zone was the most fun, but even then the Dark Zone got boring fucking fast.

Unknown_16: It's a really nice concept, but there's a lot more they need to do with it.

Unknown_16: I'm glad 630 people want to watch me watch Paris-burg.

Unknown_16: Have I seen France's new consent laws? I have not seen France's new consent law.

Unknown_16: Is it something specifically catering towards immigrants who have child brides?

Unknown_16: Look up red eyes for better footage. It's part of an interview they did, but you can just mute that.

Unknown_16: You have a link to it. I'll put it up.

Unknown_16: Division is made by Ubisoft. Coincidence. Oh, that's right. Ubisoft is France.

Unknown_16: Why aren't they burning cop cars? They might be. I don't know.

Unknown_16: It must be really nice to be one of those guys whose car is set on fire because then they can claim it on insurance and get a brand new car. I mean every single person whose car is set on fire here is definitely going to get a full return on their insurance.

Unknown_05: Where's that footage?

Unknown_05: Oh, that's pretty.

Unknown_05: Get up or not.

Unknown_05: It's only the shadow of a deeper aspect of the world thing.

Unknown_22: And when I have interviewed people.

Unknown_18: Them ending up in a situation where they become dependent on the state because they don't get to work right away, they are become dependent.

Unknown_05: Russia Today has good footage.

Unknown_16: This is why I can't hate Russia Today too much. Because look, they're right up in there. They're in the fucking crowd. The police are like, no, you can't be in the crowd. You can't be in the riot. That's dangerous. And that one guy's like, oh, OK, I'll just stand back here where I can't see anything. The Russian guy is just like, I go to crowds with riots. It's fine. And then he gets to record the good shit.

Unknown_16: Putin ain't paying you for nothing.

Unknown_05: Move your fucking ass, get into that riot. This guy be throwing shit.

Unknown_05: Oh see this guy was smart, he brought gas mask.

Unknown_05: Because of all the car smoke, he doesn't want to get cancer.

Unknown_16: Second hand cancer from car burning smoke is a serious thing in France.

Unknown_05: Then again they all smoke anyways, they're probably immune to it.

Unknown_05: How many fucking people there? Ooh, is that a French nationalist flag out there?

Unknown_16: I think it is.

Unknown_16: As a lover of flags, as many of you know, I'm a flaggett. I love flags.

Unknown_05: I see a nationalist flag out there.

Unknown_05: Can't get one over me.

Unknown_05: Look at that guy with the red vest.

Unknown_16: Didn't you get the memo, guy? This is the yellow vest protest.

Unknown_05: Kick his fucking ass, he's wearing the wrong colors. Is that an embassy? What the fuck is that?

Unknown_16: Are they planting cinder blocks in front of the gate?

Unknown_18: We are protesting, we're many, we're loud, etc. But the police wouldn't allow them to come close, right?

Unknown_22: No, no, no, they won't allow them. No.

Unknown_18: Oh, that's funny.

Unknown_22: Yeah.

Unknown_18: All right. Well, it's very interesting. Where do you... That's really funny.

Unknown_18: That's like trolling. Are people going to be able to keep this up even as Christmas is approaching or is it going to die down, do you think, here in the next couple of weeks?

Unknown_22: Oh, I don't think it will die soon. They're wearing their protective vests so they can do construction work and cinder block up this deep anger. And this anger is, you know, last for 40 years now.

Unknown_16: So I don't think Prince will change anything.

Unknown_22: And I think that the protest will last at least two or three or four weeks more. I'm sure, I'm sure.

Unknown_18: All right, interesting. Now, I want you to plug the website, as I said before, you guys have talked with Lana before on the show, so people can go and check that out for more detail about your group and what you guys are doing. But anything else you'd like to leave us with concerning the protests or concerning things that's happening right now in France?

Unknown_22: Well, we hope that people will make the link very quickly between

Unknown_16: It's a nice fire they got going there. Look, they're just burning a bike.

Unknown_05: Take that bike, fucker.

Unknown_05: Alright, I think that's the last of the interesting footage from this guy.

Unknown_16: What are they doing? They're still just walking about?

Unknown_16: This guy sucks because he's not with the protesters, he's with the police. I don't care about the police.

Unknown_16: I don't know if they get set on fire. That'd be more interesting.

Unknown_16: Ooh, RT France, Putin. Putin, give me the news, Putin.

Unknown_01: It's funny that they have a French Russia today.

Unknown_05: Those are some nice fires. Look at that one in the back. Is that a building?

Unknown_05: That's the good stuff.

Unknown_05: I'm mesmerized by it. I can't look away.

Unknown_05: What are we doing today? We're watching France burn. Easy peasy.

Unknown_16: Our teamwork, our Mossad agents have instigated panic and now there's fire.

Unknown_05: The protests is sparked by a number of things mostly regarding unhappiness with manual Macron and Manual Macron has Late like it started up at the same time that he put a new tax on petrol prices to encourage explicitly to encourage green cars and green energy and It didn't work and people started setting shit on fire.

Unknown_16: I

Unknown_16: It's not my fault. Okay, the stream me chat not showing up. That's not my fault. That comes that's and I've been telling them about that for fucking ages And they haven't fixed it yet.

Unknown_05: Yeah, I just have to refresh it every so often Every time the thing stops working just tag me on discord and I'll see it

Unknown_05: Russia knows what people want. They're gonna tell you the Putin line, but at the same time they're gonna show you a fucking blazing inferno Is this the actual footage? Oh, this is good

Unknown_16: Usually, you know, on the, uh, on the Russia today channel, the main one, it tells you it has like this condescending little fucking box underneath that says something like RT France is owned by Russia. Look, click here to learn more as if I couldn't tell that Russia today was, was sympathetic towards Russia as if I needed to fucking know I needed somebody to help me help me figure that one out.

Unknown_05: The stream's not working? The stream should be working fine.

Unknown_05: The French RT anchor looks like a crazy philosophy teacher. He looks like Albert Einstein. He looks like a tan Albert Einstein.

Unknown_05: The Putin News Network.

Unknown_05: I am reading the chat.

Unknown_16: I'm not muted either. You're fucking lying to me. Oh the stream is muted because I don't want to hear this guy talking French I should be gobbledy-gook. I'll set the ambience by letting the stream play

Unknown_16: And then I'll go back to this one. And we'll see this footage and we'll hear pops on the other one. It'll even out. In the end, you'll have a good stream.

Unknown_16: Closed captions? This is a live stream. I don't know if they have closed captions.

Unknown_16: I see there's no closed captions.

Unknown_16: Wait, add subtitles? I can't, I don't speak Baguette. I'm not adding that shit.

Unknown_16: Fucking Google.

Unknown_16: Trying to tell me to add captions? I ain't adding shit.

Unknown_16: Yeah, I think, I think Reshetay is fine. I don't know.

Unknown_16: let's see let me go back over to the farm and see if there's any if there's any any good stuff wow it cost what the fuck it cost me five dollars

Unknown_16: to cash a check and $8 in shipping. So it cost me $14 to deposit $115. Fuck off with that.

Unknown_16: That's ridiculous. That's ridiculous, chat.

Unknown_16: Trying to charge me fucking $14 to deposit a check. Like, you can take a picture of that shit with your fucking phone for free and deposit a check.

Unknown_16: I'm being swindled.

Unknown_17: Let's see.

Unknown_16: Yeah. There's not much going on recently. It's been quiet. Been too quiet.

Unknown_16: Always makes me nervous when shit's quiet, because you know something bad's coming.

Unknown_16: Had to check in a croissant to evade fee.

Unknown_16: The Jews are guilty? Well, thank you for fessing up.

Unknown_16: But this site, I don't even know if I should show this on YouTube. I'm showing this as a lesson.

Unknown_16: This is that French storm front that I mentioned.

Unknown_16: And this site's really, really popular. Like if you go to...

Unknown_17: gemlerweb that's it and I think they have the statistics statistics you see they're really fucking popular in France and I think Alexa has it even higher Alexa says something like

Unknown_16: They're like in the top 1000 for France and the top 14,000 for the global internet. And it's just, it's literally just French store and front. And they're commonly shared, from what I've heard, commonly shared when French internet, French speaking internet.

Unknown_16: They're rooting on the Yellow Jackets and shit. They went Macron out as well. So it's interesting to see how much more pervasive the kind of fascist sympathies are in France.

Unknown_16: What does it say about the key?

Unknown_17: I'm curious.

Unknown_16: Aw, hell yeah. We're more internet famous than fuckin' French Stormfront. Look at that.

Unknown_16: 76th biggest website on chat and forums? Are you fucking kidding me?

Unknown_16: That's nuts. Who's more popular? Really? That's crazy.

Unknown_16: Mumsnet. Oh geez.

Unknown_16: We're gonna have to fight you Mumsnet.

Unknown_16: I'm gonna kick your ass.

Unknown_16: I've never even heard of a slide share. What the fuck is that? Oh, it's LinkedIn. That'll explain it. But yeah, fuck you moms now. Kick your ass.

Unknown_16: I can feel myself turning into the next Brevik already.

Unknown_16: Isn't, wait, isn't Battle Cat the fucking, the chick from Ralph Dixcord, the German chick that bullied Kenny into being a crazy person?

Unknown_16: Women can't fire guns? Crazy.

Unknown_16: Are they throwing money? I didn't see that.

Unknown_16: Oh, I think I had a song request. Hold up.

Unknown_16: All right. Yeah.

Unknown_16: Here, you know, the French are proud people and the French, um, they have a rich history of music and food and they're responsible for some of these classics.

Unknown_10: Embrace the French culture. Capital choices.

Unknown_10: What's weird is, I'm pretty sure he's French, right? Wait, wait, wait, wait. All Altra Moda music on behalf of WM Sweden? There's no way he's Swedish.

Unknown_16: El Chombo, this has to be French. Where the fuck is he from? Who is this man? Where is he from? Why is he so beautiful?

Unknown_16: Oh god, I got superchats, I didn't even see them. If France were gas, all the art would remain.

Unknown_16: It'd probably be damaged though, it'd probably stink.

Unknown_16: Her reasons can't afford fuel for trucks and jeeps. It's true, they can't. Rick Nikita, literally nothing wrong with doxxing. It's also true. There's so much truth in the superchats. John Ford Punch, talk about the most recent Halal Taylor Pickens. I did last night. I'll show you guys the best part of the Halal from King Farms right now.

Unknown_16: Johnny drinks too much?

Unknown_00: Josh, your giggles are so cute.

Unknown_16: I'm trying to suck my dick. I ain't about that. I ain't about that. Okay. Okay. I promised you something. I will show it to you. I'm not a liar.

Unknown_16: I'm going to leave this up there with no context. With absolutely no context whatsoever.

Unknown_05: You're just going to look at it and you're going to fucking enjoy it.

Unknown_05: They're shooting gas. Move this picture over.

Unknown_05: I'll put it over here.

Unknown_05: Over here. There we go. I'm finally trying.

Unknown_05: Okay.

Unknown_05: I want to see the gas. Where's the gas at? I want to see Frenchman choking on gas.

Unknown_05: Back RT on periscope. That sounds like a good idea.

Unknown_05: Can't find it.

Unknown_05: I cannot find it.

Unknown_05: You guys have a link to it. Let me know and I'll throw it up.

Unknown_05: Okay, apparently the Shaka run guys from Panama and he's speaking for Spanish I would imagine Yeah, I cannot find the periscope whatsoever On Russia today's French thing. They have a French Twitter. They only have a live stream

Unknown_05: Okay, well I guess people are curious about the creature.

Unknown_16: Let's take a diversion from watching Franz Burton and talk about La Cretura.

Unknown_05: I'll just pull this up on a different...

Unknown_05: So this guy, he joins the Kiwi Farms and he immediately starts talking about how he's better than other trainees.

Unknown_16: Before I accepted I was a transgender woman, I had heard about the situation and as I started watching games done quickly pretty regularly around 2015,

Unknown_16: What the fuck is it with speedrunners and being a tranny? I noticed Cosmo starting to paint their nails and at the time it was a red flag to me. The revelation was inevitable, but the fallout not so much. One goal I keep in mind during my transition is to never do anything Narcissa does, because this is one of the worst ways to handle a transition. One reason it took me so long to come to terms with myself is because of wackos like Narcissa making me think it was legitimately a mental illness. Oh jeez.

Unknown_16: I was finally able to realize that being transgender isn't a mental illness, but a lot of transgender people do seem to be mentally ill. One way or another. I wonder why. I'm glad I found this place. You all have my sword. Well, thank you a lot. You might be looking at those big busty boobies over there. We did not set that picture for them. They chose it themselves. There's some pictures I can't show you. This is what I can show you. That's pretty funny.

Unknown_16: Those are some pretty big fucking tits though, for a trainee.

Unknown_05: You gotta admit that you're impressed.

Unknown_05: To the defiled god.

Unknown_05: So flagrantly.

Unknown_16: Oh you guys can't even see the stre- Can't see the thread, okay whatever.

Unknown_16: I read it to you. I read it to you. You don't need to see it. Don't worry. Don't worry. You can't, oh wait, you do, the boobies are important.

Unknown_05: Boobies are, oh, enlarge the boob.

Unknown_05: Are those implants? No, they are not.

Unknown_05: Not bad, those are male boobs.

Unknown_16: Okay, we're just, you know, even if it wasn't nail boops, this isn't meant to be erotic. We're reviewing the effects of transitions on individuals.

Unknown_16: We're just checking out, you know, science.

Unknown_16: We're having a lively conversation about something important to our society.

Unknown_05: And we also love the nation of Israel.

Unknown_05: Might want to throw that up in text.

Unknown_05: Doing the science of society and... Alright.

Unknown_05: Okay, got it.

Unknown_05: Here we go. Perfect.

Unknown_05: I like... I love... I love exploring other cultures.

Unknown_05: It enriches me.

Unknown_05: It enriches my mind and my spirit to enjoy other societies.

Unknown_05: Okay, what was I talking about? I was talking about trannies and their big fucking tits.

Unknown_05: Massive, man.

Unknown_16: Oops. I think I played this exact same joke last time I brought this up when a little quiet streamed at me.

Unknown_05: But, um... I'm gonna recycle my joke. Give me a second.

Unknown_05: I'll just save this. Put it on the stream. So you can enjoy it. So you can enjoy it.

Unknown_17: Those are some big busty boobies.

Unknown_05: You're welcome.

Unknown_05: You're very welcome. Don't mind it. Don't say anything about it.

Unknown_05: What's he saying?

Unknown_00: I can't understand this at all. What's he saying? Can you please speak that again?

Unknown_00: Oh, somebody, my contact in Russia, my Kremlin agent wants me to show you guys this. If you're one of those people who likes to see feet, these Fred Flintstone feet are, are all yours, baby.

Unknown_05: Jews did nothing wrong change my mind. I don't think I can change him. I think you're perfectly correct.

Unknown_05: Thank you're 100% accurate I would lick those feet that's

Unknown_16: That's fucking vile.

Unknown_16: That's fucking disgusting, brother. That's awful.

Unknown_16: Even as a joke, nigga.

Unknown_16: Even as a joke, that's not alright.

Unknown_16: That's wrong.

Unknown_16: Hard pass, that's right. I'm on- I'm with you.

Unknown_05: Hard fucking pass on those Red Flintstone feet, baby.

Unknown_05: Not okay. Looks like thighs that just turn into feet, basically.

Unknown_05: That's a pretty fu- That's a pretty fucking accurate description.

Unknown_05: I'm tired of it. I want I'm glad see this is why Russia today's the best because you got Yet this fucking loser in the suit talking nobody cares about that.

Unknown_16: I don't speak fucking baguette But then they also have have the riot taking up most of the screen like as he's talking about this dumb shit They just got that fucking right, but now they switch to the don't care about the bitch Go back to the fire There was a fucking guy in a firetruck hosing down people in yellow jackets.

Unknown_05: That's what's great

Unknown_05: Constantly disappoint me Putin With the rest of today you get all the anti-eu news basically if you ever want real entertainment watch um, oh You know what? I can pull this up right now if I can find

Unknown_05: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unknown_05: I am dead serious about this.

Unknown_05: There is a website called.

Unknown_05: Xinhua, and I'm gonna just bring this up in English, you can look at., I think.

Unknown_16: It's really slow to load because it's actually in China and there's a between the firewall the great firewall and the rest of the internet There's a 300 millisecond ping like if you're in this is true when I was in Australia I was testing connections to China and to Singapore and Japan. There is a flat 150 millisecond ping increase between like like Hong Kong and Shenzhen which is right next to each other. The only difference is that Shenzhen is mainland China and So there is something happening with Chinese internet where there is an innate 150 millisecond ping increase between two areas geographically right next to each other. There's some kind of filter or AI scanning packets in between outside China and mainland China. So when you go to this website, it's a little bit slow because of that.

Unknown_16: but um it's it's xinhua is state-run news and it is if you if you want to see uh china just absolutely shit on the entire rest of the world xinhua is fantastic there's another one on the english version of it but people's daily

Unknown_16: And yeah, here we go. People's Daily is even more like the more flagrantly state run.

Unknown_16: And like the articles they just write are all about how China is the best.

Unknown_16: Like unapologetically, China is the best.

Unknown_16: And OK, if you watch if you go to Xinhua or People's Daily and you like the or

Unknown_16: The you'll get three kinds of news three kinds of news You'll get China is the best which is news about China being the best The second thing they like to report on is pandas. There is I swear to fucking God there is Equal parts China is the best and pandas are very cute news on these websites. You will see it constantly especially if you go to like

Unknown_16: People's Daily China Twitter. You follow them on Twitter, which I've done. I do enjoy their news. And you go to the media, like, look. Third thing I see, panda.

Unknown_16: Three people encountered a wild giant panda wandering around the mountain. Look at that panda. That's a cute panda. He's a wild panda. He's just chilling.

Unknown_16: That's a cute panda.

Unknown_05: Let's see, any more pandas?

Unknown_05: I want to see another panda.

Unknown_05: Xi Jinping, please, show me a panda.

Unknown_05: Make me look like a fool, Xi Jinping. God damn it.

Unknown_05: God damn it!

Unknown_05: I'm going to keep scrolling until I see a fucking panda. That's the rule.

Unknown_16: We're on this journey.

Unknown_16: And we're in it together. Wait! There it is! I would have missed that one, but luckily I was paying attention. My sharply honed, wide open, far apart blue eyes saw this panda picture.

Unknown_16: Are you a panda lover like millions of others? Then this might be your dream job. Meet 84-year-old Jin Fu-Ti, or Miss Panda. She recorded the life of pandas with her lens in southwest China Sichuan 40 years ago. That's a cute panda.

Unknown_16: Okay, what was I talking about? Oh, on People's Daily, you'll only get China is great, pandas are cute, but also special editions, special articles will come out saying, fuck Japan.

Unknown_16: That's also extremely important. China is the greatest, obviously, pandas are cute, obviously, but you might not know, you might not know, fuck Japan. That is the missing ingredient to this pie. And without Fuck Japan, you don't have a proper newspaper in China.

Unknown_05: It's like, there was Shinju Abe, I think is his name, the prime minister of Japan went to

Unknown_16: went to Hawaii on the anniversary of the bombing in like 2016 before Trump got in and was talking with Barack Obama and he was basically like you know Japan sorry and shit and then China like they're reporting on this and going absent from Shinju Abe's speech with Barack Obama in Honolulu Hawaii

Unknown_16: was apologies for the egregious war crimes that Japan committed in Manchuria during the Second World War. Absent while he did profess his love for the American people and says that Japan is different, Japan has yet to owe up and pay reparations to the millions of people killed in China during the Second World War.

Unknown_16: And it's just, it's funny to me.

Unknown_05: It's funny to me because they really fucking hate Japan.

Unknown_05: Kenzo Abe.

Unknown_05: Japan has some of the best game devs. We need some fuck Konami news up in here.

Unknown_05: G to feel guilt? You have no guilt unless you're a Japanese person, then you should feel lots of guilt.

Unknown_05: Please remember Nanking.

Unknown_05: The Chinese do not call white people Gaijin.

Unknown_16: That's only Japan.

Unknown_16: The Chinese call white people Beiren.

Unknown_05: White people in Chinese. Heiren is black people.

Unknown_05: Here let's since we're on the topic of China Look no motherland. Wait, no new China good brother. How oh Yeah, there's some music

Unknown_16: to break it down, chat.

Unknown_16: I can't believe you guys have never seen this. I'll let it play through.

Unknown_16: Yes, this was some time ago. This wasn't recent. Look at those moves. White people can never dance like that.

Unknown_16: yes this is 100% legit this isn't a joke i'm not being racist this isn't a joke this is a good this guy's serious

Unknown_14: He has a really good voice, I'll talk about that in a second.

Unknown_16: Okay, a little bit of background on him. No, that is not a joke. He's not being racist. He is singing those words. He does speak fluent Chinese. I showed this to somebody who was a party loyalist in China, and they thought it was fantastic. They thought it was great.

Unknown_16: He's not being ironic. His name is Hao Zhi, and that means good brother, or like I think Zhi is comrade or whatever, but it translates to brother. I think I think it's no, I think it's ghee like ghee. I think ghee ghee is a cute name for your brother. Probably an older brother or younger brother or something like that. But um, I think it's I think it's older brother. Anyways, his name just means good brother and uh,

Unknown_16: That wasn't like, no, it's not a joke. He was Nigerian born. Uh, he, he, his videos went viral in China and he currently, I think he lives in China.

Unknown_05: Um, I think he lives in China and he now

Unknown_16: Lives like he hit. Oh, yeah. Look he's fluent in Mandarin Chinese and is applying for Chinese citizenship He was asked to sing in the Beijing Olympics in 20 or to 2008 How he also travels all over China to perform and do television show he can be seen on CCTV 9. Oh, yeah No, they love this guy. I think he's great And he is from Nigeria he's not a joke is he's a real he's a real nigga and

Unknown_05: Nigeria invade China. No way China's propping up their economy right now Yeah, no, nobody Personally, I don't see any reason to learn Cantonese like Cantonese is a dying language

Unknown_05: I see somebody saying things about Taiwan, which I will not repeat, because I may end up in China farming rice fields at some point.

Unknown_05: A Raz Negro?

Unknown_05: Who do the Chinese hate more than whites, blacks, or blues? The Japanese. I've already said that. They fucking hate the Japanese.

Unknown_05: There's no more stuff on fire because they keep spraying everybody with hoses.

Unknown_05: Did he release an album? Not that I know of. I'd have to look up in the Chinese wiki to see that.

Unknown_05: I would only visit China because of my sister-in-law and that's it.

Unknown_05: Everyone hates everyone in East Asia.

Unknown_16: Well, doesn't doesn't Jim's girlfriend long-term girlfriend Isn't she like proper Chinese and doesn't she hate the fuck out of the Cambodians?

Unknown_16: Like to it to a ridiculous comical extent It's oh between whites blacks and blues, I don't know who blues are I

Unknown_05: Between the whites and the blacks. I mean that I don't think that the Chinese have any particular contempt for For either but they think is very little of blacks in general Hmong I don't know what a Hmong is Oh blues or Jews or blues Here this is This is a real thing to hold up

Unknown_16: belongs to the Kehelot Beijing, which is a synagogue in Beijing.

Unknown_05: I don't know if they hate the Jews, though.

Unknown_05: Like...

Unknown_16: The interesting thing is I think that a lot of people left, look at them, they're like proper fucking Jews too. They're not like Chinese Jews. There are a couple Chinese, but they're like white women. They're not like Chinese Jews at all.

Unknown_05: Yeah, they don't like religion. Um, they put up with it.

Unknown_16: There's a lot of Christianity spreading in China at the moment and the government isn't too happy about that.

Unknown_05: Yeah, I would say between, um, blacks, white and Jews, they probably don't like the Jews the most.

Unknown_16: Like they don't, they don't, I don't think they hate blacks. I think they just, uh, I think they're funny.

Unknown_05: You know what I mean?

Unknown_05: Now is it confirmed Jew? Have you ever seen a picture of him? Pretty sure he's not Jewish.

Unknown_05: Holy shit, that guy must be tall as fuck.

Unknown_05: Like, do you know how tall Xi Jinping is?

Unknown_16: Xi Jinping is like, is like six foot six. That nigga is gigantic. So that King Philip guy must be like pushing seven feet.

Unknown_05: How the fucking tall is he? 1.9 meters.

Unknown_05: Don't speak this language Divided by 12 6 6.5.

Unknown_16: That's not as tall as I thought I guess I guess she's just like a little bit over But he looks gigantic like all the other The only the only leader who really measures up to him literally is this Trump Trump is also tall as fuck

Unknown_05: China doesn't even like blacks on their movie posters?

Unknown_16: No dude, I'm only looking at Xi like, standing next to people. Whenever he's standing next to people, he's usually taller than them. Especially Putin. Every time Xi stands next to Putin, he makes Putin look like a fucking, like, dwarf.

Unknown_05: Man-like dwarf.

Unknown_05: We don't have to watch it easy.

Unknown_05: It's a comfy. It's just a comfy stream when we look at France burning.

Unknown_05: No, Putin is short. It's like really short. Look at this fat. Look at this guy. Look at this guy on the TV.

Unknown_16: I wonder what he sounds like. I bet he sounds like a fucking Froot Loop.

Unknown_21: You think he's blue? About to be, about to die?

Unknown_05: Sounds Algerian.

Unknown_05: New Dame Pesos video came out.

Unknown_05: Mute the devils.

Unknown_05: Hey now, be nice to our frogs.

Unknown_16: You think he's only 5'10"? I'm 5'10".

Unknown_16: Why are all the other world leaders fucking manlets?

Unknown_05: They're like legit fucking manlets.

Unknown_05: I just got an email from- God, I fucking hate Gab. Like, for real. Hold up.

Unknown_05: They put out this fucking thing. I'm just going to pop it in Firefox on a GoSpin or something.

Unknown_05: Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, right?

Unknown_05: Can I get fucking raps, please?

Unknown_16: Yes, no, maybe so I would really like to have fucking areas operates according to one principle rule if speech is allowed under the First Amendment of the US Constitution and our user guidelines. It is allowed on the site

Unknown_16: Um, that's not true. Didn't he ban fucking lollicon which is completely illegal in the united states like I get it You know, you might not want to have lollicon on your site But i'm pretty fucking sure That you can't say that you can't say that you're you're cutting it as close to the quick as possible if uh, if you're banning shit Like even 4chan allows lollicon on b

Unknown_05: Oh yeah, and he moved all his shit outside of the U.S.

Unknown_16: He didn't have to, and he's crying on Twitter. He's like, We had to move out of the U.S. in order to host the state, the absolute state of the United States.

Unknown_00: We have to go to Europe for freedom of speech.

Unknown_16: Please donate more money to my site. I only have a couple million dollars.

Unknown_16: And it's like, you don't have to move out of the U.S., dipshit. If you know what you're doing, you can host stuff in the U.S. The U.S. is the best country for speech.

Unknown_16: Child porn is not protected speech, Josh. It's not. Drawings are not banned, though. Like, I'm sorry if people get butt hurt over fucking lollipop and shit, but it's not banned. It's not considered child pornography in the U.S. And if you want to say,

Unknown_16: We're gonna push the freedom of speech to the limit, to the absolute limit.

Unknown_16: There it is. There's the fucking limit. You know, either do it or don't. If you're gonna ban shit because it makes you upset and hurts your feelings and shit, because you think it's gross, then you're not really the freedom of speech side.

Unknown_16: Just saying, you can do it one way or you can do it the other, but you can't lie. It just makes you look like a fucking retard.

Unknown_16: Isn't Kiwi Farms hosted abroad? No, my hosting service is called 1776 Hosting.

Unknown_05: It's not hosted abroad, it's hosted in fucking New York.

Unknown_05: Everything I do with the Kiwi Farms is squarely inside the United States because the United States is by far the absolute best of

Unknown_16: It is child, it's not child porn.

Unknown_05: If it was child porn, you wouldn't be able to host it in the United States.

Unknown_05: So it's hosted in the past. No, dude, if you host, if you, if something's hosted in there's, it's like the past perfect tense or something.

Unknown_16: It's inclusive of the present. It's still in the United States. The United States still has the best laws for freedom of speech and our laws do not declare lollicon to be child pornography. So if you're going to say, I'm going to do things as close to the legal limit as possible, you have to have to, otherwise you're going to look like a fucking moron.

Unknown_16: 4chan is full reddit now? I don't know. I still use 4chan over 8chan after infending nextfall part.

Unknown_16: Wasn't there a court ruling on lolicon? No, it's a part of the DOS standard. That's a misconception. Uh, the DOS standard is a flexible provision on what constitutes child pornography. I'll give you a, um, I'll give you a, an example.

Unknown_16: Chat, tell me your mom probably has a photo album of you naked in her inner closet, right?

Unknown_16: So is that child pornography?

Unknown_16: No, it's not. The pictures of you naked in the tub and naked at the beach are not child pornography under the US laws. But why? Why isn't that child pornography? The answer is because of the DOS standard. The DOS standard takes into consideration context when we look at an image and determine if it's child pornography. On the flip side, people have gotten charged with child pornography in jail. Or taking JCPenney catalogs and cutting out pictures of children in swimsuits and saving them in an envelope. So the swimsuit, the clothed children in the swimsuits in the envelope are considered child pornography when in the possession of a convicted sex offender in prison.

Unknown_16: It's not just contraband, it's a child pornography charge. So the DACA standard considers who has it, why they have it, context of their previous records, and makes determinations based on that. The instances where lollicon drawn child pornography in the United States is considered real child pornography is when it is in conjunction with real child pornography. If you have real child pornography,

Unknown_16: by the DOS standards, then your drawn fetish stuff also becomes child pornography.

Unknown_05: Independently though, it's just a drawing. I don't like it. I'm just saying that's what the legal limit is.

Unknown_16: I'm interested in this because I care about the First Amendment. I care about speech. I'm not the fucking Andrew Torba guy running around his backyard huffing and panting like a fat butterball sack of shit talking about, we're gonna be defending freedom of speech, we're gonna cut it as close to the line as possible, we're gonna do everything possible to keep it U.S. legal, and then go out and ban shit that I personally don't like. That's fucking gay.

Unknown_16: It's fraudulent.

Unknown_16: Like, the legalities is known. We have set standards for this. Just fucking obey the law. 8chan could do it, why can't he? The answer is because he's a fucking idiot.

Unknown_16: Remind me of Adam who's talking about how dogs can't consent. I'm sorry, I don't care how mad you are that drawings aren't considered illegal. But until they're considered illegal, I'm gonna say that they're not illegal. Because they're not illegal. It has nothing to do with kids. It has nothing to do with personal preference. It's just saying that this is the situation. This is the actuality. It is not illegal under U.S. law. And if you don't like it, call your fucking congressman.

Unknown_05: Hate speech doesn't exist. You can't have hate speech. You either have hate speech or you don't.

Unknown_05: I'm sorry, you either have free speech or you don't. You can't have hate speech. You can have violent speech. You can have threats. That's different.

Unknown_05: I'm not going to change my opinion because people don't like it. I'm sorry.

Unknown_16: The fact of the matter is, it's not illegal. If you don't like it, call your fucking congressman.

Unknown_05: Stop whining at me. I don't give a shit what you like.

Unknown_05: If you want to turn this shit into the fucking United Kingdom, where you have bureaucrats sitting down, looking at drawings, determining what's allowed and what's not allowed, then fucking, you know, go ahead.

Unknown_16: Make it happen.

Unknown_05: But we have, we have good laws in the United States.

Unknown_05: No, you can make fun of people into lollipop all you want. I don't care. I think it's a good thing.

Unknown_16: Ridicule and bullying are healthy things in society. You need people to feel bad about things sometimes, because sometimes the things they like are bad. And they have a negative impact not only on their own mental health, but on the mental health of everybody in our society. You want to bully people who are proudly into what is tantamount to drawn child pornography, go for it.

Unknown_16: But don't outlaw fucking drawings, because you don't want to give the government that power. You don't want to say, okay government, please sit down and tell us what drawings we can and can't make, what drawings we can and can't have. Because the moment you fucking do that, it opens it up to any kind of art.

Unknown_05: Is Loli bad? Yes.

Unknown_05: Like I would immediately lose respect for anybody I knew who said they were into that, because it's like,

Unknown_16: It's just fucking gross.

Unknown_16: Like, jerking off to cartoon characters is bad enough as it is.

Unknown_16: But like, you're gonna jerk off to like, kids?

Unknown_05: That's fucking nasty.

Unknown_05: But again, I'm not advocating for it to be criminal, because it's just a drawing.

Unknown_16: You can't commit a tort. You can't commit a crime against a drawing.

Unknown_16: Loli is not legal in the United Kingdom.

Unknown_05: It is completely fucking illegal in the United Kingdom.

Unknown_05: I wasn't bitching about real life children in Lolli, I'm telling you what the precedent is with the law.

Unknown_16: And I'll give you an example. I'll show you right now what I think the line is when it comes to Lollicon. Hold up. I've shown this before.

Unknown_05: I'll show you what I don't think is acceptable.

Unknown_05: This is like a fucking pretty little thumbnail.

Unknown_05: You might recognize this as being Keemstar.

Unknown_05: And no, it's not safe for work.

Unknown_16: Hold up. I've shown people this before, but I gotta fucking, I'm just pissed because people are like, oh, you're supporting hurting kids. I'm not.

Unknown_16: I want to show people what this fucking guy did and why I think he should be in jail. I want to show you exactly where the law is and why, why it should be there.

Unknown_16: So this other picture I have is, um, that's Keemstar and that's his daughter. And he has like a little warning at the bottom, pissy little fucking warning. Disclaimer, this is fictitious, any resemblance to real people living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental. Fucking bullshit.

Unknown_16: In the second picture, you see that outline of the black and white art? That's a picture of a identical looking character to Shadman's daughter, Sucking Dick.

Unknown_16: And I cropped that out and it's just showing the outlines and how essentially it's the same exact face and the same exact eyebrows and same exact hair. And it's 100% the same drawing, same character, just altered a little bit.

Unknown_16: And I think Shadman should go to jail for that because I said the reason why I don't think there should be a law against Lolicon or Shadicon is that there is no victim to it. You can't have a victimless crime. I don't believe in victimless crimes. I think that's bullshit. But with Shadman, he draws people like Daphne Keene. He draws people like Lieutenant Corbis. He draws people like Shadman's daughter. And he does it in a way that's malicious. He does it in a way that's exploitative. And they can find their pictures. Like if Daphne Keene were to Google herself, there's a non-zero chance that she will see herself being raped and shit on by Hugh Jackman. And that's fucking damaging. I think that is criminal fucking acts. And it's sadistic. And I think Shadman should go to prison for that. And it's not because he drew something.

Unknown_05: It's because he attacked a child.

Unknown_05: As far- but as far as just like random shitty fucking drawings, like no.

Unknown_05: Nope. Not gonna apologize for it.

Unknown_05: I support autism. Autism is unstoppable.

Unknown_16: Whenever I see that fucking idiot with the kangaroo icon, I always think his name is Autism is Unstoppable, which is probably a more accurate title for it. I don't know how the fuck somebody can take a kangaroo, one of the coolest badass motherfucking animals on the planet, and make him look like giant smug faggots, but that should be a crime. I'm for taking drawn pictures of kids, real children, and making that illegal, and I'm for taking people who make kangaroos look like faggots and beheading them with chainsaws in Minecraft.

Unknown_05: That's my official opinion.

Unknown_05: I've been to the fucking kangaroo zoo in Brisbane and taking pictures with kangaroos. I fucking love kangaroos.

Unknown_05: Oh yeah, that's a thing. If you don't know this, I guess I have to pull them up now.

Unknown_05: Somebody brought this up and I feel like...

Unknown_05: I feel like I have to show people.

Unknown_16: This is the kangaroo that he uses in all of his shit.

Unknown_16: And, uh... Oh, that's cropped.

Unknown_05: I want the full version. Where's the full fuckin' version of this picture?

Unknown_05: What a shame because there's a drawn version of it, which is even worse But the ears are cut out.

Unknown_16: I did he do this on purpose because I swear to fucking God I've seen this picture in full and It's been changed since but this is his drawn version of it

Unknown_16: And I don't know what the fuck that is with his mouth that's going on, but it looks like he's sucking dick. Anyways, like, he took, like this fucking picture right here is just the worst because he took a cute little kangaroo and he made it look like a smug dick sucker. And this came off of his official fucking Facebook thing.

Unknown_16: And his ears are visible in some of the pictures of the drawn version. But if you look at the drawn version in this, there's a little cut in his ear. And people widely believe that, at least in some things, that means that the kangaroo is castrated.

Unknown_16: So apparently his icon is of a castrated kangaroo.

Unknown_16: That's what people like to believe. I can't find the official version, but this is, I think this is a baby onesie with his kangaroo picture on it.

Unknown_16: And it also has the ear clip.

Unknown_05: I don't know, I don't know who the fuck would want an atheism is unstoppable baby onesie with a cash rated kangaroo on it.

Unknown_05: We live in strange times.

Unknown_05: It's amazing how fast time flies when you're

Unknown_16: I think it's something about talking like when you're having a conversation with somebody time goes really fast.

Unknown_05: It's already been like an hour and a half.

Unknown_05: Devin Tracy is a mega faggot. I would like just just have what I've seen of them with limited

Unknown_16: Inseparable and anybody like the year is 2018 the liberal the liberal menace has taken over the world Atheism is is probably the most wide like the most rapidly spreading religion in the world you know non-religion is just only up and up and If you really need if you really need to like cling to atheism as an identity And a gay

Unknown_05: Fucking The Amazing Atheist.

Unknown_05: I used to watch The Amazing Atheist when I was like a young teenager.

Unknown_16: Now all I think about when I think of The Amazing Atheist is him shoving hot oil on his dick.

Unknown_05: Shoving a banana up his ass.

Unknown_05: Figure the Christians own the Christians.

Unknown_16: Of course I used to watch The Amazing Atheist. I think everybody watched The Amazing Atheist when they were like a preteen.

Unknown_16: Did he really shove a, but how do you not know this? How did you, how do you, how have you made it the 2018 year, year two of Trump and not know that the amazing atheists stuck a banana up his ass and scalded his testicles and boiling hot oil. Like, how do you not know this?

Unknown_05: I do not absorb this information on accident. That's.

Unknown_05: Did I buy his book?

Unknown_16: It may or may not be signed and sitting in my mom's closet at the current point.

Unknown_16: I can't, I didn't even read it. Like I bought it like God, it feels like an eternity ago, like five years, six years ago.

Unknown_05: Geez I'm getting cyberbullied. Oh, no, I'm getting cyberbullied in chat.

Unknown_16: Oh, geez. I should have just said no I should have lied Yeah, he did admit to it and he tried to make a joke out of it but um

Unknown_16: I don't know for some reason like usually Joking it off laughing it off is like the best approach to that kind of thing and I think it worked for just the banana But when the second video came out of him scalding his little tiny peepee with with hot oil And he's like jumping and and shaking and stuff like a spider in the in its death throes It's like a really grotesque image And it's like, okay, you can you can do this one time, you can laugh it off one time. But when you do it a second time, it's just really fucking gross. And it's hard to look at you the same. And maybe that's not fair to say, but it's fucking true. Like, you can't You can't take somebody who does that to themselves seriously.

Unknown_16: Especially if they're trying to pass off as an intellectual, you know? Because it's like, how am I supposed to take you as an intellectual when you humiliate yourself in such a way? Because you're not Ivy League at that point, you're just a fucking clown.

Unknown_16: Oh jeez, blueberry pie.

Unknown_16: Okay, is this video still up? Oh my god.

Unknown_16: Hell yeah. This is old internet. We're watching this.

Unknown_19: Ladies and gentlemen of YouTube, I would like to make an announcement. Blueberry pie, blueberry pie. Blueberry pie, blueberry pie. Blueberry pie, blueberry pie. Blueberry pie, blueberry pie. Blueberry pie, blueberry pie. Blueberry pie, blueberry pie.

Unknown_19: Blueberry pie, everybody loves... And this came out like right, this is 2009, this came out right when Rickrolling was a thing.

Unknown_16: And I just want to take a second and do a compare and contrast.

Unknown_16: I I was watching that video and thinking the resemblance is fucking is there man. The resemblance is fucking Spot fucking on you can't deny it. It is it's fucking there Admit it chat admit it It's just perfect

Unknown_05: This is this is a very awkward trip down memory lane.

Unknown_16: I certainly like somebody even brought this up in one of my own Okay, I was in I was talking to Ralph or or something or coach red pill I think and somebody in chat was like Josh isn't based he used to defend he defended the amazing atheist on Kiwi farms and I did that like five years ago. I said that his videos were okay. I used to watch him and Somebody actually like somebody read that and was mad And was like like this nigga this nigga ain't based in red pill this nigga is is shitty and blue-pilled.

Unknown_05: Oh, geez Still got China China's Tibetan medicinal bathing on it was added to the list of UNESCO intangible cultural heritage

Unknown_05: You know, in China, they really push alternative medicine because if all of China demanded actual health care, it would collapse the entire medical system in China.

Unknown_16: So it's easier for the government just to push alternative medicine because it's cheaper.

Unknown_05: I want to see another panda. I'm scrolling for a panda, guys.

Unknown_16: There it is.

Unknown_17: Look at it.

Unknown_17: Look at it. Oh, geez.

Unknown_16: See, this is there is a thing. I swear to God, it's real. I'm going to pull it up.

Unknown_16: Panda diplomacy.

Unknown_16: Panda diplomacy is China's use of giant pandas as diplomatic gifts to other countries. The practice existed as far back as the Tang Dynasty when Empress Wu Zetian sent a pair of pandas to the Japanese emperor.

Unknown_16: And they do this. They actually send pandas to countries and try to build relations with them. And it's called panda diplomacy.

Unknown_05: And it's very cute.

Unknown_05: Panda fetish. The Trojan Bears.

Unknown_16: Don't hate on my pandas.

Unknown_05: Every zoo wants a panda.

Unknown_05: Pandas are slaves.

Unknown_05: Pandas will maul you. Is that true?

Unknown_05: Pandas are lazy just like basketball Americans.

Unknown_16: Have you ever seen somebody play basketball? It's a fucking, that's an intense sport.

Unknown_16: Josh's fursona is a panda. Do I have to, do I have to keep repeating myself? Do I have to keep telling people what my fursona is?

Unknown_16: I'm opening up my yif directory right now. Pulling out some, some hot yif.

Unknown_05: I'm gonna show you what my fursona is. I'll show you fuckers.

Unknown_05: There he is. There he is!

Unknown_05: That's my boy! Not a panda, just a regular old puppy dog. That's what he is.

Unknown_05: Gay, he's not gay, what the fuck?

Unknown_05: Autism, yeah, he's got autism, he's not gay.

Unknown_16: He's just a little bit spastic, he's a little bit spergy.

Unknown_16: Jew dog, why is he Jewish?

Unknown_05: He's not Jewish.

Unknown_05: He's not gay, oh my god, I'm being, my dog is being slandered as a homosexual when that's not the case.

Unknown_16: It's just got a touch of the tism. That's all that's happening right there.

Unknown_05: Trying to misconstrue that shit is something nefarious.

Unknown_05: homosexual Jew Reminds me of um Once I got Wikipedia open Jewish Autonomous Oblast This is one of my there is a region in Russia to the far far east like near Vladivostok of Korea of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast and originally it was like Lenin for some reason really liked the Jews just for some reason the communists really had a sympathies for the Jews and

Unknown_16: So they gave them this piece of land called the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, bordering China near Vladivostok. And this is their flag. And whenever I hear about gay Jews, I just think of the gay Jew flag.

Unknown_05: Chat, chat.

Unknown_16: It's not grammatically correct to use three parenthetical brackets like that.

Unknown_05: I have no idea what you're doing.

Unknown_05: Must be some kind of meme.

Unknown_05: Gay is a Jewish invention. Stalin hated them. I don't know too much about that.

Unknown_05: Isn't that the LGBTQ?

Unknown_16: No, this is the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. The LGBT flag is just a solid rainbow.

Unknown_05: No gaps or anything. Wow, I know this is probably passe, but they gave meaning to all the different colors.

Unknown_16: These are pretty fucking gay. Sex, life, healing, sunlight, nature, magic, and art. Serenity, spirit.

Unknown_05: Really?

Unknown_05: Magic? Like built into the meaning of the flag? That's weird.

Unknown_05: Hippie. Well, it was in 1978. I didn't know that Wicca stuff existed in 1978.

Unknown_05: Speaking of You guys know this guy anyone don't want to take a guess who he is I want to see how many people in chat immediately recognize who John money is

Unknown_05: This is this is one of my favorite stories and as far as like Just like unbelievable shit.

Unknown_16: If you guys don't know I don't I don't want to say too much because I I Want to I don't make this a political thing

Unknown_16: he was he was the pioneer of the the the medical distinction between sex and gender gender identity he basically like there is mentions of it before his work but his work was revered for for this distinction and his uh

Unknown_16: His most renowned thing was David Raymer, the Raymer twins.

Unknown_16: Every word of this story is going to piss you people off, especially the far right ones. David Raymer...

Unknown_16: They were cauterizing his foreskin off. They were circumcising him by using a cauterizing tool to remove the skin with burns.

Unknown_16: But the doctor slipped, his hand slipped, and they accidentally cut off his entire penis.

Unknown_16: So they're sitting here, they're like, okay, we've just accidentally castrated our child.

Unknown_16: What do we do?

Unknown_16: The the parents took him to I think he was I think he was at st. Jude's dr. Ramer I don't want to say that for sure. He was at some kind of hospital And well during during his yeah, I don't know what hospital he was that it's probably not st.

Unknown_05: Jude's But he was um

Unknown_16: Sorry, I'm curious what how John Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and After they cut off the kids penis. They're like, oh shit. What do we do? And he got referred to John money in Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and who was a sexologist studying gender identity. And when they brought David to Dr. Raymer, sorry, Dr. Money, they suggested raising him as a girl and giving him a sex change operation.

Unknown_16: And coincidentally, David had a twin, twin sibling.

Unknown_16: named Brian, an identical twin.

Unknown_16: It's basically the best case study you could hope for, because here you have two boys born together, identical twins, biologically identical. And John Money said, OK, we're going to raise him, because he was mutilated, we're going to raise him as a girl. And he believed, Dr. Money believed, that by raising him as a girl, giving him female toys, treating him like a girl, giving him pink clothing and stuff,

Unknown_16: His biology would physically assimilate to be more female, like his body would just start producing female hormones and maybe even like physiologically transform into a woman through puberty.

Unknown_16: Um, that did not happen. David Raymer was never happy being a girl. He constantly wanted to play boys toys. He constantly wanted to play sports.

Unknown_16: Uh, Dr. Money would do things like strip them down and have them look at each other's private parts and say like, look, he has a penis, so he's a boy. You don't have a penis, so you're a girl.

Unknown_16: Uh, I think they alleged sex abuse at some point.

Unknown_16: And eventually David Raymer shot himself in the head with a shotgun and blew his brains out all over a field because he was very unhappy.

Unknown_05: It did not work out. Swing low, sweet chair. That's the kind of retardation only an academic could believe.

Unknown_05: Probably.

Unknown_05: I don't know, I don't know Harvey Milk.

Unknown_05: Oh yeah, his brother killed himself too.

Unknown_16: Brian did. And that led to a lot of the depression that David had. Because he liked his brother a lot. And when his brother killed himself, he didn't want to go on.

Unknown_16: David even married after he de-transitioned. But he couldn't have sex because his penis was cut off.

Unknown_05: So he was pretty miserable too.

Unknown_05: Play Jim's video on it.

Unknown_05: I can't talk about Harvey Milk because I don't know him.

Unknown_05: I've literally never heard this name before.

Unknown_05: Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. We're not off to a good start.

Unknown_16: Harvey Bernard Milk was an American politician and the first openly gay elected official in the history of California where he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Although he was the most pro-LGBT politician in the United States at that time, politics and activism were not his early interests and he was not open about his sexuality nor civically active until he was 40.

Unknown_16: After his experience in the counterculture movement in the 60s, 1972, Milk moved from New York City to the Castro district of San Francisco amid a migration of gay and bisexual men. He took advantage of the growing political and economic power of the neighborhood to promote his interests and unsuccessfully ran three times for political office. Milk's theatrical campaigns earned him increasing popularity. He won a seat as a city supervisor. His election was made possible by a key component of a shift of San Francisco politics.

Unknown_05: I don't see, what's funny about this?

Unknown_05: Like I just, I don't get it.

Unknown_05: What's the, what's interesting about this?

Unknown_05: Like I had like eight people telling me to read this.

Unknown_05: His brother OD'd.

Unknown_05: Money brutalized those kids. Yes he did. This fucking sucks. Milk was a degenerate. It's not on his Wikipedia.

Unknown_05: It was early life section.

Unknown_05: of Lithuanian Jewish parents.

Unknown_05: Harvey was teased for protruding ears, big nose, and oversized feet.

Unknown_05: Under his high school yearbook it read, glimpy milk and they say women are never at a loss for words.

Unknown_05: Yeah, sorry dude, I just don't know enough about this to read it on the spot.

Unknown_05: It's just the shit about his gay campaigning.

Unknown_05: Find another panda. That's more interesting.

Unknown_05: Show me a panda, China.

Unknown_05: Ooh, I could go for some fucking crab right now. Look at that shit.

Unknown_05: There's a panda. See, I told you, it's like a lot of China is great, a lot of pandas, and then also fuck Japan.

Unknown_16: It's very well-rounded.

Unknown_05: Is that guy... that guy got his shit kicked?

Unknown_05: We're supposed to be watching the French riots today, but... I didn't have...

Unknown_05: Call Loomer, she's got infinite crabs. Oh, Jesus Christ. Why would you say that? What the fuck is wrong with you? Xi Jinping is a panda, pretty much.

Unknown_05: Pandas eat bamboo and jets.

Unknown_05: Fuck more shit about the Amazing Atheist.

Unknown_05: Amazing Atheist.

Unknown_16: I'm trying to remember.

Unknown_16: My favorite thing that he ever did was Onision started shit with him at some point.

Unknown_16: And...

Unknown_16: Onision had put out this video.

Unknown_05: I'll just show it to you. This is fucking ancient.

Unknown_05: Some of you guys might remember this.

Unknown_05: It's obnoxious, get ready for it. Sky!

Unknown_14: What, Greg? I'm a banana! You're a what? I'm a banana! What happened to your clothes? 2009 was a bad time So TJ responds to this video when uh when it comes out or when he start when Onision's starting shit with him and says You're a banana and we all know what I do to bananas and that was a um That was a threat to shove him up his ass Is this Onision?

Unknown_05: Yes, it is

Unknown_05: This is bad. Yes it is This is why you beat your children, you know Onision is like a creepy weirdo what's really interesting I've considered Onision as somebody to do a proper stream on Because uh, you see that he has like two million subs but when you go to his channel

Unknown_16: And you go about, you go to videos, like he's getting, he's getting fewer views on his videos than I do. Like I get more views on my videos than Onision does on his. And Onision's been around for fucking like literally 10 years at this point.

Unknown_05: And, wait, what the fuck? He put out, he put out like another, what?

Unknown_05: Oh, that's so sad.

Unknown_16: He's like trying to get, trying to recapture it. Cause we just watched that video and that video had, uh, like 65 million views. And now like just three days ago or five days ago, he puts out this other video with all of his, apparently he made sequel banana videos and, uh, he's trying to get views. He's trying to get people to care about him again.

Unknown_16: By going back to the good old days where he danced in front of a green screen in a banana costume Which I think is very sad. You have my permission by the way if I If I ever danced in front of a green screen in a banana costume You have my permission to put me down with a gun in Minecraft not in Minecraft in real life

Unknown_05: It's debatable though. He had a lot of drama around him.

Unknown_16: He fabricated for attention. He was constantly trying to get attention That's all I know about him is that he's he's this handsome guy that exploits his fan base for Her money for shekels usually, you know young women as he's a handsome guy. So, you know people People give him money girls give him money and stuff

Unknown_16: But like, he's not anywhere near the height that he was at some point. And he lives in houses he can't afford because he's not accustomed to his decline. And his looks are fading because he's older. I mean, he's still a handsome guy. He puts himself under a lot of harsh light to make himself look younger.

Unknown_05: But you know, there's his Patreon.

Unknown_05: How much you making, banana?

Unknown_05: He's still making a lot of money. That's crazy.

Unknown_05: Look at this, look at... Oh shit, I disconnected my fucking head.

Unknown_16: Okay, look at this shit. He says his goal for doing whatever he look what the fuck His goal for $7,000 a month is Like I can do whatever I want in my videos no more censorship required on my channels no more holding back in my comedy sketches because at this point I can cover my expenses

Unknown_16: with Patreon, so YouTube and other sites.

Unknown_16: It won't matter if they're upset because you got my bet. But it's like if your monthly expenses are $7,000 a month, maybe fucking get rid of some shit in your life because you're paying too much.

Unknown_16: Like you're paying too much fucking money.

Unknown_16: Like that's that looks like his baseline fucking goal, too. It's not even like his.

Unknown_16: That's that's what he expects. He expects people

Unknown_16: They give him $7,000 a month. That's crazy.

Unknown_05: He is a really handsome guy though. It's a shame he's like a fucking sociopath. So, uh, speaking of Patreons, uh, no, that's not a plug.

Unknown_16: I'm going to be showing something else. DarksidePhil. I laughed at, ah, what the fuck was his Patreon?

Unknown_05: Darkside fill paper.

Unknown_05: There it is.

Unknown_00: It's all lowercase.

Unknown_05: Apparently a sensitive

Unknown_05: He's only making $5.75 a month on Patreon.

Unknown_16: Like, I'm almost at $5.75. Like, I'm like halfway there.

Unknown_16: Like, it's crazy to me that he, um... And his Patreon's so bad. Look at this. Look at it. Look at how much words there are.

Unknown_16: And how he's like, bolding shit. And it's just sloppy as fuck. And even his goals, he doesn't even have proper goals. It's just $1.

Unknown_16: He reached his goal. You don't need to give him any more money. He already, like, he got his dollar.

Unknown_16: What more? Don't ask him for more.

Unknown_05: He just wants that dollar. What? Because I said that fucking Onision is handsome, I'm gay?

Unknown_16: Fuck off with that. He is a handsome guy. If I had his looks, I'd be fucking using my webcam. I look like a fucking insane person, so I don't have my webcam on.

Unknown_05: For a while 1250 was the standard for DSP Yeah, I remember it being over a thousand for a while But he's lost a lot of his fans.

Unknown_16: I don't even know why it's hard to keep up with DSP As you think like why?

Unknown_16: Oh Why do people follow him? Why do people stop following him? It's just I would be frustrated if I was darkside Phil as well Because he his life is his streaming, right? so when things are happening when he's when he gets sudden dips and attention sudden dips and Donations sudden dips and ad views and revenue and stuff like it's all out of his control. I

Unknown_16: And he doesn't really have much direct influence over his own success. So I imagine it is very scary. Like, I'm free to do whatever the fuck I want. This stream wasn't a good idea. I had nothing planned for this at all.

Unknown_16: I'm just talking out of my ass right now. But it's a boring Saturday afternoon in the US, I guess, so people are watching.

Unknown_16: But if I if I had to make like split second decisions like desperately trying to figure out if I should stream or not, I probably wouldn't have streamed this afternoon. I don't know people would want to listen.

Unknown_16: So, you know, I imagine life is scary when you're trying to make your living off of this kind of stuff.

Unknown_05: Here's a plan turn the webcam on. I don't even know if I can.

Unknown_05: Yeah, no, I don't think my webcam, my laptop's too old for that. I don't think anything works on it anymore.

Unknown_05: Oh god, I have so much shit open in my fucking... fucking browser.

Unknown_05: How many people are watching on

Unknown_05: About a hundred, that's pretty cool.

Unknown_16: Oh, let's... I'm gonna show everybody on YouTube my conceit. On, the reason why a lot of people shill I should be streaming it or shilling it a little bit more.

Unknown_16: But um... They have this thing called the high score table. Which is interesting because they pay people basically just for uh... Like Ralph is the number one streamer. Like if you're somebody who doesn't know what happened with Ralph for some reason... He went to

Unknown_16: But depending on your your rank, they give you like money. They flat out get you a check if you are high enough on the stream. So for people watching this on YouTube, you haven't heard of I'm not I'm not shilling it. You don't have to watch on stream. But there are a lot of people on this platform who were streaming before Ralph came over. And before Ralph came over, there was nobody really watching So you had a bunch of people like Narcissa, right? And this guy called Kitty Stiles, who's like a schizophrenic. You have these random whack jobs streaming on full time. Because if you're, you know, making $650 a week streaming,

Unknown_16: You know, even if you're only getting like 10 viewers a stream on average.

Unknown_16: you know, $650 a week is really good money for a NEET. So you had all these weirdos, you know, competing with almost no audience trying to get that money. And then Ralph comes in with all these other people following him and they just completely shit over like, like the indigenous population, all these poor engines trying to live off the land and collect their high score table money from whatever, whatever this platform is, wherever they get their money. They got completely destroyed by the Ralph and the oncoming tsunami of people who followed him to this second thing. So, what has happened that is surprising, it took a little while, but it finally happened.

Unknown_16: You might notice the prizes stop here. The minimum prize is $20 for the bottom three people.

Unknown_16: Top 30. Load some more. Who's in 31st place? Narcissa. Narcissa, CosmoWright, went from $650 a week to fuck all. Literally just bumped down to 31st. Not getting anything for it this week. Unless something happens and they get more points. But they got completely fucking bumped off the platform by all the new people coming over.

Unknown_05: And that's, uh, that's fucking funny to me.

Unknown_05: The kitty, the kitty style guy, he's also a spastic.

Unknown_16: And, uh, he was making a comfortable living. Like, I'll show you, I'll show you what he does if you've not seen

Unknown_05: This is this guy's, uh,

Unknown_05: nine viewers but he streams 18 hours a day i don't know for sure i'm still investigating so you could put a question mark with these you know you can say for the last i think what he's doing is for the last like couple days he's been making like a fake like

Unknown_16: Fake like country with other fake countries, and he's been talking to chat to try and get Try and get people to give him ideas for his fake country and Naming countries after people and shit like he is he's so fucking boring and he streams like 18 hours a day He says his IQ is 160 and shit

Unknown_16: He's just like, he's just crazy.

Unknown_12: And yeah, it's really sad because he's a schizophrenic and he smokes pot and you don't know pot exasperates the symptoms of schizophrenia pretty badly.

Unknown_16: Apparently he has a wife or not a wife, but a baby and a baby mama, but he doesn't have any custody because he's making an RPG like risk.

Unknown_05: Why is erver your most commonly used word? I don't think you realize how common the word erver is in Danish language.

Unknown_05: If the Danish police department declared war on him, I would too.

Unknown_05: It was a waste of my fucking time.

Unknown_05: I see many people attempting to transliterate how I say erver into English, but there is one de facto accurate way of doing it.

Unknown_16: It is E-R-R-V. E-R-R. That is the only way to spell it. Any other spellings are non-canon.

Unknown_05: Inaccurate.

Unknown_05: It's a Hebrew word, so get it right.

Unknown_05: Dead air.

Unknown_05: Should I talk about challenging Andy Dvorsky to a fight?

Unknown_16: Fill the air.

Unknown_16: Reason why there's dead air is because my fucking, my throat's sore now. I went from like talking maybe one hour a month tops to talking like hours a week and it's killing my throat.

Unknown_05: I'm not used to speaking to people. It's scary.

Unknown_05: Will you ever stream about your time in the Philippines?

Unknown_16: Do you have questions about my time in the Philippines?

Unknown_16: Like specifically about, um, like Infinity Next or what? Because I didn't do too much in the Philippines.

Unknown_05: I mostly worked. I can try to find a picture that I took. 2015 Can't find the picture I took of the other street That sucks I'm sucking dick.

Unknown_05: No, dude. It's just I've got a raspy voice right now. It's a little bit Have I eaten pag-pag? No, I'm not

Unknown_05: Was gonna do a stream about China this week, but my contact from China is busy with his family this week So next weekend for sure either Saturday or Sunday.

Unknown_16: I'll throw down the title card as soon as I know But Saturday or Sunday for sure next weekend I will be streaming about China and I'll be taking questions from chat exactly like I'm doing right now. I

Unknown_05: Let's see freedom of speech doesn't mean you have to have to watch everything available. That's true. You don't want to see something You're allowed to eat shit and film it. Oh like literally I thought you're talking about like mukbangs and What's the reason he did in the first place? I don't know that's

Unknown_16: I sound more depressed than Rich Evans. I hear people say I sound depressed. I hear people say I sound on the verge of tears constantly.

Unknown_16: I don't know. I've tried to do do-it-yourself speech therapy. Straighten my back up. Talk more from the diaphragm. This is just what I got.

Unknown_05: It's just the voice that I got. I don't know what the fuck the deal is.

Unknown_05: Dream about third world shitholes.

Unknown_16: The funny thing is that poor countries are usually nicer your dollar goes for people are more kind Is you know when you're when you're that poor people are all you got families all you got you don't have much of an option Pick up smoking to make your voice raspier.

Unknown_05: I've considered it Josh you are a fucking faggot admit it. I'm not a faggot though. I'm not interested in

Unknown_05: Guys. Stay forever.

Unknown_05: Look the thing is I can say forever.

Unknown_16: I can say Ever I can say all those words. They're not difficult for me The two words that I slip into the weird soft are our Irver and idea I get an idea sometimes Try and change how I say Irver, but that idea does not work out and I keep saying Irver I didn't hesitate or ever

Unknown_05: I've never fucked up saying forever. Idea. No, it's a thing. My grandfather was Italian and from Maine.

Unknown_16: And it's something from Maine where you just add an I to idea to get idea. It's just easier to say idea or idea because idea takes more effort.

Unknown_05: New Apple product.

Unknown_05: I did not hesitate on saying I don't like guys. I just was thinking of the word.

Unknown_05: British people say Obama.

Unknown_05: It does.

Unknown_05: Okay, I'm gonna find some way to occupy our time the next 12 minutes or so and I'm going to I Don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do something now Figured I'd share a moment talk about literally nothing You think Ukraine is increasing tensions with Russia in order to help you justify its need for an arm?

Unknown_16: I don't I Don't have much. I don't have any opinions

Unknown_16: But I I don't think that's like I will I will go bold enough to say That I don't think that the EU has anything to do with it. You realize that Ukraine is not in the the European Union, right?

Unknown_16: Like it's just not I don't know Poroshenko has any things with you Shall I link you some hint I

Unknown_05: I don't trust people. Why do people keep saying to bring Easy Peasy on? I don't trust you people. Is he still in there? He is. Fine.

Unknown_05: What do you want?

Unknown_05: I don't want anything. I'm just bored. What do you want?

Unknown_04: Okay, listen, listen, listen. Tell me more about the crazy tranny on your forum right now.

Unknown_04: I'm curious. I want to know more.

Unknown_16: Uh, what about him?

Unknown_04: I don't know, you started telling the story about him, that he showed up on your forum and he started talking shit. I want to hear more, because I want to compete with you on who has the biggest retard on their forum right now, okay? Well, you know, I don't know enough about him to talk about this, but can we talk about how I'm getting complaints about Encyclopedia Dramatica from this fucking retard who's trying to threaten my upstream right now?

Unknown_16: Can we talk about that?

Unknown_04: Which one of them? Which one of them?

Unknown_16: Let me find his fucking name. He's been like like he's just nobody his name is Jamie Yeah, Jamie. What's his fucking last name? Jamie bail Bailey Jamie Bailey Sounds familiar hold on his article hasn't been touched since like 2011 like that's when it was made and he's mad about it. Oh

Unknown_04: Jamie Bailey, hold on. Let me let me look at the article and see if I recognized it I'll send it to you, but he's been like aggressively spamming me like Demandly like literally threatening me and I've been I've been polite with him He sends me a complaint by email and he includes an upstream provider Saying Let me find the original

Unknown_23: Yeah, go ahead the original scent but basically I tell him you know, look I host it I'm based in the u.s.

Unknown_16: And I'm not saying like I'll forward it to I forward all my complaints that I get about you guys to your contact at Ed RS.

Unknown_11: Yeah And this guy sends his complaint.

Unknown_16: I forward it to him and I tell him I look look I forwarded your complaint to Ed So maybe they'll consider it and take it down

Unknown_16: And probably not. Yeah, but whatever. It's not my responsibility. I don't give a shit He says once again, this matter isn't resolved. I want to say to the owner of 1776 hosting comm it does violate the terms of service to use the service to set up a hateful website That is harassing and threatening towards me. I demand that this site be removed now exclamation point

Unknown_16: If you are not willing to do that, then you can get me the owner of this company now exclamation point Well, then let's look at the headers of where you sent this response to me, shall we? So then he looks at the headers of my email my email server is hosted by a different company in the Netherlands for privacy reasons and then he fucking contacts my email host and complains to them and uh

Unknown_16: I replied to this, again, very nicely. I am the owner of 1776 Hosting. I do not remove content without a court order. Regards, Josh. Then he says, well then I will see that you are shut down, scumbag. You cannot allow this abuse to continue on. Remove the single page about me.

Unknown_02: I don't even know who this is. I'm looking at the article. It's completely empty.

Unknown_16: That is all I am asking. So I reply, grow up, you pathetic fat faggot manchild. And he hasn't replied since.

Unknown_04: So I shouldn't have tried to be nice to him at all, I should have just told him to go fuck himself.

Unknown_16: That would have resolved it immediately.

Unknown_04: Jesus Christ, I have no clue who this is, this is a completely just shit article, there's nothing here.

Unknown_04: It's three paragraphs in one picture. And it's been up for like, literally five, seven years now? There's nothing even in the discussion, no one even talks about this thing.

Unknown_16: But he's- I'll forward all- what's your- send me your email address over PM and I'll send you all the shit. But it's just like, it just came out of nowhere and he's super, like, angry about it. And it's just like, dude, it's a fucking- Is he just discovered or something? What is it? What's up with this guy? It hasn't been touched in literally years, and he's pissed off about it.

Unknown_04: Well, I guess I'll contact him and tell him to fuck herself.

Unknown_16: Yeah, do it.

Unknown_04: Send him a nice reply saying that you reviewed the article and said that it doesn't violate your terms of service.

Unknown_16: Just keep doing that.

Unknown_04: To the person asking in the chat, what is my website? I am one of the admins on Encyclopedia Dramatica, and Josh is currently hosting us because we keep getting kicked off of every host. And so now he's getting all of our 500 DMCA's a month that we get every month. I don't get any DMCA's, I just get like really petty shit.

Unknown_16: Like the Kiwi Farms gets like violent, aggressive fucking spurgs saying like this is a transphobic attack and you're trying to literally murder people and this is a health hazard to the mentally ill. And your people are just like furries reporting the slash offended page for hateful content.

Unknown_16: It's not even interesting. It's just like the lowest common denominator complaining. Awful.

Unknown_04: Oh man, I love angry complaints. I can never get enough of them. I remember one time some girl, Zygarde made the mistake of of letting me be partially in charge of our then Facebook page that got banned several times and we can't put up again, but then I got to look at the DMs we're getting and I found one girl who was very angry at an article from, like, four years ago sending us DMs pretending to be her own mother demanding we take it down.

Unknown_04: Just weird shit like that. I love complaints. I live off complaints. I only make videos on YouTube so I can read angry comments. That is the only reason I do it. That's what I live for.

Unknown_04: But listen, let me get back to the point I was trying to make.

Unknown_04: Let me tell you what our biggest retard right now on the forum is.

Unknown_04: So this guy, he shows up on our forum, and he's really annoying. So what everyone does is they start accusing him of being a pedophile with basically no proof, just conjecture, just every day for like two months, you're a pedophile, you're a pedophile, you're obviously a pedophile, and this goes on and on, and eventually he admits to one of the admins that at least he claims

Unknown_02: uh, that he murdered a nine-year-old girl, and he's waiting for the statute of limitations to run out.

Unknown_16: That's bullshit, there are no statute of limitations.

Unknown_04: I know, he's just retarded, but apparently he's so retarded that he- he already got arrested once at some point, and the court let him go because he literally doesn't know how to tie his own shoes.

Unknown_04: But he claims he's murdered a nine-year-old girl and hid her body somewhere and he thinks there's a statute of limitations on it and that that will run out anytime soon and he'll be fine.

Unknown_04: That is the number one retard on our forum right now. Yeah, it's like the Nick bait thing where it's like you can't tell if he's doing it for shock value or if he actually...

Unknown_04: No, he literally doesn't know how to tie his own shoes, apparently. I haven't read the court documents, I only read what people said about them, but apparently the court found him to be too retarded to be guilty of something he was arrested for, possibly related to child pornography.

Unknown_04: And he DMed someone telling him, please don't tell anyone, but I murdered a nine-year-old girl.

Unknown_16: They're just saying, like, lock up all the autistic dogs.

Unknown_04: Yeah, a hug box. So it'll feel comfortable.

Unknown_16: Do they have comforting mother's arms?

Unknown_04: Do you know what a hug? Wait, you don't know what a hug box is?

Unknown_04: That's exactly what it is. There's a little device that was created by someone, I found this out, I knew what a hug box is for years now, but I watched a movie about another person I knew about. There's an autistic woman who teaches farmers how to better herd cows because she understands cows because she's autistic.

Unknown_04: And at some point, she built herself a device that's like two pillows that squeeze her so she can feel what it's like to be hugged, and that calms her down. And that's a hug box, and that's what we like to call every shitty website full of retards. That it's their hug box. That's how we communicate that.

Unknown_16: She was fucking those cows. I can already tell she was fucking those cows.

Unknown_04: It's very likely. They made a movie about it. It's not a documentary. Some important actress plays the autistic cow lady.

Unknown_16: Some important actress fucks the cows?

Unknown_04: Yeah, it's a very emotional scene. There's kind of a loving moo just in the background. It's very nice. It's very soothing.

Unknown_16: The piano score crescendos as she realizes how to communicate with the cows through sexual magic

Unknown_04: Oh man, you really made my day with that angry email that apparently this guy sent you. Let me just read the article, let me see what's going on here. Jamie Bailey is a fearless, heroic internet crime fighter who will not rest until the web is completely free of stuff that offends Jamie Bailey. A fat, stupid sack of shit with no life, he's been spamming and trolling the internet since at least 1995,

Unknown_04: He creates huge amounts of hilarious drama by posting freaked out warnings on news groups about things like, don't hit reply because if my name appears in your new post, I will sue you. And then is outraged that his name appears everywhere on the internet. Okay, so I've got a general understanding of who this is now.

Unknown_04: A retard from Usenet. Of course, anyone who still uses Usenet is retarded. Clearly. Well, great.

Unknown_04: I look forward to communicating with this person, having a nice chat with him.

Unknown_04: Well, thank you. I really appreciate it. Usually I don't even respond, but for this one, he was like immediately got like, I'm going to contact every provider I can find and annoy them and get you kicked off.

Unknown_16: I'm going to run you out of business. Go ahead.

Unknown_04: Well, you know what? I'll invite him to fight me IRL and I'll take down the article. That's my final offer to him.

Unknown_16: Alright, I'm being mesmerized by this chick. She's got a really good body for like a black chick. She's only like half black.

Unknown_04: What are we talking about?

Unknown_16: Look at the stream. Look at this thought.

Unknown_04: I guess there's a bit of a lag because I'm not seeing it. Or maybe I paused it? Hold on, let me try again. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Okay, yeah, I paused it.

Unknown_04: Oh, wow. Yeah, she looks pretty nice. That's some, uh, that's a nice counter.

Unknown_16: Why do you treat the beta Israelites like shit? Easy peasy. Why do you treat the Ethiopian Jews so poorly?

Unknown_04: Uh, excuse me, it's not a race thing, it's a you got here last thing. Every new wave of immigrants gets treated like shit, okay? So, all the Ashkenazis, they got here first. So there's no one to treat them like shit except the Arabs, and they took it out on the Arabs. They fucked them up a little. So then, the darker-skinned Jews came on, and all the Ashkenazis treated the dark-skinned Moroccan and and Mizrahi and Sparadi Jews like shit, and then in the 90s, I came over with the Russians, so the Ashkenazis and the, uh, and the darker ones, they ganged up on us, and now we got the black ones, so we're all together in this fucking with the black ones, okay? That's how it works, you get your last yeet shit.

Unknown_16: But I don't know it's just it's amusing to me that there's like this because they're they're from number one They're from a province called semen. So You gotta you gotta be nice to them. They haven't they've had a hard existence in semen

Unknown_04: Yeah. By the way, here's a fun news story that's been going on. Well, it's an old news story, but for years, the Israeli government would allow the Ethiopians to give blood, but without telling them, they would just throw the blood in the trash.

Unknown_24: That's the most Jewish thing I've ever fucking heard.

Unknown_16: Look, they're an AIDS risk, okay?

Unknown_04: It's not nice to say.

Unknown_04: They didn't want to tell them, listen, you're an AIDS risk, we're not taking your blood. They didn't want, you know, them to get angry at us, so we just, you know, dumped it in the garbage.

Unknown_04: We're not telling them. It's not even subtle. Connect the IV to their arm and then the tube would go out the window into a trash can.

Unknown_16: Remember how I said that was the most Jewish thing I've ever heard of before? That's- this is already the new most Jewish thing I've ever heard of before.

Unknown_24: Nah, that part was a joke. They would collect the blood and then they would throw it in the trash. That's it. No, no, that's what I meant.

Unknown_16: That's the most Jewish thing I've ever heard of already. I topped the other thing. I've already forgotten what the other thing was. Oh, great. It got blown the fuck out.

Unknown_04: No black- No black blood, please. Just fucking go away.

Unknown_04: We won't we didn't take gay blood either, but we would tell the gays we're not taking blood You can't you can't give blood because you might infect people with the gay

Unknown_16: Why did the IDF have big titties? Like, you know, I followed the IDF on Twitter for a while, and they would always post these pictures of- It's okay, the IDF followed you for a while. Oh, we're just- it's mutual masturbation at that point. But, like, I'm sitting there and I'm watching their Twitter feed, and it's like, they keep posting- like, it's like the Chinese with the pandas. They keep posting these fucking big titty IDF girls on their stream, and it's like, are you trying to make me Jewish? I don't think I'd be welcome in Israel.

Unknown_23: No, probably not. We don't really like you crackers.

Unknown_16: You're well, actually he says that but if you go into his Twitter feed, there's a 99% chance at some point He said as a white person as a white.

Unknown_04: I have never said as a white person.

Unknown_16: Okay, I'm sure I have never in my life I do not want to be mistaken by any stretch of the imagination For a white person unless of course they're gonna beat me up unless I do in that case.

Unknown_04: I'm oh, yeah No, exactly when it becomes politically convenient for you No, when it becomes convenient for me not to get my ass kicked, if I'm like in Uzbekistan and they're like, are you white or are you Jewish? I'm like, my name is John Smith. Hello.

Unknown_04: Very, very nice to meet you. I'm a good Christian man. If that, it's not political. It's just, I don't want to get shot or stabbed, but otherwise I'm completely Jewish.

Unknown_05: Why would you be in Uzbekistan?

Unknown_05: What the fuck's in Uzbekistan besides that crazy cult guy?

Unknown_16: I don't know, like these half Russian, half Arab pieces of shit.

Unknown_04: I don't know. They're all garbage. Do you have any plans for Hanukkah?

Unknown_16: Hanukkah?

Unknown_04: Yeah, I'm gonna eat a lot of traditional Hanukkah food and get diabetes.

Unknown_04: That's a plan.

Unknown_16: I thought the traditional Hanukkah food was like cheese and shit.

Unknown_04: No, cheese. What the? No, that's... Listen, I know you're white and people love cheese, but you can't celebrate everything with cheese. No, it's based off... Okay, there's this New York Times writer who wrote this article.

Unknown_16: She had an obsession with pooping.

Unknown_16: Oh, so she's a credible source, I see. Well, she's Jewish and she posted this picture of her drinking wine and eating brie cheese by like the handful.

Unknown_16: And she said, I'm going to be eating brie cheese for the next eight crazy nights or something.

Unknown_04: Okay, so a Jewish woman obsessed with poop posts pictures of herself eating fists full of cheese. Yeah, this looks like a credible source. This seems pretty accurate.

Unknown_16: Why do the Jews have an obsession with corpophilia? Like, for real, there's so much poopoo in the Jewish world. Can you explain the poopoo? Can you give me an example of the Jewish poopoo?

Unknown_03: Adam Sandler.

Unknown_03: Okay, well, Adam, yeah, okay, well, yeah. Checkmate. Checkmate. Fair enough, you win.

Unknown_04: But listen, here's a funny story I read recently, because you love Jew stories, and I think you and the entire audience would be very amused by this. So I read an interesting story that I think I might have told us in a previous stream. Have I told you about the, uh, about the Jewish herb?

Unknown_04: about the long vegetable? Herb as in marijuana or herb as in herb?

Unknown_11: No.

Unknown_04: Herb as in a plant. You don't pronounce the H. Yeah, I think it's a Jewish thing. Listen, so there's a myth somewhere in East Europe, in all these shitty Eastern Bloc countries, they believe that Jews have a secret plant given to them by the devil called the long vegetable that saves them from becoming alcoholics. That is an actual thing they believe.

Unknown_04: To save them from the alcoholics? No, to stop them from becoming alcoholics. That's how they expected themselves. That they all, that everyone in Eastern Europe is alcoholic and the Jews aren't. That the Jews received a long vegetable from the devil that cures them of alcoholism.

Unknown_04: That is a real- That's what I call the synagogue of Satan for no reason.

Unknown_04: They also believe we received the devil's tongue which gives us the magical ability to lie The devil's tongue sounds like a Harry Potter potion or something. It sounds like a like a sex act Well, there's a Russian saying the Jew will tell you what happened to him, but not why why didn't you give us loves the cure to alcoholism?

Unknown_04: I'm not giving them my fucking long vegetable. Okay, I'll give their women my long vegetable if you know what I mean, but no I

Unknown_15: But you're gonna try to take their foreskin, too. It's just non-stop breeding.

Unknown_04: Look, that's how we make facial cream, okay? It's a big industry. It's a big industry and we owe them. Is that a thing? I think so. I think they actually make some sorts of facial cream out of the foreskins that they buy from hospitals after they remove them.

Unknown_04: Have you ever read the comic Foreskin Man?

Unknown_16: Yeah, of course I've read the comic for Skin Man. It's the only comic I've read. Hashtag comic date. Are you being sarcastic or are you being serious?

Unknown_16: I mean I've read some of it, yeah, I know what Foreskin Man is.

Unknown_04: Yeah, so one of the chapters is an evil, I think the first chapter is an evil surgeon who wants to circumcise kids so he can sell the penis skin to make money. By the way, interesting story about Foreskin Man.

Unknown_04: I also run a site called the Bad Web Comic Wiki. Do you really?

Unknown_16: You run that?

Unknown_04: Yeah. Yeah, someone else used to run it and after we got kicked out of Wikidot and I couldn't contact the admin, I moved everything to a different site and so I became the fact of the admin. That's my site now. But back in the day, I wrote a review about the comic and at the end of it, I asked people who read it to email this guy pretending to be fans and asked him to write In the next chapter, because he hasn't updated the comic in like two years, tell him you love the comic and ask him to write another chapter about circumcision in like Muslim countries. And lo and behold, shortly after, there was a new chapter to the Foreskin Man mythos, where Foreskin Man goes to like Turkey or something like that. So I think I did that.

Unknown_16: Congratulations, you tricked a you tricked a poor old man who just wants to tell the world about the evils of circumcision and to making it a new embarrassing chapter.

Unknown_04: Oh fuck him. Fuck him. He wrote and then He wrote an entire fucking song and we it's about for skin. There's a there's a song

Unknown_04: There's a Foreskin song where a woman sings to Foreskin Man about how much she loves him, and there's an actual line in the song, I want your penis to slip and slide inside, and this is a children's comic according to him.

Unknown_04: The Foreskin song.

Unknown_04: Force can you're just you're just mad.

Unknown_16: You're just mad that your penis can't slip and slide You got to put some fucking hummus up in there. You got to put some Get that shit to work.

Unknown_04: I used to Heaney a little bit So it's a better lubricant what's

Unknown_05: Somebody said get Jim. You know, Jim showed up on the very first stream I ever did and he never came back.

Unknown_04: You cut out and what I heard was... No, I think you're cutting out. I think you're cutting out on me.

Unknown_16: My connection's fine. You're getting fucking bombed by Palestine again. This keeps happening.

Unknown_24: Again, fuck it.

Unknown_16: I said that Jim showed up in the chat for my very first stream and he hasn't been back since.

Unknown_23: Well, it's probably because you're boring.

Unknown_16: Maybe because Kiwi's doxed him. I don't think so. He doesn't seem to care.

Unknown_16: Yeah, probably not. No, I don't think so. He makes like tens of thousands of dollars from streaming I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a fuck about anything at this point. Hey, this is fucking videos the videos.

Unknown_04: I think I can find funny I just like the shit show it causes Anyways, what I want to tell you we were talking about you were talking about what's going on in France. Mm-hmm and I

Unknown_04: I just want to tell you, back in 2006, we told the French, okay? Israel told the French, don't let the Muslims in, they will fuck shit up. We told them. Who did?

Unknown_16: I'm sorry, I was looking at the... Israel! Oh.

Unknown_04: Well, of course France isn't going to take Israel's fucking... No, we warned them.

Unknown_04: We told them, don't bring the Arabs in, they'll fuck shit up, and they did it anyway. They brought them in anyway.

Unknown_04: And then they had to ask us for advice on how to control them when they were burning shit down. And we sent people over from the IDF to give them advice on what to do. And then they didn't do it. And the Muslims kept burning shit down.

Unknown_16: And he just points aggressively at the wall and says wall just over and over again And no you say what a French accent so they understand what a low water You know when you don't when you don't speak a language you just say the words you already know in Thick accent and hope that will somehow trams mute itself into their brains and then Emmanuel Macron or whoever the fuck came before him was just like no that wall is racist and

Unknown_04: Yeah, that was basically actually what happened. They sent over, like, I think even the head of Joint Chiefs went to talk to their army to explain to them what to do, and they didn't do anything. They were like, listen, you gotta take some sticks, and you gotta take some rubber bullets, and you gotta fuck them up. And then they calmed down a little. And now, well, look what's going on.

Unknown_16: I don't know. I don't know what to say for Europe. It feels like everything's fucked People keep telling me that things aren't super mega fucked, but I think they're super mega fucked. I'm sorry. I'm a I'm black pilled on this issue.

Unknown_04: I think that things have reached the point where they're not gonna get better I think they're in fact somewhat fucked because you know once you let a bunch of dipshits into your country it becomes deal to kick them back out because once they're already there, telling them to fuck off is a bit of a humanitarian issue. You don't look good doing that. We're having some real trouble with that here. We let a bunch of fucking Sudanese here because there was like a genocide going on and we felt sorry for them. And now we gotta kick them out, but we can't decide which ones to kick out and which ones It was like, you know, you lived here long enough, you can stay here for a while. And we got some agreements with some other fucking... I have an emergency message.

Unknown_16: Somebody said that Doja Cat has a Jewish mother, so I have to immediately abort this Moo video. It's gone. Mayday fucking SOS. Let's see what's going on.

Unknown_16: No, yeah, that's that is the issue because especially in the u.s We're just having a kid on the soil makes the kid a citizen. You can't like you can't deport the parents I mean, you know, no, listen, it's easier for you because you actually share a board these people you can tell them Okay, see the sign you go over on that side and you stay there

Unknown_04: We can't do it because these motherfuckers came over from another fucking country. We can't just take them over to Egypt. We have to pack them in planes, agree with another country that they will take them, then we have to pay the fucking country to take them, then we gotta fly those fuckers out of here. It's not like with you. You can just tell them, listen, fuck off, you stay on that side of the line. We can't do that. We're stuck with these fuckers. We're not stuck. We're getting solutions, but it's taking a while.

Unknown_16: Why not just dump them in Gaza?

Unknown_04: I don't know. No, but then they still become our problem. We're paying the Gaussians for their fucking electricity. We're paying for their fucking water. We're giving them free food.

Unknown_16: Stop! Cut it off! Why the fuck would you do that?

Unknown_04: Because every time we stop, everyone starts crying that we're starving them. We're not starving them!

Unknown_16: I don't know. If I were you, I'd build a giant wall around Gaza. There may be a wall around Gaza already. There technically is, because we built one on our side so they'd fuck off.

Unknown_04: And then Egypt built one on their side because they kept bombing Egypt.

Unknown_04: And then I would, uh... It's like a box.

Unknown_16: Yeah, just dump them into the box.

Unknown_02: And now all they have is the ocean, but they can't keep fucking making little boats and swimming around and shit.

Unknown_16: Yeah, I would dump them into the box. If I was prime minister or whatever the fuck you call the leader of that weird named thing. What's the name of the congress in Israel?

Unknown_04: Knesset.

Unknown_16: Okay, I can't pronounce that.

Unknown_04: Knesset? Yeah, whatever. Knesset, yes.

Unknown_16: Knesset. If I was the prime minister of the Knesset or whatever the fuck, my solution would be to dump them into the box.

Unknown_04: Every time we do that shit, everyone at the UN starts whining at us and flapping them even though we're the only reason they don't starve. Listen, my favorite story in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is this. Back like, I think, 10 years ago, they were shooting rockets at us, they missed, they hit their own power plant, which we were running, and then they didn't have electricity for like two weeks.

Unknown_16: Somebody asked why not Yeah, if you haven't caught on that easy peasy is Jewish and literally living in like Tel Aviv right now You're slow Yeah, you should catch up a little buddy to try to keep up Somebody asked why don't just steal their children and turn them Jewish. It doesn't work like that You have to have a Jewish mother to be Jewish.

Unknown_04: Yeah, we don't want him. Listen. We are not a missionary religion We don't go around trying to conflict Well, somebody said that as possible

Unknown_16: Somebody said that Israel is really hurting for genetic diversity. I don't know if that's true We actually are because there's like a huge fucking mess of Jews like there's we got Jews from America.

Unknown_04: We got Jews from got you

Unknown_04: They're all Jews, so it's fine.

Unknown_04: That's the issue with civic nationalism. If the culture is sort of okay, if everyone's sort of okay with each other, it's fine if they're not really the same color.

Unknown_04: There's not that much of an issue with the black Ethiopian Jews. They're really nice. Everyone likes them. They're broke because they got here last, but no one really hates them. Occasionally, you'll get a story of someone being racist, but it's not this huge issue. And interestingly enough, people are racist to the Sudanese immigrants, even though they look the same. Although occasionally there's a bit of crossfire. They're not Jewish.

Unknown_16: That's probably why.

Unknown_04: Exactly. They're both black, but these niggers are Jewish, and these niggers aren't Jewish, so we don't like these ones.

Unknown_16: I disavow the hard R. We only have soft R's.

Unknown_04: Sorry, that's the Israeli accent. I can't control it.

Unknown_04: I meant to say with a soft R. So anyways, occasionally there's a misfire because occasionally far right people will protest the Sudanese immigrants. And then they'll just beat up a black guy, but the black guy is occasionally not Sudanese, he's an Ethiopian Jew. So there's a bit of a... signals get crossed occasionally.

Unknown_05: Unfortunate, very sad.

Unknown_05: How much money did you make off BetterHelp?

Unknown_04: I can't confirm or deny. You can't release that information? I do not recall. I plead the fifth.

Unknown_16: What's the Talmud?

Unknown_04: Yeah.

Unknown_16: What is it?

Unknown_04: Just a bunch of like...

Unknown_04: It's not oral history anymore because you wrote it down, but it's supplementary bullshit to the actual Bible. To the actual Old Testament. Like, here's the Old Testament, and here's a bunch of- Is that the one where it says that non-Jews are worth less than insects? I think that, no, I think that's in Shulchan Aruch. That's a, they're like a bunch of these stupid books that are additional to the, it's like, you know, there's the Quran and there's the, then there's the Shia and there's a bunch of shit that's not in the Quran. It's just a bunch of assholes reinterpreting what's in the Quran. So it's the same with this. It's just a bunch of shit that rabbi said. Well, somebody says that you're not allowed to tell the truth about the Talmud.

Unknown_04: Well, I haven't read the Talmud. I just heard, like, read a few things. Wait, no, you know what? In the Talmud, it does say that the goyim are lesser than beasts of the field. It does say that. You're, like, worse than cows.

Unknown_16: Not insects, though.

Unknown_04: I didn't say insects. It's not insects. Let's be clear. You're way above insects, okay? A cow is a lot better than, like, a cockroach, okay? You're saying, bitch I'm a cow, bitch I'm a cow, moo moo moo. No less, yeah. See, she knows it. She admits it. She's Jewish. Is she? Yeah, she said her mother was Jewish. Ew.

Unknown_16: What, are you upset that the black bulls, the American black bulls are filling her full of cock meat?

Unknown_02: Oh no, I like the black part.

Unknown_02: I don't like the Jew part.

Unknown_16: Well, yeah, you don't like it when it's happening to your women.

Unknown_04: No, it can happen, you know, I like them black. I don't want Jewish women. Gross.

Unknown_14: What?

Unknown_14: That's gross.

Unknown_04: Listen, I'm just being honest about the state of my life.

Unknown_16: Are you going to go to Semen and find yourself a nice Ethiopian girl?

Unknown_04: Yeah, you know, settle down, raise some cattle, some cows, some goyim along with the cows because they're more or less the same.

Unknown_16: I see how it is. Finally, the truth comes out.

Unknown_04: Yeah. By the way, you need to delete the stream afterward. I don't want to. I'm not supposed to expose any of this.

Unknown_16: Dispose the truth?

Unknown_04: Yeah.

Unknown_16: We already know the truth. We've heard that Elizabeth, is it Elizabeth Specter, the one who's like, the Jews will be instrumental to Europe becoming a multi-ethnic place?

Unknown_04: I am unaware of who that is.

Unknown_16: Somebody's gonna know. Somebody's gonna know. You need to catch up. You need to catch up on your racist mythology.

Unknown_04: Elizabeth Spector? Okay, I'll look her up.

Unknown_16: Barbara Spector.

Unknown_04: Barbara Spector, okay.

Unknown_04: My god, I just put out a new video and people are not liking it, people are unsubscribing. Not because of what I said, because I keep putting out shit videos with zero effort after promising people I'll actually make a good one this time.

Unknown_16: Oh, that sounds like a problem. You should have established a fanbase where you can just start a stream up and talk about nothing for three hours.

Unknown_04: It's not a problem for me, because as I said, I like to read angry comments.

Unknown_02: Well, I mean, I don't know.

Unknown_05: If you're going to piss off your own fanbase, like... In almost every video I make, I tell my own fanbase to go fuck themselves.

Unknown_04: It's virtually a tradition at this point.

Unknown_16: That's why Encyclopedia Dramatica is not as good. It's open contempt for its readership.

Unknown_02: Well, our readership restarts so they can... You heard it here first.

Unknown_16: If you use Encyclopedia Dramatica, you're a reader.

Unknown_04: You have not heard it here first. If you've been on Encyclopedia Dramatica once, you've heard it many times before. Over and over again.

Unknown_16: Thanks, Josh, for having a non-autistic Sperg guest, unlike other shows we know. Well, like, that's the thing. Like, I used to take callers from everybody, and then people got, like, really salty about it. Because your callers are shit. We were having, um... Your people like me.

Unknown_16: A little bit, yeah. But like, we had, we were growing and then I got a collar on and then it drops. And it's just like, it's weird. I don't, I guess people just like how I talk to myself. I think I ramble on. Let me explain it to you.

Unknown_04: As an entertainer, okay? As an entertainer. your guests are shit when you bring on someone and he's boring you cut him off and you tell him to fuck off and you bring in someone else discreetly but you know you did diplomatically like okay listen we're uh we're running out of time here and i only have time for i only have like nine more hours to to stream so i'm gonna have to move on goodbye have a nice day and just you you don't wait for him to answer just click the button that kicks him out just slam your finger on it before more people leave

Unknown_04: And that's how you do it. I tried two.

Unknown_04: You didn't try it hard enough. Your guests are boring. They're dead air. They're fucking vegetables, okay?

Unknown_16: The one... I see no difference in quality between the people who called in to talk to me and the people that called in to talk to Ralph.

Unknown_04: Yeah, the people who call in to talk to Ralph are also shit.

Unknown_16: Well, it doesn't seem like there's anything I can do about it then. There's a finite amount of options here.

Unknown_04: I don't know what to tell you. You need to, you need to, you know, have an intelligent test. Devin wants to come on.

Unknown_04: Do I need to implement extreme vetting?

Unknown_16: I don't know how I can do that live on the air.

Unknown_04: I'm not talking about extreme vetting. I'm talking about eugenics.

Unknown_16: Yeah, I don't know. Uh, like I would, I, I've recognized in some of my streams that having somebody one, uh, helps like when, uh, M's pecs talking about Amberlynn, even though easy peasy, I saw him in the comments for like an hour saying how much he didn't care about this fat chick. But I think, um, M's pecs being there helped, even though I didn't have audio channels done correctly. That's the thing. Like when I get money, if I ever get money, I'll have to get like a soundboard and properly do audio channels.

Unknown_04: I have been meaning to get a normal microphone for so long, and I'm just- It's not that I'm cheap, I'm lazy. You know, I have to log in to like, Amazon, and I don't remember my password, and every time I think about it, I'm like, I'm gonna go buy that microphone now. And I'm like, you know, I don't remember the password, and I don't remember the password to the recovery email, and I don't remember the password to the recovery email of the recovery email, I'll buy it next month.

Unknown_04: And that's why my videos are the best. High quality stuff.

Unknown_16: You just said they're low-effort shit that everybody hates.

Unknown_04: Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty much it. My latest video I just made right now, it's shit about people complaining about being demonetized. And then, you know, some people like it. A lot of people don't.

Unknown_16: Well, my videos, I would never be able to run ads on my videos. I wouldn't even try, because the moment an advertiser starts complaining about me, it fucking lights out.

Unknown_04: No, listen.

Unknown_04: None of my videos should have ads and yet most of them do. When the adpocalypse just started and everything was getting demonetized just immediately, just for no reason, every one of my videos got demonetized except for one in which I make fun of trans people because the bots thought I was talking in favor of trans people.

Unknown_04: And now, almost everything is monetized, and it shouldn't be. And like, I like watch videos of people talking about being the monetizer, like, they make children's content, they make, you know, very inoffensive stuff, and here I am, making videos accusing Rebecca Sugar of being a Jewish pedophile.

Unknown_16: With those streams like with Jim Sterling, especially he uses like footage of video games and that's the big one yeah footage of video games and and music all of my videos are demonetized because I I usually play an intro song and an outro song like I'm gonna get a copyright claim just for playing Doja Cat Possibly.

Unknown_04: I don't know. I just get a bunch of you know free use like

Unknown_04: You know what I mean, copyright free music. Although I still get copyright struck for that sometimes. I appeal it, but if you have a free to use song on your video and someone else has the same song and they copyright their video, then the bot will sometimes pick up on that and you'll get copyright claimed for...

Unknown_04: Because it'll mistake you for stealing their content. Well, the worst one I got was, um... I played Critical's Green and Purple, the one about weed.

Unknown_16: And I got hit with a copyright claim for the Black and Yellow song. And I was like, yeah, I guess the beat's the same, but it's a completely different fucking song.

Unknown_04: You have to talk over the song. It only looks at the waveform.

Unknown_16: Well, I don't like I play the songs I want to set the tone. I'm not trying to get around it. I don't care. In fact, I don't try to get around it either.

Unknown_04: And it doesn't notice me for some reason. Don't know. It's because you're broadcasting from fucking Israel and you get greenlit for everything.

Unknown_16: There's not a goddamn thing that's going to touch you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

Unknown_04: as a legitimate state and I'll tell you why I think that. A few months ago, I get a notification on YouTube that they want me to answer a poll, a survey, so I start answering it and then, at the end, they ask me my name, my age and then my country and I start scrolling down and there's no Israel but there is a Palestine. No Israel but there is a Palestine. F-ck whoever on Google decided that that should be on their f-cking poll.

Unknown_04: Palestine is not a real place. It was probably like the first option for you and you scroll down Alphabetically to find it like they took it and put at the top because they knew that your account was from that from well Maybe I'm retarded Yeah, maybe I would accept that as if they have Palestine.

Unknown_16: They definitely have Israel. They're not gonna fucking omit Israel They absolutely that someone on at Google was from shade

Unknown_05: All right, I've been at this for three hours, so I'm gonna- Yeah, and my mouth is dry, so peace out. Take it easy.

Unknown_05: All right, I'm debating. I am debating what to do. As the coup de grace, the final act.

Unknown_05: Chat, tell me. Tell me what you want to see.

Unknown_05: Ram ranch Play some Ukrainian techno. I don't know any Ukrainian techno. You want to see easy peasy gas cow milkers What is Ralph actually on? Isn't it Saturday?

Unknown_05: All right, well, I'll just play a song then and call it quits. Let me see what I got.

Unknown_05: Let me see. I think I know. I think I know. Yeah, this is perfect. All right, take it easy, guys.

Unknown_09: When I arrived in Tel Aviv and saw what was happening here, I realized in my heart, Oy Geval, Oy Geval, Oy Vey, Oy Vey.

Unknown_08: Baby, the menschen wie sehr wir schiegen, euch gewalt

Unknown_07: Toeva ba omen shweis dre Toeva asi azar, oi geval Toeva becha frishman Toeva becha frishman Toeva becha frishman

Unknown_08: Rabe, the people want to send you your violence!

Unknown_07: Christmas time