Internet Juche 2018-11-28

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)
Korea is the motherland of the people.

Unknown_03: Muted? I don't even know what that means. I'm not muted.

Unknown_03: I'm just letting you enjoy the music.

Unknown_04: Once again, I apologize to everybody on who isn't going to be able to watch this on because fucking is shitting itself right now. Let me take this off in fucking shame.

Unknown_05: One day I'll have it work.

Unknown_05: Alright, I do have my handy dandy notebook.

Unknown_05: That's always good.

Unknown_05: Let me just tell you what Internet Juche is.

Unknown_04: I should pose, I should just tell you what Juche is.

Unknown_04: Figured it out by now. Juche is a uniquely North Korean idea of thought, of self-reliance. That's how it translates directly. Self-reliance.

Unknown_04: And Juche, everybody's making fun of my fucking, my speech impediment already. Oh God. But Juche is self-reliance. The idea that the DPRK should not depend on anybody. And for a while I declared that the Kiwi farms operated on the principle of Internet Juche. Because we could not rely on anybody. And everything I did had to be self-reliant. Now, I can tell you that worked out about as well as it did in the actual DPRK. DPRK is a country with no communication, no outside communication, no freedom, no prospects. It's dirt fucking poor. Everybody's starving to death. A real fucking good idea, Josh, of 2013, 2014, with your fucking internet juche.

Unknown_04: Didn't fucking work, did it, asshole?

Unknown_05: Okay, I'm cutting in and out here.

Unknown_04: Sorry, stream status is good on YouTube. Hopefully the bitrate's gonna even out. I don't know what to expect.

Unknown_04: But if you have any more tech issues, let me know. And I know isn't online. I already said that I had a tech issue with that. They're just warming up right now. And I'm going to eat shit for this stream, because I'm going to show a little bit.

Unknown_04: I have to. I want to tell people why I got into streaming.

Unknown_04: It is fun. It's a lot of fun, but there's there's more to it, and I promise you it's not just Super Berries. Not just Super Chats.

Unknown_04: The Kiwi Farms is chronically unprofitable and terminally lacking in social awareness. Not in the social awareness that you get by not being autistic. It lacks in the social awareness that you get from being prominent, even though we're a big fucking website, right? Pretty fucking big. We're like top 14,000 in the entire world. I mean, it's a pretty large site, but it makes no money. It makes negative 1,000 money.

Unknown_04: Not a, no, it's not a begging stream. If you're going to call it a begging stream, I'm not going to convince you of it. I want to tell you how we got to this point. I'm going to go over the entire history of the site and what the prospects are for the forum going forward.

Unknown_04: It's not supposed to be a secret club. I see people talking about secret club.

Unknown_04: The noise gate is too high. Oh, you know what? I might be too far away from my mic. If it is,

Unknown_04: I don't think it's the noise gate. You should be able to hear me just fine now.

Unknown_04: No, the forum isn't an imminent danger. If it was an imminent danger, I would just say so. I would just say that it's in trouble, but it's not in trouble right now.

Unknown_05: It's pretty stable for the time being.

Unknown_05: So people have suggested at various times, run ads.

Unknown_04: Well, we did run ads.

Unknown_04: We ran ads with Google Ads, and that didn't work off. They kicked us off eventually. And the ads that Encyclopedia Dramatica runs are intrusive. They have viruses, they have pornography.

Unknown_04: You know, it deteriorates the experience to a point where nobody wants to use the site if you run those kind of ads. People suggest make a Patreon. And I don't think I can make a Patreon without it going down. And to prove the point, to prove the point, if you do want a fucking Patreon, because people keep asking for me to make one,

Unknown_04: Here's my, here's my Shekel Collector URL. Fucking go for it. Jim gets a fucking Patreon, Ralph gets a fucking Patreon, I guarantee you this link will be fucking dead.

Unknown_04: In less than a month. Make a Hatreon. We got kicked off of Hatreon. And I'll explain why. I'll explain why we got kicked off of Hatreon over time. I'm glad you said that. I'm glad you reminded me. Hatreon's actually down, but

Unknown_04: While it was up we got kicked off of patreon. No, i'm not asking for shekels. I'm just if you're not interested in in the The technical upkeep of the forum and what it's entailed. You don't have to tune in you don't have to listen

Unknown_04: People have suggested a donation form. We had a donation form. Somebody stole credit cards, bought them off Tor, somehow got them illicitly, and donated $14,000 in one day. And when I refunded these transactions, because I recognize them as fraudulent, we got kicked off of the payment processor for being a high-risk merchant.

Unknown_04: which is what they call anybody who has a high risk of fraudulent donations.

Unknown_04: People suggesting a Kiwi Farms ICO. Kiwi Farms, an ICO will get you fucked by the FEC. You can't do that. Or is it the SEC? It's one of these government organizations. If you make an ICO, you can't be in the United States. You just can't. You'll get fucked by the government.

Unknown_04: Uh, somebody, people like to say, well, why don't you just do what 8chan does? Why don't you just do what Encyclopedia Dramatica does? Encyclopedia Dramatica is not a big website anymore. It doesn't have high upkeep. In fact, I host parts of Encyclopedia Dramatica on 1776 hosting. And I'll go into that. Somebody says, why not do what 8chan does? 8chan is supported by Jim Watkins, who makes his money from 2channel. Has his own ISP, has his own network ranges. 8chan runs at a loss every month. It runs at a loss just like the Kiwi Farms does.

Unknown_05: But, but, he has supplementary income from 2Channel, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Unknown_04: Somebody said, get a Bitcoin wallet. We have a Bitcoin wallet, visible on every page of the Kiwi Farms. Problem is, is when you have a donation system that is detached, especially if it's manually processed,

Unknown_04: People don't want to jump through hoops. They don't want to relinquish their money in general. They especially don't want to jump through hoops to give you their money. If you don't have some sort of automatic system, people don't care.

Unknown_04: And I mean, you can give me a Visa debit card if you want to. It's just that people don't want to, because it takes effort. And I'm not blaming them for it. I'm not saying people are nasty people because they don't want to give me their money. I'm just saying that in basic human psychology,

Unknown_04: That's what's required at this point. Without any kind of new framework. And basic human psychology says that deters people from donating. I wouldn't fucking give money to somebody if I had to jump through hoops for the privilege of throwing money at them. I can't blame them either. And as far as getting a job goes, I'll show you.

Unknown_04: Like if you really think that I should just get a job, which I would like to get a job actually,

Unknown_04: Go to Google, type in Joshua Moon Jew Fingers and just imbibe, just imbibe the culture, the results that come from Joshua Moon Jew Fingers. It's pretty fucking funny.

Unknown_04: Am I going to talk about anything else besides not having enough money? I'm going through the history of the forum. But I want to, in the VOD, in the replay of this, I want to hit all the points. Because people are going to be thinking, why don't you do this? Why don't you do that? Why don't you do this? And there's reasons for it. I've gone over them for a very long time.

Unknown_04: this is the situation the only reason I'll say this the only reason why the Kiwi farms is still able to financially support itself is because single donors have donated thousands of dollars in Bitcoin at various times

Unknown_05: So let's go to 2013.

Unknown_04: I've broken these up based on year. So in 2013, this is what the Kiwi Farms looked like. You might notice something. You might notice it's not called the Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_04: It's called the Quickie Forums. The original site was just based off of the Quickie. It was just about Chris.

Unknown_04: And to those of you wondering, why are you sympathetic towards Chris? Well, this is kind of why. Chris was the unmoved mover. He was the genesis of the Kiwi Farms. It came from just talking about him.

Unknown_04: And I don't know, you can't see who was online, but at this point there's only like maybe 50 people, tops, on 2013 on this site. And it was just about Chris.

Unknown_04: And he says, when they arrest me for a hate crime in the EU, I at least want to be the same level of sympathy as Chris Chan.

Unknown_04: Maybe.

Unknown_04: Yeah, I'm curious, are there two Metacuris, Murdochi, and Archivers? Because you donated five euros. But I swear to God, I see this guy shit-talking me in the comments all the fucking time. I'm very confused.

Unknown_04: Just as an aside, but no, this was the Quickie Farms and we had it good. We had it fucking good back then. We ran the entire site on a $5 lineout.

Unknown_04: The Kiwi Farms in total cost about $1,000 a month now.

Unknown_04: We what's this we had PayPal we could receive donations from PayPal I am at this point so thoroughly banned from PayPal I cannot go to uber I cannot book an uber with any credit card that I've used with PayPal when I had my PayPal account because they have not only banned me they have banned

Unknown_04: They have banned any car that they know I own. So I basically can't use Uber anymore, because they use PayPal to process the credit card transaction.

Unknown_04: And the only threat we had back then, the only threat we had in 2013, because I was still working at the time, and I was saving money, which was fucking important. I'm glad I saved so much money.

Unknown_04: We only had community issues. We had fucking trannies, people yelling about Chris starting his transition. At that time, he was only just starting to become Christine. So all the issues we had were just community issues, and eventually I cut through them.

Unknown_04: Then we pulled through to 2014. Well, 2014...

Unknown_04: Barely had any any more problems than 2013. The only big issue that we had is we were entertaining somebody a Low-cal quote-unquote who ended up being like a like an Andy Kaufman s prank called

Unknown_04: Jace Connors.

Unknown_04: And Jace's troll group was a clique called Gamer Food. And I don't know if you guys know Gamer Food. If you're into CSGO griefing and hacking, you'll definitely know who Gamer Food is. And they would fucking DDoS the site and stuff. So during 2014,

Unknown_04: I had some problems, but they were, you know, malicious attacks, they're strip kitty shit. And there was something that you could deal with. You would just learn how to go with the punches and how to deal with shit. It was a technological problem. It wasn't money, it wasn't sociological, it wasn't real life shit. It was just GamerFood DDoSing the site. And the best thing we got at GamerFood was this, the song.

Unknown_07: I can't play too much of this.

Unknown_04: Masad will get me if I play too much of it. It's a good-ass fucking song.

Unknown_04: And of course, I love Israel. I think that song comes from Hamas. And Hamas, I must declare, is a terrorist organization.

Unknown_04: Fuck Masaad, basically.

Unknown_04: One of the things we adopted during 2014 was Cloudflare, and Cloudflare is instrumental not only because it provides analytics for us, this is the Kiwi Farms dashboard from now. We're processing almost half a billion hits a month. If you take in all the alternative domains we have, it's just under half a billion hits, or requests, per month.

Unknown_04: And in terms of bandwidth, Cloudflare saves us about.

Unknown_04: About 75% of our total bandwidth is saved by Cloudflare. And I know, I don't like relying on Cloudflare, but we rely on Cloudflare. And it's not just because of bandwidth. Yes, it saves it a lot of money by having bandwidth cached by Cloudflare. The other big issue is DNS. And it's hard to explain this.

Unknown_04: DNS propagation, if you change a IP address on a DNS level,

Unknown_04: It takes between five to 24 hours for DNS changes to propagate. And that's big. That's a big fucking deal. Because I'll explain. In the future, we have to change our front ends a lot. ED changes its front ends. I change our front ends sometimes. And before we got the hosting service set up. And we relied on Cloudflare to be able to rapidly change our front ends to hide certain parts of our infrastructure so we didn't even move them 24-7.

Unknown_04: And Cloudflare made that easy because their internal DNS changes happen instantaneously. If it wasn't for Cloudflare, the site would have huge doubts of downtime as we moved between DNS servers. So Cloudflare is pretty fucking important. And we picked up on that at this time and we still have it. And this is one of those things that might go away in the future. It went away for the Daily Stormer. It might go away for us.

Unknown_04: As the Internet becomes smaller.

Unknown_04: And that might be another thing we have to rely upon ourselves for, you know.

Unknown_04: We might have to say, well, we can't use Cloudflare anymore. We have to be like the Daily Stormer. The Daily Stormer is the only site I know of that's had more issues with services dropping them than the Kiwi Farms. I mean, that to me is preposterous. Number one is Neo-Nazi website, number two is Kiwi Farms, and below that is like even fucking terrorist websites don't have these kinds of issues. It's just shit like this, and it baffles me.

Unknown_04: But really, during 2014, that's where I realized I was having fun. I was having fun hosting my shitty little website, right?

Unknown_04: Because my real job was payroll. I was a core developer since I was, I want to say 18, 19, building a payroll processing company in Australia.

Unknown_04: And while the payroll, like when I left, the payroll processing company was processing about $4.5 billion.

Unknown_04: in um in income and employee income and contractor income by the time i left but i i couldn't fucking i couldn't fucking do it anymore i hated it meanwhile on the kiwi farms on the quickie forums We were having all this shit happen to us, and I had to learn how to do stuff. I had to learn how to protect the site, move it behind Cloudflare, move it to different hosts that could handle DDoSs better, protect the site from IP identification attacks, and I was learning shit that I wasn't learning at my job. So eventually in 2015, I came to a meeting.

Unknown_04: And they basically asked me, because my productivity had been going down, it's like, do you want to work for the company still? And I basically said no.

Unknown_04: Now 2015 was the year of Infinity Next. And this is something where

Unknown_04: And people said, no, there are many hosting companies like these. You just need to know what to look for. The problem is, is when you have people who want to shut you down, they go to Cloudflare, or they go to, if you're not hosted behind Cloudflare, they go to your IP. They look up who owns your IP. It's a guy. He owns a company. They go after the guy. They say, if you don't take this site down, if you don't take this site down, I'm going to go after you. I'm going to go after your wife. I'm going to go after your mother and your father. I'm going to call them pedophiles. I'm going to ring them up in the middle of the night and ask why they host a child pornography website while they host a cyberbullying website. And you bet you fucking bet that they take that shit down. They fucking take it down. Doesn't matter how dedicated they are to freedom of speech when they get that fucking guy on them. You are not worth it. You are not worth that effort. And just who are, I'll explain who this guy is. It's just one, it's not a Jewish conspiracy. For me, it's usually one guy. Now 8chan, I'm not gonna touch on Infinity Next, I know people fucking hate me for it. I'm sorry I couldn't single-handedly save 8chan. But the thing with 8chan is people don't realize how close it was to going down. The reason why 8chan did not go down in 2015 is because of, specifically, of Jim Watkins. I mentioned Jim Watkins owns 2channel, and he pays for 8chan out of pocket. He pays for it out of pocket, it does not make any money. And even he was losing interest, he didn't care. The person who actually gave a shit about 8chan was Ron, his kid. And Ron was the guy who got Jim to buy 8chan.

Unknown_04: And Jim didn't personally care about 8chan at all until Hiroyuki bought 4chan. And 4chan continued to spark Jim's interest in the site. But at that point, Infinite Next had started, Jim didn't know anything about me, and the only reason why he cared is because his business rival Hiroyuki got into 4chan.

Unknown_05: Josh talks himself.

Unknown_04: So yes, it's probably not the first time he's ranted this off. I have experience I have experience in talking to myself like a crazy person so this this was the The the funding page for infinity next and you might realize let me shrink this just a little bit so you can see this

Unknown_04: It says down there, I can afford to work for 24 days and 23 hours. That was the start of what I call the rat race. I quit my job because I wasn't having fun doing what I was doing. But then as I got into doing shit I liked to do, which was 8chan and the Kiwi farms, I realized I couldn't. I could not afford to sustain myself. on the site, because at the time the site was too small. Now it's big enough that I could probably support myself through it, but I can't collect money from it. It's unmonetized, it's unmonetizable.

Unknown_04: And with this in particular, it's like I constantly had to work on somebody else's shit. Like even right now, I'm doing contracts and stuff for extra money. I'm helping, I'm communicating with guys in Russia who are starting up their own ad network to try and target sites that are currently unmonetizable to maybe get money going through. from a cryptocurrency advertiser network, but it's like, again, I'm working on shit that isn't mine, that is for other people, and I can't spend the time I want to on the shit that I want to. Like, I have all sorts of cool ideas for the forum, and I think one thing in particular, I'll just spoil it, because I'll never fucking get around to it at this point, is I had this idea that people would probably find horrifying, but that's kind of the fun of it.

Unknown_04: There are open source facial identification softwares out there.

Unknown_04: Open-source GPU based facial recognition software and I thought it would be fucking funny if you took that facial recognition stuff and you fed it local data and You had some sort of database where you put in a photo of somebody and I'll tell you if they have a thread or not or you upload your your you upload a attachment and it just tags the attachment based on the faces that recognizes and

Unknown_04: And I thought that would be fucking funny. I thought that would be really fucking funny and probably get national attention people be like oh my god these fucking technocrat cyberbullies are using facial recognition technology to fucking stalk people.

Unknown_04: I just thought that would be the best shit.

Unknown_04: What's this?

Unknown_04: Oh, okay. So this is I mentioned before Patreon and how 8chan was not allowed to have a Patreon. Well, people will slightly suggest, Josh, have you tried making a secret Patreon?

Unknown_04: answer is, probably doesn't matter. Because when 8chan had their Patreon, they got up to something like $1,500 for helping Frederick run the site, right? That, of course, got fucking showed. They're not gonna let 8chan have a Patreon. They're not gonna let me have my YouTube account for too long. At least the AdSense account's going away, right?

Unknown_04: So, that's a temporary measure, and when they took this down, Frederic tried to make another Patreon account, but this time it wasn't for 8chan, it was for him, and he was just making cat videos. It was literally just him sitting in his wheelchair with his cats, talking about living in the Philippines. And they axed that as well. So he was guilty by association. They told him not to come back anymore. And the same would happen really with any Patreon account I make.

Unknown_04: It's a nice effort, but Patreon is under Stripe. Stripe is under MasterCard and VisaCard. And Stripe itself is a fucking shitty San Francisco tech startup angel investment company. And it's just, it's hopeless.

Unknown_04: There are other payment processors out there. Maybe I can try to do a donation for him again, but in general, it's fucking hopeless Don't jinx yourself. Oh, I'm just seeing into the future

Unknown_04: Okay, 2016. Now this, I mentioned before, somebody causing problems, right?

Unknown_04: Just create your own internet. Basically, we're getting there with my internet juche. We're fucking getting there. Now in 2016 begins the Anglo menace. I even have a fancy icon to supplement this display. 2016, this guy.

Unknown_04: And I'm not gonna name drop him. I'm not gonna name drop him because he's been quiet recently. He's been very quiet. It's been two years.

Unknown_04: Quiet. So now, the curiosity is why. And I have an idea of why.

Unknown_04: And I'll get into that, but this is a Google search. If you type in site, which limits it just to that one website, and type in my name, his personal blog has 369 results for my name. Somebody pointed out years ago, over two years ago, you seem a tad obsessed with null. And he replies, only a passing diversion, I'm afraid. I think these problems are likely to be short-lived. Ooh, spooky, right? It's been over two years, and it's not been short-lived. One of my favorite, I'm gonna go through some of his greatest hits, but this is one of my favorite things he's ever written. If you go to, it's a free email hosting service I run, where you can get a shitty novelty email address, Like if you want to be Josh at you can go ahead and register that.

Unknown_04: But he wrote a blog post about it. Let's read it.

Unknown_04: Uh, your author has been researching the owner of Kiwi Farms, Null, also known as itch4bot. To remind everyone, this is a pen name of Joshua Connor Moon, the owner of Kiwi Farms, who controls the email address itch4bot at

Unknown_04: Can you tell this guy is trying to do some SEO magic to, uh, to try and associate the name Kiwi Farms, Null, itch4bot, Joshua Connor Moon with animal fetish porn websites? Oh, geez.

Unknown_04: I am currently running a number of searches and background checks on the owner of Kiwi Farms and other members. In due course, I will be asking their real world employers and family members about their online postings. I imagine it will make for gripping reading. However, a quick gem. While searching itch for bot, I search for websites controlled by him. One interesting domain registration is I link the reverse lookup service and an archive proving registration here. Null, who denies being a pedophile despite his website being kicked off several hosting companies who say they found child pornography, is the indisputably registered owner. So you might be wondering, what is I don't have a screen cap of it, but it was basically a link where I found a bug in Mozilla Firefox. I don't know if it's a bug of an or an

Unknown_04: Oversight I will one day learn English But Mozilla Firefox had this thing where if you embedded a link that was behind an old-fashioned Like username password thing like when you log into your router

Unknown_04: You usually get this little box that says ask for a username and password. That's old school HTTP. And if you put an image behind that old school HTTP login thing and embed that image in a different website, you'll get a prompt saying website is asking for your username and password. Well, I registered and put images behind a password gateway. So if you embedded one of those images on a different website, it would say animalfetishporn is asking for your username and password. And it was just a demonstration of that bug because it could really freak out boomers now. But he took it, He admits, he adds at the very bottom, oh, by the way, I found out it's a prank site. But that's the kind of shit that he's doing. And the pornography he's talking about, you better shield your eyes, Chad. I'm gonna show you what the child pornography that got us taken down from several hosts was. I swear to God, this is what he reported us to different VPN hosting, VPS hosting companies as being child pornography.

Unknown_04: I hope you delete your fu- take your- take your hard drive and smash it with a hammer. You've been infected. You've been destroyed.

Unknown_04: You gotta fucking bug out. The FBI, the CPS, they're coming for you. Notorious pornographer, child pornographer, Joshua Connor Moon, just fucking goosh-gooshed, you motherfucker.

Unknown_05: Here's some of his other best hits.

Unknown_04: I like this one. This picture at the bottom is like fucking level of Photoshop artistry.

Unknown_04: Fake anthrax. Law enforcement inaction leads to further Joshua Connor Moon slash Kiwi Farms related crime. In the wake of the Okaloosa school threats, the Witchfinder reveals that an absence of U.S. law enforcement activity over the sinister website Kiwi Farms has led to further vigilante threats, including a detailed guide to retaliatory harassment of the operator and the sending of false anthrax packages. Josh Moon has had many enemies on the Chan boards and elsewhere for some time, long before I wrote about the site, so it wasn't me making these posts. Their opposition to Kiwi Farms and Moon shows every sign of intensifying. Well, what does he mean by the Okaloosa skull threat? Let's go back to my all-purpose thing so I can capture my browser real quick.

Unknown_04: Oh that's right, I got fucking detained in April of 2016 because somebody used my email service to send an email from JoshuaConnorMoon at to the fucking high school I went to to threaten kidnapping and murdering a child.

Unknown_04: Let's see if we can find some good quotes from this. He sent it directly not only to the school, not only to the police, but to the media because he wanted the media to make publications about it. Officials say threatening email targets Escambia County man, not students. I wonder who lives in Escambia County at this time.

Unknown_04: Threats circulated late Thursday to kidnap and murder a child at Niceville Area School appear to be the work of a cyber stalker bent on getting an Escambia County man into serious trouble. Okaloosa County Sheriff Larry Ashley and School Superintendent Mary Beth Jackson held a press conference on Friday to say that it does not appear that children are actually being targeted for harm.

Unknown_04: We do not think a credible threat exists against a school or our kids, Ashley said.

Unknown_04: Sheriff office cyber experts worked quickly after getting word just after 6 30 p.m.

Unknown_04: noon in England Thursday night that an email threatening to kidnap and kill a child from Niceville school existed They tracked the source to a computer owned by a man in Escambia County and visited his home for a knock and talk Ashley said no they fucking arrested me Wasn't no fucking knock and talk motherfucker. I was detained

Unknown_04: The man who owned the computer told investigators that he had been the victim of ongoing computer harassment Oh, geez cyberbullying and it was determined in this case that he had been subject to swatting and spoofing Ashley said That we believe that this was online harassment targeted at that person rather than a school This is one of three. This is the third time this happened. I

Unknown_04: This is the first time this actually this is the first time the second time letters were sent to um I want to say Different no the the second one was the anthrax threat. He was threatening to send anthrax And he emailed that shit directly to various FBI offices in the state See a school graveyard is full moon

Unknown_04: The third one, I learned after the first one, actually the second one, not to talk about it.

Unknown_04: Because if I talked about it, if I made a post about it, he would make another blog post talking about it and using that to continue what he was doing. The third time I said nothing and it stopped, he stopped doing it because he couldn't justify explaining it.

Unknown_04: Until he sent another one, CCing directly in his own personal email address into the threat. So it would be like the FBI, the target of the threat, and then himself, among other journalists.

Unknown_04: to sort of give him an excuse to know why this threat was being sent. And he targeted, in one of the emails, he targeted a school or a hospital near where I lived. He targeted a hospital in Ohio, the largest children's hospital. I think it was St. Jude's actually, now that I think about it. And then he targeted one near where he lived so that he would have reasonable doubt to know about it. So he does all this shit to try and get the site taken down. Site doesn't come down. It is what it is. And you might be thinking at this time, you might be thinking, actually let me say that for a bit. Let's go to 2017. About this time, the year 2017 rolls around. And there comes a breaking point. Some of my older users might recognize this message.

Unknown_04: And this is a message for the three weeks the Kiwi Farms was down.

Unknown_04: A line crossed. People are saying the stream's down. I don't think that's true.

Unknown_05: Yeah, the stream's fine. You're all being pussies.

Unknown_04: A line crossed. Today family has been attacked with demands to remove the Kiwi Farms. And this is true.

Unknown_04: Every time I say that, I feel like John Oliver, going, yes, that happened. Yes, that's true. This is what you can believe, people. In 2017, not only, he went after my mom's employers for a while, because I had just gotten home from the Philippines, I was living with her.

Unknown_04: So he went after her, he went after, uh, and he assembled other people, other people who had threads on the forum to help him.

Unknown_04: And that's important in a little bit to why it came back because they were contacting where she worked and they got her fired. Right.

Unknown_04: Because they were telling they not only contacted her co-workers her immediate supervisor but they contacted the CEO of her company in a different state who she had never met and Threatened him personally with defamation and smearing as a child pornography so he

Unknown_04: He went to all this trouble to get down the site, and I bring it down. And I'll tell you why I brought it down, because it doesn't matter anymore.

Unknown_04: My uncle was in the Army. He was a medevac Black Hawk pilot. He had more combat flight hours than anybody else in the Army.

Unknown_04: And he was... 18 and a half years to a 20 year retirement.

Unknown_04: And at that point, I take out my little acubus, right? I take out my calculator, my tax accountant calculator. I'm adding up all the shit, all the positives of the forum, all the fun things that we've done. I'm thinking, if this motherfucker gets kicked out of the military 18 and a half years to a 20 year retirement, It wouldn't be worth it. Mathematically, utilitarianly speaking, it would not be worth it.

Unknown_04: Abacus, not Anacubus. My bad. Whatever. You know what I meant. You know what I meant, you fuckers.

Unknown_04: So I take it down. I take it down. And all those relatives who are so concerned, so bothered by the site, so prescient and wanting it taken down.

Unknown_04: Stop caring. I got no fucking phone calls. Nobody gave a shit. Nobody was like, hey, let's come over and talk to the server. All these people who were supposedly family didn't say shit.

Unknown_04: Meanwhile, you see at the bottom, I'll bring it up. I left contact information, right?

Unknown_04: Over the next few days, I received hundreds of emails, dozens of voice messages.

Unknown_04: And no snarky fucking comments. I mean a couple of lolcals got like, you know, of the only like a handful of people got fucking smug about this. You know who did? I'll actually take him aside to show you this. I'll show you one of the people who uh, who got smug about the kiwi farms going down.

Unknown_05: Hold up.

Unknown_05: I'm pretty certain you've heard of the lol cow mockery extraordinaire Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_02: Well right now Kiwi Farms is down and it ain't coming back at least from its creator Joshua Moon. Because Joshua pulled the forum down after, and wait for it, people started going after his family.

Unknown_02: Yeah right? Isn't that just, I mean again, isn't it ironic? Don't you think? I mean, this is a guy who runs a forum where people make fun of like Onision, Brianna Wu, myself, a number of other people. I'm glad he included that. A little bit of journalistic integrity.

Unknown_04: But okay, I just wanted to show you that real quick. Yes, of all of all the people who have who got smug about the Kiwi farms being down Monday night was not that I check it out on them once it came back up as it did, as it did.

Unknown_04: But just just I think some people

Unknown_04: Yeah, making fun is the same as sending bomb threats to school sending anthrax threats to fucking hospitals, the same as contacting employers and threatening to call them pedophiles unless they fire completely unrelated people. It's the same as going after military retirement for people who have 4000 plus combat flight hours. It's all the same. Don't you know that all's fair in love and boulders chat early early a master of of logic and with

Unknown_04: So this timer came back up. I told my mom to go fuck herself. I told everybody to go fuck herself.

Unknown_04: And I booked a flight to a random city in the United States for 2017 from February to February 2018.

Unknown_04: I was abroad and I played this song when the site was coming back.

Unknown_00: It's been a long time coming, but it finally came for Bud B to get his motherfucking shot in the game. I put more work in than the average trio nigga could put. And I'm a gangster from my head to my foot. Blacker than soot. I got the hood behind me. The streets co-side me. Head for the dead and carry me to nowhere to find me. The mission is laid out and the vision is clear. From this moment I run this off and everything down here.

Unknown_04: Was good nigga Okay, and after this for the rest of 2017. I kind of lay low and Guy runs out of steam There's not much he can do to try and take down the site at that point because I've been I've been stable I've been through tons and tons of DPS hoses were constantly flipping through them the the wings of the site able to collect money or clipped and

Unknown_04: It's kind of a dire situation, but at that point, it's stable.

Unknown_04: Because of donations, I was taking some contract work. I was doing stuff under different names. I was basically stabilizing the site, and during that time, I built up 1776 Hosting. What that is, is basically, I just own my own IPs, and I do rent some space to people who are more concerned with privacy than they are uptimes, and that news notice about DDoS attacks I'll get into.

Unknown_04: Oh, one other thing I forgot from 2016. On the topic of threats and shit, because I reminded myself of this, he started getting desperate. He couldn't take down the site by arranging retards to helping him. He couldn't take down the site by removing the donations. He couldn't take down the site by going after family. So he started to go after technological means. And one of the technological means is he paid people to try and hack our email server.

Unknown_04: So let's just read this, this is great, this is one of my favorite things he ever did. Greetings in the name of lulz. Baphomet are writing to you in mutual solidarity. Vordy, Welshfeg, and the SJW are being emailed as Moon's main journalistic foes, such as you are. We also copied in Bane and like I care. We hate Moon, and so we have rooted his mail server and stolen all his emails over the last few weeks. These will be released as and when it amuses us. There is a long-term plan, so we will take our time. Just to prove our words, provide some information. Port scan dump under the SIG. Don't use these to log in, you will be traced, but Null will freak out. Kudos to Null for choosing so many secure services like Dovecot.

Unknown_04: Sorry, if you know what Dovecot is, that's funny, too. The vulnerability is in his buggy-as-shit PHP code. 15 SQL injections and or shell injection bugs. I shit you not. Poor Nully, this must be very stressful, especially with his mother's sudden unemployment. Oh, and we corrupted all the other mail server logs, too. Falsifying entry is to throw blame on innocent parties for the hack. Aren't we nice? We are not responsible for the terror threats. That was Null and Dynastia trying to throw shade on their enemies. In the poor scan, you will find Josh created two local Tor proxies on this and used them to loop his browser back to send the threats himself. So much tech jargon. Oh, geez. It doesn't sound like bullshit at all. We are Big B Baphomet. We are elite. We do not forgive at all.

Unknown_04: Oh God, sorry, I just wanted to share that. That's one of my favorite things he ever did.

Unknown_04: And back to 2017. Okay, so I got the hosting service up and I'll explain the DDoS thing in a bit. That should give you some clue what's going on with that though.

Unknown_04: CoinDesk BPI chart.

Unknown_04: Yeah, this. So somebody donated several thousand dollars in Bitcoin right around where the Coindesk logo starts. And that was basically the only reason why the site's been up so far. I lucked out. I lucked out big with that. I reinvested it into altcoins. I sold high. I sold really high. And we've been coasting on that.

Unknown_04: I sounded scarier with my normal talking voice than when I do my scary voice.

Unknown_04: Probably. So yeah, it's just basically luck. At one point I was considering buying a house, but the thing is I had like $60,000 in cash ready to go.

Unknown_04: And I tried to buy a house, like I'm not in cash, I had coin I could sell, I had cash I could pull, I had some savings money, I had somebody willing to throw in more. But they literally refused to finance any kind of loan, even if I was paying like 75% of the value of the loan up front, unless I had income to show for the past two years. I just didn't. So they refused to let me buy a house, which is kind of shitty.

Unknown_04: Okay, that's 2017. It was very quiet compared to 2016. They had ran out of shit to do. But in 2018, he started DDoSing, attacking the hosting service, basically just begging people to send them Bitcoin donations. He lives off the British dole. Isn't it cute? Isn't it funny how I have to really fucking bust my ass to make ends meet, and he can just sit in free government housing, collecting government dole to DDoS my fucking site. Isn't that funny how people can fucking sit on their ass and collect free money to commit crimes with?

Unknown_04: Isn't that fucking funny? Like, I hate England. I fucking hate England.

Unknown_04: I want England to sink to the bottom of the fucking ocean like the lost city of Atlanta. know I like some people on it I got some friends in England I like Dankula but I mean it's a fair trade you sacrifice a couple people you like for the good of the entire world and I think that's fair I think that's fair

Unknown_04: DDoS is a serious crime. Paying people to try to hack your email server is a crime. Sending bomb threats to the United States is a fucking crime. Sending anthrax threats is a fucking crime. It's all fucking crime. And every time the FBI comes knocking, I'm like, it's that nigga. It's that nigga over there. It's that nigga. I know who it is. It's that nigga. And they don't do shit.

Unknown_04: And it's just like I like after four fucking times where I'm just like it's that nigga I know who the fuck it is. It's that nigga and they don't fucking do anything You start you start not caring So in 2018 there's been a shift and he's been very quiet now There's been the DDoS attacks, but it's been very very quiet special

Unknown_04: But what has changed is that I've been talking to people.

Unknown_04: I've been talking to people, and he's been quiet, more quiet, and not doing as much public bombast as he used to. Because he used to send emails to people. I'll give you a list of some people he sent emails to.

Unknown_04: He sent emails to Nick Rakita. When I started talking to him, he sent threats to Nick saying, I will, the Witchfinder, we will investigate you if you keep talking to Joshua Boone. Didn't work, Nick still talks to me. Sent emails to, oh, this guy, Ralph.

Unknown_04: Ralph has me on his show he gets a threatening email on the fucking site where they're trying to fuck with my family still they add an entire section for for Ethan Ralph and say we're gonna go after your family next they do the same to weave for some reason they go after Dick Masterson as well saying you're if you invite Joshua Moon back on the show we'll get you kicked off of iTunes we'll get you kicked off of patreon your business will suffer

Unknown_04: Didn't work.

Unknown_04: And he's been quiet now, surprisingly. He's probably complained to YouTube, complained to other shitty fucking sites. He's still doing his DDoS shit. But I have the feeling that he is afraid of something. He's afraid of something. I don't know what it is. I really don't know. Maybe I can't even speculate. He might be afraid of something. But what that is, I have no fucking idea.

Unknown_04: But the entire point of reaching out, I teased at this at the start of the stream, the entire point of branching out and wanting to talk to people and wanting to mingle and kind of dab into other communities and have presence there is to make people aware of the site. And I bitched at Mediocre, I bitched at him about fucking credit and shit.

Unknown_04: But the reason why is I want people to know the site's there and how it helps and how people use it because it's important.

Unknown_04: If not, like one fucking guy, one fucking lunatic can corner an entire community of thousands of people and just fuck with them.

Unknown_04: Like, I need people like Nick. That's what I mean. The idea of self-reliance has failed in that I need people like Nick Rikita to know what the site is, like Dick Masterson to think the site's funny, like Ethan Ralph to use it for his talks because if the site does go down, if a message like this ever does come back, people need to fucking be pissed off about it and have to do something.

Unknown_04: And that's the idea.

Unknown_04: Because now I can throw a stream up like this, I can talk to 1,000 people about the issues that the site has and what the broader implications are for the forum. Not just for the forum, but for the internet in general. Again, there have been many people who have tried to hurt the website. Many, many dozens of people who have tried to hurt the website, but it's mostly been one fucking guy. One dedicated fucking psychopath can do this much damage. And it's not all right.

Unknown_04: Like, I'm for freedom. If him sitting on his little fucking blog saying that I fucked pigs was the worst thing that he did, you know, who gives a shit?

Unknown_04: Honestly, who gives a fuck? If he wants to call my mother a pedophile, like, that's low, but who gives a shit?

Unknown_04: It's the indignation that you can't criticize me. You can't criticize me. It's not fair. I'm going to dedicate two plus years of my life to trying to take down yours. And that's bullshit. And nobody should have that much, that much fucking power over another person. Because the Kiwi farms does not have power. It can't force somebody to do something by having a threat on it. And we don't encourage fucking with people because it's not funny. But this guy, he likes to take people, he likes to scare them. And nobody should be able to do that with you. And you might think, you might be one of those people who right now are thinking this. Right now we're thinking this.

Unknown_04: Josh, maybe you've learned. Maybe you've learned that doxing is wrong now. Maybe you know, you figured it out, that doxing is wrong. There's literally something wrong with it. But there's literally nothing wrong with doxing. There is something wrong with sending bomb threats. There's something wrong with sending anthrax threats. For going after people and calling them pedophiles if they're not one. Like that, like that shit's criminal. And I think that's wrong. And you might say, well, maybe the site would be better off. It would be better off if it was, if I was anonymous. Well, no, cause you know what he would do? He's a fucking, he's, he's a wannabe solicitor in the UK. You know what he would do? He would just sue the site. You sue the site, you just throw out some litigation, they don't even have to vet it really, as long as it passes the sniff test, it becomes valid litigation. He'll ask for an injunction against the site, and he'll get one. He'll seize the domain name, he'll get his kicked off Cloudflare, if you don't answer it. The thing is, you can't sue me now. If you sue me with some bullshit like that, I'll bring up a lawyer. I will fuck you. You can't do it. Like, you have to have an actual tort if you're gonna go after me. And I know enough about law to be a problem for me.

Unknown_04: But if you're anonymous, you can't defend yourself. You just can't.

Unknown_04: And the site would have ended in 2016. If I was determined to stay anonymous, if I was still anonymous at that point, and it got to the point where this guy was trying to take down the site, he would have won. Because it would come to a point where it's like, okay, we're being litigated against, and he's gonna obviously refile litigation as many times as he wants to, because he's willing to spend other people's money to do it.

Unknown_04: So it would just continually pummel the site. It's not the same as when you're like Jim. You can stay anonymous and hide behind YouTube and hide behind Patreon and do that shit anonymously for a time.

Unknown_04: But when you're trying to host your own website, you just can't.

Unknown_05: Ugh.

Unknown_05: Smug anime dogs.

Unknown_05: I think that's it.

Unknown_04: I think that's everything. That's the history of the entire Kiwi farm.

Unknown_04: And now the only thing really left to touch on is the only year I've not brought up is 2019. Well what comes in 2019? That 2019 is right around the corner.

Unknown_04: And I don't know what to expect. And to the people saying, why don't you just kill him?

Unknown_04: I know people in my family who've thought about it, who might be in the medical field, who might know really good ways to kill people in a painful, agonizing way, who might have thought about that. But when he went after Weave, it's like, okay, you're making fun of a fucking Nazi now who definitely has Nazi friends in fucking England. You might want to knock it off, buddy.

Unknown_04: But the thing is, I see it as he is, it's called the eternal Anglo. It's not just the temporary fleeting singular Anglo.

Unknown_04: Take out this fucking guy, there'll be another one. I see it as a, not just him, it's not just this guy is an adversary to the site. It is a sort of opposition that's more of a, of an always present thing. And you take out this one particular fucking lunatic, and there will be another fucking lunatic who's just worked after him. So that's why I'm not particularly considered, oh, if I just take him out, life would be better. No, it would be somebody else. 2019 we've got shit planned.

Unknown_04: You know, I'm doing the streaming thing. I don't know how long it's gonna last again I got the the little patreon for as long Forever long that this fucking thing is gonna last probably not until Christmas but If these things pan out will probably be okay, but the way I see it is that 2019 is make or break

Unknown_04: And if it does fall apart, like, I don't know what I'm gonna do. Like, my plan omega, if everything goes to shit, I'm just gonna change my name in some random fucking state and go to China and teach English as a second language. I've already got the pronunciation of R down. I'm like, look, kids, it's ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra. That's how you pronounce things. pronounced erver, and the fucking Chinese kids will know exactly how to pronounce those words, it'll be fine. And, you know, I'll probably just disappear if that's what happens. But if it works, if shit happens, I think the site will be in a perfect position. Because I can't imagine what happens after this. What can you take down? In the words of Internet Juche,

Unknown_04: You have your own hosting service.

Unknown_04: That, I mean, there are things you could theoretically take down on the hosting service, but if that happens, the internet is fucked. The internet is really and truly fucked if the hosting service fails, because that means that the backbones of the internet are collapsing. The things that keep the internet working are dying.

Unknown_04: And unless that happens, then it's fine. But I mean, if that does happen, it's not just the Kiwi Farms that's fucked, it's the entire internet. Might as well go teach ESL in fucking China. Might as well go to a fucking rice field in China. At what point?

Unknown_05: It doesn't matter.

Unknown_05: Yeah, China will be the superpower of the century.

Unknown_04: If you're all fucking hung up over white genocide and you're not scared about the internet being censored because you think it's inevitable, just go to China. Go to China and find a Chinese girl and fuck her. Your kids are going to look Chinese enough that the Chinese won't be prejudiced against it. White blends into Chinese pretty well. You'll be fine. Your family will be okay.

Unknown_04: But this kind of shit, I don't know. If it's not 2019, 2019's not a year of stability. I don't know what to... And, you know, hopefully the advertising shit works out. Hopefully I find some way to make money.

Unknown_04: Because the site has to stabilize. It just has to.

Unknown_04: It floors the fucking mind. Floors the mind. It floors me. It boggles the mind that the site gets 500 million hits a month.

Unknown_04: transfers 20 terabytes data as active at any given time about 2,000 people. And you know how big it's gotten just from last year? In January, we were not hitting 1,000 people in primetime. We get more than 2,000 now in primetime, 2,400 in a day.

Unknown_04: So there is a demand for this. People fucking want this site. They want to talk about people, and they want to talk about people any way they please.

Unknown_04: And I just, I can't imagine, I can't imagine people letting it go. And that's kind of, that's the entire point of getting out and talking to people. Just to say like, look, this site is beset on all sides. There are truly dedicated fucking psychotics trying to take it down.

Unknown_04: And I need people to give a shit and to actively be concerned with the health of us.

Unknown_04: And you know, when I first started and I started talking about money and shit, like people were like, Oh, is this going to be like a begging stream? No, I'm just asking you to be socially conscious. What's going on? Because Ralph and Jim having patreons is a privilege. Jim having a AdSense account is a privilege.

Unknown_04: It does make me a little bit bitter that Jim makes like literally tens of thousand dollars a month when he streams consistently From his stuff and some of his streams are literally just reading shit from the Kiwi farms And he makes he makes enough money off that live stream of him just reading shit from the fucking site They support the site for two fucking months, and I'm not saying he has to I'm not saying I want his fucking money. I'm just saying it. It's like ah The envy is just there. It's not a rational hatred. It's not a rational envy. It's just ooh That'd be some fucking good. That would be like aloe vera on a burn wound, you know what I mean? Like when you get a sunburn and you're just laying there in misery and somebody dumps that fucking aloe vera on you That's the good shit It paid Josh

Unknown_05: Somebody's calling me a whiner like I'm sorry. It's just it's just That's the thought that's the thought is it's shit that people will pay for This goes to some fucking guy, I guess I shouldn't be vocally envious.

Unknown_05: I can't help but think about

Unknown_05: Why won't Monday and Matt pay you? I don't know, that gritty fucker.

Unknown_04: He's not gonna re-say it every time. I'm not expecting him to. He really, honestly, he doesn't even need to credit us, but at the same time...

Unknown_04: Again, it's not a logical envy. I'm not blaming him for I'm just saying that in a in an overview perspective where you're looking down on things and saying Like okay. This is the site. This is where the information comes from This is the people doing the work and the site runs a deficit of $1,000 a month And he makes that per hour streaming just reading shit from the site

Unknown_04: And again, I'm not mad at him. I'm not angry at him. I'm not demanding anything. But in a cosmic, spiritual sense, like yeah, that fucking stings. That stings just a little bit.

Unknown_05: Just a fucking little bit.

Unknown_05: Just watch the VOD if you miss the stream. I don't, like... I guess I could make a forum post for it.

Unknown_04: It's just, uh... I find you feel bad for me.

Unknown_04: How do I check Super Chats?

Unknown_05: Oh.

Unknown_05: Open in a new window. That's it?

Unknown_05: Oh yeah, this is it. Here's some foreign aid for your internet juju.

Unknown_05: Some rubia to keep the degeneracy up.

Unknown_04: A donation option for the forum, such as

Unknown_04: Crying bleeding heart charge wrangler again. I would have a donation form for the site, but when I last did that somebody Somebody charged $14,000 in fraudulent brought it down Gibbs shekels to Josh kind greetings from grandma percent German our Kitty Eastern European currency.

Unknown_05: Yeah, Lana's bullish I

Unknown_05: Can't use your credit card to get Matt to deliver you Uber Eats.

Unknown_04: Oh, that's right, Monday Matt does fucking.

Unknown_04: Sorry, I don't usually dedicate time to reading, but I did actually get a lot of those. Because I've been talking about the site fucking being in peril.

Unknown_05: Where do I contact you?

Unknown_05: You can, it's just, no like Kiwi Farms on that.

Unknown_05: I'm hopeful that in 2019 Kiwi farms will kill more trannies And I feel that all right, I usually don't read super those were kind of interesting

Unknown_04: Go on the route for like again It's and I'm just sort of treading my my toes and stuff merch would be pretty funny. We didn't merchandise drives Oh, I didn't even fucking mention that let me bring this up on fucking Firefox. I'll show you we did do a merchandise drive, but the guy who ran it I

Unknown_04: He was attacked by the fucking guy. He was like he they got kicked off of PayPal. Of course That's why I always say don't rely on PayPal. Don't rely on PayPal. They are fucking the worst They will kick you off without a second thought The fucking t-shirt company a small business printing fucking t-shirts was kicked off of PayPal Because a single fucking psychotic Attacked him. So we did a short run of merchandise like this is in

Unknown_04: June and it was somewhat successful a couple thousand dollars from it, but they got fucking shut down The entire company was fucking destroyed by this fucking idiot It was like even even merchandise like you can't you can't It was paying the fucking ass and you feel bad for the company because it's like they didn't fucking do anything. I just made t-shirt. I

Unknown_04: What do I think of the best boy manlit tears is manly tears destiny? Is that the same person?

Unknown_04: Somebody somebody tell me because I um, I actually I got an email from manly Well, I didn't get an email from manly tears pull it up real quick And read it

Unknown_05: No, Manly Tears, Destiny, Britbong.

Unknown_04: Oh, Britbong is not Manly, is not Destiny? I thought they were the same person.

Unknown_05: I don't know anything about... Yeah, sorry, I don't know anything about Britbong. If he's British, I hate him. I'll just say that. There's a 99% chance I fucking hate him.

Unknown_04: So I did go to Destiny server and I talked to them for a little while and they wanted me banned for saying the word retarded and Then I called the the guy who called himself. He literally called himself Jewish Bolshevik and he was encouraging Russian socialism again, and I called him a kike

Unknown_04: They were they were like freaking out because they had a channel for narking in their discord and they're like Josh Josh said the r-word and he said the k-word And he's in voice chat and he's being so toxic. I need a janitor to help me. Oh god Like a vault I'm being accosted on the internet And then I said I sent a destiny email I said holy shit your discord's like the most fun I've ever had in fucking forever

Unknown_04: And he sends me a reply like ha ha epic dude, and I didn't realize I thought at the time that destiny because from clips I've seen of destiny talking he's like super far, right, but I found out that those clips were just out of context So I have this mental picture of destiny being like this hail hortler 1488 kind of guy and I'm I'm in his fucking discord channel talking to these people and I'm like, holy shit, this is 14 this hail hortler guy is just like He's got the dumbest fucking fanbase I've ever seen.

Unknown_04: And then I found out that I was completely wrong.

Unknown_04: He was fucking one of those kind of retards too. Sorry.

Unknown_04: I'm still laughing because there was a tranny in the voice chat. He kept calling me toxic and he was like, everybody, everybody just mute Josh. Just mute Josh until the janitors can help until the janitors come online. Oh God.

Unknown_05: What was I talking about?

Unknown_04: Oh, that's right. I was talking about a fucking lunatic attack in my family.

Unknown_04: This was a couple weeks ago. Alright, I think that's it. I think that's all I can talk about history wise. Before I go though, has Virgo Rouge made another video about me?

Unknown_04: Is this a video? What the fuck is this? Let's watch this. Let's watch this together, Chit.

Unknown_04: What's this video?

Unknown_01: People are unhealthy. I am very healthy. I'm eating raw, pastured beef liver from a farm. It's been frozen for two weeks. Oh, that looks delicious. I don't know if it actually kills pathogens. It kills pathogens, Chet. There are people in this country who are a

Unknown_04: Okay, you guys have any questions? I'll read chat. I'm not just gonna read super chits. I'm gonna read all the chits. Chit. Chit, tell me.

Unknown_05: Tell me your questions. I will answer them.

Unknown_05: Junior, yummy liver.

Unknown_04: That ain't normal. Based in Liverpool. She says it's an excellent source from vitamin D. I don't know why chit has to be so hateful.

Unknown_05: We want Virgo Rouge.

Unknown_05: Who was that? Virgo Rouge. Praise Jim.

Unknown_05: Oh, do I have that song?

Unknown_04: Do I have the song? Here it is. It's a Jim song. I have to play it at least once every stream now. It's a rule.

Unknown_04: Don't give up. I try not to.

Unknown_04: Is there any hope for the internet? Yes, there is. Yes, there is. It's only gonna go downhill. There's gonna be governments that cut themselves off from the entire internet, but there will still be free internet between democratic countries if we don't let fucking government censor it. You have to really fight it. You have to be constantly vigilant for the shit they're doing because they want you.

Unknown_04: They wanna censor you.

Unknown_04: Will I have a chink wife like Jim?

Unknown_04: Probably not.

Unknown_04: Did you ever GF? Yes, I've had the sex with women, I promise.

Unknown_04: Do you wanna get married and have a family and kids? Yes, if the situation improves. I'm not gonna date at all in the current situation. Did the test alert system? Yes, I did test the, do call-ins.

Unknown_04: Can I suck your cock? No, that's gay.

Unknown_04: Post a link to that German song. I'll post it in the description as I always do. Does everybody ask? Can we help you cheat PayPal? Absolutely not. PayPal is no go. No go zone.

Unknown_04: How does my special friend have the power to do all this shit on his own? I thought he'd be prime boomer material He is not he pays he pays people from China and stuff because when the email server got hacked Or didn't get hacked. They just got some probing The IPs came from Taiwan. I think he pays people to do botnet stuff and to do a stress testing shit But he doesn't because he's very good with language. He's very good at scaring people He can like he just blindsides a normie like this and they're they're fucking they're startled They're like, holy shit. This fucking guy says he's a journalist He's calling me a pedophile is saying what he's asking me for a official line on why I'm hosting this kiddie porn I don't know what the fuck he's talking about then he usually at the end he includes a line right before he signs off like do you have any plans on terminating this contract with the Kiwi farms and That's their that's their out because if they say yes And if they take the Kiwi farms down or do whatever he's asking for then they they have a solution to the problem Which he created himself that's usually his gambit get Alipay or WeChat you have to have a Chinese account for that and As far as I know, but I would definitely be open to a Chinese payment processor

Unknown_04: Manly tears is one hell of a neat and he's 30 and plays it like off like a joke But we'll throw a fit if his mom won't make macaroni It's not a joke. That sounds like a chicken tindy story How about the weather the weather is fucking excellent right now

Unknown_04: People are such pussies. Yes, that's the thing. The Kiwi Farms has the best speech laws in the entire world, but at the same time, we have the most pussified companies in the entire world. It is unbelievable how a company with all the advantages it could ever ask for in the United States will willingly throw them away just to get rid of one guy. Have I heard of the Yandex wallet? Yes, I have but I could only accept money from from Russians Actually, I can't get a Yandex wallet account because it specifically says that you cannot be an American citizen if you get a Yandex wallet So I would be breaking like the FEC regulations if Biden said that I wasn't a US citizen I would like I would put me a genuine risk to have a Yandex wallet I can use Alipay internationally.

Unknown_05: I think I've applied for Alipay internationally and they didn't get back to me

Unknown_05: Is it possible for there to be safe internet harbors where certain countries will be very lax on the internet to attract certain types of income, say Switzerland does with finance?

Unknown_04: Well, you would think so. You would think countries like Panama might be open to having things where they just have a completely uncensored internet, even if they censor things internally. I thought, if I was the ruler of a small micronation, a small city-state. I would make the internet law such that the- internally we might censor something if we need to, but the internet in general, like what's hosted there won't ever be fucked with. But there's no country like that as far as I'm aware. Like I've looked around, I've read the constitution of fucking Suriname looking for a place to host the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_04: What about Mexico like there's a big engineering triangle when it comes to hosting in different countries and really hosting isn't the issue I'm hosting my site in the United States as it is, but it's either pornography speech or Copyright is the big thing

Unknown_04: Like Ukraine for instance has no copyright laws, but it does have Like censorship and stuff though there China has or Singapore might not might be good on IP. It might be good on on Speech but it has anti-pornography laws. So there's always a catch The United States is definitely the best but at the same time all the companies in the United States are fucking retarded

Unknown_04: Is Eastern Europe the future of the EU and the white world?

Unknown_04: Probably, unless they get jewed up. And I don't mean that, I love Israel.

Unknown_04: You have an infectious laugh and make good presentations, do some streams about hidden gems on your site and you could probably make those gem shekels. Probably, like right now we've got like a thousand people watching, which is great.

Unknown_04: Hopefully I keep attracting audiences.

Unknown_04: Make a Kiwi Farms dating website that has been suggested more times than you would like to know. We've had people who've gotten married because of the Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_04: Just putting that out there. We've had several marriages, and at least one child.

Unknown_05: And Jim would be Brit Blanc.

Unknown_04: He's bigger on 8chan's cow than he is on Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_04: The thing is, he likes the sock puppet a lot, from what I remember. And when he tried to get on the Kiwi Farms, we'd just sniff out his socks constantly, and he would get banned or merged back into his main account. On 8chan, he's free to sock all he wants, and they can't do anything about him.

Unknown_04: Half a Sargon, keep it up. Yeah, it's nice to break 1,000 on my end.

Unknown_04: That's legitimately horrifying. Fuck you. Marriage between white people is the most beautiful thing, as is marriage between Jews and Israel.

Unknown_05: Can I mail you rubles if you want to mail me if you go to at the bottom of the site and go to supporting the forum there is a An address listed for cash and money orders and yes, I can accept money orders I need to do streams on again. Yeah, I do

Unknown_05: I feel like Kiwi Farms, no Kiwi Farms GF? Tell me about it.

Unknown_05: There is an Anglo problem that needs to be addressed.

Unknown_04: Can I mail you Canadian marijuana? Please do not mail me drugs in the mail.

Unknown_04: Don't mail me anthrax either.

Unknown_04: Make QR codes for Bitcoin as the homepage as well. Make it visible. It's at the bottom of every page. If you wanted to find it, you could find it.

Unknown_05: Well, if I see people suggesting I make streams about people we have on the Kiwi farms, but really check out, check out the channel.

Unknown_04: Like I've done a bunch. If you're interested in those kinds of streams, I do them. Be sure to like, and or subscribe, smash that notification bell. So you get alerts too. I think that's what you tell people. You want them to give you, give you clicks.

Unknown_05: What about kitty styles? What about them?

Unknown_05: That guy's crazy. Everybody keeps asking me about Kitty Styles.

Unknown_04: I think he talks about me a lot more than I talk about him.

Unknown_04: You're the autistic Legion of Doom members that haven't been covered yet. When people talk about Legion of Doom, they're talking about the retards that my special friend recruited to do his dirty work. Which was, uh, YandereDev was one of them. I talked about him a little bit.

Unknown_04: I'm not gonna do a stream on KittyStyles because, I don't know, I feel bad for him. He's not a proper lolcow. He's just like a schizophrenic.

Unknown_04: Know what I mean?

Unknown_04: Thoughts on TikTok and the growing edginess of small children?

Unknown_04: Um... I don't know. I would fuck that one chick who does that NyanNyan cosplay though.

Unknown_05: I think everybody would fuck her though.

Unknown_05: Dream on DSPA logs Red Fox that was so long ago.

Unknown_04: I'm not the best person for DSP Did I ever talk about Sam and brain?

Unknown_04: No, I forgot about her Sam brain is another she's she's British quote-unquote. Can I get some fucking air quotes? She's from Pakistan. She's a she's a Muslim apostate I don't want to say too much about her because she's gonna flag my shit if I talk about her but um

Unknown_04: Basically she was a part of the Legion of Doom and she rants she ranted about me 24 7 on Twitter literally thousands of tweets about me and how horrible the Kiwi farms was and She eventually got banned from Twitter for making violent threats And now is relegated to her shitty wordpress blog where she talks about me still That Nyan Nyan cosplay chick is not a trap nice try she's just an ugly woman

Unknown_05: I'm trying to tell me that she's a rap fucker.

Unknown_05: Masterpash on the politician kitty style send the letter.

Unknown_04: I don't know who's he sent the letter to I just know that he sent a letter Talk about some technology stuff deep web usefulness inside stories like Torba chat loves I've already talked to death about how fucking useless gab was gab basically is got a million dollars. They had a massive head start on hosting RISC-A services and essentially did nothing with it. The Kiwi firms was already neck deep in shit by the time Gab got started in 2016.

Unknown_04: And Torba, with his infinite wisdom and infinite money, did absolutely nothing to protect the service from the exact kinds of problems that the Kiwi farms had. And I contacted him, I told him what to expect, and he brushed it off. The fucking dude is an idiot. I have no hope for Gab.

Unknown_04: Talk about Drake and Lord. I don't know anything about Drake and Lord except that he has a German thread on the Kiwi Farms and the International Click.

Unknown_04: If you speak German and want a German locale, the International Click board on the Kiwi Farms has different languages.

Unknown_04: Do I want to be neck deep in Andy's 6 shit? No, I do not.

Unknown_04: Sorry.

Unknown_04: Talk about Shakaren and your time in the Philippines. I don't know who Shakaren is.

Unknown_04: In the Philippines, I didn't do anything but work on infinity next I really didn't I would walk around sometimes It's a very dirty country. The thing I remember most about the Philippines is that there is constant traffic It has the worst traffic of the entire world in fact when I first got there Jim was in in Civil court because he had gotten out of his car a fit of rage and bashed somebody's windshield in Because because of road rage

Unknown_04: Philippines is way dirty Philippines makes more money than the country. I'm living in now per capita, but this country is so much cleaner because Not that there's any differences between the races. I love all the races because they're all the same especially Israeli Why do you think the tick-tock track is a chip because she is look her up Someone is in the columns, I don't know People don't like the Collins.

Unknown_05: I would just like to hear me talk

Unknown_05: Okay, fine, fine.

Unknown_05: The login.

Unknown_05: Otto Von Bonesmark, mute the stream.

Unknown_05: Is that why you were in the call line?

Unknown_05: Be careful what you ask for.

Unknown_04: You know, you know, you know when people get that fat like their skin starts to crack and they get like bacteria They get like visible bacteria rashes like their skin.

Unknown_04: I Can't believe you fucking I can't believe you waited for that shit fucking weirdo There I did a collar you can't call me a shill now

Unknown_05: Oh, nobody heard it, nobody heard it.

Unknown_06: Oh, sorry.

Unknown_04: One day, one day I will learn how to, how to computer, but today is just not that day. I know how to, I know how to make my own ISP, but do I know how to operate OBS? I don't, I sure as fuck don't.

Unknown_05: All call-ins should be like this. Now there's more people in the call-in line. I feel bad because I'm not gonna do any more. I didn't even do one.

Unknown_05: Best call-in ever. I think it was a tweet.

Unknown_04: More than I do? Oh, there's fucking O'dealy time. Motherfucker, I know you. I hope you enjoyed my rant about the perils of the internet.

Unknown_05: Or taking your make fun of Sargon card. I don't make fun of Sargon. I don't want anything to do with Sargon.

Unknown_05: I had one job. Hey, Hran is down.

Unknown_05: Like, Hatran's fucking gone. The owner's in fucking jail right now.

Unknown_04: What's my take on the second life Sargon thing? Can I even show this? I'm gonna show this briefly. Look at your window. This is gonna be up for less than a second. You get less than a second to look at this. Get ready.

Unknown_04: Get ready. Wait, did I... I fucking deleted it.

Unknown_04: There, I found it again.

Unknown_04: It's coming, it's coming.

Unknown_04: One, two, three. It's gone.

Unknown_04: That was a picture that, um, that apparently Sargon had on his thing. V denies it. V says that wasn't actually Sargon, but.

Unknown_06: Fucking.

Unknown_04: Your movie sucks and murder by Don. Oh, okay. I will talk about that. I'm actually going to post this in, uh, in stream chat so people can look at it. But, um, a while back.

Unknown_05: Let me just find the actual quote.

Unknown_05: I will post this in stream chat now.

Unknown_05: In case you want to look at it at your own leisure.

Unknown_04: But basically, the Your Movie Sex Guy posted this thing basically saying that a dog can consent to a blowjob because it doesn't hurt him.

Unknown_04: And basically that's it. Like dogs can consent to sex because they're dogs.

Unknown_04: And basically, after this, I called him out in that Wolf stream where I talked about Wolf. And we had a proper fucking YouTube comments like circa 2006 argument about this. I'm gonna put this in full size and blow this up.

Unknown_04: Like, I want you to just do a- I'm not gonna read this. There's no fucking way I can read this. This is his initial comment. He's calling me triggered. He's calling me triggered. He's saying that I'm a social justice warrior because I disagree with his opinions on dog blowjobs.

Unknown_04: And, uh...

Unknown_04: I reply and I say that he's did something incredibly stupid and defensible. I bring up in one line that Mark allegedly said that allegedly he cried when Mark refused to back him up on Reddit about the dog blow jobs. And then he replies saying that I shouldn't trust Mark. He doesn't touch on anything else. He goes into detail about why giving dogs blowjobs. I'm not fucking reading all this. He goes into detail about how giving dogs blowjobs is okay and how he shouldn't have to change his opinion just because other people find it distasteful. I reply saying that dogs can't consent. He says dogs can consent.

Unknown_04: And he mostly talks about how penetrative sex with dogs is always bad. No, I'm posting the link in the fucking chat again so that you guys can read it on your own. It's also on the Kiwi Farms. If you want to read it, read it there.

Unknown_04: Like go to the Kiwi Farms Animal Control Board and look for Adam Johnson. That's the thread. Go, I can't possibly fucking read all this.

Unknown_04: And then he says how because we eat meat and breed cows artificially, that makes it okay to suck off dogs.

Unknown_04: And I end it by saying that because he continually says that dog blowjobs isn't harmful to the dog, I remind him, and this is true, that Kiro the Wolf's dog, before he got found out for the ZUSEDA shit, died of a UTI, of a urinary tract infection. And I tell him, it's like, the dogs, the, you know, people, when they touch each other, when they kiss each other, when they do oral with each other, we're at a reduced risk of contracting disease because we grew up, we evolved having sex, right? Well, dogs don't have those same immunosystems on their penis for human contact. So human bacteria on our skin and in our saliva is more dangerous to animals because they don't have the immune system. It didn't evolve getting fucked by humans. So it's possible that that Kiro the wolf killed his dog by giving it a urinary tract infection by sucking it off. And when I said this, he didn't reply.

Unknown_04: And, um, it's just like, I don't know. I don't know why he's so adamant about it. Like I, I get it. Like you don't want to hold on your principles, but really you need to fucking reconsider.

Unknown_04: And the like, I don't know, I don't want to I don't want to frame him because I do appreciate the fact he talked to me. I appreciate the fact that he was civil with me. I hope he thought that I was being civil with him. But I can't imagine holding the belief he does. And it's not just an agreement, a disagreement. It's like what the fuck is actually wrong with you?

Unknown_04: Just think that it's okay to suck off dogs, bro.

Unknown_04: I don't know. Do you guys think I'm being mean? I'm being unreasonable and saying that he should reconsider? Like, do you think there's any... Do you think it's okay to hold that opinion? Like, I... He calls it wrongthink. I'm prosecuting him for wrongthink, but I don't think it's... I don't think I'm doing that. Like, I'm tolerant of his opinion. I just think it's kind of fucking gross.

Unknown_04: And his main argument was, I was saying that all the big people in the furry community, it's not just him, it's not just Wolf. Wolf was definitely a furry.

Unknown_04: But Varka, the guy that owns Bad Dragon and E621, his business partners have actually gone to prison for zoophilia. I think it's the owner of Inkfur or Inked Bunny, who is a convicted child molester.

Unknown_04: And it's like all these people, all the top dogs in the furry community, I really shouldn't call them top dogs. That sounds like an everypony. That sounds uncomfortable. But the big, the head honchos in the furry community all seem to be somewhat involved in Zoophilia. And I don't think he's any exception. He's not as bad as Wolf. He's not torturing animals. I can't say for sure he's fucking animals, but he's complicit. You know, he allows it.

Unknown_05: He thinks it's okay to suck off the- And that's just really fucking rude.

Unknown_05: Link for Kiwi Farms, just fucking Google it, brother.

Unknown_05: Top pups. Am I sure he's not torturing animals?

Unknown_04: I hope he's not. Adam, Adam, if you're watching this, please, please reconsider. Please think of the animals.

Unknown_04: Oh, Jesus. Hold up.

Unknown_05: I'm gonna boomer this up too, but.

Unknown_05: Adam.

Unknown_04: I beg of you, Adam.

Unknown_04: From the bottom of my heart, reconsider Adam.

Unknown_04: I like your reviews, Adam.

Unknown_06: Just reconsider, motherfucker.

Unknown_04: Chat, pray. Pray for Adam.

Unknown_04: We're gonna get him through this.

Unknown_04: That's enough of the sad animals. Oh, here's the owner of Cuba was upset that his family was then targeted by assholes on the forum or enemies of the forum There's just there's just like that that nice layer of irony there and the guy basically he still says like more or less that he doesn't regret anything that he's done and Family that was being attacked then he would still keep it up which I guess is I

Unknown_02: Kind of noble, I guess. I don't really know if I'd call it that. Kind of noble. That's very weird. That's my title, Chuck. If I didn't have a family, I would still be doing this. I regret nothing. But I'm taking it down because my mama was attacked. And his mom was, in fact, actually. There's been a couple people out there that are really big enemies of Kiwi Farms. One guy by the name of Vordrack. And that guy actually was able to successfully sue an anonymous troll on Kiwi Farms. to the sum of 10,000 pounds. He's never gonna collect that money. He literally got, he got like a sympathy check from the government saying like if you could ever collect this money go ahead and collect this money.

Unknown_04: Never gonna collect that.

Unknown_05: I didn't say, I didn't say shit. I didn't say shit. That was Matt Jarboe of Kiwi Farms saying that.

Unknown_04: Any thoughts on Opera? I have no thoughts. Opera is just another, they switched their rendering engine to WebKit. It's just another WebKit browser. I use Iridium. If you guys want a browser, I use Iridium. The downside with Iridium is that it does not at all keep any cookies. If you close your browser, it completely fucking wipes out your cookies.

Unknown_04: It's so heavily oriented towards privacy that it actually becomes like a usability detriment, but it's a really good browser. Thoughts on Brave. I like Brave a lot. I love Brave. It's just that I've had some usability issues with it, and it's not extensible enough. It needs to be more extensible. I don't know why it isn't, but Brave is objectively the best mobile browser. Get Brave on your mobile phone right the fuck now. Just go get it.

Unknown_05: What about opera, the style of music? Kind of gay.

Unknown_05: No, um, Rape doesn't have no script.

Unknown_04: That's what I mean. It doesn't have, it doesn't have open extensibility. It just has a suite of plugins installed into it.

Unknown_04: Dude, I advertise the fuck out of Brave. Brave has the BAT tokens. It's basically, Brave is made by a guy called Brendan Eich. And Brendan Eich is the original founder of, original creator of JavaScript. I wanna say he was the co-founder of Mozilla Foundation that was ousted from his own company after it was found that he donated money to a political group that passed the anti-gay marriage law in California. So after they found out he donated money to the anti-gay marriage law or proposition in California They kicked him out of Mozilla and he went on to found brave and brave is really fucking good. It's just that it's not extensible enough Yeah prop 8 Brandon Ike is if somebody asked what's my my thoughts about the Internet and the future of the Internet? um

Unknown_04: Uh, if anybody saves the internet, it will be Brendan. Ike. He is fucking.

Unknown_04: Based he, this nigga is based and or red pill. No, not even and or there is no and or here he is based and red pilled. Okay. He's he's a fucking God.

Unknown_04: Third Reich. Ike basically.

Unknown_05: Basically.

Unknown_05: Uh, brave.

Unknown_04: I think it's just definitely like try out brave on your desktop. You might like it if you don't use too many extensions, but a hundred percent, no doubts about it. By far the best I've found on mobile brave is the best browser for your phone. So definitely check it out. And Brendan Eich is all about bringing cryptocurrency to the masses. Brave integrates with a currency called BAT, which is Basic Attention Token, and he's working out a way to convert fiat money into BAT tokens, and then having a way to donate to websites through your browser automatically or manually. So it's a really great idea, and if it does work out, it'll be massive for the internet.

Unknown_05: Braved in Red Pill, basically.

Unknown_04: Yeah, there is a couple of usability interface issues that I don't like, which is the reason why I use Iridium over Braved, but I cannot wait for Braved to really iron out, because I would love to be able to tell everybody, no doubts, try out Braved.

Unknown_04: Is Brave not just another data grab like SR-Ware and Iron and other Chromium-based browsers?

Unknown_04: I think Brave does use Chromium, but I don't think it's a data grab at all. It's just a fork, like the rendering WebKit engine is basically the cornerstone of the internet now.

Unknown_04: Thoughts on Vivaldi? Vivaldi is yet another WebKit fork.

Unknown_04: It's just a different interface for WebKit.

Unknown_04: Whenever I say WebKit, whenever you look at a web page in Chrome, the thing rendering that web page is something called WebKit. WebKit was developed by Apple, so Safari uses it too. Safari, Chrome, Iridium, Chromium, Brave, Vivaldi. They all use the same exact rendering engine called WebKit. The only difference is the interface and the complementary software, the extensibility, and Chrome is the worst. Chrome is by Google. Chrome tracks your shit.

Unknown_04: The other WebKit forks are all better than Chrome. If you really like Chrome but don't want Google spying on you, use Chromium or Iridium or try out Brave or try out Vivaldi.

Unknown_05: Do I use ad nauseam?

Unknown_04: Uh, I do not because it's, it's Google has done something to make it so that you can't add ad nauseam onto Google, uh, Chrome forks. So I just use ad block plus, but if you are on Mozilla Firefox, a hundred percent use ad nauseam. If you're on Firefox, go download ad nauseam right the fuck now. I don't even know how, but ad nauseam seems to remove ads from Twitch and shit. Like ad nauseam is the fucking best.

Unknown_05: Thoughts on being molesting seahorses be leave those seahorses alone fucker That's on you black origin that's what I use for for Rome

Unknown_05: Oh, regarding Hatreon, yeah, Hatreon's dead.

Unknown_04: And the fucking guy, the defense distributed guy, Cody Wilson, he's fucked.

Unknown_04: Cody Wilson owned Ghost Gunner, he owned Hatreon, he was doing a lot of good work. And then they found that he had slept with a 16 year old who had lied about her age. But because he did so in Texas, it's no fault whatsoever. It's 100% on him. He faces up to 20 years in prison. So he got fucked in. He got fucking glow niggered, basically.

Unknown_04: Josh, what do you do if you have a hairy asshole?

Unknown_05: You just fucking live with it. Don't shave your asshole if you're a woman.

Unknown_05: Talk about how you can protect yourself online.

Unknown_04: There's a thread on the Kiwi farms called Software recommendations if you just go to Kiwi go to Google and type in Kiwi farm software recommendations you will Find all my personal recommendations for staying private I have a link to a VPN the shill link one of the only advertisements are Kiwi farms right now, but If you use this link, I I love PIA.

Unknown_05: I use it on everything

Unknown_05: Do I like Blockland Rape? It's the only rape I do like. I like video games.

Unknown_05: Everything else is immoral.

Unknown_04: Don't beat your wife, kids.

Unknown_04: How do I join ISIS? You go to Syria and you wave around the ISIS flag until somebody escorts you to the base.

Unknown_05: How do you bully communist weeaboos?

Unknown_04: You just let them live. The guy who originally made the quickie for stalking Christian is a literal communist weeaboo called CogsDev. And CogsDev is 2AutisticChanges' username.

Unknown_04: and People give them shit because they know Cogs dev started the quickie and which led to the quickie forums which led to the Kiwi farms So all these other communist tankies they make fun of Cogs dev for And don't let them into their cool kids club because they know that he started the the Kiwi farms in a tangential way I'm not gonna talk about Kenneth. Kenneth is so fucking boring and

Unknown_04: This is the most- here's the funniest thing about Kenneth, you ready? He boils his hamburgers. That nigga boils his hamburgers.

Unknown_05: Is there anything left to be said? So many people who make locale forums are locales? Yeah, no shit. It's called troll shielding.

Unknown_05: Gas.

Unknown_04: That's uncivilized. I do that. Bob Dylan, get the fuck out of here, Kenneth. I found you out, motherfucker.

Unknown_04: I forgot to read your Super Chat.

Unknown_04: I try not to read all the Super Chats because it gets boring. I read them out if I think they're pertinent to conversation. Josh, what do you think of the Best Boy Manly Tears? I did talk about Manly Tears.

Unknown_04: Josh, do you want to do a video stream on streaming again? I talked about- I read both of those out.

Unknown_04: I read both of them. I said I should stream on some more, but I don't have time for it usually.

Unknown_05: Okay, sorry, I got a I got an urgent p.m. But I felt the need to polish it to Talk about I did read it motherfucker

Unknown_05: Video read all the super chats super chats right now stream that me restream cuz fucking Restream that IO is fucking broken Andy warski and Ralph have both said that it's fucking broken.

Unknown_04: It pisses me off I fucking I've been trying desperately to fucking Get them to fix their shit, but they're not gonna fix their shit. I

Unknown_04: Any opinion on ProtonMail? I use ProtonMail for some stuff.

Unknown_04: I'm not too sure how I feel about them because I know that they will delete your email account if they receive a threat from the US government or from Google or something.

Unknown_04: But they should be good for casual use.

Unknown_05: Well, I know like stopping the stream to read super chats is a good way to get more super chats, but it's also a good way to make a really fucking boring stream.

Unknown_04: So if you are going to donate, I appreciate it, even if I don't read it aloud. But please make it relevant. Make it something I can read and not derail the conversation with.

Unknown_05: Privacy is a myth.

Unknown_05: Why is the hatred guy in jail? Google Cody Wilson. He's in jail because the feds got him, basically.

Unknown_05: What do I use for email?

Unknown_04: I use my own email. I run my own server, which I wouldn't recommend. Running an email server is a pain in the fucking ass. ProtonMail's good. You know what? Use Yandex. Use fucking Yandex. I will link you. Use this shit. That's some good shit right there. Get some fucking Yandex mail. Only Putin will read your email, and he won't care. As long as you're not plotting to overthrow the Kremlin.

Unknown_05: Other than that, it's pretty good.

Unknown_05: Fuck Russia. It's a popular opinion these days.

Unknown_05: I do use Thunderbird.

Unknown_04: Thunderbird is not an email host though. Okay, this is true. I mentioned this in my software recommendations thing, but if you use Thunderbird, what you can do is pull all your emails in, like delete them immediately off the email server. That's the best thing you can do.

Unknown_04: But it allows you to have many, many different email accounts for many different service providers. It's a great way to keep organized and to have different identities. Always keep your email identities from cross-contaminating. Basically have different emails from different stuff and never use the same password on anything.

Unknown_04: Because what people don't understand, get something like LastPass. If you go to, get that. If you use, like even if you have like 12 different passwords, and if one service, one random shitty fucking website that you were using gets compromised and your password's leaked,

Unknown_04: Any account using that password is also compromised. So don't use the same password on any two things, because if it's leaked once, it'll compromise all those other sites. So get something like LastPass or another password manager and segment your identities, because look at how badly it fucked over V.

Unknown_04: You know if somebody if you use an email address on a porn site or an f-list or whatever the fuck creepy weird shit you're into And it's used on a bunch of different other sites all it takes is that one leak and once the leaks out there your identity has been cross-contaminated and It'll it'll go back to you people are after you

Unknown_04: Oh yeah, and use passphrases. All my passwords are like 128 characters, but because there are sentences and shit that I can remember, it's easy to remember. Easier than a hard password.

Unknown_04: I don't know what Casper Sky is.

Unknown_05: I've heard of it, but I don't...

Unknown_05: Russia and China are not best buds.

Unknown_04: China has some revanchism regarding territory that's currently a part of the Russian Federation that they want back from Russia. There might be a border war between China and Russia at some point. You could also not do degenerate shit.

Unknown_04: Degeneracy is the spice of life. What kind of boring ass life are you living, buddy?

Unknown_05: People are gonna find my Vore accounts one day.

Unknown_05: Manchuria? Yeah, I think Manchuria is the new one.

Unknown_05: How long have I been streaming?

Unknown_05: An hour and a half. I'll do it for another 20 minutes.

Unknown_05: Do I like gamer girl pee? Oh no.

Unknown_05: What's my fursona? It's obviously Kiwi.

Unknown_05: No, I take that back. I'll show you my fursona.

Unknown_05: I'll show you my fursona.

Unknown_04: You guys are gonna love it.

Unknown_04: It's the most ballin' ass fuckin' fursona in the entire world. And if you disagree, you're just a fuckin' liar. Or a fibber.

Unknown_05: Or full of deceit and treachery.

Unknown_05: Behold!

Unknown_05: This guy, this guy is my fursona.

Unknown_05: He's the most badass motherfucker. I don't wanna hear otherwise.

Unknown_05: Hey, hey, don't, don't be mad. Don't be mad.

Unknown_04: You just can't handle it. This is the best for someone. I bet you fucking money Adam Johnson would blow that dog. He's a good boy.

Unknown_04: Have I thought about making a micronation to avoid deplatforming?

Unknown_04: I mean, I would still have to deal with American businesses and shit. It wouldn't really help. Did I adopt it from wikiHow?

Unknown_05: Yes, I did.

Unknown_05: kill a dog with a suck arresting heroes dog you never noticed the dog has no deck no has no neck not no deck okay maritime admiralty law will save the kiwi farms maybe maybe the future is hosting a server off a yacht

Unknown_04: Yeah, I had fun streaming with Jim. I don't know if you would. I think Jim's apprehensive of me. I don't mean that in the way that like he's not scared of me. I don't think.

Unknown_04: Uh, it's just, I don't, I don't think he wants to be in that Flynn. I think he wants to be in that Flynn at all.

Unknown_05: I'm not showing you my deck.

Unknown_05: Fuck off.

Unknown_05: Have you seen the funny bit of the birth defected dog with no neck trying to socialize with other dogs?

Unknown_04: That does not sound funny. I have no interest in seeing that.

Unknown_04: Put a server on the moon.

Unknown_05: I'll put a server in Elon Musk Mars ethnostate.

Unknown_05: I'm not gonna tell you who my source is somebody's asking if when I said that his his thought I said somebody I didn't say who had a thought that Jim's tactic against Sargon was to kamikaze and take down all of their collective patreon Twitter and Facebook and

Unknown_04: Was just a kamikaze Sargon bring him down that way and I didn't say who Jim speculated that it was some guy I never heard of then he speculated that it was Dankula, but I'm not gonna say It's just my

Unknown_05: Do I like Disney princesses?

Unknown_04: You know, what's funny is that this country gets away with a lot of piracy, like, like in the United States, if you do your own like, kids birthday party catering business, and you offer to dress up as Disney princesses at the birthday party, fucking it doesn't matter how small your company is, Disney will see some fucking desist you immediately. For over here, you know, there's I see Disney princesses incorporated into advertising all the time.

Unknown_05: That you know for sure, fucking.

Unknown_05: Do I really see people migrating to

Unknown_04: I'm sure they will. I really wish I was streaming on right now.

Unknown_05: But uh...

Unknown_05: He'll Sorry will probably have issues if it gets popular Ralph hinted that Keemstar might be involved in funding and I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised if somebody like that if him or PewDiePie was funding it just because they've apparently paid out close to $200,000 and

Unknown_04: In high score table own so like I don't know Jim said that they're big they're bigger fish. They're not gonna have the same problems as Kiwi farms.

Unknown_04: I don't think so. I think they will because I

Unknown_04: Like if one guy can do that much damage, just just imagine what anybody with actual clout like the guy that stalks me is just a fucking lunatic. He has nothing. He's fucking he doesn't have a job. He doesn't do anything. But you know, you get people like Jared Holt after you. Imagine what he can fuck.

Unknown_04: Not saying that Jared Holt some kind of internet God.

Unknown_05: But you know, if somebody is dedicated enough and has enough funding behind them, they

Unknown_05: Keemstar was one of the first and the only big streamer

Unknown_04: How much worse is the DevTools console on Brave compared to IE? I remember the DevTools on Brave being a little bit shitty.

Unknown_04: As a web developer, it was a little bit shitty. That's the other complaint that I had for it.

Unknown_04: Firefox has very good DevTools. Chrome has the best.

Unknown_04: IE actually doesn't have bad... IE's DevTools are better than Brave.

Unknown_05: My Arab ideas. No, I'm just talking to people just talking to people

Unknown_05: Oh, I fucking hate Pale Moon.

Unknown_04: Don't ask me about Pale Moon, motherfucker.

Unknown_04: If you don't know, back in the Infinity Next days, I was trying to do JavaScript in a certain way, and the only modern browser that didn't support event observers was Pale Moon. And for some reason, Frederick had shilled Pale Moon at some point. The guy who does Pale Moon is a fucking furry.

Unknown_04: I got on his forum and I yelled at him and everybody clipped that shit like look Josh is a spurg He got mad at pale moon He got known that the guys that develop pale moon, but pale moon was shit. It's bullshit I don't know what it might be less shit now, but fuck it. I'm gonna say it's shit We need some background music I got some background

Unknown_04: Perfect.

Unknown_04: This is the best. You don't need anything else.

Unknown_04: Somebody says that you need some other kind of background music. They're fucking liars.

Unknown_04: Toming your rape.

Unknown_04: This is a Kevin MacLeod wallpaper.

Unknown_04: It's not Minecraft YouTuber music.

Unknown_04: It's just wallpaper.

Unknown_04: You should back the Kiwi Farms site and put it on a floppy disk. Write, please host.

Unknown_04: Maybe. I've always joked I'm going to write everything on the Kiwi Farms into a platinum disk and shoot it into space.

Unknown_04: I've already... How do you think Jim's handling the skeptics? Is he too invested? Yes, I think he is. Um, I don't know, like... It's just not funny. It's not interesting. I don't care. I don't care about V. I don't care about Sargon. I don't care about any of them. It was funnier when he would pull up, like, that random clip of Bunty King talking about how he wanted shit in his mustache. That's funny. But then after, like, Sargon threw down the gauntlets, and he comes in, and he's like, I'm gonna crucify you. I'm gonna nail you to a fucking cross. It's just like, ehhh... Who cares?

Unknown_04: The thing about Jim and the thing about Sargon Is there will never be a killing blow there will never be something that makes Sargon like take some down like even this shit the thing I showed you with the Sargon sir dragon fucking that Toho character It's clearly a lolicon like People are even if that's real people are gonna in his community are gonna say it's not real. They're not gonna stop supporting them There's never and there's nothing that Sargon can say about Jim no matter how accurate or inaccurate that is going to uh

Unknown_04: that is going to make Jim look bad to his fans. So they're at a stalemate. They're at a perpetual shit-flinging contest. And I don't see any tidy resolution to it. It's just gonna, what's gonna happen, my speculation is there's not gonna be a Kamikaze. My buddy who's friendly with Sargon said that what's gonna happen is everybody's gonna get deleted. They're all gonna have their shit taken down eventually when people get fed up with the fighting.

Unknown_04: But the flip side to that is that nothing's gonna happen, and then after a couple months of this, Jim's gonna get bored of it. and he's gonna be burnt out from it, and he's just gonna retire for a couple more months again. Like he did with Internet Aristocrat. I just don't see the kind of climax people would hope for. I just see it as shit flinging. And I'm not invested enough in hating Sargon and V to care.

Unknown_04: Sargon has been mentally broken ever since January, I guess.

Unknown_04: What do I think will get taken down first, Kiwi Farms or Encyclopedia Germanica? Kiwi Farms has far more issues than Encyclopedia Germanica. Far more issues.

Unknown_04: Is locale wiki dead these days or what? It's kind of dead. What I want to do, and this is what I was talking about with not being able to spend time working on the site. I just want to take the first post in every thread and make it a wiki. And have people update it as they want. And make the OP a community project instead of one person's little garden. And when that happens, when I have that ready, I want people to move content from the locale wiki over to threads.

Unknown_05: My hypocrisy level is too much? I guess.

Unknown_05: Girl Vinyl wants ED back? Good luck with that.

Unknown_04: Oh, my music stopped. Come back, Kevin. I need you.

Unknown_04: If you want to do penetrative tests in the Kiwi farms, you don't have to ask permission. If you find anything, let me know.

Unknown_04: Jim will have a finishing blow, just keep an eye out for it when it drops. If it gets said, and if it's big enough, people will post it to the Kiwi farm. I'm gonna do shit.

Unknown_04: Heard about furries in the EVE Online community. I didn't realize that EVE Online was still up.

Unknown_04: Is it like Goon Fleet?

Unknown_04: Yeah, this is Fact Zone.

Unknown_04: Start a cult? Okay. Well, you're all invited to join my cult. You have to be free speech fanatics. I want you to take the oath by thinking of the worst thing you can possibly say and then shout it at your closest family member. Just fucking walk up to them and start talking about dog dick or something. You have to- you have to take the- this is like cutting your wrist and bleeding blood out onto the parchment to sign it. You gotta- you gotta fucking scream obscenities at grandma.

Unknown_04: And if you miss the stream, don't worry. It'll be VOD. You'll be able to watch it. You don't have to be programmers. You just have to scream at grandma.

Unknown_04: We did that last week at Thanksgiving.

Unknown_04: Grandma yells at me about the Jewish cabal. Is she German?

Unknown_04: Well your name is Abrechenfertig. I guess grandma is fucking German. That reminds me of that video of the old lady who's like 90 who's senile who accidentally does like the Hitler salute in public and everybody freaks out because grandma might go to jail.

Unknown_04: Hello, loser reptile.

Unknown_04: How do I become a hacker? You have to know the underlying technology. Hacking is just exploiting things you already know about that occur in an underlying technology.

Unknown_04: Okay, what time is it? I got six more minutes. I'm gonna cut this off at two. Anything over two hours.

Unknown_04: It's weird that we've maintained about a thousand people.

Unknown_04: That's pretty cool.

Unknown_04: Campaign look busy by Kevin MacLeod. It's probably not better than wallpaper. Come on. Wallpaper is the best shit.

Unknown_04: Some of this chat is extremely autistic by even Kiwi Farms standards. It's not all Kiwi Farms members. Lots of them are from IBS and stuff.

Unknown_04: What makes Shadman worse than any lolly artist? He draws actual children being raped by people that they know. Like he drew Daphne Keene being raped, shit on, pissed on by Hugh Jackman. She drew Keemstar's daughter being, sucking Trump's dick. She drew a 13 year old YouTuber, Lieutenant Corbis being ejaculated on by phallic microphones.

Unknown_04: Shadman's a real pedophile. Shadman's a real piece of shit. Shadman gets a break on everything for no apparent reason. People treat him like he's some kind of celebrity when he's actually a child fucker. And if I'm wrong on that, you can sue me, Shadman. I think that you are actually a danger to children. I've seen Lieutenant Corbis and his Discord channel. Lieutenant Corbis is under 18 his discord channel is over 18 And he's drawn pictures of her getting getting cummed on by microphones So I think he he's grooming her and I will say that I say that as a matter of fact That was the hyperbole and if you think I'm wrong go fuck yourself shed

Unknown_05: Oh sure, they're drawings. I wouldn't say that- Well, I would say the drawings of actual kids should be illegal.

Unknown_04: That's where I draw the line with Lolicon. I'm not gonna ban drawings, but I think that sexualizing children, real fucking kids that are still under the age of 18, absolutely that should be illegal. I thought it was. I don't know how the fuck he's not in jail.

Unknown_04: I don't know why the fuck Daphne Keen's lawyer, when he threatened to sue him, just didn't fucking do it and get him in fucking jail. Because the dude's a fucking menace.

Unknown_05: It should definitely in the whole thing.

Unknown_04: Well, I'll throw this up because this is um, this is not not safe for work, but I want you to think for a second what the intention what's the artistic intent of this picture?

Unknown_04: What what is the artistic intent of this picture is it a

Unknown_04: Is it being an edgy boy? Is it being edgy? No, it's a warning shot. It's a warning shot to Keemstar. It's a warning shot to DramaAlert. Don't make a DramaAlert on me. Don't make a DramaAlert on me, because if you make a DramaAlert on me, I'm going to draw your own fucking kid getting fucked by you. So don't do it, Keemstar. Don't you fucking make that DramaAlert on me, because I can draw you fucking your own kid.

Unknown_04: That's the blatant fucking intention of that. The blatant fucking intention. It's a warning shot. A shot across the deck. Like, if you fuck with me, I will draw your kid sucking dick.

Unknown_05: Yeah, no.

Unknown_04: Shadman's be- like, I am a free speech fucking lunatic. I am a complete insane person willing to throw anything and anybody under the bus for the sake of saying whatever the fuck you want. But, that's the line. You can't draw real fucking kids. You just can't.

Unknown_04: Can't fucking do it.

Unknown_04: Because, you know, Daphne Keene, Daphne Keene might search her own name, might search her name in combination with Logan, and might find pictures of her being raped by Hugh Jackman, a man that she actually knows and worked with in real life. And that would fuck anybody up.

Unknown_04: That would fuck anybody up. And I'm not usually a protect-the-kids kind of guy, but, like, just go fuck yourself. There's no excuse for it. There's no artistic merit to that kind of shit.

Unknown_04: Pedo cartoon porn is not free speech. My issue is okay, even if you were to drag me to the bridge and we're saying okay, we both agree that Lolicon is child pornography. Let's just yield that fucking argument for

Unknown_04: I don't, number one, I don't yield that argument because I don't think that any crime should be a crime unless there's a victim. But in specific terms of just yielding that and saying, okay, lollicon is child pornography, the issue then goes, how do you litigate it? How do you legislate?

Unknown_04: Lolicon bands you just say that any character that looks young is under 18 do they have to canonically be under 18 for Or to be considered lolicon like if they have no tits But they're in a character that's 30 Does that count if they're a 5,000 year old ice fairy does that count like?

Unknown_04: I just don't trust Congress to make a bill Regarding lollicon that actually nips the problem in the butt. They would end up over censoring. They would fuck it all up Don't don't fuck with our speech laws. We've got them good as they are. You don't want more Congress fucking with me Corn is not speech.

Unknown_05: That's a that's a completely different argument

Unknown_05: 5000-year-old Ice Fairy is the best to who?

Unknown_04: Motherfucker, you Cernophags ruined Bant.

Unknown_04: I will forever hate the Cernophags for their invasion of Bant, which was objectively the best board on 4chan for a brief window. A brief window before the Cernophags destroyed Bant.

Unknown_04: Censorship is always the worst opinion?

Unknown_05: That's right.

Unknown_04: Okay.

Unknown_05: Okay, we have we have been at this for for two hours.

Unknown_04: I think that's it. Um, if you want to get into contact with me, my email address is no like Anybody's free to email me for any reason.

Unknown_04: If you want to donate, there's a link at the bottom of the site called supporting the forum, and I'll put you in on that.

Unknown_04: We're all fucked the internet's gonna turn to shit in a little bit, but if we survive 2019 if the Kiwi farm stays up 2019 I think we'll be just fine and with that Let me go ahead and play the outro song Take it easy guys

Unknown_07: Don't ask me what the name of the song is, by the way.

Unknown_07: With every bubble she sank with a drink And washed it away down the kitchen sink The dog days are over, the dog days are done The horses are coming, so you better run And I never wanted anything from you Except for everything you had and what was left after that