0:01:26 Unknown_17: Well, hello. I hope everybody's having a wonderful Thanksgiving. But if you're watching this, you're probably not. I have broken out the vodka and I've broken out the Jager that I was saving for a special occasion. Unknown_17: I have literally nothing else to do today. I woke up at fucking 4 p.m. Literally nothing to do today. 0:01:59 Unknown_17: And I guess there's no time like the present. Might as well just do a fucking stream and say hi to everybody. Everybody in similar situations around the world. People either unfortunate enough to be around family for Thanksgiving or people unfortunate enough to not be American on Thanksgiving. Unknown_17: Okay, what brand of vodka it's a good question it is Medoff vodka Let's let's pull it up. Can I show alcohol on on a live stream? I don't know probably not Well, let's do it Medoff vodka Vodka of Ukraine, oh geez 0:02:34 Unknown_17: Wasn't that nice. Unknown_17: It's like 60 rubles. It is really fucking cheap vodka for that bottle. Unknown_17: I don't know what this says at the bottom. 0:03:08 Unknown_17: Probably says something like don't drink or drink responsibly and don't kill yourself. Unknown_17: Which is probably good advice. Unknown_17: And I'm glad I got fucking restream working, now I can restream properly to stream.me. Unknown_09: That shit burns a little bit, but it's actually pretty smooth for really cheap vodka. 0:03:47 Unknown_09: Suka blyat. Unknown_17: All right, all right, all right. Chat, what are you thankful for? Unknown_09: Tell me. Unknown_09: Are you thankful for Trump? Unknown_17: Are you thankful for food? Unknown_17: That's a good thing to be thankful for. Because once again, I should reiterate, I say it as a joke, but I genuinely, genuinely appreciate weird people. I even remember when I was in high school, and one of my classes that I didn't have anything to do, it was like a study hall class they called them. where you just had a classroom of students and a teacher there that basically caught up on homework or whatever the fuck you had to do for that study period, you could do whatever you wanted. You didn't have to do anything if you didn't want to. But in my study hall, there was a kid about my age who literally thought he was an alien. 0:04:20 Unknown_17: I don't, I say literally thought, I don't know if he was doing it for attention or if he had like a schizophrenic disorder. I think he was doing it for attention because people said they had seen him outside of class like at a Dairy Queen or something with his parents. And he didn't mention anything about the alien shit. So he probably only talked about the alien shit when he was around students. But he even did this thing, I don't even know how to describe it. He would sit in his chair, he was a really skinny, nerdy looking kid. But he would sit in his chair and hug his knees. He would do it at lunch or at the desk. Like he would sit in a fetal position in a chair and do his work. And I really liked talking to the kid because he was super interesting. And he would do these drawings, these really intricate drawings of alien spaceships and aliens. And he would say like, oh, these are my people and these are the spaceships they use and stuff. And he would say he's from Area 51 and shit, and you know, he was obviously full of shit, but he was really interesting to talk to. His imagination was vivid and detailed, and it was a good way to kill an hour in school. 0:05:35 Unknown_17: Somebody says I should take call-ins. I will take call-ins this one, because I didn't do it last time. If you want to talk to me, for whatever fucking reason, let me open up my call-in thing. But I will be more than happy to talk to you today, because there is nothing I got to show. 0:06:18 Unknown_17: This is it. You staring at my DuckDuckGo search bar in Firefox? That's the content for today, baby. Unknown_17: Oh, you were fucking yelling at me for not taking calls. What do you got to say? Actually, let me make sure I got my, uh, my audio on. There we go. Okay. Now what do you have to say? Unknown_17: Oh, you disconnected. You disconnected. That's right. That's what I thought. Unknown_17: You're out. Unknown_17: You demand, you demand. Let me read this fucking guy's comment. Can I show my discord? Can I show my screen? Where is this window captured? Now I want, I want to show my actual fucking screen display capture. 0:06:54 Unknown_17: Oh jeez, why doesn't this work? Work, you piece of shit. What the fuck? Why can't I capture my screen in OBS? Can I show Discord? Unknown_17: No, I can't. Okay, whatever. I will read this comment. I'll read it. It says, why don't you actually take calls, Josh? You're letting that fucking Jew easy-peasy control your streams and their fucking shit. You're literally a virgin. Well, here, come back and say something. 0:07:25 Unknown_19: Oh, can you hear me? Yes. Unknown_19: I'm not, I'm not, I'm not the guy on the YouTube. You got me confused. I just wanted to call in, but I agree with everything he's saying. Unknown_18: What are you talking about? Unknown_19: So why, why did you, why did you say, uh, chat demanded that you not take Collins? That's just, that's just not true. Unknown_17: I didn't, I didn't say that chat did specifically. I said that specifically, you said that yesterday. Well, people get mad when I take callers, they call the caller Spurgs. And, uh, when I, when I do Collins, the viewer count like drops off. 0:08:01 Unknown_19: Josh, what kind of site do you run? I run a cyber bullying website. Full of what? Bergs. Unknown_19: Okay. And now they call into your fucking show and you don't want that? Like, are you fucking retarded? Unknown_17: Yes, I get embarrassed when people do incredibly spurgy shit on behalf of the site. Oh, that's not that's not new Speaking of did you know that I just wanted to point this out normally like what your viewer count is like what? Unknown_19: 3-400 viewers right for your average live stream The for the first two yeah, but after that it's been like 600 plus. 0:08:40 Unknown_17: Oh Unknown_19: Yeah, so yesterday, yesterday you roughly had literally like three times the amount of viewers that you did when you started out. And you had a guest that was like, Amberlynn is literally weighs more than a female grizzly bear. Unknown_08: Yes. Unknown_19: Also, fuck that Jew. Easy peasy. Unknown_19: Well, what's your point? Unknown_19: I don't know, nigger. What's your point? Unknown_17: I thought you were leading to some, I thought you were gonna like pull the tablecloth out from under everything and do some kind of fucking astonishing trick with all that, those little breadcrumbs you were laying out. What fucking breadcrumbs? 0:09:18 Unknown_19: I'm just on here. I was in the chat. Unknown_17: Surely, surely people can back me up that there was supposed to be something coming at the end of that. Unknown_17: No, M's Pecs, the thing is with that stream is that there are a lot of people, a lot of people way, way outside of the Kiwi farms who do not like Amberlynn. She has a massive hate dump. Unknown_17: Oh shit. And the reason why so many people piled in is because they wanted to see somebody deconstruct Amberlynn. And they happened to see it, because Amberlynn's probably loaded up on their YouTube algorithms, anything with Amberlynn in the title. 0:09:54 Unknown_17: Probably jumps to number one. So they log on to YouTube to be catty. They see it they click in And they stayed through pretty much without it M's pecs doubled the length of the stream. She had shit to say that's why she was there She was there for the Tommy Tudor stream as well because she had shit to say Tommy Tudor stream was fucking garbage. Unknown_19: I actually sub to that guy cuz of you I was like Unknown_17: You fucking ruined my life, Kiwi Farms. I'm glad that I helped Tommy Tudor here. Actually, can I- I need to fucking find, um... I think I deleted it. Let me pull it up on YouTube. 0:10:28 Unknown_17: Because there's something in that stream that's just so fucking awful that I want people to see it again. Where is... Come on, DuckDuckGo. You're making me look like a fool. I think that's a vodka. Unknown_19: No. Unknown_17: I just had a shot. I just had one shot. I'm not damaged because of it. What are you talking about? Unknown_19: You fucking came on wasted. What are you talking about? Unknown_17: I did not drink anything except for that first shot. Who the fuck is it? Unknown_19: Okay. And Amberlynn fucking is on a healthy diet. I got you. 0:11:01 Unknown_17: Here, let me pull this up for everybody to see. We're getting that, I'm looking at my own stream now. This is a, it makes me gag reading it. Dumpster diving coast to coast, the gourmet bin burger. I defy anybody to show me a burger this fat from high quality beef available in any restaurant for less than $10. Unknown_17: Just 93% lean burger, garlic, pickles, ketchup, and sun-dried tomatoes were dumpstered. The bread, onion, and roasted red peppers were bought. The beef is still fresh enough to make steak tartare. Yeah, look at the stream. That's something that he picked out of a fucking dumpster. 0:11:35 Unknown_19: So basically he makes PagPag. I don't know what that is. Unknown_19: It's like the fucking Philippine dumpster food. PagPag? Unknown_19: Yeah, PagPag. Oh god. Unknown_19: Oh jeez. Unknown_09: PagPag is probably better for you than whatever that fucking guy made. Unknown_19: So that guy's so poor he has to go dumpster diving for cat meat and vegetables? Unknown_17: That's gross. That's really, ugh. This makes my stomach churn. And I have a pretty high constitution. 0:12:06 Unknown_19: What do you eat all the time? What is it, like borscht or what is it? Borscht. Borscht? Yeah. Unknown_17: What is that? It's beet soup. This is like the healthiest fucking thing you could ever hope to put in your body. This is shredded beet, which is like a superfood. It basically literally prevents cancer with some spices and a dollop of sour cream. Unknown_17: It's great. It's perfect. Unknown_19: You're the type of guy that doesn't even have an equally old silver. Do you even have an Alexa pure factor? 0:12:38 Unknown_17: Well, I have to hear the fucking metals would kill me What's it what's it like living under the Russian rule, I mean you guys basically got your port snatched from you it's safer than uh It's safer than living in the US What Unknown_19: Russia literally rolled into their butt fucked your army and took your fucking port I don't talk about those things. Unknown_17: You're not gonna get me to comment on this Hey, did you meet coach Redfield yet or what? Okay, this is true. Let me show people in chat. Um, I haven't met him yet, but I Unknown_17: YouTube spaces there's this program available to people who Have over 10,000 subscribers. So make sure if you if you've not subscribed on YouTube do it because I want to do this You can go you can for free you can go to a YouTube space and any of these cities you just have to put in like a If a reserve your time slot, but they give you access to like a recording room 0:13:29 Unknown_17: And what? Yeah, no, this is for real. If you have 10000 plus subscribers, you can for free reserve access to a recording studio in one of these YouTube offices called a YouTube space. And I for sure am going to probably in January meet up with Coach Red Pill in Berlin. Unknown_17: And do something with this space is like something stupid and way, way like overproduced for the caliber of stream that I do. But I think that would be fucking amazing and very funny. So that's that's all my coach I feel already have a studio you can go to though He does have one in his own office Yes, but that's not the same as going to YouTube and jacking their shit for an afternoon to fuck around It's an actual YouTube like partner 0:14:19 Unknown_17: He has over 100,000 subscribers. He's a silver silver level YouTube. No, no, no, no. Unknown_19: I'm saying the studio that you're talking about is a YouTube partner. Unknown_17: It's it's a it's their own office space. Unknown_19: They own it. Unknown_17: Yeah. And if you have if you have over 10,000 subscribers, you can request an afternoon in their their space. You said January? Oh, yeah, probably January. I don't know what his plan is and I don't know what my plan is. So I'm going to have to think about it a little bit. Unknown_19: Fucking better buy some bots. Maybe you only got six and a half K I mean, I can probably sneak in under his wing, but it would I would like the 10,000 because that way that way I'm Let me find out what it's called when you have when you have 10,000 you're like a bronze level creator. 0:15:03 Unknown_17: I Unknown_17: Benefit levels. Yeah, there we go. Bronze right now. I'm only opal. What the fuck opal? I mean, what the fuck is an opal? It's like a chinky rock. They're calling me a chinky. Look at this shit. Unknown_19: Amberlynn Reed is more successful on YouTube than you. How many does she have? Unknown_19: Like 80 K. Really? Unknown_09: So, yeah, but. 0:15:51 Unknown_09: Probably more. I'm looking this up right now. Unknown_17: Oh 86,000 fuck off Look at this 31 million views. Hey guys. Unknown_20: Okay, man. Unknown_17: I demand people look at this Where's that part where she like just shows it in her fucking face? That's I was also disappointed yesterday Literally like five minutes before you started your stream. Unknown_19: She put out a Burger King mukbang dude We watched it at the very very end Unknown_17: We're gonna watch it, we're gonna watch my favorite part again. Like, if I can find it. Because what she does, oh, wait, this is it, okay, watch. Everybody look at your screen and behold. 0:16:23 Unknown_06: Dude, what's bad about that is the fucking thumbnail for that shit literally has the burger in one hand and the cheesy tots in the other. Unknown_19: Dude, it's... Unknown_17: What are you doing? Cease and desist with the fat, the fatness. You're gonna traumatize. 0:16:57 Unknown_19: So this is actually, I'm not even bullshitting now. You can place a Vegas bet that she's gonna die before the end of next year. There's odds on that. Unknown_17: She's not gonna die before next year. She's probably gonna die between 30 and 40. Isn't she like 27? 28. Unknown_19: I don't know. Okay. But Unknown_19: You know, I'll put a hundred bucks down and take take that bet and then as the years go on I'll increase it but you can there's Vegas odds for that now Yeah Hey, well, thank you for calling and I hope you're I hope you're happy. 0:17:30 Unknown_17: I'm satisfied. Unknown_19: I'm fucking happy. You need to take Collins, man I don't know if I can do it on the Wednesday streams, but if I do streams outside of Wednesday, I'll definitely talk to people Fucking Jew, all right Okay, Crusader Mike Unknown_18: Oh, hello there. Unknown_17: Hello. Unknown_18: How's, how's your, uh, uh, Slavic Thanksgiving? Unknown_17: Um, I had, uh, I had noodles where you add hot water. I did not know it was Thanksgiving until somebody told me, and then I sent a text message and now I'm live streaming and drinking vodka. 0:18:07 Unknown_18: So you had it by yourself? Unknown_17: Essentially, yes. Unknown_17: Josh, you probably weigh as much as her hush. This lady is 550 pounds. I'm like 250. She's like more than twice me. 250? Unknown_18: Damn. I live a sedentary life, all right? It's not my fault. Start lifting. Bro, you need to start lifting. I'm going to lift. Unknown_18: You live in fucking Russia, dude, now. You got to lift unless you want to get like gang banged by a bunch of gobnicks. 0:18:40 Unknown_09: I can squat. Unknown_18: Yeah, that's- that's how they, uh, communicate. Unknown_17: Streaming chatted. Goddammit, this- ahhh. Unknown_17: The fucking- The topics are- are the literal white niggers. Unknown_17: White niggers. Oh. I guess I- I don't know. I don't know if I should talk about Sargon. I think people are gonna, like, people are gonna start hanging themselves- Mate, mate, mate. Unknown_18: Why are you talking about Sargon, mate? Unknown_17: That's a good fucking question. You guys know what's gonna happen with Sargon, right? You want my hot take on that? 0:19:11 Unknown_17: Yes. Unknown_09: Sargon has almost a million subscribers, right? Unknown_18: Yes, we know that. Unknown_17: Okay. If Sargon and Jim keep going at it, eventually they're going to involve somebody who is going to be upset about them going at it, and is going to completely shut down on Patreon, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Both Sargon, Vee, Jim, basically everybody involved. And they're gonna be scattered. 0:19:44 Unknown_18: I don't think Jim really cares but I know Sargon cares since um... You don't think Jim cares? Nah, I mean he's deleted channels before. I guess. Unknown_09: Doesn't mean he doesn't care. Unknown_17: He didn't like his his internet aristocrat identity was associated with Gamergate and he didn't like Gamergate Which is why he left. I do think he cares about his current persona because look at look at how invested he is with With trying to take down Sargon like it's not it's unusual for him to care enough to try and like destroy somebody But he's obviously trying to do that 0:20:23 Unknown_17: So somebody posted this this got Nick chick, which is kind of cute. Unknown_20: I'm gonna put her up on the screen Yeah, I don't think Jim's trying to destroy Sargon I think he's just fucking with him most ago Sargon will just destroy himself Probably would have done that regardless Unknown_17: I don't know, like people, people, I get comments on all my streams now like, oh I'm happy he did this because I miss Jim doing the exact same shit. So he's refocused on making fun of people who really aren't that funny. Like there's never gonna be a killing blow struck down on Sargon, you know what I mean? And there's never gonna be a killing blow to take down Jim. It's just gonna be endless shit flinging for the next fucking six months and I don't think anybody has the aptitude to put up with that. 0:20:59 Unknown_18: she's clearly over 18, ok fuck you guys I have to take it down now you guys are being fucking dickheads about it there you can look at Amberlynn again look at fucking Amberlynn I accidentally said the O word and I'm getting shit for it now oh well over 0:21:40 Unknown_17: Like over and out, or over and under, or over and over again. Unknown_09: That one. People take issue with it. Unknown_17: That's my thoughts on Don Sargon and the other guy, Jim. I don't know, mate. Unknown_18: Wait, wait. Why are you talking shit about Sargon, mate? Unknown_18: I mean, you know, I can meet him. Unknown_17: That dude is like two hours away by train. I could get on a train right fucking now and show up at his door by morning. 0:22:16 Unknown_17: And I guess I could bore him, I could eat him for Thanksgiving. I think he wants to eat you. Unknown_18: No, I think I think these these the the prey. Unknown_17: I think I think V ate the rest of his caravan. Unknown_18: That's why he's all alone all the time. Unknown_17: Oh, his gypsy caravan? Does he have a crystal glass for telling the future? Unknown_18: Yeah, that's why his skull's all fucked up. It's actually in his skull. Unknown_17: Meet V in real life. Livestream the vore. Do it. Turkey B. Oh god, let me pull up some shit that's gonna get my channel deleted. Hold up. 0:22:51 Unknown_18: Get V on stream. Unknown_17: I searched turkey lore. I'm not finding what I wanted. There are pictures of like furries roasted and tied up like a Thanksgiving day turkey that are pretty fucking horrifying to watch. Unknown_17: It is what it is. Unknown_18: Now that's fucking based. Unknown_17: I did find this. Hold on let me throw this on. 0:23:23 Unknown_20: You guys need to see this. Unknown_09: I love the internet. Unknown_17: The internet's great. Unknown_17: Somebody wrote this. Somebody masturbated this. Can you believe that? Unknown_18: Probably V. Oh, poor V. Yes, mate. Very, very hot, mate. Very, very, very hot. Literally, mate. Unknown_18: I just love how there's a fucking iFunny watermark on it. Unknown_17: It is pretty fucking iFunny. I can't disagree. Unknown_17: Well, alright. Anything else I want to get to? There's three other people in the call line. I got to get to them. 0:23:55 Unknown_18: Yes, I will violently sunset myself. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Unknown_17: Over mom. Unknown_24: Hi. Unknown_17: Hello. Unknown_24: Um, well, I, I, I came in to actually talk about food cause I'm Russian myself and you talked about, uh, borscht. Unknown_17: Are you proper Russian or Ukrainian or, or Belarusian? Unknown_24: Um, I am proper Russian from former Stalingrad. Unknown_17: Stalingrad. Oh, geez. 0:24:26 Unknown_24: Yes. Unknown_24: So I don't know what kind of borscht you've been eating, but normally it also has some vegetables and some meat. Unknown_17: Yeah, it's usually very similar to what you would think of in the United States as like a crock pot kind of thing. I imagine they do cook it for like 12 hours where they just throw the shit into a pot and then let it cook and then boil it out when it's ready. Unknown_24: Yeah, so, however, I mean, yeah, there's going to be New Year's and New Year's is much more popular in Russia. Well, that's because the East Orthodox Christmas is like six days later, right? Exactly. Yeah. And so New Year's is going to be quite drink and food heavy for you. But if I were you and if you are staying in Russia for a longer term, I would be honestly looking forward to Maslenitsa. 0:25:03 Unknown_24: which is going to be in March this year. Unknown_17: What is it called? Unknown_24: Maslenitsa. Unknown_17: I have... I can't say hello yet. Like, the words are so complicated. Unknown_24: Privet. Unknown_17: No, no, no, the other one. The one that's like eight syllables long. 0:25:38 Unknown_24: Zdravstvuyte. Unknown_17: Yes! Like, what the fuck? That's not how you say hello. Hello is supposed to be one or two syllables. Like, no other language has a hello that's like a fucking sentence in size. Unknown_24: Well, honestly, Здравствуйте is more... It's formal. Unknown_24: Yeah, it's more formal. It's when you are with a capital U when you're talking to somebody. So there's like a lowercase U in English and then there's a capital U where you are being reverent to somebody. So in Russian, there is also Ты, which is informal, and Вы, which is formal. And when you're with somebody and you're talking to them using we, you would say Здравствуйте. So a teacher, government official, what have it. So, yeah. 0:26:13 Unknown_17: So what's that this uh this March uh thing what's it called again one more time? Unknown_24: Uh Maslennitsa. Maslennitsa. I sent a Wikipedia link. It's gonna be beginning of March I think fourth oh yeah there it is fourth to tenth. 0:26:54 Unknown_17: Is it in all the eastern bloc countries? Unknown_24: Yes. Unknown_17: Let's see, Maslenitsa. Yes, Maslenitsa. Is it an Eastern Slavic religion? Is this like the equivalent of Easter? Unknown_17: Yes, it must be. The eight weeks before, oh. Unknown_24: It's not really because there is Easter, which is called Pascha also, but Maslenitsa is a pagan one. Unknown_09: Oh. Unknown_17: That's weird. Well, Easter is pagan too. 0:27:29 Unknown_24: Well, it's more pagan. Unknown_24: I don't know how to explain it, but it's my absolute favorite holiday in the entire year. Unknown_17: It's called Cheese Fair Week? Unknown_24: Yes. Unknown_17: That's funny, so you just eat a lot of cheese? Unknown_24: No, you eat a lot of bliny. Unknown_17: Blini? Oh, it says right there. Oh, oh, are these the pancakes that I have for breakfast that usually come with like salmon? 0:28:02 Unknown_24: Yes, well, they can be either sweet or savory. So they can be with salmon, meat, caviar, you name it. So that's like the more savory one. And there are different recipes for like the sweet ones and for savory ones. Unknown_24: And I am personally a fan of the sweet ones where you have them with honey and all kinds of other sweet stuff. Unknown_17: I just realized that nobody could see what I was looking at because I had that Charizard Warpick on top of the browser. 0:28:37 Unknown_17: Whoops. Unknown_24: You're too young to be a boomer, but I think if anybody calls you a boomer, it would be rightfully so. It's just, I don't know. Unknown_17: I don't know why my streams are such disasters. I think I tried to do too many things at once, so I end up fucking myself constantly, but it's fun that way. Unknown_24: So usually during Maslenitsa there's still snow and everybody gets out and presents food. You can buy food usually at Maslenitsa fairs. 0:29:09 Unknown_24: and it is absolutely amazing let me let me send you oh there it is there is one that's going to trigger everybody who lives in the west because it has blini filled with caviar and people who are not from russia they just can't at the amount of caviar because usually like i live in europe right now and here is sour cream on top yes yes that's really weird that's a weird combination oh shit 0:29:46 Unknown_17: Wow. Unknown_24: They just get absolutely triggered at large amounts of caviar. Unknown_24: We bought caviar in liter bottles when we lived in Russia. Unknown_17: It's weird to like, it's just, it has a weird texture. Like even on sushi, you're eating it on sushi and it pops in your mouth as you bite down. It's very strange. Unknown_24: Well, you haven't had like proper, my favorite caviar is black caviar. And proper black caviar almost has like this. 0:30:20 Unknown_24: Somebody posted a cat with a knife. Unknown_24: Anyway, it has almost like a buttery soft texture. Unknown_24: It's not really fishy. Unknown_24: I would recommend it to anybody, like proper, not fake black caviar, because there is a lot of fake black caviar around. Unknown_10: Yeah. Unknown_24: But, yeah, Maslenitsa is an absolute must. If you want to go to Russia at any point during the year, during Maslenitsa is the absolute best time. 0:30:56 Unknown_17: Well at some point I want to take a train from where I'm at now to Moscow, to Vladivostok, down to Beijing. That's my plan. At some point I gotta do that. It's gonna take like a week. To take the Trans-Siberian Express, it's like a full week of travel. And it just sounds fun to be stuck on a train with a bunch of probably poor Russians, because they're taking the train to flying, who are probably all gonna be drunk and listening to music very loudly. Unknown_17: For an entire week. It would probably be fun. Unknown_24: It is, yeah, the Transceived journey is... Have you taken it? I would recommend it. It's just an experience in your life. 0:31:33 Unknown_17: Is it like I described? Because that's how I picture it in my head. Unknown_24: Drunk? I don't know how drunk people will get. Unknown_24: When we did it, you could... I don't know how it is now. Unknown_24: But you could still smoke on the train and it was pretty dope, if I say so myself. Unknown_17: That's something that's fucking stark, coming from the west to the east. Everybody smokes. Everybody smokes. And they smoke everywhere. And even in the restaurants, they have... What's the fucking thing? The Turkish thing? Kalyan. 0:32:09 Unknown_17: no hookah that's it they have the fucking standing smoking things and everybody like like teenage girls will be like puffing on this fucking thing next to their their uh their booth honestly these uh the the hookahs are absolutely devastating to to your lungs because i i tried hanging out with my friends here in germany and they're like very popular here hookahs because it's a large amount of turkish people 0:32:40 Unknown_24: They brought it over here and I spent one evening basically hooking up with my friends. And the next morning I woke up and I just, I hacked up such a storm. It was just, I don't know, it was just scorched earth inside my lungs. Holy, it was absolutely horrifying. I don't know what happens to lungs of people who do it like every day because there are, Constant patrons who get over there Like week after week day after day. I'm I can't imagine and that's coming as an ex-smoker myself Like I smoked during the time as well. It's just absolutely bamboozled me I'll look forward to a Maslenitsa Maslenitsa I thought it was close, wasn't I? 0:33:21 Unknown_17: Maslenitsa Unknown_24: yeah perfect good exactly so i guess you should get somebody else on there if there is anybody yeah there are three more people so i i wish them best of luck and thank you for the stream have a good one uh i do want to play somebody sent me this i have no idea what it is if you are if you want to join the discord and send me shit to play now would be the time what the fuck is this 0:34:03 Unknown_17: Deprava 3 The Sloth. Is this what... The fuck is this? Is this like a creepy rape porn game? I don't wanna look at this. This is gonna end bad. I can already tell. Unknown_09: Uh, okay. Unknown_17: Do... You are not immune to propaganda. Unknown_22: Oh, hello from Ukraine, my comrade. 0:34:36 Unknown_17: Yeah, I'm from Kiev. Nah, I'm too gay to make an accent. Yeah, it's kinda cold. Unknown_17: Yeah, it's really fucking cold like you think when it hits freezing like it's cold But then when it starts to dip below freezing and you're just walking around It's something strange about the wind when it gets that cold Is that it will it will go through your clothes and like rob the body heat around you as you walk around And later it will get like minus 15 minus 20 and you'll be like shit Yeah, where I'm at it doesn't get that cold because I'm closer to the Black Sea, but I'm shocked that it gets this fucking cold. Like, even here, right next to the fucking water, it hits freezing, like, immediately. 0:35:21 Unknown_08: Yeah, that's true. Unknown_09: And it's all sweeper coming also, don't you think? Unknown_22: So, Borsh is fucking... And Maslenitsa is... You're cutting out Borsh's what? Unknown_22: It's great. Unknown_17: Yes, it is. 10 out of 10. Unknown_22: And bliniv with caviar, 10 out of 10 too. You should try them. Muslin should think about slav culture. 0:35:59 Unknown_17: Yeah, I would. I try anything, at least once. It's kind of hard to explain. You think of Russia and the Eastern Bloc countries as being extremely poor, and they are very fucking poor. But at the same time, the food is a higher quality than what you get paying full price at American restaurants. Like, you go to a US diner. You pay 40 fucking dollars for what's supposed to be very good food, and it's shit. It's just fucking ass. The cheapest, shittiest fucking places in this country still have like a thousand dollar, like every one of them has thousand dollar coffee machines. Like regardless of where you go, regardless of the quality of food, the coffee is still fantastic and you can get a flat white or a latte anywhere. And it will be better than anything you get in the United States. 0:36:32 Unknown_22: Yeah, because coffee machines generally cost less here because it's have you ever bought a Bottle of coke here. It costs literally like a box for a liter of coke It costs like the the price of a coke is usually like the same as it is in the US So, yeah, I Heard it's in Russia coke is kind of not as cheap as in Ukraine 0:37:25 Unknown_17: I wouldn't I wouldn't know the price difference between two countries everywhere I've gone though like even in the Philippines the price of coke is usually the exact same as it is in the the u.s. It's a it tends to be like a a Luxury item as opposed to something that's like cheap though in Mexico apparently the Mexicans are all fat specifically because it's sometimes cheaper to drink coca-cola than it is to drink purified water in Mexico and Unknown_22: I think it's cheaper here sometimes Well the the water I get the like I mentioned this before is uh, I get this shit called i'm gonna try to pronounce it I'm gonna sound like an idiot. Unknown_17: Uh, yes in tukey 17 and it's like a green bottle and it's really fucking good 0:38:13 Unknown_17: And it's like a mineral water and There's a couple mineral waters that I like some of them are like too too sour tasting But usually you don't buy like there there are bottles of purified water, but usually you're drinking like a carbonated mineral water But yeah, I'm looking forward to to Christmas so it's the Orthodox Christmas I know in you said Lviv right and Unknown_17: Oh, well Kiev is is Kiev the one near Poland or the one do these by the way Unknown_17: It's the big one surrounded by the rivers, right? Yeah. Okay. That's East Orthodox. And so you probably have it in January, whereas the one you're, I think Lviv is the one that's North and celebrates the Catholic Christmas. Unknown_22: People here want to celebrate everything. 0:39:16 Unknown_22: Like we have Black Friday sometimes, like Unknown_17: Well, that's just... Black Friday is just an American capitalistic celebration of excess. Unknown_22: And I saw kids in costumes on Halloween. And in clubs. Unknown_17: Yeah, yeah. Lviv is definitely the one that probably is entirely Catholic. Unknown_22: Yeah, yeah. Lviv is mostly nationalist. Unknown_17: Yeah, well that's it's kind of weird like as far as I'm aware Ukraine Ukraine's flag is very indicative of the country because it is split right down the fucking middle and that like the top Western half is Hardcore nationalist Ukrainian and then the further south and further east you go the more like ambivalent and Russian it gets Ukraine flick is about sky and bread fields and Well, I get that, but I'm just saying that it has a second meaning. Okay, they should change it to the one with the pitchfork on it. 0:40:06 Unknown_22: Oh, yeah, yeah. Unknown_17: You know what I mean? Unknown_17: I have to be careful where I say that, but I like that one better because the pitchfork is cool looking. Unknown_22: Yeah, but general rules of flags that it needs to be easy to draw. Unknown_17: Yeah, I as a flag expert I fucking hate flags that have like emblems on it the the Mexican flag is like the fucking worst Because it's just it's just the I think it's like the Italian flag, but it's got the shitty fucking eagle on it It's like nobody can draw this All right, well anything else no, all right. 0:41:02 Unknown_09: Well, thanks for calling on Unknown_17: I want to take visitor, but yeah, let's take visitor before easy easy peasy someone talk a lot as he does visitor. Yo, what's up? You're very quiet by the way Unknown_13: should be fixed. I was looking at the page for Maslenitsya, or however you say it, and I was looking at the pictures and all the people out in the street dressed up in traditional clothing, and it made me a little sad because I started to think, nobody does this in the West. The only thing I can think of that people do this in the West, like in the Anglosphere, is like gay pride or like anime conventions or furry conventions the only place where people get dressed up to do something to have a good time 0:41:39 Unknown_17: What's funny is in Halloween, I was walking around and surprisingly all the stores and all the restaurants had some spooky stuff out. It was very homely. They didn't have any plastic stuff out. They didn't have gourds. They just had ornamental gourds placed on the counter and stuff. I'm like, well, this is like fucking home. Halloween is more well appreciated and more well celebrated in Russian countries than it is in Australia. Australia has no sense of Halloween. It's fucking awful. 0:42:20 Unknown_13: It's not it was never a thing that anybody who from Australia. I've never they don't care for it at all. Unknown_17: Oh, they're fucking losers then Halloween is my favorite holiday. Unknown_13: Yeah, the fucking Kiwi farms gets a full makeover for an entire month because it is objectively the best holiday in the entire calendar and yet Australians are just they're immune to it like they're immune to fucking venom and Unknown_09: The real Ross? I don't know. 0:42:52 Unknown_17: Is that the guy that's calling in? Unknown_17: I don't know anything about Ross except that Medicare likes to shit all over him. Is that Ross? Unknown_13: Oh dear. Well, I need to get out. You can call, you can bring Ross on or easy peasy then. All right. Take it easy. Unknown_17: Oops. I accidentally kicked myself out of there. Okay. Let's do Ross before he sends you. Hello. Identify yourself. Unknown_21: Yo, what's going on? Uh, no, nothing much. 0:43:24 Unknown_17: Is this the fake Ross? I need help from, from like cat or something. Unknown_21: No, this is, no, no, no, no. This is, this is me. This is me. Unknown_17: I don't know anything about you except that Medicare likes to call you a pedophile. Unknown_21: Well, I mean, it's kind of odd that you don't know much about me yet. You have a website called QB farms that upsizes over me 24 seven. Unknown_17: Obsesses over you 24-7. Let's put that to test. If I go to Google or DuckDuckGo and type in Ross Kiwi Forums, am I gonna get a thread over you that's thousands of pages long? Jonathan Ross, FNRars. Sonic Jonathan Sonic, what the fuck? 0:43:58 Unknown_21: Wait, so you're pretending you never heard of me yet you commented two times in my thread. Unknown_17: Well, I come, I have like 18,000 posts. I don't have a fucking photographic memory of every thread I post. And why is D price in your thread? D price is like a crazy. Unknown_21: No, I know you're acting dumb, but whatever. Unknown_17: Like, dude, I'm not acting dumb. Unknown_16: I don't know who the fuck you are and I don't care. 0:44:31 Unknown_21: OK, OK. If you don't if you don't know any of these people, why do you have constant threads about them all the fucking time? Unknown_21: Like, all the time. You literally, like, have several- Because people- People post in them. Unknown_17: It's not me. I- I have- I have apparently 32 posts in this thread. I don't think I see anything about you. I'm making fun of people who are, like, Neil Varga, who we ended up making a thread on. The guy who made the OP for your thread got dunked on. I don't see any post actually about you, by me. Unknown_21: Well, it's a dumpster fire. 0:45:03 Unknown_09: Let's just fucking say that. Unknown_09: Kat says it's FakeRoss. Unknown_09: I don't I don't know. I'm not I'm not I'm not fake. I'm not Chris. Unknown_09: Do we have do you have a Kiwi Farms account? Unknown_21: I mean, I you up until I didn't want to join the website anymore because I realized that. Unknown_17: So what you're saying is if there is a verified Kiwi Farms account for you, you're not going to be able to log into it because you're not real. 0:45:42 Unknown_21: What do you want me to do? You want me to go log on to the Kiwi farms just to prove it's me? Unknown_17: Yes, right now. Unknown_09: All right, let me get on it. He's. Unknown_09: But the thing is. Unknown_21: Is that your website interface is confusing, but I'm still going to do it regardless because, you know, it's a fucking it's Unknown_17: Hello. Hi. This is easy peasy. He's the guy that runs or I don't know what your association is directly, but he's involved with E.D. So if you have an E.D. article. 0:46:17 Unknown_03: I'm one of the admins. Listen, I he doesn't have an E.D. article yet, but I want him to sell you on it. Unknown_16: You have fucking you have like Jim talking about. Unknown_16: You have an encyclopedia dramatic. Unknown_21: There we go. Unknown_16: That's so well, let me go check. Unknown_03: Hold on. Unknown_21: I mean, you could literally type in Jonathan Elias Ross. I mean, like, I don't know why you guys are just playing. Unknown_17: Because you're not funny enough to be a center of attention. Like, we don't give a shit about you. 0:46:48 Unknown_16: Sorry. I have 15,000 articles. Unknown_21: Sorry, I'm responding, dude. I mean... You're not responding. Unknown_17: You wanted to talk because you like the attention. I guess you like it when people make fun of you for being a pedophile. Unknown_21: Aren't you a pedophile, though? Unknown_17: I'm not. Unknown_21: Really? Really, really. Come on. Unknown_09: I think you're projecting a little bit. Unknown_21: Come on, dude. Nothing about your past exists. You know the whole Hot Wheels fucking incident. Unknown_03: No, our pasts do not exist. We were created this moment, buddy. 0:47:19 Unknown_17: Yeah, I literally didn't exist until you got a thread on the kiwi farms, apparently. That's where time starts and ends for me. Unknown_21: Thank you for dodging the allegations, you know. Unknown_17: I didn't dodge it! Unknown_21: I said I'm not a fucking pedophile! Unknown_03: You're the only one who's making the allegation! You can't just make up an allegation on the spot! I'm not the only one that's making the allegations. Your name is Joshua Connor Moon, is it not? Yes, it is. Unknown_03: No, I'm Joshua. I am. Unknown_17: My name is Shlomo Shekelborg. I run E.D. 0:47:52 Unknown_12: So what are these allegations about me? Unknown_21: That Josh is a pedophile, but you flee from the country, and I know you're going to say this is not true, but you know. Unknown_11: I mean, I have my sources, but... Are your sources in kindergarten? Unknown_03: Who would possibly be a source of yours? I cannot imagine a person who would tell himself, you know, I have some classified, some deep cut information. Who am I going to give it to? Let me think. All right, I'll give it to the autistic pedophile who talks about wanting to murder children. It's not really like, if people do, you guys are, you guys, I think, I think honestly what's going on is that 0:48:29 Unknown_21: You're honestly playing fucking dumb. That's just pretty much it really At least I'm playing you fucking retard Oh, so you admit it you're lying then you're lying. You're you're you admit you're lying. You got me You got you guys trip over your own arguments, jesus christ Unknown_03: Buddy, if I left you in a room full of children, you would be tripping over their bodies and landing in their asses with your dick. I'm just confused because you seem matterless and you wanted to talk to me. 0:49:06 Unknown_17: You went out of your way to get on the stream. Unknown_21: Oh, I wanted to. Yeah, exactly. I didn't want any of your lackeys to come on pretty much for you. Unknown_17: and do what? Nobody was talking about you until you joined the call line. Unknown_21: Uh, except, except on your website, which by the way, that's a, that's a load of bull saying that you're not obsessed with anybody. If like you have a website centered around people doing your bidding. So my bidding, Unknown_03: Ross, Ross, let me give you a suggestion, okay? You've got one of the admins of Encyclopedia Dramatica and the guy owns Kiwi Farms on chat with you. Sell us something. Tell us why we should delete your thread and article. Come on, convince us. Give us your best pitch, buddy. 0:49:43 Unknown_21: I'm not saying that you should. It's freedom of posting. Unknown_03: Freedom of posting. Okay, yeah, the first amendment, the freedom of posting. Unknown_21: The thing is though, the thing is though, is that my thread is pretty much a thread that is just like every other fucking post on the internet. It's biased. 0:50:21 Unknown_21: It's fucking like, you know, it's what, I mean, it's whatever. I mean, you can't really fucking like say anything else really when it comes down to Unknown_21: Let's just be biased. Don't act like you're all factual. Unknown_03: Let me help you out, I have a better suggestion for you. How about instead of having one thread, we'll make 20 threads and then we'll take all of those threads and you can take them and make a new set of them and hang yourself. Unknown_21: Oh no, an internet loser that fleed the country. 0:50:54 Unknown_03: I'll give you as many threads as you want. Oh no, I already don't need already like 300 more threads. Unknown_21: Oh okay, so you can hang yourself without my help. Unknown_03: So you're gonna do what I'm gonna do? Okay. Listen, listen. Soap or open stool, buddy? Unknown_21: No, I have a suggestion for you. How about instead of fleeing the country, or better yet, uh, fucking, uh, instead of fleeing the country and fucking doing a child porn website, that would, because guess what? Let's, let's, let's, let's not lie here that you did. Okay. Let's not lie. What child porn website? 0:51:27 Unknown_17: What are you talking about? Unknown_03: I read it off of an article. Unknown_03: I read an article on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Was that the article? Unknown_21: Yeah, what the fuck? Encyclopedia Dramatica already. I mean, there's an Encyclopedia Dramatica about your website. I mean, I thought that was the only good article on there. Unknown_17: The one you like is the one that also the. Unknown_21: Well, and also the S.O.K.E.D. article, but that's beyond the point. One of my friends made it probably also like the lollicon article, I'm guessing. 0:52:02 Unknown_21: I don't even know what the Lolicon article even is. I don't pay attention to it. Unknown_03: Oddly specific. Unknown_21: Here's the thing. Kiwi Farms, your website is just completely outlandish. You fucking celebrated the fact that a transgender girl and some other people committed suicide. Unknown_03: No, that was me. I did that. Unknown_17: Hold up. Hold up. What are you talking? Okay, people did commit suicide. What's your point? Unknown_03: He's talking I think he's What was her name? 0:52:35 Unknown_03: No, I know who he's talking about. I think he's talking about close to golf Unknown_21: I don't know who it was, but like some sort of like fucking- You don't know! Unknown_17: So you're holding- you're saying- I don't know who it is! How are you- how are you gonna be offended on behalf of somebody whose name you don't even fucking know? Well, I mean- I mean- I mean, I'm- I'm- I mean, like, well, if you want to talk about being offended, I mean, like, what about that thread of yours where it showed all the evidence of you being suspected for being a pedo? Unknown_16: What? I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, bro. Unknown_21: I'm sorry, I don't- Oh, it got locked, never mind. Yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about, cause it got locked. 0:53:07 Unknown_03: This man is a mental level genius. Unknown_03: We are, we are truly outwitted by this intellectual champion. Unknown_21: I know. I know. I, but the thing is my intellect doesn't, doesn't, um, way to yours. Actually, you're, you're, you're more intellectual. I mean, seriously, like, dude, dude, it's totally like, uh, not true that, that what you did, you know, who do you think you're talking to right now? 0:53:41 Unknown_21: I'm talking to the admin of Kiwi Farms and also... Yeah, that's right. Unknown_03: You got it right. Okay. I just want to make sure we're clear on that. So listen, I molested several children here in Russia. I'm admitting it right now. Just record it, please. Listen, I'm giving you a full confession. I, Josh Connor Moon, I've molested multiple children and I've killed them and I buried them deep in the snow. You barbecued and ate them first. Yeah, well I- Oh no, no, instead of what you did was you hit on underage girls pretty much, right? Yeah, all the time. Every day. Voice too. 0:54:16 Unknown_21: Yeah, and you like Neko Shoda, right? I mean- Absolutely. Unknown_03: Listen, every day I wake up in the morning- I know, right? Unknown_21: Those are totally not true, right? Unknown_03: I, Joshua Connor Moon, okay, I wake up in the morning, I rape several children, I dance on the grave of some dead transgender people, and you know, it fills up most of my day. Then I go home and I obsess about you for a few hours, then I go to sleep- Why are you pretending to be Joshua Connor Moon? Unknown_21: You know which one is Josh, right? Unknown_03: Excuse me, I'm Josh and like excuse me. I'm Josh don't don't don't confuse my shit, buddy. I'm Josh Okay, I think you're confusing me with the fucking He's the he's the admin of Encyclopedia Dramatica, that's right go ahead I know what you're doing. 0:54:49 Unknown_21: I know what you're doing. You're just fucking like You're just speaking for Josh, and that's all you're doing. Unknown_03: I'm speaking for Josh because I am Josh, okay? If that guy is trying to put up a defense for Josh, he's doing a pretty fucking shit job talking about eating children and shit. 0:55:23 Unknown_03: Listen. I have never eaten shit. I have never eaten shit. Only children. I have a question for you, Ross. Unknown_17: Can you spell sarcasm? This guy named TheWanderer1800 says that Ross dug this hole deeper. Tell Ross I'm done helping him. Who is TheWanderer1800 and why is he done helping him? Unknown_21: Some guy that's just a troll. Let's just be honest. Unknown_03: The guy trying to help you is... Someone told me to ask you about Fabrizio. Unknown_21: I mean... Unknown_21: I mean, like, it's from another toxic Discord community called, like, John Baker's Discord community. And guess what? I could have been here regardless, rather if he advised me to stop or not. So... Well, don't you think that's indicative that you don't listen to people that are trying to help you? 0:55:57 Unknown_21: Uh, not everybody who is being illegitimate. Unknown_17: Is it not your advice to not go on the stream where people are making fun of you? Unknown_21: I know the difference between legit friends and not legit friends. I'm not a retard like you are. That has a bunch of fucking people. 0:56:29 Unknown_03: Definitely not. Definitely. Unknown_21: I mean, I mean, like, I'm not a guy who fucking like has a cannibalistic website that has a cannibalistic website full of pedophiles and racists. Unknown_17: Well, let me let me ask you this. What is your goal? Why are you here? What are you trying to do? Unknown_21: To prove that exceptionalism doesn't exist. Unknown_03: What? Okay. Can you expand on that a little? Am I being fed the wrong information? 0:57:00 Unknown_21: I mean, like, whoever's telling me about who you are, despite there being multiple articles about you? Unknown_03: Elaborate a little bit. Unknown_03: What is exceptionalism? Unknown_21: Uh, exceptionalism is, is, well, I mean, there, you have your own definition, but exceptionalism is like saying, you know, fuck everything. And this guy is just an exception. Pretty much. Unknown_21: That's pretty much what it is, but, but Hey, Hey, here's the thing. All right. Unknown_21: Is I don't really care about the whole fuck and reputation bullshit. I don't care how many threads you make about me. 0:57:39 Unknown_21: I ain't gonna fucking stop until fucking- You're not gonna stop fucking kids? Unknown_16: Nobody's gonna stop you from fucking those children, Ross? Unknown_21: Keep fucking, um... Oh yeah, another thing is that there's a bunch of allegations of me, uh... fucking kids by your, uh, best friend, uh- You got fired from a school because you're an open pedophile! Unknown_17: No, I- No, I quit. Unknown_21: I quit. Unknown_03: I quit. What are you talking about? Unknown_21: No, I quit. No, I quit. Unknown_03: No, you didn't quit molesting children. Okay, that's good. Unknown_21: I never molested children. Then why did you quit? 0:58:14 Unknown_17: Why would you quit if you didn't do anything wrong? Unknown_21: The reason why I quit is because I got tired of fucking, you know, people harassing me. Unknown_17: You got tired of fucking children? Unknown_21: No, I got tired. I got tired of, uh, fucking, uh, amalgamation of fucking people harassing me. Unknown_17: So, you know, Unknown_21: But people are still making fun of you regardless of if you work there or not. Unknown_03: Hey, Ross, let me ask you a question. Unknown_17: People would probably still make fun of me rather if I had a threat or not, right? Unknown_03: Listen, Ross, let me ask you a serious question, though, about the age of consent of children. Do you think it depends on the age of the child? 0:58:47 Unknown_03: Do you think it depends on the child, just an intellectual take I've heard recently, what do you think of that? Unknown_21: I don't think. What do you mean, like, the age of the child? Unknown_17: What age can somebody consent? Unknown_21: Oh yeah, wait, wait, wait. That's the thing that my brain cells were rubbing together. I was like thinking, oh yeah, you were just, uh, fucking repressing, uh... All two of them. Unknown_03: All two, uh, brain cells were rubbing together. That's, that's good. That's some hard... But hey, but hey, it's not, it's not like, it's not like I have a trillion more anyways. 0:59:22 Unknown_21: Oh wait, sorry. Unknown_03: No, you don't. Obviously don't. Unknown_21: Sorry, I put something in the chat there. Unknown_17: You want me to bring that up on the stream? Let's go through it. If people interrupt me, I'm going to mute them. Yeah, that's why I'm here. Unknown_21: I want to go through all the allegations. Sure, let's do it. Unknown_17: Transgender game developer who'd been bullied online dies by suicide. A transgender woman took her own life by setting herself on fire in Portland last week, and according to reports, she might have done it to protest mental health challenges and online bullying. 0:59:56 Unknown_17: Skip ahead. In 2013, Seagal reportedly became the target for Kiwi Farms, a message board that describes itself as a community dedicated to discussing eccentric people who voluntarily make fools of themselves, but which has also been described as a haven for cyberstalkers who bully and harass. So I have a question for you. You seem pretty brave if this website can set people on fire coming in and kicking the ant's nest, don't you think? Unknown_21: There's the thing, I'm not afraid of a bunch of neckbeard pedophile fucking racist faggots like you. 1:00:28 Unknown_12: Oh, so then you won't have any problem looking in the mirror. Unknown_17: Yeah, you have no issue whatsoever with people looking in front of you. Unknown_21: Well, yeah, exactly. Unknown_12: I don't have issues with looking in the mirror. Unknown_21: Guess what? You are too. So, yeah. Unknown_03: Yes, I, Josh O'Connor Moon, am too. Unknown_21: Well except like you except like the thing is is that whatever I mean, I can't even tell which one is fucking Josh or not But I mean there's a guy there's a guy like here that is part of Encyclopedia Dramatica whatever the fuck I don't give a fuck it's just you both 1:01:06 Unknown_21: One of you is defending a fucking pedophile, and one of you is pretty much is a pedophile. Unknown_17: It seems pretty interesting to me that you're really harping on this shit, this pedophile shit, right? Which is based off my website, Encyclopedia Germanica, calling this guy a pedophile. But at the same breath, you say that this other thread on this other site, and probably on Encyclopedia Germanica, It's just bullshit and it shouldn't be given attention. So which is it? Is Encyclopedia Dramatica a reliable source of information and you are a pedophile? Or are you going off of information you yourself say is not true? Unknown_21: At this point, people are just making pedophiles a meme at this point and not taking the issue seriously, but... 1:01:49 Unknown_17: No, because you've set up this dichotomy. You've set the rules of engagement here. You are saying that Josh is a pedophile because of information on Encyclopedia Germanica. One of us is a liar, and one of us isn't. Unknown_21: But you're using the information from the same exact website. Unknown_17: It doesn't matter where he's saying it. Unknown_21: At least when I admitted, all right? At least I was being honest. With you, you weren't. Because guess what? You never did, and you never owned up to anything. Unknown_17: So you are a pedophile is what you're saying. You owned up to it, which is why you're a better person. That's what you literally just said. 1:02:23 Unknown_21: I'm not a child fucker. I mean, who knows? I mean, like you probably might have fucked some children and you're denying it. So I think you're confusing me with him. Unknown_03: I'm Josh. How many guess I fucked Ross? Unknown_21: Whatever, whatever, whatever. Who the fuck is Josh? Like Josh, you are a. Unknown_21: Um, showed a looking fucking, like, piece of shit that wants to fucking, like, hit on underage girls. Unknown_03: Oh yeah, I got you there, right? 1:02:56 Unknown_21: I mean, like, honestly, I just came on here just, the way you're answering these questions and dodging and sidestepping and fucking doing all this shit, like, Goddamn and you're and you're doing like a signal boost as well, which is really hilarious like using buzzwords Like wow, you guys you guys are like really intelligent buzzwords like signal boosting. Unknown_21: I Just I don't You could you could say that I'm just virtue signaling or whatever but the thing is is that at the very end of the day 1:03:38 Unknown_21: The fact that your website is filled with people that makes other people want to kill themselves, etc. Unknown_04: You know, the thing is... Yes, you do make people want to kill themselves, boss. Unknown_21: Oh yeah, well, whoever... I mean, I don't give a fuck. You don't give a fuck, you make people want to kill themselves. The reason why is because of my very existence, which if that's the reason, then pre-evaluate your fucking life or end yourself. Unknown_21: Like, for fucking real. Unknown_17: I disavow any violent comments by this sick pedophile sadist, by the way. I can't let that go unanswered. Any calls to violence, I disavow. 1:04:16 Unknown_21: Like, if some random guy on the internet makes you want to go kill yourself by his very existence, then you really need to reevaluate your life or end it. Unknown_21: Like, for real. Unknown_21: But I mean, for a guy who, like, Unknown_21: makes other people commit suicide you're like whoa oh my god russ is saying some fucked up shit even though i'm worse yeah listen i made close to god commit suicide and you know i don't know who's next on my list but the list is getting longer i will use my 1:04:52 Unknown_03: Listen, you don't want to be on my mind control into suicide list, buddy. You don't want to- you just make me expose myself as a pedophile on the internet and I- Oh, even though I've been dealing with people like you for like, about half of a decade, dude, like... Does that tell you something? Unknown_17: If you're a laughingstock and every community you go into makes fun of you? Uh, it's been like half of a decade. Unknown_21: I don't give a fuck. You know. But at least I'm a laughing lolcow. That fucking, um... Unknown_21: At least, at least I don't fucking go ahead and like give up and douche and like fucking end it all. 1:05:29 Unknown_17: It's not like, it's not like you're on a crusade for righteousness. You're just, you're, you're like a fuck up who parades around how much of a fuck up he is and expects to be taken seriously. I am a fuck up. Unknown_21: I'm not, I'm not here. I'm not, I'm not the crusade that fucking wields a fucking sword and says, Oh, this is, you guys are wrong. And. Everything is this and that. No, no. I'm just here to point out the hypocrisy from you, which, by the way, like you, you could you can ask me to point to any fucking source and I would fucking give it. Unknown_17: Well, here, how about this? Can you read? 1:06:03 Unknown_21: What about what about what about the chat logs? Unknown_17: OK, we'll go over the chat logs, but I want to hear you read first. Unknown_17: I promise if you read it, if you read, we can go over the chat logs. Unknown_21: No, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna look around and if you just kick me out just because I won't read for you then, uh... Why won't you read? Unknown_17: You just said that you're a little cow and you have no problem parading around with a fuckup you are, but you're not gonna read. I've been very nice to you. I haven't said anything to you that's... Oh no, I've been nice to you as well. Unknown_21: I mean, let's be honest, but... But hey, you know, whatever. If you were nice, you would read. 1:06:37 Unknown_17: Names can't be choosers, right? If you were nice, you would read from it. Unknown_03: Yeah, you know, Easy Peasy's been very cordial to you, he's been protecting you from me, from Joshua Connor trying to- That guy's a fucking monster, he will tear you apart. Unknown_17: No lie. Unknown_03: He let you on his stream, he's telling you not to- I know, I know, because you're cocky, that's why. Unknown_21: And you think you're untouchable, but- Who's gonna touch the kiwi farms? Unknown_17: Is it gonna be you? Unknown_21: Uh, I don't, I don't care. I don't want to fucking touch you people from like an 8 foot- Of course not. 1:07:11 Unknown_03: We're not, uh, 12, we're not 10 year old children. We don't think that. Unknown_21: I mean, like, I wouldn't fucking do that to, uh, kids either way unlike you, so. Unknown_17: You just want to. You just think about it. You just look at pictures and masturbate while thinking about it. I mean, you do more. Unknown_21: I mean, I mean, you do more. I mean, you literally go ahead and fucking go to some some teenage. Keep a feel. You do have a feel like tendencies where you ask little little girls for fucking like. Yeah. And guess what? 1:07:44 Unknown_17: Hemophilic. That's the word. And the blood and the blood play Ross. Unknown_21: Oh, yeah. Oh, sorry for that image. Sorry about that. There's more more chat logs. Unknown_17: This one only put up on the screen real quick. Unknown_21: Yeah, it's just like, you enroll. Unknown_21: Pretty much a couple of fucking disturbing things, which by the way, I don't I wouldn't be surprised if you think that it's not disturbing. 1:08:16 Unknown_17: Something like a fucking thumbnail, dude, nobody can read this. Unknown_20: I might as well create my own website called skeevyfarm where all I do is pretty much do the opposite. Unknown_16: Hey buddy, I will sue you if you create skeevyfarm. That's a copyright infringement. Unknown_21: I should, I should call, I should call it, nevermind, I should call it Cocksucking. Unknown_03: No, no, I have it on record now. This is going to the, this is all recorded. My Lord, we knew about this. 1:08:48 Unknown_17: Jonathan Ross, owner and founder of the Cocksucking Farms. 18 naked cowboys at Ram Ranch. Cowboys getting fucked in their sleep, baby. Unknown_21: I'm so scared of a fucking International lawsuit. Oh my god. You know it's not like we live in the u.s. Unknown_17: Dude if locale LLC were to hypothetically sue you be in the United States it wouldn't be international Unknown_21: Uh, the only grounds they would ever sue me is if I created the website, which by the way, I'm not going to do it motherfucker as owner as owner. 1:09:25 Unknown_17: Why would I, why would I create a website named after something as pitiful as you? You just said you were going to fucking do it. Motherfucker. Are you going to do it or not? That was a fucking joke. Unknown_21: You idiot. That was a joke. Unknown_17: That was a joke, so you don't have the testicular fortitude to go ahead with this brilliant trolling plan of making a Kiwi Farms knockoff. You're just, you're just a pussy. You're gonna pussy out of it. I see how it is. Unknown_03: I dare you, buddy. Make it. Double dog dare you, motherfucker. Unknown_17: Do it. Unknown_21: No, you just don't know what a joke is. Unknown_03: I triple dog dare you, plus infinity, plus one. Unknown_21: No, no, you, I mean, you didn't, you didn't fucking, uh... Unknown_21: Whatever you say, whatever you say, whatever you say. 18 naked toddlers in the shower at Ross Ranch. 1:10:04 Unknown_11: You guys are just freaking out right now, you didn't realize that, right? Unknown_17: I'm sorry, we're not autistic, we have a sense of humor and we laugh at shit. Unknown_03: I'm autistic. I, Joshua Connor Mooney, I'm completely autistic. Unknown_17: I disavow. I disavow any autistic people. I mean, like, you know, I don't, I don't. 1:10:43 Unknown_21: Oh my God. So funny guys. You know, sarcasm. I don't understand. Yeah. Unknown_17: You sound pretty fucking upset that people in chat are making fun of you looking at toddlers in the shower. Which is true, which you admitted to. You admitted to looking at pictures of naked babies in the shower to get you off. Unknown_21: I mean, here's the fucking thing though, is that you admitted to being a fucking guy who likes shows also other fucked up boys. Unknown_03: Yes, I sure did. 1:11:14 Unknown_03: I mean, I like how you just admit this for live on air, nobody's like- You admit it too, motherfucker! Unknown_17: Let me- Encyclopedia Dramatica's policy on pedophiles is that they should be gunned down like the dogs that they are. Just throw that out there. I don't know, like, I don't understand this deflection attitude that you have. Like, oh, if I can say that somebody else is as bad as me, that makes it okay. It doesn't. Unknown_21: No, it's because- No, it's because pretty much what you're saying is I am a horrible human being, and I'm responding saying, wait, aren't you a horrible human being? Unknown_17: Let me put this down. I mean, for real. Pedophiles are irredeemable, and they cannot be rehabilitated, and they should be executed by the state. I don't know how else to put this. 1:11:58 Unknown_03: Even I, Joshua Connor Moon, would agree as a pedophile. I guess he's suicidal then, as we've covered. Unknown_17: Sure am. Unknown_21: Well, hey, guess what? Unknown_21: People like you don't fucking phase me or break me at all, so nice try. Unknown_17: No, I hope you continue. Unknown_17: You are a source of entertainment. Unknown_21: And for all the people that committed suicide, rest in fucking peace. You are fucking a piece of shit. for making all those people kill themselves. Unknown_17: You know what's really funny about Klosagal's suicide? Not funny in like a gut-busting way, but what's funny in like a cosmic irony sense is that Klosagal was alienated by everybody else in the trans community and was eventually homeless because they couldn't find anybody to live with. That's what contributed to the fact that they set themselves on fire after reading a manifesto where they said the reason they were killing themselves is because they were homeless and had untreated mental illnesses. And once they died, all those trannies that had abandoned them came and said, she killed herself because of the Kiwi farms. 1:12:33 Unknown_03: She set out to make... The first thing they did was pretend she wasn't even dead. The first thing they did was ignore it, so that no one would notice that it's their fault she killed herself. Then, when they couldn't ignore it, then they blamed Kiwi farms. 1:13:20 Unknown_17: And yeah, because it was politically beneficial. Unknown_16: Oh, by the way, Fake Ross wants to join as well. Unknown_21: He has an amalgamation of questions for you. An amalgamation of questions? Can you define the word amalgamation for me, Ross? Unknown_21: It's a bunch of shit. Does that make you an amalgamation? Unknown_03: Yep, that's what it says in the dictionary. A bunch of shit. Can you spell amalgamation, Ross? 1:13:56 Unknown_21: I don't... I never fucking spelled fucking jack shit before, so... What the fuck? I mean... Why would you say that? Unknown_21: You've never spelled anything. Unknown_17: Wait, are you illiterate? He taught at a school around children, but he wasn't there to teach, if you know what I mean. Unknown_03: Yeah. Unknown_03: Did you kiss any of the boys under the bleachers? I think we crossed the link right now, so... There is no link! This is a Discord! Unknown_21: No, the link to this Discord. Unknown_16: Okay. Unknown_21: I'm not gonna- I mean, you want fake Ross to come in? I mean- No! 1:14:33 Unknown_16: I have no interest in somebody making- Oh, no? Unknown_21: Oh, okay. I don't care about them. Unknown_17: Well, then that just proves you're more guilty. Unknown_21: Why are you so indignant that we don't- We're not gonna fucking help you by bringing on some fucking backup. Unknown_21: Oh, no, no, no. Unknown_17: One of you is bad enough. Unknown_21: Asked you the questions. No, no, no. You brought him back up, motherfucker. So it's only... You want me to take him out? Unknown_17: You want me to do it one-on-one, motherfucker? I mean, I'll literally just mute myself and he'll ask you the questions, so... I don't fucking care. 1:15:11 Unknown_21: You don't care about all the shit you did? Unknown_17: No, I don't. I'm a horrible monster and I fucking eat children. I don't care. And that just makes you a fucking... Yeah, it does make you a monster. Unknown_21: You're a sociopath. You can be sarcastic all you want. But once all the info's leaked out about you, nobody's untouchable. Unknown_17: Okay, no, really. This shit has been out on Encyclopedia Germanica for five fucking years. Half of it's bullshit. And nobody's seen to look at it or review it. No, you can go to the article and see how many times it's been accessed. 1:15:44 Unknown_16: No, of course not. That means it's all fake. Unknown_21: It's all fake, right? No one looks at it. Unknown_16: It's a bad website. Unknown_16: It's a mixture of shit that's made up and not made up. Unknown_17: As Encyclopedia Dramatica is. Encyclopedia Dramatica is... Made up and not made up? Unknown_21: That makes total sense to me. I mean... It's a fucking graffiti website. Unknown_17: Anybody can write whatever the fuck they want about anybody they want, Ross. Unknown_21: Some of this shit is true then. Made up and not made up, right? I mean... Yes. Unknown_17: That's what he said, right? A combination of shit that's made up and not made up. 1:16:15 Unknown_21: Then some of the shit is true then. Yeah. About you being a pedophile. Unknown_11: I'm not a pedophile. About you fucking making people commit suicide. That was an amazing leap of logic. About having a bunch of fucking gay fucking ops on your fucking website. Unknown_16: Oh, everything on- And looking just doing all this cancerous fucking shit. Everything on ED and everything on KiwiForms is public, boss. Unknown_17: So guess what, as a wise man fucking said once, prepare for the fucking reckoning as a wise man. Unknown_12: Oh, you mean the guy that outed you as being a child fucker to begin with. Unknown_21: He last took a bath when he was at the school. 1:17:09 Unknown_16: Can you- next time you do it, can you drown yourself in it? Unknown_21: Why do you wanna- Why do you wanna know when I fucking took a bath? You're just fucking creepy as fuck. Unknown_21: Whatever you say, I mean- I mean, like, you're not the bad guy. I mean, whatever you say. Unknown_04: Ooh, Ross, tell me more about your bath. Unknown_04: Josh, you're fucked up. Unknown_21: Yeah, I just- fucking, like- Well, whatever. I mean, like, you know, no, listen, tell us more about this information. Take any of the information about you that I provided at all. 1:17:43 Unknown_21: And pretty much what I mean, like what I could provide, people won't listen to it anyways, because they're too hung up on what's the fucking day of reckoning, then if if reading off Encyclopedia Dramatica is going to bring about that day of reckoning, you want what the fuck is why would I why would I tell you? Why would I tell you? like because you're a day of retribution buddy come on when is it well you're supposed to be saying something intimidating right that's why you're on the stream what the fuck you're what are you doing like i'm not trying to completely fucking intimidate you i'm just letting you know see i don't think i make fucking problem i make fucking uh promises can you promise me you won't touch any more kids that's a good place to start i never did touch any anyone so 1:18:28 Unknown_17: What is the pedophile equivalent of an incel? That's my question for chat. Unknown_04: Oh boy. Ross. Unknown_09: I mean... Unknown_04: Tell us more about this Day of Reckoning. Tell me what will happen on your Day of Retribution. I like how Cap describes it perfectly, that they're all laughing at you. Unknown_21: They're not laughing with you. Unknown_16: Buddy, I'm pretty sure they're laughing at you. I think he's talking to you. No, I'm pretty sure they're laughing at you, actually. Unknown_04: Well, I'm wrong, but you're close. 1:19:02 Unknown_21: This is your platform, so of course they're gonna choose your side, but like I said... The side that doesn't fuck kids? Unknown_21: No, well, I mean, like, you can twist it whatever you want. I don't fuck kids unlike you. Unknown_04: I'd like to twist your balls, you fucking pedophile. Uh, I, except there's no warrant that fucking states that I'm a child molester, you fucking idiot. Unknown_03: There's no warrant for your arrest yet? God damn, that is a, that is a depressing thought. Unknown_21: Yeah, no, it's kind of depressing to think that I live a normal life pretty much. Unknown_16: I don't live a normal life. At your grandma's house. Yeah. Where she needs support to pay. Where you're unemployed because... I may or may not live at my grandma's house, I don't know. 1:19:41 Unknown_17: I'm pretty sure you do. Why should I tell you? Why? So you can thoroughly analyze it, is that why? Unknown_21: So that pretty much you can thoroughly analyze it. Unknown_17: We can just assume that you're at your fucking parent's house or at your family's house. Unknown_21: Me and my friend were literally fucking watching your gay ass stream about some fat bitch. Unknown_10: That was fucking like, that was fucking like, uh, you, you literally thoroughly analyzed who was behind the camera, like a fucking like maniac. 1:20:19 Unknown_04: You think we want to analyze your grandma? Unknown_04: Is that our master plan here, Ross? Unknown_16: Yeah, where are you going with that? What's your point? To psychoanalyze some geriatric? Unknown_09: What's your point? What are you getting to, bro? Unknown_09: I'm not sure. Unknown_03: Did you ever beat up your grandma? Chad is saying you beat up your grandma. Unknown_21: Well, that's making up shit, isn't it? Unknown_16: What, was there an assault involved? Wait, so, you've- Wait, somebody says that you've vi- You've fantasized about violently killing children, Ross. 1:20:54 Unknown_17: They're all lies, unlike the shit I'm saying about- No, no! You have apparently said, yourself, that you fantasize about killing children, violently. Unknown_03: No, someone sent this to me. I'm quoting. He got thrown out of his granny's house because he beat her shit. Unknown_21: Oh no, it's because someone else said it, so it must be true, right? Unknown_21: I mean, that's just part of your members. That's one of your members. That's not part of what anybody that is a part of me is. Unknown_17: Well, it would fucking certainly explain why you're not at Thanksgiving dinner right now eating Nana's food. 1:21:29 Unknown_21: I mean, let's be honest. Unknown_21: The people that are involved with me wouldn't say that shit because they know what's true and what's not. Unknown_16: Of course they wouldn't say, they know it's true and they know it'll get you arrested. Why aren't you eating Thanksgiving dinner with grandma right now? Unknown_21: I already ate Thanksgiving dinner. Unknown_16: He doesn't want to stuff a turkey, he wants to stuff a five-year-old child. Unknown_04: Let's just stuff grandma. Yeah. But hey, whatever, whatever, I mean like, uh... Um, the thing is, is... 1:22:08 Unknown_21: I mean, like, there's nothing else I really have to fucking say. I mean, I could just do a rebuttal, and then after that, you know, whatever you say. Unknown_17: It just seems like everybody thinks you're a pedophile because you said that you're a pedophile who fantasizes about killing children. I'm pretty sure that's the bottom line. Unknown_21: I never said I wanted to fantasize about killing children. Unknown_03: No, you say you already do fantasize about killing children. Unknown_21: No, I said I wanted to kill fucking scumbags. Unknown_03: Who are five years old. Unknown_03: What did the five-year-old scumbags do to you? Did they steal your candy? Did they cheat at Tic-Tac-Toe, Ross? What is this revenge you want against them? What did they do to you? 1:22:40 Unknown_21: And you're still twisting my words. Well, here's the thing. Unknown_21: I wouldn't fucking say that... Unknown_21: Um, I, I usually fucking like want to kill people that are my age. You fucking idiot. I feel fucking that makes it okay. Unknown_03: You only want to murder people who are your own age. That makes it fine. How about this name? Some people, you know, I, I told, I totally have like, you know, a bunch of like, uh, I totally have a plan or something. 1:23:16 Unknown_21: No, I don't. Unknown_17: Well, who, who do you want to kill? Let's get some names out. I don't have, I don't have, I don't, I don't fucking. Unknown_21: plan to fucking do jack shit to people. Unknown_17: You said that you, we're not saying that you have plans, well let's, you said that you fantasize about killing people your own age. Let's get some names out. Who have you fantasized about killing? Unknown_04: Mr. Medicar? Unknown_21: Uh, just a bunch of assholes like, uh, probably Medicar or something? I mean, because he's just a fucking nihilist piece of shit. Unknown_04: So you fantasized about murdering Jim, that's good. What about me? 1:23:48 Unknown_04: What about me? What about me, the owner of Kiwi Farms, Joshua Connor Moon, the pedophile? Have you fantasized about killing me? Unknown_21: Let's be honest, people like you should probably get their skull fucking punched in, but you know, whatever you say. Unknown_04: Okay, so that's another person on the list you fantasize about killing. What about the owner of Encyclopedia Dramatica? Have you fantasized about killing him too? Unknown_17: Hold on, hold on. I want to hear what he has to say, Ross. Continue. You said you wanted to kill Jim because he's a nihilist? 1:24:20 Unknown_21: Yeah, cuz well, I mean he is a fucking nihilist. I mean, let's be honest. I mean, okay. Unknown_17: See he's a nihilist so you don't kill him. Unknown_21: The only thing you can do is make up lies and laugh about it, being like, haha, it's so funny that we fucked with this guy. Unknown_16: But you said it! You said that you looked at naked kids! Unknown_21: No, no, no. You like to fucking... Well, I mean, like, here's the fucking thing, though. I don't fucking, like, harm anybody. Unknown_17: But you said that you like to look at naked kids and that would make you a pedophile. Unknown_16: Are you a virtuous pedophile? Is that what you're saying, Ross? 1:24:53 Unknown_21: Virtuous... I mean, I only go to that website sometimes, but... Which website? Unknown_17: The one with the naked kids? Virtuous Pedophiles? Yeah, there's a website called Virtuous Pedophiles where they talk about that. Hold up! Ross would say that you're a Virtuous Pedophile then. Unknown_03: No, there's something important I need to add here. Unknown_04: The guy who came up with that term, he's in jail now for molesting kids. Unknown_21: Who is? Unknown_04: Just a fun fact. Unknown_21: Who is? Unknown_04: The guy who came up with the term virtuous pedophile? Yeah, but who's the guy, though? 1:25:26 Unknown_21: Who's the guy? Unknown_04: Uh, Todd Nickerson. Unknown_21: He's not in jail, dude. I spoke to him on fucking Skype, like, a few days ago. Unknown_04: Excuse me, what?! Unknown_04: Tell us- You talked to the re- Go ahead. I mean, I spoke to him on Skype- I mean, I didn't- I mean, apparently he got arrested, apparently? Unknown_21: I mean, he didn't tell me any of that shit. Unknown_17: What did he tell you? I mean, you guys talk, that's interesting. I mean, you guys, I mean, like, what are these conversations about? I mean, what kind of, what kind of, what kind of fucking crazy pills are you on, dude, for real? Yeah, fucking Josh, you're spreading misinformation out here, obviously. I mean, there are so many fucking, there are so many fucking, like, factions. 1:26:02 Unknown_21: Like, within, within, I guess, reality, but, you know, there's nuance in everything, I guess. Unknown_17: I mean, it's pretty cool that you know the celebrity guy who runs his virtuous pedophiles tonight. Like how do you mean? I wouldn't call him a celebrity any more than I wouldn't be. Yeah, that's pretty humble. I mean, he's the owner of virtuous pedophiles. So, I mean, how'd you guys... I mean, I talked to him on Twitter a couple of times, had a Skype call with him, but... How'd you guys meet? 1:26:45 Unknown_21: I mean, we, we met because fucking like, uh, you know, I mean, I don't, I don't, I mean like. I don't fucking need to fucking tell you the whole fucking story. Unknown_17: I'm just curious because it's like you dropped this bomb that you know this guy that everybody knows about. Well then again, I'm not the one that's dodging allegations. Unknown_17: Hold on, that in itself is dodging something. Unknown_21: Just lay it out because this is an interesting conversation. Well, I'm about to tell you, but I'm just letting you know now that you're the one dodging allegations. Unknown_21: The reason why I went ahead and spoke to Todd Nickerson is because I thought he was a fucking guy that could make a fucking difference. Not have people that are closed-minded fucking idiots. people that, you know, fucking can have an open conversation like an adult and fucking, you know, um, not, not be hostile towards each other. Unlike you, which pretty much, let's be honest, you guys are the ones that are pretty much fucking, uh, just causing hostile heated situations on the internet and sucking the fun out of everybody for yourselves. 1:27:28 Unknown_17: But you're, you're talking about making a difference in the virtuous pedophile stuff, right? And do you consider yourself like a member of that movement? 1:28:01 Unknown_21: Oh, virtuous, virtuous pedophiles? Yeah, why? I mean, they're not they're not like Nambla. I mean, Nambla is a piece of shit, but. Unknown_17: Because they they advocate for like actual sex, right? So you would say that you're a virtuous pedophile in comparison. Unknown_21: They don't, though. There's even a form saying they condemn the liberals for fucking enabling child sex. I mean. Nambla? Unknown_09: Or the. Oh, I just. Unknown_17: I think we're talking about virtualist pedophiles. So Nambla Nambla advocates child sex. You don't like that. You prefer the virtuous pedophile thing. 1:28:34 Unknown_21: Yeah, because they don't fucking advocate for child abuse. I mean, dude, let's let's be honest, like like as much as as much as we don't like each other, pretty much what happened in my past. I don't know about your past, but my past, my fucking Unknown_21: Dad beat the fucking shit out of me and fucking, you know, violated me when I was a fucking child. Unknown_17: Josh, stop laughing. 1:29:06 Unknown_21: And I had a fucking traumatic past. I don't know about fucking you. It probably might've been worse. I don't know, but. Unknown_17: Are you saying that your dad molested you? Unknown_21: Uh, no, but he was, he was a, he was pretty much a puncher. Pretty much. He like punched me around like a punching bag. Unknown_03: You learned from him and did that to your grandma. Unknown_17: Not his grandma. Well, apparently he did beat his grandma, but somebody said something specifically about beating an ex. Unknown_21: I don't even fucking treat... Dude, here's the thing. I treated my grandmother better than how Chris-Chan treated his mother. 1:29:42 Unknown_17: Well, Chris-Chan makes sensual love to his mother. I don't know if you can treat her much better than that. Unknown_21: I mean, that's still incest, though. Unknown_21: Yeah, that's fucked up. Unknown_17: That's pretty fucked up. Somebody said that you beat your girlfriend though, at one point. Unknown_21: I never beat my girlfriend. Unknown_03: I never hit her, Mark. Unknown_20: I'm saying I did not funny that it's funny that the Kiwi farms has to make up a bunch of allegations about me beating my girl but where did this story about you beating a girlfriend come from them if it didn't come from an authentic play it came from someone someone's ass okay where it came from was it like a fortune cookie type of thing oh yeah they must have shitted it out right mm-hmm 1:30:38 Unknown_09: I mean, it's just it's just strange to me that you have have accusations about being physical with your grandmother, physical with your ex. Unknown_17: But they're but they're just allegations, though. Unknown_21: That's just the fucking thing, really. I mean, the allegations are coming from the people you were physical with. Unknown_17: And it seems strange that you give yourself such a benefit of a doubt when you are very willing to dismiss that for other people. Unknown_21: Yeah, I do. Unknown_21: I actually have self-respect unlike you. Unknown_17: Don't you think that makes you a hypocrite? Unknown_21: I don't go ahead and bully people online like you do. 1:31:17 Unknown_03: You bully them in real life when they're like 10 years old. Unknown_17: That's more masculine. Unknown_03: Yeah, that's fine. Let's be honest here. You fight them IRL. That's not, that's not, that's not what I mean though. Unknown_21: That's not what I mean though. Unknown_03: Go ahead, elaborate. Unknown_03: So tell me, how many punches did your grandma take before she fell down? Unknown_21: Well, that's I mean nice night. I mean like I mean you're just proving my point Two three like I know she's pretty weak, but so are you so I'm guessing it was like at least two rounds It's a fair match for the fight. 1:31:58 Unknown_20: Yeah I'm guessing you won by knockout Unknown_21: Uh, no. I mean, like the thing- Oh, so the judge has called it. I never made, I never made a context. Unknown_03: You never made context. That's great. Unknown_21: I never made, I never made contact to my, to my grandmother at all. So. Unknown_03: Did you ever make contact to any small children? Unknown_17: No. Didn't you say that you touched a kid at some point, like not in a sexual way, but didn't you admit that you had physical contact with a kid? 1:32:35 Unknown_21: I mean, I didn't fucking know why somebody. Unknown_17: Oh, wait, that's the that's the lie that Brian Dunn made up. Unknown_21: Yeah. Unknown_17: Somebody said that you said that you were molested by your father on Kumite. Unknown_21: The thing is, the thing is, is that the reason why is because I wanted to come up with an excuse on why who I am, but the thing is, the real reason why is because my dad was Unknown_21: Like a pedophilic and because of that there's a there it came genetically You're saying it was a genetic thing and not he didn't molest you We're getting like Kevin Spacey Well, how do you know that if he didn't molest you I Mean he tried he tried to fucking sleep with my sister for fuck's sakes. I mean we molested your sister. I 1:33:22 Unknown_03: And were you the product of that molestation? Unknown_21: No, why? Unknown_17: Just curious. Unknown_21: You can say all the shit you want, but that's not true either. Unknown_09: So what happened with your dad? Unknown_09: Was he in jail? Unknown_09: The thing is, CPS fucking separated me from him. What happened with your mother? 1:33:58 Unknown_09: Hold on a minute. Uh, she died. Unknown_21: Why? I mean, like, I don't know why you care. Unknown_17: Why did you punch her too hard? I'm curious. Unknown_17: I'm curious about how you ended up with her grandmother. Unknown_21: You're just, you're just proving my point. You know, these things don't affect me, right? Unknown_03: No. Okay. Go on. What happened with your mother? How'd she die? Unknown_09: Uh, I mean, she died by fucking in a bathtub. I mean, Unknown_09: With a toaster? Yeah, did she kill herself? 1:34:30 Unknown_09: Did she slip? Unknown_09: I mean... She just fuckin' died in a bathtub, that's all I have to fuckin' say, really. Unknown_17: What, of old age? Yeah, I mean, I knew somebody who died in the shower. She had a stroke and she fell and hit her head and bled out in the shower. Is that close to what happened, or did she actually kill herself? Unknown_17: I mean, there's only so many ways you can die in the shower, Ross. Unknown_21: I don't know why. 1:35:02 Unknown_17: I'm curious. I'm giving you a chance to tell your story to make people sympathetic towards you, and this would be a good time. What'd she do? Unknown_21: Try to- Why do you think I'm doing that for sympathy? What are you- Well, not for sympathy. Unknown_17: I'm just saying to make people know your story better. Unknown_03: Hold on, wait. So how'd she die in the shower? What did she do? Try to de-throat the shower hose and just choke on it? Josh, you're going too far. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm trying to be nice here and you're making me look bad. Unknown_17: You're making Encyclopedia Dramatica look like a bullying website. Unknown_16: You're right. 1:35:33 Unknown_17: I'm sorry. Unknown_21: I'm just trying to fucking like, I mean, like, I mean, what are you trying to do? Have a civil conversation? That's never been done before. Unknown_17: Sure. No, I'm going for it. I'm giving you a chance to tell your story. So your dad molested your sister. Unknown_09: Your dad went to jail. Unknown_17: What happened to your mom? Unknown_21: Uh, my mother pretty much like died in a bathtub through sleeping pills and she fucking pretty much that's what happened. So yeah. Unknown_03: She died in a bathtub full of sleeping pills. That's no, she took, no, she swallowed fucking sleeping pill. 1:36:04 Unknown_21: Did she like cut her wrist? Unknown_17: How like, did she, she had a bunch of sleeping pills. Unknown_21: Alcohol then she died and then afterwards she drowned drowned it in the bathtub. Unknown_16: She died. Unknown_17: Oh, she's okay She died. Unknown_16: She'd know she she passed out because she mixed medication alcohol and then drowned underneath the water intentionally Obviously, you don't take booze and sleeping pills in the fucking bathtub unless you're trying to go out. Unknown_03: Hmm and a small small question. How old were you when? 1:36:39 Unknown_09: How old were you when that happened? Unknown_09: I was about like 14 or 13 or so. Unknown_21: Okay, so there may have been a causative link there. Unknown_17: Was your dad in prison by the time this happened? Unknown_21: No, he was homeless. Unknown_17: Oh, so he had gotten out of prison and wasn't back home. Well, he was never arrested, but CPS separated us though. 1:37:11 Unknown_17: separated you from both of them or just from your father? Unknown_09: I don't know. It's fucking whatever. Unknown_21: I mean, like, I'm not going to fucking you know, I'm not going to fucking. Unknown_21: Talk about about the fucking story anymore, because I know what you're going to do is it's for your own satisfaction, but. Unknown_17: I get no satisfaction out of hearing your parents killed themselves or died. Unknown_03: I'm masturbating as we speak. Unknown_17: Goddammit Josh, you fucker. 1:37:46 Unknown_17: So, I mean, were you in your grandmother's custody when this happened? Unknown_09: Wait, how did your dad die? How did my dad die? It's pretty simple, I mean. Unknown_03: Was it also involving a bathtub? Unknown_09: It's not, it's not, he didn't die though, unfortunately. Is he still homeless? Unknown_09: Uh, I mean, he lives in New York, but I'm so sorry. Unknown_21: Someone exposed to my dad was pretty much, he was just doing like very much. He exposed him. I mean, like when I saw it, like, Oh, remember, like, He did this whole fucking like, uh, barrage band called like the atoning stone. Like it was like fucking stupid. It was, let's be honest. It was stupid ass Christian music. It was the atoning stone. 1:38:22 Unknown_03: Did I get that right? Unknown_21: But then again, he's also a fucking, uh, he's a wife abuser as well. Like a domestic abuser, except I'm not though. 1:38:55 Unknown_09: Okay, so go on. So what happened with your dad? Unknown_09: Uh, I mean, I don't fucking... I don't mean... I mean, what else do you need to know? Unknown_21: I mean, like, fucking I already told you. Unknown_03: Okay, so what happened with your sister exactly? Were you separated from your dad with her? Unknown_21: No, I was away from my sister. Unknown_08: What happened with her? I mean, what happened with her is... Unknown_21: Like, she's not biological, so that's why. 1:39:29 Unknown_03: No, she went to a... Older sister or younger? Unknown_21: Older, but... I mean, that's all the information I'm gonna be giving you. I mean, there's gonna be more information that, um... Okay, so you didn't molest her because she was out of your age range? Unknown_09: Uh, she was older than me. Unknown_21: When I was a kid. Unknown_17: That's what he said. So, she went to a different relative on her side of the family, basically. Unknown_21: Yeah, which is her mother, so... The Atoning Stone is a Christian rock from Watertown, New York. Unknown_20: Is this your dad's band? 1:40:02 Unknown_17: Uh, no, it was from Canada, but now he lives in New York. Unknown_03: Wait, is the Atoning Rock atoning for molesting you? Unknown_17: Wait, is this... Is this a... Is this a Born Again sort of thing? Let me post this in chat. Look at chat, Ross. Is this him? Unknown_09: Oh, it's AJ Styles, the pro wrestler. Unknown_09: I don't fucking, I mean, whatever else I actually fucking say. Unknown_21: I mean, at least the fucking owner of Encyclopedia Dramatica fucking, oh wait. I mean, that's him. I mean, whatever. I mean, if my dad blames me for fucking whatever is happening to him, dude, he fucking deserves a fucking- He looks like a skinny Fred Durst. 1:40:41 Unknown_17: He does look like Fred Durst. That's pretty apt. Unknown_03: Yeah. Unknown_17: Angel of Fallen, Philip Ross? 1:41:29 Unknown_03: But he was molesting you. Unknown_09: No, no, he wanted my sister. Unknown_03: He wanted your sister, not you. You weren't good looking enough. Unknown_21: Oh yeah, I guess so, but I don't fucking know. Unknown_03: Okay, so let's move on. Unknown_03: Hold on, why is he pretending to be a Christian? What's the purpose of that? A lot of ex-cons do that, dude. To gain something, which is trust, and that's Unknown_03: So he's... Okay, this is interesting. Unknown_17: You don't know this? Like no, a lot of people when they go to prison they convert and then they become like really religious. 1:42:04 Unknown_03: No, but hold on, whose trust? The prison's trust or the trust of its future victims? No, no, of the public. Unknown_21: What the fuck are you on about? Unknown_17: Of the public, EZ. Unknown_21: Come on now. I'm talking about the church. Unknown_03: You're EZ? That's right. Unknown_03: Churches trust yeah, no the trust of the public if you're a pedophile, and you're like oh, I converted to Christianity It looks better than just saying I'm a pedophile I used to look at kids in the bathtub, but now I don't like that that kind of shit doesn't fly doesn't work Yeah, I see Unknown_21: So what are you fucking saying? I mean, like I said, I already fucking said whatever I wanted to fucking say. 1:42:38 Unknown_17: Well, I'm curious. Well, I'm just curious. What are your plans now? Like, do you have any plans for not even for like, like dealing with people online? Like, what do you when you hang up this convert when we eventually peacefully sunset you, what are you going to do? Unknown_17: Like, even for today, I don't know, I mean, like, the thing is, I mean, like, Unknown_21: It's the analogy to where, like, the fire never dies. Unknown_09: But what fire? Unknown_09: What fire are you talking about? 1:43:09 Unknown_21: Talking about how I would just fucking dig all the way to the ground to where I find fucking gold. Unknown_03: Listen, you can put out the fire in the bathtub. That's a good place to put out a fire. Unknown_17: I'm just, I'm just trying to wrap my mind, like, do you have plans career-wise, education-wise? Like, what do you want to do besides bring down the Kiwi Farms? Unknown_21: Well, I'm not talking about that shit live on air, anyway. Unknown_17: I'm just, I'm just curious, because it seems like you were a temp, or a substitute at this school. You're not, you're not anymore. So, like, what's the plan, brother? I don't know, the plan is just to fucking do whatever. 1:43:48 Unknown_17: Well that's not a very good plan, that sounds like a lazy Saturday. Like next week, a month later, like what the fuck, what are you gonna do Ross? Unknown_21: Like I said, I'm not required to fucking like say what my personal life is. Unknown_17: No you don't have to, but it seems like the answer is you have no plan and this is just shit that you do to entertain yourself because you got nothing else going on. Unknown_21: Uh, I mean, I mean, sometimes, sure, probably. 1:44:29 Unknown_21: But the thing is, at least I got some answers about certain things, you know, regarding a fucking- Is that gonna help you? Joshua Connor Moon. Unknown_03: Yeah, you got my full admission of being a child murdering pedophile. Cannibal. You got that. Cannibal 2. Drug addict. Unknown_21: I mean, dude, let's be honest, the guy from Encyclopedia Dramatica is having a more mature conversation. Unknown_03: Yep, that's easy-peasy, he's my best friend, Joshua Moore. Yeah, I know, but he's having more of a mature conversation than you. 1:45:07 Unknown_17: That's because I'm a Jew from Israel, and I love the nation of Israel, and that's why. I mean, Jews are better than Christians and atheists in general, I'm just saying. Unknown_03: Yep, he's a Hebrew. Unknown_03: How do you feel about the Hebrews, Ross? Unknown_21: I don't fucking know. Unknown_03: I'd like to hear your thoughts on the Jewish question, Ross. Unknown_17: I mean, the Jews run Encyclopedia Dramatica, and that's got your name right now. So surely you had negative opinions. 1:45:44 Unknown_21: Well, I mean, like, I don't, I mean, you don't control whatever Encyclopedia Dramatica says about me, I mean. Unknown_03: Yes, he does. Unknown_17: That's easy peasy. Unknown_03: I literally could edit it right now to say whatever the fuck. Unknown_21: Except you won't, because I know you won't. Unknown_03: Maybe I will. Maybe he will. Unknown_21: Well, maybe you will, Josh, because you're a fucking, you know, exceptional individual. That's why. Unknown_03: That's true, that's me. Josh McConnermone, the exceptional individual. 1:46:17 Unknown_17: He is pretty fucking exceptional. He keeps interrupting with his comedy stand-up bullshit. With his fucking, like,iceless bullshit that, uh, that pretty much, like, you know, it's whatever. Unknown_21: I mean, you know, I'm bad all the time. Unknown_17: It's not whatever, because you're fucking pissed about this shit. And you're promising a reckoning and a day of retribution. Unknown_21: Yeah, exactly. And that'll eventually happen, but... I mean, if you continue acting this way, Josh, I mean, that's pretty much what it is. 1:46:51 Unknown_17: What interests me is that your Kiwi Farms thread, I looked it up. Unknown_21: Yeah, I know, I know. Unknown_17: But it didn't have any posts. Like, in the last two weeks, it's gotten maybe one or two posts. So, I mean, people are gonna talk about it now. Unknown_21: That's because I abandoned the Kiwi Farms account. That's why. Unknown_17: Well, don't you think that stepping back is beneficial to you? I already stood back. Then why don't you just do it? Unknown_03: Please step back off the balcony. Unknown_17: Why continue to do this? Because it seems to me that you just enjoy the attention. It's fun having Medicare shit all over you. Like, that seems to be what you're into. Well, that's because I could take jokes. 1:47:26 Unknown_21: It's a concept that some people on the internet don't get. Unknown_17: But clearly not, because you're planning revenge for your... You do realize that that quote was just made because I was just fucking with you, right? Unknown_16: No, no. Unknown_17: I'm saying that what you just said in this conversation... I was quoting Medeker by saying that. Unknown_03: Okay, he did say that. I thought you were quoting Elliot Rogers. 1:47:59 Unknown_09: So what, even if I did, that was still a satire of Elliot Rogers? Unknown_17: So if you're quoting Medicare and you're refusing to answer any question about what you want to do, what you got planned, it kind of seems like you're just stirring the pot so people pay attention to you again. I mean, what I'm going to do now is pretty much simple. Unknown_21: play games on Steam, probably look at a couple of stuff pretty much when it comes down to it. Unknown_03: What kind of stuff, Ross? Unknown_03: What kind of stuff were you? 1:48:38 Unknown_21: Pretty much just info, et cetera. Info on whom? Just being aware of whoever is making fun of me or something. Unknown_17: So you're gonna try and dig up people making fun of you even though you can quote-unquote take a joke? Unknown_21: The thing is, is that so I can make comebacks, pretty much. Unknown_17: I mean, you don't really need to know a lot about a person to make biting comebacks. I mean, it helps, but I mean, do you really think that anything you say is gonna sound better? No, I don't. 1:49:10 Unknown_17: But you said that you did. Unknown_21: Right. Unknown_17: You openly admitted it. I don't molest children. Unknown_21: I never openly admitted I molest children. What the fuck are you talking about? Unknown_17: You said that you look out of Macon. You intentionally seek out pictures that people have taken of their own kids in bathtubs because you like to see naked kids, Ross. Unknown_03: By the way, when you look at the kids in the bathtubs, do you sometimes think of your mom being dead in a bathtub? Unknown_03: It's just a question. Unknown_20: That is a strange parallel. Unknown_21: Whatever. 1:49:45 Unknown_03: Yeah. Unknown_21: I don't fucking care. You can just twist my words all you fucking want. Unknown_03: Oh, buddy, no need to get upset. We're just trying to dig at the truth here, buddy. Buddy, no need for that. Tell me more about the adults you fantasize about killing. I'd love to hear more about that. Unknown_21: Maybe, you know, pieces of shit like my dad. And by the way, if Philip Ross wants to align himself with any anti-Jonathan Ross people, guess what? Come at me, dude. 1:50:17 Unknown_03: That would be pretty funny. You know he's going to rape you if that happens. Unknown_21: I would easily beat his fucking ass. And rape him back? Unknown_21: No, I would fucking go ahead and beat the living fuck out of him like you did with me when I was a kid. Unknown_03: And like you did with your grandma? Unknown_21: Except I never did that. But whatever. Unknown_21: I mean, like I said, you can say whatever you want, make allegations, whatever you want. 1:50:50 Unknown_03: Okay, so I have an idea. How about you and your dad? You and your dad have a wrestling match, and the winner rapes the loser. Unknown_21: Uh, except I won't be interested in fucking Guy, though. Unknown_03: Oh, fucking your dad is okay. The problem is that he's a guy. That's your contention. Hold on. Unknown_17: So you, I mean, you look at, you look at girls in the bathtub is what you're saying. So, I mean, why would you even, why would you even care about Nambla at all? Cause Nambla only cares about boys. 1:51:22 Unknown_09: Well, I mean, Nambla is just a piece of shit. Let's just be honest. Unknown_03: Do you fantasize about killing Nambla too? Unknown_09: Well, I mean, what's entertaining about your- I mean, nobody's- nobody's- nobody's gonna- nobody's gonna fucking, you know- Nobody's gonna fucking- even- even if they care, they're not gonna fucking, like, um- Ross, what do the initials- Ross, what do the initials of Nambles stand for? Unknown_21: Uh, I mean, North American Band Boys of Love Association or whatever the fuck. 1:51:57 Unknown_03: Just just curious. Okay, but the fucking thing is is that it's a shitty group. Unknown_21: I mean that fucking like Unknown_17: It just amuses me that on your kill list of people you'd like to see dead, you have your father who raped your sister and essentially ruined your life and your family. I mean, I wish people from Nambla were to fucking die also. Well, that's my point, is that you have on your kill list your father who raped your sister and ruined your family and your life, and then you have Nambla, who are all pedophiles that want to fuck boys, and then you have Jim. 1:52:29 Unknown_21: But except they did, and Jim. Unknown_03: And Jim, so okay, so Jim is on the level of child rapist? So every nihilist needs to die? Okay, so people who need to die? Pedophiles, rapists, child molesters, and nihilists. Unknown_21: One of these things is not like the others, Ross. Unknown_21: Yeah, but nihilist means fucking, like, you know, psychotic sociopaths. 1:53:03 Unknown_03: What?! Oh, is that so? Is that so? Is that the dictionary definition, Ross? Unknown_21: I mean, I'm just... Oh, by the way, they're also in denial of, like, any good at all, so... I'm just, it just seems like, like, you know, you're just mad that Jim put you out into the frying pan, Ross. Unknown_17: I'm not saying it in a suicidal way, I'm saying it in, like, you know... Unknown_21: Destructive way against others. So he's not he's not destructive. Unknown_17: He see that's that out to what you're what your feelings are You're just mad at him because he got you exactly what I mean, so Well, yeah, and nobody forced you to tell Jim Go ahead and fucking twist my words you told him you told him that you look I 1:53:54 Unknown_21: But the thing is, though, is that what you fucking did, though, was you fucking went ahead and hit on little girls yourself, so... Who are you talking to? Unknown_03: Josh or Izzy? Unknown_21: Josh. Unknown_03: Yes, I did do that. Unknown_21: What little girls? Unknown_21: Oh, you did do that, but only in sarcasm. Well, let's see how sarcastic you'll be once the info's out there eventually. Unknown_17: It's been on Encyclopedia Germanica for five fucking years, Ross. Unknown_03: I'll probably be very sarcastic, I imagine. Unknown_21: Alright, well, hey guys, I'll probably, uh, see you later. Um, Josh? Hey, Josh? Josh? 1:54:34 Unknown_03: Josh? Yeah, go ahead. Unknown_21: Um, hope you die. Go fucking kill yourself. Unknown_03: I hope so too. I will. Unknown_21: Alright, yep. And, uh, well, I mean, I'll celebrate your death when you're fucking gone, so... How? And if I ever met you in real life, I'll literally fucking break your fucking skull, every single chunk of it. Unknown_03: Will you fuck my body afterwards? Unknown_21: From easy peasy, at least you were civil, but you know, Josh, any time, any time. Go fucking go. Go. Yeah. Josh, go fucking die. I'll fucking shatter your fucking brains and fuck you. 1:55:06 Unknown_03: I think he disconnected. Unknown_08: He did. Unknown_03: Hmm. Well, well, easy. That's a. Unknown_03: That was quite a show easy easy peasy with you good job interrupting him all the fucking time Just let him just let him talk just let him talk and tie that noose Unknown_03: We got some good stories from him. Apparently his dad molested him and his sister and his mother killed himself because he's such a retard. 1:55:42 Unknown_17: Killed himself? Is his mom a tranny? Unknown_03: Well, you know, I killed Close to God and now I killed the Rosses. They're both trannies. That's me, Joshua Connor Moon. Unknown_17: I've already changed the names. Unknown_03: Ah, damn it. Unknown_17: Now you're just Easy Peasy the Nice Guy. Unknown_03: God dammit, my life is ruined. It was fun being you. My head was very weirdly round. It was a good day for me. Unknown_17: You can see so much better when your eyes are far apart, can't you? Unknown_03: Yeah. You look like the illegitimate child of Michael Jackson and Brittany Venti. 1:56:14 Unknown_17: Let me pull this up on stream because I want to show people this. Unknown_17: I saw this guy and I'm like, is this my ancestor? Unknown_17: Okay, I found it on accident. Here we go. Here we go. Where's this picture of this fucking guy? Unknown_03: Is that is that the the father? Unknown_17: It's my grandfather. This guy. This guy has the widest set fucking eyes I've ever seen ever. Unknown_03: Oh my god, Jesus Christ. Unknown_16: It's almost ridiculous. 1:56:48 Unknown_17: It's like a look. I can't even believe it. Unknown_03: He's like a fuck. Is that a Nazi uniform? Unknown_17: No, dude. He's a Hungarian. Unknown_03: Oh. Unknown_03: It's a Hungarian uniform. Yeah. Unknown_03: God damn it, he's looking like two different directions at the same size at the same time. He's got some white stuff like I've never like even my eyes like his eyeballs are exposed to the left and right sides of his skull because they they touch like like it's just crazy. Unknown_17: It's like a fucking sunfish. Yeah, this thing you got some fucking eyes. All right. 1:57:19 Unknown_03: God damn. Unknown_17: I don't know what to do now. Hey, did you show the chat the picture of Ross's dad? Yeah, I put up the Christian rock group. Unknown_17: I even played some of the music for them and they all enjoyed it. They loved it. They loved every second of it. Unknown_03: Good times, good times, but it's like 2am. Unknown_17: Somebody said in chat the Jew panics when he sees the Nazi. Unknown_03: Well, the Jew fears the samurai and the Nazi. And the Nazi. 1:57:53 Unknown_17: Yeah, we gotta go try and find Ross's dad now and ask him. Unknown_17: Ask him why he fucked this kid up so bad. Unknown_03: Let's recap our information. Ross's dad fucked him and his sister, they got separated, and then Ross's dad became homeless, then went to prison, then joined a Christian rock band. No, you got the timeline all fucked up. Unknown_17: He didn't fuck him, he fucked his sister. Unknown_17: Okay, his dad was a molester and molested his sister his sister and him were two different mothers. I think and After after that child protective services split them apart to their respective Maternal sides of the family which would be his maternal grandmother, and I don't know what the fuck happened to the girl He became homeless. He might have gone to jail. I don't think he went to jail Ross said he didn't go to jail and And while the dad was homeless and they were split apart, the mother killed herself by knocking herself, tranquilizing herself in a full bathtub, slipping under the water level and drowning in the process. 1:58:24 Unknown_03: And then he went to live with his mom, with his grandma, and then he beat his grandmother up. Unknown_17: Allegedly. I don't know that for sure. It's just what people say. Unknown_03: Allegedly. Unknown_17: Yeah, that's that seems to be the just I mean, I don't I don't know what he what he hoped to accomplish I do think he likes the attention What's weird to me is that? 1:59:18 Unknown_03: Friends with Todd Nickerson? Unknown_03: Let me give you the basics on Todd Nickerson. He used to have an article on, I think it was called the Encyclopedia of Evil or something, or Evil Uncovered. It was a site that kept record of internet pedophiles. Then that site got shut down and a few guys from ED saved all the articles and moved them to our site. And then this guy started writing for Salon and wrote several infamous articles about how he's a virtuous pedophile. Unknown_17: No, I remember the title of it. He said something like, I may be a pedophile, but I'm not a monster. 1:59:52 Unknown_03: Yeah, I may be a pedophile, but I'm not a monster. And then he got arrested for either molesting a child or having child porn. And Ross got told about this guy at some point and started calling himself a virtuous pedophile. And now apparently he claims that he talks to this guy? On Skype. Unknown_03: Yeah, that is some universe-crossing shit. That is some weird stuff. Unknown_17: Apparently to this Medium article, based on the title, I would engage in sex play with a child. I will never deny that. And we really believe what salon writer Todd Nickerson when he asserts he would never act on his urge, especially when he himself has claimed otherwise. That's fucking weird. Yeah, he definitely said that they were talking. 2:00:30 Unknown_17: So either he's actually talking to this guy or someone is pretending to be this guy to fuck with Ross and I am dying to know what the truth is. Unknown_17: I can't imagine that it's like that's such an obtuse angle as a troll to go at. Unknown_03: Yeah, I think he said he was an active participant in that guy's virtuous pedophile website. Yeah, but I don't think Nickerson owns that website. I think that's just the website he found. Unknown_17: I can't find any articles about him being arrested, though. 2:01:04 Unknown_03: I remember someone talking about it. Unknown_17: I don't know. Maybe he was arrested in the past, but I can't find the articles about the salon writer. Oh, whatever. Unknown_03: OK, listen, it is like 2 a.m. over here and I have work in the morning. So this was a good stream, but please peacefully sunset me. Easy peasy from Encyclopedia Dramatica. Unknown_09: Take it easy, Josh. Unknown_09: All right. Unknown_09: Now I don't know what to do. Oh, geez, it's so quiet. The noise in my head is not abated by anything. 2:01:35 Unknown_17: Should we look at a clip chat? What should we do? I got 600 people there. I guess I can look at anything I want. Unknown_17: Are furries gay? I think all furries are gay. In fact, here's a pro tip for any of you incels out there if you are a man into women if you go to a furry convention you will a hundred percent have some rank kinky fucking sex with a furry woman there because there are no straight furries and the women there are like sexually frustrated and need release and So if you want, if you want to have some sex, some raunchy, horrible, monstrous sex with a furry woman, just go. Just go and get what you need. 2:02:13 Unknown_17: Get the dad on. I don't even know. I am looking at Discord. I'm looking at everything. It's just that I don't know which woman to play. I'm not going to play Oof Curator. That guy farts. He boofs at his wife. Unknown_09: Let's take out their collars. Crazy boots. Unknown_09: No. Unknown_14: Hey, I, I wish I would have been able to talk to Ross, by the way. 2:02:51 Unknown_17: Oh, sorry, I didn't want to bring people like easy peas. It was already interrupting him enough. I was like, I don't need more of this. Unknown_14: Yeah, no. One of my questions, and I came in pretty late there. I was wondering, does he have access to firearms? Unknown_14: Does Ross like? Yeah, because he is like a he's over 18, right? Unknown_17: Yeah, unless he's a felon, or unless he's been held for involuntary psychiatric reasons, he will have access to a firearm, yes. 2:03:25 Unknown_14: Yeah, that's what I thought. Like, I've, you know, I've got a pistol, I've got, you know, my AR, bolt action, all that shit. It's not that hard for me to go out and get one. So I'm kind of wondering, like, does this kid, is he gonna be the next, like, fucking Dylann Roof, or, uh... Maybe. Is he just gonna start singing out, I Hate Mondays or some shit? Unknown_14: Maybe? I don't know. I didn't have a very hot take or anything, but... Interesting, yeah. No, I don't know what his gambit is. Unknown_17: I think he just wants attention, to be honest. Unknown_14: Yep, by the way, YouTube sucks stream. He's a lot better. It kept crashing on me and YouTube like 10 times Rip. 2:03:55 Unknown_17: Yeah, we have a good little following on the stream got me and if you do watch it over there You can you can help with the high score table. I'm just saying You do what you do though Yeah, all right. Well, thanks for calling in happy. Thanks. Sorry. Happy Thanksgiving Zuban Unknown_09: How you doing? Pretty good. Unknown_09: Do you hear me? Yeah, you're fine. 2:04:28 Unknown_09: God damn it. Unknown_09: What do you say that you didn't get Dr. Ross? Unknown_09: I said yes. Now you muted yourself, motherfucker. Unknown_30: ZT. Unknown_30: Oh, how's it going? Pretty good. Unknown_30: it's gonna put a file on a fully does look as an asshole 2:05:08 Unknown_30: Are you going to be doing like a Kiwi Farms topic of the week or something like that? Unknown_17: We do. We've been doing that for a while. I usually pick out one person and I go over him or for an uninformed audience. Unknown_30: As far as Ross goes, he was on the Kuma Day a while ago and Jim got him to admit to a ton of shit. I mean, he if you ever, you know, He hasn't done shit. He quite out admitted to a lot of his stuff today Yeah, I mean I kept saying like why would you admit? Unknown_17: You know do this and this if it's just made up and he didn't have any answers for any of that Cool I don't have much more say it's good stream. 2:05:52 Unknown_09: Yep. Thanks. Take it easy Unknown_17: I thought your avatar was the Star of David, by the way, in the list. Unknown_23: a a 2:06:38 Unknown_23: Yeah, I've heard the term loco. I don't really use it. I'm just like, eh. Well, he's very handsome for a guy. Unknown_17: I'll just throw that picture up. He's very handsome for a guy cuddling a fucking... He looks like PewDie. I wonder if that's intentional. Unknown_23: No, that's, uh... God, I don't even know why I fucking know this. Apparently that's, um... Actually, I don't remember. I was gonna say... I was gonna say the name, but then it fucking got on my head. But yeah, it's... It's weird. It's... This fucking guy... Unknown_23: Uh, he actually looks like one of my autistic friends that, uh, I used to hang out with. I mean, I still talk to him on a while, but whatever. Yeah. Anyway, I wanted to say about Ross that, um, I don't know. The guy's really fucking weird. He, well, I don't know why he gets on these calls and expects anything other than, I guess, bombardment. I mean, I know you guys weren't going at him too crazy, except maybe for easy peasy, but 2:07:12 Unknown_17: I mean, I like to have people who are crazy just talk about themselves. That's my favorite thing. Because whatever the fuck I have to say is going to be less interesting than what they have to say. 2:07:50 Unknown_23: Also, somebody tagged me and said, sign up and make a thread. Well, I mean... Unknown_23: Uh, we didn't really have that much information. All I know is, I mean, that's part of the problem. Unknown_17: It's just like you can't make a threat on somebody who just has one picture out there. Unknown_23: Yeah, well, he technically he posted multiple, but this was one of the most infamous ones because, you know, it's this fucking just a random normal looking Caucasian male cuddling up to this fucking my little pony, a pillow. It's just weird. But yeah. Unknown_23: that the 2:08:51 Unknown_17: Somebody said that you can't rewind the stream. I've enabled DVR. I had no idea what the fuck that is. So Hopefully it works now. Unknown_17: I Can't say for sure Unknown_17: Yeah, and I don't know why, like, YouTube takes for fucking ever to, uh, to process shit. Yeah, somebody said, uh, the orange cow said in a super chat, died in the bathtub, Ross's fetish comes full circle. That is pretty fucking weird. Unknown_17: Uh, that, that, that he, that's his thing when his mom died like that. Like, he actually got mad when EasyPeasy asked him about that. 2:09:26 Unknown_17: Uh... Zuban. Unknown_29: How you doing? Unknown_17: Pretty good. Unknown_29: Can you hear me now? Yes, you're fine, go. Unknown_17: Go, go. Unknown_29: Yeah, you guys are fucking dicks. I was expecting a relaxing stream and fucking Ross comes here and makes a sparkfest. Holy shit. Are you from Romania by any chance? No. Where are you from? Likely no. Unknown_17: Where are you from? Unknown_29: I'm from the lands of the south, if you can believe it. Are you from, like, New Mexico? Unknown_29: Something like that. Unknown_17: Anyways, I wanna keep it brief. 2:10:00 Unknown_29: Shall I say a couple things for Thanksgiving? Unknown_17: Yeah, go for it. Unknown_29: Very cool, if you're watching this, put on a shirt. It's not cool that you're shirtless all the time. Unknown_17: Then a thanksgiving- yeah. Unknown_29: Then a thanksgiving shoutout to Ron Paul, Y2K Baby, Yandek, Dopey, FeelsOverReels, Dale M for Miss Gender. Those guys are badasses. Anyways, Rose is psychiatric. It's a psychiatric case, so I don't know. Unknown_29: uh well hopefully he'll have a good life and he'll get medicated anyways happy thanksgiving yeah he needs some medication okay i i don't know if he's a threat but yeah he needs some medication yeah well josh thanks for having me man 2:10:50 Unknown_17: I want to I want to play something real quick On the on the forum thread that we have about him I don't know if I can find this but the guy who made the thread about Ross is Is himself like just a fucking crazy person and I want to find this real quick Because I don't know I would hope that everybody especially if you're coming from like the the kill stream crew. You should fucking know This guy cuz he he burned himself out over Unknown_17: Irver Ross and Irver... I don't know, what the fuck is his name? DSP. Unknown_17: And I want to find this archive I have of him, because it's fucking hysterical. I bet you it's in the archive. Do I have an archive? Unknown_17: This is worth it, I apologize. Unknown_09: But I definitely want to find this fucking guy. Spergman. 2:11:42 Unknown_09: Yeah, that's it. Download this shit. Unknown_09: Download it Why is it so slow god damn it why is my own website so fucking slow So this guy he wanted to Be like the next Medicare and his idea of doing that was to essentially Make this music video 2:12:16 Unknown_17: And it's taking fucking forever to load this up because it's like massive. I don't even know if I'll be able to. Maybe I can just find it on YouTube. Unknown_09: That would be better. Alright. Unknown_09: Catch up. Unknown_09: Find it. Unknown_09: Oh, did he delete it? Son of a bitch. I'm so angry about this. Oh! It's loaded. Download this. Unknown_09: Alright. Alright, alright. It's going. Unknown_17: And drag and drop it into OBS. Look, you're not a lolcow if you're making fun of lolcows. 2:13:15 Unknown_17: This is a song about Ross by the way. I'm not turning it off. You have to watch it. This was on YouTube so I can show it. 2:13:47 Unknown_05: That's him by the way, that's the guy that's singing Won't rub a dub in their pussy juices You know how I do deuces To all the fuckin' haters Get out the toot If it's gonna hate on me, they can fuck with me, cause they all say no 2:14:44 Unknown_06: I want a rub-a-dub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the tub I want a rub-a-dub in the Unknown_06: I literally can't, I don't know how. I wanna rub a dub. I wanna rub a dub. I wanna rub a dub. Unknown_06: I wanna rub a dub. I wanna rub a dub. I wanna rub a dub. Unknown_17: The actual version of this, the main version, is even longer if you can believe it. 2:15:53 Unknown_17: This is where he breaks it down. The best part. Unknown_06: All right, I think I'm done with this. 2:16:28 Unknown_17: If you don't know, you probably don't know. Unknown_17: The best part about that video was that when we got his docs, we could visually confirm it with Google Maps and that video. He basically just walked around his dumpy-ass fucking neighborhood, and the Google Maps visions of the area matched up perfectly with that music video, and it was fucking excellent. Unknown_17: Uh, okay. Unknown_17: Oh, this was, he was making this thing called the autism alliance. 2:17:00 Unknown_17: And he literally said this because Medicare got like talked about the thread and stuff in his, in his Twitter description, in his biography. Unknown_17: I made Jonathan Ross's Kiwi Farms thread, called him out for being a pedophile on his stream, and then we was Medicare joined. I also make videos. Imagine, imagine if that was your claim to fame. I made a Kiwi Farms thread. Well, from the man himself, a round of fucking applause for your fucking accomplishments. Mixed mastering fucking ketchup. 2:17:38 Unknown_20: Oh, is there anything else funny about this? Unknown_09: Oh, uh, this is just me, like... Unknown_17: He made, the reason why he got a thread is because he made another thread about Puck1015 and I think Puck was like into lollicon or something and he's like, oh this is gonna be my next Jonathan Ross, this is the next pedophile. So I made this video calling us out, right? And it's just like, I have, like I don't care about this fucking Puck guy, he's not interesting, he's not funny, he's not like a spurgy chimp out like fucking Ross is. 2:18:13 Unknown_17: So we like, Unknown_17: We've dig into a little bit we find this fucking video the video was the best fucking thing I've ever seen and That's the end of that. I think you left sometime after but I just wanted to share like that's the that's the funny thing about that's like the good reason or the the best reason I have for like doing streams is that I remember this shit and Remember all this weird shit and it's not like I don't know and a lot about Ross. I wasn't lying I don't like fervently follow Ross, but I do remember the weird little meta shit that happens around the crazy people that we make fun of speaking of that. 2:18:55 Unknown_17: Oh Geez, I know who I want to talk to I don't have it on my browser Has Virgo made a video recently Unknown_09: Is that her? Unknown_09: Has she made another one? A recent one? Unknown_17: Oh no, these are all fucking boring. Unknown_17: I'll play this one again because I think it's short and it's fucking hysterical. Unknown_09: You guys should watch this. Unknown_10: Oh, shit shit shit. 2:19:36 Unknown_10: I'm gonna rewind. Unknown_00: You're harassing me again and I'm a married woman. That's not my last name. Okay. And you can't find that documentation. I've made it. So you will not be able to find this documentation anywhere due to stalking. I changed my name legally and they waived the ability for you to find out who I am due to incessant stalking. Unknown_00: You don't have my name. You don't even have a legal name. Guess this again. Unknown_17: You have to watch it. I'm sorry. 2:20:07 Unknown_00: So, you're a delusion. I already saw what you look like. Junior. With a baseball cap. Redneck. With a southern accent. I already saw what you look like with the tattoos all over your body. Unknown_00: With a southern accent. Uh, with the gas chambers. I already saw what you look like. Can't show your face? Unknown_00: Junior. Unknown_00: You can't show your face. Unknown_00: You don't have any power, mister. I have power because I showed my freaking face online, mister. 2:20:39 Unknown_00: You are, again, going to be thrown off the internet, wasting your time for copying somebody else's videos, mister. Unknown_00: You're going to be thrown off the internet, you piece of garbage scumbag. Unknown_00: You tattooed covered Yahoo with a Southern accent, baseball caps, rednecks. Unknown_00: Not all people with tattoos are horrible people, but I'm saying that's what you are. You are a person with body modification. You're not even real. This makeup here, you made my face look terrible. I don't even wear makeup. I'm not a phony. You are a phony. Loser! 2:21:16 Unknown_00: You are a talentless person who can't show your freaking face online for a reason, and you haven't won. You don't have my name, and you don't have any information on me. I am an artist. You understand what I am, mister? This is my name. I can name myself anything I want, and I did legally, okay? You don't have a name anymore, mister. 2:21:47 Unknown_00: You have a name and you ugly redneck covered in tattoos. That's what you are. And that's what these people are. And that's why they're hiding their face because they're unsophisticated rednecks. And that's what they look like. And he's laughing. Unknown_00: Well, nobody's going to be laughing when you're thrown off the internet and bullied off the internet, baby. Unknown_00: Cause a person like me, I'm going to scream. You know, I'm going to scream cause I'm going to get attention from people. That's the only way to get attention. Unknown_00: You don't have the power to do what I'm doing, baby. What I'm doing is I'm going to get people to bully you off the internet. 2:22:24 Unknown_17: Don't bully me, please. We're going to find out who you are and your IP addresses. Unknown_00: The police didn't do, I guess they could be doing something. This is what I am, an artist. Unknown_00: I am not somebody like you. I am not a redneck. I am not somebody involved with what you're involved with. I am not involved with stalking and copying people's stuff every day. You are a loser. You are a redneck. Unknown_17: That's a Virgo Rouge. She's my favorite crazy person. Please don't fuck with her because she does a great job being crazy on her own. 2:22:59 Unknown_17: Somebody asked for context. She just has a thread on the forum, and I think she has schizophrenia, so... She prescribes weird shit to like everything. She just makes up reasons why people are the way they are and why they're making fun of her. Unknown_17: The reason why she keeps calling me a redneck by the way Because my docs people most know me from Pensacola But I am not From Pensacola. I'm from Maryland, but she saw this picture and just assumed that I'm a redneck I thought I can just search my name and Find pictures of me 2:23:37 Unknown_09: Andrew Breitbart, there we go. Unknown_17: Is this it? Yeah, it's this picture where I've got my Make America Great Again hat on and she has taken that as like irrefutable evidence that I am a redneck with a baseball cap on. Unknown_17: Oh, how funny. I'm not logged in on this browser, but my stream is a suggestion for the Virgo Rouge for Virgo Rouge's videos. Get fucked. Get fucked, crazy lady. No, I don't have any tattoos. 2:24:14 Unknown_17: I don't. Unknown_20: I don't. Unknown_17: I have no tattoos. Unknown_20: OK, OK, OK, I got callers, I think I do. Unknown_09: loon oh wait let me mute for a second okay so how imagine and i wonder if you're listening imagine how sad ross must be he's probably alone in his halfway house if he's still even there nothing better to do than find some stream 2:24:54 Unknown_15: Start getting bullied on it. Unknown_17: That's pretty. Yeah, that's me was striking. Like I I'm a fucking weirdo I live in the fucking Slavic waste like I have an excuse for not celebrating Thanksgiving right now But like he should be with family because he lives with them. Unknown_17: How do you live with family and not do shit with them on Thanksgiving? Unknown_15: Yeah, no, exactly. I'm waiting for food to be finished cooking then we're all gonna eat him. He's probably just gonna eat some kids If he can catch them after all he is a virgin with rage Unknown_15: How's that virginity working out for you, Ross? Still got that blood loss? I thought he had a girlfriend or something that he beat. 2:25:27 Unknown_15: Oh, you mean his grandma? Unknown_17: No, no, I thought he had an ex that he beat. Unknown_15: This is the first I've heard of this. Is that the only way that she'd sleep with him if she knocked her unconscious first? Unknown_17: and probably Unknown_15: No, it's it's 100% that he lost all all this once it came out that he was an admitted pedo Because at least I'm honest about it guys once that came out he lost all his internet friends So now the only attention he gets online is from people bringing up the tub and now that that's died down He wants to start bringing it up again because now he has no at all The only attention he gets now is from the internet bullying him and he lives off of it 2:26:25 Unknown_17: Yeah, that does seem to be the case I mean, oh I wondered With the free breeze stream. Unknown_15: Do you think he actually like was trying to kill himself? Did he not know for reason lethal? Unknown_15: I Will how many for that lethal? Unknown_15: Well, exactly. But he, I guess maybe he thought that was the same as drinking bleach. Unknown_17: I mean, I mean, what was he doing? He was drinking for breeze on a stream. Unknown_15: Yeah, that was his alleged, um, suicide stream. But then he drank bleach instead and just had chronic diarrhea for like three days. Is that what it is? 2:27:04 Unknown_10: Yeah. For reasons that won't kill you, it'll just fuck your stomach up. Unknown_15: That's funny. Unknown_17: Yeah. I don't know. It's just like a dumpy sped. The fact that he thinks I know so much about him is, is kind of astonishing to me. Like I don't know why everybody, it's not unique to him. A lot of people, Automatically assume that I just know way too much about them and I was like, well, I I don't I the the forum has Like 30,000 on topic threads, it's it's a big fucking website, you know, that's a toot my own horn It's just a really big website. It would be literally impossible to keep up with everything Yeah, no Ross just like all the others. 2:27:38 Unknown_15: They're just so obsessed with themselves. They assume everyone else is just as interested in them Unknown_15: No, it's it's terrible. Go back to playing life is strange. You faggot make vortex club great again vortex gang gang. Fuck you I'm gonna be playing more walk-ins soon. Unknown_17: I don't know when I will be at some point Do it faggot after this we need some strange some good strange. 2:28:14 Unknown_17: Well, I heard the second person the first I Unknown_15: Worse or better? I don't know. It's actually, it's 100% so much worse and so much better. Unknown_15: But no, first you have to play before the storm so you can see how Chloe got this way. How did Chloe become like Kenny from fucking South Park? Unknown_17: Where she constantly dies? Unknown_15: So amazing. Her life gets so much worse. Unknown_17: Does she put on like a parka? Is that what happened? Unknown_15: I'll give you a little hint at one point. She's forced into doing a Stage play of Shakespeare and then dreams about it and her dad gets runned over. Oh, it's great got plate It's a thing from from red letter media. 2:28:46 Unknown_17: We're in one of the video the shitty 90s videotapes they were watching the the main antagonist rapist starts reading poet like Shakespeare at her and And they coined the term that she got plated and Chloe got plated apparently. Unknown_15: Oh, that's something special. Yeah, no, you have to experience the pain. 2:29:26 Unknown_17: I will. Don't spoil it for me. Oh, I got to savor the plate. Unknown_17: As God intended. Unknown_15: Oh, it's, it's great. Okay. That's, that's all for me. We're texting gang, right? Unknown_07: Uh, a con greetings, my friend. Happy Turkey day. Happy Turkey day. Unknown_07: All right. I just wanted to discuss, would you ever believe that there's some secret underground league of degenerates being created? Cause that's my, that's like my night talking about like internet shit or like the Jews. 2:29:59 Unknown_07: Oh, no, I'm talking just Internet people, people like Ross and like it's called Tumblr. Oh, no. But that's like my nightmare, man, is people like that coming together and just being the especially people like Tommy Tudor, actually. Unknown_07: No, Tommy Tudor, nobody. Unknown_17: He he is completely ejected out of everything. If you guys haven't seen the Tommy Tudor stream, go watch it. Unknown_07: Yes, I agree. He he is utterly bereft of any kind of friendly contact. Unknown_17: He is aggressively alienating even to the most accepting and Yeah, I'm glad he's outcasted that hard. 2:30:36 Unknown_07: Because again, my nightmare is people like him just getting other degenerates together and just doing what they do in some kind of weird shemale village. Well, that's what happened with the Zusaites, is that you have these furries. Unknown_17: They're insular. They are open with what they're into. And they feel very comfortable about torturing animals because everybody they talk to also is into that. And it's weird because they also have like that armor of their fans, their fellow furries. Unknown_07: that just go around and say, no, they didn't do that stuff. That's weird and wrong. Unknown_17: And that's why that's why they feel comfortable doing it, because everybody around them was into it as well. And so it's worth it's like when I got into the Kuro stuff a little bit, I'm like, this is this is probably big. There's probably a lot of furries who are into this, and they've probably excised all the all the elements that would not allow it to happen. And that's probably the sticking point with the whole Nazi furs versus the social justice furs, because, or anti-furs, I think they're called, because I think- They really call themselves anti-furs now? I think some do, yeah, but it's like- Oh god. The Nazis, the Nazi furs are more traditional and furry stuff. 2:31:19 Unknown_07: So weird when you have these factions. Unknown_07: It wasn't until recently it wasn't until recently that this happened and a lot of furries that were on the forum Started talking about how the the entire fandom is now completely Beyond reproach because it used to be that if you were a creepy weirdo and you were into furry shit You could put on your mask you put on your makeup put on your costume and do whatever the fuck you want Nobody cared 2:32:13 Unknown_17: And now it's so to its core rotten that it's splitting and fracturing and people hate each other and it's just not fun anymore. Unknown_07: Yeah, unless something absolutely outstanding happens, like the Kiro thing. That's really the only reason people even pay attention nowadays to that stuff like that, honestly, because it's like it used to be under the radar for so long. Yeah, exactly. Because it was like a phrase, a degenerate moving on until like stuff like this happened recently, like you said. Yeah, but man, we just want to say. Unknown_07: I hope the League of Degenerates never actually appears. Unknown_17: Well, they're like little cysts under the skin. There's many of them. And when they get shown to light... They're these little groundhogs. Yeah, then there's drama. So I think we'll keep seeing more shit like that where cysts are getting popped. And it creates more fun like that. 2:32:56 Unknown_07: I just hope that the popped cysts don't just grow more cysts around them. Unknown_07: Well, they'll be replenished eventually. Thanks for having me on, my friend. I must go and do some nasty stuff to this turkey. I'm sorry. Alright, take it easy. Unknown_12: Goodbye, my friend. Unknown_09: Vider. 2:33:29 Unknown_01: Mr. Moon. Hello. Unknown_01: Did you ever mention Logan Allen Westfall in this stream? Unknown_17: Logan Allen Westfall? I don't think so. Unknown_01: AKA Jet Rex. Unknown_17: He showed up briefly in that music video. I played he was in the scapegoat You have to tell everybody what what he did. Unknown_01: I have no fucking idea He molested his sisters. He's in jail awaiting a very lengthy long life Prison sentence he has like a three million dollar bail or something before his trial. I 2:34:06 Unknown_17: His name was Jortex? Unknown_09: With an L? Unknown_01: Jetrex. Jetrex. Unknown_01: Logan Allen Westfall. Unknown_01: There's a thread about him on the Kiwi Farms on the Phil whatever. Unknown_17: Oh, was he like an ADF? Or not an ADF, a DSP guy? Unknown_01: Sort of. Even Ross was back in the day, really. Unknown_01: Was he? Yeah, yeah, Ross was sort of the guy that was pretty pissed off because he couldn't join the SOK and made a real big hullabaloo about that. Is this in the Kiwi Farms thread? 2:34:36 Unknown_01: It's... Logan has his own Kiwi Farms thread on the DSP site of the forum. Unknown_17: Oh, yeah. This is an eight-page thread. This is real short. Is he in jail? No shit. Unknown_17: No shit, my nega, my nega nigger. Unknown_17: Just to update this thread, since it's been 60 days since his arrest, there are no news reports of any court case and nothing about his jail record has changed at this point. 2:35:21 Unknown_17: Lewd and lascivious acts with child, sex penetration by objects, lewd or lascivious, I can't pronounce that fucking word. I think it's lascivious. Acts with child under 14 years. Sexual acts with child under 10 years or younger. Unknown_17: Sex sodomy with child under 10. Jesus fucking Christ. Unknown_01: You know, Ross was actually supposed to move in with this guy, or he had like a... Was he trying to fucking spit roast through his sister? Unknown_17: Like, Jesus fucking Christ. Unknown_01: They were really friendly at one point, so then JetTracks wanted to go and invite Ross to live with him, and they were supposed to get moved together. I think it's a very good thing that never happened. 2:36:05 Unknown_17: Here, I'm going to bring the Firefox back up on the stream. Let me put this onto its own tab. Unknown_17: Because I want to show you... Why is this gone? What the fuck? They deleted it. Unknown_17: Oh, you know what? The fucking... Because it's about a minor. They made it private. They made the court details private. But this is the archive of it to show that it is real. This is what this fucking guy looks like. He looks like... He looks like that picture of Just Fuck My Shit Up. You know what I mean? Well, that's the picture I took of him when they arrested him. 2:36:41 Unknown_01: I mean, that's his mugshot. Tells a lot of his feelings at that point. Unknown_17: Yeah, four million dollar bail. This guy's completely fucked. This guy is gone. Unknown_09: Why are you posted in this thread? Unknown_09: Free Logan? No. Unknown_09: No, no, this guy, like, he completely, like, ruined her. Unknown_17: It's like sex on a little child under 10. I guess the F means female because usually For some reason states legislate gay child abuse like with different laws than like heterosexual child abuse I think they usually penalize Like gay perverts more than than straight perverts for some reason though. The F probably means that it is a sister. I 2:37:28 Unknown_01: Yeah, I actually talked a little with Logan before he got arrested and he told me his sister got molested, but he tried to pull some shit and said his brother did it or something, I think. Unknown_17: Somebody said that Aiden Paladin got looking caught looking at cartoon kiddie porn on stream Like I'm sorry, I can't work out work up the fucking energy to care about lollicon there there's one specific instance where I care about lollicon and that is when it's of drawings of real children and This is why I let me fucking pull it up. Let me put up on chrome. So I don't show something I shouldn't on stream but This this is why I fucking hate Shadman 2:38:05 Unknown_17: Because he drew a picture of multiple real children. Unknown_17: I'm trying to think of the, oh, I remember now. Unknown_17: Like this is just part of it. I can't show the entire thing for obvious reasons, but. Unknown_17: Like he drew pictures of this 13 year old YouTuber called Lieutenant Corbis. 2:38:38 Unknown_17: I guess I'll fucking, there we go. And like that, that should be considered child pornography because it is, it's a fucking, it's a little girl who does YouTube videos and Shadman thinks it's okay to draw porn of her. But as far as like, like legislating cartoons, I can't, I can't be fucking bothered to care. Unknown_17: If you like I have the same opinion opinion of furries as I do with like people who post Shadman like If you uh If you see a furry in your community, you should chase them out you shouldn't like you shouldn't tolerate that shit Yeah, that's all topic or make fun of this guy I 2:39:30 Unknown_17: Yeah, by the way, I think I don't think everybody caught on to it that um, this is wider This is the the ex paypig the top poncho paypig for her DSP what what made you abandon DSP again? I forgot well, I got banned from the way I support them was that I was you know, I Admin are you know? Unknown_01: chat moderator for him on Twitch and I got banned from Twitch so it was no use doing that thing anymore. Were you that TimMug2 guy? The two in common or whatever the fuck? No, no, no, are you crazy? That was... no, no, no, absolutely not. Unknown_17: No? Just no, categorically no? Because some people were speculating it was you. 2:40:14 Unknown_01: Well, that was wrong speculation, so I never... I've never given him a dime since I got banned from Twitch. Unknown_17: I mean, was it just the fact that you couldn't post on Twitch anymore that made you cut him off? Or did he do something else? Unknown_01: Well, I suspect and I still mean that he was instrumental in getting me banned from Twitch in the first place. I was pretty pissed off at him. Unknown_01: He at least went on record and started lying about the reasons I got banned and stuff like that. Kiwi Farms was a big issue for him because he got very mad at me for being on there. 2:40:45 Unknown_17: That's funny. Unknown_17: It's weird how the Kiwi Farms is never, it's very, very rarely like the Unknown_17: The thing that does something but it tends to set dominoes in motion that calls like butterfly effects and shit Like we have a thread about or a board about DSP people start talking about you you come over and talk And talk about yourself and talk about DSP and kind of like defend him kind of like he does with Sargon that ended up in DSP getting mad at you and him inadvertently like cutting off his own his own support systems and 2:41:30 Unknown_01: Yeah, something like that. Unknown_17: Well, hopefully you're keeping your fucking money now, because you were giving them way too much. You always donate to the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_01: Yeah, I was fucking retarded. I was fucking retarded. I will never do anything like that again. I would rather kill myself. Unknown_17: You can make an exception for the Kiwi Farms. We would always appreciate your support. Unknown_01: Like I said, I will never do anything like that again. I could fuck myself over, god damn it. Unknown_09: Alright, anything else? 2:42:06 Unknown_01: Oh, well, no, George, that was it. I just had to mention, you know, Ross's earlier bets from Kevin Logan or whatever. Unknown_01: All right. That's it. Bye bye. Is there anything else I can think of? Unknown_17: Can we talk about how much I hate Shadman? Unknown_17: Is that a thing that we can talk about, Chad? Can we have a candid conversation about fucking Shadman and how he's not acceptable? He's not fucking okay. Hashtag, this is not normal. Is that a thing that we can do? 2:42:40 Unknown_17: Because I don't, I don't fucking, I don't understand how, how, number one, okay, the Kiwi farms is just a board where people talk. Right? And we can't have... PayPal, we can't have, uh... Oh shit, they did take... They did take him off Patreon! Unknown_09: Holy fuck! Unknown_09: No, they took him off temporarily. Unknown_17: Well, no, he's gone. The thing with, uh, the thing with Shadman, he was for years allowed to have fucking like hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in financial support for his fucking drawings. And he draws like legit kids. And let me, again, I got to find this, um, off on Chrome because I can't Google his shit. 2:43:21 Unknown_17: But I did this on, I drew a comparison picture of, you guys, especially people from the Ralfretort community will recognize this guy. Unknown_09: Let me find it. Unknown_09: He drew this and everybody took this as a big like, wow, way to go, you really dunked on him, right? 2:44:00 Unknown_17: Of course it's on fucking funny junk. God, I hate- Can we talk about how funny junk is just the worst? And how funny junk needs to fucking, like, eat shit and die with their fucking bullshit redirect hijacking from Google Images? Unknown_17: I'm never gonna be able to find this fucking picture because it's on fucking funny junk. Unknown_09: Where the fuck is it? Unknown_09: Okay, this works. Unknown_09: Load it up. Fucking piece of shit. 2:44:32 Unknown_09: Okay, this is him drawing Keemstar's daughter. Unknown_17: Because Keemstar basically sent a warning shot out at... Unknown_17: at his, at his kid. Like if you, if you do a drama alert on me, if you make fun of me at all, I'm just going to draw your kid fucking like getting fucked by you. And I'm sorry, there is another picture that I want to show you, but I can't because it's on fucking funny junk and funny junk is awful. But here we go. Yeah. See, 2:45:05 Unknown_17: Because this is based off a real picture that Keemstar posted on Twitter. Let me edit it real quick and paint so I can show it to you. Fine. Unknown_17: They don't want to put this kid up on the internet. Unknown_09: Like he took this picture of Keemstar with his kid and drew a rendition of it. Unknown_17: And somehow that was okay. And I guess the, there is a, I think there's a notice at the bottom of that picture. Let me bring it back up. Disclaimer, this is fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental. You know, fuck off with that. But he drew Lieutenant Corbis. He drew pictures of, um, I can't show any of these pictures because they're all pornographic. He drew pictures of Daphne Keene from Logan being raped by her co-star Hugh Jackman. And not just raped, like pissed on and shit on and brutalized and fucking, like, mauled like a bear by Hugh Jackman as, uh, as, uh, the Wolverine. 2:46:21 Unknown_17: And he protested that he was just drawing the characters. But we have Discord screenshots of him talking about how he was jerking off to Daphne Keene, like in person. Unknown_17: Not saying I'm jerking off to Logan. I'm going to watch Logan again so I can jerk off to Logan. He said, I'm going to watch Logan again so I can jerk off to my princess, Daphne Keene. To the point where her talent agent had to send a cease and desist. And you can't find those pictures on ShadBase anymore because he took them down. He was forced to. And his hose canceled after that, because it went to the hose, too, and they didn't want to support him. But, so you know for sure, because he did, Lieutenant Corbis, who's a 13 year old YouTuber, he did porn of Daphne Keene, and explicitly said he was doing porn of Daphne Keene. But then he draws this and it's, you know, he claims, he claims that it's not going to be pornographic. But I want you to look at this, this particular picture, because I'm gonna find it on Chrome again, an overlay that I did. 2:46:56 Unknown_09: Because I know for sure I can't find it. I'm gonna have to pull it up in the forum thread I think I might have to do that All right. 2:47:38 Unknown_17: Let me like I legit need to show people this because I don't think everybody realizes how fucking awful Shadman is Ah Unknown_09: Just give me a second. I only posted so many times in this thread, so... I found another picture that was... I'll tell you what the picture is because I won't be able to show that. Unknown_17: It was... The daughter basically sucking Trump's dick. Unknown_09: And... I can just fucking find it. 2:48:29 Unknown_09: Like it's irrefutable that the picture is the same. Unknown_17: I took the two pictures and I overlayed them on top of each other. Unknown_17: to show that they are the the pornographic drawing is a derivative of the the safer work or vice versa because the line art is basically the same except for parts where he had to change and it's somewhere in the oh you know what i think i put it in the fucking op oh i'm a dummy i've been searching all over the thread and i'm pretty sure i put in the op yeah here we go perfect 2:49:10 Unknown_17: So, see, the lineart that you can see, the black and white part, and I'll blow it up, that's from the pornographic image, and I cut it out at her mouth because it's a blowjob picture, but you can see it's the exact same fucking thing. Like, he, 100%, he's either the laziest fucking tracer ever, Or it's a hundred percent the same character, the same kid. And he did this just to tell Keemstar to fuck off. Like, don't bring drama to me. Don't make fun of me. Because I'll draw you fucking your own kid. Unknown_17: I'll draw her fucking Trump, you know. And it's just like, he's just a fucking cunt. 2:49:55 Unknown_09: Yeah, he took the he took the the non like the pornographic image Or he took the uh, the safe work image and then drew a porn of it after the fact Yeah, shad's already a tracer. Unknown_17: He like if it's a different character or if it's just him reusing his own assets It's impossible to tell his art is continually getting worse every time I see like a new picture of his That people are spreading around for the shock value. I'm just like i'm in stunned disbelief. I like this guy Unknown_17: is making unbelievable amounts of fucking money selling the worst porn I've ever seen. I just don't get it. Unknown_17: Sorry, I get really angry about Shadman, and what fucking pissed me off is, you know, the British are insane, the British are awful, and Count Dinkula, who I do like, came out and was like, oh, we need to ban lollipop, we need to ban drawings, which I have opinions about for freedom of speech reasons. Don't think that this is acceptable. I think that if you draw pornography of a real child, it should be considered a crime against that child Dankula just wanted to like see that's my my problem is how do you how do you legislate that? Let's say you take me to that bridge I agree that lollycon should be banned. Like how do you legislate that shit? You can't you can't without banning too much but count Dankula comes out and he says this shit and 2:50:54 Unknown_09: I have a screenshot of it somewhere. 2:51:28 Unknown_09: Ooh, where is it? There we go. Unknown_17: Fuckin' Count Dinkula comes out against Lolicon, and who's he fuckin' following on Twitter? Unknown_17: Who is he following on Twitter? Unknown_17: Oh, he's following Shadman. Like it seems like even in people who have negative opinions about this shit, Shadman is consistently the fucking exemption to any kind of criticism about this shit. Unknown_17: And I don't understand why. He's not special. He's not funny. His art is, like, passe. We're past shock value. That's why people don't go to ED anymore. Fucking... The shit is not funny or interesting. Anybody can make this kind of shit. 2:52:01 Unknown_17: But you're gonna fucking follow him. Unknown_17: He interacts with the people from Zone, he interacts with the people from Pornhub, and shit, and it's just like everybody gives him a pass, and it's like, why? Out of all the artists to do this to, out of all the artists to give a fucking pass to, why Shadman? He's not deserving of it. 2:52:33 Unknown_17: He deserves to eat shit, because he's a legit fucking pedophile who's a danger to children. And if I'm wrong about that, Shadman, fucking sue me. Because you should burn in fucking hell. Unknown_17: Warski follows Shadman too. Oh, geez You know, I like Warski, but I have some some negative opinions about him, but I don't want to shit-talk him again I do like him, but Some of the shit he does just like I don't understand Count Incula, I don't know. 2:53:07 Unknown_09: I really like Count Incula. It's hard for me to get mad at Count Incula. I Unknown_09: Cause he is, he's, he's just, he's just really fucking nice. Unknown_09: No, I got some people in. No, wrong chat. Unknown_09: So, I don't know. Should I cut it there? Unknown_20: Should I end it with that rant? Unknown_20: Anything else you guys want to see? I'm paying attention to you, chat. You're my, you're my special somethings on this Thanksgiving. 2:53:42 Unknown_09: You hate Count Dankula? Lots of strong opinions about Count Dankula. Unknown_09: it's Unknown_17: Again, I really don't want to talk shit about Andy because I do like him, but I don't get his appeal at all like Andy is somebody who just like goes right over my head in terms of Like I don't know I guess people could say the same about me but my I know for sure that my benefit is I know crazy weird shit about a lot of people and Stop saying 2:54:20 Unknown_17: Stop me! Every time I say over, people have to make me eat shit. Motherfucker. I can't help it. My grandfather always used to say, I dear. And that's something that I fucking have too. Like I get big I dears. I was legit embarrassed when I was on Andy's stream and he brought that fucking wrestling chick over and then brought her over. And then promptly, like, booted her off. And it's like, I don't understand. Like, just let her talk. That's the easiest thing in the world to do. That's the easiest thing, easiest skill you could ever, ever get together, is let somebody talk. Because it doesn't cost you any, like, a fucking thing to do that. 2:54:52 Unknown_17: Washing machine now. I say washing machine. It's it's just Oh's for some reason Oh's and say skeleton I can say skeleton correctly when I say skeleton or skellington. I am doing it for a joke Ray Ray Ray you've been waiting. 2:55:36 Unknown_09: Hi. There we go me. Yeah. Uh, how's it going? Unknown_02: Pretty good Unknown_02: I'm just a quick question. Do you know the guy that makes it down the rabbit hole series on YouTube? Unknown_17: Frederick something. Yeah, I know of him. Unknown_02: Yeah. What do you think of him? Unknown_17: Oh, I only know of him. I think so. Like I tried to watch his furry video and I thought it was really fucking boring, but I did like the the the mouse experiment is definitely his coup de grace and everything I've seen of his the mouse shit is definitely the best. 2:56:07 Unknown_02: yeah he's uh he's good on some topics but not really on lol cows i think well his pseudo documentary style is best suited for things that are actually worth making a documentary about like he should yeah he should leave retards to people who already do retards yeah just another quick question uh-huh oh sorry um you said i'm sort of new to the kiwi farm thing but uh You said that you were living in Soviet. Where did you say you're living? Unknown_17: I'm somewhere in the Eastern Bloc. People like to joke that I'm living with Weave or I'm living with Kosh Red Pill. But I will probably move about again very soon. Unknown_02: Is there any reason or? Unknown_17: It's cheap as fuck. I have no money. Unknown_17: That's my reason. Like the Kiwi Farms infrastructure is about a thousand dollars a month. My expenses in total are about five hundred. 2:57:03 Unknown_02: Oh, wow. Unknown_17: Yeah. And the Kiwi Farms has no monetization. There's nothing I sell on that site to make the money back. Unknown_02: Wow. Well, I just want to say, yeah, I found you off of the Mad at the Internet thing. I knew nothing about Kiwi Farms, but I just found the Mad at the Internet. Really? That's funny. Yeah. Yeah. You must be like the first the first generation of like YouTube people who accidentally wandered onto the plantation. The YouTube recommendations, man, they got it. But yeah, I love it, dude. Were you? Unknown_17: Okay, that's strange, because I don't know who sees those recommendations. Like, I don't know how the YouTube algorithm works. Like, were you already involved in like, Ralph Retort drama? 2:57:35 Unknown_02: A little, a little, like, you know, Sam and Tolkien, the subreddit? Unknown_17: Yes, I do actually because who's the big I know they were making fun of Somebody I did a video on I think is that how you found it nice to say yeah Yeah, cuz we were making fun of of Narcissa. That's it and you guys talked about Narcissa Yeah Yeah, I'll watch your video and nice this is very good I think right 2:58:14 Unknown_02: I think it did. Yeah, but I don't I didn't sit on seven talk. I'm not huge on seven talkie. I just know of that. And I know of lol cows as well. But yeah, it was just in my YouTube recommendation. Unknown_17: That's funny. Unknown_02: That fucking Tommy Tudor video is madness. Unknown_17: Yeah. Do you like the streams? I'm curious what a what a normie thinks of like that. Unknown_02: Oh, yeah, I like it. I mean, Unknown_02: Obviously, yeah, yeah, you have to commit because they're so long I'm just getting through the amberlin older but the amberlin is unusually long because I originally I plan to keep them between 30 minutes to an hour and Yeah, like the Ralph Rettort like I don't know anybody who would watch like a Ralph Rettort thing like post-mortem because those things go on from like four to six hours unless unless you're just listening to them for white noise as you're uh, as you're doing shit like Like that to me. 2:59:12 Unknown_17: It's just insane Unknown_09: Yeah, but yeah. Unknown_17: I still have lots to learn on Amber. Yeah, I noticed that a lot of the girls, because we had my biggest audience ever was for the Amberlynn stream, like 1,250 people at tops. And a lot of them were girls saying like, no, no, you got this wrong, you got this wrong. Like I was being critiqued as the stream was going, like in real time, like you got to do this better. Unknown_02: So do people like Amberlynn or is it Unknown_17: Well, because like I'll show you I'll bring this up on the stream. I have this on the stream on YouTube She is 2:59:45 Unknown_17: I brought this up actually at the beginning of the stream, but her most recent video is about her eating Burger King. And if you watch it, it's got 72,000 views, which is fucking astronomical. But she has 750 likes and 5.5 thousand dislikes. So I think almost everybody who watches her stream does it because they actively are literally watching her die. And I think, like, women are fucking vicious. They're very happy to see somebody they don't, like, eat themselves to death, in actuality. 3:00:23 Unknown_02: It seems like Amberlynn is, like, the lolcow for, like, normie girls. Because, like, my brother's girlfriend, who knows nothing about lolcows, knows of Amberlynn. Unknown_02: Yeah, I don't know. Unknown_17: I don't know if they're specifically normies because I think there's um Girl cows are their own thing. They're like their own animal Um, yeah like a different species because the male cows they're usually crazy They usually do crazy shit and they're usually criticized for doing shit. That's abnormal girl cows are completely fucking different 3:01:02 Unknown_17: And the big one that attracts tons and tons of criticism are like from 4channers from the CGL board. And specifically with cosplayers, like they will legit pick apart a bad cosplayer's costume. Like for hundreds of posts just talking about how the makeup is fucking wrong, how she looks like a slut, how her only appeal is to like perverted incels who are desperate for women and for female attention. Like, they are absolutely fucking vicious on a molecular level. It's not the broad picture. It's not about the crazy shit and the general direction of their life. It is about every detail of their person. That is fair game. So, are the posters on CGL, are they boys or girls, do you think? There's a lot of gay guys, but it's actually a lot of women. And now a lot of those women are on locale.farm. And the beauty parlor on the Kiwi farms is the equivalent. I think our beauty parlor is better than locale.farm, but that's just my biased opinion. 3:01:36 Unknown_02: Why is Kiwi forum so confusing to use Matt? 3:02:09 Unknown_17: How's it confusing? Unknown_02: I don't know. I guess because I'm used to 4chan of like the oldest post first. Unknown_17: Yeah, like I fucking I made a little board for Ralph for the Ralph retort at its own like forum that the Ralph retort.com and he said something like oh we're going old school internet forum like how the fuck do people not know like how was a forum old school like a forum is the default the default mode of communication for me. Unknown_02: really i mean i guess because i'm in quote unquote normie i hate that fucking word but yeah i really feel like forum sort of like fell off like i feel like i guess 4chan sort of just took over and the 3:02:50 Unknown_02: Would you consider 4chan a forum? It's like a real time. It's an image board. Yeah, an image board. Yeah, exactly. But I guess like the old style of how Kiwi Farms is just a bit abrasive, but a bit hard to get used to. I don't know. Unknown_17: Yeah, it's uh, I mean I try to keep things organized and the threads I think are like the reason why there are alternatives to the Kiwi farms, but they're almost all image boards. They're running their own versions of like 4chan software and those don't work as well because content is ephemeral. It's deleted as it goes on. If it's something something's posted on the Kiwi farms, it will be there literally forever. It will be there forever and ever, and I have it set up so that if I die, my life insurance goes to encoding the entire website on a platinum disc to be shot into space. 3:03:26 Unknown_17: It will never go away. Fucking ever. You just have to live with it. Unknown_02: That's fucking awesome, dude. Well, thank you so much for bringing me on. Yeah, thanks for watching. Glad you like it. Cheers, dude. Thank you. Unknown_09: OK. 3:03:57 Unknown_09: This is just me again. Unknown_17: Let me see, do I have super chats? I do not. Unknown_09: Oh god. I don't know. Unknown_17: Let me sign off just by saying that who am I thankful for? The problem is when you run the Kiwi farms you run out of Unknown_17: Like, everything becomes so mundane to you. You have to re- Like, if you get my attention as a crazy person, you are legit- Like, Virgo Rouge is a breath of fresh air. Virgo Rouge is unapologetically fucking insane. 3:04:29 Unknown_17: Thank you, Mulliviking, for the 20 North Korean Kroners. Not North Korean. Norwegian Kroners. Unknown_17: Thank you, thank you for the North Korean won, comrade. Oh geez, now I'm getting donations because people feel bad. 3:05:07 Unknown_17: Oh geez. Unknown_17: Who's my favorite? Oh, okay. I'll put this off on a good note, a positive note, and then I'll play a song. Let me just open up my browser when I find this. Unknown_09: I'm thankful for Josh and being a 12-year-old German boy. Unknown_17: That's... I know. Unknown_17: I know the Germans are on some freaky shit, but keep that away from me. You're gonna get me in trouble. 3:05:38 Unknown_17: Okay. Unknown_17: This guy, you guys don't know who this guy is assuredly, but let's read some of his comics. He is Ugo Jesse. And when I read through this, there is going to be an overwhelming temptation to hate on him for being kind of not good at art and for having crazy punchlines that you don't understand. Unknown_17: Give him a chance. He is God's gift to earth. Okay He is a a genuine good guy. He's from Nigeria he He attempts to combat superstition in Nigeria and we're gonna look at that and then I might I'll play a song okay, so I'm gonna blow this up a little bit bigger 3:06:13 Unknown_17: Some across this guy's art though. It was really shit. I thought it was really silly and decided to share definitely some potential in sky This year, no matter how big any breast or yonch is, I'm going to focus on my goals. Nipple no be Bitcoin. I love this. This is the first one. I love this because this guy, he's saying that sex is not money. Sex isn't money. Focus on making money, right? Unknown_17: That's what nipple no be Bitcoin is. And Bitcoin's a lot bigger in poor countries. So already he's saying focus on your goals, don't focus on women. That's the message Ugo Jesse has. 3:07:01 Unknown_17: I am so sad my phone charger is not working. Oh, sorry dear. Come over. Let me give you a head. I know that will make you happy. Girl, I'm here. Fully down. Pants down. Fully ready. Pants down. Come give me good head. No, I meant charger head. Why would you even think of that? We are not dating. Father, just take my life. I can't be the chairman of friendzone and still bag the title of World Heavyweight MooMoo Champion. 3:07:37 Unknown_17: I haven't- I can't translate this one. Unknown_17: I can't translate this one, I don't know. There's a miscommunication. Unknown_17: There's a miscommunication and now he can't be world heavyweight muumuu champion, apparently. Unknown_17: So you are putting cucumber in your shorts to deceive women that you have a big thing. You ladies have been misleading us with padded bra, butt pad, and even fake camel toe. Are you women the only ones allowed to deceive? 3:08:12 Unknown_17: Abby did the devil give you people the exclusive right to lie? I don't know what Abby means. Unknown_17: Probably means why again, this is like pigeon. This is like this is like Nigerian English So it's it's very hard to translate, but he's basically making a commentary about how women are fucking liars Okay, this is where it gets interesting. Oh my god first you refuse to breastfeed your baby now you want to kill her you are pure evil and As she raises the dagger to plunge it into her child Unknown_17: Ugo Jesse says no mama. No mother wants to kill her child. She is suffering from postpartum psychosis It's a severe mental condition that can happen to anyone after birth. She needs help as soon as possible. So He's trying to say, you know women can be depressed after birth and you can't really blame them because it's just a mental health thing Whereas Nigerians would just like kill her for being evil This is his hot take on coolest monkey in the jungle 3:08:52 Unknown_17: And he's just talking about how black people are great. Unknown_17: Wait, I told you the publicity stunt was too dangerous. Now you know how deep-rooted racism is. Now they know. So they're evil bad guys. They're just talking candidly. Now they know how deep-rooted racism is within the United States. We just raised their black consciousness. An apology won't stop them from boycotting us. Relax, it's just some noise. They hardly support black-owned businesses and would be the first to jump on our product once we slash the price. Until they become truly united, we can always control them. So he's saying like, you know, black people don't got their shit together. Black people aren't shopping at black businesses. 3:09:24 Unknown_17: So they're they're basically slaves to the man. Oh, this is just a sex joke. He makes lots of sex jokes. 3:09:59 Unknown_17: Please open up the lot you have locked the door and windows and I need to come in so we can talk things out So he's probably he's already tried to open up the windows to creep in on this chick's house Why he's not trying the roof if he really loves me he would try harder That lady's got her standards up too high Oh this guy this guy's a Kang he's got three beautiful ladies all around him but he still feels lonely because God wants you to commit to monogamy and Unknown_17: You are beautiful. Wait now you are beautiful. You would get more likes and look better on filters keep changing your color Um, why are you taking off your beauty? So she's using bleach to scrub off the blackness in her and the social media is telling her she has to be you know Has to be white in order to be beautiful and the media is coming out of the toilet. This is like this is like, um Unknown_17: What's his fucking name? Ben Garrison. This is like Ben Garrison level of social commentary. This is good stuff. I love Ugo. Oh, this is the best one. See how that guy is shaking on the ground? Shaking on the floor like they plug spiritual teaser in his bum bum? 3:10:55 Unknown_17: I think that's like a ghost taser, not a spiritual teaser. A ghost taser. He's being tased in his butthole is what they're saying. Yeah, I think he has epilepsy so I wouldn't go close so I don't get infected. Unknown_17: Nigerians think you can get infected by epilepsy like a disease. Epsilepsy, but she corrects them. This is the message that Ugo Jesse has to the Nigerians. Epilepsy is not a disease, it's a neurological disorder. It's non-transmittable. Next time, help protect the person from injury. Loosen anything tight around the neck, and do not try to restrain or put anything in their mouth. Then you can roll the person to his side as the seizure subsides. That's the recovery positions, what they're describing. 3:11:27 Unknown_17: You should encourage them not to stigmatize them, except you were born unfortunate. So this is him just trying to say, like, if you have epilepsy, you're not a witch. You've just got epilepsy. Unknown_17: Is there some more there's a lot of them if you want to look at the thread he has an Instagram I actually offered this guy a website for free because I love his shit I'm trying to find something in particular though, because he had like a thing in a magazine You know, there's lots of shit he criticizes I can't possibly read them all because they're fantastic let me um, I Do want to show you what he looks like though 3:12:28 Unknown_09: I don't know what page that came on. Oh, where are you, Jesse? I know for sure he has a magazine or something. Unknown_09: If not, if I can't find it, I will pull it up. I'll search for it on Google. Unknown_17: But yeah, I contacted him on fucking WhatsApp and offered and his phone number has like a Nigerian country code and everything. It's awesome. 3:13:00 Unknown_17: Nigerians are probably the best of like all the Africans. Unknown_17: Oh shit, he has anti-pedophile shit too, you guys would love this. Son, remember this, whenever you are tempted to take what doesn't belong to you, Nigerians will burn you. I repeat, Dimgo burn you. If you see anyone accused of being a thief, walk away or call the police. Do not beat them. Unknown_17: Uncle please I was hungry. So this is necklacing. Oh, this was I thought this was like a right thing He does have things about child molestation and kids being like necklace But they fill the the tire up with with petrol and then set it on fire and it like cooks them and in rubber and they use that to execute pedophiles mob style in Nigeria, it's a real thing But they also use it to execute a lot of people 3:13:50 Unknown_09: Is this it? Is this it? Oh, jeez. I'm so excited. Unknown_17: Ugo Jesse. This is the, this is the guy. This is the fucking man. He looks boss. I fucking love Ugo Jesse. I think his real name is Ugo Chichawa or something. He has like a proper fucking Nigerian name. Is it in this? No. Unknown_09: But, ah, what's his name? Unknown_17: It is something like Ugo Chachagua or something. It's a great name. But yeah, that's Ugo Jesse. I'm thankful for Ugo Jesse for enlightening the masses. 3:14:21 Unknown_17: And hopefully you guys liked Ugo Jesse as well. He's one of my favorites. And I don't mean that like a sarcastic way. I legit love Ugo Jesse. Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_17: Okay, okay. Let me download this video. And that will be on my outro song. Unknown_09: Let me check chat. Did I miss anything? Unknown_09: No, I don't think I missed anything. I think that's it. I think everybody unanimously loves the fuck out of UgoJesse. Who can blame them? 3:14:54 Unknown_09: Download. Download, fucker. Unknown_17: There we go. Alright, take it easy. This is just an impromptu stream. I'm gonna still do my stream on Wednesday next week. I don't know who I'm gonna do it about, so if you have a suggestion, post it and thread. But until then, thanks for watching. Unknown_09: and the medical facilities are poor. We operate a predatory neo-colonial capitalist system, which is founded on fraud and exploitation. And therefore, you are bound to have corruption. 3:15:34 Unknown_28: Institutionalized. Many criminal cases are settled in police stations. I bet you they get more. Unknown_27: This is Nigeria Look how I'm living Look how I'm living Everybody be criminal This is Nigeria Look how we living Look what we eating Everybody be criminal This is Nigeria Just because I'm on TV Person who don't get work is checking to see if my watch is original 3:16:19 Unknown_27: This is Nigeria, where the madam feel home inna Money vanish from your office, 36 million you toss inna anima This is Nigeria, never ending recession When looters and killers and stealers are still contesting election Politicians with thieves and billion and billion, you know they go prison Police station they close by 6, security reason Unknown_27: My brothers and sisters, I want you to put your hands up right now, because your miracle is coming this week. If you believe me, let me hear you say Amen! Unknown_27: Breach singin' out, pastor put his hand on the breast of his member, he's pullin' the demon out This is Nigeria, no electricity daily yo, young people are still workin' multiple jobs and they talk say we lazy yo This is Nigeria, there's plenty wahalasha, full of new heads man, still they slaughter, call the people they massacre This is Nigeria 3:17:25 Unknown_27: Bums in my area This is democracy, political hysteria Yah we are hood ups here everywhere now and we act like it's so cool Casting the peer, being castigated just for trying to be noble This is Nigeria Unknown_27: Look at my nation, no Sir, stop it for any explanation You go talk conversation, no Sir, I'm... Sir, look, I'm sorry I'm just a student I'm a student of the University of Lagos We're just coming from the club, okay? So my friend and I... Well, no... Sir, I have my ID to prove... This is Nigeria Look how I'm living now Look how I'm living now Everybody be criminal 3:18:18 Unknown_26: This is breaking transmission of transmission Unknown_26: transmission. But what happens every day is that the system has allowed it. For instance, there is no law that allows you to take money from the church, invest in business and privatize it. Unknown_28: No! It is only in Nigeria where you can take money from the church, money contributed by poor congregation members. You go and set up a university that the members cannot attend, cannot send their children to. It's against the rule of the law of God. It's against our constitution.