So what am I supposed to do? Roll or do? Steady pattin' them pockets till I'm stackin' hole or two. Ching ching bling bling, catchin' cash in lumps. It's so cold, gon' get a jacket, I'm sellin' them out my trunk. Whenever, whatever, it takes a shake down a dollar. Must go in that direction, wait a minute, dollar.
Unknown_15: All you people saying I'm late, I'm not late, I was early. I was early! But it didn't fu- the fuckin' streamy thing did not work. Go...
Unknown_15: Just my fucking luck. I had to do things the old-fashioned way, but it is now working. The reason why I picked this, by the way, is my well-deserved, my well-earned
Monetization for YouTube has finally been enabled I'm gonna let me just pull up my fucking my emails and and read this shit I got out of bed when I realized this because it came in like just yesterday and boy. Oh boy was I was I excited Let's see where the fuck is this thing Let's see YouTube can I find this email in real time or is it gonna take fucking forever?
It's gonna take fucking forever
Unknown_15: I basically just said congratulations you've been approved you're now a YouTube partner which means that I have I have super chats I have super chats everybody isn't that isn't that fantastic now look they're coming in that's 20 NOK, is that Norwegian dollars? 148 gang gang rip super chats
Unknown_15: Oh geez. Okay, so my policy with the superchats, before I get into it, I don't want to lay this out. I want to give people time to roll in so we can watch this together. But let me say right now, my policy with the superchats are going to be, I will definitely see them all as they come in. However, I won't read them necessarily not automatically And I won't dedicate like a time slot at the end to reading everyone because I think that's the fucking boring So I will 100% see your super chats almost as soon as they come in But I will only read them if they're if they're funny or interesting if people will find an interesting I'm gonna keep my super chats enabled from about 30 minutes, because that's when YouTube's gonna shit all over me.
But for the time being, I feel my proboscis growing in size as my fiendish shekel magic becomes more potent.
Unknown_15: Um, so, before we dig into Amberlynn... Oh jeez, that sounded sexual. This isn't going well.
Unknown_15: Let's, uh, I want to show people some other crazy shit that's been happening that I think you'll enjoy. I have some bonus content.
Unknown_15: Somebody, okay, this is, I might do a stream on fucking, uh, on this guy, just in and of himself. He's such a fascinating trainwreck. Um, his docks is actually, uh, I mentioned that Jim Metacrew was docked by somebody called Zedkist on the forum, and I don't even think Jim's docks was really his, his favorite, the one he put the most work into.
Now the discord link expired. I'll pull one. But the person he I think took the most pride in doxing was this guy called Jake Alley and Jake Alley is a very interesting person that you might have heard of before and I'll just show you what he looks like and what he's been saying about my little Kiwi farms.
Unknown_15: So that's Jake Alley, aka SecretGamerGirl. 100%.
Unknown_15: If you're involved in GamerGate in any way, you've seen SecretGamerGirl. And that's what he looks like. He has a fucking luxurious beard. I don't know why you'd want to become a woman when he has those beard genetics, but, you know, whatever.
In light of that last thread, and everything he posts on Twitter is 100 tweets long and fucking should be on Medium or something and not on Twitter, But in light of that last thread, to clarify my statement from this morning about the importance of us all coming together to do something about kiwi farms and similar sites, don't attempt to contact their web host and make a reasonable argument. Do pester your elected representatives to pass stronger laws against the sort of coordinated mass stalking and willful endangerment.
Take what steps you can to starve them of revenue streams needed to keep their sites online. This has been going pretty well so far.
Unknown_15: Superchats.
Unknown_15: Make it clear as loudly and forcefully as you can how strongly you are opposed to that sort of thing, in particular by shunning them and shaming anyone who you encounter posting links to that site. or content from it, no exceptions. Generally spread awareness of said site being maintained by a bunch of violently transphobic fascists. Oh jeez, I don't even have the song ready. I have to load this in real quick. Ah, there we go. I have to keep going fast because I'm a violently transphobic fascist.
Oh jeez, make it quieter so you can hear me better.
Unknown_15: Transphobic who completely dedicate their lives to making up vicious rumors about trans people and attempting to make them look more credible by archiving every single file they obtain when doing a search on a target's name. Be mindful of legalities if you take direct action to bring the site offline. Expose and take action against staff maintaining the site or its most prolific posters. Uh, anything, I filled the list. So if you're a user of the Kiwi Farms, be aware, Jake Alley is fucking after you. Santa Claus has been checking his list, he's been checking it twice, he knows who's been naughty or nice, and all y'all niggas on the Kiwi Farms are on the naughty list.
Uh, and of course, before, before we go ahead and look at Virgo, uh, let me, let me play one more clip from, from our favorite fan.
You're a stream.me trader, sheckles over principles. I would like to stream on stream.me, but as I mentioned, the thing was not working, my restreamer.
Unknown_15: Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everybody's mad about stream.me.
Unknown_15: I will definitely fix that for next time, but my stream has to have at least one complete malfunction a day, or it's not an actual, it's not a Josh stream. It's just some bullshit. Okay, let's go ahead and take a listen to this. This is three minutes long, and it's comedic perfection.
Unknown_00: You're harassing me again, and I'm a married woman. That's not my last name. Okay, and you can't find that documentation. I made it so you will not be able to find this documentation anywhere. Due to stalking, I changed my name legally.
and they waived the ability for you to find out who I am due to incessant stalking.
Unknown_00: You don't have my name. You don't even have a legal name anymore.
Unknown_00: So you're a delusional, I already saw what you look like, Junior, with a baseball cap, redneck, with a southern accent. I already saw what you look like. Get ready, she progressively loses her shit over time. With a southern accent, with the gas chambers. I already saw what you look like. Can I show your face, Junior?
You can't show your face because you're genetically screwed up.
Unknown_00: You don't have any power, mister. I have power because I showed my freaking face online, mister.
Unknown_00: You are, again, going to be thrown off the internet wasting your time for copying somebody else's videos, mister.
You're going to be thrown off the internet, you piece of garbage scumbag.
Unknown_00: You tattooed covered Yahoo with a southern accent? Baseball caps?
Unknown_00: Rednecks?
Unknown_00: Not all people with tattoos are horrible people. I'm saying that's what you are. You are a person with body modification. You're not even real. This makeup here, you made my face look terrible. I don't even wear makeup. I'm not a phony. You are a phony. Loser!
Unknown_00: You are a talentless person who can't show your freaking face online for a reason, and you haven't won. You don't have my name, and you don't have any information on me. I am an artist. You understand what I am, mister?
This is my name. I can name myself anything I want, and I did legally, okay? You don't have a name anymore, mister.
Unknown_00: You don't have a name, you ugly redneck covered in tattoos. That's what you are. And that's what these people are. And that's why they're hiding their face because they're unsophisticated rednecks. And that's what they look like. And he's laughing.
Well, you know,
Unknown_18: Pause it and I completely killed it.
Unknown_15: I wanted to pause it where she was laughing. That was the best part though. We got to the best part. So we can unceremoniously sunset that clip. I don't think she's holding up well. Her thing right now is she loves to bitch about...
Unknown_15: Class she keeps saying that I'm a redneck because I'm from Pensacola, and I'm not from Pensacola. I wasn't born in Florida but She keeps calling me a redneck She denies wholeheartedly that I've lived in Australia that I've lived in the Philippines that I've lived anywhere Except for Pensacola, which wasn't even where I'm from
But now she's oh and she's so she's so angry about other people from outside of specifically outside of New York City She doesn't like people from San Francisco. She doesn't like people from Florida. She doesn't like people from Mobile, Alabama She goes on and on about how everybody who didn't study at a
Unknown_15: an Ivy League fucking college in New York City or whatever is just scum who has no right to criticize her fucking music and shit and she's just delightfully insane and she's been progressively becoming more and more angry as time goes on and I just love it.
Unknown_15: Again, YouTube censors, I'm not making fun of people. The things I do, I do out of a genuine, unironic love. For people who are different from me. Okay.
It's just what it is. Okay. Okay, okay, and speaking of people who are different from me, I guess that's the segue. I've got my notebook. I did not do as good a job, unfortunately, with the CouchCat stream, because I didn't start with my notebook. And I know by now that the notebook is the key to all of this. And I have to write down things if I'm going to do a proper stream. And I've tried to archive and organize all this information as much as possible.
So, with that in mind, who the fuck is Amberlynn Reid? And why do people talk about her?
Unknown_15: This is Amberlynn Reid, and she's very much a girl, a girl-cal.
Unknown_15: I'm actually, I'm going to go ahead and play
Unknown_15: clip from her. I'm gonna play an entire seven minute long clip of Amberlynn Reid explaining who Amberlynn Reid is. To give her a fair shake, because again, this is not a cyberbully stream. I'm appreciating different people. And Amberlynn put out a video saying hi, I'm Amberlynn sometime ago, like in August of this year. And I think it does a pretty good job of explaining exactly who she is, at least from her perspective. And then there are other perspectives and other things worth making fun of. But before we get into that and just play seven minutes of her talking, I might interrupt it every so often to put in my own comments, I want to do a big thank you to fat people everywhere.
I want to give a big thank you to people in the forum. I asked for help and this is one of the posts. This is basically, they wrote my stream for me. So I'm just going to do a big thank you to Hot Cheeto Puffs who essentially built this stream for me by laying out her entire life.
The Amberlynn forum in and of itself is kind of a strange anomaly on the site. And that's worth talking about.
Unknown_15: There's a specific board on the Kiwi Farms just called the Beauty Parlor. And the Beauty Parlor is a place for locales that women will find interesting. And not just locales but other topics like there's huge communities built around fashion and cosplay that women have not only a very big interest in, but a different take on, like we'll look at cosplay as men and we'll make fun of it for certain reasons, but women have a very specific and very vicious approval process, an appraisal process for everything women related. Yes, like Lalita. Lalita is one of the big ones that people will be absolutely fucking insane over. And there are, like, genuine crazy people in the community, and people who do, like, there's a girl called Orange Crush who looks like Elmo, and she does, like, titty streams, and she looks like a 12-year-old boy, really, but she does titty streams. And she's into Lalita, and she's basically just somebody who jerks off pedophiles in a legal sense. At least that's what the people would say. I have no opinions. I'm just a text-to-speech computer program that reads information.
So whenever I think of the Amberlynn board, it was a containment board. I had never met people on my forum who would attack my moderators, and it drove me insane. Like, I need staff to make shit work. But if you ever tried to tell an Amberlynn person, an Amberlynn follower, don't do this because it makes the site look shitty, they would directly attack the moderators and call them, like, skanks and shit. They were fucking crazy. So it's like, I had to quarantine, quarantine them into their own board. And it was the only board where I allowed users to dox each other, basically.
And it worked.
Unknown_15: After a while, all the problems stopped. All the bad users who were fucking insane dipshit asshole motherfuckers left of their own accord. And now it's one of the better boards on the site. But I still consider it a quarantine zone. So whenever I click on it, I get this feeling.
Let me just pop that clip in.
Unknown_15: This is a real clip of entering the Amberlin board.
Unknown_12: Transmissions jammed. Proximity coverage only.
Unknown_13: Backup activated. System rebooted.
Unknown_13: Warning. Entering Doctone.
Unknown_15: The users are... They're good now. I like them now. But when I first started, it's just like, oh god, can I even do this?
But over time, you learn to appreciate it for what it is.
Unknown_15: And fat people are a source of joy. We can all understand, even though Amberlynn's not a really deep character, it's easy to understand what the joy of, you know, mocking her is. And fat people have brought us one of the best sequences of any motion picture of all time. Let's take a look at that right now.
Thank you for this shit.
Unknown_19: She had bits of chicken and shit stuck to her fucking face at the end.
Oh, it's one of the best.
Unknown_15: And somebody's complaining that I, oh, I've said, it's been 20 minutes and I haven't said shit. Well, motherfucker. There... There is, uh...
There is a process to this, a warm-up to make sure everybody gets in when we start. And of course, we're going to take a second to pray to our patron saint, Yunnan Naziruddin, who is the patron saint of bodily fitness, self-awareness, and cutting through fat people's bullshit. And we want to thank him for his duty, for his sacrifice. And with that,
Unknown_15: I think I think I want to go ahead and Let's do this Let's do this because I think most of you especially people who are watching this from the Ralf Retort community will will recognize Amberlynn and They don't know where from let me let me show you how in internet famous Amberlynn is and
Special news segment. Special, special, special news segment.
Unknown_11: Special.
Unknown_11: Good evening. I'm Poppy Harlow, here for your special news segment. Any YouTuber mentioned in this video is just for context.
Unknown_11: I am not dragging these people. It's just for context. Full disclaimer guys. Just context. No for real. It is just context. I think if this story goes mainstream we should very likely well it will have a negative impact on YouTubers. What am I talking about. Well of course better help. You've already heard about it from your favorite YouTuber. Better help better help better You better help. Better help. Better help. Better help. Better help. Better help. Better help.
Better help.
Unknown_11: Better help. Better help. There is a list of over 100 YouTubers who have promoted this website. It's been all over Reddit. My own subreddit. I always see these ads. Try online therapy. Try online therapy and you too can grow a magnificent beard just like this guy. Well, what is better help? Well, it's been marketed as cheap ahead. So what I want to show specifically cut this out go to Live audio and I think this is right about where he mentions it. because they don't take accountability for any of their counselors, which then leads to a lot of people having bad experiences. They say themselves that they don't diagnose. The platform is not intended for diagnosis. But then you have really questionable videos of YouTubers saying, I suffer with binge eating, which I do want to talk to you guys about because I was officially diagnosed with binge eating disorder
By my therapist. I was officially diagnosed by their therapist.
Unknown_11: Okay, who diagnosed you?
Unknown_01: If you guys have ever heard of betterhelp.com.
Unknown_11: Oh, really? So you were officially diagnosed by a therapist. Therapists should not diagnose you by the way and better help themselves say that but still apparently it happens.
Unknown_15: So just to make it obvious what has happened Amberlynn has ended up as a headless fat person picture by PewDiePie and Amberlynn of course did a response to this but essentially what happened is Amberlynn told a lie so big and so timely regarding something that just blew up in a big drama way that it caused major
uh, reputational damage to a massive hundred million dollar company wrought by, uh, by PewDiePie. And that's a, that's kind of a reoccurring theme, is that she, she lies a lot.
Unknown_15: And I do... Oh, I forgot to use this clip. Somebody put this together for me, and I forgot to use it. I was gonna pause it after you see the pixelated mosaic faces of Amberlynn, but I'll just play it for the fun of it.
Unknown_19: Who's that Pokémon?
It's... Hey guys! Hey guys!
Unknown_15: Um, but yeah, she did that and now I kind of, I just want to go ahead and, and play that, that introduction video where she basically just says what she wants.
Unknown_15: And let me go ahead and set that up. Sorry. I've been, I've been clipping shit for eight fucking hours and it was not enough to, to get everything I want out of this.
It's just fucking crazy. Alright, here we go.
Unknown_09: Hi, I'm Amber Leonard. I am 27 years old and I am 529 pounds. I'm sure you have seen the comments and you've seen the videos. You've seen the live streams and the forums where people create scenarios. rumors and situations to manipulate other people's opinions of me. I'm not a liar, I'm not a deceiver, and I don't manipulate people.
I am misunderstood. I've also been given several, several chances.
Unknown_09: to prove myself. I'm the girl who buys tons of jewelry to somehow hide behind a super morbidly obese body. I buy tons of journals to write a story I feel like I'm never gonna complete. I'm moody. I'm a mess. I'm restless. I'm depressed. I'm the girl who hasn't left her bedroom in five days. Of course, I leave to go to the bathroom or to get something to eat. I haven't brushed my hair in about a week. I feel defeated, lonely. I do YouTube for a living. This is how I pay my bills. This is how I- She makes all of her money off of live streaming. I have a roof over my head, a pillow to lay on at night. I come from a very, very toxic and unhealthy family. When I was nine, I was taken from class. by a cop who took me and my brothers to a children's shelter. From then on, I became a ward of the state and I was in foster care until the age of 18. My parents were drug addicts. They neglected me. I lived in a trailer that was falling apart with molds and holes. I saw my dad and my mom more times than I can even count. In school, I was known as Fat Amber. On YouTube, I'm known as the most hated YouTuber. I don't cry for views. I don't eat for views. I live my life, although a dull one, and I just want to share it with everyone out there. I'm not a narcissist. I don't use or mooch the people around me. He's from fucking Pensacola, by the way. Amberlynn, you're a liar. All you ever do is lie, lie, lie. What happens when my reality is different than yours? And really, you're just going off of biased opinions. I love to dance, and I love to sing. I have three fur babies that I love dearly. Two cats and a dog. My cats are Wasabi and Rarity Gray, and my dog is Twinkie Star. Without them, I feel like I would be absolutely lost. I was never that great in school until I decided to go to college for criminal justice, and I fought so hard for straight A's, and I actually got them. When you put your mind to something and you really try at something, you can succeed. When I see a homeless person, I give them money, even if they're gonna go buy alcohol. Both my parents and my brother have been homeless before, so I have seen the true meaning of living a homeless life. I am a lesbian. I have a girlfriend that I love so much. I don't know what I want out of my life and I feel like my thoughts are hard to convey. Everything within my mind is just jambled and confused. Right now, I'm struggling. I'm caught in a situation where I don't know if it's
my antidepressant making me worse, or if my depression is so bad that Lexapro just doesn't work for me. I haven't been able to leave this hazed mind for almost a week now. If I could be anywhere right now, I'd probably lay in a field of sunflowers and just look up at the sky and ask, why? Why me? I constantly wonder why was I chosen to go through the things I went through to become 529 pounds, to have depression, and to have a whole huge online community hate me for something that isn't true. I understand when there's two stories, you want to choose one. And it sucks because one person is telling the truth, and yet she's perceived as lying. I am extremely empathetic. If I'm hanging with someone and they're in a bad mood, I automatically take on their emotions and I become kind of in a bad mood. If I see someone crying, if they're a stranger, I follow suit and I feel their pain. To have that empathetic personality, it's bittersweet. Not only do I take on the role of feeling everyone else's emotions, but I also have to deal with mine. If I was given a second chance and a clean slate, I feel like I would do everything differently. When I lay down at night with my head on the pillow, I wonder if I'll wake up and realize that everything was just a dream. The hate comments, the threats, being told I'm unwanted and hated. It's a nightmare that I live in my reality. More than anything, I want people to see me for the real person that I am. But rumors are like the plague, and I feel like it'll never stop. It'll just be a vicious cycle until the day that I die. I used to steal when I was younger. When I was a teenager, I rebelled against everyone and anything that I could get my hands on. I would steal shoes from stores, makeup from stores. I didn't have anything. I didn't have anyone. I felt like nobody cared about me. So I started stealing. I was drinking and smoking all the time. My last year of high school, I finally got persuaded into doing better and really focusing on what mattered the most. My point is, I've I've made mistakes, I really have, and one thing I've learned from my mistakes is that when I admit to them, it doesn't make my mistakes right, but it gives me a chance to forgive myself. God, I love fashion so much and I love makeup. I just, I'm not in the body to where I can actually wear something or have my makeup be done and actually consider it beautiful. Have you ever felt like a monster? People stare at me like I'm a creature from the ocean. And then I put myself out there on YouTube expecting some positive feedback or something. I was watching a YouTube video once and they said, don't listen.
to your bad commenters. Don't let them define you, but also don't let the good ones define you either. That really, really stuck to me. I always read a good comment and think that they're lying because I get so much negativity all the time. It's hard to believe anyone would like me. I don't know what my future videos look like or what my future looks like in general. I have a therapist I'm talking to. I'm hoping that the therapist is a fit for me because I don't want to be wasting my time with someone who just doesn't get me. I appreciate my subscribers, my views. I appreciate that I can make a living off of doing something that I truly enjoy. But right now... I'm currently not myself. Struggling with this dark fog has been painful. And then I go online and see horrible things being said about me. Just endure a little bit more. Process even worse. I don't know what kind of videos I'm going to be filming. I don't even know how I will be feeling two days from now, but I'm not going to give up. I'm going to keep pushing forward and I'll try my hardest not to let anyone down. I just want to end with, you never know what someone is struggling with. Just because someone gets up every day and goes to work, or takes their kids to school does not mean they're not suffering. Don't believe everything that you read online. If you didn't hear it from me, then it's probably not true. And some advice that I'm giving you that I'm also giving myself, stop and smell the roses.
Oh, jeez. That's a lot to digest. Again, I have apologies for playing that in its entirety. It is seven minutes long. But I feel it's necessary. The entire thing is necessary. She does a really good job of basically outlying her entire life. And I was going to go over most of what she said, but I felt it would be more fair. And again, I'm not a cyber bully. I'm here for the sake of fairness. I'm like Keemstar. I just report the news.
Unknown_15: But it's more fair to just let her say what she wants. It was only seven minutes, and I think it's pretty concise.
One of the things worth mentioning, worth reiterating, is that yes, she does make all of her money from live streaming off of YouTube and off of YouNow. YouNow is similar, it's kind of like a trashier female version of YouTube, and it's had live super chats for like a a long time. They have their own thing with their own currency and shit. But she makes a lot of money off of that too. She does have a small circle of diehard fanatics who have been following her for years.
Somebody mentioned DSP.
Unknown_15: I would say DSP is a pretty fair pretty apt comparison because Amberlynn is somebody who got into streaming hoping for a kind of relaxing easy way to make money by being an entertainer and what they ended up with was a very stressful kind of shark circle that that constantly picks at them and yes they make money to make the ends meet but at the same time they're not putting out the kind of entertainment that they would want to And really, the only difference between Amberlynn and just some other fat white trash from Pensacola, of which there is a lot, is that Amberlynn broadcast themselves every day. And if they didn't, they would be completely forgotten. But they have chosen to make their life entirely public on the internet, and for that we thank them.
Unknown_15: So she was born to meth heads, that's true. I feel like John Oliver, where after she says something, I have to pause and go, yes, that's true. That happened. I have to make sure everybody knows what to think as we proceed.
Unknown_15: She lived with a crazy aunt named Tammy, who we'll get into.
At her smallest when she was fat amber, she was 250 pounds. So that was even during elementary school and during high school.
Unknown_15: And when you talk about Amberlynn, you kind of have to approach her life as being in sagas, like with Christiane. And the sagas are broken up based on what girlfriend she's with at the time. And that'll make more sense as we pull into really the first girlfriend that I want to show people.
Unknown_15: And probably the most significant. There's four. Casey, Crystal, Destiny, and Becky. Becky and Casey are the most noteworthy. And it'll be obvious why Casey is the most noteworthy. I don't... and again, I apologize to the YouTube Irverlords who are... the Irverlords who are going to penalize me when I start talking about Casey because Casey is now female to male and I don't know what the fuck their name is now. Amberlynn did something to Casey that made them want to become a man and unfortunately, I don't have Casey's new name to go by.
Let's start watching some clips.
Unknown_15: Let's start watching some clips from what Casey has to say. And I apologize for the audio quality, this is from an archive that one of Amberlynn's hate followers archived a long time ago, and it's literally just her recording her iPhone, and you can hear her laughing and snickering in the background. So if you hear a girly snicker in the background, I promise you it's not me.
Unknown_02: If I could say one thing to her, just live an honest life. Nothing comes out of lies and deception. Really, it doesn't. Nothing comes out of lies and deception. Just live an honest life. More people will like you. She's in the chat trying to get on, and that's what's happening right now.
Did someone ask to guest her? I'm not making her a guest on here. I don't. I'm not. I'm not gonna guest her. Sorry.
Unknown_02: No. Uh... Dios mio.
Unknown_15: La criatura.
La buffina.
Unknown_02: I'm not gonna talk to her on here. I'm not guesting her.
Unknown_02: I'm not letting her guest. You guys don't have to keep posting it. It's okay. Um...
Unknown_02: She is blocked. She is blocked on everything. The last thing I ever got from her, where's my phone?
Unknown_02: Ah, here it is.
Unknown_02: And I'll pull it up right now and I'll show you guys.
Last thing I ever got from her was two things.
Unknown_02: one was i believe almost a year ago was on my youtube messaging thing i didn't even know you can message on youtube i really didn't uh she wanted to talk i deleted it i didn't acknowledge it because there was something to talk about and then one of the other things i got from her and i'll show you let me just get to it
Unknown_15: It's a he, chat. I have to correct you. It's a he. Use the proper pronouns.
Unknown_02: Check your privilege. September 16th, 2016.
I don't know if you guys can see that.
Unknown_15: People are now contacting Destiny's family, people are calling the cops and calling PETA to get my animals taken from me. I feel hopeless, please delete the video. What video could she be talking about?
Unknown_15: Well, that's kind of the interesting point, since there's a little bit of a drama, and based on the giggling that you heard in that video as that girl recorded her screen, it's some fucking juicy-ass drama. Or as they say in the girl locale websites, it's some pretty good tea. It's some piping hot fucking tea for everybody.
Let's continue, because I don't know at what point chat will realize what happened between them.
Unknown_02: You have the potential to do great things. This is Casey addressing everyone. I know it because I've seen it.
Unknown_02: for criminal justice like you were. You had all the potential. You had a good heart to help people. You have, you can change. It's never too late to change in life. Be honest. Be honest with your fans. your subscribers be truthful don't lie don't hide yourself behind lies because that all that all it leads to chaos and it leads to this all this and yes you may lose subscribers and you may lose friends you may lose supporters if you like come clean with certain things and you come clean with stuff you've lied about because as I'm reading right here
A lot of lies.
Unknown_02: But if you can just rebuild on the truth, you will have much more in truth than in lies. And as I've said before, and I'll even address all of you guys too.
Unknown_02: Life is hard. Life is hard. It's nothing like they tell you or you see on TV.
Unknown_15: Jilted lovers for sure, but what was so jilted about this, guys? Can anybody take a guess? If I see it, I'll call it out as being true.
Unknown_02: Alright, well I don't party, but you know, like have your friends over, play video games, do whatever you want. No, it's not the case. I learned real quick. But um, I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna tell Amber, I'm gonna tell you all you guys this. This is, this is how I view all this.
When life is hard.
Unknown_15: Life is strange. Growing up, people with a silver spoon in their mouth, a gold, a diamond, a bronze, a wooden, I don't know.
Unknown_02: People grow up in different ways. People grow up through different circumstances. Some good, some bad, some ugly, some horrible.
But the thing about growing
Unknown_15: Alright, NamelessNameless is the first one to call it out in chat. Amber Lynn Reid accused her ex-girlfriend Casey of raping her, which is a pretty fucking big accusation. Now if you don't know this, and I don't want to get on some kind of far-right political rant, but
Unknown_15: Lesbians have an incredibly high disproportionate amount of domestic abuse in their relationships. And the rape accusation was false, as I'll talk about, but it's not exclusive. That's not the only accusation being thrown here.
So, let's continue. I wonder what she has to say about fighting back, perhaps.
Unknown_02: I should do because I don't want to as I said before I don't I I really Don't want to have to be in a courtroom with I don't want to be anywhere near her Does not want to be in a courtroom with Amberlynn I wonder why I Wonder maybe if anybody could corroborate Amberlynn story against Casey maybe the second girlfriend crystal
Oh, I know exactly what she's talking about. It was when we were at the anime convention.
Unknown_02: And I like anime. I love anime. I'm a nerd. But we were at an anime convention and I was having an anxiety attack.
Unknown_02: And I, we, me and Amber were still together and I wanted my girlfriend at the time to comfort me and Crystal got mad at it. Now I understand why Crystal got mad about that because Amber wanted to, you know, spend time with her and she came down for Amber, blah, blah, blah. But that's, that's what it was. So whatever she told Crystal, she told Crystal.
Okay, I have, again, as an arbiter of my community, and as a partner for YouTube, I have to correct some hate speech that I'm seeing in chat. As we all know, there is literally nothing wrong with lesbians. Can we stop the hate speech, guys? I don't want to have to add moderators, but come on now. Come on now. Now,
Unknown_15: Mention that there might be some some alternative alternative Accusations being thrown around here. Let's see what that can mean I wouldn't necessarily say thrown but I
I, like, fell back on the bed and she just continued to hit and hit and hit and hit. Like, God, I was just, like, trying to at least block my face. But just hit and hit and slap and slap and then she, like, slammed the door and took off walking to the store.
Unknown_02: That was the worst. That was the scariest and worst night ever. Ever. Just the conversation.
Unknown_15: Look at what she's typing.
Unknown_10: What a bitch.
Unknown_02: And that was scary.
Unknown_02: And I guess another thing that broke my heart was when she told me that she hurts the people she loves the most. You don't hurt the people you love the most.
You know, everything I've seen from Casey has been, you know, really nice. She comes across as really soft-spoken and really nice in this video. I would pay money to see Amberlynn in a fistfight. I would pay money. Money that I don't have. I would take out a loan at the bank to get that fucking footage.
Unknown_15: Just saying. Nothing personal, kid.
Unknown_15: Ooh, I want to save that clip for last. That's a good one.
And the reason, the potential reason why it's so easy to divide her story up into sagas, depending on the girlfriend, is that Amberlynn tends to take on the personality of the person she's with. And for instance, with Becky, people say that she's very aggressive and kind of dykey with Becky.
Unknown_15: And I like Becky to everything I've seen a Becky Becky is the most likable of all the girlfriends but Here's here's a clip of Casey talking about how Amberlynn takes on certain traits of people She told me that she had anxiety After I was diagnosed
That clip went by really fast. So just to reiterate, what happened is she said that after Casey was diagnosed with anxiety, Amberlynn began to say that she was diagnosed with anxiety too. And as we've seen with the PewDiePie clip, Amberlynn has no reservations about lying about a diagnosis.
Unknown_15: Her saying that she was formally diagnosed with an eating disorder through BetterHelp is indicative of one of two things. Either one, the therapist on BetterHelp diagnosed her illegally, Or she lied about what the therapist said and receiving a diagnosis from that therapist. So she clearly has no reservations about not being entirely truthful about certain provable medical conditions that she might have.
Actually, I want to save this one for last.
Unknown_15: Let's go with this clip next. Would you consider taking her back if she asked?
Unknown_02: No.
Unknown_02: No.
Unknown_02: No.
Unknown_02: Has Lionel always been an issue with Amber? Yeah.
Unknown_15: The question was, has lying always been an issue with Amberlynn? And she says yes.
Amberlynn catches, again, one of the things she mentions in that introductory video that I played is that she catches a bad rep due to certain internet forums about being a liar or a manipulator. And part of that will make sense in a little bit. It's the last clip I want to play. This one is potentially damaging, more so to how you might perceive Amberlynn, but let's go ahead and play it. To reiterate the question, how old were you when you moved in with Amberlynn? I was 16 and she was 18.
That's it.
Unknown_15: Amberlynn moved in with Casey and her parents when Amberlynn was 18 and Casey was 16. Not a huge age difference but, you know, I'm not on her Christmas list right now so I might as well fling whatever shit I can. I want to say Casey is not...
Unknown_15: Amberlynn did- oh, fuck, I couldn't find this. I desperately searched for this, guys, I promise. It's just that Amberlynn's a locale that's dominated by women, and women don't know how to archive shit. If you're a woman, please read our guide on how to archive shit, because there are better ways to do it than with recording your monitor. And Amberlynn did a slam poem. About Casey and About the the rape and I could not find the fucking poem. It's killing me I wish I could find it, but I don't have it More Amberlynn did walk back the rape accusation She quote used the wrong word, but she did initially accuse Casey of rape
And one final quote from this two-hour live stream that I've clipped apart into several minutes.
Unknown_18: That's right, random lady.
Okay, I didn't realize I had clipped that much.
Unknown_15: I almost forgot about the ankles. Let me write that down so I don't forget it.
Unknown_15: The less funny thing that she mentions is that Amberlynn... Wait, what do you mean muted? I'm not fucking muted. Do I have to replay it?
Unknown_18: I'll just replay it. It's like 30 seconds.
Unknown_18: I'm sorry. I had it on the wrong output My mom wants to know how she's doing and it breaks my heart that I
Okay, you guys heard it that time
Unknown_15: Jeez, women can't archive I had it on the wrong output. Hey, I was doing fine up until then. Give me a fucking break. It's hard to juggle all this shit. I don't have an editor. I don't have a producer. I'm doing it live, motherfucker.
Unknown_15: But the creepy thing about that clip is that Amberlynn and Casey's mother were friends on Facebook and they still talked years after they broke up. And apparently Casey's mom did not know about the accusations or the abuse or anything that had happened after or that caused them to break up. So the implication with that is if Casey were to cause problems, Amberlynn could slip some fucking bombs into her mother's ear and make home life very fucking uncomfortable. And that's a pretty, that's a, like, I mean, I'm talking about manipulation, that's a pretty fucking big card to have on somebody, to say, I can tell your mom that you raped me and make your life living fucking hell if you do anything to piss me off.
That would piss me off. That would scare me.
Unknown_15: I don't know if anything came of that, but the threat was out there. That communication being open after these accusations had come out, I can't imagine it being anything else besides a threat.
Unknown_15: So somebody sent me this video. I have no idea what the fuck it is. It could be horrible, horrible fetish pornography. But we'll check it out. I think C3P something.
They have the avatar bender. I think they're a user on the forum. So thank you if this is what I think it is.
Unknown_09: Speaking Up by Amber Lynn Reid.
Unknown_15: Oh Jesus.
Unknown_09: Let's see. Who does everyone believe? Let's start gambling our life, rolling dice like knives on a platter. Who will survive? Will it be the false nightmare you spit, or the reality I have tied? Tied to a place, a place of sadness, and now revealed in alternate madness. Why are you going to break the tide and just leave it there? Break the ice and throw the stone and not think twice? Why are you going to play your sins and call me twice? Twice the lies, twice the price, twice the vulgar manipulated web. Spider to friend, friend to spider, enemy grudge and love lost. Using my name to put yours on lights? What happened to all the fights, all the times they turned into goodbyes? No, I am not perfect in any way. No, inside the lines, no glitter outside, no gracefully worded rhymes. No, playing perfect like you've begun, begun a show that keeps haunting me. The haunt is the demon I'm trying to escape. I like how she puts her heart into it. The online taunts.
Ham poetry, fuck you.
Unknown_09: The chapter has torn pages, scribbled words, words of false advertisement. I am my own narrator, yet you stole the pen to deny, to lie, to pry, prying a life that was fine. Here are the facts. You lied about your name right off the bat, but still called me insane. You put a ring on my finger, promised me forever, yet you kissed her. You kicked and screamed till it was making hate, forget making Was she kicking and screaming because you were beating her?
I like how every time she said, uh... Every time she said that line, she repeated it three times, she pouted.
Unknown_09: Like, every fucking time. And that was annoying me so much I had to pause the video to get myself reprieved from this fucking garbage.
abuse in the picture frame put on a smile what i see behind behind the fake glass reflecting noise destroying shimmer clatter frame breaks i don't understand your left hand connected to your heart but it's so cold cold enough to ruin me listen my heart doesn't beat for you i don't bleed for you i don't need you social media needs this a drama story something to decipher something to dissect to entertain to observe to Propaganda?
I've cried, I've laughed, I've loved, I've lost, I've tattered, exposed, one succeeded, failed. I've groaned, I've learned, I've moved on, healing along the way. The moon moved from the sun and roses blossomed. It sounds like she's laughing at how bad her own poetry is.
Unknown_09: red heart hoping one day it'll all be gone everything written with unhealthy circumstances all the tears that stain my pillowcases the cruel hateful comments i received in anger the wrong assumptions everyone made the thought of wishing myself off this jaded earth and the lies you placed in my reality
How long does it go on? It's almost over.
Unknown_15: Damn girlfriend, you really got her with that shit.
Unknown_15: Somebody paid money for me to read this. I guess I have to. Imagine getting a rimjob from this bratpog. She'd suck your weak little sphincter out like a noodle, Josh boy. Thanks, asshole.
We're gonna need some good poetry to wash that down with, so let's take a break.
Unknown_10: I am the werewolf! Help! Werewolf in London!
Unknown_19: Werewolf in Paris!
Unknown_01: Werewolf in Holland!
Unknown_04: Werewolf is cute.
Unknown_04: Werewolf is gothic.
I turned myself into a werewolf.
Unknown_10: By two demons!
Unknown_10: Werewolf is boys. Naked. Oh god.
Unknown_16: I like to make werewolf movies.
Unknown_01: I fight vampires.
Unknown_14: Werewolves like to howl.
Unknown_15: I wonder what her disability is.
Unknown_04: Every night I turn myself into a werewolf.
Unknown_15: See, again, we're not making fun of them, we're just appreciating their differences together as a community of people.
Unknown_15: Okay.
Unknown_15: I got the laughs out. I got the laughs out.
Unknown_15: Um, so for Crystal and Destiny, moving on from the rape story. Oh!
Unknown_15: Before we move on from the rape story, guys, I have to show you Kankles. Because, again, we appreciate the differences of people, etc. Uh, that's not her. There we go. There is a 14-page thread on the Kiwi Farms dedicated to Amberlynn's cankles.
Let's see what they got in the first post. Sorry, my proxy from Israel is not downloading this fast. Oh geez, that's a good ankle. Look at that, it's like a donut sitting on top of a foot.
Unknown_15: Take a look at that cankle.
Unknown_15: Oh geez, it's got like a bulge. It's like it's carrying a sack of toys down the chimney.
Unknown_15: Oh, that doesn't even look like a foot. That's rough.
Is this the appropriate time to, uh... Let me talk about the next two girlfriends, because I don't have any video content for them, so it'll be relatively short. Crystal was the next girlfriend. Crystal was mentioned vaguely by Casey in that last video. Crystal's parents gave Amberlynn $1,200 a month, and
Unknown_15: Amberlynn was able to collect food stamps while living with them.
Unknown_15: Which kind of sets up Amberlynn being a mooch. A little bit of a mooch.
Unknown_15: Somebody asked, is this legal? Yeah, they're just fucking cankles. Of course it's legal.
Unknown_15: Okay, so Casey, or Crystal...
was was mooched off of for quite some time and the most notable thing about crystal breaking up no i'm sorry this was destiny that had that
Unknown_15: Yeah, really, with Krystal, she just mooched off of her. I don't know of any drama there. I'm checking chat. If somebody knows some good Krystal drama, let me know, and I'll read it. But basically, Amberlynn just mooched off of them until they got bored of them.
Unknown_15: Destiny was the next. Destiny was mentioned. Destiny was apparently the worst. I saw somebody in chat saying that Destiny was the least tolerable of all the different girlfriends.
Unknown_15: Destiny apparently worked, or Amberlynn actually worked a couple jobs for short periods of time while with Destiny.
Crystal, oh, Crystal was apparently special needs. So Amberlynn and Crystal, Amberlynn got like a caretaker stipend for apparently sleeping with this chick by their parents. Destiny was a Chad, they're saying.
Unknown_15: Destin- no, Destin is the best girlfriend? What? Oh my god, I'm receiving- I'm receiving conflicting information about- about the quality of girlfriend here.
Unknown_15: Bitches feet have a beer gut. Yeah, they're pretty nasty. That's why they have a 14 page thread.
The most notable thing about Destiny was that
Unknown_15: Amberlynn, for the last three years, has celebrated Christmas a little bit early. Literally, I think there was a famous video where she, in like the middle of November, so like a date that had already been passed this year, opened all the gifts under the tree with Destiny to keep her around. And that gambit only lasted long enough to get her to stay until Valentine's Day, and she got dumped right before Valentine's Day. which resulted in Amberlynn getting white girl trashed on wine and live streaming herself in the process. And if you don't know what white girl drunk looks like with a 500 pound woman, this is what it looks like.
There is a very important footnote. The video itself is boring. She's just doing this shit in front of a camera. And it's like 13 minutes of drunk, incoherent rambling and shit.
Unknown_15: I can play it if people really want me to, but the main thing that I... Is this my desktop? No. This is not my desktop.
Unknown_15: No, the most notable thing that Destiny did, at least in my research, is she recorded this clip. And if you're not watching it, if you can't watch it, I feel bad for you. But if you aren't watching the stream, now is the time to look at the stream, because you need to see Amberlynn's face during this video.
And here we have Amberlynn in her natural habitat.
Unknown_07: Look at how displeased she is.
Unknown_09: How's your day been?
Unknown_07: Good, how's yours? Pretty good. Is that good? Chips and queso. No more chips but a whole lot of queso.
just just amazing did you see how fucking quickly she changed the topic that fucking ice cold stare that she got after she said that it reminded me of um of this clip let me go ahead and pull this up because this is important this is an important parallel to draw see if i can find it real quick doing it on the fly as always
Why is- why is it in Hebrew? What the fuck? I can't read Hebrew, goddammit!
Unknown_15: Oh, there we go. Perfect.
Unknown_15: I'm great at this. I'm assuming- oh, it's on the fucking quickie. I don't know if that's gonna- if that's even gonna load.
Unknown_18: Goddamn Hebrew Google.
Unknown_15: If I can't find this, I'm gonna actually be legit fucking sad about it. Let me check the archive. Is this not archived? Fuck you. God damn it.
I'm legit gonna fucking be mad.
Unknown_15: Well, this is worth it. I promise you this comparison is worth it if I can just make it happen.
Unknown_18: Oh, fuck.
Unknown_18: I don't even know what the fuck this guy is.
Unknown_15: I don't want to see his videos. There's a fucking video where Chris is recording Barb. And it's the first time that Chris Chan's recording his mother. And he's trying to make small talk with her, and she's not having it. At one point, she's just like, eat your food. And that's what that was to me. I get flashbacks to Chris being told to eat his food by his mom after not wanting to have small talk. And Amberlynn uploaded that video on her own channel. It's like a cute moment between her and Destiny.
All right.
Unknown_15: Why is it in Hebrew? Oh, jeez. I'm found out. Oi, Gevalt.
Unknown_15: How do you think I got monetization, Goy? I know people.
Unknown_15: Oh, this is something that somebody showed me on the Kiwi Farms that I think is worth it.
That I think is worth it.
Unknown_15: Um, this is from a video of her putting on clothes and the entire video is fucking boring, but this clip in particular, uh, is great because I don't know. I imagine only like 40% of the people in chat right now are, are women and
Unknown_15: If you're a woman, you probably recognize immediately what's wrong with that dress. It's backwards. Those strings are supposed to be... Did your mom never ask you to tighten her dress from the back because you couldn't reach it? That's what those strings are for. They're not a fucking cleavage window.
It's a dress. You're supposed to tie in the back, but she's using it to show off her titties.
Unknown_15: And a girl requested that I showcase this because it's funny, and I agree it's funny.
Unknown_15: What else I got? What else I got? I have so much- oh gosh, I've been clipping for like hours and hours. Ooh, fucking hell! Okay, we gotta talk about Becky. Before I talk about Becky though, there's some- oh, where the fuck is it? Where the fuck is it?
Oh geez, oh god. It was something having to do with cankles.
Unknown_18: Is it gone? Is it gone forever? Ah, fuck.
Unknown_18: No, okay.
Unknown_15: No, nevermind. I'm not exactly where I thought I would be right now. It's good. We're good. We're all good. Everything's fine. Disaster avoided. I just don't have them loaded up in OPS. Okay, this is Becky. Becky is my favorite of all the ones I've seen. Yes, that is a Blink 182 t-shirt.
Becky fits perfectly into the t-shirt. It is.
Unknown_15: When I think Becky, this is what I think in my head. This is Becky to me.
Unknown_15: And Becky is just... Becky comes across harmless to me. I imagine people would disagree. Does she have Down syndrome? Who? I don't think so.
Unknown_15: I vote Amberlynn as a priestess of Nurgle. I don't even know who Nurgle is. I'm too young. I'm too young and weird to know what a Nurgle is.
How can I possibly introduce this to people?
Unknown_18: Can I just show this clip?
Unknown_15: Oh, okay. No, let's... Let me show you this clip. Becky has a very notable thing in that, in their videos together,
Unknown_15: She kind of fucked up once. Because again, I did not mention that the reason why she started streaming to begin with is that she was doing a weight loss thing. And when she lived with Casey, I think it was Casey, because the parents controlled the food, she actually lost 85 pounds. And that's when she started streaming. But once she was done with Casey, she, um, she gained all that weight back and much more. I think she's twice her size at her lowest when she was with Casey and they were, they were dieting her correctly. So keep this in mind when you're watching these videos and shit.
Keep in mind that they, uh, this is supposed to be a weight loss blog and she's constantly promising, I'll do a weight loss update. I'll do a weight loss update. Then the weight loss update gets delayed. And when she finally does it, what does she say? I've gained another 10 pounds.
And I can actually, let me detour. I'm so off the road right now. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just going for it.
Unknown_15: The Kiwi Farms YouTube channel got its start with Amberlynn Reid. I don't know if you can see this, but I just made it so I could upload this video.
Unknown_15: And if you haven't seen it, we need to watch it together. Hey, guys.
Unknown_09: OK, so now that all this is situated,
Unknown_15: She's 28, I think.
This is to this day, the most popular video ever done.
Unknown_15: This is my coup de gras. The best, the best of the Kiwi farms.
Unknown_09: Depression is a scary thing.
Unknown_15: My strategy for clipping this, by the way, I took one of her mukbangs, or whatever the fuck, and I cut out everything she said unless it was funny, and it wasn't her. Specifically the time between when she puts the fork to the plate, when she puts it to her mouth, and that time is what I've clipped it as.
And it's just perfect because this is a dry plate of pasta. And she even says in the video, I'm a dry girl. And that's disgusting, number one. I don't want to hear about that. Number two, she's eating a serving tray of pasta. Like just cooked plain pasta with a couple meatballs.
Unknown_15: We're actually going to watch this. We're going to watch all of this.
Unknown_15: I want you guys to soak it in, that she's just packing the shit in. The actual video is like 18 minutes, but that's only because she's talking so much.
I think my next mukbang is gonna be fruit.
Unknown_10: I'm gonna think about it.
Okay, that was a good excuse to go to a pee break. Why do people watch this? This is my edit of it. They watch it because it's fantastic, number one. But the actual video, I don't know.
Unknown_15: When I played those clips from that girl who was recording her stream, you could hear her laughing and snickering in the background, and I think a lot of people hate watch Amberlynn.
Unknown_15: But what her actual fans get out of watching her, I have no idea. Look at her pack that shit down. Do you guys like meatballs? Yes. Eat it.
Are you showing us feeder porn?
Unknown_15: I hope not.
Unknown_15: Say the line. Say the line. Yeah.
Unknown_09: I devoured that.
Unknown_09: I just feel like if I sat here and chewed super slow and like talked a lot, this video would be like three hours long.
Unknown_15: Because you've got so much on your plate, bro. I hate the bully, but. Oh, geez.
Okay, let's play that Becky clip that I've been delaying playing for some time. Because I have to do this right, and I don't have this set up, unfortunately. I ran out of time. There was so much I was doing and reading, I didn't... I didn't get to clip everything that I wanted.
Unknown_18: Where are you?
Unknown_18: Okay, this is it.
Unknown_18: This is funny.
Unknown_15: If you can watch this, I'd suggest you watch it.
And no, this isn't a comedy edit that's coming up. That's her video.
Unknown_15: So this is her spending some quality time with Becky, you know, as they do.
Unknown_15: Somebody said that I was doing a lesbian drama stream. Well, I already did that with Life is Strange, so I have some experience.
Unknown_15: Let's watch that again. I want you to pay attention to
Unknown_15: To, uh, the point of view, I want you to think about where the camera is when you watch this.
Where is the camera? Why is the cam- It seems like, if she's standing up, she's holding it right at about her gut, right? Wait, wait, wait, hold up. Hold up! Freeze the video, y'all. We need some CSI shit. Look up at the top of the screen if you can. You might see... Let me see if I can open this in Firefox to display it better. Because if you haven't picked up on what's happening yet, we gotta CSI enhance this shit.
That, to me, y'all, looks like a, uh... Looks like she's sitting on a scooter! And she's recording while seated!
Unknown_15: Oh, jeez. That's embarrassing. Because she is supposed to be on a weight loss kick, right?
Unknown_15: Well, after this got posted on the Kiwi Farms, and a huge shout out to the person who, actually let me pull it up because I do, I genuinely want to give props to this person because they fucking are hysterical.
Unknown_15: Is this the video?
Sunny Days points out, I think she's using a scooter, the POV is so low.
Unknown_15: And then Ricecake just replies with that screenshot I posted. And it's one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life. It is pure comedy. And thank you very much Ricecake and Sunny Days for getting that. You guys are top-notch.
Unknown_15: But after this got pointed out on the KiwiForums, as things frequently do get pointed out, Amberlynn was forced to be honest. Let's see what that looks like.
I booked it out of there like a ninja.
Unknown_19: Where do we park?
Unknown_09: Oh, I forgot that we parked so close.
Unknown_09: So yeah, Walmart is just right here.
Unknown_15: Okay, right there. That Walmart is just right there and then get into the fucking car.
Unknown_08: Can you guys imagine me mowing the lawn?
Unknown_09: And this is her just admiring some motorized murder scooters.
I was like, what is it?
Unknown_09: A lawnmower. She had explained to me what that was.
Unknown_09: You ever seen a lawnmower like that? I mean, I've seen those kinds over there.
Unknown_15: I like the scooter selection.
Unknown_09: Get ready for it.
Unknown_09: okay so i'm just looking at she again if you're a regular user or viewer of amberlyn um you have not seen her in a scooter yet so this is the first time you're being introduced to the scooter it's super cute because it has that like knitting in the back and they have white and they have black um i love it i got me a shirt that's her audio not mine it is a 3x but it's
It is a choker 3x, but it's kind of like bigger and stretchy So I wanted to talk to you guys She just
Unknown_09: But I have been using a scooter lately, and I just want to be honest with you guys After she got caught recently my Like just being bigger everything is harder for me. It's been harder for me to walk my eyes
Unknown_15: Oh fuck I cut that too early she goes on to say that she only uses it right now because she has a cough or something but she is always in the scooter now all of her videos involve her being in the scooter and it's like you know you're trying to lose weight you're self-conscious about your body and you're going to Walmart to get food can you at least
Go to Walmart. And like, you can lean on your cart. You can propel yourself while leaning on your cart. You have no excuse. But no, the chronic laziness to even have the gal to sit in a fucking scooter at Walmart and buy groceries when you have nothing wrong with you.
Unknown_15: kills me like and and to hide it to lie about it until the fucking kiwi farms catches you csi miami style scooting around in fucking walmart it's just unbelievable to me
I have all these, oh, Mspec sent me all these different clips.
Unknown_15: I guess I can just go through, wait, I can just throw them up and go through them. And then I have one final clip that's kind of funny. It's not related to this, but it's funny to me.
Unknown_15: And then I'll outro it. I've decided I'm not gonna do call-ins anymore because people seem to hate them.
Unknown_15: I don't know what I can do about that. I apologize if you want to call in.
Unknown_15: She mentions that she can't jump at all. She's physically incapable of jumping at this point, which I guess isn't really a surprise. What's this?
Oh, geez. Ah!
Unknown_18: Get this away from me, what the fuck?
Unknown_15: I don't want to see that M's pecs, you fucker. Oh, that's her dancing. This was when she was significantly smaller. She's getting up to 600 pounds now.
Unknown_18: Keep going.
Unknown_15: Oh, this is her dancing under current weight. Oh god, she looks like...
This is not a cyberbullying stream. I want to emphasize that but I can't help but feel I can't help but be reminded of something of Something else actually let me throw that back up there a second make a direct comparison I think you guys will appreciate this Load load you fucker.
Unknown_20: There we go
Unknown_15: I'm sorry, again, I'm not cyberbullying. I love Jesus Christ.
And I love Israel. But, I mean, she's got the six indents and everything going on. Like, you can't tell it's not a dead ringer. That's just what it is.
Unknown_18: That's just what it is. I'm sorry. Okay. Okay, okay, okay. What's this?
Unknown_18: Oh, it's more of her dancing. Ms. Pax really likes her dancing.
Unknown_18: Why's it so fucking big?
Oh, she really likes Cheetos. That's another reoccurring Amberlynn facet.
Unknown_18: I don't even know. Is she eyeing him? That would make me uncomfortable, to be honest.
Unknown_15: I think this one just showcases her arms.
Unknown_18: Where'd it go? Come back to me.
Unknown_15: Oh, don't break on me now, OBS, you fucking piece of shit. I got all this other shit I want to show people and you fucking, you're gonna cuck me. You're gonna cuck me, OBS.
Ah, fuck off.
Unknown_15: Oh, there we go. That one didn't want to load up.
Unknown_15: This text really likes pictures of her dancing. Oh, she mentioned in her intro video she really likes makeup.
Unknown_18: I like makeup.
Unknown_18: I need the Rocky montage music in the background.
Unknown_15: Yeah, bless that OBS from stopping me from receiving this high quality content.
Unknown_18: I think not.
Was that her going downstairs?
Unknown_15: Ooh, that looks dangerous. Ooh! That reminded me. I'm glad I went through these. Because I forgot a video. I forgot a video. I 100% know everybody here will want to see.
Unknown_15: Where is it? Where is it, motherfucker?
Unknown_09: This video was kind of just a few random little updates. Where the fuck is it? But I have fallen twice, two days in a row. Well, it's actually technically two nights in a row. I don't fall, you guys. I never, ever, ever fall. It's just not something that happens to me. I wouldn't really consider myself a clumsy person either. So the fact that this has happened twice in a row scares me a little bit. And I just want to talk about the situation. And as you guys know, I am over 500 pounds. So a person who's 500 pounds falling, you know, what does that feel like? What goes through my mind? How does my body feel afterwards? Am I okay? Can I walk? What even happened? So I wear flats every time I leave the house and something really weird, I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but after I wear flats and I take them off the bottom of my feet are like Baby butt soft. I don't know what it is. They're not sweaty or anything like that like that's weird but they're like soft kind of like The softness of a really soft pair of socks or something and our floor. We don't have any carpet at all
And so we had just gotten home from somewhere and I was sitting on my bed, which is on the floor I prefer my bed on the floor. I'm able to get up fine That's not you know the issue here, but I had just taken off my flats So the bottom of my feet were super soft. I don't understand why this happens It's so weird, but I had to go to the bathroom. So I was getting up off the bed and To get up off the bed. I do this little like tourney bit and I get up by using like The strength in my feet and my feet slipped from under me and I landed on my left knee It terrified me I couldn't get up or anything So how I had to get up was I had to crawl onto the bed in this like weird maneuver And it was just it was pitiful. I was like, are you for real right now? i feel like the second time which was last night actually scared me a bit more because this time i was wearing my flats i decided you know what if i'm gonna start getting up off the bed and my freaking feet are so damn soft that i'm gonna slip on this like
Flooring it's kind of like a hardwood floor you guys have seen it in my videos before But if I'm gonna be slipping now I want to just have shoes on that have a grip and my flats do have a grip This was actually in the middle of the night. I had to get up and go pee again Whatever and Becky was sleeping, and I put on my flats I got up, and I didn't fall like I was totally good. I was fine. I think it took about three steps and I don't know why but Twinkie had a few of her really small dog foods on the floor and I think I just like slid on one but instead of going backwards on my butt my body just naturally went forward and I landed on my right knee. So the night before I landed on my left knee and then the next night I landed on my right knee but this time it was from a higher spot and I just went boom like floor like super loud and becky was sleeping and she was right there like as it happened because i was getting up from the bed and she was sleeping in the bed obviously she got up so fast you guys i swear if there's ever like an issue or an emergency you need a becky on your side because As soon as she noticed I was on the ground like she was up like this I was just like I didn't even like I couldn't even blink and she was like by my side trying to help me up the second time was farther away from my bed and I can't really get up off the floor without using some sort of like a table to hold on to or like a chair or I can't just get up off the floor without any sort of help. And every time I go on my knees, I can't go on my knees at all. The pain is excruciating, obviously. So when you're my size, you don't want to go on your knees. That's obvious. So I couldn't get up at all. I was really embarrassed this time, actually, because I almost was to the point where I was like, I don't know what I'm going to do because I have no way of getting up. I wanted her to call the ambulance almost. I didn't feel any pain again like there's been no pain like when I fell there was no pain there's no pain now I'm just very happy that I didn't hurt myself because at my size any sort of like fall can really hurt myself and land myself in the hospital and it could be a very bad situation when it comes to healing. I don't need anyone like preaching at me about that because trust me I already know I get it i get it what i ended up doing was i got on my side and i literally rolled onto the bed again which was
easy to do it did kind of hurt obviously you're on a hard floor and my body naturally isn't meant to be on a hardwood floor it's not meant to be on the floor at all at my size I just I shouldn't be on the floor um I'm able to get up from my bed totally fine but it's just the last two nights I don't know like weird coincidence but yeah it was just really embarrassing that at 27 years old if you fall
you should be able to get yourself back up. And I kind of just laid there in shock and I told Becky to turn around. I was like, Becky, turn around. I don't, I don't want your help. Thank you. Like she was trying to help me. I was like, you're not gonna be able to help me. And I don't want to hurt you. Like, You know, I didn't want to put her in that situation. And it was just, I keep looking over there because that's where it happened. And I'm just like, oh, um, it was just, it was bad. I laid there just pitifully and I was just like doomed. I felt doomed. I felt defeated. I felt weak and it was just embarrassing. So this was in front of my girlfriend.
I didn't say anything during all of that because I just wanted you guys to soak in that story as it is.
Unknown_15: There is one other video I have to show. And then after that, I mentioned Emspex so I was going through the gallery she had sent me. But there's one other video I haven't played of Veki.
Unknown_15: Sorry, of Becky, not Vicky. There's no Vicky in the story.
Unknown_15: And after that, I'll talk to her because I do have some questions that I couldn't answer in my own research.
Let's see.
Unknown_18: There it is.
Unknown_09: Becky's getting pulled over.
You scared?
Unknown_15: Not scared. Becky's calm, cool, in control. Look, she's getting her license and registration out. She already knows. Hi.
Unknown_17: How you doing? I'm doing alright. As soon as I looked down and saw I was going that fast and I saw you turn around, I'm like, I'm pulled over.
Unknown_14: I appreciate that. I do.
Unknown_17: I'm so sorry.
Unknown_14: I got you at 78. Yeah, I'm so sorry.
Unknown_17: I didn't even realize how fast I was going.
Unknown_14: Have you got any insurance or any good stuff on your car?
Unknown_17: I do have insurance. I have my card.
Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. Okay. I'll see what it shows. Alright. On registrations, it really depends on your insurance company how often they report to the Department of Transportation on all that. Okay. I don't think I have my old one in here right now. Okay.
Unknown_17: Alright.
Unknown_14: Have you got the registration on the car?
Unknown_14: Am I good? Yeah, you're good.
Unknown_15: I can't remember if there's actually anything funny in this video, but there is a funny comment I desperately want to show people. I have no idea how much longer this goes on. I imagine it's only like a minute or more.
He's actually really nice, so that's good.
Unknown_09: So hello everyone, right now we are in Walmart and we need to do a little bit of grocery shopping.
Unknown_15: I specifically wanted to show you this video because this comment makes me choke laughing. I don't know if I can do it justice. The cop was probably low-key moved that a developmentally delayed 14 year old boy without a neck is acting as a caretaker for a 600 pound manatee being strangled by a seat belt.
That is the best fucking YouTube comment I've ever seen.
Unknown_15: She does not moderate her video comments at all. I think because she knows she gets money from the people that watch her videos. Because again, they're women, so they don't have ad block.
Unknown_15: And they frequently complain. Apparently her videos have like 80 ads a minute on them. So it's just, it's just preposterous.
Unknown_15: All right. Let me see if I can get her.
Unknown_15: M. M Spex, are you there? Can you hear me?
I think she's, yes. Let me make sure. Oh, I'm glad I checked. I'm glad I checked to make sure the audio was working. I think we're good.
Unknown_15: Are you alive?
Unknown_15: Okay, I have a question Tell me about crystal and destiny because I did not find I found relatively little on them compared to the other show You alive
Yes, you keep cutting out.
Unknown_15: I keep cutting out. I think it's probably I think that's it's probably it's probably you.
Unknown_05: OK, I can hear, you know, Crystal and Destiny.
Unknown_15: Tell me about them. Oh, God.
Unknown_05: OK, so Crystal was Amber's girlfriend.
Unknown_05: Girlfriend, air quotes after Casey.
Unknown_05: She was her girlfriend when she started her YouTube channel. there is like discussion if they were really together or not because crystal is kind of like there's something wrong with her she has something developmentally going on and she was basically paid by amber was basically paid by crystal's parents to like look after her
Like be a companion. Yeah, it made me wonder if they were paying her to be like a girlfriend like actually paying her for that Well, yeah, that's what some people think and amber is if people say this amber is like you guys are crazy You make up this stupid ish It's like well, well, why are her parents paying you like thousands of dollars to do nothing? Then what was a crystal's problem?
Unknown_05: I no one knows for sure but She's clearly delayed in some way. Like she's not a complete like you know, she's not like completely mentally retarded but There's something going on if you're in chat and you happen to have a video of crystal I've not seen anything of her. Um, if you go just way back To the beginning of amber's channel. That's when you're gonna find the videos that crystal is in. Okay I'll try to do this. There's nothing that's So, I mean was she just slow like did she just talk slow and shit She's just kind of slow, but there's not like a lot of good videos from that time because crystal wasn't in her videos as much as her later girlfriends were
um there's some like when i think of crystal i think of these like gross facebook screen caps uh where her and amber are like flirting on facebook and it's gross she put she posts a lot of fucking videos holy shit uh Not as much as she used to. She's getting fucking lazy lately. All she has to do is put a camera on her and talk about shit.
Unknown_15: How do you fuck that up?
Unknown_05: That's really hard, Noel. That's really hard. No, it's not.
Unknown_15: What's hard is scouring like eight years of shit to put together a stream to talk about it, okay? That takes a fucking long time to do.
Unknown_05: It's really hard to remember to bring your camera out when you're going out to remember to vlog, okay? I know this is hard because she's told me it's hard a million times. I forgot to vlog. That's her go-to excuse.
Whenever she does like anything actually that my family interests being to watch how many years ago is crystal cuz right now I'm about four years in the past Yeah, crystal was 2014 That's why yeah, that's when she started her channel.
Unknown_15: Let me see if I'm but she's not really in a lot of videos Mostly like it will be her
Unknown_05: Filming for amber. Well, she does is she does she have a shortcut like oh, this has to be her She's has like the the the golden brown hair and looks kind of like a like Connor Well golden brown she has brown hair but it's really shortcut, right Back then I think it was longer she has bangs and She kind of looks like Amber. Okay, if I have to do this one more time. I think I found a video. Golden Brown sounds like Destiny if it's short.
I'll take a screen cap of her. Where the fuck is she in this video? She's in the thumbnail and I can't find her in the actual video. This is deceitful advertising lady.
Unknown_15: I want to see your retarded ex-girlfriend.
Unknown_05: No, this does not look like an old enough video to be from Crystal. It's from four years ago!
Unknown_15: I just want to see the Tard girl. What does she look like?
Unknown_05: So, she wasn't with Crystal that long before she got, like, in terms of... Wait, is this her?
She does look like Amberlynn, she has the bangs, and she has, like... Wait, okay, the glasses.
Unknown_05: Yeah, the one that... Dusty Tomo, April 9th, 2014, Life with Amberlynn.
Unknown_18: Yeah, that's her.
Unknown_18: This is a quest now.
Unknown_15: God, it's just, it's just like, she looks way thinner. She looks way... Okay, well, see, Crystal used to be, like, heavy, not as heavy as, like, Amber, but she used to be heavy, and they, like, were losing weight together, and then, you know, well, we all know what happened with Amber, but Crystal did lose weight.
That's just how it works in my life.
Unknown_09: Yeah, that's her. Ooh, my arm. So... She's not saying anything so far.
Unknown_15: She's just, like, sitting there staring.
Unknown_15: Say something, lady.
Unknown_15: Say something.
Unknown_09: Why won't she talk? Even Amberlynn's making fun of her for not talking. Is that it? Is that the only appearance of her in the video?
She knows Crystal didn't like to be filmed for her vlog. She's probably got the autism.
Unknown_07: Are you making fun of me?
Unknown_05: Yeah, exactly. She's making fun of me. She danced on camera for me, monkey. And Chris was like, hmm, I don't know. I have to hear this woman talk. I never got to be a bitch and make fun of her on camera. Good morning, everybody. Or evening. Let me check chat.
Unknown_15: Chat might have given me a link by now. Might be spamming it, screaming at me. OK, is this it? Blondie posted something. Blondie, you're my lifeline. You better be right. What is this?
Girlfriend. Oh, this is her. Oh, this is way way back because she's fatter the girl is Yeah, that's her we found her we got them everybody She's so awkward she doesn't want to talk at all
Unknown_09: Okay, so as you all know, she's super shy. So I'm gonna be here for her for this moment. So this is the girlfriend tag. Oh god. And don't be looking, don't be cheating. Don't be looking at the answers. Which is like wild because you're still over 300 pounds. Yeah, she has to be 300 pounds, but she's like 600 now. Okay, so there's 20 questions. I know.
And they're like about me, and we have to see if she gets them right.
Unknown_09: Yeah, she looks fat, but she has a human form to her. No, but you know me.
Unknown_15: She's still not said a word. I can't believe this. This is how do you think this is a good idea?
Unknown_09: Outside of the camera.
You're like, yeah, well, Amber, Amber is not that smart. Like she's she's cunning in a way, but she's not smart. OK, this is so weird. So there's 20 questions. We better get rolling here.
Unknown_15: OK, why did they break up like?
Unknown_05: Well, because
Unknown_05: I guess they both lost interest in each other. Number one. When they were still leaving each other. When I say she, that means me. Amber had already hooked up with Destiny. She had met her online and was like in a move to see Destiny and I guess Crystal. was also seeing someone else. But their relationship is weird because Amber says like they're still best friends and all that.
All you have to do to make the Tard happy is watch Naruto with her. This is the easiest job in the world, lady.
Unknown_07: Alone.
Unknown_15: Oh, this is this is so bad. She can't get her to say anything.
Unknown_07: I'm watching catfish alone. I know this. I watched that with you.
Unknown_05: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Catfish is my favorite show by Amber Girls in Shadow. Right. Crystal did dump her.
Imagine. Imagine getting dumped by this chick.
Unknown_05: Like you didn't know me, I guess.
Unknown_05: No, this is not. He doesn't dump Amber. Oh, you're silly. OK. Oh, long story too.
Unknown_09: You're out to eat, what kind of dressing should she get on her salad? So what salad would I order?
Unknown_09: Caesar. Correct. Caesar salad.
Unknown_15: Kaiser salad. I still say that. If I go to a restaurant, I'll accidentally autism up and say Kaiser salad. Because of Fallout New Vegas.
Raw tomatoes? I'll show you guys.
Unknown_09: Yeah, they can't see that. I'm not lying. I don't know, chat.
Unknown_15: Let's do the gay one and two thing. Press one if you think she has a developmental disorder. Press two if she thinks she's just camera shy.
Unknown_05: Oh, Aunt Tammy. Were you talking about Aunt Tammy? Oh, fuck you.
Unknown_15: No, I spoiled it.
Unknown_15: Actually, you reminded me. I did not bring up Aunt Tammy. I was going to forget about that. Oh, everybody's saying Ave. Ave.
Okay, I'm seeing ones. People think she's got the tism, which I do agree with. Actually, it's pretty split. People think she's just camera shy. I don't know. Would you want to be on camera with Amberlynn, Ems?
Unknown_05: Um... No. I would maybe have a phone call with Amberlynn, just for the experience.
Unknown_15: I can't wait to see her video about this.
Unknown_05: About the cyberbully game kicking... You know she's gonna see it.
Oh, of course she's gonna see it.
Unknown_05: I doubt she will say anything about it.
Unknown_15: She said something about, she addresses it whenever, or addresses the forum whenever we say something about her. Like she posted the fucking, hi, I'm Amberlynn, and she posted the thing about PewDiePie showing up in that video.
Unknown_05: Oh no, she definitely reads, she reads everything.
Unknown_05: She used to like have fake accounts where she would go into like Facebook groups that were about her and be like commenting with people there.
Cindy says that she's here right now. She's among us. One of the 1,200 people watching this. She probably takes up like four or five of those viewers.
Unknown_05: She's gotten a little bit smarter, but she will very rarely call people out by name unless she wants like that attention.
Unknown_15: Actually, since you're here, I guess you paid attention to the Aunt Tammy thing really closely, right?
Okay, so I mentioned very, very early into the stream, probably before most people watching or started watching, I mentioned that she was raised, or she was birthed by, I don't know how to describe this.
Unknown_15: Her birth parents are meth heads, and she went into social services very early in life.
Unknown_15: And I think she had two brothers. One of her brothers got formally adopted, but she and her brother stayed in social custody for a while until I don't know if both of them or just her were put into foster care by her aunt, her aunt Tammy, who some people say is crazy. I don't know enough to attest to the mental status of Tammy, but she is very remarkable to me.
I can't remember if just one of her brothers got adopted. Amber definitely did it. That doesn't sound real. It doesn't really mean.
Unknown_15: Adoptive parents are probably like, I can't fucking feed that. I can't afford that shit. Give me the brother. He looks like he runs.
Unknown_15: But no, Aunt Tammy is special.
Unknown_05: According to Amber, her brothers beat the shit out of her when she was younger. Is that where she learned it from?
Unknown_15: From her brothers?
Unknown_05: Maybe Okay, again, the interesting thing about Tammy is that she joined the forum.
She joined the forum as interventionist I verified this for sure. This is aunt Tammy. This is Amber Lynn's adoptive or not adopted but foster mother.
Unknown_05: No, that's
Unknown_15: For for fucking I guess for years probably throughout her teenage years And she she's posted a hundred times on the Kiwi farms And she still apparently reads it. She was last active less than a week ago So she joins the the site talk shit about Amberlynn and I guess to call her a liar, right?
Unknown_05: Yeah, she called her out on a lot of shit and
Like what?
Unknown_05: Give me something. What did she call her out on? Just a lot of lies that Amber told about her childhood, basically. I mean, Amber lies about everything, so it's not that hard to call her out on shit.
Unknown_15: Well, it's funny that the stream with with Casey was basically that too I don't know Casey had any internet presence before because you said they weren't streaming before she got with Before she got with crystal and started losing weight with crystal, right? So Casey was before the live stream Casey was a relationship before crystal and crystals when she started streaming and
So Casey came before, but Amberlynn put out videos shitting all over Casey and calling her a rapist.
Unknown_05: Oh, yeah. Yeah. She accused her of being of raping her.
Unknown_15: And so Casey comes back. She streams on you now for about two hours, where I played a lot of clips from that video.
Unknown_15: Timestamps courtesy of of cunt. I think that's her YouTube username. It's just CXC XNT.
Unknown_05: Yeah Yeah, she's like 66 Eve or something.
Unknown_15: She's the girl that you heard laughing and a lot of those clips because Because of how she records it Yes, CXNT is a saint who records all of Amber's you now shit.
Unknown_15: But um, yeah, she's on the forum too. She clipped that stuff. And in the same vein, I guess Tammy comes out and just says, you're full of shit lady. What's funny is, uh, on the Firefox and I was, I was searching for a video. If you type in any permutation of the name Amberlynn Reid, we are like the top two results and her name, like anything else she does is like the second result. And I'm sorry, I don't know. That's just funny to me.
Unknown_15: Except when apparently an Israeli Google, she's the first result for her name. So he's cornered the Jewish market. Amberlynn.
Um, so I did, I don't know.
Unknown_05: I've never used Israeli Google, so wouldn't know. Uh, so what about destiny?
Unknown_15: Cause a lot of people in chat, we're talking about, uh, destiny being the best girl. Is that true?
Unknown_05: She was, because when she was with Destiny, her content wasn't complete trash. Did Destiny help?
Well, Destiny was a lot better than Becky in a lot of ways, because she wasn't as dumb and awkward as Becky, but she wasn't as enabling as Becky either.
Unknown_05: Like destiny had her own shit going on.
Unknown_05: You know, she had a job. She wouldn't quit her job for Amber. Like Amber wanted her to like leave her job because she's like, you know, I make enough money on YouTube. I can take care of you, baby. Is it true that Amberlynn worked for the FBI or something during this time? Oh my God. No, she likes to throw it. I have a, I had a government job that she was barely at before she quit.
Unknown_15: Well, she has a degree in criminology, right?
Unknown_05: No, she doesn't. She did not graduate.
God, all these rumors being dispelled all at once.
Unknown_05: No, she did not graduate. She went to school very briefly when she was with Casey.
Unknown_05: And no, she did not graduate. Well, is it?
Unknown_15: Did she make good grades?
Unknown_05: She lied about her grades, too. She was like, I worked really hard and got a 4.0. And then you go and dig back her old screen caps from that time. And she's talking about, like, bombing shit.
She lies about everything. Like, that's what you need to remember about Amber. Well, it's usually like small petty lies, too.
Unknown_05: Yeah, that's the...
Unknown_05: That's okay. So a lot of people wonder, like, why people like following Amber as a cow? Because they're like, she's just fat. Which like, yeah, but she's a death fat. And she lies about everything. And she's a troll.
Unknown_18: A death fat?
Unknown_05: Is that what you said? A death fat? Yeah.
Unknown_15: That's so mean this is why I said this early women are fucking like cruel when they get to Like low cows and shit. They're low cows get nicknames like death fat. I don't think we called anybody else a death
Oh, jeez. That's awful. I disavow. I disavow these awful comments.
Unknown_05: You don't really disavow. You're just saying that.
Unknown_15: That's your opinion. I also love the nation of Israel.
Unknown_05: I'm just throwing it out there. That's the truth.
Unknown_15: So, I don't have any videos of Destiny either, unfortunately, because I focus mostly on, um... What? Well, do you have... Oh, good.
Unknown_05: You can just go to Amber's YouTube and just... There's shit tons of videos. Okay, motherfucker.
Give me a name of a good video to find.
Unknown_15: What does Destiny look like?
Unknown_05: Is she the one with the copper hair?
Unknown_05: She has the short blonde hair. She kind of looks like a boy. I went too far. A good video of Destiny is the one where they go out to eat and Amber lies that the waitress
Unknown_05: Well, Destiny was the one that- Destiny was the one that recorded the nature footage.
Unknown_15: Here is Amberlynn in her natural habitat, the Denny's.
I need my girls to help me out. What is the video where Destiny was, like, doing the sexy- Like, Amber was filming her in her underwear, and she had, like, the cat, and she was, like, a stripper. I need you guys' help, because I don't remember the name of that video. I'm gonna play the Baby Food Challenge in the meantime.
Unknown_15: That sounds like it's quality.
Unknown_15: I want to see Amberlynn eat baby food.
Unknown_05: 21st birthday shoot, is that it? That was... Oh yeah, didn't she do something when one of her girlfriends turned 18?
Unknown_15: Or am I thinking of somebody else?
Um, well that wouldn't have been with Destiny.
Unknown_18: Destiny looks... God, her girlfriends are so weird looking.
Unknown_05: Destiny... Oh my god, the baby grind video.
Unknown_15: Oh, is the baby food video worth watching?
Unknown_05: Um, probably not.
Unknown_15: Motherfucker, I need, let me, okay, let me check chat. Chat, help. Help me chat. Somebody link.
Unknown_15: Somebody link it.
Unknown_05: Okay, well, a lot of people have said the 21st birthday shoot video.
Let me Google it.
Unknown_05: Yeah, just search it.
Unknown_15: I'm tapping as fast as I can.
Unknown_05: I'm sorry, I don't, it's hard to remember the names of all her fucking videos, okay?
Unknown_15: They eat a baby. Sex on the beach, Destiny's 21st birthday. Is that it?
Unknown_05: Yeah.
Unknown_05: No, it's a photo shoot.
Unknown_05: There's several videos about her 21st birthday.
Unknown_15: About her 21st birthday?
Unknown_09: And she has happy birthday cake for breakfast.
This is when they're eating birthday cake. Oh my god. She's naked. I saw it in the thumbnail. I'm skipping this.
Unknown_09: Oh she's not naked, it's just that her hair is hiding her tank.
Unknown_15: She went to a strip club?
Unknown_09: She just said she broke the wall.
Unknown_15: Oh god, this is incredibly awkward. She got the strip club to do a happy birthday song for her. They sound so unenthusiastic.
No, okay, no, it's the 21st birthday photo shoot.
Unknown_15: You fuckers. You fuckers are spinning around and around. Photo shoot.
Unknown_15: Sexy time, Care Bear Terry's 20- no, that's a different guy.
Unknown_18: Oh, oh, I see it. I see it in chat.
Unknown_15: Thank you.
Unknown_18: Thank you.
Unknown_18: From C3P bro again and a couple other people. What's this one?
Unknown_18: Oh, it didn't have Destiny in the title at all, that's why I couldn't find it.
Why is there a little kid?
Unknown_15: You don't want little kids in your sexy photoshoot video.
Unknown_05: Are you gonna eat your food? Those kids are in Destiny's family. They were in a lot of videos.
Unknown_15: That kid looks unhappy to be filmed like her other girlfriend did.
Unknown_09: Are you going potty?
Unknown_09: Well, Becky's sister put her fucking foot down when it came to filming her kid. Amber had to delete a fucking video about it and then try to lie about it.
Yeah, I don't want to put the kid up on the video.
Unknown_09: I feel bad as it is.
Unknown_15: Do you have any blue balloons?
Unknown_09: What? Do you guys have any blue balloons?
Unknown_15: Where's the sexy photoshoot?
Unknown_15: I don't want children in my sexy photoshoot video, Amber Lynn Reid.
Unknown_15: There we go.
Unknown_15: Oh, God.
Unknown_05: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Back up, back up.
Unknown_09: You don't need no chaser.
Unknown_15: She's drinking Fireball and Jager. And Maker's Mark. Oh, geez.
Unknown_15: Ethan Ralph would fit in just fucking fine in this party.
Oh, gosh.
Unknown_15: That wine glass. This is hella Southern now.
Unknown_15: Where's the sexy photo shoot at?
Unknown_15: I was promised underwear.
Unknown_05: Wait, wait, she's... She's gonna be posing. Wait, she's posing with a double shot of Fireball? She looks like a 14 year old boy.
She's 21, she can legally drink that fireball now. This is class. This is all class.
Unknown_15: This is fucking redneck-y. I can feel Virgo Rouge having a fucking stroke watching this. She's holding that cake. She looks tired.
Unknown_04: She looks physically exhausted from holding that cake up.
Unknown_04: She probably is. She's probably fucking hot.
Unknown_15: Is this Chris Griffin? That's me.
Unknown_07: That's pretty funky right there. Oh, do some cutesy stuff.
Unknown_05: I mean, at least the scenery is kind of pretty.
Unknown_15: And somebody asked me, downfordpunch asked me in the super chat, to do a stream on John Bulla, are we going to do like a Pensacola locale marathon of just everybody from my home city?
Unknown_04: She knows what she's doing.
Unknown_04: Leave Bulla alone.
Unknown_15: Oh, yeah, I can't do Bulla because people will be fucking mean to him. He's in jail right now.
Yeah. No, she didn't. Wow.
Unknown_15: Watch the ones where they abuse their animals. Do you know that one?
Unknown_05: If you just search that on YouTube, people have made, like other people have. I mean, I think the term abuse, because I know the clips they're talking about, they're talking about a clip where they throw one of her animals over her shoulder. Well, Destiny hits one of them.
That's like the worst thing that happens in that video. I can't get over how like, how shapeless destiny is.
Unknown_05: But Amber is a really bad fur mama. She does not take care of her animals, especially Twinkie.
Unknown_05: Like that dog is fat as fuck now.
Unknown_05: Her name. Well, the dog's name is Twinkie.
Unknown_15: It was doomed from the start.
Unknown_05: It's just fucked. That's the dog's full name.
Unknown_05: Twinkie store.
Unknown_04: Oh jeez, this is so awkward.
Especially when you consider that it's Destiny's mother doing the photographing. I'm physically repulsed by this video.
Unknown_07: Now they're doing some photo shoots by the little fence.
Where are they at? Are they in Florida?
Unknown_09: It's so cute.
Unknown_09: No, they're in Kentucky here. They're like in a rural fucking area. Good Mackey says, how depressing must your life be to spend most of your time making fun of other people?
Unknown_15: I'm not making fun of her. I'm cherishing the differences that we all have in our walks of life.
Don't paint this wrong.
Unknown_05: No, I'm making fun of her.
Unknown_15: That's fucking Ms. Okay, don't lay that on me.
Unknown_05: Disavow me, go ahead. Is she just like eating the cake with her hands in this film?
Unknown_15: Where'd that go? No, fall back. Oh god, she's got cake all over her fucking hands like she just dug into it like a fucking animal.
Unknown_09: Guess who the culprit was?
How's it taste? The cake is good.
Unknown_09: Damn. I'm sweating, literally. And I don't sweat. Like, it was really hot out. Like, I planned on just being here for, like, support and whatnot, but... Again, Amber looks so much smaller.
Unknown_05: Oh, God, they got cake all over themselves.
Unknown_15: That's so gross.
Unknown_15: It's not it's not as gross as you know with the fucking cake on her face destiny looks like flexo from Futurama But
I guess we'll see what the photos look like. I'll definitely show them to you guys.
Unknown_05: Okay. You know what would be a good video to watch is the video where Amber buys Destiny like a hundred Christmas presents.
Unknown_05: The November one, right?
Unknown_15: Where they made them open them.
Unknown_05: Yeah, they opened them early. Yeah, to try and guilt Destiny to not dump her, right? And then you broke up with her.
Unknown_05: That was Amber's, like, last ditch effort to buy Destiny's Love. Oh, oh, Jesus. There's kissing.
Unknown_15: Ah!
That made my prostate, like, ache. Like, somebody stabbed me in my... Ew! You don't understand. Don't judge. I don't, and I don't think I want to. Imagine getting stabbed in your butthole. That's what it feels like.
Unknown_15: Chat's freaking out.
Unknown_15: Okay, let's find this fucking Christmas video.
Unknown_15: Any idea what it would be called? I'm looking in chat. Tell me what I should look for. Oh, well, you're gonna need to go further down.
Oh yeah, so, I guess... Can I... Christmas...
Unknown_15: Nope, that's last year. That's last year still. She made like eight fucking videos about Christmas in just last year.
Unknown_15: Friends Christmas present swap, is that it?
Unknown_05: No.
Unknown_15: From one year ago? Does she still talk to Destiny? Yeah, she's in the thumbnail. No, that's not it.
Pudding or Christmas, that's last year.
Unknown_15: Am I a hoarder? She has such clickbaity fucking video titles.
Unknown_05: I know, it's because she's a troll and she wants those clicks.
Unknown_15: Opening Christmas Presents Live, two years ago.
Unknown_18: Oh yeah, I think that's it. Okay, that's 12 minutes. Because it would be from 2016.
Oh, this is 2015.
Unknown_15: December 2015. Oh.
Unknown_05: No, then that wouldn't... You fucker, you lied to me.
Unknown_15: What I got for Christmas 2015... Christmas gift reveal two years ago, that can't be it.
Unknown_05: So, I'm looking for the thumbnail from their breakup because that video is like... right after it.
Unknown_09: Hey guys, happy Vlogmas to- God, why are the comments disabled on this?
The comments and the ratings, this has to be it.
Unknown_15: Oh well. This is December 10th, 2016.
Unknown_15: Chat. Oh, Blondie to the rescue.
Unknown_05: Wait, it's okay. Blondie's got it. Fuck.
Unknown_05: I'm like failing people, but I can't remember the exact... No, we got, we got all the best Amberlynn documentary, uh, safari people.
Unknown_05: I know, I need them because... You're on a phone or something, right?
Unknown_15: Hamburger reviews. Yeah, all these people I've seen them They're the people that like clip shit from Amberlynn's channel and reupload it to troller and they're all watching this but that warms my heart We had the day off today we ran some errands we came home I started to clean and all the little kitten Oh
Poor baby! Oh, did you talk about drama with Amber and these cats and Rafe?
Unknown_15: No, somebody was mentioning about the animals, but this is the first kitty-kitty I've seen all stream.
Unknown_05: Oh yeah, fuck. Holy shit. Are you guys ready for this?
Unknown_15: Holy shit. It's like a mount- oh my god.
Unknown_09: It's all clothes.
Unknown_07: Those are all clothes boxes.
Yeah, that's right did that hurt it's very careful crushing into that there's kitty kitties Fucking killing flopping around like that What the hell
Unknown_09: Okay, show them your, like, some of your favorite gifts that I got you. There's nothing I can skip to.
Unknown_15: This is, like, content.
Unknown_09: Hurry up. Because I know they're totally curious, like, look at all this stuff. Get up. I got her some random, like, stupid things. She's, like, sitting on the couch. She's not even, like, aw, I fucking hate that. Like, poop bags. It reminds me of when I was a kid.
Like, I had really fat relatives who would just sit on the fucking couch. And, like, watch the shit unfold. Like, stand up. Stand up and get presents and do shit. Don't sit there, you fucker.
Unknown_09: Things that, you know, that are like on the cheaper side, but okay. You can muster the calorie expense to stand up and get your present.
Unknown_05: Okay, bye. Look at this jacket.
Unknown_07: It's the coolest shit I've ever seen.
Unknown_04: This is her, this is Aang trying to solve it. Trainer! Right here. I can't be less of a shithead.
Unknown_05: You are number one. Maybe if I just buy her a ton of shit.
Will it work for a couple months at least?
Unknown_09: Wait, what are people talking about with poop bags? I thought she was actually shitting in a bag.
Unknown_15: I was excited for that.
Unknown_07: I was fucking hype. I was like, show me the poop bags, please. That would be quality content.
Unknown_07: What? Oh, Destiny was cheating.
Unknown_05: I'm like, what the fuck?
Yeah, you'll finish in a minute. I just want to show them some of the favorites that I got her that are like over here. Look at that fucking hand. That's a fluffy hand. I got her this Pixels 3D, which I thought was pretty cool. This is a Smithsonian. Like, how would you explain that?
Unknown_00: It's a projector.
Unknown_09: Yeah, that was pretty expensive, like, but it was worth it. She really likes planets. And I got her some, like, cool shoes. I got her a few pairs of shoes. When terrorists train radicals to bomb the United States, they show them videos like this. Like, look at the endless success the Americans enjoy. They do not know what suffering is. That hand was 200 pounds ago. Ugh, fuck that.
Wait, this is only like a year ago. She gained 200 pounds in a year? No, it's two years. But jeez.
Unknown_15: That's still a hundred pounds a year, that's fucking impressive.
Unknown_05: I mean, two hundred pounds is a little... Yes, it was a hundred. ...exaggerated, but basically.
I think we got the gist of it for this.
Unknown_15: Blondie sent another video, and she's been good so far.
Unknown_15: Let's see. Cat at nine minutes onwards. That sounds like a plan.
Unknown_05: Did you watch the break of video?
Unknown_15: Yes, I did. Because there was something about it. Oh, is that the one where she's dancing and is drunk?
Unknown_15: I played the... I showed screencaps of it. I didn't play that video. Oh, I just showed her when she was drunk on Valentine's Day. Is there another one?
Unknown_07: Yeah. Really? I think so. That's not really like a video.
A mother and son Christmas.
Unknown_15: Hamburger is brutal.
Unknown_09: And if we don't...
Unknown_09: I'm hoping she's in like a good place. Holy shit, that is not a flattering angle of destiny.
Unknown_05: Amber has done this to- Amber is shit to all her girlfriends. That's what you need to know. Well, lookit, we got our new car. Amber- because Amber's whole focus- I love our car. Is to look better. Thread!
Unknown_15: Well, I know that in the current situation with Becky, the two gay guys she lives with run their own streaming thing, and they post videos where you can hear Amberlynn screaming in the background, and you get all these candid shots of her looking fat as shit.
That's not both of them, that's Eric.
Unknown_05: Rick, he is his husband, and Ricky isn't as involved in all this shit.
Unknown_05: Ricky, because Ricky's the only one in the house.
Unknown_15: Wait, they lost the fucking cat?
Unknown_09: There's our couch, by the way.
Unknown_09: It's so cute! What?
Unknown_15: They lost the cat?
Unknown_15: No! When was this? Oh, this is last year. So I guess... Aww, kitty!
Unknown_15: Maybe it wanted to get away. Stop filming your fucking kids! You're gonna get me fucking banned from YouTube, you fucking badass!
And we have nine others to do. More bad news, everybody! For a date.
Unknown_19: I guess that's all that was important in that, is that Amberlynn lost the fucking cat.
Unknown_15: She crushed it. Don't say that! The cat got adopted by one of those crazy old ladies that hoard animals and now he's just fat and fucking happy. That's what happened.
That's what happened. Don't fucking, don't twist my emotions like that.
Unknown_18: Alright. Um... I think that might be it. Unless you can think of anything.
Unknown_18: You said the breakup video.
Unknown_05: Yes, the breakup video.
Unknown_15: Okay, let me try to find that. Is that still on her channel? I noticed she doesn't tend to take videos down. She seems to be quite happy.
Unknown_05: Actually, she... She's taken...
Like the one video that she took down and caused her a lot of problems is the rape live video. But she doesn't actually have a big tendency to delete shit.
Unknown_05: Like especially now.
Unknown_05: Now she like understands the YouTube game more and she just doesn't give a shit. Like that's why she doesn't disable her comments or ratings anymore.
Unknown_15: I think this is it. This is We Broke Up.
Unknown_09: It's just called We Broke Up. Hey guys, so I have actually already filmed this video.
Unknown_09: It was over 18 minutes. There it is, yep.
Unknown_15: Okay, let me pause because we've seen several years of Amberlynn videos at this point.
Iconic look right here.
Unknown_15: Well, that's the thing I was gonna mention like when you think of like a like a 40 year old like Alabama woman who weighs as much as Amberlynn and she usually has like the discoloration in her face and she's cooking shit with like butter and everything's fried and And she just looks like a hot mess like Amberlynn Right here. Yeah, you're like we're we're getting there. We're like halfway to that that stereotype of a southern cooking wife
Unknown_05: By the way, this is one. I like the few shirts from that time. I feel like it was me At least she's got it the right way around this time I don't want to come on here and I
cry the whole video.
Unknown_09: I owe it to my audience. She looks actually distressed for once, instead of fake crying. Because when she did that poem for Casey, she was fake crying throughout the poem.
This looks like genuine emotional distress.
Unknown_05: Oh yeah, she was fucked up. She's still fucked up over this breakup. She's still in love with Destiny.
Unknown_15: Well, she got cheated on. I have been on YouTube for quite some time, as you guys know.
Unknown_09: Destiny is like her soulmate.
Unknown_05: I've had my fair share of moments.
Unknown_09: She fucking loves Destiny. To be honest, if somebody cheats on you and you stay friends with them afterwards, you're a cuck.
I don't know what the female equivalent of a cuck is, but that's pretty fucked up. You can't do that. You gotta cut them out.
Unknown_15: Wow, she's like legit crying.
Unknown_06: She is.
Unknown_05: Yeah. Because at this point, it had been broken up and she had been hiding it for, well, trying to hide it for a little bit in a few videos.
Unknown_00: She's one of the most amazing people. But then Destiny on Facebook, she didn't list herself as in a relationship with Amber anymore.
And so people were like, what's going on? She was like, fuck, I have to cry.
Unknown_15: Yeah, she tends to do that. She tends to hide it until she can.
Unknown_07: I am literally a mess, but this is... Oh my god, she's so fucking creepy in this video, too.
Unknown_05: She talks about, like, making Destiny still sleep in the same bed with her.
Unknown_15: Ooh, what?
Unknown_05: Yeah, just wait. Are we gonna watch all of this then?
Unknown_15: It's like 12 minutes, but that sounds good.
Unknown_09: That sounds like some good tea. And I really didn't feel like I was doing anything to you guys. There's just some parts of life
that takes you on such a fucking roller coaster that when you're so down and you're so low.
Unknown_06: I'm sorry, I'm like literally laughing at her. Sometimes you need to heal from those moments, but
On January 13th, ironically enough, it was actually Friday the 13th, Destiny broke up with me.
Unknown_09: Since then, I have filmed videos. I've put on fake smiles.
Unknown_09: I have cried every single time I shut off the camera.
I have screamed in my pillows. I have questioned if I am worth being here.
Unknown_20: You're so mean.
Unknown_15: You're like that other girl, the CXNT person.
Unknown_04: I just watched this video before, so I know what she's gonna say. I screamed in my head.
Unknown_15: Like, I'm the big mean cyberbully that runs a fucking cyberbully emporium. And you're just some chick, and she's like talking about how she's having a mental breakdown and shit over a breakup where she got cheated on, and you're just like giggling in the background. It's like, what the fuck?
fucking woman good shit this is what karma looks like right here is this crystals revenge or
Unknown_09: um that whole thing is very like up to destiny um but she broke up with me and it is so fucking like the most craziest concepts of the world is the fact that you as a person can have your whole future planned out your whole just everything so planned out and you think you have everything going for you and someone can just kind of rip that away from you and completely take that from you and see if you don't think this is funny she's like filming this like destiny than like the other
Well, somebody said that, um, one, one woman in the chat said something like, we know how this feels as women, but we also know that she's a bitch. So that makes it funny. Um, and somebody else said, let me try to find it. Cause it was a good comment. I don't want to talk over the video for all this time.
Unknown_15: Uh, where the fuck is it?
Unknown_18: I'm going to be so mad if I lost this.
Unknown_18: Ah, fuck. Fuck.
I saw it.
Unknown_15: I saw it. It's gone. No!
Unknown_15: Oh well. I'll think of it eventually.
Unknown_08: Never give up on her.
Unknown_08: I will try everything in my power to fix whatever is going on with her. And if you join the stream late, this is her breaking up with her, uh, her main girlfriend, I guess. Some of you knew. Some of you knew that we broke up.
Unknown_08: Um, And a lot of you were saying that I was doing this for a living.
Well, if there's a- She'll put a video of herself, like, crying about, like- I'm so afraid, like, because- No shit is getting real now, and then there's- This is one of the most painful things- That's funny. Okay, if there's a price to entry, I get to do whatever the fuck I want with it. You have no control over me.
Unknown_05: She's the most incredible person in the world.
Unknown_08: And-
Unknown_09: One of the best things that has ever happened to me was being hers.
Unknown_09: Was being her girlfriend.
Unknown_09: And, you know, I don't really know what to say.
So we were like, well, how come she's still in the vlog?
Unknown_09: Like, why does it say single if she's still in the vlog? We do still live together. We don't want to lose each other in the sense of like being friends and stuff.
Unknown_09: And we're even still sharing.
Unknown_08: Oh, here we go.
Unknown_09: I know a lot of you are going to be like, what? It's very much an attachment thing. Oh, God, I feel like that's creepy. Honestly, not to be able to sleep. Yeah, I just feel my anxiety. I wouldn't be able to sleep alone, so it has to be her idea. But her breaking up with me has done damage to my heart.
It's completely broken. See, that's the thing. She's so manipulative.
Unknown_09: I mean, do you think she's being manipulative even in this? Yeah. To act like everything was okay and to act like, you know, I would ignore the question and I would bypass everything that was mentioned about destiny and because I was embarrassed, I'm hurt, I just feel like I wish I can turn back time and just fix everything and
A lot of you were like, does this have something to do with the job video? It has nothing to do with the job video. Like everything I said in the job video is 100% truthful. And my boss has actually seen that video. She loves my YouTube videos. But yeah, everything I said in that video is 100% correct. Some of you guys were like, she said single because something about the job. And I don't know.
Unknown_08: I don't really know what you guys are talking about, but no, that's not it at all. Um, cause I'm going to do with that.
Unknown_09: it's more so like something going on internal with Destiny and it's just not it's not up to me to share that with anybody that's not.
Yeah it's called something internal Destiny's over you being a fat bitch to her.
Unknown_09: That's not right I guess and
Unknown_08: I just can't imagine ever wanting anything to do with anybody who ever cheated on me, ever. Yeah, neither do I. But she's in love with Destiny. That's legit fucking weird that they still talk and shit. Destiny really was the perfect girlfriend for her, and she completely fucked it up.
Unknown_05: By being a bitch.
Unknown_08: How is she a bitch to Destiny?
She was rude to her all the time. She constantly put her down. Like, on camera. He wanted her to quit her job, basically. Yeah, that's a bit fucked up. 24-7.
Unknown_05: Because, like, okay, here's the thing you have to remember about Amberlynn. Amberlynn is, like, a big fat bother. Like, she's helpless on her own.
Unknown_05: Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now.
Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now.
Unknown_05: Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to do anything now. Yeah, she needs Becky's help to
Unknown_05: Becky like made that deal with the devil and now she's stuck being Amber's like chauffeur What she just said is kind of telling because she said something it was all up to Destiny to make that decision.
Unknown_15: So she she seems kind of embittered that she didn't she didn't get to fuck her Becky's my favorite
Unknown_15: She's so harmless.
Unknown_05: No, she's not. How is she harmful?
Unknown_15: I mean, she's harmful in the sense that she's boring as fuck, but... Becky is just... Like, I used to feel kind of bad for Becky, but Becky is a straight up enabler.
Unknown_07: Of course.
Unknown_09: Like, Becky knows what she's doing.
Unknown_15: I mean, Amberlynn couldn't eat herself into a fucking scooter without help. She needs somebody to bring home food and shit. It really fucking sucks.
No, exactly. Like... And just a piece of the first time me and Destiny... Because like, when you have like this fat bitch like screaming at you that like, you know, she wants McDonald's at like two in the morning. And she said she never did either again. Yeah, that probably fucking sucks. Oh, fuck. I have to pull something up. Keep going. And she still loves me.
Unknown_05: throw Amber out of that damn house, but she doesn't because she has made Amber a gold source of money. You know, Becky doesn't have a job. She quit her job to be Amber's caretaker.
I'm gonna have to- I'm gonna have- If I can find this, I would fucking- I would love to show people. You reminded me of something.
Unknown_08: I don't have any juicy details. I don't have any of that. Um... I don't know. I don't really know what to say. I think this is the best I'm gonna get.
Unknown_15: Because I can't find the other one.
Unknown_15: Um... This is a really low resolution picture.
Unknown_06: Breakups are hard.
Unknown_06: Yeah.
Unknown_15: Bye. Okay, that video's over.
Unknown_15: The person on your screen right now, if you're watching, is Casey.
Who is from the Christian Weston Chandler early trolling days. Casey was one of the girlfriends. Casey was most notable for being in the dad call, where Chris got chewed out. And Casey was like, you know, I'm a doctor, I'm a physician or whatever the fuck. I know health and you're not healthy. You need to be healthy. If you want to be my boyfriend, you have to be healthy.
Unknown_15: There's another picture of Casey where she is like morbidly obese, just really fucking fat. And the legend goes, I don't know if it's true or not, but the legend goes that she would wake up Liquid Chris, who was the boyfriend, and eventually they did get married in real life during this age, but she would wake him up and tell him to go get McFlurries.
Like, in the middle of the night, and he would have to leave the fucking house and acquire McFlurries to feed the hambeast at any odd hour. It's not like she was pregnant or anything, it's just that she required McFlurries. And your story about thinking about Destiny or Becky feeding Amberlynn to her grave to death fat status reminded me of McFlurries.
Unknown_15: And for people who missed it, because people did miss it, let me pull up another video that's not Amberlynn, but which is interesting.
Unknown_15: Because people were talking about her shilling for better help.
Oh, God. And she did. And I mentioned this earlier. So if you want the full story with that.
Unknown_05: Here's the thing.
Unknown_05: Amber is such a fucking cuck. She showed for them and she didn't even get paid.
Unknown_15: She just did it because she saw other people doing it. No.
Unknown_05: OK.
Unknown_05: People like the shit on the Amberlynn forum, but they were on that better help shit way before anybody else because of Amber's fucking lies. Amber, she's just so lazy, like she doesn't, she doesn't, she won't go see a real therapist or a real doctor or anything like that, but people have been bothering her and do it for so long. She was like, Well, I'll just use a special news segment.
Special, special, special news segment.
Unknown_05: He lied about being diagnosed by them.
Unknown_15: Yeah, yeah. Well, let me play this clip from PewDiePie, because it sums it up.
Unknown_05: No, it doesn't, because he doesn't know. This is the thing, him and that fucking idiot Andy Warski, all these people.
Unknown_05: they just they took amber at her word that this is what happened and like incorporated it into the rest of it i said that i said that she told a lie that was so big it uh it hurt the the reputation of a hundred million dollar therapy company and got pewdiepie to shit on them like she's featured in this fucking video and she's taking that her face Thank god he blurred her face out.
Well, I made fun of that too. Hold on, I do want to show people who missed this because it's funny. ...provide a good service because they don't take accountability for any of their counselors, which then leads to a lot of people having bad experiences.
Unknown_11: They say themselves that they don't diagnose the platform is not intended for diagnosis But then you have really questionable videos of youtubers saying I suffer with binge eating Which I do want to talk to you guys about because I was officially diagnosed with binge eating disorder.
I wonder who that could be guys I was officially diagnosed by their therapist.
Unknown_11: Okay, who who diagnosed you? If you guys have ever heard of betterhelp.com Oh, really? So you were officially diagnosed by a therapist. Therapists should not diagnose you, by the way. And BetterHelp themselves say that, but still, apparently, it happens.
Unknown_17: I never actually received any therapy.
Unknown_15: Okay, that's just the funny part. Somebody mentioned that this literally got posted like three hours ago right before the stream started. We have to watch this.
Unknown_09: She's wearing her fucking shirt backwards still.
Oh my god, girl.
Unknown_05: And she knows it's backwards now because, like, enough people were fucking telling her. She just wants to show off the titties. But it's so funny, like, I'm not entitled to that. Like, she might have filmed that the same day she filmed the haul.
Unknown_09: So I shouldn't say that for sure. Okay, I can't believe this.
Unknown_15: Right before our stream, she did a Burger King mukbang, or mukbang, whatever the fuck it is.
Unknown_05: Of course she did.
I want to see her eat a cheeseburger.
Unknown_05: You are weak.
Unknown_09: Eat that cheeseburger, motherfucker. Cheesy tots? You couldn't just get regular tater tots without fucking cheese in them?
Unknown_15: She's like a shitty version of a food review bra.
It's okay. And then, we have a spicy sandwich.
Unknown_15: Oh, eat that sandwich.
Unknown_09: Okay.
Unknown_09: Oh my god.
Unknown_15: Is Josh turning into a feeder fetishist?
Unknown_05: No, but that's who this fucking video is for. Okay.
Unknown_15: Do you think there are people who legit pay for her because they like to see her eat?
Unknown_05: Yeah, yes. She's talked before that she gets emails like from feeders. I mean, she didn't say that explicitly, but she'll be like, you know, I get messages from people being like, you know, when are you going to be on camera again?
This is the good part. This is the good part. Put it in. Put it in. Why is it so funny?
Unknown_15: See, now you're disgusted and I'm laughing so hard I have a headache.
Unknown_15: This just got posted. It's literally a couple hours old right now. That's fucking fantastic.
The last video I uploaded was the spaghetti mukbang.
Unknown_09: That just went up today, a few hours ago. Oh, she- she took out- I didn't even notice that.
Unknown_15: She took out the fucking tomato. The one goddamn thing of- of sustenance.
Unknown_05: She rips it out, like the gun.
Unknown_05: I'm not even gonna judge her for that because I fucking hate raw tomatoes.
Unknown_15: You need the tomatoes on the chicken sandwich.
Unknown_05: She got that lettuce. That's all she needs. I have a dietitian, y'all.
Unknown_15: She just made a joke. I'm a dietician. She knows.
Unknown_06: She knows how fucking awful this is. She's trolling.
I mean, she's trolling, but also, like, she's delusional, and she, in her mind, she does think that she's, like, knows as much as... The fucking back straps are, like, choked around her neck, because they're supposed to be at the base of her spine, or the back of her head.
Unknown_15: But instead, they're wrapped around her fucking neck. I have one.
Unknown_05: She's not a smart person. Because she's... What are you doing?
Unknown_15: Because she's wearing her dress on backwards. How do you not feel that?
I'm so dumb. Sometimes I'll repeat myself.
Unknown_09: Or like, someone will say something to me and then I'll repeat what they said. Like, why do I do that?
Unknown_09: So... Yeah, I have a dietician now and... She has a dietician, that's bullshit. Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
Unknown_05: Oh, my God. Wait, when she says this actually, she has a dietician. She had some random... who said they were a dietician, like, reach out and offer to help her. So that's probably what she's talking about. She does not have a fucking dietician. She doesn't go see her doctor. She doesn't have a real... Like, I will believe it when I see... I will believe it when I see it.
Next comment is from someone named Amber Lard. Amber Lard.
Unknown_09: And her dietitian doesn't dietitian. I have no idea what you're talking about. Hold up, I have to rewind it.
Unknown_15: She read a comment from somebody named Amber Lard. She's like reading troll comments. Next comment is from someone named Amber Lard.
Unknown_09: Hello.
They said, won't believe because she probably made it up. I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even remember what I talked about in the video that I uploaded today. So... Why would you even read that? No idea.
Unknown_09: Because she's kind of long. Queen of the Nine-Nine. She's to keep the cycle going. She trolls, so she lies.
Unknown_05: People call her out on her lies. She doubles down on the lies. And then she like reads a troll comment to show she's not afraid of the trolls, but the comment she reads is out of context and she doesn't address it in any way.
Unknown_15: And when she reads comments, she doesn't read them.
Unknown_05: And then like she'll do this, and then like the next day she'll lie and say she doesn't read them.
If Amber Lard is in the chat, say something. Represent Amber Lard. But yeah, this dietician has told her apparently that this is her new thing, that she gets all this fucking gross shit, but if she just cuts her meals in half,
Unknown_05: and eats the rest like an hour later, it's all gonna be good, you know? And eat it on a blue plate, like that's the secret to weight loss, y'all, did you know?
You know, I wonder what a Korean person who watches mukbangs would think of this video. I wanna see, like, if, can we take this video and restream it into the mukbang area of Twitch to see what, like, with a Korean title, to see what Korean people say?
Unknown_09: They would be talking about me. That's for sure.
Unknown_09: It's the diabetes.
Unknown_16: It's making jokes about diabetes. It has to be like a, like a coping mechanism.
Unknown_09: Well, cause she won't treat her fucking diabetes.
Oh God. Can you lie the other day and said a lot better time? I got labs.
Unknown_05: Pre-diabetic. Like, bitch! No. She could be pre-diabetic.
Unknown_15: She's young. She's like a little bit older than me.
Unknown_05: She's still young. No, no, no, no, no. She is diabetic.
Unknown_15: Can you imagine? I want to see the videos where she's like doing the pricking on her fingers and shit. It's good! She opened her fucking mouth to put in a cheesy tot and she still had hamburger in her fucking mouth.
Unknown_05: Bitch! She doesn't take care of it. Like, she's in complete fucking denial about it.
Not quite, honey.
Unknown_09: You need to eat to survive. If I completely stopped eating.
Unknown_09: Yeah, I'd lose weight.
Unknown_05: She has like diabetic like dick wounds.
Unknown_05: But she will. She has marks like on her neck. You can't see it because she's wearing a fucking dress backwards. But like she has one mark on her neck that has been there for ages now. Her skin's not healing like the fucking the anorexics. When you have when you have diabetes, it weakens your immune So your shit's not healing right. It takes forever and her knuckles are dark as fuck. If I got someone just telling me, oh I don't like your earrings, that like broke my heart. Yeah.
She's a fucking wreck.
Unknown_05: I just don't care about anything.
Unknown_15: I want to see, after this, I think I'm going to call it quits with this video. Because this is a great video to send off on. So if you're in chat, you need to tell me if you want a chinky song or a cheeky breaky song. Those are the rules. I'll type it so you understand.
YouTube has built her skin to be so tough, but apparently she her skin doesn't actually heal
Unknown_16: Somebody else is talking for her now, so she gets to eat faster.
That's funny. That's really funny.
Unknown_15: I can't get over how big her channel is. She posted this video three hours ago and she's gotten almost 20,000 views. That's crazy to me.
Unknown_15: Is it like all people hate watching or what?
Unknown_03: Pretty much.
Unknown_03: Pretty much.
Look at, look at that.
Unknown_15: Oh, this is a fucking, I should make a, I'm totally making a hamburger. I said hamburger. I need to make a Amberlynn Reid enjoys hamburger after, after this, this is quality. I'm enjoying this video.
Unknown_09: Sorry if you guys can't hear him, which I'm sure you probably can.
Unknown_05: Oh God, like look at her fucking chin. Does she have shit on it?
Unknown_05: No, it's just really fat.
Unknown_15: It's bulbous. It's like a Peter Griffin chin, almost. The way that it sticks out.
It's just not a butt chin.
Unknown_05: Her face is like perfectly round now because of it. You can barely see her ears anymore. God, the fucking scrunchies. That's her new thing now. She's into scrunchies.
Unknown_15: That's gay.
Unknown_09: She needs to bring back the bows.
Unknown_05: She doesn't remember the cat ears.
Unknown_05: He still does the cat ears sometimes. This is almost over. It's almost over.
We got three more minutes left, guys. Oh, somebody.
Unknown_15: Quality content. She's almost done. To her credit, she's packing it in for us. She's doing her best.
Unknown_15: CJF asks, can you discuss the bra she's been wearing every day for five years? What's the story with that?
Oh my god.
Unknown_05: Um, this poor bra. I don't know how this bra hasn't just like fucking like crumbled into her fucking hands by now.
Unknown_05: It's disgusting.
Unknown_15: What's, I mean, what's the story with it?
Unknown_05: Does she talk about it? Her chicken sandwich fell apart! Oh, that's funny.
Now she has mustard on her lips. This is a sight. This is fucking entertaining.
Unknown_09: Oh my god!
Unknown_15: What the fuck?
Unknown_09: That's so gross!
Unknown_15: She just, like, shoves that shit, I can't believe that. She's on camera! You're on camera!
And then she's making that savory face, like, she's doing this all, she's, and she knew I would be streaming, because the message went up, so she put up the most disgusting fucking thing she could, knowing I would watch it.
Unknown_15: This wasn't a direct assault on me.
Unknown_05: This was an attack.
Unknown_09: A bite of that and a bite of that together. So good. All right.
Unknown_15: I see a message about a brawl, but like, really, I gotta, I have to calm myself. I have to go get something to eat. Yummy.
Unknown_05: You have to go get something to eat.
Unknown_15: Like go get a hamburger.
Unknown_06: All right. I should stay content, but.
You know what I asked what kind of song you guys wanted I'm gonna have I have to put in an executive override and get executive override to get something else. Whenever I eat at McDonalds I get full rather quickly.
Unknown_15: She said that like it was a bad thing. She said she eats at Burger King because when she goes to McDonald's she gets fuller faster. And she doesn't want that. She wants to engorge as much physical mass as humanly fucking possible.
McDonald's potentially having a more filling meal is a detriment to her.
Unknown_05: She doesn't actually like food. She just likes the sensation of like eating and feeling full.
Unknown_09: I'm so happy. I finally have one.
Unknown_09: So now people can stop saying that. Oh my God, look at her fucking arm.
Unknown_15: What did she say? She was so happy for what?
Unknown_09: I really needed someone to tell me what to do.
Unknown_15: Oh, a therapist or a dietitian.
Unknown_09: She's talking about her fucking dietitian again.
Unknown_15: You're so... Oh, that's making me angry. You clearly do not have a dietitian if you're eating Burger King.
Unknown_09: Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the smoothball.
I kind of feel like I look like a grandma today.
Unknown_15: Because you're wearing your shirt backwards.
Unknown_09: Anyways.
Unknown_05: Oh, God, stop with these fucking chest shots. Doesn't this look like a grandma?
Unknown_15: She's so proud of her titties, but her titties are fat.
Unknown_05: Well, here's the thing, though, that she like only like gaining more weight in her titties. Like, oh, my girl.
Unknown_05: How do you not know that's on backwards?
Unknown_15: I think that's all we can do, because I'm definitely, I hope you guys, if you were planning on sending superchats, I hope you got it in, because we're fucked after this. We're gone. Thanks for playing.
Unknown_15: Is there any closing thoughts you have? Any final statements?
Unknown_05: There is so much more I could say about Amber. Basically, in the words of many a commenter that I've now crushed from posting this on, the site.
She's, oh, you cut out a little bit. Yeah, she's fat. She's fat as fuck.
Unknown_15: I didn't get to show as many ankle pictures as I would have liked, but I'm going to go ahead and put a song on. And I was emptying out that folder of images you sent me. So I'll continue to do that. I'll continue to throw images up as the song plays. And that'll be our outro. So thank you very much for joining me and helping illuminate some of the dark corners I didn't get to touch on.
The dark corners. Oh, that's phrasing, phrasing. Oh, geez, not like that.
Unknown_05: Girl, girl, I ain't touching them dark crevices.
Unknown_15: I ain't into that. All right. Take it easy.
Unknown_05: All right, you do.
Unknown_15: It's just me now. It's just me and you.
Unknown_15: Thank you guys for watching. We got like over, over 1,200 people watching. And I'm very happy I got to share Amberlynn. I didn't know if this would do well or not. Lots of people who follow Amberlynn came in full time to watch somebody not so much in the know discover her in real time.
So with that, let me play my song.
Unknown_15: You're free to go if you don't want to see the image montage I have. Thanks for watching. Where'd that fucking song go?
Unknown_18: Where the fuck did it go? There it is.
Yo, homeboy. Where you been, man? We've been looking for you. Yeah, we ain't seen you around Burger World lately. So where you been, huh? Oh, you know, around. Want a piece of pizza? Think I got extra pizza around here somewhere. No, that's OK, thanks. Yo, ding-dong, man. Ding-dong, ding-dong, yo. No, thanks, really. Yo, eat this, man. It's good for you.
Unknown_10: Not really very hungry right now. Hey, man, what it is with you? You on some kind of diet? Is that what they teach you in that little sissy school of yours? Back off me, man. Back off. The question is, are you fat or what? Leave me alone. I said, are you fat? Get off me, man. Stop it. You ain't down with us no more. You ain't fat. You ain't fat. You ain't fat. You ain't nothing. You ain't nothing.
The bud is wide, well mine is too Just watch your mouth, or I'll sit on you The word is out, better treat me right Cause I'm the king of cellulite Ham on, ham on, ham on whole wheat, alright
Unknown_12: When I never used a phone booth When I never seen the tools When I'm going to the movies I take up seven rooms because I'm fat! I'm fat! Come on! Really, really fat! You know I'm fat! I'm fat! You know it! Really fat! You know I'm fat! I'm fat! Come on! Really, really fat! You know! Don't you call me pudgy, portly, or a stout just tell me once again who's fat?
To get my mail It measures on The Richter scale Down at the beach I'm a lucky man I'm the only one Who gets a tan If I have one more
Seconds, I'm having twenty-thirds when I go to get my shoes shine. I gotta take their word because I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat,
Unknown_20: No! No! No!
You see me coming your way, better give me plenty space. If I tell you that I'm hungry, then won't you feed my face? Because I'm fat, fat, I'm fat, so really, really fat. You know I'm fat, fat, I'm fat, you know it. You know I'm fat, fat, I'm fat, you know it. You know when I sit around, I really sit around, you know I'm fat. I'm fat! I'm fat! Shamow! You know I'm fat! I'm fat! You know it! You know it! You know! You know! You know! Come on! And you know all by myself, I'm a crowd, let me tell you! You know I'm huge! You know it! You know I'm fat! You know! You know I'm fat! I'm fat! You know it! You know!
And the whole world knows I'm bad And I'm proud just to tell me once again Who's fat?