William Atchison (Couch Cuck) 2018-11-14

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Unknown_15: You couldn't sleep for the awful fright That kept you up in bed last night But while curious shapes shift in the dark They vanish with a sunrise spark So arise and shine Now's the time to be alive To stay awake with me a while So arise

Unknown_08: I can tell you what's fucking wrong. It's my ability to fucking stream I don't know what the fuck what the fuck is wrong with my fucking brain, but I swear to fucking God I'll never get this set up set up correctly. Oh jeez

Unknown_08: God the stresses of trying to trying to do something on the internet. It's killing me on the inside I have to change the links on every goddamn thing that I put up. I was gonna say Oh, this is gonna be my big event. I'm gonna do it on On not only William Ashton. I have a surprise in store But I completely fucked it up already out the gate. I streamed for maybe three seconds before And I don't even know

Unknown_08: If this is working because I've upped my bitrate. I've been fucking with my settings. I tried to do a test stream But lord knows lord knows if it's working

Unknown_08: I'm looking at my chat. Tell me chat. Speak to me. Speak sweet words in my ear. Have I actually set it up? Have I set it up? Is it working correctly? Have I managed to fucking set this shit up on the internet and have it broadcast to the internet? I hope so. Let me pull out my non-speaky chair and we'll be all set.

Unknown_08: See, I was gonna get my non-squeaky chair while the song was playing, but unfortunately I shit the bed immediately.

Unknown_08: And, uh... Ditch the voice changer and reveal your real boomer voice. Yeah, I installed something on my computer to make me sound like a prepubescent boy.

Unknown_08: Oh, jeez.

Unknown_08: Well, I guess the stream's over. We're playing Life is Strange now. But before we do that, let's go ahead and watch some news, since we all love to watch news.

Unknown_00: Police say 21-year-old William Atchison detailed his twisted plot.

Unknown_01: how focused he was and how deranged he was.

Unknown_00: He disguised himself as a student, arriving at 8 a.m., hiding in a bathroom until football player Francisco Fernandez walked in. He shot and killed him, then killing cheerleader Casey Marquez in the hallway. Anyone have a description of the suspect? He fired into classrooms as teachers locked doors. Students took cover under desk. He killed himself when police arrived. Police found a note in his pocket saying, work sucks, school sucks, life sucks. Tonight, the FBI revealing they spoke to Atchison and his family in 2016 after he asked an online forum which gun works for a mass shooting. The investigation was closed. Tonight, a community searching for answers as it mourns the loss of two young lives. Tammy Lightner, NBC News, Aztec, New Mexico.

Unknown_08: wasn't that just tragic a waste of life let me um oh i should have put their pictures on my desktop i'm afraid i did not but the uh

Unknown_08: There is speculation he didn't even intend to kill anybody. I don't know how true that is.

Unknown_08: But it's originally suspected that he just wanted to kill himself in front of a classroom. But when the football player walked in and saw him getting dressed in a school shooter outfit, he just started opening fire. And he managed to kill two Mexican kids before he got shot by the student resource officer. And he killed himself after being shot.

Unknown_08: But he was going to shoot up a classroom, apparently, after he started opening fire because something happened.

Unknown_08: And let's just roll this.

Unknown_12: Katie Potter is being lauded as a hero for saving 17 students during a shooting at Aztec High School in New Mexico Thursday.

Unknown_01: I heard popping sounds down the hall.

Unknown_01: going pop, pop, pop.

Unknown_12: A few minutes before, she let Francisco Fernandez go to the bathroom. When Fernandez opened the bathroom door, the shooter was standing inside and immediately killed him. Then the shooter walked into the hallway and killed Casey Marquez. Staff members heard the shots and knew something was horribly wrong.

Unknown_01: I looked in the hall and the custodian

Unknown_01: Emory Hill was in the hall and he was saying, who are you? And I could tell he was frantic and I knew what was going on.

Unknown_12: Potter told her students to get into the classroom's office. They pushed a sofa in front of the door and laid on the ground.

Unknown_01: They knew they were in serious danger, and a few of them said, I don't want to die. And I go, you know what? You're going to be OK.

Unknown_12: The shooter found the students inside, but couldn't get in because of the barricade.

Unknown_13: Straight through the wall.

Unknown_01: The barricade.

Unknown_12: He shot through the walls, but miraculously missed everyone.

Unknown_01: I heard pop, pop, pop for probably four or five minutes and he was right outside the door and I knew that he was shooting everything up.

Unknown_12: Then the police arrived a few minutes later and she knew they were safe. Potter knew Marquez and Fernando. She described them both as popular, all-American students. She'll be home for the next few days watering her plants and thinking about her grandchildren, but she'll substitute the next chance she gets.

Unknown_01: I told the secretary who called me this morning, I said, if you need somebody Monday, I'll be there.

Unknown_12: Aztec High School was closed today and it will remain closed until the investigation is complete and the damage is repaired. In Aztec, New Mexico, Ray Bogan, Fox News.

Unknown_08: I really should have had some kind of animation ready to drop sunglasses on that woman's face after she's like, I don't give a fuck. I'll push the couch in front of the door and I'll come back in the next day, eat shit.

Unknown_08: Yeah, I see chat picked up on the fact they called him all American when they're clearly Mexican, but we'll forgive that for the time being Let's learn a little bit more about him as it turns out fuck you probably has the largest internet presence of any school shooter I've ever seen It's all kind of samey. It's kind of the same story, which is why this isn't Entirely about fuck you or William Atchison. There's a little bit more to the story that I'll be going into

Unknown_08: Let's hear some words of wisdom, though. from him remember kids if you plan on killing people don't be edgelords in public about it and save a bullet for your own pea-sized brain thanks well that's words of wisdom because he did end up killing himself when he got shot by the student resource officer so I guess he did have a backup gun he did get investigated by the FBI for talking about wanting to make a shooting though I don't know if that goes against his own advice but we'll forgive him for that

Unknown_08: You might recognize that that post is on the Kiwi Farms, actually. He posted a lot on the Kiwi Farms. Well, not a lot, a lot. He posted a couple dozen posts. Most of them were shit posts.

Unknown_08: Here's some friendly comments towards me. Mention me in your manifesto, he says, in February of that year. Make the popular kids play. Well, I should have made the intro song Pumped Up Kick, so that's the way he is. That's the attitude he has. And how long until you conduct a mass shooting? He said literally days, because I think the shooting was on the 12th of December?

Unknown_08: Or the 9th of December. And this is on the 4th, so it's about a couple days before...

Unknown_08: You know what? I just remembered something. Oh, I'll bring that up later. I completely forgot about some messages he sent me. We'll look at them live, I guess. I haven't screened through them at all. I've had this up for like three days and this completely skipped past me. He sent me private messages. I'll pull them up towards the end, I guess.

Unknown_08: These were his posts some examples. They were all shit posts. They weren't really involved I gave him the deceased tag because he is dead He's asking the slide stocks were illegal in the in the thread about the Las Vegas shooter They are he didn't use a slide stock he just took a gun and

Unknown_04: and Iban and big red lettering very foreboding.

Unknown_08: It's kind of shitposty though. He was in a lot of different forums. He was in the Columbine forum or like a fan club for Columbine shooters. This is them talking about the shooting and being kind of freaked out because they remembered him.

Unknown_08: Let's see. Oh, these are some pictures he posted on the Columbine shooter fan club forum.

Unknown_04: Very edgy.

Unknown_04: What's this? Oh, these are some Discord messages.

Unknown_08: Uh, his whole sh- like, he- he talked very nonsensically. He had no rhythm to anything he did. It's just kinda nonsense. Uh... Like... None of this- none of this makes sense. Ceased performs fellatio on toddlers daily. Allah has chosen you as an infidel. I am the deadliest mass shotler world has seen. Prepare anus.

Unknown_04: It's just nonsense.

Unknown_04: In fact, I think

Unknown_04: Surely I put this somewhere.

Unknown_08: Oh. Oh, this is a hidden one. Yeah. This is his last message he posted anywhere on any site was this Discord message. This is his manifesto. You guys ready?

Unknown_08: I feel kind of embarrassed saying this, but I got a ride home from some guy named Mark and the way he would look at me really freaked me out sometimes. Then he parked the car onto the side of the road and asked me a bunch of personal questions like how big your dick is. and how often you jack off. He started to get down on me and unzip my zipper and pulled out my cock. I freaked out, so I threw him back and tried to open the car door. He threw me into the back seat and started to suck on me very fast. I don't know why I was hard, but I liked it. He started to rip all my clothes off and started to slap me in the face, calling me some bitch or something, honestly. At the time, I really enjoyed it, but right after I cummed all over his face, I felt really guilty and very dirty for the cum all over my eyes and now I felt like an abused whore. Could someone help me? I need help.

Unknown_08: So this is the gayest shooting manifesto ever conceived. Congratulations for that accomplishment, I guess.

Unknown_08: Well, he did if people are mentioning the incel uprising. Well, I have good news for that. He did have a Profile on slut hate as well. This is one of the screencaps from that I mean if I were to just pour over everything he's posted everywhere. I would be at this for hours Work hard for society girls benefit equal scam work hard for yourself equal fucking legit quote for truth. I Also, any incels out there can always be supreme gentlemen and hero and have thousands of fangirls. You want to suck your fucking ghost dick off, dude. I believe in an afterlife would be awesome experience as you can just walk into girls when they in the shower and you teach them a lesson. Inject them with cancer in their vajoo a la rectio.

Unknown_08: Like he... You know, I remember reading this post before this stream and I don't remember this being so retarded. It's actually like triply, doubly retarded as I attempt to read this out loud in front of hopefully a couple hundred people.

Unknown_08: Probably would have been more people if I didn't accidentally murder the stream. But what can you do, right?

Unknown_04: Okay.

Unknown_04: Let's uh... We got, of course the Kiwi Farms got blamed for this.

Unknown_08: This is Transethics saying, I've been telling people the users of Kiwi Farms were dangerous for a while. They have kill counts in their profiles. Now two students are dead. Dun dun dun.

Unknown_08: Well now... Now I can change the title. Some of the astute people may have realized, may have noticed.

Unknown_08: There's a question mark in the title of the video and the question mark is

Unknown_08: I can now change it live. It is Blackland Forums. Even though he was in Encyclopedia Dramatica SysOp, really, even that wasn't his primary abode. His main method of communicating with people, or at least for quite some time, from the years 2009 to like 2013, I think, was on a website about a Lego brick building game.

Unknown_08: And we're gonna be going over that as well. This is basically it for the Couchcock. He was a weirdo. On Blockland Forum, he was named Sephiroth, and he had thousands of posts. Again, I tried going through those as well, but it's just so much bullshit. Let me find the post where he got banned at. I think I had that up.

Unknown_04: He- Oh, there we go. Sorry, I didn't have that loaded into OBS for some reason.

Unknown_08: This is what he got Dan for from the forum some time ago. But really, he spent most of his teenage years on this website.

Unknown_08: I've been talking with Seth, my little brother, he's lying about being on a brother's account, it's a common thing, about a lot of things and I think I have a very amazing discovery. The reason why so many kids these days are more playful with their sexuality instead of keeping straight is that it's kind of the cool thing to do in a lot of ways now. That my cartoons 80s to 90s were about honor and morals all the time and nowadays most cartoons are really just plain weird. The truth is, what if due to our world state of overpopulation, the nature's way of evolving humans sexually into usually being gay and stuff is to slow the rapid growth of human population?

Unknown_08: So, I mean this is, I guess this got him banned from the site. It's really fucking tame compared to everything else that happens on that site.

Unknown_08: Um, but I want to, I want to share it with you. I know it's not the couch guy, really. I mean, his shit's all, we went over that. We looked at it.

Unknown_08: Most of his shit is just fucking insane gibberish that has no logical thread. And that's intentional. Like I've spoken to a bunch of people from the community who kind of knew him and he didn't really have any friends. Like even on Steam and stuff he didn't have many friends because he made no connections with people. He had no friends and even in life

Unknown_08: He was posting, oh, let me bring this up, I did not read this one. This is one of the messages, his name, and this is Poshul2, which I think is how you pronounce that in Russian, and it means fuck you, so this is just fuck you in Russian again.

Unknown_08: I think this is November 23rd, 2017 on Steam, which is right before the shooting.

Unknown_08: And this is probably the most lucid he is anywhere, ever, at any point. He says, How am I supposed to function in this world? Wherever I go, I see degeneracy. Pointless materialism, hedonism, sexual decay, dirty niggers who do nothing but slowly break down the society, etc. It's fucking everywhere. No way to escape it. 99% of people are a part of it, and whenever I do, I am confronted with the death of the West. Go to the store and buy groceries in peace? Nope. Here's a group of LGBT liberal filth in line with you. And there's a nigger family with 10 kids over there. And a fin, too. Oh, Jesus Christ. The finish. But he's overweight as fuck and he's buying alcohol and shit junk food. Fucking fantastic. I used to think that this was a phase and we'd get over it. But I've now come to realize that I was born into a literal dystopia.

Unknown_08: I see some mixed reactions in chat regarding this. Some claiming that this is woke.

Unknown_08: He's not wrong.

Unknown_08: Fucking fins. Yeah, basically. But, I mean, this was his worldview about everything, so he killed two Mexican people in high school and shot the fuck out of a sofa. Rest in peace.

Unknown_08: But I can imagine why he thinks that way when you look at where he comes from. Now where he comes from is a little place called the Blockland Forum. This is a Photoshop obviously, but the Blockland Forum is really the best place for aspiring young school shooters to go and hone their craft before taking it live on the streets.

Unknown_08: What's really interesting about this board is despite it being a Actually, let me pull I realize I have this all set up. I have all these screenshots and stuff of things I'd like to show you and Like I work this all the way up to the the final minute like I've been looking through shit for like hours today. I

Unknown_08: Trying to get this the scrapbook of shit thrown together But let me go ahead and pull this up for people because I realized just now People might not know what the fuck a block land is Okay, let me just put it let me just take up oh and I have this Yeah, let me read this first. This is another lucid post of fuck you before I get into the block land shit. Oh

Unknown_08: This is ThinkAtheist from 2014. I'll actually just read through, not all of this, but most of this.

Unknown_08: So he's a fedora tipper as fuck, and he's basically complaining about being stuck in a rural redneck town. This kind of conflicts with his earlier thing about not wanting to see black people in a grocery store.

Unknown_08: But he's just, he says he has no education. He dropped out of Aztec High School in 2010, which is when he would have been 14. He was forced to attend again, and he dropped out again. I think he dropped out like three or four times. Nothing but savages and douchebags. I never motivated myself to get a GED. I need the forced classes and structure of school, but couldn't deal with all the meth heads, roughnecks, and rednecks. I have no job. I tried to apply at a few places, Wendy's, the General Dollar, and Dairy Queen, all rejected. And besides, I don't have the strength to deal with those people. I can be a hard worker, but I got a really bad social anxiety, hate, and fear of all these people. Plus, I don't got a phone to keep in touch with the boss if they force me to go in for overtime. I got a nocturnal schedule anyways, no car though, nor a license. Here's a pro tip for everybody listening. I'll talk about this a little bit at the end.

Unknown_08: I was like that too. I was really bad at talking and shit when I was a teenager.

Unknown_08: Get a job.

Unknown_08: Get a job because I started working like fast food when I was like 17. I worked for maybe a year before I started doing programming stuff.

Unknown_08: The difference is night and day. Like if you're afraid to talk to people, if you can't order a pizza on the phone, get a fucking job at a fast food place. You will be over that shit in a couple months. I promise you.

Unknown_08: We already know Josh, you're autistic. Nigga, fuck you.

Unknown_08: I'm bad at it now? Oh jeez.

Unknown_08: Well, that's not really a social thing. That's just how I sound. I always sound very strange, but that's fine.

Unknown_08: Josh talks tips. Yeah, I need to start making... I need to make food reviews like DSP.

Unknown_08: Josh tries at McDonald's in Russia.

Unknown_08: Let's see, let's continue. I have no friends here. All my friends are digital now. Only time in life that I had a social life were the times I didn't live in the four corners. I don't know what that means actually. I tried a lot during my childhood in this area, but let me just put it this way. One of my friends and their little brothers and sisters stealthily stole my PlayStation 1 I had since the 90s, along with dozens of games, all of which could be worth thousands of- Fuck you, your PlayStation 1 games aren't worth thousands of dollars.

Unknown_08: This is mostly him just talking about people stealing his shit, I guess. I tried to socialize in this shit town, but to no avail.

Unknown_08: Point four, major depression, large amounts of anger and hatred. Oh jeez, his name is not important.

Unknown_08: Lots of boredom. I used to cure it through bong hits and video games, but I can't even find those enjoyable anymore. Complains about his dad. His dad's probably a fin. 350 pounds and watches Fox News.

Unknown_08: throws a hissy fit over everything never even bothered to help me get my driver's license my mom's a psycho hillbilly drunk from florida oh shit the well runs deep the florida alumni who's really mentally ill she smokes and drinks a lot and smells disgusting but has no manners whatsoever the most hillbilly accent you can imagine i got literally zero contacts and i'm too lazy to get a ged

Unknown_08: Should I escape this dump or deal with it? How can I become polite and make some friends out there in this world?

Unknown_08: No replies, I don't think. I'm pretty sure this guy no replies.

Unknown_04: You should've replied, think-atheist. This is all your fucking thought.

Unknown_08: I guess that paints the picture perfectly, doesn't it? You have this fucking guy that has no idea how to talk to people, has no social net, hates the world around him, blames everybody else for him being awkward, people steal his shit so he kills some Mexican kids, and then gets completely fucked over by an old lady in her sofa.

Unknown_08: Oh, geez. Let's go back to Blackland, though.

Unknown_08: I'll pull up the PMs that I have from some time ago.

Unknown_08: But really, I guess I could just pull up the website and show you.

Unknown_04: Yeah, let's do that.

Unknown_04: This is what Blockland is.

Unknown_08: It's literally just this shitty fucking game for LEGO brick building.

Unknown_08: And that's it. And you might think, well, that's not interesting at all. This looks like a really shitty fucking game.

Unknown_08: How does this inspire the kind of shit that fucking happens? And the answer is the forum. The forum is the interesting thing. Nobody cares about the fucking game.

Unknown_08: Oh, it's like Roblox. Let me let me say this game came out before Roblox and this game came out before Minecraft Really Blockland was in a position to make lots and lots of money But it didn't and there's a reason for that. There's a reason why Blockland didn't make any money and it has to do with the admin which I'll get into and

Unknown_08: Roblox or roblox Yeah, he is a blockhead and that's what they call him This is the drama forum on Blockland and they might think how does a fucking Lego brick building game have a drama forum? Well, the answer is it has a really big drama forum because of the admin and his approach to moderation Even though he is running what is ostensibly a children's video game

Unknown_08: This forum has 658 pages of threads about its own users.

Unknown_04: And this is the rules for the drama thread.

Unknown_08: If you, anyone who posts who cares or no one cares or similar dismissive statements will be banned. Examples of common dismissive posts. The host can do whatever they want, it's their server. Referring to the individual decentralized nature of Blockland and people hosting their own servers.

Unknown_08: Mike does not make right just because we can't physically stop people from being jerks on their own computers doesn't make it okay. We are attempting to stop them via social pressure. That is the point of this forum. So this guy, Badspot, apparently the admin of Blockland Forum, the developer, believes that children should make threads about each other and teach each other how to behave.

Unknown_08: so that we can cure the societal ills of the forum. And no, trust me, I will get into that with Saizan.

Unknown_08: And the last one, the drama forum should be removed. The drama forum is a reflection of the ills of society. Removing the forum would only blind us to those ills, leaving no hope of addressing them.

Unknown_08: So this is an example of a thread that would be posted in this children's video game website.

Unknown_08: I again, I blocked it out. I know it's kind of weird for me to block out doxing and shit, but I can't show this on YouTube at least and This is about a guy called aquaver. He's one of the one of the other people like Well, fuck you or Sephiroth as he's known on on blackland kind of

Unknown_08: Akaver has a history of hacking the site because it runs on something called SMF, which is a really broken I think free forum software which the the black line forums runs on and He's just he's just a nuisance poster nuisance poster who keeps coming back and I think he's even the one who posted rats Offering like hacks for the game. But when you installed it, they would just install something with a

Unknown_08: that allowed Aquavir to log into your computer remotely. So, they got doxxed. The information's actually bad, which is why you shouldn't let random weirdos post unvetted information on your website, because stalking in this instance is accusing him of being, this person, of being a criminal, when the information wasn't even good. Interestingly, there's this thread on Iben, which we saw, fuck, you mentioned Iben before,

Unknown_08: Oddly So that name is gonna be important later And I'll get I'll get back into the meat of this But that's that's essentially the drama forum. So you have this fucking guy who is Insane he's on a board filled with other insane people and I

Unknown_08: You have thousands of these people, because even now the forum has, I think, millions of posts. And I'll just boot it up, actually. I can go to the all-purpose and show you some stuff from this. It's a lot. It's kind of... Originally, Badspot, who I'll get into a little bit, was a... He was a goon before he opened this. And I kind of wanted like a Space Station 13 kind of thing, where the goons could come and...

Unknown_08: Do you know do their let's plays and stuff, but it didn't become that it ended up becoming popular like little kids and I have some funny shit regarding that But nowadays because the form is what drives the sales of the video game because it doesn't get updated anymore It's been I mean, it's been fucking forever. I imagine it's not getting updated anymore the off-topic board has some page rank and there's usually these

Unknown_08: these discussion threads for shit like, like this thread is really fucking long. It's just a chat room for these people. And there are threads for posting furry porn. There's like a gay thread where people constantly post selfies of each other. You know, on a site where the age goes down to like 13 years old.

Unknown_08: And it becomes this trap for a lot of people.

Unknown_08: To this day, I think there's like an old guard of users that's really died down because it's gated off. You have to pay money, you have to buy the game to log into the board now.

Unknown_08: But for for fucking years and Sephiroth the account that fuck you had had like 1500 posts on it on just that one account because that spot will ban people who Annoy him at some point and force them to Rebuy their keys and get another account. So it's it's like it's pretty much exactly based off of how Something awful does its thing

Unknown_08: And regarding Badspot himself, this is the guy. And he does not like running his website at all. There are signs of this from years ago. This is an example. He gets an email from a mother, right?

Unknown_08: And it's more than 10 bucks. I think it's 20 bucks at the height of the game.

Unknown_08: My son has been banned from the Blackland forums for flaming plus being too young and stupid for forums. I would like an explanation as to what that even means. Since he's banned, I'm not able to see what he's posted. Thanks, Vonda. The reason you can't see his post is because they've been removed. Since you asked nicely, I dug through the trash and compiled a list of your son's greatest hits. The forum, while open to the public, is not a digital asylum for feral children. It is expected that you already have basic communication and social skills when you arrive. The post shown here displayed deficit of both of these things."

Unknown_08: And this is just garbage. It's actual like a child just screaming, which is what got him banned. And somebody asked in chat, why doesn't he just shut it down?

Unknown_08: I will explain that in a second.

Unknown_08: Again, this is a different, older post.

Unknown_08: This guy called Tyler Man makes a thread titled, how many times has someone asked for admin, you're nice enough to give it to them, and then they, with the message being, it's in the title.

Unknown_08: To which Badspot replies to this very tiny child on his website, I'm now banning you for being too stupid. And this is years ago. He doesn't play these games anymore. He just cleans out the little kids. At least the ones that are too young to actually communicate. The rest are free to do whatever they want and dox each other in the drama forum.

Unknown_08: I couldn't, like I didn't have enough time to get everything together. I had messages regarding like pedophiles. I have some clips I'll get to actually right now.

Unknown_08: He maintains a list of problem users, because as it turns out, when you have a format like this, it tends to invite people who are pretty fucking weird. Atchinson's only one of them.

Unknown_08: He has an entourage of people that he has dossiers on, which are users who attack people who host servers for their fucking LEGOLAND game.

Unknown_08: people who pose viruses. He has this one guy in particular, I think it is Ockever, who has committed financial crimes to get him like de-platformed from

Unknown_08: from Amazon and other financial systems that sell this game.

Unknown_08: This is an early example of how he basically grew up, got fed up of his community years ago. This is from 2008. Something happened with the forum

Unknown_08: And he's basically just fucking yelling at them. You're all fucking idiots, and you don't know how to use computers. Install goddamn, godforsaken, clusterfuck security software, and then you wonder why Blockland can't communicate with the master server. No, Blockland will not run on your grandma's Celeron 300. Learn how to use WinRAR. He's basically just fucking screaming at them.

Unknown_08: There are word sensors in this but at the time word sensors broke like in 2008 and they remained off until he had to fix the the forum software again He was posting about GamerGate as late as 2013 explaining to people what it was and declaring NeoGAF a GamerGate kill and

Unknown_08: And somebody asked, well, why doesn't he shut it down? Well, let him explain why he doesn't shut it down.

Unknown_08: On what forum can you impersonate a feature of the forum linked to a pornographic website and hurl abuse at the administrator without impunity? Seriously, what planet are you people from? What is your standard of administration? The amount of slack I give you is already unreasonable. Not a single week goes by without one of you idiots pulling something. Whether it's suicide spam, chat flooding, cheat programs, rats, doxing, impersonation, flaming, communism, child pornography, zoophilia, corpophilia, account hijacking, phishing scams, credit card fraud, it never ends. Disposing of your worthless corpses has become completely routine to me. Something looks off, I pull the trigger, because it's just not worth thinking about. It's not worth the mindshare. If you think someone needs to be free, pull your lunch money together and buy them another account. Or just steal one from some unsuspecting kid like you always do. Oh sorry, am I lumping you together with somebody else? Well, let me just consult my goddamn encyclopedia of habitual problem users. Oh wait, never mind, I don't care. The content of the posts didn't even faze me. A thousand people per day go to SM. It's not a secret. What I didn't like about it was the attitude. The entire purpose was to try and push my buttons until you got banned. If that's the case, let's just skip right to the ban. If you're trying to poison me, why should I wait around until you find a really effective poison?

Unknown_08: But you know what really pissed me off? The idea that you people are somehow paying for my other websites. SM pulls in 10K a year, and BLF barely breaks even on ads. It's only here because of the tangential benefit of Blockland Sales, and we all know how that's going. I'm not even convinced it's a benefit at all. You're on borrowed time. Now what's that? You'll make your own community? Which one of you rabid power-hungry maniacs that infest this place are you going to pledge your allegiance to? Who do you think is going to put up with your bullshit more than I have? The only hope for most of you is to join a much larger community and hide in relative obscurity. To dilute your filth into a much larger pool. Or if you're full Ibin levels of headcase, there's that name again, you can make your own forum spurred on every day by the tiny high you get from petty authority of forum administration while it slowly hollows you from the inside out. Well, geez.

Unknown_08: Talk about.

Unknown_08: Imagine the one eight year old reading this. Well, I guess his fucking plan didn't work. I thought we were supposed to be cleaning Society of fucking ills. What is this?

Unknown_08: Why are we having a mental breakdown over people? I thought we were going to be using some good old-fashioned mob mentality to straighten out bad kids.

Unknown_08: Don't think it fucking worked. Don't think it fucking worked.

Unknown_08: I pledge allegiance to Null. Oh jeez, you might be onto something there.

Unknown_08: What is SM? He brought up SM in this post a lot.

Unknown_08: It's lesbian bondage pornography.

Unknown_08: That's his other job. He's still coasting off all the money he made off Blockland, apparently. He still doesn't do anything else. Except he draws lesbian bondage pornography on the side and advertises it on the Blockland forums.

Unknown_04: The Life is Strange fan forum?

Unknown_08: Oh yeah, degeneracy. Speaking of degenerates, oh god. I don't think William Atchison would have approved of this too much.

Unknown_08: Well...

Unknown_08: There's one other thing I can mention before I take in callers. So now if you want to get, um, if you want to get on the line, if you want to join our discord, now we'll post the, uh, the discord link for everybody to, to get in with. Oh, it's usually in the description, but right now the description is only true for some reason.

Unknown_08: That's great.

Unknown_04: That's what I get for trying to use a fucking computer. There we go.

Unknown_04: Go ahead and join the call line if you do want to get to the uh, do you want to be in the pool?

Unknown_08: We have we have one more person to go over And that is that that oh, there's that fucking name that keeps getting mentioned That fucking Ivan name Who Who Could Ivan be was mentioned here?

Unknown_08: Uh, I had to censor it because the docs are out, but um, Ivan might be me. I hate to spoil it, but I know the couch cuck because we were both fucking lunatics on this website making everybody miserable.

Unknown_08: Let me, let me read you one of my best hits and I think we'll set the stage for this.

Unknown_08: I really wish I would have saved the chat logs, more so than the Vor stories he cooked up. He'd come up with new ways he'd kill me every time I ended a long list of shit. I remember after he found out my last name, he said that he'd show up at my house while I was at school, shoot my dad, and wait for me to get home. Then he'd subdue me, cut off each individual digit with a knife heated in hot grease so that it'd cauterize it as it cut and I wouldn't bleed out. Then he'd cut off my clitoris and my labia and then rape my ass until I shat myself. Then he'd just leave me there to starve to death or something once all my appendages and genitals were sliced off and he'd beaten me sufficiently.

Unknown_08: I mean, I would have went to the police if I wasn't falling out of my chair laughing at him. Oh jeez, I guess I accidentally spoiled the surprise, but uh... Hey everybody, did the news get around about a guy named Butcher Pete?

Unknown_14: Old Pete just flew into this town and he's chopping up all the women's meat. He's hacking, he's whacking, he's smacking.

Unknown_14: That's a serious bad mood. At least I didn't kill anybody or get cooked by a sofa, right?

Unknown_08: I don't know. I could blame myself, but it's easier to blame this guy and his fucking Lego form. Oh, geez.

Unknown_08: All right, let's take a call.

Unknown_08: Oh, I have to join the on air thing first. There we go. There we go.

Unknown_08: And foreground, I want the discord thing. Oh, we're getting there.

Unknown_04: We're getting there.

Unknown_04: OK.

Unknown_04: Bandage.

Unknown_04: Hello.

Unknown_04: Are you?

Unknown_04: Oh that's the rule, yeah yeah yeah.

Unknown_08: Don't ask me how I'm doing, I'm doing fine. I just ate.

Unknown_08: Fresh from the slaughter, I just ate.

Unknown_04: Well, I only imagine that there's quite a few places out there that have like a ton of kids that are just like completely isolated from any kind of moderation or adult support, and they're all degenerate as fuck like this.

Unknown_08: Oh, you guys can't- you guys can't hear the caller, that's great.

Unknown_08: There we go, perfect.

Unknown_17: Hello world. Um, this reminds me of what was the attached story, the final fantasy house, the, the forum where everybody would download just always tease from all the games and the forum was just full of degeneracy.

Unknown_08: Yeah, no, I remember that. Uh, didn't Jim do a video on that?

Unknown_17: Uh, or is that just like, I know what you're talking about.

Unknown_08: Wasn't the admin like a pedophile?

Unknown_17: I don't remember, but there was some... What did she do?

Unknown_17: Didn't she have like headmates and force people into weird relationships and try to manipulate everybody? Oh, Down the Rabbit Hole did the video. Yeah.

Unknown_08: Yeah, um, I-I mean the-the po- Jim did, I know for sure Jim did do a video on the Pokemon, the-the Bulbapedia forum and shit. I'm sure there's tons of sites out there that are-are as bad or worse than the Blockland forum. Cause I mean, you get these people who are just apathetic as the admins. And kids do whatever the fuck they want.

Unknown_08: Like, Stalking, that girl, just in case people are wondering, by the way, Stalking and I eventually did make up. I think everybody cares a lot more about that than I do, than she does. She's like super mega fucking depressed and is a nuclear engineer, last I heard, for the U.S. Navy.

Unknown_08: William Atchison is dead.

Unknown_08: There's a couple other people who like committed suicide and shit.

Unknown_08: My high school alumni are not not well off. The people most well off from Blockland Forum are people who joined as adults basically. Joined over the age of 16.

Unknown_08: But yeah, I mean, did you, how, I mean, you sound older. Did you have like a, a weird community experience as a kid?

Unknown_17: Oh, uh, no, no.

Unknown_17: Well, we had childhood experiences. Yes. But I don't, I don't like communicating in text really. I don't like forums. I never joined one.

Unknown_17: So no.

Unknown_04: I can imagine if all the, from a young age, all the social interaction you get is from like, online, and you... Oh yeah, no, it's very isolating.

Unknown_17: Gonna fuck with you.

Unknown_08: It's very isolating I kind of related to that post I read about not having any kind of like that's why I had that little tangent about getting a job and shit because if you are in that situation where you're like going to this online community and It's basically all your social interaction a hundred percent. Just get a job. Even if you think it'll suck ass It helps a lot

Unknown_08: Uh, and he, he said he never got a job. So like he never, it's, it's day and night, like one year of working with other people like that and having your own money and having your own car and shit, it pulls you out of a funk like really, really quickly.

Unknown_17: Yeah. Never underestimate like what a year of experience, whatever it may be, uh, how big of a difference it can make.

Unknown_04: Yeah.

Unknown_04: All right. Well, thank you very much for going in. Yeah. Take it easy.

Unknown_04: All right, let's do Crusader Mike.

Unknown_04: Oh, let me mute it.

Unknown_04: Can you hear me? Yeah.

Unknown_11: Yeah, so how's the form even still active, or is it active?

Unknown_08: The forum is not active. In fact, I remember very vividly checking the forum a couple years back and seeing that the Kiwi Farms, then the Quickie Forums, had surpassed it in terms of activity.

Unknown_08: I felt very good about that. Eat that, motherfucker. Fucking Badspot motherfucker.

Unknown_08: It was a The only people who post on it now are are like weirdos who post in like the chatroom threads that are thousands of pages long because they're That's basically all they they do I imagine and I think discord really did it in once people could make their own discord servers and stuff The forum kind of died

Unknown_08: The game itself is dead. I'll pull this up on the display on Firefox. You can check out the master server for the game and see how many different servers are up for it. And last I checked is it's like, yeah, it's like a handful of shit. Nobody's playing it. I think right now I see one person, two people.

Unknown_08: Like maybe about 20 to 30 people play the game and back in the day would be hundreds like I learned how to program while making mods for this game right and like my server alone would get that many users.

Unknown_11: Wow, really special, huh?

Unknown_08: Really special.

Unknown_11: A special place in your heart?

Unknown_08: It does, it does.

Unknown_08: Like if you read my ED article, out of all the things that are true, almost everything on it comes from Black Lab.

Unknown_08: It's like, the interesting thing about it is because most people who used it were between the ages of like, I used it from the ages of 13 to 18.

Unknown_08: um like imagine for people who are older if everything you did between the ages of 13 and 18 were recorded online that's basically the site and that's why everybody kills themselves when they're a part of a part of this community well i'm lucky my internet um shit was all on private stuff like uh text messaging apps you know what kick is uh vaguely yeah it's just like

Unknown_11: Shitty text app that used to be popular, but now it's not I Wish there was a way to like record everything that was said cuz there's some crazy stuff, but I don't know Usually like pedophiles and catfishes That sounds fun Yeah Yeah, well, that's all I really have to say all right well, thanks for calling in yeah, have a good time

Unknown_08: I see people are very excited about this forum, downloading it right now, we should make a Blackland forum. Somebody mentioned before that we need to press people in the Navy, and I think the Navy, particularly the nuclear engineering department, has like the highest rate of suicide of like any branch of the military.

Unknown_08: So yeah, I mean Sorry to say the people manning your fucking trillion dollar a year Gunboats with bombs and nuclear engines and shit are all depressed insane people Ghost of couchcock.

Unknown_10: Hey, hey, are you haunting me?

Unknown_08: Oh

Unknown_10: it easy all yet easy he'll all I think I mentioned this but he was a he was a system for encyclopedia and Monica, we imagine some was

Unknown_10: and you know, it's just like they used to send in the fucking gays to do their dirty work. Can you believe that fucking Jew?

Unknown_08: Yeah, I mean I can. He's Jewish. It's his nature.

Unknown_10: This whole thing is a fucking Jewish psy-op set up by Encyclopedia Dramatica and specifically ECPZ. We need to take that motherfucker down.

Unknown_04: Well...

Unknown_08: Probably he'll get his dues one day. They all will hopefully it'll come in the form of a glorious rocket fired from Yeah, hopefully Blow up his dumb fucking house when he's on his way to see Do you actually know any of the stories of him with the ED because I didn't I couldn't get too much on that I didn't see too much about it

Unknown_10: Well, when I was alive, I would just pour over the high score list and edit it just fucking relentlessly and relentlessly. Like it was my obsession, right? I aim to be number one on the high score list. But is that really a common piece of furniture? That's true. Yeah.

Unknown_08: He killed two Mexican kids. Well, you fucked up. They didn't even do nothing. They were just gonna go get some quesadillas at Taco Bell after school and you fucking murdered them in cold blood.

Unknown_10: Let me ask you a question, man.

Unknown_10: I murdered a guy and a girl. How many spics do you know that have just one kid? Those motherfuckers have like five kids. Those kids have like five kids. I took out like fucking 100 motherfuckers with those two kills.

Unknown_08: It's true, it's like when you step on like a roach or a spider and it had all the little baby spiders on it's back.

Unknown_08: Basically like preventative medicine. It's too bad you can't edit the ED now, I think they demoted you from sysop.

Unknown_10: You can't come back.

Unknown_10: I'm at the very bottom of the list. It's fucking, it's annoying. So I need somebody to carry on my legacy here because I'm not even getting any ghost pussy in the afterlife. This is bullshit.

Unknown_08: It's true. I don't think you see too many people like, they're not getting the Dylan Roof treatment where they like want to fuck you after the fact. There's no post-mortem like fangirling going on.

Unknown_10: Man, Dylan Roof wishes he was me, man. That motherfucker.

Unknown_10: It wasn't even pussy like he was too pussy to become a man hero that fucking guy.

Unknown_04: Really is he did he get captured.

Unknown_10: You got fucking captured you like a little bitch you didn't even go on death row.

Unknown_10: I'm pretty sure he's on something dude he's getting fucked in the ass and so. So he gets a fucker.

Unknown_10: Motherfucker.

Unknown_08: Well thanks for calling in burning hell.

Unknown_10: I'm gonna get you one day.

Unknown_08: I'll burn with you soon. Take it easy.

Unknown_10: Sounds good Racecar Johnny.

Unknown_22: Oh Oh God, see I have an issue that oh my I can't tell you apart from the voices in my head. So I'm the most sinister sounding one

Unknown_22: Yeah, um, uh, shit. Oh yeah. You know, Anne Harrow is at the bottom of the list. Getting captured is at the top, at the second. And then at the very top is never getting found out like Sam Hyde or Eggman.

Unknown_08: Sam Hyde's been found out. They just want to arrest that motherfucker. He's too good.

Unknown_22: Yeah, but, but they never catch him. See, that's the issue.

Unknown_08: Yeah, we're on the run. He's been identified I get that's that's at the tippy-top like if you get identified and you still get away with it That's obviously like the ops but think about his kill count though that has to be taken into effect to some hundreds oh Yeah, multiple hundreds Yeah, I guess it's I mean I would rather be dead than arrested fuck that Yeah

Unknown_22: No, I'd love to be arrested. Think about all those hot, muscular men in jail.

Unknown_08: Nigga, you're gonna make Chad turn against you. What am I talking about? Black dick. Don't do that.

Unknown_00: Oh yeah, daddy.

Unknown_08: Alright, you gotta go. Take it easy.

Unknown_04: Bye, bye. Bye. Bye.

Unknown_04: Take two more, I think.

Unknown_08: Uh, shitpost McGilly-gilly.

Unknown_03: Oh, fuck. Okay. Uh, I do have a question. Mm-hmm? Why the fuck were you asking, uh, Stalking for hand-draw pictures?

Unknown_03: Because I was- I wanted to fuck her.

Unknown_03: I have- Okay, okay. Carrying on, carrying on. Mm-hmm? What?

Unknown_03: What?

Unknown_03: Okay, so where- where did the, um, where did the fucking losing the fingers thing come from? The- the cutting off of fingers in the labia?

Unknown_08: God It's kind of hard to explain. She would ignore me unless I said something really violent to her and Over the time she would train me to say more and more violent horrible things and I say train But really like she would ask me specifically like if somebody raped me what horrible things would you do to him? so I would get more creative and eventually like I

Unknown_08: Again, this was back when I was like 16 or 17 And she was 15. She's like it. I think a year younger than me So I mean she's fucking strange to make no doubt. She wants to be eaten alive by by cute girls So really I wasn't too far off the mark. I'm just not a cute girl I'm starting to see where a lot of your models come from you can sunset me now I don't want to ruin your your stream and make it too autistic. No, that's fine. If you wanted to ask questions

Unknown_03: No, I'm out of questions.

Unknown_08: I answered them too. Sincerely. That's the problem So I'm gonna do people I don't know Ringer be sure to meet me I

Unknown_08: You're really quiet. Can you speak up?

Unknown_04: Oh, yeah.

Unknown_13: Yeah. Is that better?

Unknown_08: Yes, you're fine.

Unknown_13: All right, cool. So what's up with people who run these forums always having? Yeah, hang on. I got an echo. Let me fix that. There we go. What's up with the people who run the forums and they always seem to either have underage kids or just pedophiles or both? More often both.

Unknown_13: It's just like it's like flies to shit.

Unknown_08: Well, I mean, at a certain point, like at a certain level, like there's a level of ambivalence. Like if somebody like people make accusations on the Kiwi farms that somebody like 17, like I'm not going to dig into it unless they come out and say that they're 17. Like if they make it so I can't not look at it. Oh, right. Yeah. But really I don't I don't like kids on my on my website like go outside. Yeah, why would play go play fortnight go make friends? You have a couple more years before you have to start paying attention trainees

Unknown_08: But yeah, that's like the reason why Blockman Forum had kids is because it was a fucking kids game. Yeah, he wanted it to be a cool community. He didn't get that cool community. And I think he really resented the website because it wasn't that clearly, you know, he resented enough to kill himself.

Unknown_08: Well, Bladspot didn't kill himself. Not yet. I thought you said Ashton, my bad.

Unknown_13: I got him confused. I tuned in late. I was I was a late boy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Hopefully you can watch this from start to finish.

Unknown_08: I did fuck up the start of the stream again. No, that's that's fine.

Unknown_13: It's over in Rosia, you know, where you drink Molokai and eat Yabloki.

Unknown_08: Yabloki?

Unknown_13: Apples. Yeah, I know it. Yeah, I don't know. I just I took like three semesters and was in fucking college like more than seven years ago the only thing I like the shit I eat when I'm not getting borscht is I'm getting the Rolton noodles and Kefir I have a kefir kick now Okay I heard I'd like to visit Russia at some point I heard there's like this theater in Moscow where they make cats perform like do like circus tricks Sounds awful

Unknown_13: No, no, like not like, oh, like whipping them like tigers and like really.

Unknown_06: No, no, no.

Unknown_13: Or kid. Yeah, it sounds a lot worse than it actually is.

Unknown_13: It's yeah, but it definitely I I phrase that rather poorly.

Unknown_08: They make cats perform. They have like little. Yeah, like they walk on.

Unknown_13: They jump through. You know, just like tame shit. They don't like there's no flaming hoops or anything where they get hurt. You know, they're they're fucking house. I got my house cat with me right here.

Unknown_13: Probably can't hear her though. I don't know. Back to the questions and less on the non sequiturs. So I watched other videos about forums. Like I've seen like all of the down the rabbit hole shit. It's greatly made. I saw Medicare shit about Bulba Garden and the porn forums in there and Moz and all that creepy shit. So I think a smart thing you've done is to

Unknown_13: as you already said, keep out the younglings, keep out anything like that. So, I mean, there's not gonna be pedophiles on your website if there's no kids to groom, you know?

Unknown_13: I was going to be the boomer.

Unknown_08: Well, I can't have kids on the side at all because there's lots and lots and lots and lots of nudes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. There's so much. That's even worse.

Unknown_13: I hadn't even considered that.

Unknown_08: I have. I have those fucking archives of the zoo file shit. Like I can't. I can't. If you're under 18 and you're watching this, go away. Go. Oh, my God. Go to Minecraft.

Unknown_13: When are we going to give the death penalty to those guys? Jesus Christ. Fucking sadistic motherfuckers.

Unknown_08: Oh, the ZooFog1 got arrested. We were thinking that Kero might get arrested too. Yeah, SnakeThing.

Unknown_13: Yeah. I almost feel bad for him.

Unknown_08: He's the one that leaked all the shit to begin with.

Unknown_13: I don't feel bad for him at all. He's abusing animals. I said almost.

Unknown_08: He kind of fucked himself over. I don't know if you want to feel bad for him or not, but it's definitely some level of irony there.

Unknown_08: Oh, absolutely.

Unknown_13: I savor the irony.

Unknown_13: I suppose, um, what was it? It was the gay dragon. I think that in one of Medicare's videos- Coral Thanks, for some reason I know him.

Unknown_13: Yeah, he for whatever reason it was on one of my fucking recommended list I Watch Medicare's furry videos and now I'm getting recommended to the damn furry. What's like? He made like no like 40 video about how he's leaving the community.

Unknown_08: Yeah furries are toxic I said, that's what I saw fucking our sister, right? Is there a suggestion on the Kiwi farm channel like get that off? you

Unknown_08: Nothing like nothing alike.

Unknown_13: That's in my opinion. That's the best dream you've done so far is on Cosmo I fucking lots of video content.

Unknown_08: That's the like it's yeah, there's that's a privilege when you have like good video on something. Oh, yeah Yes, that was that was that was quality shit.

Unknown_13: I I thoroughly enjoy these strings thoroughly enjoy them There are a lot of a lot of fun. Very entertaining get to read about pretty crazy people

Unknown_13: I don't know. Thanks for doing it.

Unknown_08: Doing great service to the world. No worries. Thanks for calling in.

Unknown_13: Yeah, thanks for having me.

Unknown_08: Let me, let me take a second to read this. I brought this up and I'm not going over it. Uh, FVLTs is one of the bigger successes from the site. He ran a mod for it called return to black land, which had a, a lot of features. There's just so much that he had done for mod management. Mods were a huge part of the game. Uh, FVLTs put in some fucking work to make the, the game fresh and stay fresh for many years. Um, eventually FVLTs got out of college.

Unknown_08: stopped development on Return to Blackland. He had like a little hosting service for hosting your own, like paying him to use his hardware to host your servers and stuff. He did a lot of work and eventually Return to Blackland shut down and people had many speculations as to why. And he made a post, I think this is his final post after this, I don't know if he ever made anything else.

Unknown_08: I guess he did come back in a couple times in the years following. But he says, I wasn't intending to explain much further, but there's a bunch of stupid rumors going around, so I may as well clarify things. RTB's always been about furthering my own skills and knowledge and featured prominently on my resume when I applied for my first job, and it's probably why I got it. It got to a point a while ago that RTB no longer did that for me. but I continued to develop it because I enjoyed the game slash community and it provided a lot of useful services that were clearly needed, plus I saw an opportunity to have my work exposed to a much larger user base via Steam. However, in my opinion, the Steam launch was underwhelming, badly coordinated, and still has a number of non-trivial issues that haven't been resolved a month and a half after or so later.

Unknown_08: Honestly, I expected game development to be taken a bit more seriously, given the potential for a much wider audience, but that's just not materialized and I got bored of putting more effort into the game than the guys who make it. I offered to develop community features and services for free as an official part of Blockland But there wasn't much interest or follow-up on that. So with my free time running out and due to a recent job promotion, I'm having to pick what I spend it on more carefully, and I really can't justify spending any more of it modding Blackland. I'll continue to play and moderate it because it's a great game, but I'm done developing." And that's basically his farewell to the community after he up and left. He said that Badspot wasn't working on it anymore.

Unknown_08: His contempt for the community basically put him in a position where he didn't want to continue to to support it when the developer didn't And that that was one of the big things that really killed the game losing RGB

Unknown_08: You know, yeah, he could have absolutely beat Minecraft. That's that's not a joke. This game was out before Minecraft. If he had done it properly, if he had advertised it properly, if he had put in the features, put in the work.

Unknown_08: I 100% believe that Blackland could have been the Minecraft and he could have been a billionaire. Um, instead of drawing lesbian, uh, lesbian bondage comics to make ends meet. Just, uh, just a thought.

Unknown_08: Alright, let's take in, uh, I guess two more.

Unknown_04: Try again. Boldy Spicy.

Unknown_04: Goin' once.

Unknown_04: Goin' twice.

Unknown_20: Goddammit.

Unknown_08: Oh, you worked. Oh, okay, you can hear me? Yes.

Unknown_20: Okay, alright, sorry, let me turn the stream off. Okay, let me mute it.

Unknown_20: Goddamn, I've been having so much trouble with this.

Unknown_20: Fuck, what was I gonna ask? Why did you go to the Blockland forums in the first place?

Unknown_08: I had recently stopped playing RuneScape, and I was looking for a new free game to play. And Blockland at the time hadn't become retail. I joined way before it became a retail game.

Unknown_08: You still haven't muted the stream, by the way.

Unknown_20: Fuck, man.

Unknown_08: But the name Iban even comes from RuneScape. It's one of the villains in the game.

Unknown_20: Oh, OK. All right. I was wondering about that, because I knew you were AchieverBot for a while, but I couldn't remember. That's a German transliteration.

Unknown_08: Iban is Ibanish German. It's for bot.

Unknown_20: OK, gotcha. So what is...

Unknown_20: What's your next stream idea?

Unknown_08: Oh god, I haven't finished this one yet.

Unknown_20: I'm sorry, I was just curious. Actually, I've been really looking forward to the streams. I know I mentioned it a couple times in supporters, but I was in the hospital last week and I was... Oh, you cut out.

Unknown_08: Oh, she died. She literally died. She escorted herself off premises. Rest in peace.

Unknown_08: Boldy Spicy. She's been trying so hard to get on.

Unknown_08: Biggie nigga.

Unknown_09: Oh, shit. No. How are you doing, big guy? How's your day going?

Unknown_08: Pretty good. What's up?

Unknown_09: Oh, that's good. I'm just a curiosity with the ZUSATUS leaks. You mentioned that SnakeSang himself was the one that leaked it.

Unknown_09: I think you alluded to the fact that he was pressured into doing it.

Unknown_08: He was blackmailed.

Unknown_09: So by who and why?

Unknown_08: Other furries.

Unknown_08: But why? They were trying to get the zoo sadists, the animal abusers.

Unknown_09: It's just it doesn't make any fucking sense to me, because I mean, he literally posted evidence that, you know.

Unknown_09: Damned him to you know the fact that he's at you know being you know, he's in fucking jail like right now It's just I wonder there were Nazi furs or something that knew that he was abusing animals They already had information that he was abusing animals and they got him via blackmail to publish Private conversations with other zoo sadists which became the leaks they send that to the Kiwi farms and they became public record This is not new

Unknown_08: The animal control board is widely populated with people on different sides of the political spectrum and the furry community who are outing each other Oh God I Just I mean Isn't it fucking weird that we're living in a you know timeline where in which we see, you know Fucking politics was in the furry fandom and that's what's literally killing it right now.

Unknown_09: I

Unknown_08: Yeah, well is it's pretty like the furries were the furry shit was like an escape from politics and now Because it became their identity now politics are intertwined because you can't necessarily have them distinct But yeah, it is pretty funny that even even in the furry fandom the good old National Socialist boys are putting in work for the animals

Unknown_09: Yeah, no, it's just, you know, fucked. And another question, actually, when the block forums, you know, closed down, did you move on to the superior Roblox by any chance?

Unknown_08: No, I never had any interest in Roblox.

Unknown_08: The Blockland forums did not close down. They're still up because they provide a nominal incentive for people to buy the game. In fact,

Unknown_08: Way back when, I remember Badspot hated furries to the point where he would ban people for using furry avatars. But then when the furry threads and, I swear to god, the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic thread, like when that shit hit and became mainstream and bronies were just becoming a thing, the Blockland Forum My Little Pony mega thread, Was like on the first page of Google for bronies and my little pony shit And it provided a huge boon and sales for the game because people were finding out about this This mega thread when the thing was brand new the fandom was brand new so you had a massive influx of bronies buying blockland because they wanted to get the the game key to participate in the mega thread

Unknown_08: And to this day he has not done anything about the fucking the people posting the course porn on the the forum Because it so it sells games So what you're telling me is so correct me if I'm wrong here the reason why block land is so popular now is

Unknown_09: Because people are posting Pinkie Pie's cock on this form is what you're saying.

Unknown_08: Oh, no, the game's dead is fucked now But it for a while had a small resurgence and in users because of the mega threads and the shit like that Well ain't that fucked yes Anything else can I talk to easy-peasy?

Unknown_09: I want to talk to easy-peasy. He's my favorite Jew. No, he's dead Palestine got him.

Unknown_04: Oh Rest in peace. Take it easy

Unknown_04: Kit.

Unknown_04: Going once.

Unknown_04: Going twice.

Unknown_04: Rest in peace.

Unknown_04: Mundius.

Unknown_19: Hey, Josh. Speaking of LEGO Autism, I have quite some experience within some parts of the communities.

Unknown_19: I am going to say one thing, though. They're all kind of like social rejects. I mean, are you talking about like Lego fandom in general or just Blockland forum? Yeah. Yeah. Lego fandom in general.

Unknown_19: I used to have quite a lot of interactions with these artists.

Unknown_19: Like there was I think I posted before in the in the discord, there was like in this community, a tranny. which you know how Chinese are, they usually like abuse their powers. They get into a community and they ruin it by being awful.

Unknown_08: I know. I know.

Unknown_19: Yeah. So basically this tranny was actually at one point discovered by one of the group of the people to actually be a pedophile. Right.

Unknown_08: Uh, he was grooming like, um, a 14 year old boy and another one was like 16.

Unknown_19: Hmm.

Unknown_19: So it was a whole shit show with a lot of the server going nuclear at that point.

Unknown_08: Was it a Discord server or was it a forum?

Unknown_19: Yeah, it was a Discord server.

Unknown_08: Discord servers are gonna be like this. The sad thing is there's probably already a bunch of kids who are like school shooters who have discord server shit going on but unlike a forum We're never gonna be able to have a retrospect a couple years later to say like look how weird and fucked up this place was yeah, because you know, You're no king that nuking the fucking server and then you don't have evidence or the evident that is is usually screen caps.

Unknown_19: I

Unknown_08: Yeah, well you can duplicate channels and then delete the old one. Like, you can do all sorts of shit. It's sad. We're gonna lose so much, like, funny memories and shit when the Discord drama becomes the new drama.

Unknown_19: Yeah, it seems Discord drama, I don't know, for some fucking reason, seems to always, like, divulge into some sort of shitshow. And then it involves other communities as well.

Unknown_06: Yeah.

Unknown_19: Yeah, speaking of that, then in another fucking community, from what I actually gathered, there were like a bunch of fucking people like pretending to be a business and then like nipping money off, you know, social reject fans.

Unknown_19: It's usually they sold like plastic shit and then they pretended like, hey, we're a big business. We're going to do shit. it's it's a whole it's a whole fucking thing with the lego community i don't know why the fuck it actually attracts so much autism well i mentioned this before but the most like like crazy fucking people i've ever seen like responding to a community watch thread on the kiwi farms is uh

Unknown_08: The Sims 3 modding community. The fucking guy who runs that blog, like straight up, the second we started poking fun of the fact that he hosted a mod where you could put babies on a grill and cook them, started like pulling up my shit from ED and being like, this Joshua Connor Moon guy, he's a pedophile, he's a pedophile, he rapes kids, he wants to butcher women, he's a pedophile, like he runs this doxing website, this is where he lives. Everybody in the Sims 3 modding community needs to fucking go after this guy right now because he's

Unknown_19: And also using ED as a fucking source oh Boy yeah, but still I'm gonna say if you I don't know From what I gathered so far. I know Kiwi farms isn't that much into the Lego community, right?

Unknown_18: I mean, I'm sure there's a place for it. If there's not one you can always make it I

Unknown_19: Yeah, I think, I think I'm going to do that. It's, it's a lot of shit and I have some evidence, so it would be quite interesting.

Unknown_08: I'll look forward to it.

Unknown_19: Yeah. Thanks for having me on man.

Unknown_08: Take it easy.

Unknown_04: Uh, visitor. Hey. Hey.

Unknown_23: So, uh, you mentioned, uh, bulb a garden, right?

Unknown_08: Yes.

Unknown_23: I had a question about my forum kind of, if that's okay. Cause it reminded me. I logged into my account like a week ago, and I didn't have access to the CP board anymore. I don't know what's up with that. I don't know if you can- Oh, the CP board.

Unknown_08: Jim's on to us. We had to delete that one. Well, you can just edit this out anyway, right? Yeah, yeah, of course. All in post. All in post.

Unknown_23: Good, good.

Unknown_08: Is that all? Just inquiring about the hidden- I really want my CP.

Unknown_23: I need my-

Unknown_08: We'll get you we'll get you the cheese pizza soon. I'll get some supply. Don't worry about it. Cool.

Unknown_08: All right Blue player I I well, I don't know.

Unknown_21: I don't know what all this fuss is about The age of consent is 14 over in German. I don't I don't I don't see I don't see why it should be any different

Unknown_21: What the fuck? What is this in reply to?

Unknown_21: If you want to touch those children, you can over here. Listen, we can get you in. We can get you supplied.

Unknown_21: We have a lot of we have a lot of one of those tangents roaming around the streets.

Unknown_21: We have we have the business tangents. If you want to invest, if you want to invest, you can do it. You can do us a favor and you can we can get an order here. You can listen. Listen.

Unknown_21: Everyone has sometimes this little need for sexual gratification. And sometimes some people have to do weird things. And we Germans, we've always been at the forefront of technologies of any kind. So why don't we just get into business right now?

Unknown_08: Are you working on behalf of Mama Merkel's tourism strategy? Is this how we're getting the word out to come visit Germany? Well, we have to do something, all right?

Unknown_21: And, you know, those birth rates ain't improving, so... What do you mean the birth rates are going up?

Unknown_08: You guys are getting all the babies you need right now. You're fine. Yeah, but not quite because of the... I mean, no, that's a fair point, but...

Unknown_21: You know how many fucking old people we have over here? We need some assistance. We need some fucking assistance right now.

Unknown_08: Look, if you want to come pay federal income tax in Germany, you can fuck all the 14-year-olds you want. Is that the lesson I'm getting from you?

Unknown_21: Essentially. Essentially.

Unknown_08: Something to keep in mind, chat. Something to keep in mind. Yeah, that's all I advise.

Unknown_21: Come over here and have a bit of fun.

Unknown_08: Well, thank you. Thank you for calling in and spreading the truth about Germany. Bye-bye. Take it easy.

Unknown_08: Name ain't nothing but a number. Oh, hello, Josh. Hello.

Unknown_07: That that fucking 14 year old in Germany. I was hanging out at a D&D club and I went home. I got a ride home with this dude and he kind of turns to me and he says, yeah, I'm going to go to Germany and fuck a 14 year old prostitute. I stopped hanging out with that motherfucker. Oh, geez. It was fucking freaky.

Unknown_07: Actually, so real quick if we can talk about it I want to I want to inject the chat because I'm doing something for both YouTube and stream me right now I can't do a streaming poll, but Press one in either chat if you think William Atkinson died a virgin press two if you think he had sex I Want to see what people think?

Unknown_08: What do you think nothing?

Unknown_07: Oh, God, I know. I kind of I came in late. I'm going to have to come back and watch it.

Unknown_07: Because I've been ever since I've heard about the couch cook, I wanted to know. I think Easy Peasy brought it up on The Dick Show, and I've been trying to find a good video, so I'm hyped to watch this. But I'm glad you brought up Streamy because I had a question about it concerning the 8chan problem.

Unknown_08: What's the 8chan problem? Oh, yeah, my 8chan problem. My idea. OK, yes.

Unknown_07: No, no, no, no, no. The 8chan problem of if you build a platform and let Nazis on, eventually it will only be Nazis?

Unknown_08: To clarify, in an earlier stream, I defined something called the 8chan problem after my experience with 8chan, where if you make a platform that is an alternative for an existing platform, With the idea of having it be that platform for people who are banned from that platform, you will end up with a platform that is only those banned people. Which in the case of 8chan, was pedophiles, Gamergate, and the far far right that didn't even fit into 4chan's poll. And to this day, 8chan is pretty much just pedophiles, Gamergate, and literal actual Nazis.

Unknown_08: So regarding the stream me and the HN problem of having Ralph's people come over and alienating the fuck out of anybody else who might come over. Yeah, it's got streams of of Murdoch Murdoch now. It's it's a very fair concern. However the stray me people I would be finding a way to promote Trannies and stuff like I wouldn't I would just make Narcissa right the number one every week automatically I would give Narcissa right like a 1,000 times multiplier to their points like a 10 million dollar deal

Unknown_08: Yeah, yeah, no, just have, just rig the high score table so that, you know, number one will always be Ralph, but you make a number zero that is the diversity pick. It doesn't matter how many points you get. And just pick somebody who makes the site look a little bit friendlier. Pick Narcissa, pick a woman of color, something like that.

Unknown_07: Yeah. Like a, like a, like a, um, an editor's pick. Exactly. The featured, the featured pick.

Unknown_07: Yeah. Um, well, do you like, cause I, cause I love my, my edgy content.

Unknown_06: Um, do you think that like we are reaching a point in, in the internet culture, I guess you could say where.

Unknown_07: there is just never going to be a solution to that problem, and people like Ralph and you and Medicare— I will put it this way.

Unknown_08: I am very close to libertarian in terms of political alignment. If the free market does not fix this before 2020, I will completely renounce libertarianism and go full fascist. We need a government that creates an internet that works for us, because the companies can't be fucking trusted. I'm that fucking close to tipping over. Usually people think of the horseshoe theory. No, no, no, no. I'm a horseshoe that's not only bent that way like a circle, it's folded on top of itself. Where I'm about to go so far past the libertarian line, I'm going to wind up all the way up there at fucking authoritarian, right next to Adolf. because really fuck this shit fuck y'all and your shitty fucking shitty fucking streaming platforms but isn't that but hasn't the free market found the solution is that well we'll let you have a tiny corner of the internet and just routinely will nuke you like like you're fucking palestine no because the thing is is yeah i'm perfectly happy with stream.me like i'm perfectly happy with it but the thing is Give it a month. I Guarantee you before 2019 something tragic is gonna happen to stream that me you heard it here first motherfuckers Tragedies inbound I fucking see the writing on the walls Yeah, I mean the fuck like Sargoy and his fucking fuck buddies are already posting the one One kind of nobody who was like I'm leaving in protest of Murdoch Murdoch Chan

Unknown_08: Oh, well, okay, as far as that's concerned, the stream.me admins do not give a fuck about any of those people that are on stream.me, because they pull in nothing. They pull in absolutely nothing. They do absolutely nothing for their platform. They can all leave.

Unknown_08: The issue is, is you need a couple people with friendly faces to even it out. That fucking crazy KittyStyles guy, Uh, he's chimping out because he's losing hundreds of dollars a week at this point because he's not on the high score table anymore Oh, is that that like the schizophrenic guy? Yeah, he can't buy his weed if he's not getting the stream.me high score table That's yeah, I don't know Well, uh, not not to maybe i'll come back on a different stream I had a different question, but I don't want to I don't want to eat up too much time

Unknown_08: Yeah, did you, uh, I mean, was that it? Was that your, your thing?

Unknown_07: Well, I, I had a different thing, but there's some, no, go ahead.

Unknown_08: Cause I'm closing it after this. I got boldy. I'll bring her on to say one more thing before I kick her off. Cause she got cut off mid sentence, but okay.

Unknown_07: Um, well like, like what do you, oh fuck. No, I'm going to have, I'm going to have to think of how to phrase this. I've, I've got too much spaghetti in my fucking hair.

Unknown_08: I'll bring on boldly. You think about it for a second. All day.

Unknown_08: All day.

Unknown_20: Can you hear me? Yes.

Unknown_08: All right.

Unknown_20: God damn. Fucking piece of shit.

Unknown_08: Okay.

Unknown_20: Okay. I'm going. Um, I just wanted to say your streams give me life and that's what I was trying to say earlier. And I look forward to them every week.

Unknown_08: Oh gosh. How flattering. Did you really hang on just to add that? Okay.

Unknown_08: Just wanted to flatter me. I'm a big saggy marshmallow.

Unknown_20: Okay. Okay.

Unknown_08: All right, geez, it's getting it's getting comfy in here. Let's bring in blue players. Well, he rejoined blue player Okay, take care man. Yep. Take it easy.

Unknown_21: Oh fuck. Have you actually tagged me with her name? Oh shit Yeah, I know you rejoin No, I rename myself constantly too far. Oh, well, yes guess he caught me. Oh

Unknown_08: Oh, you tried to sneak back one motherfucker. It's too late.

Unknown_07: I've been on this show like eight times. Josh hasn't realized.

Unknown_21: You got, you got them. You got that. You outjude me. All right. Fair enough.

Unknown_08: Only like a couple of people call in. I'm not dodging people.

Unknown_21: Oh, you didn't? No, it's, it's, it's fair, but that was, that was probably the worst name I wanted to start with me.

Unknown_21: Anyway. Um, yeah, just about the fucking life of strange stream. My dude, like, How long is that going to go? Are you planning on doing the others as well?

Unknown_08: I'm doing it as soon as I close this. I'm going to boot up and I'm going to finish the game. And you're all welcome to join me on my Life is Strange episode chapter 5. Yeah, but I want to go to sleep soon.

Unknown_21: Jeez. So do I. You're killing me, fam.

Unknown_21: Well, it's probably much later there.

Unknown_07: Put your hands on some of that high-quality German meth. You'll be fine. Yeah.

Unknown_07: You're going to play the other parts as well?

Unknown_08: I'm already, I got chapter 5, that's the last one. Jeez.

Unknown_21: Like, what's with Captain Autismo and shit?

Unknown_08: Captain Autismo?

Unknown_21: Yeah, the, what's that, the weird thing. I don't know the actual name, fuck. Chloe? No, no, that was this one fucking game during the waiting time for some other shit they released. Oh, I have no idea. Are you talking about the one Harmful Opinion played?

Unknown_07: We're not I think so.

Unknown_21: Yeah, Captain. Captain. Captain. Awesome. Captain. Awesome. Something like that.

Unknown_21: You might want to look into that. That's that's worth a good laugh, I think. Yeah, I might.

Unknown_08: I'm on the right.

Unknown_21: Right. Yeah. All right.

Unknown_08: It's it's it's too late for you motherfuckers in the green room. It's it's too late. This is it. I'm sorry. Name, did you have something you want to add on your last word? Yeah.

Unknown_07: If something terrible befalls Stream Me, and if we just get hounded to the fucking edges of the fucking known internet, what would be your game plan?

Unknown_07: What would you do?

Unknown_08: I would retire everything, change my name, get a degree in teaching, move to China in the Yunnan province, and teach ESL on a rice farm.

Unknown_07: That's fair. Alright, second, if you had infinite money and had motivation to, how would you fix the problem? That's my last one. I would make my own ISP, heroin provider, and I would offer hosting and not moderate it.

Unknown_08: I would also do it in a country that didn't have intellectual property laws because DMCA is fucking cancer. A lot of Google's problems aren't actually because Google's just evil. It's because the DMCA law is so protective of copyright that it's outright broken.

Unknown_07: So so basically the same thing except move to China and start an ISP instead of one Those are those are conflicting ones.

Unknown_08: China is my exit strategy If I had billion dollars, yeah, I would I would make infrastructure and become a problem Yeah, see a fucking autist always plans ahead.

Unknown_21: Yeah Thanks.

Unknown_07: Thanks for the plan Josh.

Unknown_08: You're welcome. If you get a billion dollars hook me up. Oh What do you mean?

Unknown_07: What do you mean gets?

Unknown_08: Oh, well if you have a billion dollars, hook me up. I'll do some crazy internet shit.

Unknown_07: Listen, listen. Poverty keeps you sharp, Josh. I couldn't.

Unknown_07: I couldn't take the edge off you.

Unknown_07: Anyway. Thanks for the fucking stream. I'm gonna restart it literally as soon as I hang up, because I'm hype.

Unknown_08: Alright. Take it easy.

Unknown_07: Alright.

Unknown_08: Take care. I'm gonna fucking be- Whoops. Okay. Ana, go. Real quick. Go, go, go.

Unknown_02: Hey, hey, this is I'm actually Iron Liz. I don't know. This is one of my pseudonyms, but I just wanted to quick mention I enjoyed your Trans Lifeline video. I thought that was an endlessly interesting, morbidly fascinating and kind of terrifying. So.

Unknown_08: Oh yeah, and in case somebody's wondering, or in case you didn't see it, somebody actually in real life drove to their tranny compound of cargo containers in the desert and took pictures of it and it's literally just an abandoned dump of garbage right now.

Unknown_02: It reminds me a lot of Charlie Manson. If you look into what they did with the Helter Skelter stuff, it's straight out of there. It's nuts. It was just amazing to see this. I've worked with health insurance. I've worked in a call center in the past. I've worked at a sexual assault helpline. They were breaking all these rules.

Unknown_02: You should call you call the police if they're suicidal and they're not trained in any of this stuff and they're not crisis.

Unknown_08: They were not ever technically doing. They're never technically a crisis hotline. They only advertise themselves as one for some reason.

Unknown_08: They they were never accredited with the National Association of Suicidology until after the founders, Greta and Nina, were forced out of the.

Unknown_08: Company.

Unknown_02: Yeah, it just seemed very strange to me. And it was like I said, I thought you did really good work and it just got worse and worse the more you dug at it.

Unknown_08: Yeah, it was it's a it was a good story. I'm glad so many people enjoyed it. It's one of the least viewed streams that I've done, because I don't think many people knew anything about it. So they don't click on it. But if you're ever bored, if you're ever like working or driving or something, definitely pop it on. I would personally recommend it.

Unknown_02: Oh, yeah, me too. Me too. But that's all I want to say. And I hear the chat wants me to go.

Unknown_02: Well, who are you?

Unknown_08: Could you say you're Iron Liz? And I don't know who that is.

Unknown_02: Yeah. You ever heard of Linkara?

Unknown_08: Yes.

Unknown_02: Yes. Yeah. I'm his I'm his ex tranny girlfriend. So what?

Unknown_02: Wait, did he actually do the thing? Is that real?

Unknown_02: Thing I don't know I wasn't present for it, but it's sort of a me That's funny, yeah, sorry, I'm I tried to stay up-to-date on stuff, but there's so much like drama I was a long time ago. I mean we broke up maybe seven eight years ago So it's it's dead news. So did you peg link era somebody wants to know? No, I did not.

Unknown_08: Oh, geez, okay Well, that's all I'm gonna ask. I'm afraid of finding out things. I don't want to know I

Unknown_04: No worries. All right.

Unknown_04: Thanks for calling in. Yeah. Take care.

Unknown_04: Okay.

Unknown_04: I am by myself. I can hear myself think so quiet.

Unknown_04: Well, thank you, thank you for joining me, my friends.

Unknown_08: I hope this was the couch cut stream you were waiting for. I'm sorry I didn't focus more on him, but I really just wanted, this was a healing thing for me.

Unknown_08: This was me getting over some emotional trauma that I had, and I'm very happy I got to share this magical moment with all of you.

Unknown_08: People people are calling bullshit on me not knowing who iron ones is I don't know that much about that guy with the glasses or whatever Okay, I'm gonna play my outro song and once the song is over I'm gonna immediately going to start streaming life is strange So stick around if you want to see the chapter 5 for that I'm also gonna stream it on YouTube because I know streamies having some problems again. Thank you very much for for

Unknown_08: for watching.

Unknown_08: And next week, I don't know what we're gonna do. I haven't decided yet. Let me put on my song.

Unknown_08: I'll just call it a day. And again, if you want to watch Life is Strange, the final chapter, stick around.

Unknown_05: Better run, faster than my bullet

Unknown_06: Oh That day was a long day He gone away, he's gone away And he's bringing me a surprise I'm sitting in my kitchen, reflecting on stuff Waited for a long time

Unknown_16: I found my hand in the crowd Faster than my bullet you