Tommy Tooter 2018-11-07

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Unknown_38: Cotton-Eyed Joe

Unknown_18: Well, hello. I hope everybody's having a great afternoon or evening or morning or wherever the fuck you're at. I don't care. I'm just happy you're here. Today we have something that I will be inadequate in explaining. Tommy Tudor, Thomas J. Wurzerberg, whatever the fuck he goes by now, has a history twice as long as Christian Weston Chandler and probably as deep. Tommy is fucking ancient. Tommy is fucking insane. And unlike Chris,

Unknown_18: Tommy will go out of his way to cause problems for himself. Chris meanders about, problems find him. Tommy is a genuine fucking menace.

Unknown_18: And I don't even know where to begin. So we're going to go chronologically. I'm going to need help.

Unknown_18: I'm going to be calling in for fucking backup. I cannot actually encompass all this. I was sat down for two hours. I had people feeding me information. I have my handy dandy notebook is just filled with notes. I have videos. I have clips. There's no fucking way. Can't do it by myself.

Unknown_18: No joke if you do want to read up on them, you're gonna have to read the forum because I can't do it by myself I don't think all three of us with enough time will be able to cover everything that's happened to Tommy They they casually mentioned shit that happened 30 years ago that I've never heard of That to any other low cow would be Like one of their main threads of drama, but with Tommy it's just yet another fucking thing. He's done though

Unknown_30: Oh, is there some issue with the stream?

Unknown_18: Hopefully not. I'm playing the replay and shit.

Unknown_18: Just so you guys know, I do want to move over to Streamy as like a major... as like the main platform because Streamy has already enabled monetization and stuff. They're really working to get their people over.

Unknown_18: And it's just better for everything that I'm doing. So if you are watching on YouTube, if you want to check out Streamly and see if it works there, I'd really appreciate it.

Unknown_18: So, where do I want to begin? Before I begin, just reading his history, because his history is fucking insane. Like the first 30 years of his life, not even half of his life, is something that could be like a novel.

Unknown_18: The rest of it's pretty much just as bad.

Unknown_18: Let me make sure that I'm not downloading anything, because I do see that I have a couple hiccups on the monitor.

Unknown_18: But I reached out to Tommy. I reached out to him and I told him, Tommy, you know, I'm going to be talking to you. I wouldn't mind having a conversation with you, with all these people watching. Several hundred people will probably be watching.

Unknown_18: He had no interest in that.

Unknown_18: No interest whatsoever in having that conversation. , if he does wanna come on later , you go go right ahead, I'll be here for you know who to get in contact with in the content of my men, and sneeze he's ready to help

Unknown_18: So he claims way back when, when he was just a boy, I think he was born in the 60s, he claims that he was born with the assistance of a drug called DSE. I think it's either a drug or an operation, but it was commonly given at the time he was born for mothers who had concurrent or reoccurring pregnancy issues resulting in a natural abortion. And he claims that that DSC affected his gender, because he's a tranny. Technically he's a tranny.

Unknown_18: DES, I'm sorry. Technically, he's a tranny, but as you can see from the clips, let me just pull up those clips again in case you missed them.

Unknown_18: Let me turn off rednecks, unfortunately.

Unknown_18: Not really a passing tranny. This isn't what most people would call a woman, but he does, and he takes that very seriously.

Unknown_18: His actual gender identity at this time is... I wrote it down somewhere, it's a mouthful.

Unknown_18: He's a transsexual, intersex, two-spirited person.

Unknown_18: I don't know what the fuck that means, but that's what he claims to be. And when people address him as a him, he gets actually pissed off, even if it's police. Like, you'll scream at them if they get it wrong.

Unknown_18: His mother was apparently somewhat abusive.

Unknown_18: He repeatedly brings up the fact that he shits himself, like Christian does. But unlike Christian, his mom had the good foresight to rub his face in it, apparently, to try and train him like a dog not to shit himself. I don't know if that had any effect in his potty training, but it's what he claims. I think I actually have a clip of that.

Unknown_18: Yelling at mom, this sounds right. You were a total failure as my mother, refusing to listen to any of my issues. I have very bad hormonal problems because of my intersex condition and have always had poor bladder and sphincter control because of it. But you mashed my sewed underwear in my face to toilet train me instead of listening to me. Forget about it if I tried to tell either one of you that I was a girl. Oh no, girls don't have penises and boys only cry when they bleed and you need to cry. I'll be glad to beat the crap out of you. You refused to listen to me last night which is why I terminated the call. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I pity your immortal soul if you can't learn to love me in a way that feels like love to me.

Unknown_18: I like that. You can't love me in a way that feels like love to me. That's the important bit. Please read the email I sent last night and see what my spirit family thinks of me. Seriously, if you want me to pretend the past never happened and tolerate your pompous ass of a husband's mishy goss politely, I need what I lost when you sold the house out from under me and then refused to relocate me to go on pretending that I have a father who is even worthy of the love I have to give. So this is what I mean, like you read one line and you think like, what the fuck? They sold the house, I guess, and cut it out from Underoom.

Unknown_18: And I know my connection is dropping. I don't know if that's because of me or because of Putin, but there is an issue. I'm sorry.

Unknown_18: They sold the house out from Underoom and yelling.

Unknown_18: Oh, I know what that is.

Unknown_18: So this is Tommy's self-introduction. This is something he posted on the forum. There will be forum posts, but they're not going to be from the Kiwi Farms, and I'll explain why in a bit.

Unknown_18: This is Tommy's self-introduction. I'm Tommy Tudor, the whistleblower from Chicago. And again, like every single thing he says will

Unknown_18: will be kind of explained later because he's just crazy. And his entire life, it's like 70 years, it's like a fossil record of fucking insanity.

Unknown_18: Now living in Tuscon, I'm classically trained from infancy through college and have been playing on the streets in drum circles and jam bands since graduating in 1978.

Unknown_18: I was the last person pranked at the last acid test party throwing in Topanga Corral. See, like, even this shit, like I went over this for two hours and I don't even know what the fuck this means.

Unknown_18: I walked out of my only professional recording gig at Pegasus Studio in Santa Moscow the next year because there was no way I'm backing up a screeching speed metal freak accompanied by a pre-programmed sound generator with some skinny wanker fiddling the controls.

Unknown_18: I founded the Real Things Artisan Co-op, and this is important, his Real Things Artisan Co-op. He constantly screams that we're harming his business and are committing tortuous interference by making fun of him.

Unknown_18: In 1985, with a couple of computer geeks, a promoter agent, and a handful of street players in Venice Beach, and had been a minor player on the fringe of the deadhead Rainbow Woodstock indie music and arts community ever since.

Unknown_18: Tommy's instruments that he's trained in are apparently the saxophone and the recorder and If you don't know what the what a recorder is, let me just go ahead and pull this up This is again, he's like 70 so he's had all his life to to figure out how

Unknown_18: his his preferred instrument of choice and they get good at it and this is the instrument that he has chosen i think this is it this is like a toy this is like what you give children to teach them how to play woodwind instruments and this is this is something that tommy

Unknown_18: constantly claims is a very serious and very real art form that you need to respect.

Unknown_18: And if you don't respect it, he's gonna sue you for cyberbullying, I guess.

Unknown_18: Oh god, it won't stop.

Unknown_18: There it is. Okay, I killed it. I don't think you could hear it, but it kept going on. I was being assaulted by that recorder.

Unknown_18: Okay, we manufacture our own merchandise and produce our own shows. Nobody I know is getting rich, but I know a lot of people all over the country who are kicking out a lot of fine music and artworks to really cool crowds of people in wonderful urban and rural areas. Let me just take a second.

Unknown_18: And oh, the streaming chat died. I'll fix that real quick.

Unknown_18: Let me show you what

Unknown_18: Art looks like his stones as he says and these are important these fucking stones I'm so sick and tired and hearing those fucking rocks You think he was actually doing something with the way he talks about these goddamn rocks I Should have put this up because I knew I was gonna drag this this is what he calls his beautiful stone This is this is what he expects exorbitant amounts of money for just put that underneath the chat so everybody can admire it. Oh

Unknown_18: RealThings is a member of the New World Rising International Green Community Network. I'll be playing with one heartbeat to open T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-

Unknown_18: At one point I paid him $5 in Bitcoin to play Hot Cross Buns on the recorder. He did play Hot Cross Buns on the recorder and immediately had a massive coughing fit because he had inhaled bong smoke incorrectly and playing Hot Cross Buns on the recorder started to kill him slowly.

Unknown_18: Oh yeah, jerk-off crystals. He probably does have some jerk-off crystals. Motherfucker likes to jerk off a lot.

Unknown_18: So... This is Tommy now. This is him talking about how he is now. We've all seen how he looks now.

Unknown_18: But... Way back when, he actually looked like this. This was him from his college yearbook. And surprisingly, he did graduate from college. He went to Tampa, Florida and got a UB. Wait, not a UB.

Unknown_30: I wrote it down somewhere.

Unknown_18: He had a four-year degree in marine biology and eventually went to go test water supplies, but he got fired from everything he fucking did. He tested water in Chicago and they fired him because he wouldn't wake up early enough. He went to sell shit in retail and quit. He said that selling shit in retail gave him a existential crisis or an ethical dilemma, which I can relate to.

Unknown_18: And he says that he's a published researcher, but we have the actual credit for his research right here.

Unknown_18: He was an assistant. He was a technical assistant in the research paper he claims to be named in, which means that he wasn't actually partaking in the research. He was just an assistant.

Unknown_18: And then he went to Venice Beach. I already mentioned Venice Beach in that post.

Unknown_18: Pretty significant area in his life just because

Unknown_18: Yeah, people are making fun of me for not being able to pronounce that city's name. I can't pronounce anything if you can't notice. I've tried erver and erver again to pronounce things correctly, but it's just not happening.

Unknown_18: Okay, so he went to Venice Beach and became a hippie.

Unknown_18: Things are gonna get dark and then they're gonna get light. The things I'm about to tell you are all awful. If you're in a good mood right now, you will not be in a good mood in about 15 minutes. You probably won't be in a good mood in about 5 minutes.

Unknown_18: But by the end of this, I promise you, we'll bring in some people who have funny stories. Funny stories that I can barely touch on because so much has happened in the troll sphere around TommyTutor.

Unknown_18: Okay let's engage the chat a little bit. I'm going to go over to the Streamy chat because Streamy has polls and I'm quite fond of the polls. I'm going to do a poll so get ready.

Unknown_18: Hopping over there and I want you guys to tell me which sad story you want to hear first.

Unknown_18: And just by the options I'm going to give you, you know it's going to be bad. Okay, do you want Sabrina the 15 year old girl or Lady the dog?

Unknown_18: Tell me. Tell me now. I'm watching the polls. Oh god, Sabrina's just fucking smashing it. Well I guess there's no contest then.

Unknown_18: Immediately Sabrina gets about 25 votes. Alright, let's start with that then.

Unknown_18: I don't think the dog is gonna be able to win at this point. And everybody's like, oh no, oh no.

Unknown_18: Yeah some people already know Tommy is not a nice guy and after he quit or after he moved out of his parents house he went to Venice Beach and he basically became a homeless person and he lived with a single mother and because I guess they were all hippies and stuff and I guess hippies had a very liberal idea of sexual enlightenment And they lived with a 15-year-old girl named Sabrina who had left her abusive house at about 9 years old and had been sexually active since about 13. And she was living with Tommy Tudor's then-girlfriend, the single mother, at this loft on the beach.

Unknown_18: And the girlfriend and Sabrina had been, I wouldn't say having sex, but they were like sexually entangled in some way. Tommy Tudor, despite living in like a share home with a bunch of like creepy weirdo pedophiles, or hebephiles if you prefer, if you happen to be an incel community member, Tommy Tudor apparently got a little bit too rapey with Sabrina and he got kicked out of the house by his girlfriend and Sabrina. And they threatened to call the police if he didn't leave. To this day, he claims that he only like sucked on her nipples or something, but the story varies a lot. I think I actually have it. Yes, I do. I have titled this scene Hard Times.

Unknown_18: Hard Times They Are. This is Tommy Teeter's story. I can't wait for these, for one of them to read, to be clipped out of context.

Unknown_18: When I was a kid I'd have dreams of some of being somebody's wife just like all the beautiful women in my family and Enslave some stupid hard-working putz Jesus Christ. Maybe he is a woman from a well-off family with my

Unknown_18: pussy and be left with a fortune when I'm only in my 60s and the schmuck works himself to death. All I had to do was let him knock me up a couple times or three times and carry a kid or three around in my belly for nine months. It sounds like he ate the children.

Unknown_18: And go through a few hours of incredible pain at the end. It isn't even always that painful, especially if the first one goes well. The next ones are usually easier.

Unknown_18: After the kids were born, I had a maid to do all that other shit housewives complain about, and I could indulge my friends with long mahjong bridge in Canasta games in the afternoon instead. Like my mom, her sister, and my dad's sister-in-law all did.

Unknown_18: Spirit, again talking about his spirit, twin spirit shit. Spirit told me that when I was young to endure it and I'd be healed when they came to sort this shit out That's why I never actually made any effort to transition and toughed it out instead Because I would rather be getting hosed Than to be doing the hosing and there is no way my ass is going to be the receptacle I never went out hound dogging and was a heterosexual serial monogamist and said

Unknown_18: It was real easy for me to visualize myself being the fuck-y and my partner as the fucker when we were going at it. I can't believe I'm reading this, I feel so gross.

Unknown_18: I'm only halfway through and this part's colored red.

Unknown_18: Let's see, I had some weird- I had some wonderful relationships with women going all the way back to the 8th grade, but none of them hated me enough to marry me. At the time, I jerked off Janae. I was living with a welfare mama and her four-year-old mulatto kid in one room apartment with this kid sleeping in the closet. What the fuck?

Unknown_18: The thing had a loft and there was a 15 year old runaway who was absolutely freaking gorgeous and who slept up there sometimes. I was 28 at the time. One afternoon I came home to find Megan and Sabrina together in the bed in the living room waiting for me. I knew better because they were pretty messed up and wet when I got into it. The whole scene unraveled because I only had a few fingers in Megan's snapper

Unknown_18: Not even the whole hand past the wrist and was all over Sabrina who had been lusting after for at least 15 months without ever getting more than long hugs and chest kisses. Which you all know what will do to a young male at the peak of testicular performance.

Unknown_18: Megan thanks to Tyrone, Yakina's... Is this a joke? Am I being joked?

Unknown_18: No, I'm sorry, I'm being told that is the one that's cutting out and it's not YouTube. I apologize.

Unknown_18: I don't know what's up with

Unknown_18: Play the Sabrina video if you can. I don't know what the Sabrina video is. Oh, that's right, he talks about it. We'll play that next, okay. Let's see, one afternoon, peak performance, Tyrone, Akina's father, hated sucking dick. What? Oh, the woman. I was like, hopefully Tyrone's not sucking any dick. Don't be a gay nigga, Tyrone.

Unknown_18: And had a fuck me and get over it attitude. She was a little mousy, showing some wear in the face with a flabby, Was a little flabby and had stretch marks after four years. Thankfully, Tyrone lived in another city. Oh, geez. He was cocking Tyrone. What a twist. There was nothing worse than a welfare mama with a jealous ex-old man you could run into. Sabrina was a blonde, blue-eyed cherub with perfect-sized, smooth, firm globes on both her breast and bottom, with the most incredible, sparkling eyes, heart-stopping smile, exuberant laugh, and the voice of an angel. It was difficult for many people not to get hard-ons when she was around. Megan threw a tantrum less than an hour into it and she wasn't getting enough attention. I hadn't even fucked either of them yet and had only made them cum a few times. I think what she was pissed about was that I was only cranking her cunt with my fingers and making Sabrina sing with my tongue and I wasn't getting into Megan's mouth to kiss her often enough. Yeah, I'm sure that's the fucking issue.

Unknown_18: God That's awful. Okay. There's a video. I'm supposed to play Let's see. I have a way of doing this. Give me a second. I have to fuck around I was worried that Cotton Eye Joe was gonna start playing again, but that's not really a problem. That's a that's a blessing I should just play that whenever things get too bad so that we can have some Cotton Eye Joe to lighten the mood All right, where's that video is this it now that's the shoutpocalypse

Unknown_18: Bob Chandler, the Chimp Out Chronicles.

Unknown_30: Oh. Oh, here we go. Sorry, this is the wrong one. Let's go back to this one. Firefox Audio.

Unknown_30: And let's load it up.

Unknown_18: Alright, this is edited a little bit. I've not seen this, so we're watching this together as friends on the internet.

Unknown_31: Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it.

Unknown_24: I landed on Venice Beach in about... It gets foggy because I was actually not... I was trying to find work and had work for a while and then all of a sudden I just couldn't get in anywhere.

Unknown_17: Cut it out for you guys. 82 to 84, I was on Venice Beach.

Unknown_24: It was the winter of 1982.

Unknown_18: Every time I hear the name Venice Beach, I get scared because I know something's up.

Unknown_24: Now, at this time, I have been just busking and living out of out of my car, sleeping in the car or mostly busking. And when I hear busking, I think of him playing the recorder and dying. I was at the Dudley Pagoda.

Unknown_24: Pulling my horn, and this little mulatto child, about four years old, come re-bopping, and her mama's watching her, and they're there for quite some time, and it's almost sunset, and time to quit.

Unknown_24: She invited me home.

Unknown_24: Home was a little walk down into an apartment on Navy Street, the corner of Navy and Pacific.

Unknown_24: There's one room with a closet and a loft, and a kitchen.

Unknown_24: And we're sitting there, and it's time to put the kid to bed. And she comes up to me and says, are you going to sleep with my mother tonight? I said, well, I haven't really gone there yet.

Unknown_24: But I did, and we did. And she just had me stay with her. And we're going around West LA.

Unknown_24: with a young man, kind of different.

Unknown_24: Taken Elwood kind of situation. He was a guitar and keyboard player, and I was playing horn and singing and dancing.

Unknown_24: And we were backing people up. And that's how I met Sabrina, was that she was a punk rocker's girlfriend.

Unknown_24: This was a girl who had run away from abusive UCLA professor parents.

Unknown_24: They lived in Westwood, and she'd bug out on them from the time she was nine years old. I met her when she was about 14. She's been sexually active since she was about 13. She was living with this punk rocker that me and my partner were backing up.

Unknown_24: And we knew she was underage. She was a gorgeous and very talented girl.

Unknown_24: and very bright and very wise, very mature for her age mentally as well as physically. And she didn't like, you know, there was no abuse there. What happened was very common in the music industry, especially on the fringe, and very often with girls much younger and much less willing.

Unknown_24: And she'd been living with Raymond for a while, and then they broke up.

Unknown_18: And just to pause it real quick, if it keeps- I'm watching chat, if it's still stuttering after a while, I will pause the stream just a moment to adjust the quality, to downplay it, because I don't know what's been up with my internet connection for the last few days.

Unknown_24: And came to stay with me and my partner at the moment, who was a 26-year-old welfare mama with a mulatto baby girl, four-year-old, sleeping in the closet. And Sabrina was sleeping up in the loft above the kitchen.

Unknown_24: And one evening, I come in after busking, and there were Sabrina and Megan going at it. So the mother of one was with this fucking chick too.

Unknown_17: And it was over in minutes because I was paying too much attention to Sabrina.

Unknown_24: And what happened was Megan decided that she'd rather not have me there because I was in between her and what she wanted sexually. She was used to just getting boned by a black guy. Wake up, bitch. That's a different story. Um, you know, since I'm much more, like, into, we called it mountain, foreplay, lots of foreplay, hours and hours of foreplay. And then when you go into whip, um, that just, like chimpanzees in 15 seconds.

Unknown_24: And nothing, you know, nothing I wrote about details of this was very true because, you know, it's, my mouth did not get south of her breasts.

Unknown_18: He changes that story, by the way. My hand did not get into her vagina.

Unknown_24: That's as far as it went.

Unknown_24: And there was this gay dude who was staying up in the loft, too.

Unknown_24: Anyway, she decided she wanted me out of there, and a dude tried to blade hands on me, and I almost killed him. Simple as that. A dude tried to forcefully evict me, and I was like, that ain't happening, pal. I almost put my fingers through his eyeballs.

Unknown_24: And they called the cops, and I went to jail, and that was it. End of story.

Unknown_24: For years, you know, this is a piece of my life.

Unknown_24: And for years, nobody made any big deal out of it until these, like, alt-right weirdos got hold of it.

Unknown_18: All right, that's the end of that video. Basically, yeah, he doesn't attest that there's anything wrong with it. And do give me a moment, I'm just gonna drop the output for the video real quick.

Unknown_18: Again, I need to inject more Cotton Eye Joe into the stream, because if we don't have Cotton Eye Joe, this is gonna get even more depressing. I think people are gonna get madder at this than the finger being in the fucking 15-year-old.

Unknown_30: Okay, I think, uh, did the YouTube stream not come up?

Unknown_18: Because I see Stream Me is working fine.

Unknown_18: Sorry, I'm terrible at everything that I do.

Unknown_30: Oh, I did. I did accidentally finish it.

Unknown_30: I thought I could... Oh, wow. I can't believe I did that. That's actually really frustrating.

Unknown_18: Sorry. I didn't, I've never done that before. I just wanted to drop the settings a little bit and it completely fucked up.

Unknown_18: Oh well.

Unknown_18: So, let's start this stream up right, the second stream, the new stream.

Unknown_18: Let's talk about dead dogs, because that's where we're going with this, I guess.

Unknown_18: The other thing that people give him tons of shit for is not just Sabrina. It is the fact that he fingerblast his dog.

Unknown_30: And here is that, the story.

Unknown_30: Yeah, I know it's a little bit fucked.

Unknown_18: Sorry about that.

Unknown_18: Here's the dog was giving me a boner story. What a day this has been. What a rare mood I'm in. Why it's almost like being in hell, i.e. now I'm going nuts. I need to talk to a human. My folks aren't answering and this is a bad hour for calling my friends.

Unknown_18: I just met one of my- one of the neighbor's new dogs. And she was a young, uncut dobie. I guess a doberman. Who was almost a spitting image of Lady. Who was the dog that he fucked before. Lady was a little stockier and her ears and snout were different. But she was dopey color and a lot of people mistook her for one. So anyways, I'm standing there talking to her and let her sniff me and Mr. Woody starts to think, this one looks like her love tunnel. Might be fun to do some drilling. And wants me to let him get ready for work. I'm like, not a chance, fella. Sure, I masturbate my bitches.

Unknown_18: But that's for them, not for me. There may be some nerves down there, but unlike men, my dick is in my pants, not inside my skull. And I'm not personally aroused by anything but hot chicks. And most of them look like I wish I looked like. Oh, he says he wants to be like the hot chicks. Or the stereotype petite brown-eyed girl. It's standard practice, actually, among the sort of working dog in their masters. Lady was real strange was always trying to get her best friends to give her noogies. Whack her peepee. What the fuck? Probably because she felt like she was Working for all of us and not just me which is the reasoning behind the practice That bitch isn't gonna let anyone come near somebody who gets her off trying to hurt them All right, let me make sure that the stream is actually working again It is okay

Unknown_18: Yeah, okay, so this is him fucking his dog, apparently. Or not fucking it, sorry, that's the wrong word.

Unknown_18: Fingerblasting it. And after listening to this, you might think, like, oh, wouldn't it be great? Wouldn't it be fantastic if somebody shot this guy? Not that I would ever encourage violence. Not that I would ever want somebody to shoot Tommy Tudor, but I do have good news.

Unknown_18: He did get shot.

Unknown_18: I can confirm he did get fucking shot at some point. He was homeless and ruffling around in some people's trash.

Unknown_18: And somebody shot him. I think he got shot in the liver. This is the article for the shooting.

Unknown_18: He's not dead. It's not a happy ending. Don't get too excited there.

Unknown_18: The shooting of a transient and threats of further violence shocked Venice this week as residents of the Fractious beach community continued to square off over the emotional issues of the homeless Los Angeles police agreed said that Thomas J. Wasserberg 33 who lives at the beach encampment at the foot of his Rose Avenue Was shot in the spleen on Monday afternoon while foraging for food in an alley at sunset court near the beach

Unknown_18: Wazzerberg is unfortunately in fair condition at the UCLA Medical Center. Police have no leads and are investigating the shooting as an attempted murder, according to Captain Vance Proctor. At the St. Joseph Center on Rose Avenue, meanwhile, an anonymous caller has twice threatened to destroy a building that the charity group hopes to use as a food service center for the homeless. Ronda Meister, St. Joseph's director, said the messages were left on an answering machine. The caller said if we proceeded with the acquisition of the building, it wouldn't be standing when we moved into it. Meister added that St. Joseph's Center takes the threat very seriously since an unidentified person firebombed another building. I'll skip ahead. Please do not know if there's a link between the Wasserberg shooting and the threats of violence directed at St. Joseph Center. Wasserberg had been interviewed by the Times for a story on the homeless that was published earlier this year. The term homelessness is vicious propaganda, the tan and extremely gaunt Wasserberg said at the time. America is everybody's home.

Unknown_18: Do we need more rednecks?

Unknown_18: Tan and extremely gaunt.

Unknown_18: Alright. This is him talking about it. The shot was a silenced .22, hardly the weapon for somebody to defend their trash with. As I later told, the order was to hurt but not kill me. Yeah, pro tip, if you're gonna shoot somebody, don't use a .22 and don't silence it. You want some stopping power to get the homeless to fuck off.

Unknown_18: The shot was perfect. Entering between the ribs from the left rear, it bounced off a rib, nicking my spleen and lodging in an adipose pad near my spine. I wasn't even sure I had been hit by anything more than a BB until I started getting woozy from internal bleeding. I went to the home of a minor Hollywood personality, Pete Kastner, who was a friend, and he and his wife, Jenny, got me to the hospital. The spleen and bleeders were repaired, and I had a whole lot more pain from the surgery than the bullet.

Unknown_18: So that's an interesting little tidbit the whole the bullet thing because as it turns out There are there's a little bit there's a little bit more to this story than he's saying I think there's yeah, there's two things There's a okay before we get off the topic of Venice Beach I

Unknown_18: Somebody has sent me a clip the awning Sneasel did I do have the I do have the clip of the Of the Facebook post and I'll go ahead and get that up right now Tommy Jane Wasserberg. Oh, that's that's the the two-spirit name.

Unknown_18: Oh I should read the letter first my bad.

Unknown_18: I did not have that one ready to go. I Do have it on my desktop? This is a letter that Tommy wrote, actually, to the newspaper in 1979.

Unknown_18: Open letter to Venice merchants. I think this is after he got shot. You cry out to the police for help in ridding your neighborhood of people whose only crime is that they refuse to lease your properties at those preposterous prices or to have any use, whatever, for the greasy food and schlocky dreck you peddle up and down the stand. You demand law and order because you feel threatened by the proliferation of aggressive panhandlers and mentally unstable people who leave their bodily waste in your yards.

Unknown_18: How could you ever discern between their turds and the feces of the monstrous dogs you all seem to own? We'll never know. What the fuck?

Unknown_18: You fear for the safety of your children and property because hordes of drug abusers have descended on your community. You should have seen this grim reality looming when you first invested in Venice, replacing nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol-addicted moderate-income families with more upscale substance abusers and their attendant lines of supplies. You have known that

Unknown_18: Then, that more drugs always attracts more drug abusers, and not all addicts are capable of meeting the demands of a black market economy without committing additional crimes. Therefore, if you truly wish to rid the streets of degenerate junkies, tweakers,

Unknown_18: and freaks we sincerely recommend that you start by flushing the more affluent junkies tweaks and peeks from inside your own properties you scream and your screams are hushed to a whisper when you indulge the illegal in an in illegal substances or cheat on your sales taxes we never see anyone running from the for the cops when you lease undocumented space or evict tenants for flimsy causes

Unknown_18: that just so you can

Unknown_18: Turn the rents up some more. Nobody blows any whistles when you drive your cars and trucks on oceanfront walk, or dump your trash in city cans. And there is a deathly silence as you pay cheap alien labor, undeclared cash, or run your drug profits through the store's books. Instead, we see you, an arrogant defiance of the law, playing public servants to look the other way. While you and your tenants commit high crimes and misdemeanors.

Unknown_18: That's a big fucking gap. High crimes and misdemeanors? Isn't high crime like fucking treason?

Unknown_18: Whatever. And using the police as if they were on your own payroll to swoop on anyone too loud or too scruffy to blend into your upscale aesthetic.

Unknown_18: This is not your neighborhood. It is our neighborhood. You are not trying to preserve anything, but you're right to make money at the expense of our richly textured community. So what if you live in a house you bought here 10 or 15 years ago? Big hairy deal. You've hardly lived here long enough to even qualify as a local. In case your vision of Venice gentrified has blinded you to the historically documented fact, this town, by design, a working-class resort community, and your programs of redevelopment have been displacing people who have raised family here for 50 years and longer. There is nothing ostentatious... I actually pronounced that right. about the Venice and there never was your high glitz jimmy's polyester mercedes jacuzzi image of venice is a grave insult to the abbot kenny and everyone who was ever born in venice bogged in venice bogeyed in venice or passed out of this world from venice you have neither the moral right nor the legal right to legislate changes to this community strictly to make it suit your tastes Most of us who are not native Venetians migrated here because we were enchanted by the rich milieu as it is. Had we desired to live in a more exclusive beach community, we would have moved to Newport Beach or Malibu. So please, for the sake of justice, the general peace of our town, clean up your own acts, quit sniveling, and either blend or bug out.

Unknown_18: By Tommy.

Unknown_18: I think this is gets a response From one of the people it's kind of weird Tommy has been getting trolled for decades, and he's been good by old people So this is a kind of a recent Facebook post from Tommy Describing the letter to the editor published and written November 1987 the day after it came out There's a fight between me two of the coke street dealers that I ended up getting arrested behind and he did get arrested I do have a let's bring that up real quick. I do have a

Unknown_30: his arrest record somewhere there we go basically just for oh this was from 2018 oh geez I got pranked I thought this was going to be a historical arrestment

Unknown_18: My routine was well known. That was one of my favorite dumpsters. Because Peter Norton dumped classified documents and bootable floppies into it. Oh, that's the thing. He thinks he got shot by the CIA. Uh, just so you know. His twin spirits told him, I think. Everyone knew who shot me and it was much more than dope dealers shooting me because I was homeless Christian white. Chatzi's master was almost run down by a speeding car on OFW asking too many questions. I give vault. Oh, jeez. We're gonna get some 1488s and chat over that.

Unknown_18: Oh, no wait, Avi G. Alt, not I. Kvalt.

Unknown_18: An attorney who sent out his investigator on it and told me I was rattling the wrong cages and couldn't help.

Unknown_18: And Ginny Kastner, somebody from that era, says, if it was across the street from us, then why did you come to our back door? It was across the alley from us, another block away, and the only other house in the neighborhood with bars on the windows. You told us you had been looking for food. After you were taken to the hospital, Peter and I walked over there. Borden Olive even confirmed it when he came in to organize the meditation process. I wasn't sure that I had been shot for a while and continued up and down your alley. I started to feel woozy and went to your back door. I was fresh out of jail and looking for food for me and Lady, which is the dog.

Unknown_18: And this is the Ginny that he mentions in the post as being the affluent person who lets him in. Who's saying that he's full of shit. But he did get shot. It's in the newspaper.

Unknown_30: Okay.

Unknown_18: Okay.

Unknown_18: So that's him getting shot. Everybody's happy. I'll just play this again.

Unknown_18: That's good. I'm gonna get fucking UGM'd again.

Unknown_18: One last sad thing to show you, and then I'll bring on some guests. Assuming my internet connection does not absolutely fucking shit itself. I'll turn off my background, maybe that helps.

Unknown_30: No sound. Oh, I am so sorry. Thank you for telling me.

Unknown_30: Oh, uh, let's see. All purpose, medium player, live audio.

Unknown_18: Okay. We're good.

Unknown_39: Wow. That's a hell of a way to start my morning. Wow.

Unknown_39: So let me get this right.

Unknown_39: You came to me.

Unknown_39: You asked me to help create a music video, which is what I did.

Unknown_39: You simply didn't like it. You gave me no parameters. You gave me no information at all, except for the song you wanted to use.

Unknown_15: That was it.

Unknown_39: Beyond all that, it was left up to my creative talents to create what I made, and you didn't like it.

Unknown_39: we got into an argument, I fucking moved on. I blocked your ass. I left you alone. I don't fucking come out here to Facebook or the YouTube, you know, with a fake name and then start tracking people down because they said things I just don't fucking like.

Unknown_39: Are you serious, dude?

Unknown_39: What are we taking me to court for? You're the one who's fucking following me around. You're the one who's stalking me in YouTube some five months after our fucking argument. So if it was causing some kind of immediate harm or damage or something, maybe you should have said something at the time. But you didn't.

Unknown_39: You used me.

Unknown_39: You used me, and you used my fuckin' skills, and when you didn't like what was fuckin' produced, you fuckin' argued with me. Then you started tellin' me, I want this and that and da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. But prior to actually creating this video, you gave me nothing. No parameters. Just the song. That's it. That's all you gave me. And let's be really clear here, people. I'm not being paid for any of this. This is not something that I do to make money. Fuck, my channel doesn't make money.

Unknown_39: But you as a professional should know better than to come and harass.

Unknown_39: The fucking new guys on the block. Dude, I left you alone because of your insanity. Because of your fucking nutsoid aspect of the way you fucking came at me after you- I don't like it! After you freaked out over the video. I said fuck this and blocked your stupid ass. Well, guess what? I've done it again out here too because I'm not gonna listen to any more of this bullshit.

Unknown_39: I'm fucking done with this crap.

Unknown_18: Let me just go ahead and pause it there. Uh, I don't know her name. If you want to draw, if somebody wants to tell me in discord, uh, she, at this point in this video, I'm pretty sure in this video, she is actually, uh, currently suffering from a terminal illness. So she's at the end of her life and she's doing music videos. Tommy's tutor is apparently harassing her over a, uh, a network of sock accounts he's created to get around her blocking him. And is, you know, threatening her, threatening her with litigation, threatening her with the police, just being a complete fucking nuisance, right?

Unknown_18: And, uh, she ends up killing herself.

Unknown_18: So, to cap it off, we've got a pedophile dogfucker cyberbully who has a bigger kill count than the Kiwi farms in actuality. He has killed more people through direct harassment than the Kiwi farms in its entirety has.

Unknown_18: now he's like 70 he's really fucking old and his entire life is being bullied by old people there's a I showed some clips from a message board it's called I don't want to give the name away because I don't know what they want new users I don't post on it I don't know them but there are a bunch of guys for old guys Tommy's age who are 419 eaters

Unknown_18: Back in the day, back in the Usenet era. He's been getting fucked with since 1999, he says. And the people involved...

Unknown_18: just relentlessly mock him for being a monster. And his entire life is consumed by this, this back and forth with these people. So let me play you an example of some of the content they create that I find funny. At least I find most of it funny. There's one part I don't find funny.

Unknown_18: And when that happens, don't yell at me, I didn't make this.

Unknown_37: It doesn't fit.

Unknown_18: Fit in the fucking screen, you asshole.

Unknown_18: There we go. That's right. That's right.

Unknown_37: buying gemstones at affordable prices. So are we! Which is why we don't deal in any of those. At Tama Tudor's Daycare Dog Grooming and Gem Emporium, we only deal in the finest silicates, that's plastic for you mouth breathers, and other fine quality stones such as mosanite, fire colored rocks, blue things, this giant green piece of shit that's been a paperweight for like eight years now, and holland, Blue. Agate! Need time to browse? We're open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Drop off the kids while you shop at one of our many transient neighbors. We'll watch them while you feed my PayPal. Does your dog need a haircut or a quick wake? Professional dog groomers are waiting to give your pooch the happy, dending it deserves. Press F.

Unknown_37: Everything must go because none of it will go at normal prices! We're practically giving it away because it's worth less than nothing! At Toma Tudor's Daycare, Dog Grooming, and Gem Emporium, there's no such thing as a bad deal unless you're a part of the military-industrial complex! And in that case, we've already filed a tort against you and you need an appointment! I'm calling the police! Get away from me, please! WHAT THE FUCK?! COME ON DOWN TO TOM AND TOOTERS IN TUCSON, ARIZONA 85179 WHO WANTS TO FEEL MY BOOBS?!

Unknown_18: Perfect. Let me fix chat again, I think got cucked. Ah, restream chat, you're killing me. I want the people to have the good times, but you're fucking with them. I blame you. Blame you for this. Where is it? Oh jeez, I have so many things up.

Unknown_18: There we are.

Unknown_18: Okay, let's take this down. Is there anything else? I think there's another video I should be watching What's this? Oh, geez. I think this is the clip Tommy really doesn't like the Kiwi farms and has called the police on the Kiwi farms at least a couple times There is what he likes to stream himself to he's a live streamer. He streams to an audience of like four people Just smoking pot and zoning out and throwing up on himself Hold up hold up

Unknown_18: I mentioned it. I didn't put this in the montage, so I have to put it up just for Yawning Steazel, who's watching this, who's with us in spirit and mind.

Unknown_18: There it is. There it is. That's the good stuff that's gonna get me kicked off of the YouTube. Here, wait, hold up. Hold up, let me... There we go.

Unknown_30: Oh, that's perfect.

Unknown_18: I like to do modern art when I stream. I like to assemble my shots on the fly so everybody can get nice and comfy as we do things live.

Unknown_18: There we go. Don't need any chat. Don't need Discord callers. Don't need to stream anything. Just need this.

Unknown_30: Okay. Let's play this now.

Unknown_24: I think I've kind of hit the midway point in transition. About more than half the people are seeing me as female these days.

Unknown_21: It just really, really feels good when people just ma'am me.

Unknown_21: Yes, girl. Yeah, okay, yeah.

Unknown_24: At this point, Lieutenant Turner,

Unknown_24: Captain Duffy, Jason Winski, and this is as loud as it goes. And Jason, please do not call me, sir.

Unknown_24: Do not call me, sir, ma'am.

Unknown_29: I need emergency restraining orders immediately.

Unknown_21: Are you guys going to do it?

Unknown_29: That would be something you'd need to speak to TPD about.

Unknown_21: They're non-communicative about it.

Unknown_24: I'm calling you before. Now, hear me out, please.

Unknown_31: We do not do that.

Unknown_24: You're going to be facing me if I have to file, please, ma'am. May I speak to the person? I'm filing against you if I have to file.

Unknown_18: as he's one of the first responders by the way there it is

Unknown_24: I do not want to talk to another answering machine. I'm going to talk to a real police officer today, or I'm going to talk to a judge. OK, I hear your concern.

Unknown_24: I do not have anybody right here in front of me to speak to. Well, you can call someone. You can put me on hold and find somebody to take the call, young lady.

Unknown_10: Jesus.

Unknown_24: Oh, yay. Thanks for picking up the phone, Lieutenant Turner. Let me warn you that we are live streaming. OK. I'm not going to live stream our conversations on wherever we're left to.

Unknown_24: Oh, I'm not going to cut off the live stream, ma'am. I'm demanding an emergency restraining order against this particular individual and all the people hosting him and his associates.

Unknown_17: Oh, God, are you talking about me?

Unknown_24: This is not a civil matter. This is not a civil matter. I'm going to walk into that station and you all are going to fill out a police report, and I'm going to stay there and watch you act on it. I'm going to the court first. Which is it going to be, ma'am? Well, I'm not sure what you want to go to the court for.

Unknown_24: To light a fire under you to do a real organized cybercrime investigation behind what I'm bringing to you. Okay, but you have to file a police report to do that.

Unknown_26: I have filed dozens of police reports, ma'am.

Unknown_24: And nothing has happened.

Unknown_26: All that happens is there are four falsified petitions demanding psychiatric evaluation.

Unknown_24: Today, the dispatcher tried to route me to Winsky.

Unknown_24: You and I, Ms. Turner,

Unknown_24: are gonna either meet at the station or meet at the courthouse. Which is it gonna be? I don't have time to mess around with this anymore. Take your pick.

Unknown_25: Okay, well, I'll drag you there, ma'am. I will have you ordered there. Good day!

Unknown_35: Are you happy that I'm angry?

Unknown_25: Are you making money from me being angry?

Unknown_35: Because you're going to spend at least 10 years in prison for your efforts. Fuck you.

Unknown_18: All right, I got something good coming up. I got something good.

Unknown_18: I actually, I took the time while that was playing. I was kind of quiet because I was doing something. I'm a busy body. I was busy. And I got something together. Hopefully I censored it correctly. I'm very bad at the censoring. I'm not used to that. But oh jeez, I think I got it.

Unknown_30: Where'd you go? There we go.

Unknown_30: Okay, let me just blow this up so I can read it.

Unknown_18: Okay, to me, Cloudflare received a DMCA copyright infringement regarding Tommy Jane Wasserberg, copyright holder's name, Tommy Jane Wasserberg, reported URL, that thread, his thread. Original work, this thread, and every other one on that site, consists of images and videos stolen from the subjects under discussion. This constitutes invasion of privacy. by misappropriation, defamation under false light, and a number of other civil violations.

Unknown_18: The hosts of such a site face a potential liability exposure if they refuse to remove the infringed media without a court order.

Unknown_18: All the images and videos in that thread were created by me and originally posted to either his Facebook, his other Facebook, or his YouTube channel. The members of the site are accused of harassing their victims to the point of suicide. Um... Um... Wait, hold up. Hold up. Do we need to go back?

Unknown_18: Do we need to go back to this, TommyTutor?

Unknown_18: Do we need to? Because we can. You fucker.

Unknown_18: Oh, jeez.

Unknown_39: So let me get this right.

Unknown_39: You came to me... And, uh, okay.

Unknown_18: Wait, hold up. I'm fucking up again. There we go. Uh, I reply very professionally, lol. And, uh... He then sees he's in a police officer. So this is now me, Tommy Tudor, and the police officer from Tuscon, Arizona.

Unknown_18: And I will play it if I, I will play his FBI fall.

Unknown_18: And he says, this is the owner of Kiwi Farms. Since cutting off contact with them, their activity defaming me has increased. I reply very professionally once again.

Unknown_18: I don't even know who you are besides a weirdo grandpa tranny who harasses me with knowingly false DMCA complaints and sent a penalty of perjury. You've definitely never cut off contact with me.

Unknown_18: Matthew appears to be from the National Association of Search and Rescue, which is a non-profit search and rescue organization for missing people.

Unknown_18: And I asked, what the fuck does search and rescue have to do with you? Are you lost? Do you even know this man? Or are you just spamming with nonsense? Now, I was wrong. He was actually a policeman. It wasn't just a search and rescue guy.

Unknown_18: Tommy responds to me privately. There is nothing false about those DMCA complaints. Little misguided white supremacist pervert living in his mother's basement. Remove my media from your site immediately. You also need to read Loser. Matthew Golden is the Tuscon Police Department detective investigating my criminal complaint against you.

Unknown_18: And then I point out, are you aware that Matthew is a member of the Tuscon Mental Health Support Team? You cc'd in your designated tard wrangler. I hate to break it to you. God bless our police force, by the way. I don't know how you put up with this shit. Protect the thin blue line between me and this tranny.

Unknown_18: And he says, uh, Mr. Golden, this is the owner of Kiwi Farms. Please do your job. I want no contact with this perverted white supremacist ass clown.

Unknown_18: Uh, we did not talk by the way. I said, he, he offered to talk to me and I said, no, I do not talk to the police because as we learned from Mad Dog, uh, you don't talk to the police. Snitching is against the rules.

Unknown_30: Okay. I have another phone call that we're going to listen to.

Unknown_30: Oh, geez.

Unknown_24: I got it. I got it. I think I got it pretty well under control with the Tucson police.

Unknown_24: And what's going on with them. Um, I have two individuals in the company to complain about.

Unknown_24: And I think at least the Tucson downtown operations people understand that, the sergeants understand it.

Unknown_24: Where Winsky's head's at, I don't care at this point because the sergeants will come with me to the federal court if they won't make an arrest on Thursday.

Unknown_24: Now I'm going to talk to the FBI about it.

Unknown_18: He's not lying, by the way. He will talk to the FBI about it. Come on, old man. Figure out how to use your telephone. I have to skip around.

Unknown_20: If you have reached the FBI's public access line, this call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance, investigating, or other purposes.

Unknown_20: For English, press 1. Para EspaƱol, press 1.

Unknown_20: Please choose from the following options. If you wish to report online crime, that may be related to terrorism.

Unknown_20: Press 2. If you wish to report a network intrusion

Unknown_24: Hello, FBI. I hope you will help me, sir.

Unknown_24: My name is Tommaso Wasserberg. I'm also known as Tommy Tudor. Oh, people are encouraging me to skip to six minutes in.

Unknown_18: I do want to hear the entire conversation with the FBI.

Unknown_24: I'm calling from.

Unknown_24: I'm a man, if you would please. Transgender female.

Unknown_24: Thank you.

Unknown_24: Uh, my phone number is 5-1-5-2-0-2-4-1-2-7-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-

Unknown_24: of a conspiracy for organized cyberbullying for fun and profit.

Unknown_24: Three individuals and two companies.

Unknown_24: The ringleader is a ringknocker from the Air Force Academy by the name of Tom Madeira, M-E-D-A-R-A.

Unknown_24: He's Bellevue, Nebraska.

Unknown_24: front company that they're working under is Spiros Information and Tech, LLC, in Sykesville, Maryland.

Unknown_24: His partner is one Addy Coray in Frederick, Maryland, who is the owner of, which is the troll base.

Unknown_24: Numerous other individuals I can name. I got just tons of data nobody will look at.

Unknown_24: I'll just stay off the sites. Sure, I'd be glad to because the guys are sociopaths and very boring.

Unknown_24: They're stealing my media, they're creating impostors, all sorts of, the whole array, everything they can possibly do. Calls, trying to gaslight me, you know what I mean? I'm sure you've had plenty of these kinds of complaints.

Unknown_24: Those two individuals, that company, the third company is where they got the students organized.

Unknown_24: And the ringleader of that, the owner is Josh Moon, Joshua Moon. It's called LOLCOW, L-O-L-C-O-W-L-L-C. There are numerous other complaints. There supposedly is an investigation open on a complaint made by Greta Martella and Trans Lifeline.

Unknown_24: You know, there's lots of other individuals.

Unknown_16: Just give it a second. It's going to get good. I promise you. I just want to set the stage.

Unknown_24: The Tucson police have been taking reports of complaint for years. I have a disc in my machine that has apparently been partitioned and I could only see half of it.

Unknown_24: What else?

Unknown_22: You know, I go on and on.

Unknown_24: Do you have a question, sir?

Unknown_24: No, it's not okay, because there's going to be an event on the ground Thursday afternoon that I insist that the local Tucson FBI contact me beforehand to make arrangements to at least interrogate this man. He wants to have a meeting on the ground. Did you call the local police? Oh yeah, and I'm waiting for a call back on them, but I'm not holding my breath on anybody, boss.

Unknown_24: Do you have a reference number for this call, sir?

Unknown_24: What the fuck kind of transparency does our government have anymore? You're just flushing this down the toilet, son. Good luck on the last day.

Unknown_24: Fuck. Unbelievable.

Unknown_24: They don't identify themselves. They don't even have a reference number for the call. I'll put it in my database.

Unknown_18: No, he ends it with the creepy smile too. I'm the creepy one. Yeah, nigga, you fucking crazy! Yeehaw!

Unknown_24: Oh, jeez. To downtown operations sergeants like me! I'm one of the local artists! This is a friendly town!

Unknown_24: Sparkles!

Unknown_24: Occupy this bitch!

Unknown_30: Namaste, motherfuckers!

Unknown_30: It's time to get another copyright strike.

Unknown_18: Fuck the police!

Unknown_18: Okay, um, I think that's it. Do I have anything else that's really funny that I got on my desktop?

Unknown_18: I do have a ton of clips, I have a ton of shit where he's bouncing around, he's getting kicked out of places.

Unknown_18: Oh god, let's throw this out there, I didn't even see this.

Unknown_30: I don't know how. It's pretty funny though.

Unknown_18: I don't know if he threw that fish in that post or if the moderators did when they're making fun of him.

Unknown_18: He says, oh he's making fun of somebody. He's like, dog masturbation is not uncommon. It is rare that the human is getting any sexual gratification. It's all for the sake of the dog. Male dogs are often milked for semen, I assure you. That it was a chore for me. And she could be pretty embarrassing demanding noogies from strangers. Sticking her pussy right up in their face. Bestiality is not even illegal in all states and dog masturbation is probably not listed in all the states as being, I guess, bestiality.

Unknown_18: Oh gosh.

Unknown_18: Let's see I Guess I guess it's time. I guess it's time to take in the people who know more than I do It's sorry, that's the wrong one Wait, there's another video. Let's watch this but yawning and The other guy goop Choi if you guys want to get ready. I'll pull you in after this video. I

Unknown_30: No masks! No guns!

Unknown_26: No assholes in the run! No masks! No guns!

Unknown_18: No assholes in the run! Oh, there is one more video after this. That's why you need to get out!

Unknown_26: You're an asshole! Yeah, well, then kiss it!

Unknown_21: Oh, I forgot about this. You know what's funny? Try it.

Unknown_26: Seriously, is that your AGIQ or your sperm count?

Unknown_26: Yeah, I've been at this since before you were born.

Unknown_26: And your mind is just like an ant. Hey! Decolonize your mind! Yes! Wonderful! Decolonize your mind! Yes! I don't know what all this is.

Unknown_18: This is too heavy.

Unknown_18: But uh... Wait, is there more after this?

Unknown_18: And this is just silly stuff.

Unknown_26: I think he hit somebody and recorded it.

Unknown_18: Apparently he did he was a part of Occupy Wall Street For a little bit and he got kicked out of Occupy Wall Street because he kicked a baby out of a stroller I don't know what the deal with that is but Okay, one more thing One more thing and then I'll definitely pull in some my buddies help me with this to help me navigate this So some of you will recognize this voice

Unknown_21: Hello?

Unknown_30: Hello?

Unknown_21: Yes?

Unknown_21: Hello?

Unknown_21: Yes, who's calling, please? Who is this?

Unknown_21: Who are you calling? Yes, this is him.

Unknown_24: I'm getting a call from somebody I've never gotten a call from in Virginia who's not identifying themselves. What can I do for you?

Unknown_24: You're being broadcast. You're being broadcast live. You called into a broadcast studio.

Unknown_17: Broadcast studio, fuck off.

Unknown_24: I said you called into a broadcast studio that's streaming live right now. Would you like to say, you know, who's calling, please? And who are you looking to speak to? I have no idea. Who the hell is Robert Chandler?

Unknown_24: Uh-huh. And why should I know you? Who are you calling?

Unknown_30: I was born in Fort Worth.

Unknown_24: Yeah. Well, do you know whose phone did you just call? I've never heard of you. I don't want to spoil it yet. I don't know. Why are you calling this number? I don't know.

Unknown_29: You can't help it. You called me.

Unknown_24: No, I didn't.

Unknown_29: Well, that's all I did. That's my number.

Unknown_24: How about that? Somebody called you and

Unknown_24: Patched it to my phone. What a lovely little prank.

Unknown_24: My name is Tommy Tudor. I'm a performing artist and a film player. And I stream live at YouTube. You'll find my channel, Tommy Tudor.

Unknown_24: So tell me, Robert Chandler in Virginia, who's originally from Fort Worth. I'm originally from Chicago, living in Tucson right now. I'm an artist.

Unknown_24: and somebody's messing with you. Is somebody messing with you on the internet at all?

Unknown_29: I don't know.

Unknown_24: Well, if you've been getting messed with the way I get messed with on the internet, you know you've been messed with on the internet. Oh, geez, Rob would have no idea. I can tell you, but I'm trying to explain how these people do it. Oh, go ahead. I have some understanding. If you know the exact protocols you're using, please go ahead, share it with my listeners.

Unknown_29: Oh yeah. I'm I'm I'm

Unknown_24: Police and, you know, people that, what I'm finding is that unless the gang of cyber criminals is causing greater than a million dollars damage or some real physical harm, that people are really put, are really endangered by what they're doing if the feds don't have the manpower to even look at it.

Unknown_24: They have a million dollar, they have a million dollar threshold on financial harm. And I don't know what their financial, what their thresholds are on actual physical harm is, but they have one. And there's very little, I mean, there's nothing these trolls are doing to qualify for federal attention. Nothing.

Unknown_24: Oh, sure. And then letting Joshua Connor Moon run around and let that site stay up. Now, the cumulative effect, you know, the sum total of the damage being done by kiwi farms and kiwi farmers is much greater than the federal threshold.

Unknown_24: Now, I've spoken with some of their victims or their targets, let's call them targets.

Unknown_24: the only ones who are victims who allow themselves to be victimized. But I've spoken with some of their targets where one of them talks about how she's been driven into the hospital seven times and actually tried to commit suicide once because of them. I'm sorry. Pardon me?

Unknown_29: I'm sorry.

Unknown_29: That's right.

Unknown_24: Well, they've made the internet totally lawless. The FCC, you know, I lost 50 computers between 1999 and 2006 to malware attacks on the pair game networks.

Unknown_24: And there was nothing anybody would do about it.

Unknown_18: Oh, hold up. Let me fix the chat real quick. I'm sorry for interrupting this, but if I switch off, it would just mute the sound.

Unknown_30: Local cops, the carriers, it was coming from the server farms downtown.

Unknown_24: I had, you know, I had a broadband home network that couldn't communicate with the global network because it was too far from the nearest repeater.

Unknown_24: Try to imagine yourself, put a garden hose in your mouth and open it up full. That's what they were pouring down on my computer. It could receive the broadband signal, but it couldn't send nothing back broadband. It had to go up to fucking 56K modem. So that would just burn out the hardware.

Unknown_24: Yeah, it's too much voltage coming in and they wouldn't let enough voltage go up the line. And it just, it pried, it pried the motherboards.

Unknown_24: Pried components on the motherboards, where your graphic, graphic adapters and shit like that on the motherboards. Graphic controllers.

Unknown_29: I've heard a lot of stuff. Most of it is a bunch of trash, okay? I'm gonna ask you a single one.

Unknown_24: Oh, I, I watched it all evolve.

Unknown_24: I remember like in 1999, 2000, there was some crazy site, Rosetta Stone, something or other. And there was one link that it, you know, one link that if you clicked on it, it gave your computer, told your computer's power circuit to break. And did bam, click on that link, bam, your whole computer was gone. It just clicked off the power.

Unknown_24: Because what happened is, you know, The internet was evolved from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or something like that.

Unknown_24: And when it went public, Al Gore discovered it.

Unknown_24: What really happened is Congress went and sold it. You know, it's supposed to belong to the people. We were supposed to be able to log on to it. Just all we had to do was pay the fucking line charge. And we were supposed to be able to log on the internet. But no, that was Bloomberg. You know, the billionaire fuckeroos fucking us around. Bill, you know, good old Bloomberg decided that, uh, uh, we should really pay a fee to an internet service provider. And he had Steve Case character and Mark Andreessen, uh, who, uh, James Marksdale and that Netscape that was Netscape in Mozilla. Andreessen went and ran off from the University of Illinois Supercomputing School or whatever the fuck they call it, National Center for Supercomputing, something or other, at Champaign-Urbana.

Unknown_24: He was like one of, he might have even been a project leader on the Mosaic development, and now he's supposed to go to the public domain, but no, they ran off and fucked with it for Mozilla, and it got hijacked by Microsoft and the Explorer.

Unknown_24: Um, and then you want to go really into the deep history is Q DOS. You ever heard of that?

Unknown_24: Yeah. You know, about the 50, 50 grand they paid to the engineer to tweak it a little bit and make it so they could go take it to Mike to IBM to sell them as MS-DOS.

Unknown_24: Yeah. You know, about the $300 or something like that. They paid to the retail store that was named Microsoft in Seattle.

Unknown_24: Do you know about the code they were picking out in the garbage cans at Harvard? Or are you Washington?

Unknown_24: They're a bunch of fucking sleazebags, man. Allison's just as bad as Gates and Allen.

Unknown_18: Look at how happy he is that you have a social interaction.

Unknown_24: And they just took it, and now they're selling it to us. And they're fucking our lives up with it.

Unknown_24: I'm just curious if you didn't call me and I didn't call you who the fuck patched us together You my phone rang with your number incoming And your phone rang with my number incoming somebody passed us I That's easy. That's a real easy one.

Unknown_24: I don't know how they do it. I quit. Look, my family is part of the evolution. We've been electrical and electronic engineers for 100 years.

Unknown_24: Patching us is easy if you've got the right software. Just call the two phones from the operator. The telephone company knows about this.

Unknown_24: Well, I'm going to report it to my carrier too, that we had like, hey, what the fuck?

Unknown_24: Why did this happen?

Unknown_24: So have you ever actually, you know, I mean, you sound like, like you're studied in it. What, what, what, uh, I don't know. Oh no. You'd know if you were getting harassed by trolls, you'd know they just are too obvious. I mean, do you have, what do you do on the internet?

Unknown_29: Let me explain something to you.

Unknown_24: Shoot, talk to me. You called me. There's a talk show. There's folks listening. There's nine people in the audience. Nine people. Go for it.

Unknown_29: I have a lot of heritage. I used to live in your state also.

Unknown_24: Say again, please.

Unknown_29: I have a lot of Cherokee relatives that live in your state also.

Unknown_24: Yeah. Yeah. I'm a Texan now. I'm a Texan. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown_24: What's the trade?

Unknown_18: I'm hoping Bob chews him out by the end of this. I'm hoping for a bomb. I'm 82 years old.

Unknown_24: So you're finished trading. You're just hanging out, right? So what did you want to tell us about? So you do post months, you comment months, you're just hanging out looking at stuff?

Unknown_18: Adongas, 10 tutors, that sounds right. Oh, what?

Unknown_24: What then? Talk to us.

Unknown_21: Uh-huh.

Unknown_21: Uh-huh.

Unknown_18: What's that got to do with... Cap it off with something. Come on, soundboard. Don't leave me hanging.

Unknown_24: Intrusions into our lives. What did you want to talk to about that?

Unknown_24: Who am I? I'm going to say goodbye. Ah, you ruined it.

Unknown_18: I think Bob does yell at the trolls.

Unknown_24: I heard the giggling in the background. Fuck you boys.

Unknown_24: Um, I feel not very good at it.

Unknown_18: They went on for like 13 fucking minutes. What do you mean they're not good at it? Fuck you. Buzzkill McGee. All right.

Unknown_18: All right. All right. All right. I do have a Gook Choi who is one of the big trolls who is,

Unknown_18: been maintaining the legacy of TommyTutor in the current year.

Unknown_17: Gook, Choi, are you there?

Unknown_30: I am here. Thank you for having me on.

Unknown_18: Are you in a car? You're very loud in the background.

Unknown_30: I am. I apologize. One second.

Unknown_30: Would you like to run out to the 7-Eleven? Oh, there's Sneasel, too. Perfect.

Unknown_30: Sneasel.

Unknown_30: Sneasel, say something.

Unknown_30: Hello? Hi.

Unknown_18: You're not in the car, so that's better. We're off to a good start.

Unknown_33: Alright, I apologize, I'm here.

Unknown_18: So, you guys, how long have you been following Tudor? Because it's been, he's been around for fucking forever.

Unknown_33: Me personally I started following him last year around June or August Yes, can you hear me?

Unknown_18: Yeah, you're fine.

Unknown_30: Oh Yeah, I mean You're cutting out though.

Unknown_18: I don't know. I think that's you. I don't think that's me So you've only been following him for a year are you the ones who does the the videos I

Unknown_33: Yeah, I basically took every single one of his videos. I chop them all up and I upload them to YouTube under the Fictitious media site millennial turkeys, which he believes is a media conglomerate run by Russians Well, the Kiwi farm was basically a media conglomerate run by run by a fake Russian at this point Oh yeah, we're all part of the same conglomerate. We're all interconnected. We're part of the same cabal.

Unknown_18: I've adjusted my life to fit the lore of my life a little bit better.

Unknown_18: What is the name of the video series? Because it's like RATWM is the acronym.

Unknown_33: Yeah, the name of the video series is called Rage Against the Washing Machine. It started off as just clips. It didn't have any real form or function to it, but if you start from like the beginning and move on, I kind of fashioned them after the TV show Arrested Development. So you'll hear a lot of Arrested Development music. There's a lot of Easter eggs associated with Arrested Development just because I like that show. but also because Tom is dumb and He makes it easy to splice things together And so that's what I do is I don't have to I noticed with the one where he's talking about Sabrina that it seems to be multiple conversations But they fit together almost kind of seamlessly

Unknown_33: Yeah, uh, the reason for that is he likes to talk about that incident in his life all the time, um unprovoked So if you actually go to his his actual youtube page, you can actually find those individual videos Most of them are like between 10 and 30 minutes But what I did was I condensed it down to basically one story because he says the same story over and over but What he tries to do is he tries to excuse the behavior. So what he does is he won't admit that he had sexual contact with a minor because there was mitigating circumstances. So those mitigating... Hold on, Tom's calling me.

Unknown_30: Okay, can you get him on Discord?

Unknown_30: Can you get him on Discord?

Unknown_33: He does have a Discord. It's unknown if he will actually join Discord. Um...

Unknown_33: But if he sees this, he'll chimp out.

Unknown_18: Well, you know, he's welcome to deny these allegations of fucking children and dogs and killing people if he would like to.

Unknown_33: Well, to be honest, what he gets mad about is he says that we take things out of context, but in reality,

Unknown_33: all we do is we repost his videos back at him and doing the post I read from the AMB where he's basically just like yeah I fucked this I got into bed with him and I fucked him like I don't know I guess because he thinks there's no penetration

Unknown_33: Oh, because he wrote that, he made that up, that's what he's saying. He's saying, oh, I exaggerated on that. But then he'll go on video and he'll record himself. It's like a five-paragraph essay. He didn't make it up. Right, exactly. He keeps repeating the same facts over and over.

Unknown_18: Well, if the motherfucker, what's his phone number? I'll call him on Hangouts and I'll talk to him for a little bit and I'll bring you back in. 520.

Unknown_18: Paste it in the backstage.

Unknown_14: Yeah, no problem. Give me just one second. But he just called me. He was demanding that I inform him of what my real name is.

Unknown_30: It's Yanni Stiesel. This is Gladius Belotakinskaya.

Unknown_17: Tioning Sneasel, everybody knows that.

Unknown_30: Yeah, Tioning Sneasel's the best. Yeah, I'll call him right now. All right, so, um, I went ahead and added that.

Unknown_14: All right. So where we at, where we at talking about?

Unknown_33: Sabrina.

Unknown_18: Let me call him and if he does pick up I'll drop out of the discord real quick and you guys can listen in and chime in Something I'm missing but I don't know if he'll actually Oh, he was basically just asking me where it's located and I actually sent him the link I don't know why it is that he was asking me where it was located other than he wanted some sort of response out of me

Unknown_33: Probably because he's recording it himself.

Unknown_14: That's fine. Oh yeah, he's probably doing a live stream on Facebook or something like that.

Unknown_17: You guys can stream snipe me all you want.

Unknown_17: Pick up. You know you want to, motherfucker.

Unknown_14: You know, you're talking about a lot of different things in the stream today. You got the machine, you know what to do. One thing that you forgot was the story of Tom actually falling down a mountain.

Unknown_26: Please record your voice message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up or press pound for more options.

Unknown_18: Tommy, you fucking pussy. Call me back. All right, sorry, what was that?

Unknown_14: Oh, I was just bringing up one of the stories that you forgot to mention was the story of Tom falling down a mountain.

Unknown_33: What?

Unknown_33: Yeah, he was chasing a dog and broke his face on the side of a ridge.

Unknown_33: Well, basically what happened was- Was he trying to fuck it?

Unknown_15: Is that why the dog was running away?

Unknown_30: Oh, yes! He was trying to- And, uh, ever since then, he's had a bite plate in his jaw.

Unknown_14: Really irritated because of that. And this is one of those times right now, so he's super aggravated. And to deal with the pain, one of the things he does is he takes heroin.

Unknown_18: He takes heroin? Yes.

Unknown_14: Heroin.

Unknown_18: What? Since when? I thought he only smoked the reefer, the kush.

Unknown_14: No, he takes heroin because, um, taking other opioids, it makes him nauseous. So he won't take those. So instead he'll do that. He'll toil on his, uh, gums and stuff like that. But yeah, he likes to take heroin to be able to deal with the pain.

Unknown_33: I mean, honestly, there are so many facets of Tom as a lolcow. It's almost impossible to cover it under one stream. But if you have any specific questions regarding his religious beliefs, his health, his art, whatever, I'm totally open and ready to explain.

Unknown_18: Wait, oh, did you have something to say? I just said I was just gonna make a joke about the the the rock covered in chicken wire being his.

Unknown_14: Oh, I'm sorry about that. One of the other things I want to throw in was the story of when Tom actually found a lawyer to sue A&B with. The lawyer was going to take his case on contingency.

Unknown_14: Really?

Unknown_14: Yeah, now what happened was I actually threw a screencap of the news story of what happened with his lawyer up in the backstage.

Unknown_14: His lawyer was sleeping with his secretary or whatever, and then his secretary's ex-boyfriend was sleeping with her too. So his lawyer shot his secretary's ex-boyfriend.

Unknown_18: Let me just read this for everybody. Disturbing new evidence has come to light in the case of an Arizona defense attorney who was accused of shooting his lover's ex-boyfriend. Joseph Palmisano, 48, was arrested April 18th after allegedly shooting 25-year-old Ryan Hall, the former boyfriend of the attorney's secretary. with whom the suspect is romantically involved. Tomisano allegedly used a .357 handgun to shoot Hall in the parking lot of Tempe, Arizona.

Unknown_18: Video from Hall's cell phone camera, a team from Phoenix-based Fox affiliate Quesas, shows the moments before the shooting. In the footage, Paul Misano can be seen wearing a suit and sunglasses and brandishing a loaded weapon. According to the station, court documents state that after Paul Misano shot Hall, he said something along the lines of, do you feel that? That's you dying, boy. Pretty badass.

Unknown_33: Can you imagine wearing a suit and sunglasses? You feel that that you die and boy, that's life.

Unknown_18: Yeah, I can't actually.

Unknown_33: I actually say that to Tom all the time. Did you read that? That's you crying, boy.

Unknown_18: That's cyberbullying. I can't condone that.

Unknown_14: How about the story of when he was going to put Lisa's kids on Craigslist? Okay, so this is a horrifying fact.

Unknown_14: There's a girl on AMB who has children and Tom hates all females because he's an incel and he's a billion years old.

Unknown_33: Right, exactly. So what he threatened to do was he threatened to take pictures of her children and then post them to like

Unknown_33: Craigslist or whatever and have them, you know sexually assaulted by bikers or something like that and her kids are like infants the Bitcoin sexual assaulters on bikes Pretty much, but the fact that he was like dead serious and doing it and then when he got called out on it He was like, oh, I was just kidding. You guys are taking this way too seriously

Unknown_33: Like, dude, you're a child rapist and you try to entice children. This is a guy who tries to have trans teens live with him so that they will be his rock slave. They'll tumble rocks for him. Or he'll try to talk to children over the...

Unknown_33: Oh yeah, he'll try to talk to kids on the phone, and then when he gets caught, he's like, oh, I need to talk to your parents.

Unknown_14: This is true. This is 100% true. Well, you said something about him, like, randomly talking to kids, like, in real life, like, going to houses and shit.

Unknown_33: Oh yeah, go to his view bug. He takes pictures of kids in public and then masturbates to them.

Unknown_18: What? Can you give me the link to his view bug? I've never heard of the site.

Unknown_14: Well, he does that, and also on Google, he'll search cute young girls. And like pictures of eight year olds will come up. And when he was confronted about this, instead of saying, Oh, that was an accident. He said, I like to look at them in masturbate and pretend that they're.

Unknown_18: Where does you cut out? You pretend they're what?

Unknown_33: That he's down in his mind, in his mind's eye. What the fuck? In fact, I have a video that I'll show you. Let me learn this. Kiwi Parms, he said that. What?

Unknown_33: Dude, he said it in a video. He said it on Kiwi farms Let me let me go ahead and throw this Lisa story up and then you guys can find me a source for that thing Josh I got something that's a little bit long, but it's worth it.

Unknown_18: I'm in the reading kind of mood right now Video that's perfect.

Unknown_33: No, it's fine.

Unknown_18: If you can find like a timestamp edit down to a couple

Unknown_33: Yeah, it's gonna be at the end of this video. I'm about to post to you backstage one second.

Unknown_18: He didn't really do anything, just threatened a lot of bullshit. When my daughter was nine months old, he threatened to pose as me because he said he had my personal info and he was going to post ads on Craigslist listing my daughter for rape. To basically have men calling me looking to rape my daughter. He also hoped my son would get kidnapped and sent to Taiwanese ladyboys to be used in the sex trade. I don't know.

Unknown_18: Really don't care about dial. I just want Tommy to get what he deserves for threatening my kids I contacted my local police department when he did that and they said they couldn't do anything until he actually posted something Which as far as I know he hasn't I stopped posting about my kids here after that He has actually called people's homes and spoken with their kids He has no concept of what the boundaries are between internet trolling in the real world

Unknown_18: Yeah, this is pretty fucking generic. This actually reminds me, there was a guy called Ross, and the people listening probably know really well who Ross is, but Ross was a guy who freely admitted to Jim, Medicare Internet Aristocrat, whatever name you know, that he had been looking, he had been Google searching, like, kids in bathtub pictures, and when asked why he was doing this, he just said, "'Cause I think they're cute."

Unknown_18: And that kinda kicked off a whole tizzy about him being a creepy pedo. But this reminds me of that a lot.

Unknown_33: Hey Josh, can you put up that shot of Lisa's pose that you did back up? I just want to show you something in that pose.

Unknown_18: There's a really annoying thing. Usually I can just go to my desktop and I can drag and drop content and throw that up in the top left corner of my screen. But for this particular stream, uh, it is not working. I have to.

Unknown_33: No worries.

Unknown_18: I got it.

Unknown_33: Okay. So in the actual quote up above where she was talking about, you notice it says that AZ 76 dragon.

Unknown_33: Okay, that is actually one of Tom's card wranglers that was given an account at this another message board. We actually found out that he is a giant gay. And he's married and he's got like squirt accounts and all kinds of gay accounts. And then, yeah, whenever I hear the word squirt, I just think of that picture with like the really gross looking guy in the shower, like, oh, yeah, that'll make you squirt. That's pretty much him. That's a cop that got doxxed on that forum and he never came back.

Unknown_31: Like.

Unknown_33: So that's just a size which he's saying I don't care about dial That's that's the cop that they were talking to but the cop got scared for his life's He left Tom to his own devices But anyway, I have that Video evidence of Tom talking about how he wants to be the little girl.

Unknown_18: Oh before we got that Sneasel send me a picture which I really Go for it This is him on

Unknown_18: Hold up, I'm hearing the chime.

Unknown_18: Hello?

Unknown_30: Hello? Who is this? Hi, how are you?

Unknown_18: I'm fine, thank you.

Unknown_24: Who's this?

Unknown_18: My name is Joshua Moon. I am the owner of a corporation called Local LLC. How can I help you?

Unknown_24: I'm returning your call. Why did you call me?

Unknown_18: I'm doing a little broadcast right now. This is being streamed out to about 600 people last time I checked. We were talking about you. Have a nice day, Joshua. People are curious about your story, Mr. Wasserberg.

Unknown_18: Why is he such a pussy, Chad? Why is he such a pussy? Let me send him a text message.

Unknown_18: Wait, hold up.

Unknown_18: Send to... Hey, we just wanna talk. What should I say? Oh, jeez. The pressure's on me.

Unknown_18: How rude. We just... I just wanted to get your side of the dog fucking and child molesting out there. Take it easy.

Unknown_30: Okay.

Unknown_30: I think that'll work.

Unknown_30: Let me get back in.

Unknown_18: Very rude. Okay. So this is from Mr. Thomas J. Wurzerberg on the Kiwi Farms, a website that I am affiliated with, full disclosure.

Unknown_18: I haven't seen all around this bullshit lately. I want to remind you children and mentally unstable adults of a few facts. First and foremost, Sneasel and others are stalking me, ripping my intellectual properties and quoting me out of context using the standard issue, corporatist propaganda protocols.

Unknown_18: A second and possibly more pertinent is that I have much better things to do with my online time than responding to trolls and their perverted claims about me. The assertion that I am a pedophile is completely absurd and that I am not transgender founded only in their own perverted perspectives on what it means to be transgender. When I introduce myself to Native Americans, they instantly recognize me as a two-spirit. When I get read as male by someone I'm meeting face-to-face, only a few words from me and they have no problem relating to me as female. The frat boys are demanding that I respect your community or be gone from it. Stop dragging me into it. Shut down this thread and I'll gladly turn my back on this behavioral sink forever. If you cannot respect that I am bigender, refusing my request to relate to my female side, and continue to insist that I am all these things I am not, the only response you will get from me is to be put on ignore. Clearly, the truth is that you pseudo-intellectual, quasi-literate, semi-sentient sacks of septic sewage sludge are scared shitless of me and my abilities to use the full resources of this site and so have me severely restricted in what I can do. I have made small concession to your rules demands since I have a place other than Facebook to upload caps of this nonsense to. I hope I've edited this Skype transcript to your lazy eyes satisfaction. But if you want a respectful response Respect is a tourist right now. I read all that and it is pretty funny. But the significant part here is This tab I'm gonna go fucking see you sign Miami on this shit. I'm gonna blow it up as loud as I fucking can Cute blonde girls. Oh Geez, I do like cute blondes. I am surrounded by Slavic women who are all cute blondes, but let's see. I Let's see what happens if I pull up Firefox and go to DuckDuckGo. Let me make sure I'm on the English version. Images, cute blonde girl.

Unknown_30: Well, yeah, they all look kind of preaching, a lot of them.

Unknown_18: So where does he say that he masturbates looking at these pictures believing he's them?

Unknown_33: I just put the video link into Backstage if you just want to oh, there's a video for this.

Unknown_18: Oh, geez Okay, it's part of a compilation that I made of a called creepy Tom clips It's part of the rage against the washing machine series, but it's like 12 minutes long but what I did was I just got to the appropriate image or Sorry the timestamp

Unknown_14: So 10 minutes in?

Unknown_18: Yeah, I'm at 10 minutes and 17 seconds. 10 minutes and 17 seconds. Let me know when you guys are there. Oh fuck, this is a bad thumbnail to pause on.

Unknown_30: Yeah, I'm sorry, people are still having stream issues with buffering and stuff.

Unknown_18: I don't know if that's my internet or my computer just shitting itself. I'm not sure what else I can do for it. I might have to get a second ISP. But, okay, are you guys both at the 10-7-3 vote for it? Yep. Alright, 1, 2, 3, go. Yep. Since I was...

Unknown_24: As long as I can remember, one thing was doing this penis thing and me getting it off.

Unknown_24: I used it, masturbation, to clear my mind and put forth the prayer that I would open my eyes again and be built properly. But that's never happened.

Unknown_24: I still got a lot of penis.

Unknown_24: I've always looked at pictures of females in the age of 25 range because this is where my own development got arrested. And I never looked at these females as objects that I wanted to sexually exploit, but just as an audience to take into my mind to see myself.

Unknown_24: And that's all. And I made the mistake of not closing the browser Does he think that you're a part of InfoWars?

Unknown_33: No, that's just a joke. I mean because he was talking about Todd Nickerson and I just shoot Tom's face over it and a creeper mullet And he just you remember Todd Nickerson from slate I do want to hear Alex Jones.

Unknown_36: Hold up I have two daughters. I have a son it makes my Stomach you want to see what end times look like? Me into a room with a hundred of these people. I'm telling you I'm telling you you want to see what?

Unknown_36: end times look like?

Unknown_36: I came into that segment and I got angry looking at that guy. And I'm telling you, we got to get out of our trance now.

Unknown_30: Now is the time.

Unknown_30: Hear those war drums, get me ready.

Unknown_36: The sleeping giant needs to awaken.

Unknown_36: Oh, now they just made him lean forward into the video. You guys made me have a heart attack.

Unknown_17: I like Alex Jones. Alex Jones is the best.

Unknown_18: Alright, um... I can't believe he fucking hung up. What a bitch nigga. What a bitch nigga!

Unknown_18: Alright, we had 30 seconds of Tommy. And he got... Why would he bitch out like that?

Unknown_33: Because he's not controlling the stream. Control is a big part of who Tom is as a person. It's a big part of rapist too.

Unknown_18: Rapists tend to like control.

Unknown_33: Absolutely. So for instance, if he was hosting the stream, that means that he could talk over you, he could mute you, he could do whatever you want, he could ban you, he could do whatever. But as soon as he comes in as a guest, he won't do it unless he's getting quote-unquote paid for whatever. But even then, he won't do it because he bitches out. I mean, you challenge him on anything.

Unknown_18: Like if I paid him, he'd probably just quit at some point.

Unknown_33: Oh, yeah. And he'll say, well, you're paying me for my time.

Unknown_18: Well yeah, as long as I get the time out of him, he would probably- But he won't stay!

Unknown_33: He'll take the money and run, because he's a scammer!

Unknown_33: What a- what a-

Unknown_33: To be honest with you, there's basically three rules that we've figured out about this particular Volkow. The first rule is that Tommy believes everything, and even when he doesn't, he still does. This is why he believes there's an international group that's stalking him 24-7. You can feed him any number of unverified bullshit without any evidence, and he will believe it flat out. And then do the pretend to be retarded. Oh, I was just kidding But then he'll go and he'll file a police report or call the FBI and repeat the same dumb bullshit Well, um, I guess I guess at this point unless there's something else that You guys can think of bringing up right now I will probably bring on some people to ask questions because they probably do have questions and

Unknown_18: Go for it. I mean, is there anything else that you can think of that we should talk about? I mean, it'll come it'll come naturally There's so much fucking content As per usual, I'm gonna because there's a delay. Let me just get this out there before I start taking any calls Please don't ask how we're doing. We're all doing is everybody doing fine. Is everybody okay?

Unknown_33: I've got a fifth of vodka here. I'm ready to roll.

Unknown_18: Okay, let me let me see is there anything else I can play before before taking a call anything I got um Bob Chandler, I played that played the dog emporium The chimp out what's uh, what's number 11? What's number 11?

Unknown_33: Oh Uh, that's when he talks about his micro penis

Unknown_18: Oh, well we're definitely going to have to play that.

Unknown_18: Let me play this and then I will get to the cause.

Unknown_18: Just be quick.

Unknown_18: Those birds can barely walk.

Unknown_33: Yeah, that's my fake company.

Unknown_18: Those turkeys don't look healthy, that's why they have to walk.

Unknown_33: They're ready to be slaughtered.

Unknown_14: Oh, we gotta play Enter Detainment as well. Just like, uh, play the first 30 seconds to a minute of that.

Unknown_33: Oh yeah, we'll show his interaction. Wait, is that on- do you have this video on YouTube?

Unknown_18: Oh yeah!

Unknown_33: It's not flagged either.

Unknown_18: This is, uh, this is, uh, fine art. It is, it is.

Unknown_18: Look, we got classical music.

Unknown_24: Excuse me, but I do not condone child molestation at all.

Unknown_24: And the fact that I did have improper sexual contact with a minor does not make me a child molester. It's just your opinion that that was a statutory rape. And oh, they can't. They're minors. They can't make their own informed decisions, which is a bunch of bullshit.

Unknown_24: There are young women who are sexually mature at 12. All you can prove is that I once had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor.

Unknown_18: He just admitted to a crime.

Unknown_24: Underage, 10% statutory rape. One, two, three. done. I admit to it.

Unknown_18: Oh, you're cutting off. I was like, that's kind of unindiguous.

Unknown_33: I mean, to be honest, I'm cutting it for time to make it sound like he's a pedo. If you actually watch his actual videos, his brain is retarded. He skips around so much.

Unknown_24: Okay.

Unknown_18: Them hands know what they're doing.

Unknown_24: You know if these guys are armed, I'll take your fucking tie out. You know, whatever you open to me, you're dead because I'll slice it open with a razor. That was five of you that just hit the wall. Coming at me.

Unknown_18: Ocean Redux, stop being mad at the internet.

Unknown_24: If any of you pull a gun on me within arm's reach, you will shoot yourself.

Unknown_25: Looks like we have a fresh batch of train hoppers here.

Unknown_17: Why is he recording the homeless?

Unknown_25: Howdy.

Unknown_17: Because he's a jerk.

Unknown_17: Isn't he homeless?

Unknown_25: He's just harassing them.

Unknown_17: Yeah. Hey man. He's been homeless.

Unknown_33: Watch him run. Nah, hey.

Unknown_25: Sitting here being assholes ain't cool. Welcome to Tucson.

Unknown_35: Hey, uh, you want to get hurt and go to jail by way of the hospital?

Unknown_25: Leave me the fuck alone.

Unknown_18: He's walking like one of those turkeys from the start.

Unknown_24: If he comes up on me, if he comes up on me... That's his fungu moves. His martial art is the top shit in the world.

Unknown_24: Whatever they try to do, they're not coming near me.

Unknown_18: This is the mythical rocks that we heard so much about.

Unknown_15: How old is he? 64.

Unknown_18: And yes, he did make that sperm count joke.

Unknown_24: What's the phone trying to tell me?

Unknown_22: Besides it's half empty.

Unknown_22: Look outside.

Unknown_24: You're outside my door at 1103 in my backyard.

Unknown_24: Is that a fact?

Unknown_21: There is nobody in my backyard.

Unknown_22: But there is, there's a very young and very stupid person incriminating himself tonight.

Unknown_22: Uhm?

Unknown_22: I need to pee. I'll be right back.

Unknown_06: Live at 5.

Unknown_12: Good evening and thank you for joining us. New at 5 smoke from a brush fire in eastern Pima County has led to an air quality watch advisory.

Unknown_18: How has he been smoking for so long and so bad? I have no idea.

Unknown_33: He gets mad every time he sees what we do. He's like, no, it's science. No, it's the weather. It's the humidity. And I'm like, dude, no, you have tuberculosis.

Unknown_31: Fuck that.

Unknown_24: Fuck that.

Unknown_18: This one he just throws up.

Unknown_18: That's a bad sounding cough I'd really rather you didn't call me what do you want?

Unknown_30: I think that's the end. It's a good way to end it. All right. All right. Let's start with. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Unknown_30: Going once. Going twice.

Unknown_30: Fernand. Hello. What the fuck?

Unknown_17: Hello.

Unknown_09: Oh, oh, sorry. Oh, hi.

Unknown_09: So that uh, I would never expected to be on here.

Unknown_18: Well, you were in the call line. What were you expecting?

Unknown_09: Well, I didn't expect I'd be chosen Yeah, what you got what you got oh I'm

Unknown_08: Christmas bad You one that called in last time as like the last caller and then like no I can notice the different person imploding upon themselves.

Unknown_18: Okay, you can do it.

Unknown_09: I believe in you just Say the words You know, I kind of

Unknown_09: the fifth

Unknown_33: Mm-hmm.

Unknown_18: Yeah, I do I'm very careful with who I do streams on because it's like hundreds of people watching a lot of them aren't from the Kiwi farm So they like I think oh I can do it I can I can be the big troll and then they fuck it up So I tend not to pick people who are vulnerable to that kind of shit. Tommy. Tommy is set in his ways He will never go away.

Unknown_09: Oh, that's what relief, you know, it's you know

Unknown_09: Another thing is, I thought it was really weird how people were shitting on you a bit last week about Madokura's name getting out, because it's... I don't know, it's like you didn't directly do it, so I don't see why they're angry at you.

Unknown_18: It's just a name. Well, people are afraid of Jim going away if he gets socks, but we're over that we're over that fucking bump We're talking like I go on the fucking the politics stream and we're laughing about quarter-pounder being a fat sack of shit And everybody's okay time. So like if you're still mad over it you need to know I'm not you like in general if you are mad over that you need to You need to pick up a problem, like alcoholism, so that you have something else to worry about besides Medicare.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I just was thinking of topics. That's what I saw recently on the YouTube feed, that's all.

Unknown_09: You know, unless I'm annoying, I'm like a high school student, and I try to avoid politics or just get out of that thing. My teachers give us assignments that we have to- Hey, watch it.

Unknown_14: Tom's gonna fuck you next.

Unknown_14: Oh, shit. Yeah, this is an 18 plus server.

Unknown_18: Just so you know. Ooh, shit. I didn't- I didn't- I didn't- I didn't line this up.

Unknown_09: You're- We'll say you're a senior. Go ahead. Okay. No, I am a senior. Um. But anyways, uh.

Unknown_09: The- Shit. I- What was I gonna say now? Um. Um.

Unknown_14: Hey, can I ask you a question then? Um. After watching all this, what is it that you think of Tommy then?

Unknown_09: I think he's one sentence.

Unknown_14: What would it be?

Unknown_09: I think he's he's a very entertaining person, but but maybe maybe some police should keep an eye on him.

Unknown_18: Well, that's all I'm going to say. Sure, that by harassing every level of law enforcement in the entire country at least once. Oh, my God. I'm sure he's on a list.

Unknown_08: Good. All right.

Unknown_18: Take it easy. Thank you for coming in.

Unknown_09: Yeah, sure.

Unknown_33: And I just want to tie something into what he was talking about earlier. The fact that

Unknown_33: The Kiwi Farms doesn't actively troll people. All we do is collect evidence and present it. Tom trolls himself. So there's nobody sitting, planning, doing anything. Tom will get on a video feed and go for a half hour.

Unknown_18: Even calling his phone, I would discourage people from calling him and shit. Oh, absolutely. But with Tommy, it's just like, whatever goes.

Unknown_33: The thing is, too, Tom will go out of his way to try to dox people. He will call people at their jobs. He will call children. Like, this guy is a rabbit dog. So I encourage people to avoid him at all costs. You can look at him. You can read about him.

Unknown_18: Oh, yeah, that's the other thing. That's why I discourage people from trolling, is that, you know, you get these fucking hard asses that think they're clever, fucking with, like, Chris Chan. But then they're emailing, like, awful shit from their, like, EDU accounts to Chris. And it's like you're obviously in over your head. You're obviously fucking retarded because you shouldn't be doing this. If you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't be harassing mentally ill, unstable, schizophrenic dog pedophiles because they will fuck you.

Unknown_14: I mean, we actually have a video of what Tom does when he thinks he knows where somebody works. He calls their work. He calls the corporate office.

Unknown_18: Oh, what the fuck? Wait, hold on. I have to play this.

Unknown_18: It's the one posted in. Actually, let me call. Let me get nearly so in before I play this, but get that video up because we're going to watch it.

Unknown_18: Nearly so.

Unknown_18: Nearly.

Unknown_30: Going once.

Unknown_18: So, man.

Unknown_18: Hey.

Unknown_30: Oh, there he is. Yes.

Unknown_18: Hey.

Unknown_18: Hey, what you got?

Unknown_27: Hey, hey, what's up? What's up?

Unknown_18: What you got? Go ahead, man.

Unknown_27: I'm kind of confused. All right.

Unknown_27: I am very angry at you people. We should have mentioned the courthouse. The courthouse.

Unknown_33: Oh, the courthouse. OK, so get this. So Tom.

Unknown_33: This is the first time. Tom went to pay like a ticket for like parking or something like that. So like busking or whatever. He brought weed with him to the courthouse. Is that why he got arrested?

Unknown_33: The first time. Okay. The first time. The second time, multiple times.

Unknown_33: to the wrong courthouse about Kiwi farms and had weed in his bag again. And he got cited for that. So he did it twice. He went to law enforcement with weed on him.

Unknown_18: Wait, is this, which one am I looking at here on the screen? It says marijuana possession, use having weight less than two pounds, drug paraphernalia use.

Unknown_33: Yeah, he got busted for weed on the street, went to go pay the ticket and then brought weed with him to the courthouse. That was the second time. How did he get busted for that? Did they have dogs? You got to go through the medical detector and he dumped his perks and he had a bunch of roaches in there.

Unknown_33: He had roaches? Oh yeah, he had weed and paraphernalia and papers and stuff in Arizona. If you have like the items and the materials to roll a joint, you basically have a joint. And so that's what he got cited.

Unknown_33: Oh!

Unknown_18: Oh, I thought you meant he actually had like cockroaches in his- He probably did too! I was horribly confused for a second. He had weed and lice!

Unknown_18: He pulls out his fucking bag and there's a bunch of stoned-ass fucking roaches like, hey, what's up?

Unknown_18: That's why I mean I said at the beginning of the stream like anything we talked about is probably gonna hit like another nerve With more shit in it because he's been at this for fucking 50 years. He's a crazy person yeah, I like a point I want to mention like he always says I wanna You have to have to pay me in order to throw me and then you know, look at this post count on coupons He has like 40,000 books

Unknown_14: that the

Unknown_18: So for people that don't know the AMB is the other message board I showed some posts from and those are like the old the 419 eaters that were that have been trolling them like it's just the boomers trolling him at this point that like that guy that Called in and probably had the Russian accent. Like that guy is probably like actually 50 or 60.

Unknown_33: Yeah And who else there's another one if you want I've watched every single one of his videos and one of their favorite things they like to do is they like to call up a And in a very flat voice, they go, can we please speak with Tommy Tudor? Is Tommy Tudor there? Tommy Tudor, why are you freaking out? Like, stuff like that. And he'll talk to him! Because he has no social interaction, but that's what they do.

Unknown_18: Why won't he talk to me? I called him up before and he had no problem talking.

Unknown_33: Because we're making fun of him, and he gets pissed off. Like I said before, even though you said that you would pay him, he won't come out here because that means acquiescing to your request.

Unknown_33: Means no.

Unknown_27: Yeah, he's like he got this rebel persona going on.

Unknown_18: I hope he's well. Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you. You're alive, by the way.

Unknown_19: I know I jumped in and everybody was talking over each other. I just wanted to say.

Unknown_19: You should be. I just wanted to say there was one other thing I wanted to bring up, and that was the lady who died in his backyard. Is this a different lady than the one he cyberbullied to death?

Unknown_18: Yep. Yes, it is.

Unknown_14: Gosh.

Unknown_14: She died of a heroin overdose in his backyard. Did she steal his shit? Is that why he let her die?

Unknown_14: Actually, he did take stuff out of her purse, didn't he?

Unknown_33: Yeah, he took her drugs. He took her, uh, well, he took her oxy is what it was.

Unknown_18: He didn't even call the first responder.

Unknown_33: No, he walked to the bar and then called it in. He's like, yeah, somebody died in my backyard. Can you send the police over there?

Unknown_18: I'm the fucking morticians out there. I got to, I got to have a weird wild sex party with some straight dogs in a couple of hours.

Unknown_18: The court would really bring down the fucking mood.

Unknown_19: But yeah, this lady and her boyfriend were living in his yard.

Unknown_19: And she OD'd on heroin. He found out about it, kept walking to the bar and then called about it and then came back and like took some of her shit.

Unknown_19: And then later he he tried to say she didn't die of a heroin overdose. Actually, she died because she was a fucking badass and her heart gave out. No, that was basically her fucking asshole.

Unknown_18: He was just walking through the backyard. And at that moment, she decides to have a coronary heart attack and die.

Unknown_33: She's actually on video in one of his videos. I can find it, but it'll take me a second, but she's she's on camera.

Unknown_14: This is one of the things that Tom does that really doesn't get discussed a lot. He'll take in people that are just basically transients and, you know, basically rainbows all the time. And when he does, instead of letting them stay in his apartment, well, his studio, what he does is he would make them spend the backyard.

Unknown_18: So he makes people sleep outside, is what you're saying? Yeah, they sleep inside.

Unknown_19: Yeah, he said that living in his backyard was better for that woman than wherever she had been before.

Unknown_18: Obviously not, because she's fucking dead.

Unknown_18: The state claimed her body and cremated her and scattered her to the fucking wind. She's already outside.

Unknown_18: What got me is I can't believe he harasses the homeless. He was he was home I spent five fucking minutes in my best radio voice reading a fucking newspaper clipping where he's complaining about homeless prejudice And then he's out there actually harassing the fucking homeless. I think he's better than everyone because of his background I'm an artist activist.

Unknown_22: I'm known around the country, man. Oh, that's another thing.

Unknown_19: Did he talk about his parents more?

Unknown_19: I know we went over his early life, his early jobs, but Tom is descended from rich Jews, and they have paid him to stay away from the family because he is insane.

Unknown_18: Wait, is that real?

Unknown_18: That is real.

Unknown_33: Yes.

Unknown_33: Really?

Unknown_33: He's so he's so rich. He had a trust fund that his parents paid him out of Up until the point where he got on social security and medicare So we're talking about like 30 years from the time that he left chicago to go to college On up to when he turned like 55 He's been paid out by his parents

Unknown_18: All right. I'm sorry. I asked the chat if the stream is doing well because my my OBS is like it's the little status icon is bright red like it's burning a fucking hole to my monitor. It's like this is a five year old laptop with an 860. It can't do it. You're on. You're on some fucking fiber optic line that's run through Slavic snow soil permafrost. You can't fucking do this. Josh fucking idiot.

Unknown_18: It's working fine on YouTube. All right, let me um, okay we have this one minute clip in the backstage from From gook about it looks like it has a tranny on it. That's a pretty good-looking tranny though I can tell I can tell it's a tranny That's Sneasel Yeah, that's yawning Sneasel Fuck, I don't know. Okay, should we play the, uh, the, the encounterment with, uh, the police? Play it after, play it after what I said.

Unknown_18: Okay. Alright, I'm gonna load up the, uh, I've loaded up the, uh, the one with the, the tranny. Alright, what do you see going on?

Unknown_30: Go ahead.

Unknown_18: Alright. Three, two, one, go.

Unknown_18: Nothing's showing for me.

Unknown_28: Yeah, nothing's on the chat or the radio screen. I can see it.

Unknown_18: Oh, geez.

Unknown_22: Is that his house? Well, his old apartment now.

Unknown_33: He just moved.

Unknown_18: Oh, this is like a fake intro. Is this like a fan-made rendition of this song?

Unknown_37: Yeah, I made it. Alright.

Unknown_18: And YouTube knows too much about me, you guys won't see this, but in my recommendations, there's a thing that has flags for Romania and Chad. And if you don't know, Romania and Chad have the exact same flag. Chad's a fucking desolate landlocked country in Africa, and Romania is the home of the gypsies. They have nothing together, but they do have the same exact flag. And YouTube knows that I know where I am, what language they speak here, but they also know I really like flags. That's a true fact about me. And they're trying to give me flag content in Russian language. So the algorithm is clearly working. I can't wait to see the two-spirit shit after this.

Unknown_33: Isn't that called vexiology? The love of flags?

Unknown_18: Yes, vexiology. or vexillology, there's a weird, it's a weird name. I can't pronounce it, like I can't pronounce any other word. But I do have the police writing.

Unknown_18: Whatever. I know how to ask for borscht. That's the only word I need.

Unknown_27: Alright, so can we talk about, since we brought up the move, can we talk about the, how he moved from his old apartment and his

Unknown_33: Yes, Sneasel, would you like to describe the official Denver Love Quest and the Pete Clark incident?

Unknown_14: Sure. All right here. So what happened was Tom initially got into a little bit of a scuffle on Facebook with this big guy named Pete Clark. OK.

Unknown_14: Big, he's just like,

Unknown_14: He's probably about six foot six about three hundred twenty three thirty pounds and that's not either Like a fucking brick house. So anyways Tom he decides to call the guy who is a veteran by the way killer and accuse him of stealing valor and

Unknown_31: The thing is that this isn't some guy who's like halfway across the country.

Unknown_14: This guy is a guy who goes to the same bar that Tom used to go to, but isn't invited there anymore. It's called the hut. And what happened was goes to the hut on Saturdays. Pete decides he's going to go there on Saturday too. So he can talk to Tom about the things that you're saying. Well, in the period between then,

Unknown_14: decided that they were going to send Pete Clark a copy of the Sabrina story. And this gets him pissed off even more because Pete Clark has children. So there and pretty hot and Tom isn't very good at diffusing situations. So basically what happened from what we gathered from between what we saw in post by and from Tom, he even posted a video on YouTube describing it.

Unknown_14: Basically, what happened was, Tom showed up, came up to him to confront him, then Tom went batshit crazy and ran around the entire hut, found a manager and was hiding behind the manager. And then because of the... With Pete, Tom was out and we actually have a picture of that. Oh, yeah.

Unknown_18: You were kind of cutting out. Let me send me the picture. I have the picture actually on my computer somewhere. He got hammer locked and kicked out of the hut for chimping out because Pete Clark called him a pedophile dog fucker.

Unknown_33: In front of a crowd of people.

Unknown_18: Oh, now I can drag and drop shit on my fucking OBS. Thanks a lot. Oh, there it is. Yeah, Pete Clark, you got thrown out of the hut by, and there's security escorting him out.

Unknown_18: In case you didn't hear or he didn't mention it, I can't remember.

Unknown_18: The hut is like a bar or something, right? Where musicians play?

Unknown_33: Yeah, it's where the people gather.

Unknown_18: He would go there with his recorder and he would play while the other musicians, who I assume rent the space to make money, play. So eventually, whenever they confronted him, he would screech about transgender sexism or whatever. And then eventually, after he picked a fight with this Pete Clark guy, that's when they got security to eventually remove him.

Unknown_18: They recorded the moment for posterity. Yeah, and this wasn't a singular moment.

Unknown_33: We're talking about years of build-up. This is a guy who used to scream at women, get in fights with women at the hut, try to use the women's bathroom, would never buy alcohol because he had no money. So he was basically viewed as a leech. Right, and so this was just kind of all built up and you would think that you know This is the most chill place on earth. There's a bunch of jet heads. They're all conked out on weed and stuff No, this guy is chipping out 24-7 every time he goes there.

Unknown_18: How does weed not calm his ass down?

Unknown_18: He goes into a manic state He must be he must actually be like schizotypal or whatever. Yeah, that's the thing that happens with schizophrenia and weed

Unknown_33: Yeah, he's uh, he has schizoaffective disorder. That's what he gets his tard bucks for Your tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen He also does what he calls zooming. So when he gets really manic and starts over explaining parts of his life, that's what he calls zooming That's when you get all the best content because then he gives true and honest accounts of all the stuff that he's done and then he immediately forgets that he recorded it and then he gets mad when you post it back at him and

Unknown_18: All right, well I think this uh, what's the deal with the police at the door? I got that ready to go when you guys want to open it as well.

Unknown_19: Wait, we need to talk about Denver.

Unknown_18: Denver?

Unknown_33: Okay, so...

Unknown_33: that's

Unknown_33: Right. He said that they were going to get married and have a house together and the reception was going to be at the hut and everything was going to be beautiful. No, he went there. Nothing happened. She ran away because she saw how disgusting he was. He was a smoker. She didn't want smokers. It was a big clusterfuck. So he spent his rent money on that bus ticket. He must have lied about everything about on the tour then. Yeah, he did. And what ended up happening was is he thought that the company, the Pelican Management, his landlords, were going to use his security deposit as rent because he had spent his rent check on the bus ticket. They were like, no, you can't do that. You broke your lease for serving you with a 60 day notice. So that's why he got kicked out of his house recently and had to move because he pulled that he broke his lease trying to chase pussy.

Unknown_19: Now he lives by a bunch of gangbangers.

Unknown_18: And I do want to show I do want to show that where's this police encounter at is that while he's at Denver No, this is kind of old This is just in Tucson Somebody asked me by the way before we I'm desperate to fucking watch this But before we do somebody in the discord chat asked me if I think the flag of Seychelles is the best flag because it's something I put on the screen what's the worst and the answer is

Unknown_18: The Confederation of the Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus. And this is their flag.

Unknown_18: And their flag is fucking awful. And this is why nobody respects the Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus, because their fucking flag is garbage. Just as a nice aside. Nice vexillology lesson. The Mountain Peoples! The Mountain Peoples. They will never have their own country because their flag is caca.

Unknown_18: Okay. I do want to watch this, uh, police show. Right now.

Unknown_18: Fuck that flag. Okay, you guys ready with the police? Go for it. They want us to be quiet.

Unknown_24: He just wants to be quiet.

Unknown_24: Let me go silent, you talk to him anything you need to know. Let me get back to what I need to do. I think I need you to call the mental health unit to make an evaluation. I don't want to waste their time. Are you going to go with them?

Unknown_18: People are calling him a sovereign citizen. I'm asking you to call the mental health to evaluate her, sir.

Unknown_24: You're the one that needs to call the mental health to evaluate me. I'm asking that you call the mental health to evaluate her, sir. You need to call

Unknown_18: Oh, they look so fucking fed up. He's like an original sovereign citizen.

Unknown_24: He does this a lot when he zones.

Unknown_25: He likes that. Give him a fucking phone number without spazzing out.

Unknown_32: He calls the cops to chimp out on the cops, knowing that they won't enter without probable cause. So he blocks that front door and then screams at him through the screen.

Unknown_24: Yeah, 5-1-2. And no disrespect, you're just young and not... No, I'm just telling you, you're too young to know what you're talking about. So I don't want to do that. We'll do that in the gym sometime, okay? Come on outside, sir.

Unknown_18: It's not going to happen today. We're staying in here.

Unknown_24: We're going to be quiet once you guys leave.

Unknown_24: That cop looks so fucking pissed off.

Unknown_18: He's like, open this fucking door.

Unknown_33: Keep in mind the whole reason the cops are out there is because the neighbors were complaining about Tom.

Unknown_16: Yeah, it's a noise disturbance.

Unknown_33: But then Tom was complaining about the neighbors in retaliation or whatever and the cops weren't buying it.

Unknown_18: What was he doing? Was it music or was he like screaming? Both.

Unknown_18: Was the recorder too loud?

Unknown_33: He plays his sax at like 3 a.m. and shit like that, so it wouldn't surprise me if he was still inside.

Unknown_15: Oh, yeah. Dude, uh... Zoom up on the cop just looking dead inside.

Unknown_15: What did you need?

Unknown_24: Can you pull up that post for his newest address where he was like, I hope they like the saxophone.

Unknown_18: Now you know why they shoot people, Chad.

Unknown_14: Well, here's the thing about where he's living now.

Unknown_14: Like the by downtown area, he's living in the literal barrio. When you look at the districting of Tucson, that's where he's living.

Unknown_14: You look up his neighbors, He has gangbanger neighbors. He even said so on Facebook. He's gonna get put up with them.

Unknown_24: Yeah, he just made a post the other day that his neighbor was beating his wife or something.

Unknown_19: And he was like, I can hear everything they're saying because the walls are so thin.

Unknown_18: That one cop has such a friendly mustache.

Unknown_31: This is in Colorado Is that picture of the roommates I have the roommate that's recording this right now I

Unknown_32: No, this is 2015 Thanksgiving. This cop video right now. Oh, this is on Thanksgiving.

Unknown_18: Wow, fuck that. That's why they're so pissed. I could... Oh, he's supposed to... Yeah, like, so he lives in the barrio, and he... right now, like...

Unknown_27: Every couple of hours, you would be exposed, and it would be 16 gunshots.

Unknown_18: That house is a fucking wreck.

Unknown_26: We call it the shit of it. Oh, we never talked about the war behind Tom's chair.

Unknown_19: I love the cop trying to get him outside.

Unknown_18: I'll write you a ticket, you just gotta come outside to sign it.

Unknown_33: brings up a fantastic point. Um, Tom usually records himself without pants and shits in his chair. Well, he's incontinent.

Unknown_18: He can't help it.

Unknown_33: That's it. It's like I can get the video that's on YouTube that he's shitting in his chair. One second.

Unknown_19: Oh my God. Wait, we need to find the post where he like talks about the time he shit himself like walking home.

Unknown_33: Uh, search the thread under my posts where it says Tom's guide to sharding. It has like all of his fucking incidents.

Unknown_33: Like, he's been shitting himself from birth. He keeps saying, a doctor has told him that the reason that he's incontinent is A, he eats dumpster food that's rotten, which causes all kinds of bacteria and buildup and shit. And then B, he has urinary tract infections and stuff because he never washes his undergarage. He doesn't wash his smegma out. So yeah, he's always getting sick and shitting himself.

Unknown_18: I learned that from Jordan Peterson. Wash your penis. Pull it back.

Unknown_33: Wash your penis. Tommy is way funnier when he has a roommate.

Unknown_18: He needs more roommates. He's like screaming at the top of his lungs and singing God Bless America. That's fucking fantastic.

Unknown_14: Way back when he was living in Austin, he was living with circus freaks, like literal circus freaks. And right before he moved from Austin to Tucson, there was an incident where one of his roommates got really pissed off at him because of something having to do with using a cutting board with blood on it.

Unknown_15: What?

Unknown_14: It ended up in a huge fight.

Unknown_14: Tom ended up locking himself in his room and begging A and B to give him some help so he could get out of there.

Unknown_30: That's funny.

Unknown_30: He was posting on Facebook. Somebody saved me.

Unknown_18: Everybody blocked you on Facebook, bro. Give me some help.

Unknown_18: All right, um, anything else?

Unknown_33: Oh, there's tons more.

Unknown_18: Where do you want to go from here?

Unknown_33: Holy shit.

Unknown_18: Hold on, I found one of the screencaps. Hold up. It's posted in the back thing. Let's get Randall. Randall, what you got to say?

Unknown_30: No, Randall, you're muted, you fucker. Let me read this. I just posted it. Oh.

Unknown_30: In the back. Let me pull it up. Date.

Unknown_30: Okay, so

Unknown_18: Oh, the one, some days I really hate my body? Yeah. OK. Oh, I thought he was going to be talking about gender stuff. He's going to be talking about pooping himself. That's better.

Unknown_18: Some days I really hate my body. I was never at all happy about my blind trouser mole, but I've gotten somewhat used to that. Nothing inside me works right, though, because of the toxic mix between the male hormones of my genitals and female hormones of my brain. I've always had bad allergies and problems with my urinary and excretory functions. Oh jeez. I didn't even know that I had done it but apparently sharted in my white pants last night and they even had a big stain that showed right through them. I hope I wasn't walking around at the TDC show last night with that thing showing. I'm hoping it happened on the way home when I was having problems holding it in on the way to the toilet. to my anti-fans who are surely going to find this hilarious. I'd rather deal with a minor metabolic dysfunctions than to be a mean, stupid, hive-minded bully like you. I prefer being the bully that doesn't shit on myself. I don't know about you guys.

Unknown_19: This is another quote from Tom. Quote, I don't shart from fear and I don't do it very often. That's a lie.

Unknown_19: That is a lie.

Unknown_19: Fear shards.

Unknown_30: He gets scared and he shits himself. It's the funniest thing ever.

Unknown_18: This one, I'll throw this up there too.

Unknown_18: This one's like a reply to somebody making fun of him.

Unknown_18: He says, uh, there is no shame in my game in case you haven't noticed. Nothing embarrassing about that post to me. This was just a shart this time, but there are other times when the sphincter will let go of the whole load without much warning.

Unknown_18: I'm often just getting my pants down and squatting when it jumps. There is nothing I can do about it. It's the way my body has always worked. Somebody needs to rub his nose in it.

Unknown_18: His mom tried. Yeah, I need to get somebody back on that. She tried to get him to stop shitting around the house.

Unknown_30: Ruining their chairs.

Unknown_18: Oh, I think Randall died. Let's try this guy, whose name I can't pronounce.

Unknown_14: You know, I'm kind of surprised we went about two and a half hours in this, and we still haven't talked about the fact that Tom's a Nazi.

Unknown_18: Oh, yes.

Unknown_14: Whatever your name is, Space whatever you got.

Unknown_34: to a

Unknown_33: You made a point where he talks about, you know, digging up code in Microsoft and stuff He thinks he's a he's a computer expert But we have him on the phone for like two and a half hours Trying to delete like a Skype chat that he can't back out of Like he's on the phone with Microsoft chat support for two and a half hours Because he can't press the X button And he was like, everybody in this Skype chat needs to get arrested. It's like, dude, just close the fucking chat.

Unknown_14: The best part was when he was tripping out about them not calling him the right gender. Oh yeah, they keep calling him sir, and then he's like, I'm charging Hewlett Packard $50 an hour.

Unknown_36: Get me your supervisor. Oh my fucking days.

Unknown_18: What's your, I guess, what's your favorite thing so far? I'll ask you that before I, uh, I don't, I don't know, to be honest, I, um, I've only started like fully keeping up again.

Unknown_34: Like most of the stuff, like I'll just keep up with it because I've just joined, like, you know, the farms as like last month or so. No, no, a month, two months. But I, to be honest, my favorite bit at that point was just like, when he was saying like, you know, we're live in front of nine people.

Unknown_19: Yeah. And that was all us.

Unknown_34: Yeah, I can imagine.

Unknown_19: Literally, I think all of us in here except Neural were watching that live.

Unknown_18: Oh, I wasn't, but everybody else who follows Tutor religiously probably was.

Unknown_34: Yeah. One more thing, by the way. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I think I donated 2,600 sparkles of sign on stream.

Unknown_18: Yeah, I'll pull that off right now because you mentioned it. I can't find a very convenient way to watch the donations on the thing. Awesome.

Unknown_18: The stream got me thing is monetized So I one of the things I want to do is I want to get my computer back from the United States And I can't fucking believe how expensive it is to ship shit from the United States to play around the world. It's a fucking travesty I'll check that now I'll give you if you need me to I'll just send you like a screenshot with a proof I've got like the invoice IDs of my notification. So thank you. Um, let me check through and see if I can find the gifting

Unknown_34: Alright, is that gonna count towards... Yeah, is that gonna count towards, like, donator status on the forums?

Unknown_18: Uhh... What is it, 20 bucks? In sparkles?

Unknown_34: Yeah, it cost me $20. Sure. Oh, yeah, just send me your, uh, username and... It's literally the same as this, send it in Discord. Alright, I'll hook you up when I get a second. Alright, cheers.

Unknown_18: You're a true and honest fan, a gentleman and a scholar.

Unknown_14: Fuck yeah, man.

Unknown_14: Now that you're a supporter, you can bitch about other people in the supporter forum. Oh, yes.

Unknown_18: It's literally the entire purpose.

Unknown_34: I mean, I'm in I'm in the I'm in the secret club.

Unknown_18: That's right. It's literally called the top secret in our circle. So, oh, congratulations.

Unknown_34: Now I can now I finally get to get to call people deviants.

Unknown_18: Yeah, it's true.

Unknown_14: We need more ratings.

Unknown_18: More ratings? Like what?

Unknown_14: Yeah, you should have a fat rating for Amber's... That should be the only rating, it's just the fat. No. No, I detour that. That should be the only rating you can give mSpecs.

Unknown_19: No, we need, and I think Anonymous made a thread about this, saying that he wanted an I'm gonna kill myself rating, or I wanna kill myself.

Unknown_19: I endorse that idea.

Unknown_33: Well that would be like anything.

Unknown_19: When the content is just so bad. I think that's a horrifying rating.

Unknown_33: That's kind of implied with the horrified rating, right?

Unknown_19: No, we need another one. I think it's just implied by visiting the website.

Unknown_33: Make a skull and crossbones.

Unknown_33: Get a skull and crossbones rating.

Unknown_18: What's a video 203?

Unknown_18: Let's watch this and then I'll take I'll take more people.

Unknown_33: Oh, that sounds familiar. Fuck me. I've seen every single one of his videos.

Unknown_18: That's the one where he thinks he was calling my job.

Unknown_18: Oh, yeah, that's right. What he does when he thinks he's got his dogs. OK, so this is what he does when he thinks he has some of these dogs. I'm going to put on this.

Unknown_33: Yeah. Sneasel is actually isn't it, Laura Frank? Isn't that your name?

Unknown_14: that the

Unknown_19: It was he saw like a phone number and then he looked that phone number up and found some old guy in Michigan with that phone number. Oh, yeah. And then he found the Laura Frank name and it was like, well, that must be her grandfather. All right. I'm going to start at zero and three to three.

Unknown_24: Yeah, Andrew Green returned the call.

Unknown_24: I can send you her postings, gladly. I can send you a list of her other victims, gladly.

Unknown_24: But she's online right now during office hours at Skype. Okay. Well, let me see what I can find out, and we will get back to you.

Unknown_24: I appreciate that. And what was your name again, please?

Unknown_20: My name is Jennifer.

Unknown_24: Okay, Jennifer.

Unknown_24: Yeah, my name is Thomas Wasserberg, better known as Tommy Tudor.

Unknown_24: And I'm just, you know, I'm just, pardon me?

Unknown_24: Say again?

Unknown_24: Yes, ma'am.

Unknown_24: You know, I'm just a silly old hippie. You know, I'm part of the, you know, the Rainbow Family, Deadhead, Woodstock crowd.

Unknown_24: You know, I'm no threat to anything but the status quo.

Unknown_20: I appreciate it.

Unknown_24: Thank you very much, ma'am. Does she hang up on me now?

Unknown_18: Nasty faggot nasty. Oh my god. That's a that's a homophobic comment That could get me kicked off YouTube faster than his gooch I'd like to read something from the op just so everybody knows that he's not transgender.

Unknown_33: This is something that he's said himself. Oh

Unknown_33: Thomas is war out. Tommy needs to be on the surface in these troubled times. I feel safer and like less of a target for my words as a transgender woman than a surviving 60s radical rabble rouser. My old friends are understanding me much better as an excitable chick than an angry dude, especially folks who only know me online. I'm really feeling like a sly bitch knowing I'm going to get my way a lot easier with boobs than anything else I've ever tried. Money doesn't rule the world. Tits, ass, pussy, fuck me hairstyles, and pink jobs rule the world."

Unknown_27: End quote.

Unknown_27: That's no good. He essentially admits that he is trans for money.

Unknown_30: Because he wants to scam people.

Unknown_30: Yeah, um Yeah, he's pretty fucking gross I think that's the appropriate word like the Between everything else like that's just the unifying factor.

Unknown_18: Everything he does is really fucking gross. It's like gross incarnate We have

Unknown_33: We haven't even touched on the- on the magic space Jews that are gonna bless him with a special- Oh, let's save that for last, because the chat's gonna turn to fucking Hail Hitler or Hail Space Hitler after that.

Unknown_33: They're already gonna do that when they find out that he, like, posts memes from Daily Stormer and stuff. Oh, jeez, I need to- I need to call up Weave and tell him who his biggest fan is.

Unknown_19: Yeah, Weave should give Tom a job writing for the Daily Stormer.

Unknown_18: Yeah, he should. I wonder how long it would take for people to be like, this is fucking nonsense.

Unknown_19: Oh, oh, I wish Hood was here.

Unknown_33: He's got Facebook memes, yeah.

Unknown_19: Tom posting on the kiwi farms.

Unknown_14: He spends all day on Twitter, whenever he's on Twitter, just posting anti-Zionist shit just all fucking day.

Unknown_19: Did you know that the Jews declared war on Hitler?

Unknown_18: Wasn't he talking about what was the weird shit that he was talking about that pissed you off? Like it was he talking about like Weimer or Weimer Germany or something and everybody got really pissed off at him Cuz it was like straight bullshit.

Unknown_14: I Remember anybody getting mad at him. I mean he's fucking idiot. There's no reason to get mad at Tommy Tudor. I

Unknown_33: No, he's funny, but for all the wrong reasons, like he calls himself an artist and entertainer, and he's terrible at the things he tries. But when he's not trying, he's fucking hilarious because he's so dumb.

Unknown_19: You forgot that he's also a freelance journalist. Like I said, hit him up. We've.

Unknown_18: But I do want to try Randall again or Randall every time he tries to call in something that happens.

Unknown_18: Randall.

Unknown_30: Randall, you fucker. Hi.

Unknown_18: Hi.

Unknown_18: We can hear you. Am I coming through? Yes. You're very loud. What do you want? What do you got?

Unknown_18: What are your thoughts, Randall? Come on.

Unknown_30: Huh? Oh, crap. Just one moment. Sorry about that.

Unknown_18: You've been there for like half an hour. So are we going to talk about esoteric tutorism?

Unknown_33: Yeah, because I think that's one of the funniest parts about Tommy Yeah, if you want What's up, cuz he yawning told me that he hoped the stream would lodge Tommy out of his fucking Hitler phase.

Unknown_18: Oh

Unknown_33: I mean, I can touch on esoteric Tudorism, it's part of the space Jew thing, but you wanted to save that, right? Uh, no, no, you can go ahead. You probably know more than me.

Unknown_33: Okay, so basically, Tom believes that, in a multitude of beliefs, he believes that God is a two-spirit. He believes that there's a male half and a female half. He also believes that when you die, your soul goes to a ship full of Jews that flies around the universe.

Unknown_33: Did he watch Bellbrook's History of the World and take it literally? Like the Jews in space part? Jews in space! Yes, he did.

Unknown_14: Magic Space Vagina.

Unknown_33: Yeah, he thinks that these people that he talks to on the astral plane, which he's also seen Satan face to face, that they are going to bless him with a magic space vagina and heal him and make him a complete woman. Also, all of Tom's enemies are going to be eaten by interdimensional shitting space lizards. who will devour the soul of all his enemies and ship them trans-dimensionally out onto Mars where they will live forever on a barren red planet. These are things that he actually believes. If you ever look at his reputation posts or responses, he'll say stuff like, you're just meat on the hook for the demons and your soul is gonna be crushed. Like he believes that he's gonna be saved by space Jews and blessed with a vagina.

Unknown_19: He's also said that if the end days don't happen before 2020, he's going to kill himself.

Unknown_33: And his parents.

Unknown_19: Yeah.

Unknown_33: If they're still alive. He wants to take out as many people with him and then kill himself. Yeah, so I guess that means on December 1st, 2020, we should send some cops over to his place. We're going to live stream it is what's going to happen. We're going to ask him to go on Facebook Live.

Unknown_33: Now I just want to see like the hatred game intro but Tommy narrating it Yeah, it's uh, I mean Why why does he want to kill himself for 2020?

Unknown_33: Because then that means all the voices in his head were wrong and he really is crazy

Unknown_18: Well, he's probably gonna change his mind when 2020 rolls around he's already said that he was like Yeah, so it's like he can't commit to his own fantasies. He can't even commit to his own suicide Well, he's basically said didn't pass that the only reason he has not killed himself yet is Because it would be against what his spirit guides have told them to do

Unknown_18: I wish he would fucking call. I'm really salty that he wouldn't fucking call.

Unknown_33: Tell him to cut off his penis. That's the quickest way to becoming a woman.

Unknown_18: Give him an axe wound.

Unknown_18: I was really hoping that he would get mad watching this fucking stream and be like, I'm gonna call in and set the record straight, but I guess everything we've said is completely and totally true.

Unknown_33: He's mad. He goes, he actually posted to A and B. He said,

Unknown_33: You are the most infantile bunch of fucking deviant giblets I have ever heard. Fucking pathetic, what I just heard. It isn't even worth simulcasting to laugh at your insipid voyeurism and projections of your own perversions. I happen to be a vole cell, unlike you disgusting toxic incels.

Unknown_33: The fuck is a vole cell?

Unknown_06: Voluntary encelibate.

Unknown_33: Did he make that up? Cause I know encelibate. No! He's the royal equivalent of a Victorian monk.

Unknown_30: And he's probably molested less children.

Unknown_18: You know, fuck him.

Unknown_30: He's a kindergarten terrorist.

Unknown_18: This is an aside, but uh... Redneck's copyright claimed my other video. You fucking assholes. You Cotton Eyed Joe motherfuckers. Men not men!

Unknown_22: Men not men!

Unknown_18: Fuck! Yeah, I've been I've been assaulted by rednecks

Unknown_18: All right, um, let me just burn through the rest of the colors and then I I guess that's that's all I got unless there's anything else you can think of Yeah, I just have an aside.

Unknown_33: I use a lot of media from a lot of different stuff with those those channels I think you're being targeted And and on purpose I use a lot of fucking media like i've never been like flagged for rage against the machines radio or anything like that Like I don't have any content

Unknown_18: I think my streams are given a higher priority for content ID matching just because of the subscriber and viewer counts.

Unknown_33: Okay, yeah, that makes more sense. But yeah, just throwing that out there.

Unknown_18: They probably don't do content, like you have to use machine learning on those videos to find that shit. So they probably don't for like the 32 hour gang stalking streams that have no views, you know.

Unknown_30: Of course there could be someone like Liz Fong Jones compulsively watching everything you do.

Unknown_33: There's your name on the livestream. Google Liz Fong Jones.

Unknown_18: Liz Fong Jones? Oh jeez, I don't think I can do that. That should be my going away stream.

Unknown_18: Like people who don't know Liz Fong Jones was a crazy tranny who used their at Email address to send a complaint to one of our my email like I haven't run an email service I sent a complaint to that falsely claiming the vet server hosted the Kiwi farms and

Unknown_18: Demanding that it be taken down and they got scared because it was an at Person like if they take them off the Google index and like their business is gonna go away overnight unless they change their Their domain name and stuff. So they send it to me and I said don't worry about it. It's just a crazy person and and then I posted the email they forwarded and they started ranting and raving on fucking Twitter like don't don't do business with this company in the Netherlands because they're gonna send your email to the hosts that are transphobic and shit and then we did digging figured out that Liz Fong Jones is like male to female girlfriend was a trans snake they like to bind their arms next to their body and wiggle around like a snake and wear a leash while they do it

Unknown_18: For being innovative, but they're crazy. Yeah, it's a fuck Google and fuck. They're crazy fucking training employees Okay, let's take a call. I'm gonna try to burn through these To P door You're muted Hey, hello.

Unknown_03: I Wanted to ask about his childhood Do we know about this anything?

Unknown_18: Well, I went over it a little bit.

Unknown_18: He pooped himself and his mom rubbed his face and his poo in his pants like a dog. And he said he was abused. I don't know what the details of that abuse are besides the poo. And he also claims he was born with DES. And I don't even know what that is, but we will know.

Unknown_14: Oh, there's a few other things about him. They're sort of incidental, though. Uh, one of the things is that, uh, he changes the story as to like why it is that he's tranny. I mean, you know, there's the DS, but there's also him saying that he had surgery, which made him tranny. Like, uh, he said that he had a double inguinal hernia surgery, ovaries from over reason to testicles.

Unknown_33: Yeah, basically he suffered from cryptokinism. He had an undescended testicle and the doctor, you know, helped him release it till it could drop. And sometimes those can actually, you know, re-ascend up into the pelvic cavity. So they have to check to make sure that it stays down. He took this as, oh, they fiddled with my junk and now that makes me training.

Unknown_33: He's descended from

Unknown_33: He's descended from a family of rich Jewish merchants. This is not a lie. That's not a joke He really is his dad's uh, and his grandfather is a woman's clothier And they made a lot of money for it. So he grew up

Unknown_33: Yeah, he grew up in on the north side of Chicago in a very affluent Jewish neighborhood. Very rich. I mean, I'm talking not Trump levels, but I'm talking about he was very comfortable for a big city like that and enough to have a trust fund that lasted him like 30 years. So that's that's his youth. He had a very cushy yeshiva childhood growing up. His trust fund ran out?

Unknown_33: It ran out by the time he was 55 when he could get his tart box and his his medicare stuff His parents basically stopped paying for him That's why in some of these instances In the very first post that you read where he talks about how his house was sold out from under him That was a trailer that his dad had bought for him that com said he was going to pay rent on through his tart box and he never did And so his dad's like well if you're not gonna fucking pay rent Why am I paying for this trailer out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere? No, so he sold the trailer and kicked Tom out And so Tom his dad kicked him out on the street from this trailer or whatever and this was like down in Tennessee's Dad's doing business from Chicago His parents aren't right now like 90 years old and they live up in Wisconsin and they're still putting up with this guy's bullshit I mean, these are the most kindest long-suffering parents that could ever wish for And he puts them through fucking agony for no reason at all.

Unknown_18: It's so depressing. Is that why he's a Nazi? Because he hates Jewish parents?

Unknown_33: Um, I think it's that socialist communist thing took to an extreme like he he believes in like communalism He believes in sharing he doesn't believe in the free market and yet The only reason that he could survive up into this day and age is because his parents were paying for everything This is a dude that has never experienced true homelessness or poverty because he always had a bank card. He could take money out of You have to keep in mind that he's he's been this way since he left in his 20s

Unknown_33: And he's been a transient, like this is a dude that has lived off a trust fund that has allowed himself to be lazy, to go across country, to do all these insane fucking things to fuck dogs and children and have his rock collection and do all, his parents' money is paid for all this, but he gets mad at that. And then he was like, oh, the Zionists are ruining this country. Like, dude, your fucking Jew money paid for it.

Unknown_18: So it is ruining the country.

Unknown_18: I think Tom is ruining the country. No, it's ruining the country because the Zionist money is paying for Tom to go out and fuck dogs and kids.

Unknown_33: I think Tom's mad that he's a Zionist and doesn't want to admit that he's a Zionist.

Unknown_27: Can we talk about why he eat garbage?

Unknown_18: Oh, okay. Well, before we do that, thank you two for coming in.

Unknown_30: Thank you, my Russian friend!

Unknown_18: I think I pronounced his name right.

Unknown_18: Okay, you wanted to talk about garbage?

Unknown_30: Yeah, like... He talks about it like he went to some hipster... Some hipster thing, like, I got this artisanal chicken, and I got... You know, he doesn't... He sees that like a delicacy, you know?

Unknown_27: You see the way he writes about it, it's always like it's a delicacy.

Unknown_18: Can he afford food, or...?

Unknown_33: I think yes.

Unknown_33: He can, he refuses to buy it. In fact, he spends most of his money on rocks and weed. Why does he, uh, why?

Unknown_33: Because he thinks that he can turn a profit on eBay. So his house is just always full of rocks that he can never turn around and sell. Sort of like an addiction. Like you buy these rocks that he thinks have value. Yeah, you're exactly right. He never turns around and makes any money from it. Sometimes he'll say stupid shit like, I made $1,000 one day on these rocks. But then you're asking him, well, okay, well, where's the $1,000 that you saved from that sale? it's already gone, because he's already spent it on other dumb bullshit. So he can tell you that he sold something for $50 million, but he doesn't have the $50 million to show for it. Because he spent it all on weed and heroin and, you know, other crap. Alright, let's move on.

Unknown_18: Sorry, is there something you want to add?

Unknown_27: We should pull up some photos of his food.

Unknown_18: Okay, go ahead and get some pictures for me to put up and I'll Yeah, I'll see what I can do Let's do Ramon Diaz Hey Josh, what's up?

Unknown_02: So I've been I've been listening to this shit show for a while almost the entire stream and I'm just thinking in my mind Jesus Christ this this guy like takes all the fucking boxes Possible he's a fucking tranny. He's a schizo. He's a fucking Jew that admits that he's not a Jew and also Kind of not surprised by the fact that the fucking tranny also was into pedophilia. Does anyone find this surprising?

Unknown_18: Yes, it's quite it's quite interesting sometimes how a schizophrenia goes almost hand-in-hand with you know transgenderism and

Unknown_02: because they're quite in the same, like, mental deficiency disorders.

Unknown_02: This is why, in a sense, schizos, from what I know, are very lazy people, and this is just because of their, like, neural problems.

Unknown_18: Yeah, of course. If you can't think straight, how are you gonna fucking organize a day's event?

Unknown_02: My- I'd say the answer- the answer to all this is pimozide in the water for the transgenders, my friend. That's all I'm doing now.

Unknown_02: Homozyde in the fucking water and we can solve this problem very very fast Wait the fluoride.

Unknown_18: Oh the chemical Just reminded me of a joke that we made somebody was talking about how things got worse over time they use that frog analogy and I'm like, oh yeah, the gay frog in the pot of boiling chemicals. It's a classic, classic metaphor. Yeah, classic.

Unknown_02: I'd say that Jesus Christ, he looks so fucking disgusting. I don't know, he's like a mix between a fucking frog and like Gollum.

Unknown_18: He's a jerk goblin.

Unknown_19: He looks like a tortoise.

Unknown_18: He does have the, he has the, uh... Do you guys know, uh, like, that Japanese myth of the Kappa?

Unknown_02: Like, the triple human? Yeah, he looks exactly like that.

Unknown_33: We can always use content for the thread, so if anybody wants to shoot that together... So, who knows, maybe he's the mythical, like, Jewish Kappa that almost everyone is searching, and we know that he lives in America.

Unknown_15: That is pretty good. He does look like that.

Unknown_27: Why is the top of his head serious?

Unknown_02: There's a video of rotten meat that he collected.

Unknown_33: I'll get it for you in a second.

Unknown_18: Thank you, Tremendous. We're going to be looking at garbage food now.

Unknown_27: Take care.

Unknown_27: Look at the description the description is like I'll read it.

Unknown_18: All right, let me put it up there.

Unknown_30: I read it real quick God it's nauseating to look at hold up. I got too much on my fucking screen now

Unknown_18: All right.

Unknown_18: Dumpster diving, coast to coast, the Gourmet Ben Burger. I defy anybody to show a burger from this... Let me walk it out with my fucking hand so I can read this.

Unknown_18: I defy anybody to show me a burger this fat from high quality beef available in any restaurant for less than $10.

Unknown_18: Just 93% lean burger, garlic, pickles, ketchup, and sun-dried tomatoes were dumpstered. The bread, onion, and roasted red pepper were brought. The beef is still fresh enough to make steak tartare.

Unknown_33: Fuck you, Tommy. It's 117 degrees outside in the dumpster. He's just gonna get that bacteria sandwich.

Unknown_18: That's rough. That's really rough. That's one of the roughest things I've seen.

Unknown_33: Take a deep bite, baby.

Unknown_30: That's some gourmet shit right there.

Unknown_18: That's bad. That'd upset my constitution. I usually have a pretty good constitution. Can you imagine Guy Fieri, like, taking a bite out of that? No, I can't! To answer your question, no, I can't fucking not imagine that.

Unknown_18: My brain does not permit that. It's taking us to Flavortown. You're getting a fucking error message when you try that shit.

Unknown_18: Ride posted this.

Unknown_18: I'm like, wait a minute, I love garbage.

Unknown_18: That should be a fucking, that should be the thumbnail. That's pretty great.

Unknown_27: Yeah, like he thinks of it as like this great hunter. What he goes and he like looks forward to it. Like, what can I find in the garbage today? What will the dumpster have in store for me today, you know? And then he gloats about it.

Unknown_30: Mortal Wombat. Hello.

Unknown_30: What you got? What you got?

Unknown_30: You die.

Unknown_30: No, I was just waiting for. Oh, sorry, I'm going to hear myself.

Unknown_05: This is kind of old stuff, but back in the day, we all there was the big Skype group where I remember we.

Unknown_05: I'm surprised nobody mentioned that we somehow managed to get Tommy and Stryker to start arguing and Stryker annihilated him.

Unknown_18: Striker as in the big fat guy? Oh yeah! Okay, so nobody is going to understand this reference. Let me pull up a picture. There was a guy a long time ago. He's a very, very, very, very fat furry diaper fur who

Unknown_18: Is very stupid. He was very easily convinced to believe absolutely anything To the point where people just got him to start parroting stuff and he became not funny because of how people use them to just puppet shit but this is striker wolf and Apparently he owned Tommy Tudor in a in a in a battle of the wits Yeah, I have Skype caps of that actually Was there vertex?

Unknown_05: Yeah

Unknown_30: Please share.

Unknown_05: Oh, okay I thought I shared them in the thread.

Unknown_30: I See them They're in the discussion So it needs to shoot some sunglasses and a blunt in that dude's face.

Unknown_18: All right, so I'll just read them but or what I can find of them

Unknown_18: So which one of you assholes is Avery which is strikers real name You have some nerve to come on my wall and call me a fat fuck you twisted morbidly obese retard twat Wise move deleting it before I could report it you chicken shit motherfucker Bully don't make me laugh you demented twat this fuckhead is getting on my face in my face I'm standing up to bullying fuck saying good morning. Take it to your private account Sam. There'll be no rational talk from me here It's very strange to see Samuel Collinwood Smith in this conversation. I didn't realize that he was a part of a cyberbullying organization But the shark wolf says that he's a hobo the next one There's an easier way to pull these up

Unknown_18: I'm the man with OBS now. I got this slideshow shit going on.

Unknown_18: Striker, it's not nice to call Tommy a hobo. He's a dumpster diver. Give it right. I'm a multi-disciplined hippie artist who happens to dumpster dive. I'm also female and gender.

Unknown_18: Striker renamed the conversation to Tommy Tudor is an old trash junkie.

Unknown_18: So again, I just want to reiterate that I don't think this is Striker saying stuff on other people's behalf. This is just Striker Wolf dumping on an old man.

Unknown_05: If I remember correctly, we just kind of planted the seed and he went with it.

Unknown_18: uh so guys take some screenshots of tommy saying he fucked a girl and dog and get him arrested his ass will be ripped in jail uh guys

Unknown_18: I never said I fucked that girl 35 years ago or the dog 25 years ago. That's very specific timing, Tommy, for something that didn't happen. Is your whole skull filled with fat? You dimwitted dipstick.

Unknown_18: Are you- are you still fingering- oh, it said locale. Are you still fingering Lady Tom? Never did that either. It's an embellishment the trolls made later. But you guys are so right-headed and keep trying to get me arrested for something that happened 35 years ago. I don't speak hippie chicken shit.

Unknown_18: You don't seem to be- you don't seem to be fluent in any known language, assclown. Oh, this goes on. How many more are these? Oh, these are it.

Unknown_05: Uh, there were seven.

Unknown_18: There's only three more left. That's fine.

Unknown_18: that it was up there

Unknown_18: I see. I only see. Peace, love, child, rap set. And then he posted a picture of a hippie doing a thumbs up in a Yu-Gi-Oh card. Or a Pokemon card. His selfie, he realized all hippies died.

Unknown_18: And look at 1970s, everyone said no hippie allowed. Closest thing to hippie now is Grateful Dead and they still better than Tommy Pooper.

Unknown_18: Disrespecting Fast Eddie is very bad for your health. Is that a threat? Don't threaten Strikewolf. He's had a hard life.

Unknown_05: He loved to threaten people in PM on Skype too.

Unknown_05: I remember he threatened me because Sneasel had kind of told me to play it off that I knew his docs or whatever to get what Tommy knew. And it was all the Laura Frank information. And that's how he got me into A and B and then got really mad at me when I was ripping on him on A and B. And then he told me to fuck myself. So I'm like, all right, whatever.

Unknown_05: told me that I didn't want to make an enemy of him because I'm messing with the wrong people and all this other bullshit.

Unknown_05: And I told him that I was South African, so he thought that I was going to send the South African Broderbund after him.

Unknown_29: I remember that! Holy shit! That's pretty funny.

Unknown_05: Yeah, it was a good time. And then he's also and then going back to the current timeline where he's convinced that none of the civilian Germans had anything to do with the Holocaust.

Unknown_05: He said it was just the Nazis.

Unknown_05: And when provided with proof, he said it was all debunked.

Unknown_05: There's there are fucking books about it, but, you know.

Unknown_18: Yeah, it's weird that he latches on to the shit that he does.

Unknown_18: Just uh, because he seems to I don't know he seems to see things that he likes and then he clings on to them And incorporates them into his his bullshit just as as a as a running thing It's like a weird trifecta of autism narcissistic personality disorder and paranoid schizophrenia Uh, i'm gonna pull this up on firefox and watch it. It's in the backstage if you want to watch it with me I don't know how long it is Yeah, it's only 17 seconds so you guys can watch it if you want to

Unknown_30: Enjoy.

Unknown_30: Firefox.

Unknown_30: That's all I had.

Unknown_05: Thank you.

Unknown_17: Take it easy.

Unknown_05: Awesome.

Unknown_33: Bye.

Unknown_33: He's just sleeping.

Unknown_33: No, just make sure the sound's on.

Unknown_33: Is that real audio?

Unknown_33: I just juked it together.

Unknown_30: Alright.

Unknown_30: Boldy Spicy.

Unknown_30: Going once.

Unknown_30: Going twice.

Unknown_30: So bad when people have been around for like so long they like fell asleep or went to do something else. Charlie.

Unknown_30: Going once. Going twice.

Unknown_30: Racecar Johnny.

Unknown_30: Hello. Hello.

Unknown_30: Oh, fuck.

Unknown_06: No. Hello. It's doing it again.

Unknown_18: Just mute your fucking audio, dude. You're fine.

Unknown_06: Oh, okay. Fuck. It almost did the same shit it did the first day. You're fine. Let's go.

Unknown_18: Let's go. What do you got? What do you got?

Unknown_06: Oh, fuck. Fuck. Are you my paint dealer?

Unknown_06: no i'm not i'm just retarded i had some of that grade a beef that i found in the dumpster you don't find full fat sandwiches like that in a restaurant for under ten dollars boy you won't find that at arby's artisanal sandwiches you probably wouldn't find that at arby's to be fair

Unknown_06: I just want to talk about something about Tommy that also correlates with people I've been talking about.

Unknown_18: Um,

Unknown_06: Don't harass people, don't dox people, don't go into Cotherix's server to harass NeoCK and ShadowYT for having sexual encounters with anime.

Unknown_19: No furries, no furry shit.

Unknown_06: No, no, don't harass people, guys. Are you the one that sent me that archive of all that dude's videos? No, no, no, that's not me. That's not me. I'm Women Disrespecter. Yeah, but it's those people, but no, I did this myself.

Unknown_19: What's your fursona?

Unknown_06: Uh, my fursona is, uh, I'll post it in the chat, it's, uh... Oh god!

Unknown_18: It's Kenny the lolcow. Oh, don't hate on my main man, Kenny, and the snakes.

Unknown_06: Fuck, I'm still stuck on the- okay, here. I got the, uh, link right here.

Unknown_06: If anyone wants to do whatever, I don't fucking use fur if any of you- What the fuck is- Are you, like, one of the dog fuckers? Yeah, I- I, uh, got- Yeah? No. No, he's the worst. No, I'm here.

Unknown_14: Wait, are you that asshole who's been sending me PMs all-

Unknown_18: No. He's full of shit. He's trying to get people to raid this fucking random discord server.

Unknown_06: No, that's horrible. Why would anyone do that?

Unknown_18: Nigga, get out of here with your fucking Arby's and your wing shit, motherfucker. You sound like a low-rank cutie pie. Charlie, did you fix your shirt? Test, test, test.

Unknown_13: Hold on. Can you hear me?

Unknown_18: You're fine. Go.

Unknown_13: Hello?

Unknown_18: You're fine, motherfucker.

Unknown_18: Oh, jeez. Oh, jeez, Charlie.

Unknown_18: Try Master Disaster.

Unknown_13: Hello?

Unknown_18: This is your last chance, Charlie. Do you got it?

Unknown_13: Hello? Can you hear me?

Unknown_18: Can you hear us? Master Disaster, you're fucking muted and you're deafened. That's why I didn't bring him in. Get back here. Master Disaster. Fucker.

Unknown_30: Ratco Falco.

Unknown_30: Going once. Going twice.

Unknown_18: the CIA and

Unknown_18: And that critical. Why would you wait for like three hours to do that? What's wrong with you?

Unknown_10: No, I didn't just want to do that either. I just wanted to.

Unknown_10: that the fed

Unknown_10: the

Unknown_33: the fifth

Unknown_10: Yeah, but yeah, it just reminds me of those fucking, I don't know why, but one day I just binge watched a bunch of videos about tenants getting kicked out and then they just reminded me of that. Just seeing his floor is fucking reminiscent of it. You could just smell the fucking waste from that. The shards.

Unknown_18: Well, just as a word of caution from personal experience, if you happen to be in a situation where you have two equally qualified tenants and one of them is not Puerto Rican, go with that one. That's all I got to say.

Unknown_18: Sorry to any Puerto Ricans out there, but you guys are... You guys wipe your butt and you put the toilet paper in the bin instead of flushing it, and you should burn it.

Unknown_10: Oh yeah, dude, I... One of my friends used to fucking do that. I don't know if they still do, but I'm like, I mean, just fucking put it in a... Yeah, it's real fucking awkward having a conversation with a 22-year-old man about where the toilet paper goes.

Unknown_18: It goes in the fucking toilet.

Unknown_14: Why the fuck would you not put it in the toilet?

Unknown_18: And the third world country is like Puerto Rico, okay.

Unknown_18: The septic system cannot handle toilet paper so they put it in waste paper baskets and throw it out.

Unknown_10: Yeah, it's like if your toilet gets clogged, like I understand there's some people who throw it away because it gets clogged a lot. Well, if it does, either get a new pipe or just use baby wipes or some shit. Baby wipes are even worse for the septic.

Unknown_14: So basically what you're saying is that casual seppuku's house smells really bad.

Unknown_18: Yes, because she puts all her poopoo toilet paper in the basket.

Unknown_10: to say that watching those

Unknown_18: Take it easy. All right. I'm going to try to do these really fast. So, again, please just have have something ready to go because I'm not going to bring people back in. This is the second time trying to try like eight people.

Unknown_18: Ratcoat, go. Three, two. OK. I'm here.

Unknown_01: I'm here. I'm alive. I'm alive.

Unknown_18: What's your take? What's your take?

Unknown_01: I love Tommy Tudor.

Unknown_01: I love Tommy Tudor. Is that your take?

Unknown_01: I'm alive. I'm alive. I can hear you.

Unknown_18: You gotta go. I'm sorry. But yeah, you love Tommy Tudor. Thank you, Radco.

Unknown_18: Boldy Spicy. 3, 2, 1.

Unknown_18: Boldy! Boldy! Talk to Mr. Tudor himself! Oh, jeez. No, she's just fucking with her mic. I gotta go. We gotta go fast.

Unknown_18: Irvermom, go.

Unknown_18: Oh, hello. Hi.

Unknown_04: Hi.

Unknown_18: How are you doing? What's your take?

Unknown_04: Oh, I'm doing amazing.

Unknown_04: I only have one question.

Unknown_04: Do you know what kind of school he went to? Because he sounds like a Waldorf kid.

Unknown_14: He went to University of Tampa.

Unknown_04: No, no, no. I mean, like, not university, but, you know, the school before that. Primary. Primary.

Unknown_04: Exactly. Yeah.

Unknown_04: the fifth

Unknown_18: Yeah, he went to both. Oh, they fucked that guy up.

Unknown_04: Oh, wow.

Unknown_04: That is... Because I know a couple of exceptional individuals that are sort of similar to him. One of them actually also plays the saxophone, and he told me that he does not wash his hair on purpose, because when it rains, the water does not make his hair wet, because it's fatty. Eww!

Unknown_33: It's not a dreadlock, it's just one long shitlock.

Unknown_19: Wait, Ryde is saying he went to Niles West High School.

Unknown_18: Well, he probably went to public schools after the Jewish community hit him.

Unknown_33: He did. He went to high school and he graduated late because he was in the loony bin. He had a schizophrenic break.

Unknown_18: That's funny that it got on. Like, usually you have to be in your 20s for schizophrenia to start out.

Unknown_33: This shit happened early on. I'm sorry, Obama. Go ahead.

Unknown_04: No, it's just I just wondered if you ever went to a Waldorf school, because I mean, I live in Germany, and we have a lot of Waldorf schools here. And kids that come out of these schools, they are almost universally fucked up to some degree or other, because they get they get taught to dance their name and all kinds of other interesting things from

Unknown_04: Germany, Bavaria.

Unknown_18: Oh god. What the fuck Merkle? I don't know Rammstein lyrics, so I'm very happy to meet a fellow German.

Unknown_14: I just posted.

Unknown_33: Where is this from? I put up his yearbook photo before.

Unknown_18: It's a different one.

Unknown_18: Yeah, he looks like a normal 70s kid where he got all fucked up and started banging dogs. No, you don't understand.

Unknown_19: He was a woman, a woman. He was pretending to be a man. He had to hide.

Unknown_18: He had to hide behind his beard, which is in full display on this picture. He said he had a he said he had a female like body, like he was a girly guy.

Unknown_33: I'm like, it's actually comical how 70s he looks in this picture.

Unknown_14: Oh, that was college.

Unknown_14: That was college.

Unknown_18: Oh, okay. So the other one must have been high school, the other one I showed. Alright. If I dig deep enough, I can get one.

Unknown_04: He has a really snazzy shirt on that his mom probably chose for him.

Unknown_33: The slaves created for him out of his clothing workshop.

Unknown_18: I do want to bash through some other people, but thank you for coming.

Unknown_04: Alright, sunset me.

Unknown_18: Okay, this is your last chance.

Unknown_13: Hi, you're on, go.

Unknown_18: What's your take?

Unknown_13: Thanks. So, this is me as a person from outside looking in, because I've never heard of this guy before. So, basically, this guy looks, first of all, the obvious, batshit insane, right? After that, I mean, some of the stuff he says, like, some of the stuff he says, especially, I mean, now he's technically inept, but you can tell that in, like, 80s and 90s, the guy actually knew his shit, because Microsoft pulling up his...

Unknown_18: Some shit regarding like even marine biology that seems kind of one point at times, but I you know I don't know anything about it Technology part is that because a like let me give just a tiny bit of background info the IBM PC dust deal which was in 1981 because they were gonna do the do the deal with some other guys which name I can remember there was another operating system and

Unknown_13: Ah, CPM, right. They were going to do a deal with CPM and rebranded a PC DOS and send it off at the IBM PC in 1981.

Unknown_13: But the guy took a plane trip, so they went to the next best person, which is Bill Gates. And Bill Gates just gave some guy $50,000, bought their shitty DOS, rebranded it, and sold it off as PC DOS, which is basically the Microsoft MS-DOS that everybody used after that. So he is right on that part, so I'm saying that he is right on the 80s part. Something happened to him after the 80s and 90s that made him this way and, like, the sphincter shit, basically, his muscles have to be super relaxed for his sphincter to be just open and leave the sh-t out, so there's something f-cking going on there. He's probably just really fucked up on drugs after like decades of abuse.

Unknown_18: His cognitive abilities probably declined over the years.

Unknown_13: His cognitive abilities definitely declined. Like, I was specifically talking about that- All the crazy shit happened to him like after 28.

Unknown_18: Like after 28, his life just went downhill.

Unknown_13: Yeah, so basically what I'm trying to say is, I'm kind of getting Terry wipes from him, like, he was okay, then he went fucking nuts, and that's the kind of wipes I'm getting from him.

Unknown_18: Yeah, that's how schizophrenia works, it gets worse over time.

Unknown_13: Yeah, I mean, rip Terry, and, I mean, this guy is more of a fuckup, so I'm not really upset that if he fucking dies because of all the fucking dog shit, and let me tell you, I had like an, um, similar thing with a friend where his dog was in heat and he was... she was, the dog was female, was actually doing this stuff he described but that is not a f-cking excuse to go and masturbate the f-cking dog or f-ck it. I mean, nothing is an excuse to do that, I mean, oh, she was in heat, that's not a f-cking excuse, bro.

Unknown_18: Well, it's not just him, f-cking, that guy thinks that animals can consent by being horny bastards.

Unknown_14: Yeah, but, like, just think about this. What if the dog has a hot ass? I wanna get that ass.

Unknown_33: What if it's butthole? What if he sees dogs like we see furries in, like, 3D? What if he sees dogs like Rule 34 drawings?

Unknown_18: What if you look at its butt and you can see the shape of Jesus Christ in it? Is it okay then? That can happen.

Unknown_13: I mean, each person is, like, different. Not snowflake different, but each person perceives different things. In fact, I have a theory on which, like, the color red you see and the color red I see is completely different. Our brains are wired very differently. So I have a whole theory on that, I'm not gonna enter that here, but basically what I'm trying to tell you is that, I mean, his perception is very different from us. He was, as you say, good until 2008, after 2008, he f-cked up. I don't know about the whole juice sh-t, but...

Unknown_13: He seems to be a normal fellow. To be honest, going f-cking tranny is the worst thing you can do with your life, it's, like, literally, especially if you're post-op, your life is basically done. The only thing you can do is commit suicide or, like, praise Jesus and, like, wait until you die. "-Well, he never cut off his penis because his penis is the only male part of him, as he says."

Unknown_13: Um, then what the fuck is he on about being a female and shit? I mean, I get it. He doesn't know himself.

Unknown_18: He doesn't know himself. He just says whatever the fuck he wants, basically. I wouldn't, like, it's hard to call Tommy a tranny. He's just really fucking gross. He does everything the opposite of somebody with gender dysphoria does.

Unknown_33: He basically turns it into something that needs to be celebrated.

Unknown_18: I don't want to have this conversation. I want to move on. I'm fucking sick of talking about trannies every goddamn caller.

Unknown_18: Okay, really quick.

Unknown_19: Ride is clarifying that this picture is from his high school and the other one was from college.

Unknown_18: All right. Well, thank you, Charlie. I don't want to talk about training on this.

Unknown_18: That was a good call.

Unknown_33: Thank you, man.

Unknown_18: Zyra lines.

Unknown_18: Yes, I do. I do. Yo, motherfucker.

Unknown_30: So much night shift.

Unknown_11: Whoops. I close the screen.

Unknown_30: That's fine, go, say something.

Unknown_11: Yeah, you can talk, you can talk. Yeah, what I wanted to say is, like, I know so many people are going to get hung up over him being a pedophile and, like, a dog fucker, but what fascinates me the most are his eating habits and his house. Like, I look at that and I wonder how in the fuck does this man live like that?

Unknown_21: I'm curious, are there any other examples of this?

Unknown_18: Of people eating trash? No.

Unknown_11: No, no, I mean, Tommy, like, Tommy's... Oh, there's Tommy's.

Unknown_11: I'm really curious, like, I think I'm gonna read this thread soon. You should, it's the best thread on the website.

Unknown_27: You know what?

Unknown_14: Seriously, though, me and Em one night were watching some videos, this was probably about six, seven months ago, And we found this woman who is basically like a low-level version of tommy even her house looked like his She's like, you know that whiny bitchy complaining thing where tom will complain to anybody and call anything That's just the same thing

Unknown_30: Fucking disgusting.

Unknown_11: Like, I'm honestly more disgusted by the house and the food.

Unknown_33: Yeah, transients live at the base level of humanity. You have to understand that Tom doesn't do anything unless he really necessarily needs to. So, for instance, he'll wait until he gets bills that are overdue to go pay them. Or if he gets visited by the maintenance people and they tell him to clean his shit up, then he cleans something up. But he doesn't do anything he doesn't want to and then he blames it on his psychosis or his his, you know brain function or whatever, but he just lives at the base of humanity.

Unknown_11: Yeah, I'm checking out his thread. So yeah, that's pretty much what I want.

Unknown_19: Have you seen the Simpsons episode where Mr. Burns gets like evaluated by the doctor and they tell him that he has like every single disease known to man simultaneously. And they're all like canceling each other out. So he's like, that's why he's not dead yet. That's my theory. Yeah.

Unknown_33: the right to take these designs, the that the police I see a last chance one to

Unknown_33: That's a disaster.

Unknown_18: Hello, can you hear me? Yes, we can hear you, you're fine. Tucson, Tucson, Tucson!

Unknown_28: Okay, yes, I have two things. I got some nice little pictures for everybody. So just one second, I'll put them here and you can put them in the stream if you like.

Unknown_30: Some discussion?

Unknown_30: Yeah.

Unknown_30: Did you draw this?

Unknown_33: the fifth

Unknown_28: Um, well, I promised to pay his rent for one month if he played Baker street on saxophone. So he went out and spent his rent money on dumb shit and then play Baker street. And naturally I didn't pay him at all.

Unknown_33: To be fair, he didn't play the whole song. He couldn't even get through the first seven notes.

Unknown_28: True, that is very true. But he went out and spent all of his rent money. He went out and he bought drugs, and he probably went out and bought some dumb rocks and saxophone shit, and then rent comes along and he ain't got 500 free bucks.

Unknown_33: I'll be honest, I can find the video where he's trying to play Baker Street. Let me get that for you.

Unknown_28: Because it's fucking horrible.

Unknown_28: I remember when I woke up that day and there the file was in my Skype chat and I was like, yes.

Unknown_28: And the $40 is for phone calls because he charges you for his time.

Unknown_18: Let me, while you're looking for that, let me pull on Easy Peasy and we'll call it a day for the calls.

Unknown_18: Easy Peasy.

Unknown_18: Easy. Oh my God. Hello. Hello.

Unknown_07: What's up?

Unknown_18: We're looking at a trash monster.

Unknown_07: Yeah, I have nothing to contribute to this discussion at all. I just came on because no one else ever lets me on their stream, so I just showed up here. That's because you're a Jew.

Unknown_18: They can't let you on.

Unknown_07: The audience will riot. Listen, I gotta tell you, you're very rude. CNN should be ashamed to have you working for them. The way you treat Sarah Huckabee is awful.

Unknown_07: You should be ashamed of yourself. What the fuck are you talking about?

Unknown_07: You're very rude. You're a horrible person. The way you treat Sarah Huckabee is unacceptable.

Unknown_33: Why don't you marry a nice doctor and have some fish?

Unknown_07: You didn't see that clip of Trump?

Unknown_18: Yeah, there's a clip of Trump currently yelling at Jim Acosta.

Unknown_07: Acosta grabbed the mic and refused to

Unknown_18: refused to give it up he cut out he's just uh so basically there's a clip of um of trump talking to jim acosta and jim refuses to let go of the mic and most of the staffers comes by and starts wrestling him for the mic and he won't shut up and eventually trump turns to him and he goes listen i gotta tell you you're very rude and uh cnn should be ashamed to have you working for him and the way he treats saraka bs awful and you're a horrible person

Unknown_33: Yeah, and basically Jim Acosta Russell's a woman for a microphone it's Okay, I guess since we're all here one big fucking happy family of seven people go ahead and check out discussion or backstage and get this video Millennial turkeys rot WM 5 and pause it at 19 seconds when you're already tell me oh Okay, hold on.

Unknown_18: He's all says that he got booted but I No, he's back in. He left for a second. He had a disconnect and I put him back in.

Unknown_18: OK.

Unknown_18: Everybody ready? Anybody not ready?

Unknown_33: I just want to preface this, what you're going to hear is he's going to be playing the saxophone over the backing track of Baker Street at the same time. So this is. Yeah. OK.

Unknown_18: Three, two, one, go at 19.

Unknown_28: And now, our feature presentation. Well, this fucking hippie is disgusting.

Unknown_28: I fucking love this.

Unknown_31: Does this go on for five minutes? Yeah. Oh jeez, it's dead.

Unknown_18: I guess I'll end it once this video ends. I'm just going to end it roughly.

Unknown_24: So get ready. I'm going to watch this.

Unknown_33: This is also when Tommy tried to scam a gemstone club to use their equipment for free. Tomorrow we want to show up early and I want to have two other people with me.

Unknown_24: No, are you a member? I'll be a member, for sure. This is what I want to do.

Unknown_21: I've got a premises.

Unknown_24: No, you need to speak with the president about that. Yeah, what I was hoping was we could get... Too early when you guys were talking about his love of food and the stuff he makes is just awful. I can see that you're fucking retarded.

Unknown_28: I actually made sure in that little short story I wrote, the little book we're going to narrate and illustrate later, that his potato salad incident

Unknown_24: I'm gay. You know, I'm a man.

Unknown_28: He just straight up destroyed himself with potato salad one time. You're watching WUFAZ TV. We now join our regularly scheduled program. Already in progress. Here comes George Michael.

Unknown_17: Oh, is he doing a play of this too?

Unknown_32: Yeah. He's going to do Careless Whisper.

Unknown_35: Boy that escalated quickly

Unknown_37: I mean, that really got out of hand fast. I've heard things that'll blow your mind, and now I think it's time you get the whole story.

Unknown_36: I'm Jesse Ventura, and this is Conspiracy Theory. Oh no, it's poor Pajeet.

Unknown_33: Tom was trying to get rid of a Quora account and he thought Verizon owned So he's calling Verizon and screaming at them.

Unknown_24: He's mad because of the questions that were asked.

Unknown_15: That answer said that he poops himself because his brain's fucking broke.

Unknown_40: You gotta go in the toilet to make it come down.

Unknown_24: That's where we're at.

Unknown_36: Why didn't he just email their support?

Unknown_40: Because he's dumb.

Unknown_41: All right, I don't I don't know

Unknown_18: Well, I like to ask. I like to ask. Easy Peasy died, I guess. His house got struck by another missile. Rest in peace.

Unknown_18: I like to ask chat at the end of these streams. Do you guys want a Chinky song or do you want a Cheeky Breaky song? If you guys would like to weigh in. Cheeky Breaky! Why does Cheeky Breaky always win? I'm going to run out of fucking Russian songs.

Unknown_33: Because glorious.

Unknown_33: Don't just do it! Yeah, anything Russian is awesome.

Unknown_18: See I see a chinky. Let me put a pull up on the stream there and see and see what people get for that As I do like to keep the log.

Unknown_28: Send me the link for the commercial What commercial?

Unknown_28: The Tommy Tudor gemstone Emporium I just want to watch it myself Masturbate quietly in the corner

Unknown_33: Actually, I have something to end on it's actually epic music. Let me get that to you real quick one second Oh, no, it's a Tommy Tudor song It has him in it, but it's actually a really good song

Unknown_30: That'd be fucking great. If I, if I, if I, uh, it's a great thing to end on seriously, because it also contains information about how he likes to be, how he thinks drones are following him and whatnot.

Unknown_33: So just bear with me two seconds.

Unknown_18: Much louder. I'm breaking the format.

Unknown_07: Oh yeah. I'm back on a stream. That's good.

Unknown_17: Yes.

Unknown_07: Hello.

Unknown_18: I pulled you in because you got shredded. Did you find another house to sit in? Well, it's the weirdest shit.

Unknown_07: Every time when winter starts, my internet cuts out at exactly the same time.

Unknown_07: Every night.

Unknown_33: Here you go, Josh.

Unknown_07: I don't know why.

Unknown_33: All right. End on this video.

Unknown_18: Very good. Or is it at backstage?

Unknown_18: It's good. All right. I'm going to post it in discussion for anybody that can access backstage. Load it up. I'm not going to wait.

Unknown_07: Okay.

Unknown_18: Pause at zero. I'm going to start it in three, two, and one.

Unknown_18: What are we watching here?

Unknown_33: We're watching official drone test data. This is drones that actually follow Tommy in the wild.

Unknown_18: EZ. EZ is Jewish. He knows all about drone stuff and people.

Unknown_18: Then he'll love this.

Unknown_07: We don't stalk, we just drop bombs on them.

Unknown_18: Oh yeah, is that him? He does look like a frumpy old hippie grandma on this. To his fucking credit.

Unknown_07: Is this some sort of homeless convention?

Unknown_07: No, it's just hippies.

Unknown_07: This is what he got thrown out of?

Unknown_33: Yeah, he can never go back here.

Unknown_32: Sounds like a weird wall, though.

Unknown_07: It's like Burning Man for geriatrics.

Unknown_18: He's gonna be wearing a dress.

Unknown_18: It's impossible not to miss him because he's always in that fucking tie-dye. I mean, if he can't see me, he can still smell me.

Unknown_07: He really does look like a grandma lost at Walmart.

Unknown_07: Like a senile old woman just walking around the aisles, can't find her way out.

Unknown_07: Looking for a bottle of ketchup they stopped producing like in 1957.

Unknown_07: Well half of his grey matter is rubbing out of his head.

Unknown_28: He's looking for something like Westfall's Oxalator, or very people's Tom LeBron's.

Unknown_07: Does he have grey matter? Because I don't think there's any part of him that is not a primary color.

Unknown_18: The way he walks around looks like a zombie.

Unknown_18: Like an actual zombie, especially with the music and shit. Now he just looks like a goblin, that's something evil.

Unknown_07: He looks like someone's granddad trying to, uh... connect with his grandkids by starting to listen to reggae music and just buying whatever the artist is wearing.

Unknown_18: Somebody else is wearing tie-dye this time.

Unknown_18: Oh, it's the roll-around picture.

Unknown_28: God, he looks like the mom that fucking Goonies in that show.

Unknown_18: Oh, there's some drones.

Unknown_18: The half a second of but yeah Thank you, thank you everybody for joining us on this journey, even though I can't Don't fuck yourself Josh. Thank you Take it easy.

Unknown_33: Good luck and good night