This is how bad YouTube's Content ID is 2018-11-06

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Unknown_01: I would like to make this clear. I do not care if I make money from my videos. I do it because I have fun. I do not do it to make money. I will never be monetized. I'm completely okay with every single one of my videos being completely and totally demonetized.

Unknown_01: I did not realize how bad YouTube's copyright system is. And to give you an idea of how bad it is...

Unknown_01: Like I've listened to Jim Sterling talk about this. I've listened to a lot of people complain about how bad the copyright system in YouTube is.

Unknown_01: When Google takes your streams and parses it, they go through every second of your stream. And they make content ID matches automatically by taking hashes of audio and visual content and matching it against a giant repository of every American intellectual property item in the entire world. and uh if they detect that you have a hit they will hit you with a copyright claim automatically nobody has to do anything it's all by machines and to give you an idea of how bad or how precise it is i think is this the

Unknown_01: Okay, here it is. On my Sunday Fun Day stream where I was taking pot shots at Jim, just to be silly and to have a little bit of fun with people, I used three seconds.

Unknown_01: of content from Sony Pictures.

Unknown_01: I don't even know what it is. Oh, it was Springtime with Hitler. I used three seconds, enough for them to get to the point where they say, Springtime for Hitler and Germany, and then I terminated it. And that was enough for a match. Monetized by copyright owners. So I can't monetize my videos. That's fine. I don't care. But because I hit that match with Sony Pictures, they decided they were going to monetize it automatically based on their policy worldwide. Universal Pictures says if we have a content ID, we want to, with this song, we want to monetize it and run ads on it. But I also played at the end Sikazka by Ice Peak, which is a song called

Unknown_01: as an outro song, and they also choose to monetize it. And because they both chose to monetize the video, the monetization policy is no monetization. They can't both run ads and take that money.

Unknown_01: And Jim Sterling calls this the copyright deadlock. That's fine. I usually play an intro and an outro song that is going to be copyrighted because fuck these people. But this stream that I just did is blocked. Like, nobody can watch it. It was blocked worldwide. And while I'm filing my dispute, nobody can see it. It says it's public. This is a fucking lie. Because if you try to go and download this video...

Unknown_01: Right now, you will not be able to. I'm logged in, I can watch my stream, I'm pretty sure, but nobody else can. So this saying that it's public, that's just my policy.

Unknown_01: If we go to the actual copyright dispute in progress, And we look at the monetization, none. Viewing restrictions blocked in all countries. So I played apparently four minutes and five seconds of an ass pennies clip from a show called UCB. I don't even know what the actual, I've never watched the show. I don't care about it. But I made a joke that this picture by Tara Booth where pennies are falling out of her ass reminded me of this clip. And I showed this clip. And because I showed that clip, Viacom has decided that nobody can watch this video. Now, I filed a copyright complaint. I filed a complaint. I said, this is bullshit. You can't fucking do this. This is two hours of me talking. This is two hours of people interacting, hundreds of people across two different platforms interacting with this video. And that's all there. And the only reason why that content was played was because it complements what else I was talking about.

Unknown_01: The audience overlap between my stream and whatever UCB is, is probably non-existent.

Unknown_01: But because it was played, they can yank the entire video. They have until December 5th to respond. They have 30 days. And is the video up while we're waiting for the response from the fucking corporate? No, it's blocked in all countries. You don't err on the side of caution. It's complete fucking bullshit. It's the most bullshit fucking thing I've ever seen. How the fuck do you have a system that's this broken? That a machine said, oh, there is a match between this fucking copyrighted content and this video. So we're going to yank the entire fucking thing because that's what Viacom wants. Look, again, I don't care. If you want to run ads, hopefully everybody watching my channel is using Adblock. Just go download Adblocker. Get Ad Nauseam. That's what I use. Ad Nauseam is great because it doesn't just block ads. It also loads them and clicks them so that it fucks with Google. And I think Google should eat shit. So get Ad Nauseam if you can and fuck with their profit margins and ruin them. Uh, but this is like every single one gets a copyrighted content. I played, um, I noticed that with songs, they tend to monetize, but with videos, there's another, the only other video that I had yanked was one where I played, uh, it feels like somebody is watching me and I actually played the video that accompanied that song and that got yanked by you, UMG worldwide. I like, I really just fucking hate these people. Cause I can't even like, I can't download this. If I go to this video where I didn't play anything whatsoever, I just talked, actually did play something from the ASPCA, I can download this. Download MP4. I can do this with the Narcissa stream. I didn't play anything with that either. Download MP4. With these, I can't download them. If it has a copyright claim, I as a creator cannot download my own fucking video from YouTube. And that includes with this. So if I want to back this up, if I want to post this on my own stream or my own website, I can't because it's fucked you.

Unknown_01: I disputed this one when it happened too. And the reason why I disputed this one is because in this video, hopefully I can play this without getting struck again, SuperBam Inc. Let's put these fucking people up. Super Bam Inc. And show you what these guys are. These guys are media hawks that service... Where's their fucking website at? I can't even find it.

Unknown_01: But basically what they do is they protect creator content. They would protect my videos, ideally. Here's what I played that they hit with a copyright claim.

Unknown_00: It's this fucking skeleton dancing. This shitty fucking skeleton with no ass twerking.

Unknown_01: That's what they fucking hit with the copyright claim. And I disputed that because this is a stream about anorexia. And I'm not going to let this fucking skeleton put ads on my fucking video.

Unknown_01: I filed that. Of course, they have 30 days to respond, and they're not going to respond. They're just going to let 30 days pass. So I can't describe my utter fucking contempt for these fucking assholes. I have other words to describe them, but if I said them, I would get banned for sure.

Unknown_01: I think this platform should burn in hell. I think everybody who uses it hates it. I had no opinion about YouTube. I thought that it was a little bit too restrictive before. But now after I use it, after I stream with it, I already hate it. I hate this shit. And I hope it burns.