In the arms of the angel. Fly away from here. 0:01:05 Unknown_13: From this dark, cold hotel room. And the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage. Unknown_13: Of your silent reverie In the arms of the angel Hello 0:01:50 Unknown_11: Oh my god, it feels so gay to start up an impromptu stream like this, like it's something important that I have to do, that is required of me, but that's exactly what I'm doing, because I feel like it, and people have asked me. So, how is my mic? How is my mic? Is everything fine? Did I actually pull off starting a stream without fucking it up for once? Alright. Unknown_11: All right, so I'll just show the forum thread. I guess I have no choice. It's what we do. Unknown_11: I was vaguely aware that there was some sort of investigation into this guy, into the particular person we're looking at. I can't resize it properly. Into the particular person that got arrested. 0:02:38 Unknown_11: This is Levi Dane Simmons, and he is officially in and out Unknown_11: or sex assault of an animal, animal neglect, and animal abuse. Pull up the court records right now, see if we can find it. Unknown_16: Shane. Unknown_16: Yeah, there he is. Unknown_16: Ah, feels good. 0:03:11 Unknown_11: This guy was not only an abuser. I should be careful poking around on this treacherous website, which I have no affiliation with, despite the name coincidence. He definitely was one of the worst, and I think he was also a pedophile. In terms of fucking deserving it, he deserves to be in prison, as far as I'm concerned. Unknown_16: Do they have mug shots on this? Let me ask the chat. 0:03:46 Unknown_16: I don't think so. I think it would have gotten posted in the thread by now if there were public mugshots. Unknown_11: Some of these sites don't have electronic mugshots. For instance, I know there is a county in Minnesota. Washington County in Minnesota does not have electronic mugshots either, and you have to ask if you want them. Unknown_11: But, yeah, that's not going to happen, at least not for a little while. I'm going to go ahead, and I'm going to open the call line on the Discord just because I don't have anything else to say right now. Unknown_11: There is some stuff going on with TonkaSaw and that fight they're trying to put together, but it's basically just he said, she said at this point, because everything's fine. 0:04:32 Unknown_11: They can fight anytime they want. Unknown_16: There's nothing holding them back at this point. Unknown_16: But yeah, isn't that fun? All right, let me try talking to people. Unknown_16: Let me fix my... Moritsune, are you there? Unknown_16: Hi. Unknown_16: Yeah, good, fuck him. 0:05:15 Unknown_16: He was very quickly welcomed back into the community, wasn't he? Unknown_11: People can't hear you. I'm sorry, just repeat what you said real quick. Unknown_18: Yeah, okay. If they can hear me now. First of all, good. Unknown_18: Get fucked and stay fucked. And second of all, Kiro, I hope you're next. Unknown_18: Because it's fucking unbelievable that the community welcomed him back pretty much immediately. Unknown_18: As if nothing happened, he kept getting headpats from them. Unknown_18: other fucked up shit that he should not be getting away with. Like, when I heard about this shit yesterday, that pretty much he was getting, like, he was supposed to be on an investigation, allegedly, Kiro. 0:05:47 Unknown_18: And, like, nothing was coming out of it. So, I was just thinking, like, what the fuck is it gonna take? Is it gonna be obvious fucking Matt Thad or Nick Bates shit that's gonna do him in? Unknown_18: Or are the cops actually going to do something with the plain fucking evidence of the fucked up shit that was happening? Unknown_11: Well, you have to be, it depends on the state because not all states have animal sex laws on the books and it varies widely. There is no federal law against animal sex either. So what he'll get depends entirely on the prosecutors and the laws on the books for that state. Carrow, I do believe Carrow is completely fucking guilty. I think all of his little friends are guilty too. Fuck yeah. But I don't know if that'll equate to the kind of justice that people are hoping for. 0:06:32 Unknown_18: Yeah, well, I've mostly been trying to follow the thread, because this is just a thing that just happened, so I'm not fully caught up outside the stream. Unknown_11: No, it literally just happened, and I brought it up because it's like, people would fucking love to hear this, wouldn't they? Unknown_18: Yeah, well, yeah. Like, maybe you could have given it a few more minutes, because there's not really much else to say, I guess, for you. 0:07:08 Unknown_18: But, yeah, unbelievable. Like, fuck. It took them the fucking sweet time. Unknown_11: Oh, yeah. Skittles brings up a good point in the thread. He says that he hopes they took their computer and looked through it now because there's a very good chance they're going to find more than what they're looking for regarding the animal abuse. Unknown_18: I just hope it links back to the other fucking degenerates. Unknown_11: Oh, let me go ahead and throw the Discord line. But if that's all, thank you for calling. Yeah, it's all. 0:07:40 Unknown_18: Yeah, thanks for it. Take it easy. Unknown_16: Good luck with the stream. Unknown_16: Give her the D. Hello. Unknown_19: Hello. Unknown_19: Hey, I'm not going to say much because I just got out of the doctor's office. But, yeah, good deal, you know. Unknown_11: It feels good, because the thing with Chris, for instance, nothing happened with that. Nobody gave a shit about Chris. Unknown_11: So to see the police actually give a shit about, I guess, the dogs. Everybody feels bad for dogs. You got Chris. The police probably hate him and his county. They're not going to help him. 0:08:12 Unknown_11: People are going to go out of their way to help the dogs. Unknown_11: Right, because, you know, they're cute animals. Unknown_11: Yeah. Unknown_11: I threw the link into the chat. Sorry for not getting that out there. Unknown_19: Yeah, I got the at everyone while I was in the doctor's office, but once I got out, it's like, man, yeah. Unknown_11: I'm sorry, you cut out. Did you see it while you were in the doctor's office, you said? 0:08:44 Unknown_19: Well, I got the at everyone. I got the notification, but once I got out of there, I saw it, and it's like, yeah. Unknown_11: I tagged everybody on the KiwiForums Discord to let them know. Unknown_19: Yeah. Unknown_19: But yeah, good stuff. So guys, we did it. That's all I have to say. Unknown_11: We did it, Reddit. Unknown_19: So guys, we did it. Unknown_11: We reached a quarter million subscribers. Yeah, we got one dogfucker in prison, Matchman. But yeah, that's all I have to say, you know. Good job. Yeah, hopefully more will follow. Thank you for calling in. 0:09:16 Unknown_16: Alright, thanks. Bye. Unknown_16: Tommy Soprano. Unknown_16: Tommy, you're muted. Sorry, back in. Unknown_16: Down, forward, punch. Unknown_16: I guess genius muted. Unknown_16: But I can't call on him either. Ah, that sucks. 0:09:54 Unknown_16: I'm going to have more dead air than fucking Tonka at this rate. Unknown_11: Having streams needed and shit. Unknown_11: People wanted... Oh, Genius fixes me. Unknown_16: Perfect. Genius! Unknown_16: Ah. Unknown_16: Yeah, can you hear me? Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Unknown_05: Sorry I was muted the first time I was in the browser window and had to get back into the actual... Unknown_11: Yeah, people are probably still setting up their stuff, because it happened all of a sudden, and people wanted to talk. So it's like, all right, I'll pull up a stream and just do it, because there's a significant population of people who don't have much going on right now. 0:10:27 Unknown_05: Yeah, at first I thought you were doing this on just a regular Kiwi farm thing, and I had to go get the link. Unknown_11: Yeah, that's still on Wednesdays. I prepared a couple hours before the Wednesdays. Unknown_05: Look at you preparing for your live streams, man. We're going to make a streamer out of you. Yeah, you just keep on. Unknown_11: I don't know. Maybe it's like I got my notebook and when stuff's going on, I just pull it up and I write down stuff and it makes it easier. It makes it easier than trying to be funny on impromptu. 0:11:09 Unknown_05: You know, I remember when you were just kind of shooting in the wind about this. You're like, yeah, maybe, but I don't know. And I think I was one of the people who was like, look, if Tonga can do this from a fucking wheelchair, you have no problem. Unknown_11: Well, I see the frustration that Tonga has because it's like if there's nothing going on, if there's nothing else you can touch on. Unknown_05: That's called having a micropenis, sir. You don't have that problem. Unknown_11: Oh, gosh. Unknown_11: Well, fuck, now that you're bringing up, Andy Worski and Tonka were talking about, like, whipping their dicks out for, like, hours. Unknown_05: I heard that was going to be a thing. They're going to pull out the fucking ruler and go back to fucking how we settled shit in middle school. I mean, come on. 0:11:42 Unknown_11: What, just measuring dick sizes to figure out who's... Measuring dick sizes so you could grope the teacher without getting... All this shit you do when you're young and just barely out of... You went to a very different middle school than me. Unknown_05: We didn't grope the teacher. Unknown_05: You know, I'm one of those individuals that was brave enough to smoke crack, right? Unknown_11: You smoked spirit crystals? 0:12:17 Unknown_05: Something like that. Unknown_11: Anyway, I didn't have too much to bring. Unknown_05: I just wanted to mainly just come on and say are the people that were giving you shit like last week or the week before have been out of the loop for doxing and all that shit. Are they going to complain now because you've Unknown_05: hosted the website that ended up getting one of these dog fuckers into it. Unknown_11: Oh, I don't know. I don't want to speculate. People are mad for various reasons. It's not just one thing. Unknown_11: But yeah, I imagine they'll soften up on this. They were mad because they were, at first people thought that Jim was going to stop streaming if he got doxxed, but that didn't happen. And then a lot of those people became okay with it over time. 0:12:50 Unknown_05: I think what it is, most people don't understand that Kiwi Farms is kind of like a chaotic, neutral character in D&D. Like, you can do good and evil, and just for the lulz, you can be complicated. Unknown_11: Yeah, well, hopefully, whenever you do something on the forum, hopefully it's just for laughs. You don't want to have a political motivation. The kind of Zeus-Sata stuff is unusual because it is something with a goal in mind, and usually there's no goal. It's just to have fun. 0:13:29 Unknown_05: Yeah, I mean, and that's kind of how a lot of shit ends up starting on the Internet. It's when it's truly an awesome thing whenever a bunch of people on the Internet who are known for not taking shit seriously and just laughing at stupid people come together and do something like this. But I agree with you. It shouldn't it should necessarily be for the. Unknown_11: Yeah, because, you know, you don't want to project technology or anything. It turns out bad. It turns out ugly. Unknown_05: turns off with a bunch of people walking in the streets that don't know what the fuck they're walking with with faggy little guy fox mask one yeah i actually had the mask and everything oh don't tell me that it wasn't for that i had it because i liked the graphic novels and shit not just that one i've read like 300 and stuff like that so i was a nerd and i already had it and people were just like oh you're anonymous i was like no you know who i am dude shut the 0:14:22 Unknown_11: Well, it's funny when you see somebody in the YouTube comments that has, like, a Guy Fawkes mask as their display picture, but then they have the real name in the name area. It's like, you're not doing it right. You're supposed to be a little bit more cautious. Unknown_05: You don't even know what a VPN is, do you, you little innocent person? Unknown_11: You're just a kid who wants to fit in. All right. Well, thank you for calling in, Genius Anus, and breaking up the silence I had going on. Unknown_05: Not a problem, man. Have fun. Unknown_05: Ooh. Unknown_11: Vyder Viking, is this the real Vyder? Unknown_12: Hello, goof, you wanna fight me in real life? 0:15:01 Unknown_11: I might, I might. I know somebody who definitely would wanna fight you in real life. A mutual friend of ours. Unknown_12: Oh yeah, isn't that great? Oh well, now I just wanted to say, great job, team, of getting that awful snake thing eliminated. Unknown_11: He's not eliminated until his cellmates figure out that he got into prison for fucking dogs. Unknown_12: Yeah, that is a probable pedophile. Unknown_11: Not probable. I don't want to say too much, because I might get my channel banned, but I think he was one of the guys who was saying some really gross shit in his chat logs, outside of the Zuseida stuff. 0:15:44 Unknown_12: I'm great, you're on the case there. Josh, you're doing a good job. Unknown_11: No, it's most of the forum. The forum does the heavy lifting. I just take the credit for it. Unknown_12: Well, you have to take the negative for it as well, so I think you should have an award or something. Unknown_11: Have you been doing okay, by the way? Last I heard, you lost your job because of King of Paul. Unknown_12: Nah, I've been doing fine, actually. I haven't worked as much lately, but I'm doing just fine. No problem. 0:16:17 Unknown_11: That's good to hear, because you ended up being the more sensible person after a while. There was a small redemption arc for Rider Viking. Unknown_12: Oh, yes, thank you. I appreciate that. Well, it's not that hard, because King of Pulse sort of was troll-shielding all the time, and he had to sort of get exposed for the spurg that he is at one point. Unknown_11: Yeah, well, it's nice to hear from you. Thanks for calling in. No problem. Have a nice day. Unknown_11: And yeah, just for the people who are just joining and who don't know, Levi Simmons, the snake thing, he is the one. The guy who actually leaked the logs, ironically, is the first person to go to prison. Unfortunately, I don't think Wolf is ever going to go to prison for anything because he was definitely the worst. He was the one who was doing really awful stuff to animals. 0:16:55 Unknown_11: But he's from Cuba, and there are no animal right laws in Cuba. There is no animal abuse, no nothing. So nothing he's done is illegal, I guess. That's the proper way to put it. He's literally done nothing wrong in the eyes of the Cuban government, which is unfortunate. 0:17:32 Unknown_16: Let's try the infamous X-Men. You got your mic working? Three, two, one. Unknown_16: Woman Disrespecter. Unknown_27: Yeah. Unknown_11: hi yeah hi you have anything to say i was gonna say that it's great that um snake thing got caught you know he was throwing down his wife downstairs beating her in front of their two children is that true is that i don't remember that how the fuck does he have a wife you're full of shit 0:18:10 Unknown_27: Or is that Richard Spencer? Oh, man. Unknown_11: People said I got owned by him on that stream, but it's like he clammed up and refused to answer my questions. I don't know how he... Unknown_27: He sounds like a guy that like, I don't know why, but last night I couldn't sleep. And all of a sudden in my YouTube suggestions, I look, I was looking at like these police interrogations of people that are guilty. And it just, he sounded like one of those guilty people. 0:18:43 Unknown_11: So, specifically during my call, yeah, like, he said I was trying to trap him. I guess I am, because on one hand, it's like, if you say that, no, you shouldn't beat women, then the MRA people that are fans of yours will lose respect for you. And if you say, yes, it's okay to beat women, then your fucking wife is instantly going to win her case. So you put yourself, through your politics, into a lose-lose situation. And it's like, I don't know how... It's stupid to put politics... Unknown_27: in front of, you know, your wife Unknown_11: oh yeah like your entire life really and then at the end of it like i was asking him some questions and he's like do you really think this is going to show up in court and he was like playing off like a joke it's like uh yeah your fucking white supremacy shit is 100 going to become a matter of public yeah in a couple of minutes every in all those calls and shit 100 going to become a part of public record and i i can't wait to hear the recordings to be honest oh god yeah 0:19:45 Unknown_27: Well, you can, like, Anne Hiromi. Unknown_11: Alright, thanks for calling them. Unknown_11: Uh, I'll try... The infamous X-Men. Yo. Hey. Unknown_28: Yo, what's going on here? I think I fixed it. Sorry, man. Unknown_11: Yeah, you're fine. Unknown_28: Yo, uh... You wanna know what all this fucking... Unknown_28: All this pedophilia shit and all this sexual perversion shit is all about, man. You want to know why it's getting so propagated in the media and being shown to all the kids and things like this? You want to know why? Unknown_11: My tinfoil yarmulke is on. I'm ready. It's because this is the plan of the LGBT community. 0:20:18 Unknown_28: To sexualize children. Unknown_28: This is why we see it more rampantly in the media. This is why they recommend you bring your kids to pride parades where they're doing nothing but sexual shit. And you want to know why? It's because their entire cause is based off of a lie. And it's the lie of born this way. And it's easily disproved by ex-gays and ex-transsexuals. They disprove that born this way is real. 0:20:52 Unknown_28: And so this takes them now from a level of a genetic situation to a level of now being a sexual addiction. And when you're talking about sexual addiction, you're talking about people on the same level as crackheads. Unknown_28: So instead of putting these people... Unknown_28: letting these drag queens go in and talk to our children and read them books and all this shit. Unknown_11: That excuse me out. Even if it is a thing of a facet of nature, sexuality, I think that you should keep it out. I'm just saying that even if we were to presuppose that it is, I don't want these fucking people in schools. 0:21:29 Unknown_28: Well, like, the whole thing about the whole liberal side, though, is to be extreme about, like, allowing things that we can't control. Like, this is the extremely shitty rhetoric, right? So, like, they go in with this angle, and they start saying that because, like, sexuality is genetic and gender is a choice, even though reality is the complete opposite. It's the complete inverse. Unknown_28: sexuality is fucking a choice. It's a complete choice proved by ex-gays. How do you refute the fact that ex-gays exist? The whole thing is that 99% of everybody listening to this video right now is so brainwashed they didn't even know ex-gays existed before I just said it. That's how brainwashed the majority of people are. And hell if they know that ex-trans people exist. 0:22:06 Unknown_28: Even post-Operation X-Trans people exist. This world is so fucking brainwashed to be giving these people respect. And they don't deserve it. And the whole reason why they're getting respect is because of the agenda to sexualize children. 0:22:42 Unknown_28: And this is a huge agenda. This has been going on for a long, long fucking time. They're trying to sexualize children sooner and sooner and sooner to pervert them. Because sexuality is a choice, you can pervert it. And the easiest way to pervert it is to get them while they're young. And to teach children about sexuality, you got to pretend that it's fucking genetic and that we got to learn about it in a certain way. This is fucking bullshit. It's all on the lie of born this way. Unknown_11: All right. Well, thanks. I want to get to some of the other people. Thanks for calling in. 0:23:14 Unknown_28: You have any opinion on that? Are you going to try to refute or anything, nothing? Unknown_11: Well, I really don't have any strong opinions about gay people. I think that trannies are all mentally ill. That's about as strong an opinion I have. Unknown_28: Hey, did you know that 86% of pedophiles are gay? Unknown_11: Is it that high? I thought it was closer to 50-50. No, it's 86%. Unknown_11: I knew it was overrepresented, but yeah. Unknown_28: So it's sex addiction that's propelling this, and it's something that we should stand against. It's anti-human. Okay, here's the scientific facts. Biologically, it's anatomically incorrect. It's septic. 0:23:49 Unknown_28: And it's inherently anti-humanity. Are you going to tell me as an evolutionist that you're going to pretend that people have evolved with a self-destruct button of a genetic thing that we can't identify? Unknown_11: People are born with hideous malformations and shit. Unknown_28: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Those are weird mutations that are like whatever. But this is like a gayness that is like a complete thing that's being taught to children. Like, what are you talking about? Like, it's not even real, dude. X-gays exist. 0:24:22 Unknown_11: Well, I mean, I'm not arguing with you. I don't want to get into an argument about the origin of gay, but... Like all these people in the chat who are saying, like, oh, don't listen to them, things like this, they don't have a rebuttal for ex-gays. Unknown_28: They don't. Unknown_28: They're just cowards. They're mentally weak. They're 98 IQ Zika YoloGen. This is what's going on. The Zika YoloGen shit is real. These kids in your fucking chat are so stupid. They don't even know what the fucking X-Gay is. These people are so ugly. They missed the point. 0:24:56 Unknown_11: Jeez. You can get your point out, but you gotta be succinct with it. Unknown_11: MainMain. Unknown_16: Oh, hey, give me a second. Give me one second. Unknown_16: Okay, there we go. There we go. Unknown_07: Hey, what up, Josh? Unknown_11: What's up? Nothing. I'm just chilling. I'm basking in the glow of ex-gay rants and zoo fuckers in prison. 0:25:30 Unknown_07: uh zoo fuckers uh i just came on the screen what the fuck i'm having with them the suit zoo uh fucking see us and shit what the fuck why are why are 477 people watching this yeah what the fuck are you guys watching go get out yeah main main what do you got to say to 500 people Unknown_07: Hi. I got two featured... I just want to perpetuate that meme. That fucking meme of me saying I got two featured articles. Goddamn. Unknown_11: Goddamn. That's right. For people not in the know, there was one guy who was posting on some thread somewhere. Who the fuck was that? I remember that. Where did that come from? There was some guy bragging that he had two featured Kiwi Farms threads, and it was pretty fucking hysterical. Unknown_07: No, that was me! Unknown_11: No, that was me! 0:26:19 Unknown_07: Oh, was it? No, that was me! Unknown_11: You mother... Yes, say it on Splashlight! Say it on Splashlight! Meet the guy who has two featured Kiwi Farms threads. It's a real... It's an accomplishment. Unknown_07: Dude, why does... Why does Josh let you have two featured articles? Unknown_11: I don't know. I guess that what was the, what was the actual, I have to pull it up. What was the actual response? Why does he have two wieners in that comic? Unknown_07: I don't, I think it was like an ad for something. All right. 0:26:50 Unknown_11: Well, anything else that you just call in to brag about your feature thread account? Unknown_07: Nah, I just want to give my opinion real quick on Hawaii. Um, but the conspiracy guy was saying earlier, since I tuned into that, um, I think as a society, um, Unknown_07: we're starting to normalize pedophilia in terms of what it's being towards that. I prefer pedophilia as like, some majority to be legal always, no matter what, fictional or not. But yeah, with the liberal side, it's more perpetuating that we should legalize it because of all the, you've seen the Netflix original. Just to interrupt you real quick, somebody, the ends justify the meme says, ex-trans people is called suicide. 0:27:27 Unknown_11: Yeah. Unknown_07: That's a spicy take. Unknown_07: Well, you know what they say. about those suicidal trannies. Unknown_07: But yeah, the cartoon, Big Mouth, yeah, that's... We're at the point where that's starting to be normalized and shit, just like... Having parents let their kids watch that shit, it's fucking, makes me fucking frustrated and shit. It makes me fucking pissed. And also the sort of stuff that they're doing for like, you know, the fucking, what, drag racing or whatnot. Their son have kids dressed up with drag and shit. It's fucking disgusting, degenerate. It's like, man, I fucking hate that sort of shit. 0:28:04 Unknown_11: Yeah, I don't agree with putting sex in the children's media. I think it's gross. Let kids be kids. Unknown_07: Yeah, exactly. Let fucking kids be kids, for fuck's sake, you know? Ugh, man. Also, hold on, one more thing. Did you see Kyle Dinklage's tweets recently? I did. Actually, let me pull that up, because that pisses me the fuck off. Yeah, he's following Shadman. What the fuck? 0:28:37 Unknown_11: Yeah, well, I posted that in Shad's thread, and I'm going to pull it up for everybody because I do want to rant about this real quick. Unknown_11: Where is it? Unknown_11: Okay, I have very, very pro-First Amendment opinions regarding this, and I don't want to get into it because it's going to piss people off. But just in terms of sheer hypocrisy, Unknown_11: with this shit. Okay, Count Dankula says, literal child porn is not free speech in regards to a tweet about Gab banning Lolicon and Shadacon from Gab. And he says, before anybody goes, oh, but Loli isn't, I don't care, Loli is even totally banned in my Discord despite the fact we post literal scat porn. I don't care if people call it art, it's kids being drawn suggestively, it can fuck off. And right below that, somebody screencapped the fact that Count Dankula is following Shadacon. Yeah, but, 0:29:10 Unknown_07: Yeah, that's what I said earlier, but, um, yeah, I actually, uh, funny enough, um, I actually did a essay about, um, the obscenity on that and the, and I had to mention like two Supreme court cases, one being the Miller, the Miller test case. And the other is from, um, Ashcroft for the, uh, free society, sorry, not free speech, um, coalition. That was about the, um, legality of, uh, virtual chop horn. And, um, during that, the free speech coalition one, But a couple years later, as some of you may know or hear there, in this case, the PROTECT Act passed. 0:29:50 Unknown_07: And that had the case of any sort of child porn, regardless, virtual child porn being banned. So why didn't this report stop the PROTECT Act from being passed in that case? It's kind of strange. Unknown_11: Yeah, I'll go over that. I want to get to other people real quick. But thank you for reminding me to go over that, because that is something that's interesting. 0:30:28 Unknown_11: Yeah. But just real quick on the legality of it. The reason why it's legal in the US is because we don't criminalize any kind of drawing. But more importantly, the reason why actual child porn is illegal in the US is because it creates a black market. It creates a black market in places like Ukraine and Nigeria and poor countries like that. It props up a black market to sell child porn to the United States and pedophiles in the US. And that's why we banned that. And in drawings, it's not the same black market. And if you want to take a stance that it should be criminalized, that's fine. But don't fucking follow Shadman at the same time. Shadman is the worst. He's one of the few people that actually makes me angry. Because Shadman is not just somebody who I sincerely believe is a pedophile because of the way he behaves towards children. He has drawn Daphne Keene from Logan being raped by Hugh Jackman to the point where her lawyer contacted him and told him to fuck off. He's drawn Lieutenant Corbis, who's a 13-year-old who does YouTube videos sucking off microphones like penises. He's drawn Keene Star's daughter in a safe-for-work way, but as a warning shot. Like, if you start drama with me, Keene Star, I'm going to draw you fucking your kid. and i i just think he's utter fucking scum i think he should kill himself uh in minecraft because he's he's just a fucking pig uh rant over uh yeah hey hey fuck i was a little conversation hey what's good uh a lot right now yeah finally one of the zoosatism fucks gets caught holy shit 0:31:45 Unknown_10: I think I'm going to celebrate with pizza. I just ordered one from fucking Papa John's. 0:32:22 Unknown_10: From Papa John's? Unknown_11: Is that a plug? Are you paid by Papa John's to come on live streams and talk about your celebratory pizza? Use code BS2018 for 40% off. Unknown_10: That's actually a working code, by the way. That's from a Boy Scout. You just fucking confirmed it. Unknown_11: You are a shill. Fucking pizza shill. Boy Scout shill, yeah. Unknown_10: You made Easy Peasy hungry, you fucker. Hey, I'm glad. Easy Peasy's fucking videos are great. I love his shit. But no, in all seriousness, this is a great first step. And here's hoping more actually fucking get arrested for this. There was how many of those new sadism leaks? A lot. There was like eight of them. At least in this specific link, there was like eight that we dug into. I'm hoping that there's about seven more arrests soon. 0:32:55 Unknown_10: I'm sorry. Unknown_11: Wolf isn't going to get in trouble because of the reasons I mentioned. It would be nice to see justice for the poor fluffy animals that got fucked in the ass. Actually, one thing I can put up on the screen. Oh boy. 0:33:31 Unknown_10: I'm watching here. By the way, for a chat, yes, extra cheese, light sauce, pepperoni. No cheese pizza here, folks. No cheese pizza. Unknown_11: No cheese pizza. Unknown_16: Speaking of green texting and shit. No, I ain't about that. I can't find it. Unknown_11: I realize this is the benefit of taking out a notebook and writing down shit and having everything ready to go when you're there. It is ready to go for the stream. 0:34:05 Unknown_10: But what were you going to say? Unknown_10: I just I was had to refresh the video because I realized I paused the whole thing instead of just muting. Unknown_11: I don't know. I mean, it's not safe. Unknown_10: Oh, no. It's a legal product, right? Unknown_11: This is something I can show on YouTube without getting banned? Unknown_10: Yeah, as long as nothing else happens to that image. Unknown_11: It's the most depressing single... I think the most depressing thing is just you look at the timeline and it says one second out of three minutes and 45 seconds. And you're like, no! No. No, doggo. 0:34:45 Unknown_10: Oh, fuck. All right, my pizza's here. Anyways, thank you, Josh, for this. Let's see however many more heads on a pike for these furries. Take it easy, y'all. Yep, take it easy. Unknown_16: That was pretty... Bartknocker. Unknown_16: He immediately left. He disappeared. Unknown_16: Machiavellius. Unknown_26: Do you believe that humanity has just gotten so bored of its own existence that it's just developed into this? 0:35:26 Unknown_26: Into this, as in dog fucking? As in dog fucking, you have to wear animal costumes to justify being comforted in the madness of what all this is. I just don't understand what's going on. Unknown_11: um that's a good what i think it is is right you have these furries and the big thing about the furry community is that it does not reject anybody it does not matter who you are you can put on your mask you can join the furry community and you can have a good time with your weird friends right 0:36:02 Unknown_11: But I think when you get into that community, you're surrounded by people who are already freaks. Unknown_11: And when you're surrounded by people and your friends are these people, you can be coaxed into becoming a freak yourself. Unknown_11: And I think that's just what happens. Because these people, they not only coax normal people into embracing this kind of shit, I think they encourage each other. You take a broken person, you leave him to his own devices, he does some fucked up shit. You take two broken people, you put them together, and they become this monstrous entity all by itself. Because you look at the Fatal Attraction TV series, It seems like when you put two people who condone bad behavior together, they become even worse than they would be independently. So I think the furry community in particular right now is incubating a kind of collaborative mental illness that is distinct from what sick people do just by themselves. 0:36:39 Unknown_26: I mean, people have really been trying to normalize psychosis and, like, just if it's weird it's normal if it's strange it's okay embrace embrace everything that people tell you not to be which is generally in place in the it's put in place to begin with to to try guide people on a hey if it's fucking weird it's probably weird for a reason 0:37:34 Unknown_11: Yeah, it feels like people are trying to unwind natural behavior to weird, creepy shit. Unknown_26: It's like people are bored of being human, I guess, almost in a way. Unknown_26: They're tired of being boring, normal, of being meaningless. I don't know. Something along those lines. And also to the dude that was talking about genders, like sexuality or whatever. Unknown_26: Do you know the dude that coined gender, right? Unknown_11: Are you talking about John Money? Gender was a thing way before John Money, but John Money was the one who tried to distinguish between gender and identity or sexual genetics. And John Money is just, like, just read his Wikipedia article. It's actually kind of amazing what a fucking monster John Money was. I don't know. I think I don't know this for sure, but I'm pretty sure that John Money was also someone with a particularly large proboscis. And if that's the kind of content that you're interested in, you should definitely read up on John Money. 0:38:15 Unknown_26: Here's a good one. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex. 0:38:50 Unknown_11: Well, a lot of pedophiles do that. If you ever look at how pedophiles talk to each other, like on 8chan and stuff, when they're on their boards, they are convinced that it is possible to have a healthy sexual relationship with a child. And not all of them. Some of them are sadistic about it, but some of them actually believe it. And I don't know. It's scary. It's scary to know that those are people that are out there. Unknown_26: Yeah, it's people try to justify the most horrendous things, I guess. Like I said, are people just missing excitement then? Do they have to just... I don't know. 0:39:26 Unknown_11: It does seem like a hobby. It's something that people do as a hobby when they're bored. Unknown_26: no it's it's becoming a way of life for people not even a hobby at this point that's what the furry community seems like it's a again i don't know it wasn't yet no yeah it falls under the same thing we're like oh like how people try to justify oh gender like like i'm i'm a woman i'm a male i'm i'm both things i'm i'm a dual spirit like that's what my existence means That's pretty much what the furry thing is as well. It's like, I'm a furry and that's all my existence means. It's all I amount to. Come on. It's horrible. 0:40:01 Unknown_11: Alright, well thanks for calling in. Unknown_26: Yeah, no problem. How you doing? Unknown_16: Uh... Lucas loves Lowe's. Unknown_16: Hello. Hi. Hi. Oh shit, I'm on! Unknown_11: Yes. Unknown_22: oh shit uh i am yeah i'm hello hi hi what do you got what do you got like i'm on youtube on the other part so it was like echoing i'm so sorry um i just came to say that this furry shit's really fucking it's really out of hand i mean it seems like it's happening a lot more frequently 0:40:54 Unknown_22: Or at least it's being seen a lot more frequently than it usually is. Unknown_11: I think it is getting worse. I think that the normal people, the semi-normal people who consider themselves furries because they had a genuine interest in anthropomorphic art and shit, I think they're leaving, doing other shit. And the people who are left are all sex freaks who are encouraging each other to be worse and worse people. Unknown_22: Yeah, because I've heard stories about cons and them getting crazy, these sexual... Parties and stuff like that getting incredibly high. I mean, Rainfur is kind of fucked off for a reason. 0:41:32 Unknown_11: Yeah. Okay, chat wants to know if you're underage or a girl. I'll just get that out there. Unknown_22: it's whatever you want i don't know it must be like the whatever whatever helps you beat your meat at night i guess right are you a furry or did you just uh yeah no no no no i'm not a furry i've heard the stories though about terrible kind of weird things happening especially from kiwi mostly from kiwi that like there's just these underage parties and stuff like that 0:42:05 Unknown_11: Oh yeah, the petting zoos, the room set aside for animals. Apparently that's a rumor, but I would like evidence of it. If you happen to be a furry who has evidence of the petting zoos,, just saying. Unknown_22: Yeah, but other than that, it's getting kind of fucking crazy. The jealousy in general is kind of going up, and it's... a part of me kind of feels kind of sad. It feels in line with the whole millennial disenfranchisement sort of thing that goes on nowadays. 0:42:40 Unknown_11: Yeah. Unknown_11: Well, we talked about that and how everything seems to be progressing towards the bad end of things. Unknown_11: But yeah, thanks for calling in. Unknown_16: All right, thank you. Thank you for having me. Unknown_16: Let's go... Oh, he left already. Unknown_11: Bastard. I tried Fartknocker before. Fartknocker! Unknown_08: Hey, what's up, man? Can you hear me? Unknown_11: Yeah, you're fine. Unknown_08: What's going on? Is this... 0:43:11 Unknown_08: The fucking... The beginning of the end? Unknown_11: I don't know. Unknown_08: Yeah, is Kiro next? Is Kiro next? Unknown_11: I don't know. I know for a fact somebody, at least one person has reported every single one of them to police. So you don't need to contact police. It's already been done. Unknown_11: Hopefully? Maybe? I don't know what to expect. But it might... Unknown_11: It might. I definitely think that as things go on, and I'm aware of something big that might be coming up, that could... That's definitely not my penis. 0:43:48 Unknown_08: Sorry, go ahead. Unknown_11: That if it's not getting furries arrested, it could end up in, like... Unknown_11: I don't know what you would call it, convention centers rejecting the furry community from them, which would not having these conventions all over the place would really damage the community, because it would force them to go back to these small fur meets that would kind of stunt their ability to sell art and stuff to mass audiences. Unknown_08: For infiltration purposes, wouldn't it be better if it's out in the open and not underground? 0:44:24 Unknown_11: For infiltration? What? Unknown_08: Yeah, if you want to see if the whole petting zoo is a real thing, the little kitties and stuff. Because they're just going to take that shit underground. Unknown_11: Well, maybe. I don't know. I don't know what to expect. But the next six months or so should be interesting in terms of furry drama. Because they're going to start turning on each other if people are taking bites out of each other. Unknown_08: Hey, I just came on here to say, did you see they arrested the Magabomber? 0:44:58 Unknown_11: I did. I did. Let me pull up a picture of this shit. Unknown_08: That's my profile picture. Unknown_11: Oh, is that the guy? Oh, that's why they keep posting that mugshot. I'm like, that's not the fucking furry. Why do they keep posting this? Unknown_08: Yeah, he's a shitskin, too. Unknown_11: Shitskin? Caesar... Caesar... Psyok? How the fuck do you pronounce that? Unknown_08: Psyok? Psyok? Yeah, he's a feather nigger. Unknown_08: Oh, is he? Unknown_08: Yeah. Oh, wow. 0:45:29 Unknown_08: He's a Florida man, too. Who would have thought? A fucking Florida man. Unknown_11: Oh, well, Florida is the best state in the nation. Representing Florida, by the way. Unknown_11: By far, yeah. If you guys have a picture of his van, can you please post it in Discord? Because I really want to show people what his fucking van looks like. There's a close-up that I saw that was not the one from MSNBC or CNN from the helicopter. It was a picture on the highway. And I don't want to spoil it. Unknown_08: Oh, that was on Twitter, yeah. Unknown_11: I don't want to spoil it, but there's something to note about the vehicle that I think people would find interesting. 0:46:06 Unknown_08: Talking about, like, the Hillary sticker with the crosshair and shit? Well, there's a lot. There's a lot of things to say about the van. Unknown_11: But, yeah, something like that. All right. Well, is there anything else? Unknown_08: Yeah, I just want to say I have a large penis, and I can suck my own cock. Unknown_11: Really? Isn't that gay? Unknown_08: I can, yeah. Unknown_08: No, it's not gay if you suck it. Unknown_16: I disagree. Unknown_08: Is it gay if you touch your dick and jerk off? No. Why is it gay if you suck it? 0:46:39 Unknown_11: Because you're putting a dick in your mouth. Unknown_08: But you're putting a dick in your hand. What's the difference? Unknown_11: You're not putting it in your mouth. Unknown_08: It would be gay if I drank my own cum. I don't do that. I just bust on my face. Unknown_11: Nigga, nigga, that's gay. Unknown_08: Nigga, you gay. Unknown_11: Nigga, get out of here. Unknown_20: Casios. Unknown_20: Hi, can you bring this rage hound on as well, please? Can I bring what? Rage hound as well. She's a furry. 0:47:12 Unknown_11: Oh, sure. Unknown_20: We've got the really cringe corners. You're on now. Unknown_30: Oh, hello. Unknown_20: Obviously, we were just talking about this. My main point that pisses me off the most about all this, the furrows in general, is they inject that shit into everything. No matter where you go, you will inject it into everything. And you can't deny that. Unknown_11: Are you saying that the furries inject their furry stuff into everything? Yeah, inject it into everything. I was just saying, you can go into a forum, go into a forum about fucking eating food, right? 0:47:46 Unknown_20: Completely unrelated. And... Okay, you might have your furry avatar, but the second anything remotely dog will come up, you'll start with like, oh, woo, furry, I'm a furry, yiff, yiff, yiff. Unknown_30: I think that also comes down to ages, because there's a lot of younger people joining the community who aren't Unknown_30: don't always practice the best social practices. Like, they'll come in and just be cringe because they're used to having the safe space of a convention or, like, a very small online forum. So I understand that that is probably annoying as shit, and I'm really sorry on behalf of my community if that is what you've experienced because, like I said, it's not all of us. Like, you had mentioned when we were talking in the other group that you're convinced that all of it is sexual, and it's not. 0:48:26 Unknown_20: well I didn't say all no not all but the majority 99.9% of all furry shit is sexual and I think my point is you'll get people that say oh no we're not it's not sexual at all no it's not yeah do you believe that it's not a sexual fandom inherently Rachel it depends it depends on why you joined it there's a group of people who joined it because that is what appeals them and then there's a Unknown_30: group that also joined because of escapism and then there's a group that's just not really sure and is still undecided. I'm on the side of... I want to flatly call you out because V said something. 0:49:02 Unknown_11: Do you know who V is by any chance, Rage? Unknown_30: V... The Sargon guy. Unknown_11: The Romanian guy from the Sargon book. He flat out said that it's about porn and anybody who says it's not about porn is full of shit. He's been a furry for fucking forever. I think he's out now. Unknown_11: That's his take. Unknown_30: Yeah, that's his take, but I don't feel like one guy talks for all of us at all. Especially with how much it's changed. Unknown_11: It may have started that way, but it's much different. But you're a woman, right? 0:49:39 Unknown_30: Yeah, I'm also going to say it is a little different for females in the community, too, because... I know... Shout out to OhWhoaWhat'sThis, a user from the forum who is now banned, rest in peace, who is a huge pornoholic regarding the furry fandom. Unknown_11: She's, like, all sorts of weird, crazy fucking shit from, like, E621... Unknown_11: I mean, like, everybody, a lot of people that I've met from the fandom are in it almost exclusively for the porn, and everything else is an auxiliary concern. Unknown_11: True, but that's like saying everyone in the anime community is there for the tentacle porn and hentai. Unknown_30: Not everyone. I mean, there's a group, but it's not everyone. But anime is just animation from Japan. 0:50:26 Unknown_11: Like, there's anime porn... But the furry fandom seems to almost exclusively stem from this sexual fascination with animals. If I could just go here, right? Unknown_20: It's... Yes, you do have a lot of sexuality in the fucking anime community, the furry community, in all this... Every fucking community in the world, right? But the fact is, the percentage is a lot higher in the furry community, and the degeneracy is fucking enormous, right? And I was just saying, you don't have people... disavowing it really in the furry community you'll have people trying to get worse and worse and worse and it'll just get worse fucking worse and then you turn into this fucking shit like snake fucking twat right it just gets worse and worse and this is what happens when you don't have anyone you don't have anyone calling it out right you don't have anyone calling it then it fucking is of course it is 0:51:18 Unknown_30: No, we had a few. Unknown_20: Okay, you might one fucking person call it out, but like, no. I would agree. Unknown_30: Every major furry YouTuber, I know that's like a weird concept, has disavowed it to some degree, either making a video on it, speaking on it, tweeting about it, cutting connections. Some of us are even actively moving to have people who have been confirmed with sites like Kiwi Farms. We've actually used that to confirm it and have taken that to authorities. And we're pursuing arrests and we're pursuing bans from our events. 0:51:49 Unknown_20: That's happening now, right? Unknown_30: Well, it's been happening. It just hasn't happened in the eye of the public because it hasn't been someone as big before. Unknown_11: In the public, though, when people talk about this, it seems like the furries get mad. Like, oh, you're talking about drama. You're bringing up drama. We just want to have fun. We don't want to have drama. And they seem to want to already be past it. Yeah, in my opinion, saying it's drama is bullshit. Unknown_30: That's almost as bad as just ignoring it, pretending it doesn't exist. I've gotten a lot of heat for coming out and just being like, fuck no, I don't want this being associated with something that for me isn't sexual, and for me is an escape from a stressful job. You can't say this isn't sexual. 0:52:21 Unknown_20: You can't say this isn't sexual. My fucking ass. Unknown_11: It's not. Do you go to conventions? Yes. Do you have a suit or a costume? Yes, I do. What's your opinion on children going to these conventions? Unknown_30: I think depending on how the convention is set up, it can be either a very safe environment or it's not advised. It depends on how it's set up. It's entirely, if there is a, they have some that are child-friendly enforced. You cannot have anything inherently sexual there. Or there's some where it's cordoned off. It just depends on how it's set up. It's just like, would you take your kid to New York Comic Con knowing that there's a couple of lewd artists there? If it's separated, sure. If it's out in the open and your kid could grab an art booklet and see something they're not supposed to, then no. I don't think they should be going. 0:53:03 Unknown_20: Okay, right. Okay. Unknown_30: Yeah. Unknown_20: Let me get going up here. So... Unknown_20: If it's a non-sexual fucking con, right? You just know that the most people that are fucking going to this con are still the sexualized, degenerate fuckers that are going to the sexual con, if you can separate it, right? And do you want children around these kind of scumbags? The answer is fucking no. 0:53:41 Unknown_30: If they're scumbags. Unknown_20: They all are. Unknown_30: No, so you're calling me a scumbag as well? Unknown_20: Yes, I am. I'm calling you a scumbag because you're a furry. Yes, you are. Unknown_11: It does seem like to me, I don't want to just insult you. I'm happy that you came on and had this conversation with us. But it does seem like now, if you are a member of the furry community, no matter how much you say that you're trying to root it out, it does seem like you're complicit in what's happening. Because I don't think it can be saved at this point. I think it's too far gone. Whatever merits it had as a fun little anthropomorphic character fandom is now completely eroded in favor of this kind of weird, creepy, harmful sexual shit. Oh, but Josh, don't understand. 0:54:16 Unknown_20: She's not in it for the sex. Unknown_30: I'm not, but it does suck because then when people try to go about it earnestly and just enjoy the con... Unknown_30: Shit like this pops up. I actually joined in because I saw that you were outing out some Zeusatists, and I'm actually very pro that. I want those shits arrested. I don't want them at my cons. I don't want them anywhere near me. And I sure as shit don't want them associated with our fandom and condoned by people who choose not to speak out. So I came because I'm glad you're doing it. 0:54:51 Unknown_20: Okay, well, I appreciate that you're coming in, right, and actually having this opinion. Yeah. Yeah, that's good, right? Unknown_17: Yeah. Unknown_20: I'm sure, as I said, there are a very small amount that are good, yeah, that don't want to be raping little babies and raping puppies and cutting fucking heads off. 0:55:23 Unknown_20: That's literally what we're seeing here. Yeah. And you have these furry YouTubers who were fucking defending Kero and all these... Unknown_20: Oh, disgusting people. Unknown_17: If it was any other fandom in the world, you'd have all of the furries saying, oh, that's disgusting. Unknown_20: I can't believe people are doing this. But because it's them, the majority of furries, OK, maybe not you, the majority of furries defend it or they ignore it. And the fact that it happens... Well, it does seem like apathy is the... Or split. 0:55:58 Unknown_30: You get people not talking, you get people being loud as shit on Twitter, or you get people making the videos saying, this is not acceptable, and... Unknown_30: disillusioned fuckheads being like, no, it's not wrong. I stand with them like, fuck that. Unknown_11: Hold up, guys. Let me ask this. Andy Worski was making a joke that he was going to put on a suit. Unknown_11: My friend suggested the Wolverine as his fursona. He said he might do it, which I don't know why. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with Andy Worski, but he said he was going to do it. And somebody, he had a furry come on and he's like, you know, everybody in the furry fandom is gay. Most people in the fandom are gay. Are you gay? Me? 0:56:40 Unknown_11: Yeah. Unknown_30: I mean, I'm on the spectrum. I'm pan. I'd kind of go either way. Unknown_11: Hold up. Unknown_30: Just one second. I respect that you're saying snag comments. I'd really like to hear what Josh has to say. I'm sorry. So his point was, if you go to the furry convention as a straight man looking for women, you will be pounced upon by all the fucking women who are completely ignored at these fandoms because most of the guys are gay. Unknown_11: Do you go to the fandoms and pick up guys? Nope. 0:57:14 Unknown_11: No? Never once? No, honestly, I don't go with that intent, but most of the time, I just go to see friends that are out of state that I don't see that much. Unknown_30: It's like going to ComCon for me. I haven't seen these people in a month, and we all show up here, we get pizza, we hang, and we drink and go to parties, but that's not it. Unknown_11: Can I ask what percentage of cons end up in a hookup if you don't go there to hook up? Like, is it most of them, or...? Unknown_30: Almost never happens, to be honest. Because you're not wrong in believing that most guys in our fandom are gay. So it's not really like I go there to do it. But the odds aren't good in general. But I don't go with that intention. It's like I don't go to anything with that intention. 0:57:48 Unknown_11: What do you mean by pan, by the way? You got men and women. What else is included in the spectrum when you add pan instead of bi? Um... Unknown_30: It's more of like trans, non-binary. I mean, I'm female and cis, so like whatever. But if someone is interesting to me, I don't particularly care which gender they are at all. Unknown_20: I've got a question. 0:58:20 Unknown_20: Why do you think it attracts a lot of gay men? Unknown_30: Sense of belonging. I think a lot of people sometimes feel unsafe or kind of nervous where they're standing either with their family or if they're coming into the realization that they are gay and they're not really accepted by family. Unknown_30: The good thing about our community is we do accept about everyone. The bad news about our community is we sometimes do accept everyone. So on the positive, you do find a place to belong. On the negative, sometimes the people you belong with are shit and we try to get rid of them as best we can. 0:58:58 Unknown_30: We're working on it is all I can really say for that. Unknown_20: My main... Unknown_20: annoyance really well two main lines one inject you inject it into every single thing and two it's the the outright ignoring the things and just not kicking it out you know obviously from a third party yeah you know i'm not in the community i don't look at the furry shit But all I see is the absolute disgusting shit that you guys do, right? And to me, it just seems that all you furry YouTubers, furry Twitter guys, you just do not deny it or you just ignore it. And it's just disgusting. 0:59:38 Unknown_30: So may I ask a question? Have you only seen negative things that we've done or only? So you don't know that we raise money for charity? We raise money for charity at every con. Unknown_11: Well, so did, like, I don't know if you know the lore behind, like, Darkside Phil. There was, like, a group of people who constantly stalked the fucking guy. And when they got called out for being creepy stalkers, their first instinct was to raise money for, like, a water well in Africa. Like, you can raise money for a charity and still fuck dogs. Yeah, it's just that we've always done it for, like, an animal-based charity. 1:00:10 Unknown_30: Or, you know, some of us have... Unknown_30: I think one of the other things, we also have people who try to make an effort to help their local communities. Some people go to local runs in suit to kind of get people interested and excited and have a friendly face there. I know that's going to trigger someone to go, ew, what's in the mask? But we try to give back to our community as best we can. We have EMTs, we have doctors, we have some actual pretty interesting people in the community that give back Unknown_30: But admittedly, most people's first instinct when they see furry is to go to E621 and go, that's the community. And I'm like, that's not. 1:00:47 Unknown_11: My point with that is the leaders of the community are people like Varka, the guy that fucking owns Ink Bunny. You have all these website admins, and they almost always... are dog fuckers. Like, the guy who owns Ink Bunny is like a thrice-convicted sex offender against children. Varka's business associates are in prison for animal abuse right now. And it's kind of hard for me to say, well, the fandom that... Unknown_11: is built up around these sites. And I know Dragoneer's the guy that owns Fur Affinity. And I know he has his own sordid history that I don't even know the full depth to because it's been fucking like a decade with him. But it seems like everybody who leads the community is at least some kind of sex offender. 1:01:18 Unknown_30: Not all, but I mean, I can see where the ones you would hear about would be in that group. Because there's a bunch that haven't really done shit, but they also, again, don't really do shit that gets them that much attention. I mean, like Kage, who runs Anthrocon... Unknown_30: talks, and yeah, they get a little racy, but in terms of actually doing anything bad, he hasn't done anything to my knowledge. 1:01:58 Unknown_11: Well, to everybody's knowledge. But we do know that some of these conventions, like there are ones in Nevada that are right next to furry groups that advocate for the legalization of Unknown_11: Actually, I don't know Nevada's laws too bad. I think they actually do allow bestiality in Nevada. And you have these organizations that are furry based that have advocacy for animal sex. And the conventions around there are alleged to have these petting zoos. Because it's legal there. Unknown_30: If it's a convention, I'd love to know which one because I don't believe any of the ones that I've interacted with or spent any time knowing the main people who run it to have that be even allowed. Because a lot of them do try to keep a family-friendly section for the con and that would definitely violate the living shit out of it. So if there is a con that exists like that, shoot me the info. I would love to investigate it and take a deeper look into it. I mean, I came on here not to... beat the war drum for furries and say we're not all shit. I just thought maybe it'd be interesting for you guys to have another perspective. I don't know. 1:02:39 Unknown_11: It is interesting. I understand. And I appreciate the civil conversation. Unknown_30: I fully expected to get what we usually get. So it's kind of nice having a nice, polite discourse. 1:03:17 Unknown_20: Now, I understand your point, right? And I do respect to a degree that you are... the nice one, but I think that my point is the fact that it's just a very small amount of you. Unknown_20: You know? You are a very minority. Unknown_20: You're a very small amount in this community. Unknown_00: The majority of this... Well, I don't care that you're female. Unknown_20: I don't care what you are. It's the fact that you are a minority. In this community, the majority of you are very fucking degenerate. 1:03:52 Unknown_11: And I don't want to harp on this for too long, but I do want to ask your opinion of one specific person in a statement that he said before I move on. Because I don't want this to go on for like three hours. No, no, and I got shit to do, so I get it. So last question before I violently sunset everybody is, what is your opinion on, Adam Johnston, and his claim that an animal can consent through body language sex? Unknown_30: Oh, God. He did say that, didn't he? Yes, he did. Unknown_11: See, that's what I mean. It's like all the popular people in the fandom have that kind of shit, which is why... Not all of them, but God, if one had to say it, Jesus fucking Christ, that would be the one. Yeah, Adam, like, fucking is probably the most highest profile, like, in terms of having... One of, yeah. In terms of having a presence outside of the furry community. Adam Johnson's, like, an emissary, and he goes on his Reddit and says it's okay to fuck dogs if they consent through body language, and I'm just curious... Oh, good God. What your opinion is of that, and, like, can you understand why, even if it wasn't true... I wholeheartedly disagree in that statement being in any way valid in terms of what he said. 1:04:35 Unknown_30: Like, no. Fucking no. Unknown_30: And kind of mad that he even said that, but shit, like, that, like, that is an... If you talk to anyone that, like, I associate with in our community, that is just, that's not... 1:05:19 Unknown_30: That is not at all correct. Unknown_30: That is not something I would even stand behind at all. And I, Jesus Christ, I forgot he'd said that. That reminds me of why I've blocked him. You've blocked him? Unknown_30: As soon as I see any shit like that from a member of my community, gone. Block. If I have evidence, turn it in. And if I have hard copy evidence, usually grabbed from you guys, send it to every con chair and do my part to try to get them banned. 1:05:53 Unknown_11: I'm probably a pariah in my own community, but, you know. Well, out of curiosity, since you mentioned that this has reflected negatively on you because you don't approve of these people, What would need to happen for you to say, I don't want to be a part of this, I'm exiting the fandom? Unknown_30: There's been a few close calls. I'm not going to lie. Unknown_30: I actually was colleagues with Kiro, who did get that big outing. Unknown_30: And as one of his close friends, I had no idea that that was going on until someone outed it. 1:06:30 Unknown_30: I had no idea because we don't live in the same state. Like, we hardly see each other. And to be fair, we don't interact much at cons because he's a really big YouTuber and I'm a really small one. So that almost had me leave when some shit came out about another one. Unknown_11: What could happen right now to make you think, I don't want any part of this? Unknown_30: Um... Unknown_30: Honestly, if the entire staff for a con that I love or an entire group of people have another one of these things happen where they just quietly don't say shit and there's a person doing animal abuse, child sex ring, grooming, anything in that group, That might be the last straw because I've had three close calls now where I'm just like, fuck it, I'm out. And then, you know, the community pushes back, gets them arrested or shuns them and like gets them the fuck out. But if that happened and no one did a thing, yeah, I'm out. Fuck it. 1:07:16 Unknown_11: You're at the precipice, the precipice of leaving. Unknown_30: Mm hmm. Unknown_11: All right. Unknown_30: Yep. Unknown_11: All right. Kaz, you got anything left to say? Unknown_20: No, I'm cool. I was just pissed. And I am still pissed, because it's just so frustrating, these furries, that they even do all this stuff. It's just disgusting. Unknown_00: And I do like, you know, you get some people that are like this. 1:07:53 Unknown_20: They might not be complete degenerates. They may not be in it completely for the sexual thing. I understand the anime community does this. Every community does this. But it's just the fact that there's so many of you guys that are into all this kind of crap. And you don't deny it. You never put it away. It's just so frustrating. It fucks me up. That's all I have to say. No, that's fair. Unknown_30: And I appreciate it. I'll let you get someone else in. I'm sure I'll get roasted to high heaven by everyone waiting at the call-in. Unknown_11: Have a lovely day. All right. Well, thank you guys very much for calling in. I enjoyed this conversation. 1:08:25 Unknown_13: Thanks. Unknown_11: Bye. Unknown_13: Bye. Bye. Unknown_11: All right. My favorite, my emissary from Encyclopedia Dramatica. Easy peasy. Easy peasy. Why are you deft and mutant, you motherfucker? I gave you an introduction, and you motherfucking deft and muted yourself. Unknown_11: You asshole. Let's pick somebody I don't know. Midwest. Unknown_04: Oh, hello. Unknown_11: Hi. Unknown_04: Oh, can you hear me? Yeah, everything's fine. Go ahead. All right. So basically, I just wanted to say that everyone that is a furry and is saying, not all furries, not all furries, just needs to stop. They need to be human for a second, right? 1:08:56 Unknown_04: Kind of get what I'm saying? Sure. Go ahead. I'm waiting. They need to just stop saying that because it's a losing argument. They need to say it's wrong. It's wrong morally. It's wrong spiritually. It's wrong physically to do these things. There's no winning argument. There's no way you can morally justify or to ever quantify the idea of there being bankrupt morally people in your community you know well i mean that's not entirely fair to say guilt by association because i mean we're looking i don't know i i'm personally i think this is a fucking false flag just saying but i mean there are fucking lunatics in the trump community you have those like just absolute losers on uh the donald who post the cringe-inducing memes and like i'll disavow faggots being faggots but 1:10:07 Unknown_11: I don't know if it's fair to say, because you have fags in your community, you can't be a part of it with good conscience. Unknown_04: Right. No, there's fags everywhere. But what I'm saying is, like, if you have a known psychopath or someone who is a psychopath in your community, right, and you say, as a furry, you know, or as this, that, or the other, you know... Unknown_04: you shouldn't say all furries are bad or my community is bad. Don't deflect the blame on the entire community. I think you need to take a step back and you need to say this problem or this person is to blame this person is toxic and we need to go full front attack on this person you know stop trying to deflect uh you know problems that will be on the community for one second you know because well she said that she was hunting for him i i do agree like if the furry community really wanted to duck this they should have like burned kuro and across but the the silence is deafening and i agree that uh they're gonna eat shit and they should eat shit for it Because I'll draw like a parallel. 1:10:44 Unknown_04: The furry community is not a religion. There is no doctrine. There is no community that says this is right, this is wrong. But I felt like she was saying, you know, well, there kind of is, you know, some standards. Well, what standards are there in the furry community? What standards are there, you know, in the anime community or, you know, this, that community? You know, it's like you're on the Internet. You know, you should expect whatever comes, you know, to come. so i mean for whatever left there is there's going to be a wild wild west that's fair but uh in religion right there are doctrines you know so if uh like you know uh 1:11:50 Unknown_04: for the Vatican II, whatever happened after that, you know, with the Catholic Church, there is degeneracy in the Catholic Church. We have to point it out. We have to say this does not follow a doctrine. We have to say this is wrong. And you are now, you know, not following doctrine. You are now, uh, Unknown_04: uh explicitly against christ you know and you are no longer christian hopefully the furry community can get their pope who will deus vault the fucking dog fuckers out of their community yeah you know something like that needs to happen uh and you can sunset me so all right well thank you very much for calling in all right uh yeah trying you again easy peasy you you fucker you let me down twice i can't believe you've done this 1:12:39 Unknown_29: hey there we go finally hold on god damn i hate discord because i can't be in your fucking in your fucking waiting room and turn off the sound so i have to listen to the stream and to that shit and oh i didn't realize oh that people could talk i'm turning it off you're all silenced now be gone okay sorry about that i i don't know i don't know i know it fucking sucks it's all bullshit Unknown_11: Oh, what, the furries or my Discord channel? Unknown_29: Discord in general, okay? I can't be in the fucking waiting room and listen to the show at the same time because the motherfuckers in the waiting room won't shut the fuck up. So I got both the sounds on, and these motherfuckers are talking about some shit, and you're talking about some shit, and you won't shut up. So I have to mute it, but I can't mute it. I can't definite without also muting it at the same time. So now I'm muted, and then you bring me in, and I don't know because there's a delay. Unknown_11: You're roasting me. You're roasting me. I fixed it easy peasy. I'm hosting Discord. 1:13:36 Unknown_29: I'm hosting a fucking Discord. Discord is a shit, it's a shit website. It's a shit application. I don't know what you call it, but it's a pile of garbage. Everything gets leaked. It should all get burned down. Unknown_11: You're saying that it's not kosher, right? Unknown_29: Listen, this is a low energy show, but now you got me. Furries need to burn in hell. What I love about furries is that their fucking suits are so fucking flammable. If you want to burn them alive, they're already ready for it. Just throw a match into a furry convention, they're all burning. They're all gone. My God, the motherfuckers in jail right now. Furries, furries go to hell. Fucking hell. God damn it. 1:14:08 Unknown_11: Let me ask you this. Who do you hate more, the furries or the Palestinians? Can we get a hot take on this? Unknown_29: The Palestinian furries. You're fucking starving. Why are you using your fucking money to buy a fursuit? Unknown_17: Fucking Palestinian furries. Unknown_29: Have you ever seen a man wearing a wolf costume and a suicide bomb belt over it? It's so hot. What's wrong with you? You know, we're in the middle of the desert, man. You gotta hydrate. You gotta... Unknown_29: God damn it, can you imagine how bad a furry convention must smell? Just 20 sweaty dudes wearing fucking bear rugs over themselves. 18 naked cowboys. 1:14:42 Unknown_29: And 10 naked cowboys. And the fucking bear rugs are covered in their own sperm. Because you know that shit is crusty. You know when they walk, you hear this kind of... Because the layer of cum is breaking apart as they move. Unknown_29: God damn it. Unknown_29: I hate furries. I don't like them. I don't like them. I have some negative feelings towards them. You know, some of them are okay. Unknown_11: We're going to work it out in the stream. We're going to vent and get our pent-up energy out there for the world. 1:15:22 Unknown_29: The worst furries are the ones whose fursona is a bird. Unknown_29: When someone's fursona is a bird, you know they're fucked. You know, those are the ones that even the other furries want nothing to do with. Imagine a guy in owl costume trying to turn his head 180 fucking degrees. You hear his neck slowly cracking. Unknown_11: Well, that should be your favorite furry, then, or the ones in the bird suits. Yeah, they fix their own problem. Unknown_29: I don't have to deal with them. They kill themselves. Fucking perfect. Oh my god, the scalies. Just a dude. You might as well just name V at this point. Just imagine V. Just imagine the little Romanian fuck. His first sound is probably like an alligator. He's just crawling on the ground on all fours. Making hissing noises at people. Hello, everybody. Hiss. 1:15:59 Unknown_29: You throw a piece of meat, he jumps on it, just starts rolling around. That's not because he's a furry. Unknown_11: It's because he's hungry and there's no food in Romania. Unknown_29: Yeah, that's true. Unknown_29: Listen... Unknown_29: Let's just pray to God that V doesn't start a stream while you're doing a stream because he will steal your fucking audience like he steals spare pieces of cars that he finds on the side of the road. 1:16:39 Unknown_11: I don't know if people are going to Red Rover for V on this particular stream. Unknown_29: Listen, baby, they steal everything. They will steal your fucking viewers. If your stream does better than his, he'll put a curse on you. Unknown_29: That's a fact. A gypsy curse. Unknown_29: By the way, a gypsy foreskin has very potent magic powers. That's in the Kabbalah. That's a fact. Unknown_11: Well, now we're getting some lessons in the Talmud. Thank you very much, Easy Peasy, for calling in. Unknown_29: So which one of them got arrested? Snake Thing? 1:17:15 Unknown_11: Snake Thing. Mm-hmm. Unknown_29: So which one is he? What did he do? Unknown_11: He's the child molester, right? He was the leaker, and I think he did say some pedophile shit. Yeah. Unknown_29: My God, that is some spectacular backfiring there. I'm going to leak shit about everybody. Unknown_11: He was getting blackmailed. He was getting blackmailed by somebody into releasing the logs, just from what I understand. I see. Unknown_29: Well, you know, you probably shouldn't, you know, openly say you fuck dogs and you won't get blackmailed. That's probably something you should keep to yourself. Just a tip for the future. Everyone in the chat listening. Is that also in the Talmud? 1:17:48 Unknown_11: Don't say you fuck dogs because you'll get blackmailed by the goyim? Unknown_29: Yeah, that's, I can't, I don't remember the exact chapter. My rabbi told me that. Unknown_29: Someone in chat is asking me what my favorite oven is. Unknown_29: You're all kind people. I love all of you. It's actually, you know, the temperature is getting pretty cold lately. And when the temperature gets really cold, if I have an oven, I climb in. If I can't, I use a microwave. 1:18:20 Unknown_11: All right, now you're just trying to show. You got to go. You're trying to show in my stream. This is a false flag. This is a false flag. You're having a fun, buddy. Unknown_29: Come on. You're going to kick your favorite Jew. I am because I want to close down. Unknown_11: I don't want to stream for more than an hour and a half. Okay. So I'm going to wrap the fire. Take it easy. Thank you for coming. Good night. All right, we're going to go fast. We're going to go fast. So when you call in, don't ask me how I'm doing. I promise you I'm doing just fine. Get one shot, say your line, and I'll sunset you when you catch your breath. 1:18:53 Unknown_16: And runescape. Unknown_11: One, two, three. Unknown_16: Oh, hello. Unknown_11: Hi. You sound way too young to be listening to my stream. What's your take? Unknown_24: As someone who was in the furry community for quite a decent period of time, I'm just going to keep it real. The time to fix all of these issues. The girl who was speaking earlier, I admire her fervor. She's fucking braver than a lot of people actually going after some of these degenerates in the furry community. But the time to do this was a solid, I don't know, like 20 years ago, 15 years ago. 1:19:33 Unknown_17: Yeah, I think it's beyond saving. Because by this point, they've taken root. Unknown_24: The cancer has festered. It's spread to the rest of the body. And honestly, there's no hope for this fucking community. There was no accountability. There was no responsibility for acting out. There are people fucking in mer-suits that haven't been washed, in normal conventions, interacting with children. That wasn't taken care of. That was a scandal that was fucking brushed under the rug. Unknown_11: Yep. Unknown_24: Well, thank you for going in. 1:20:10 Unknown_11: I do agree. But I do want to get to everybody. Thank you. Unknown_24: Have a good one. Unknown_11: Yep. Unknown_11: I think I already called on you. Let me go to not a sandwich. Not. Unknown_11: Fuck. Fucking discord. Pick me up. Unknown_11: He literally can't. It's like a mouse agility game. Unknown_00: Not Sandwich. Oh, hey, one second. I've got to pause the stream, or mute the stream. I'm playing Bloodborne. I just want to let you know about Shadman. His followers are culty. He's an arsehole with a pretty up-himself personality, and generally speaking, he's just not a very nice person to be around. He's pretty faggoty, to be honest. Also, the fairy's lying. They're totally in it for the porn. Anything otherwise said is just retarded. And you can go ahead and throw me out because I'm fighting Guillermo and I need to concentrate. 1:20:48 Unknown_11: Yeah, totally, totally agree. Shadman's a piece of shit. Thanks for calling in. Yes, no worries, dude. Unknown_11: Can't drag you out. Unknown_16: Oh, my God, I hate this. Unknown_16: Booty bones. Unknown_03: Hey, Josh, just wanted to say one thing real quick about the guy who was saying the gays aren't real. Well, they're real. It's because they drink Soylent. And when they stop drinking Soylent, it turns them not gay. 1:21:24 Unknown_11: They become ex-gays. Unknown_03: You got to remember to drink your Soylent every day. Unknown_03: That's all I have. Thank you for your staying gay tips. I'm sure some people will find it helpful. Unknown_16: Let's see. Take a couple more. RetroPsych. 1:21:55 Unknown_25: me yes okay um one thing i thought of was did you see the down the rabbit hole about furries you know frederick i i watched some of it i didn't sit through all of it though well most of their community is completely based in fetishizing these characters if you you know it started in what like the 80s so many stuff like that it's completely it's like fetish based yeah oh yeah i would agree that there's no there's no innocent part of the fandom at this point Unknown_25: It really isn't. They can spin things out of it, but at its root, it's porn. That's all I wanted to say. Unknown_11: Yep, I agree. Thank you for calling in. Unknown_11: Let's do, I guess, Visitor. He's been waiting a while. Visitor! Unknown_09: Yo, let me meet the stream. Yeah, that Fred Knudsen video, really, really important material for like all these furries who think, oh, it's, you know, it's not all like that. Does he actually, by the end of it, does he say that this is all fetish shit? 1:22:58 Unknown_09: He, his style of videos is not really like to go for like an opinion. He just presents how it was, but he goes through the history and it's very basis. Like it's, it was all sexual right from the very start. It always has been. And I wanted to come on and talk to the girl earlier who was on the furry. Unknown_09: She kept saying, like, my community. It's not your community. If you aren't in it for that kind of stuff, like, Newsflash, you're the minority. It's not your community. It's their community. She's talking about, like, major YouTubers, like, coming out against this stuff. Who was a major furry YouTuber? Carol the fucking wolf. Like, they're lying to you. Don't fucking trust these people. They're lying to you. I don't even trust her. It does seem like all the high-profile people are, like, not just zoo people, but, like, pedophiles. 1:23:33 Unknown_11: Because the guy that runs Ink Budding is a legit... This isn't defamation saying this. He is a legit sex offender against children. I don't know how. When he goes to conventions, he gets the red carpet treatment. He should be in fucking prison for life because he's a sex offender against children and you can't rehabilitate them. But yeah, I do agree that there's a core problem with the fandom. 1:24:07 Unknown_09: You can't trust what any of them says about the other, because they all have dirt on each other. They have to keep the shit quiet. Yeah, I think that's the case with Varka. Unknown_11: Varka has a small circle of friends, and I'm sure they do pretty sick shit together. Unknown_11: All right, well, thank you for calling in. Yeah, thanks for having me on. Unknown_16: I'll take two more, because there's two people that have been waiting for a while. Unknown_16: Candiams. Unknown_02: Hello. Okay. Yeah, I just wanted to say go back to a point that was made earlier that I think that 1:24:42 Unknown_02: This draws, like the furry community draws in a lot of children, especially because of the art that is put online. And a lot of children nowadays have access to the internet. So, and especially a lot of children going through puberty, for some reason are drawn to animals. And I think this is also like, Unknown_02: I don't know. This is also like... This is kind of in my head. It sounds kind of crazy, but... What's the right word? Unknown_16: Just say it. Man, I don't really know the right word for it. 1:25:20 Unknown_02: Prepping children for life. Oh, grooming. Are you trying to say grooming? Yes, grooming. Unknown_02: Word of the day. Definitely grooming children. Unknown_02: I definitely think it's a pedophilic thing. Like, they totally sexualize children. Well, there was the one, one of the zoo sadists was a Chilean who was basically talking about having child sex slaves. Unknown_11: And he, like, yeah, he was very open and private about his taste and how he would seduce them and stuff. And, yeah, I do agree that there are people in there that are legit, like, not Sargon groomers, but legit child groomers. 1:25:56 Unknown_02: Jesus Christ. Yeah, I didn't even hear about that guy. But I 100% know that's what they're doing. This art is a lure for children, especially teens. Unknown_02: And Unknown_02: that's like i don't know i don't know that's why they make these butt plugs with tails on them i think that also is grooming for people like teens too it it's all part of a major plan but anyway yeah that's all i want to say all right thank you very much for calling in uh eight six real quick i know you like to talk slow hey hey what's your take eight six i didn't just get this right quick 1:26:48 Unknown_23: So, I wonder how many of them actually... I wonder how many of them got molested, you know? Oh, how many of the furries? Unknown_23: Yeah. Unknown_11: Well, usually when you're molested, you become a pedophile yourself. Unknown_11: Do they get molested by the family dog as a kid? Is that what turns them furry? Unknown_23: No, they must be molested by some kind of homosexual... Unknown_11: Can you say homosexual again? Homosexual. Perfect. You have the weirdest fucking accent in the world, 86. 1:27:29 Unknown_16: Anything else? Sorry. Unknown_16: Let's do drunk. Drunk. Unknown_16: Jedi Master. Unknown_16: I hope I go to hell so I can meet Levi there to take his fucking ass. Unknown_11: Say that again? Who? I hope I go to hell so I can kick Levi's snake thing's fucking ass. Well, if you're on the Kiwi Farms, you're 100% going to hell. I got good news for you. 1:28:03 Unknown_07: I'll write you for that insurance. Unknown_11: Is that all? You just wanted to throw it out there? Do you want to fight him in the ring like Tonka? Unknown_10: No. I'll wait until I'm dead. Ha ha! Unknown_11: Alright. Thank you for calling in. Unknown_10: Also, one last word. Yiffin' hell, fur fag. Unknown_11: I think there will be a lot of furries yiffing in hell. Unknown_11: Uh, Crunky Smokin'. Oh, uh, hey. Unknown_06: I'm sorry if my microphone's a little fucked. I haven't used it in a while. I was just gonna say... Sorry, I found out about all this Zeus-ated stuff through Jim, and when I read through the thread of the hundreds of my pages, I found it sick, and I'm just happy to see that snake thing, the grooming fucker is gone. Yeah. Gone behind bars, but sorry. 1:28:51 Unknown_11: The first seal has opened. Hopefully there will be more to follow. Unknown_06: Yeah, thanks for taking this shitty call. Yeah, no problem. Unknown_11: Thanks for calling, then. Movin! Unknown_01: Why are we still here? Just Yif. Every night, I fuck my dog, my cat, even my goldfish. The sanity I've lost. The boner I've lost. It's like they're all still alive. Unknown_11: Oh, thanks. I'm glad we got the other side of the story from the zoo sadists. 1:29:27 Unknown_11: And I'm just going to pull everybody in and call it quits. Fuzo, Ratko, Falco, and Tremidious, go. One of you go. Hey, hey. I just wanted to say that pizza was really good. Unknown_21: I wanted to say two things, and I go. One is, you know how you can recognize furries in real life when they're not wearing their costumes? Unknown_11: How? Unknown_21: Actually, most of them are wearing, like, those weird caps with those fucking fox ears and those panda ears. That's how you know they're fucking faggot furries. 1:30:00 Unknown_10: Hang on, you missed out on the most obvious one here. The, like, furry tail butt plug, which sticks out of their pants. Unknown_21: Yeah, but they usually... I've seen those. They don't do that. Unknown_21: some all of them are like homosexuals like raging homosexuals but that's another story yeah and Falco you got anything to add before I sign off yeah and the second thing is I know Romania if V actually came out to a bunch of Romanians that he was once a scaly they would actually skin him and actually use like his fat to feed the pigs in Minecraft theoretically in a Minecraft situation yes 1:30:42 Unknown_21: and trust me I know the Romanians don't act like me and please he's a fucking gypsies but not all Romanians are like him Unknown_11: Alright, thank you. And, uh, Fuzzo, you got anything? I wanna just bust it out. Unknown_10: Alright, I got a couple things here really fast. Well, one, Red Dead Redemption 2's fucking amazing so far. I love it. It's been great. I haven't slept since, uh, I haven't slept in 48 hours. Alright, it's still incredible. Two, Papa John's pizza's really good. Uh, three... Cheese pizza? Uh, no, no, pepperoni. With extra cheese. Unknown_10: Uh... But no, also, like, we're going to see a lot more of these. There's going to be a lot more of these streams. And soon Josh will get that Super Chat stuff so he can pound that out. 1:31:22 Unknown_11: Oh, the fucking, the live dashboard was taunting me. It was like, enable Super Chats. I'm like, oh, okay, I'll click it. And then it's like, you have to have monetization enabled to enable Super Chats. Like, why the fuck would you tell me that, YouTube, you fucking bastard? Unknown_11: Getting my hopes up, I want the super shekels. That's obviously the entire point. I'm not doing this for fun. You're slowly building up your shekel grabbing. Unknown_10: But hey, think about it like this. You've already got more viewers than Tonka today. He's at $3.99, you're at $6.35. Really? Yes. Donga Tribe no Wrestle Wrestle here anymore. Anyways, take it easy, Josh. It was a great stream. I will see you next time. See you, everybody. Thank you. 1:31:56 Unknown_11: You got anything? Unknown_16: Echo, last chance. Going once. Going twice. Unknown_11: Come on. All right, everybody. Thank you for joining me. This is actually a massive turnout for what is a little silly impromptu stream. I hope everybody had fun. And I've only got one last thing to say. 1:32:34 Unknown_16: What? Sign in to confirm your age. Fuck you. Give me a second. Unknown_11: I'm going to... Oh, I'm so mad. Why is this age restricted? Can I download it with YouTube download real quick? Please? Unknown_16: Oh, man. Don't cuck me, YouTube. Don't you fucking do it. Don't you do it. All right. I think I got it. I think I got it. Unknown_16: This is what I get for trying to be impromptu. 1:33:06 Unknown_11: No, I definitely got it. Unknown_17: White girls fuck dogs White girls fuck dogs White girls fuck dogs White girls fuck dogs White girls fuck dogs When they come home from the bar and they're all alone White girls fuck dogs and their big red bones They don't do it cause it's good for their health. It's just the way white girls express themselves, yeah. White girls fuck dogs. 1:33:37 Unknown_14: They fuck up. White girls fuck dogs. They really fuck up. White girls fuck dogs. White girls fuck dogs. White girls fuck. Unknown_15: White girls like to kiss their dog on the mouth, cause that's what white girls are all about. They spread whipped cream on their genitals, to get their dog to lick all inside their holes, yeah! White girls fuck dogs, they fuck some White girls fuck dogs, they really fuck some White girls fuck dogs, white girls fuck dogs, white girls fuck 1:34:15 Unknown_15: People say that white culture doesn't exist But when a dog is humping them they can't resist They never will admit it but they know that it's true It's just a thing that every white girl 1:35:15 Unknown_14: Spongebob Spidey Spongebob