0:00:00 Unknown_10: right into trans lifeline and the travesty that is trans lifeline i want to share with somebody uh or with all of you guys a clip about 45 seconds of footage about 45 seconds and it's uh it's my favorite person in the world brianna woo i happen to be a connoisseur of brianna woo footage i just can't get enough just can't get enough of brianna woo Unknown_10: So let's, uh, let's watch together. My favorite person in the whole world. Do you remember Gamergate? Unknown_00: Cause Brianna Wu remembers Gamergate. Unknown_01: Remember the American dentist that killed Cecil the lion? Online vigilantes shamed, threatened, made life hell for him. I don't think Walter Palmer and others got what they deserve. But what about when an online mob descends on the parents of children killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting? Wait, where is she? Brianna, where are you? The justice system leaves them defenseless against internet attacks. and want to change how we communicate- look at that hunch! 0:01:04 Unknown_10: look at that fucking hunch! is that a person? Unknown_10: i want to see it again, we need an instant replay of that fucking hunch is that- brianna loo has the posture of a fucking feral ghoul from fucking fallout it's- it's the- 0:01:51 Unknown_10: It's just amazing. And that's all I wanted to show you guys. You guys could hear the audio fine, right? So we're good on the technical stuff. It took three tries, but I think I've got everything sorted out. I think we're all on the same page. Unknown_10: All right, so that's just an aside. That's just a detour of the madness that is to come, which is Trans Lifeline. So where do we start with Trans Lifeline? Let's start Unknown_10: with the founder. The founder of Trans Lifeline is a person called Greta Gustava. Greta Gustava is an interesting person in and of themselves. Of course, they're trans, but they're one of the latest transitioners I've ever heard of. Greta Gustava did not become Greta Gustava. until way late into life. They have a child with a woman, they dated somebody who was a very popular musician at the time in the 90s, and they were a member of the United States Army. So huge, huge life as a man before transitioning and starting Trans Lifeline. 0:03:00 Unknown_10: This is Greta Gustavo from way back when. Unknown_10: I'm not sure which one, I think it's the one on the right. Yeah, it has to be the one on the right. Just based on the facial features. And let's look at some of that music. I mentioned Kel, or Kel, Kel? How the fuck do you- I don't know how to pronounce that. I'll just call him Kel, and somebody will correct me eventually. Unknown_10: This is the musician they were dating, so let's take a look at that too. 0:03:36 Unknown_10: not gonna watch all this it's just a it's just a music video and uh I'm trying to remember because this this musician was really popular at the time oh okay I'll raise the volume up can you hear it there that better Unknown_10: Kigel. Unknown_10: Alright, I trust that. But yeah, so this is, this was Kigel, Kel, whatever the fuck, back when. Unknown_10: And this is, this is them now. I'm gonna make this, make this front and center. This is Kigel at the current moment. 0:04:29 Unknown_10: And there's a drastic change. A little bit of a discrepancy. If you can't tell, Kel is the one on the right in the nice little bunny outfit. Very flattering. Unknown_10: And we have a storied history. I guess I have to do a fair disclosure. I have a very good reason not to like this person. Unknown_10: But we'll get into that. Unknown_10: Many of you will know the story. Unknown_10: But we'll get into that. 0:05:02 Unknown_10: Trans Lifeline is a large part of the forum's history. It altered the way that people perceived us. It really increased our footprint on the internet. It created this sort of boogeyman presence with the trans community that persists to this day. And it was really one of the first times that the internet began to bleed into my real life. Unknown_10: And it has humble beginnings because Kel, now Greta, and Nina, who's the other person that they're with in this picture, wanted to make a hotline. Wanted to make, it's a very simple premise, it's a hotline for trans people in crisis. You're having a suicidal moment, you want to call up Trans Lifeline, they'll walk you through it, they'll be there. They're trans too, that's the whole point. They're trans, and they know what it's like to be trans, and you're having a crisis moment, they'll help you out. 0:05:37 Unknown_10: Let's see, let's start with the founding statement. I don't want to read everything on this, but we'll go over some of it. 0:06:12 Unknown_10: And I will read it so that if you're listening to this, you'll still be able to figure out what it is. So our mission statement, we the members of Trans Lifeline, suicide, gotta stop people from committing suicide. Unknown_10: it's a lot of buzzwords but the second half therefore the mission of we the members of trans lifeline is to address near-term suicidal impulse with compassionate free carefree of stigma around mental health transgender status Unknown_10: and other factors of sex and or gender, race, ethnicity, class background, income, wealth, ability, and whatever. 0:06:56 Unknown_10: And I guess it sounds good, right? We're not gonna judge you. That seems to be the entire purpose. What could go wrong? Well, let's start with one of the odd things about Greta. Unknown_10: Greta is perhaps the most fervent anti-state person I've ever met in terms of actually applying anti-state behavior into their real life, and it's best exemplified with this from their FAQ section from the Trans Lifeline website. Unknown_10: I'll blow this up for you guys and read it. Unknown_10: Active Rescue, I should explain before I read this. Active Rescue in suicidology is somebody saying, I'm going to kill myself. There's somebody who's maybe sitting on a bridge saying, I am going to kill myself. And active rescue is basically, they prevent you from killing yourself. And in the case of a suicide hotline, that's calling the police, right? So question two, do we ever practice active rescue for kids? Answer, no. We never do active rescue. Specific reasons shared by our operators Operation support and nesting orientation leads. No, we do not practice active rescue and we do not collect information about the whereabouts of our callers. So we do not even have the capacity to call the police without the cooperation of our callers, which means basically they'll ask you if you would like them to call the police. And if you say no, they can't do anything about it. 0:08:07 Unknown_10: So even with children, I think the pink in this picture is Nina. The blue is Greta. Nina says, Unknown_10: they have even more reason, referring to children, children have even more reason to fear active rescue and mandated reporting because they lack the legal ability to make their own decisions less advice, more pros and cons of possible actions so they can use your experience to better weigh their actions which is basically just saying no, we're not gonna we're not gonna call the police even on children 0:08:55 Unknown_10: who are about to kill themselves. Unknown_10: So that's not good, I think. I don't know. Really, when it comes down to committing suicide, you're the only person who can make that determination, right? Unknown_10: But if you're a suicide hotline, it's just, to me, I feel you should at least pretend to give a shit. and this isn't some know-nothing charity, this isn't a irrelevant organization that never got any attention, just some scam this is Miley Cyrus and Mark fucking Hamill of Star Wars actively promoting Trans Lifeline and this isn't, again, it's not a small budget organization this is hundreds of thousands of dollars per year and I'll go wherever they're financing because it's a big part of the story but trans lifeline really raked in some fucking cash and they got a list celebrities to To back them. So it is pretty profound how much they got away with and for how long? 0:09:43 Unknown_05: Oh And I should mention that Unknown_10: They only allow transgender people to call. So the operators, again, are all transgender. That's important. Unknown_10: And Greta, we'll go over this more, but Greta has a particular distrust of female-to-male transsexuals because female-to-male transsexuals can easily start taking testosterone and see physical benefits that help them pass much more easily than male-to-female transsexuals can do. 0:10:30 Unknown_10: And again, to show you that this is not an irrelevant small-budget organization, this is recent, this is Nina's LinkedIn profile, or an excerpt from it, saying that Nina co-founded Trans Lifeline, handles over 35,000 crisis calls, grew organization to a $1.8 million budget. Unknown_10: uh, pretty fucking massive, that's a lot of money especially for a charity organization that only does phone calls and I should clarify, their only mission is to take phone calls from trans people Unknown_10: it doesn't seem like a big goal just take some fucking phone calls, right? Unknown_10: should be easy should be the easiest fucking thing in the world if you gave me 1.8 million dollars to take fucking phone calls from suicidal people that shit would link to my fucking phone and I wouldn't care if you called me at 3 in the morning I would answer the fucking phone for 1.8 million dollars a year but you'll find out that that is a a bit too much to ask for from some people 0:11:43 Unknown_10: All their operators are volunteers, right? So this is Trans Lifeline 2016, I think 2016. Unknown_10: And you'll see volunteers on call now. Big fat fucking goose egg. Unknown_10: Big fat fucking goose egg. No volunteers. Unknown_10: you look through the schedule you say go ahead give us a call operators are generally available Mondays 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and 8 p.m. to midnight Tuesdays 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. to midnight so if you're suicidal at 730 on a Tuesday you're a bit fucked But the reason for this is that on the callback end, the volunteers can schedule themselves to be available in certain hours, and this is an automatically generated list of availabilities for that time. And it's supposed to be something that's not used for a crisis hotline. ideally you would have people available 24-7 for a crisis outline, but these are all volunteers, and despite a 1.8 million dollar budget by their own admission, they never paid their volunteers. Like, they never even gave them gift cards for Starbucks, as far as I'm aware. It's just this shit. And when we 0:12:59 Unknown_10: we were given reason to start looking at them and I'll explain why in a second but we started taking some metrics of this shit we started looking into it and got really fucking curious about what this operation was and uh we're gonna yeah let's do this right now let's do it right fucking now this is my screen let me go ahead and scooch it a little bit over so you guys can see this powerpoint presentation This is the Trans Lifeline PowerPoint presentation. I'll go ahead and read this along. So, Trans Lifeline Volunteer Operator Training. Two-part introductory guided training and resources updated as of, uh, I don't know what month that is in the 16th, or 2016. 0:13:35 Unknown_10: Part one, Trans Lifeline's mission callers strategies for meeting those needs as trans people empowering and supporting each other. After completing today's session, if you choose to go forward with volunteer training, tomorrow's part two will introduce step-by-step and resource-by-resource how to help Trans Lifeline callers, including screenshots of online resources we use, live links, et cetera, et cetera. 0:14:16 Unknown_10: So their mission statement, Trans Lifeline works to end transgender suicide and improve all of mental health. Unknown_10: overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service. We empower trans people to help one another and to shape our collective efforts by drawing on our wealth of individual experiences. Unknown_10: Frame four. Let's see, so this is just stats about suicide, about how there is an extreme propensity to suicide in the transgender community. It's like over 50% attempted. 0:14:52 Unknown_10: Who can be a Trans Lifeline Volunteer Operator? Unknown_10: Lived experience. Have you ever had personal experience with the feeling of wanting to end your own life? Over almost 90% of people who are transgender have said so. Unknown_10: Basically, anybody who's transgender can join, so if you're transgender you meet this first requirement. Unknown_10: A brief history, this is just going over their call volume, and I'll bring this up on the screen right now regarding their call volume. This is from a different data excerpt. 0:15:27 Unknown_10: See if I can find that real quick. Unknown_10: This is from one of their manifestos. Unknown_10: Operator coverage, I don't know if you can see this too well, but it basically says that they answer only 19% of their calls by the end of 2015, by their own admission. So they're missing, already in public data, they're missing about 80% of their calls. Unknown_10: So we're gonna go back to this. Unknown_10: This is just talking about their numbers. 0:15:58 Unknown_10: Your chain of support. So this is also important in their structure. They have circles. So basically all the volunteers were segmented into different groups where you have a person more formally associated with the organization helping you if you need help. Because if you're dealing with suicidal people all day, guess what? You're gonna be fucking sad by the end of it. So it's good to have a group of people who are there to help you, who understand, who do the same thing, right? Unknown_10: uh communicating consistency with trans lifeline so this is uh 0:16:31 Unknown_10: basically saying you should be involved in the organization at least two hours a week, communication is critical, so they're saying please talk to your supervisors. Unknown_10: From the people who've worked in the organization and who have talked to the Kiwi Farms, we know that this support structure they're talking about, where you talk to your supervisors and you keep in touch, nobody ever gave a shit, and they did not organize the way they're saying in this brochure thing. Unknown_10: Again, they're stressing that you're supposed to be there for two hours at once, at least once per week, and with the number of volunteers they have, that should cover all their hours, but we can say for certain that that was not the case in actuality. 0:17:15 Unknown_10: uh recognizing the limits of trans lifeline it's not a therapy so you know from what i saw because i got a peek at the back end and i could see for sure that they were having multi-hour calls with repeat callers so in a lot of cases these untrained people who were taking calls as an operator were dealing with mentally unstable people who were treating them like a therapist when they're not a licensed therapist and they were basically subjected to two plus hours of dealing with these extremely unwell people over the phone and they would say, you know, I have to take a break because they're not feeling well after after dealing with it. Unknown_10: So... ...searing towards the pain. 39% of 27,000 trans people surveyed had scored the range of significant psychological distress. Again, just talking about how to deal with people. Unknown_10: searing towards the pain, healthy anger it's normal and healthy for trans people to feel angry that I don't know about you guys but that doesn't sound fucking right to me especially because injustice, true violation of our rights or the rights of others is widely acknowledged by experts to be a deeply wounding trigger to healthy anger so this is about them letting you, I guess, vent on the phone empathy, important trans lifeline basics 0:18:40 Unknown_10: This is trying to help you understand how you should, you know, you can't let yourself be a punching bag over the phone, which is a good thing. You can't let yourself just be taken advantage of by the caller. But, you know, because their structure, their hierarchy is broken down, it doesn't really work, does it? Because you don't have anybody to talk to, you don't have anybody checking on you, it's basically whatever goes. And a lot of the operators felt burned by the organization. Unknown_05: just more statistics this is asking about involuntary psychiatric hold so this is basically Greta talking about why they don't do active rescue because they don't want people to be held in psychiatric hold in fact I think specifically they say at some point that they do not allow people in California who are mandatory reporters 0:19:36 Unknown_10: because their policies are incompatible like if you're a Californian and you're a mandatory reporter if you're a volunteer for Trans Lifeline and you know somebody is in danger you have to report it if you're in a certain career so they basically say therapists, doctors, teachers any mandatory reporters, you know people who might be really fucking good at a crisis hotline you can't volunteer because you'll have to call the police when somebody wants to kill themselves So you, you valuable fucking assets to our organization, gotta go somewhere else. Unknown_05: Let's see, breakdown of first responders, questions, just more data. Unknown_10: Have you ever had a personal experience of any kind of intervention at a time when you tried or wanted to end your own life? This is, again, this is them just talking about how we don't want to send people to psych. Unknown_05: I'm trying to skip through some of this because there are a lot of slides. 0:20:36 Unknown_10: It's about 40 slides. Just talking about feelings. Unknown_10: Seven real risk factors of trans suicide in crisis. Thwarted belongingness. Social isolation. Basically, you know, you cut your dick off and people don't want to talk to you anymore. Unknown_10: Discrimination and perceived burdensomeness. Unknown_10: Again, because you chopped your dick off, people don't want to talk to you anymore. Unknown_10: Shaming trans bodies. I guess we did that. We're guilty of that because we just made fun of Brianna Wu looking like a ghoul with a fucking hunch. So we're all assholes. Brianna Wu might call Trans Lifeline after this stream. Social bullying and transphobia. We all know what that is because we're all guilty. Guilty as fuck. 0:21:09 Unknown_10: trans-specific violence, that is me, don't beat up fucking trannies you assholes increased general risk factors due to structural interpersonal transgender stigma, that's a fucking mouthful Unknown_10: and trans people are more likely to experience general risk factors for suicide i guess that has nothing to do with mental illness, it's just people being mean and then intersectional oppression belonging to other minority and or stigmatized groups increases trans people's risk of seriously considering and attempting suicide there are multiple times where where, uh 0:22:02 Unknown_10: Greta stresses that they really want minorities to volunteer, I guess, because Indians and Mexicans are better at providing help on the phone, I guess. Unknown_10: Going over it, talking about, oh, gender minority stress and resilience model. That's more bullshit. Unknown_10: More stats. I don't want to go over this for too long, but... Oh, part two, how to answer a call. Let's start from here. Unknown_10: Calls just to chat, resource calls, so these are telling you what you can expect. Coming out in transition calls, severe but not immediately life-threatening calls, and caller is in immediate danger. And I've seen the back end of their system, and when somebody takes a call, they write down the call number provided by the system, and then they write down one to five based on this chart, and then a description of the call and how long it lasted. 0:22:56 Unknown_10: And this was actually really important to me, documenting how many calls they missed. Because when I had access to this background area, I could see the call number. And if there was like 40 numbers between the last call taken and the newest call taken, I could assume that those 40 calls had been missed, right? And the actual answer rate when I had access to the statistical information is like less than 1% of calls actually got answered. Not 20%, like less than 1%. And we have another thing where people did call in to see how many people were taking calls, and it was pretty fucking abysmal too. Let's keep going. I don't wanna, again, I don't wanna go through all this, because it's about 60 pages, but... 0:23:37 Unknown_10: See, what do I say in a college is some tips for how to talk to people. And again, remember, you're talking about suicidal people who have a particular mental disposition, and this is your training. Unknown_10: This is it. Unknown_10: So, oh, I'm sorry. It's about 90. It's about 90 pages. But you read through this, and it's available on the forum. And congratulations. After that short featurette of just how to answer a phone, how to rank people's stresses and what's bothering them, and how at risk they are, and how not to call the police on anybody regardless of how imminent they are of harming themselves, you are now a certified trans lifeline operator. 0:24:11 Unknown_10: All of you, right now, having skimmed through this briefly, are trans lifeline operators. Congratulations. You guys, you guys can do it. You can help somebody. Unknown_10: I have a bunch of other stuff. Oh, this is my little Twitter bot, by the way. I mentioned I was watching their data, and I basically just went through while I could, and I said, way back when, I said, looking every 15 minutes, I'd look at that number I showed you before, and I'll put it back up on the screen so you can see what I'm talking about. 0:25:13 Unknown_10: But I would check this number, right? Unknown_10: And I would record it and I would say, in the last 15 minutes there's been this many operators on the phone. And for the most part, it was either 1 or 0. Almost always it was just 1 or 0. Unknown_10: And eventually, I swear to fucking God, they took this down. Like after a couple days of this running, they took down that public information showing how many volunteers were on call. So they were, they, after... 0:25:46 Unknown_10: After I started pointing this out to people, they were like, ooh, we don't want this to be public information. Let's hide it. And they did. Unknown_10: But then I got access to the backend. And I could start doing that crunching, checking the number of calls taken and the gaps in between those call numbers. Unknown_10: start uh checking how often calls were answered and this algorithm changes at some point when i when i fix it and i say it's been 1.6 hours since trans lifeline last took a call and it would be hours before them last taking a call but based on the call statistics that they provide and what i could find they were still receiving you know thousands of calls a month And it's mathematically impossible for them to be answering even a considerable portion of those calls if they're only answering it every few hours. And right before they terminated that account I had access to in the back end, in the last 24 hours, TransLifeline has answered exactly one call. And I was estimating mathematically there's about 80 calls per day. So you're talking like 0:26:33 Unknown_10: a very, very small percent of calls were being answered by this organization. And I would like to remind you that in 2016, when this was going on, they reported $250,000 worth of income. So if you're thinking, wow, this poor little charity just can't seem to get it right, 0:27:21 Unknown_10: Um, you know, for $250,000, you can hire people. You can actually pay people money to take calls. Can you believe that? It's called a job. And charities can have jobs. They can pay money for people to take calls. It's actually a thing that exists. Uh, so if you're wondering where the fuck did the money go, uh, I have an answer for that particular riddle. Uh, this is from Greta's Facebook post or Facebook. Unknown_10: uh this is uh you know like uh all the recent or at that time this is in the same time frame about august of 2016 when there were no no phone calls being taken and i don't know if you guys can see this but greta just is traveling around beautiful pictures by the way beautiful pictures driving down scenic highways there's mountains and shit there's rivers it's just beautiful rented cars by the way rented little caddy in the back lots of traveling, in fact, you might be surprised to know that even though even though they were making $250,000 a year, and even though it's a call line, a fucking telephone service, the largest expense of Trans Lifeline 0:28:20 Unknown_10: was travel expenses. Out of $250,000 in 2016, $180,000 of that went to travel expenses. So you're thinking, hmm, this telephone service is spending $250,000, or out of $250,000 is spending $180,000 of that on fucking travel, Unknown_10: Hmm, I wonder what they're doing. Well, I'll tell you what they're doing. I will tell you. Oh god. 0:29:13 Unknown_10: How do I want to approach this? Do I have a screenshot to go with this? Unknown_10: Okay, let me take you a step back before I make this shocking revelation. Nobody spoil it in chat. I know some of you fuckers know. But don't spoil it. We're getting there. Unknown_10: Uh, let's see, this is... We're working at half hit. Let's go with this. This is perfect. Nina, the Indian person who was with Greta in that lovely picture I showed before, made this a post on their Facebook. And we'll read this together, because this is a good one. 0:29:45 Unknown_10: We're trying to take down a certain site that contains a lot of abusive shit against trans and queer people. A lot of my friends have been personally targeted by their members, and most of you know what site I'm talking about. I intentionally don't want to mention them by name or to avoid their attention. They use Cloudflare for SSL and DDoS protection, among many things. However, Cloudflare is a reputable company that most likely doesn't want to have to deal with the negative PR from this shit. So Nina's basically saying, we're all going to go to this abuse forum, and we're going to file reports against Kiwi Farms, right? 0:30:32 Unknown_10: And let me tell you how that worked out for them. Unknown_10: I don't know, I don't want to give a spoiler before I throw this up on the screen, but the answer is, not fucking well. Because as it turns out, Cloudflare sends abuse reports to Cloudflare. So when I got all these different reports, I just threw them up on the site, and at the time, Cloudflare asked for your address, your phone number, and a bunch of different information that got sent directly to me. So when they did this, you know what I did? I just threw it up on the fucking site. They went on Twitter and they complained to Cloudflare, and guess what? Cloudflare has been doing this and operating in this fashion for several years. Guess what they don't do anymore? If you go to Cloudflare today to file a report, who should be notified, please forward my report to the website hosting provider, or please forward my report to the website owner. They changed the way that they handle reports after years of doing it a certain way. Because when Greta Gustava and Nina Chabot formed this fucking operation to take down our site by filing complaints, all their docs got posted on the site. 0:31:44 Unknown_10: They complained so loudly after this. Cloudflare fucking changed their form to make sure that your report went to just the IP owner. And just so you know, we own our own IPs now. So those reports still come to me. But don't tell anybody. It's a secret. It's a secret, guys. So, okay, they did this gay shit. It went directly to me. I posted it. Cloudflare changed their shit. Unknown_10: But they're still mad. Unknown_10: We were on kiwifarms.net at that time, Trans Lifeline, of course using their actual charity organization's Twitter accounts, Adverisign, which is the company that owns .net.com.org.info.name. We reported kiwifarms.net to you, you're violating a registrar agreement by not investigating, now someone is dead. And we'll get to that someone is dead in just a second. But here they are using their charity organization to kind of try and get shit done. VerifySign obviously did not take down our domain name. We still have .net. 0:32:28 Unknown_10: Hold your Fs, hold your Fs. It's way sad. It's sad. Unknown_10: I sound a thousand times less gay when I whisper. Unknown_10: You'd think it would sound more gay. Unknown_10: Okay, now let's get to the fun part. This is a knife that Greta posted on their Facebook page. 0:33:07 Unknown_10: And this is a picture they posted a little bit after something happened. Unknown_10: I'll make sure this knife and this thing can be seen. I'll organize my thing a little bit. And you might be wondering, what's the context of this? Unknown_10: and to answer your question, where did the $180,000 that I spent on travel expenses in 2016 go? i shit you fucking not 0:33:43 Unknown_10: I had just gotten home from the Philippines. I was living with my mom at the time. We go out to dinner, right? We come back. I have to poo. This is an accurate reenactment of events. This is literally what happened. Unknown_10: and, uh, i just noticed the trump in the background of this picture but i come up, i have to poo, and the second i sit down there's a knock at the door and i'm thinking, is that the fucking swat again? did i just get swatted again? So I hurry up, I wash my hands, I come out, my mom's like, the ugliest bullduck I've ever seen was at the door asking for you and I just said that you were still in Manila and I had no idea who the fuck it was I come home and I find that Greta had said on their Facebook account that they had come to my house and they obviously had staked out the place because we weren't there when they arrived and they probably waited for us to get home, right? and i told him, i told him on facebook i would be more than fucking happy to meet you at starbucks like i would be more than happy to meet you in public and talk about this shit you probably wouldn't convince me of anything but i would be a-o-fucking-k meeting you someplace and having a discussion and their response was this was way more fun so i guess it was way more fun to waste that fucking money that charity money to come to my house to stake it out and not even get a chance to talk to me i guess that's what qualifies as fun but yeah, Greta Gustavovna and Chabot would travel all around the country there's another little drama tidbit that comes from that but that's where that ends them coming to my house, them filing those complaints is what kickstarted what is now a 650 page 0:35:12 Unknown_10: thread on the forum. If they hadn't have done this, we would have never have shown any of that information. We would have never investigated it whatsoever. We would have no reason to. Greta doing this was what kickstarted it. The house visit is on page two of their thread. it's entirely their fault! everything I've shown you up to now happened after them coming to my house just to give you some context and, uh, I went- I actually went to the police after this and said, look, there's a crazy tranny showing up at my house you know what the fucking officer told me? he said, do you have a gun? I'm like, yeah? and he's like, if they come back, shoot em! 0:36:01 Unknown_10: it's like, okay, I guess we're gonna just fuckin' Trayvon Martin these motherfuckers if they come back like, I wanted a police report to be out there in case they do come back and I had to shoot them, there would be a paper trail saying look, I, I, this fuckin' crazy person came over to my house officer REFUSED to take that police report absolutely fuckin' refused just to just shoot him like, okay officer, I'll fuckin' do it 0:36:36 Unknown_10: Oh god, what else do we got? Let me take a sip. A sip of this Russian fizzy water. Unknown_10: Yeah, paperwork is the police's archenemy, it is. My grandfather has stories about shit he would fucking do to not have to do paperwork back when they didn't have cameras everywhere. Unknown_05: Ugh, god. 0:37:09 Unknown_05: Lots of this shit, okay. Unknown_10: At this point, this is when the fall happens. I've shown you some numbers, I've shown you this. Unknown_05: What is... What's this? Twitter and Yarmint. Unknown_10: Oh! Since we're talking about this, now's the time to bring up this. Let me bring up my browser again. Unknown_10: We're gonna pull a gem. We're gonna look at a Kiwi Farms thread. This is what passes as quality content these days. Unknown_10: uh... adding my voice to the chorus trans lifeline misspent lifeline funds taking my partner and i out to eat this can go on the lifeline card in quotes and they took us to opulent, overly expensive restaurants and they did so repeatedly trans lifeline misspent donations in these instances i bet greta can guess who i am she'll deny it or make excuses but this is a thing that she and nina have done with trans lifeline funds 0:38:06 Unknown_10: trans lifeline is a scam i know firsthand, greta and nina treated my partner and i to multiple expensive dinners and they put all of it on the lifeline card i'm talking like $200 dinners with booze to go around greta said we were having trans lifeline meetings we were just friends having fun more damning to trans lifeline than its founders using donations to fund their lifestyle is how they used our deceased youth like a flag and that comes up again, and that's important Unknown_10: and this is me talking about how I was monitoring the dashboard to come up with the numbers that I was so this is somebody from within the organization basically saying that they were misappropriating their funds, which we know and I don't have a clip of this, but after they came over to my house they basically took a car ride from Pensacola to New Orleans and said if you're in New Orleans and you want to come hang out with us hit me up, we're gonna be hitting some bars and I guarantee you all that fucking bar money became travel expenses for Trans Lifeline 0:39:09 Unknown_10: So, travel expenses, overall budget, coming to Florida. Unknown_10: Oh! Unknown_10: Speaking of inurement, they're driving around a lot, right? So you have these people who are all over the fucking place. Unknown_10: I mentioned Nina was Indian, right? Unknown_10: Nina was Indian. Unknown_10: And they claimed to be married. That wasn't the case. Unknown_10: And when they were driving through Arizona, they happened to come into contact with something called an interstate border checkpoint. and they happen to find out that Nina Chaboul was not a legal immigrant and Nina Chaboul was sent to a tranny deportation prison and Greta had to come out and use the Trans Lifeline charity account once again to try and get some fucking help with them being in a tranny prison 0:39:43 Unknown_10: Now fortunately or unfortunately, because of how many people knew of Nina and Trans Lifeline, they still had quite a bit of clout at this point. They did get a person to get them into a woman's prison, and they did manage to get them eventually a green card. I believe Nina is now legal. But they definitely did go to prison, I think for like a couple of weeks. They were there for some duration, it wasn't a single afternoon. But I'm sure, yeah, I'm sure this was travel expenses as well. 0:40:41 Unknown_10: This is just one example of how they would use the Trans Lifeline Twitter account, the official business Twitter account for shit like this that benefited them. And the true racket, you think all that was bad, you think flying around fucking with people is the racket, you think the lawyer expenses is the racket. No, the real racket comes here. Unknown_10: this- this is legit the greatest fucking thing if you have no idea what trans lifeline is and you think this shit's fucking wacky up until this point get ready, just- just strap in because this is where it gets fucking- this is where it goes from like criminal conspiracy to commit charity fraud to fucking Looney Tunes shit oh god, what picture do I even want to show you guys? 0:41:33 Unknown_10: Let's just do this one. Let's just do this one as a hello. Unknown_10: What does this look like to you? You might think this looks like a scene out of John Carpenter's The Thing. This might look like a scene out of Jurassic Park. Unknown_10: This, I mean, it looks like some kind of, like an archeology dig, right? Unknown_10: The answer to this particular question is Sisterwood. Unknown_10: Sisterwood, everybody. Sisterwood is the name that they gave their tranny hideaway in the desert. Oh, Trunblinka is another name. 0:42:09 Unknown_10: Just lots and lots of shit. But this is essentially a cargo container in the middle of the desert and they're making a refuge for for trannies. Kind of like, I don't know, you might have heard of this little place in a small country called Guyana called, um, Jonestown? Unknown_10: The official name now is Lazora, right? Unknown_10: But yeah, no, this is a isolated area in the middle of the California desert specifically for trainings that they're putting together. And if you think I'm fucking around, if you think this is a motherfucking joke, let me show you. Let me show you how not fucking joking I am. 0:42:44 Unknown_10: This is a map of the California desert. This is a map of the California desert. The two things called Trublinka is the lots of land that they own in the middle of absolute fucking nowhere. It's literally in the middle of the desert, and I'll show you how middle of the desert it is. Let me get rid of these things and pull up my browser yet again. I happen to have this ready to go. 0:43:20 Unknown_10: This is California. Unknown_10: Let's zoom in. Zoom in on this arid piece of desolate, unarable fucking land and just keep zooming in. Far away. Far away from any civilization. This is the biggest city to Trunetown. Unknown_10: This little fucking patch of desert. Now we're gonna go over here and this is how I recognize it. There's this little thing that looks like Brazil or Chile or Africa. Unknown_10: their shit is like right over here it's like right here in the middle of fucking nowhere next to this dry lake bed and this is where Greta Gustava was building a cargo container Jonestown in the middle of the fucking desert for a bunch of trainees to hide away from the police and it's just the funniest fucking thing 0:44:21 Unknown_10: There are pictures, there are pictures guys. Let's look at some pictures of Troontown. Let's see, I put those up. I put that up. Oh, this is them bragging about their dome. They're gonna use this to try and grow plants, I think. Unknown_10: uh i don't know this is what they're really proud of this i think they spent two thousand dollars on this probably of charity money because remember they were setting this up while they were setting up the charity Unknown_10: Or while they were running the charity and the charity was quite successful They realized that those cargo containers that they were living in were really fucking hot So they decided to bury the the cargo containers in sand to help insulate it from the heat of the desert The dome well, they're gonna the dome they're gonna wrap something around the dome so that it insulates it from the heat and so they can they can Fertilize that soil or something. I don't fucking know they're crazy. I 0:45:18 Unknown_10: What's this? Oh, Nina, the Indian one, is a Google SketchUp master. And this is one of their masterpieces. Unknown_10: Lazora the Anarchist Steakhouse. So you can see they're going to dig into the soil and set up the cargo containers underneath the landline so that you can, I guess, stay cool. This is looking real fucking comfy, right? You guys want to come to Troontown and have a steak at the Anarchist Steakhouse? 0:45:51 Unknown_10: Right? Right? Unknown_05: Ah, what's this? Unknown_10: Oh, this is them, somebody took a little marker and drew, it's about 26.88 miles away from the nearest anything. So I want you to imagine, I want you to imagine with me, guys. Let me clear my screen, I wanna get that nice vaporwave shit I got going on to fill the air. We're gonna clear our minds first. Unknown_10: We're gonna think. You are a transgender person. Your family has kicked you out because you're a weirdo. 0:46:23 Unknown_10: You're friends with Greta Gustava on Facebook, the only person who will give you the time of the day. And you say, Greta, I'm suicidal, I'm depressed, I have nowhere to go. Greta Gustava says, Come, come to Lazora in the California desert. We have a space for you. Unknown_10: And you go. You have nowhere else to go and it's free. So you go there. You are now 30 miles in the desert from anything. 0:46:59 Unknown_10: how do you get out? how do you get out? let's say you change your fucking mind let's say that you have an interpersonal fucking dispute with Greta Gustava and you decide you want out how the fuck do you get out? you are 30 miles in the desert next to a fucking dry lakebed that looks like Africa you are completely fucked you are 100% fucked Unknown_10: Man, oh, this is this is somebody they went they found it on Google Maps. This is the road This is the nearest road to their their plot of acreage. They They named it girl cock road, which I guess is very apt. It's not too different from sister wood So I don't know what they complain about and you know, I mentioned Greta is a very fervent Anti-status right does not like the police fuck the police nigga. Well, I 0:47:35 Unknown_10: First install of the cop stopper. So this is them at their house. This isn't, uh, Trunetown, I don't think it is. Unknown_10: You see there's grass on the ground and vegetation? I don't think- I'm pretty sure that's not anywhere near Trunetown. 0:48:10 Unknown_10: um, and this is them setting up this, this cop stopper this is their home renovations built with uh, charity money, I assume and uh, this metal fucking fence, Greta Gustava my friend Katie Sheweld's wakeman made this gate it's engineered to stop a Crown Victoria, she does amazing work so you see this fucking gate? when the police come to get Jones Mr. Jones in Jonestown they cannot, their Crown Victoria it does nothing, it cannot penetrate this steel gate. It is- it is specifically engineered by Katie Sheweld's Wakeman to stop the fucking Crown Victoria. You can't come past that fucking gate. So go home, pigs. Go home. You can't. You can't fucking do it. Oh god. 0:48:44 Unknown_10: And yeah, so this is them. Unknown_10: This is Greta. Greta, I mentioned, is a former service member. Thank you for your service, by the way, Greta, for keeping America safe from the fucking Packies. And you'll see here that Greta really likes guns and is offering to teach trannies how to shoot, which is great. It's great if you want to eliminate some political targets living in Florida. 0:49:19 Unknown_10: Not that I have anything against gun ownership, I just think it's funny that Greta tries to teach trannies how to fire guns. When they really don't like, uh... They really don't like... I guess anything else about America. I guess Greta found some newfound love for fucking firearms, though. Unknown_10: Uh... Oh, okay. Unknown_10: i mentioned before, and i'll just get this out of the way, i don't want to ponder on it for too long because it is quite sad so everybody prep their uh... prep their f-keys because we're gonna be talking about that suicide i mentioned earlier there is a confirmed kill from trans lifeline 0:50:06 Unknown_10: No, don't look at that. That was- that was too early. That was the wrong one. Avert your gaze. Avert your gaze. There was somebody named Elizabeth Waite. Or Waite. I'm gonna say Waite, though, because I think it's pronounced Waite. And, uh... Elizabeth Waite died. They killed themselves by overdosing on pills. Unknown_10: And... Unknown_10: In their suicide note, Elizabeth Waite says something to the effect of, I do not want to live in a world with things like Kiwi Farms and Donald Trump. And of course, because we get mentioned, and because Greta Gustavo fucking hates me, they start up this crusade. And I don't have clips of this because it's not very funny and I want to get off this topic pretty quickly. 0:50:39 Unknown_10: Greta basically posts on their Twitter account, on their Facebook account, that Kiwi Farms is murdering and you need to help us take it down, and you need to give us money, basically. And the widow, Amanda Waite, goes onto the site and talks to us, and decides that we're not as bad as Greta is saying, and really, 0:51:21 Unknown_10: really wants to take the name Elizabeth Waite out of Greta Gustavus mouth. And tells Greta multiple times to stop using the suicide of Elizabeth Waite to propagate their charity. Just stop using the name. The widow of the deceased has said you cannot use the suicide to promote your charity. and Greta refuses, to the point where Greta has to block the widow of the person who called their charity and then later killed themselves the same night to stop her from going on Facebook and saying do not use my deceased spouse's name to promote your fucking charity and this is a message that they said on 0:52:08 Unknown_10: on facebook before they got blocked from amanda white, could you maybe please stop exploiting my wife's death for fundraising and your own personal witch hunt lizzie had real life problems that eclipsed literally anything that may or may not have happened to her online i politely ask both sides to step down the poll referring to the political board on 4chan the poll crowd has been contained by locking down lizzie's post audience and will stop harassing her mother soon, i hope the kiwis have stopped doxing her family, and her now you stand down too, referring to gritta on a personal note, i hope you know that lizzie's very first suicide attempt happened while she was on hold with trans lifeline that she called several times and to my knowledge only made it to an operator once and no, that doesn't mean I think you need more money I think it means maybe you should stop diverting resources from hotlines that are better staffed and offer services to train their volunteers on trans sensitivity and uh, this is a second message this time, I think to, yeah, to a journalist so a journalist 0:53:19 Unknown_10: hi, i'm a reporter from vices broadly and i'm writing a story about the bullying of trans people online by people associated with kiwi farms i'm wondering if you'd be interested in talking to me about elizabeth and your experience dealing with harassment online i'm available to talk at- blurt out phone number whenever you have a chance thank you so much in advance, steven so again, this is from fuckin vice trying to write a story about how we bully transgender people into suicide Unknown_10: what does the widow of the deceased have to say? Unknown_10: they stopped their doxxing, the great majority of them began gendering Lizzie correctly and using her legal name instead of her dead name i don't think that helps my reputation personally, with you guys, but just- and talking about this specifically the vast majority of the experience i personally have dealing with harassment online now comes from Greta and from Lizzie's so-called friends in the trans communities she frequented when i asked Greta to stop using Lizzie's death to fundraise and to try to further her own personal agenda she harassed me and blocked me so i couldn't reply if you pursue a story about this, i will show up in the comments and tell everyone all about how the trans community is harassing me spoiler alert that story didn't happen yeah, so that's the suicide that was mentioned and a little bit after this a little bit after this i believe it, i believe, i don't have this written down, but i believe it was buck angel, a female to male transsexual who noticed about this suicide, about the misappropriation of funds, about all this shit, and demanded accountability ironically, a female to male transsexual, somebody Greta was personally biased against was the person who eventually brought down the roof on the entire organization by making it public in a way that they couldn't deflect on by saying it was the Kiwi Farms. It was a very well-respected member of the trans community, who was Buck Angel. 0:55:38 Unknown_10: And the end result of that particular confrontation Unknown_05: I'll just, I'll blow it up a bit and scroll on my screen. From Trans Lifeline's Facebook page, I'm gonna get a sip of water, this is gonna be long. Unknown_05: community, as many of you already know, Trans Lifeline founders Nina Chabal and Greta Martella have transitioned out of the organization we take our commitment to our community seriously which includes a commitment to transparency and accountability in our service to you 0:56:24 Unknown_10: Following the accreditation process at the end of 2017, referring to their actual accreditation with the National Association of Suicidology, the board of directors became aware of several operating issues currently under investigation and immediately took action. Immediately, several years later, immediately took action. Based on the preliminary findings of these ongoing investigations, Greta and Nina were asked to resign their positions and to cooperate in the investigations with an outside review. Taking over operation under supervision of the board is Tiffany Bunny. We know that this news may cause concern and we want to assure you that we are working diligently to ensure that this issue is resolved quickly and that we, as an organization, navigate this transition as smoothly as possible. While the founders of Trans Lifeline will no longer be involved with the organization, This does not mean an end to our mission or Trans Lifeline's devotion to improving service and outcomes for the marginalized communities that we serve, including having just received accreditation as a natural crisis call line. 0:57:14 Unknown_10: Even when we work through these issues, our service to the community must continue. As the first and only national hotline that focuses on transgender people in crisis, we know how important it is to continue to provide life-saving services uninterrupted while we proceed in this investigation with a commitment to you of ongoing transparency as our investigation continues. We know that many of you have questions, and we ask for your patience as the investigation proceeds. We will be sending out more information as the outside review progresses, as well as updates on our continued work. So, Greta got kicked out. This is about as big a fuck you as you could possibly have. I mean, this is not polite. This is not saying, oh, we appreciate their work. This is get the fuck out. You are... And... 0:57:50 Unknown_10: I have to be honest, chat. I have to be honest, because this is- this is a- this is a, uh, it's a- it's a cozy stream. The skies are perfectly fucking gray right now. It is a beautiful fall evening in the Slavic Waste, and I'm comfy. We're all comfy. 0:58:25 Unknown_10: I have to come clean. Unknown_10: I might have reported the organization to the IRS for fraud. I might have. It's against the forum rules. Please don't tell Matt Jarboe, Mundane Matt, the owner of Kiwi Farms, that I broke the rules and I reported them to the IRS for charity fraud. Unknown_10: Just saying, you know, he might get mad. Unknown_10: What are they up to now besides Sisterwood, by the way? I got a bunch of shit. This is, this is pictures from their house sale. It's a nice cardboard sign that says abolish ice. I wonder why they're mad at ice. Can you guys take a guess? 0:59:01 Unknown_10: Oh, let's save that one for later. I like that one the most. Unknown_10: This is their toilet. they have a squatty potty as you know somebody in that household i don't know if it's nina i don't know if it's gretta they might feel more more comfortable pooping in a squatting position don't know who don't know who but you guys you guys can guess you guys can guess Oh yeah, the bin is filled with tissues. It's a very third world thing to wipe and not flush the wipes, to throw them in the bin. So yeah, you know, I'll leave it up to your imagination which one of them is using the squatty potty and throwing shitty tissue paper in the bin. That's just the house that they were selling. 0:59:38 Unknown_10: Oh, and this is Greta offering their service to do firearm training. Unknown_10: And this is one of the other pictures from the house tour. And you can see it's the LGBT flag, but I happen to be a vexillologist, a veximalologist. I like flags. I really like to look at flags. I like the history of flags. 1:00:16 Unknown_10: I already know the answer, but would you guys like to guess what that flag is? that flag is underneath the transgender flag? would you like to take a guess? Unknown_10: I'll give you a hint, it's north of South Korea so, the most fervent anti-state person I've ever seen also just so happens to own a DPRK flag it's fucking amazing isn't it? isn't it fucking amazing? 1:00:49 Unknown_05: oh god Unknown_10: I think that's it. I think that's one other thing. I don't know where I put that. Let me pull it up and let me just show you. Because this is one other incidental thing I forgot about that I definitely want to show you guys. Unknown_10: If I can find it. Oh, here it is. Here it is. This is, uh, Repentance found this. Uh, they also incorporated something called, uh, Highgarden. Highgarden, uh, at the time that marijuana was legalized in California, was incorporated. And, uh, I think what they really want to do in their, um, their Jonestown is farm marijuana. They want to get really fucking high, they want to get sand in their fake vaginas, and they want to be far away from police with, uh, 1:01:20 Unknown_10: with cop car proof metal gates and cargo containers and they just want to be miserable out in the middle of fucking nowhere and I wish them luck in getting as far away from civilization as humanly fucking possible oh god 1:01:56 Unknown_10: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. Okay, so if you guys want to check out the Discord line in the description and join that up, I'm going to open the call line right now and I'm going to wait for that to fill up if anybody wants to get in. Oh, God. Unknown_10: FusioYT, what's your take? Unknown_05: Wait, wait, hold up. I have to join first. Hi. Unknown_05: Hey, how you doing? Unknown_10: Pretty good. Let me make sure that everybody can hear you. Say something now so that I can hear you. Okay, can you hear me? Let's wait, let's wait. 1:02:28 Unknown_09: Yeah, I can hear myself on stream. Okay, perfect. What do you got to say? Unknown_09: I'm impressed with how bad Troons fuck everything up. It is kind of impressive. It is pretty amazing. Unknown_09: Um, yeah, I- this whole thing, I didn't expect all the fucking twists and turns, I didn't expect anybody coming to your house, I haven't really heard the story. Unknown_10: um yeah it's it was it was a fucking shock to me and like i said i told him i said you know if you had asked me we could have met at starbucks and had a conversation but that that wasn't their intent they didn't want to have a conversation they wanted to try to scare me to taking down their shit but that didn't happen i bet you're thankful for your colons though so you didn't have to see him first yeah i don't i don't know maybe they would have killed me 1:03:18 Unknown_10: They might have, might have. But I would like to reiterate, there is literally nothing wrong with doxing, as we all know. Unknown_09: Yeah, of course. Unknown_09: I will say this, just be glad you're safe, try to hide from matroons, and if you're pulling anybody in next, pull in manly chicken. Unknown_10: Manly chicken? Yeah, I might. Unknown_09: Take it easy, man. Unknown_10: Thanks. Unknown_10: And I switched to voice activation. I didn't realize you guys would hear my fucking push-to-talk key. I'm a big stickler for push-to-talk. 1:03:51 Unknown_10: Alright, let's uh... I guess Manly Chicken, my recommendation. Manly Chicken! Unknown_10: Hello? Trans Lifeline? I think I'm gonna kill myself, I'm on the ledge! Oh, don't do it. Don't do it. I need my 1.8 million dollars now, because I'm a better fucking call line than Trans Lifeline. Unknown_03: We gotta- We gotta vouch the police, we all gotta move to North Korea. There are no Crown Victorias in North Korea, so you're safe from the police there. Unknown_03: Thank god, I'm not even sure they have any cars. 1:04:25 Unknown_03: But, uh, I just wanted to say, uh, that mentally ill people running a hotline for mentally ill people was probably a bad idea. And the rabbit hole went deeper than I could have ever imagined. Well, you've been around for a while. Unknown_10: You never read the thread? Uh, I might've skimmed it a little bit, but I never, uh, I don't think I was ever super involved. Yeah. Unknown_03: It's a fucking, it's a roller coaster from start to finish. Yeah, shit. It's like, uh, It's like a fucking Tom Clancy novel or conspiracy thriller or something where people are like, they're building like a secret fortress town. Out of cargo containers in the desert. It's like a slab city. 1:05:05 Unknown_03: Yeah. Unknown_03: Is that all? That's all I wanted to say. Unknown_03: Keep drinking your soy milk, don't question the Jews, you know, keep reading BuzzFeed. Unknown_05: Alright, well thanks man. You're welcome. Valkyria. Hey buddy, how's it going? Unknown_10: Pretty good. Unknown_13: So I've got a few questions actually about the timeline there. Sure. The bit where she posts, or he, her, Zimzer posts the two knives on their Facebook 1:05:40 Unknown_10: Days before, days before showing up. Yeah. It was like, I think they showed up on like October of 2016 on the 15th and that was posted on like the 9th. Jesus Christ. Yeah. No, they're fucking crazy. And the police didn't want to take a report. No, they literally just said to shoot her. Unknown_10: Welcome to America, motherfucker. Unknown_13: It's kind of hoping you did have to shoot them though, to be honest. Like, did you show mom how to do it? 1:06:14 Unknown_10: No, my entire family is armed. I feel bad for any motherfucker that tries to fuck with my family. They are lunatics. They are fucking lunatics. They're worse than me. I'm the most sane of the entire bunch. Unknown_13: I know the feeling. Unknown_13: Granny Jonestown as well. Like, holy shit. Unknown_10: Yeah, that's gonna end in fucking tears. I promise you. Unknown_13: Is it still, it's still a thing though? Unknown_10: They're still working on it. They got, they have like one little wind turbine in one solar panel for, for electricity right now. It's just, it's just jury rigged. The entire thing's a fucking disaster waiting to happen. 1:06:46 Unknown_13: It's like Kuwait 2.0. Yeah, it's going to be great. Unknown_10: It's going to be great when that fucking thing falls apart. I can't wait to see it. Unknown_13: Uh, anyway, cheers for having me on. Unknown_10: Enjoy the rest of your stream. Unknown_13: Thanks for it. Unknown_10: oop, didn't mean to cut him off uhhhhhhh dindin oh you motherfucker, you're muted go back to the green room and fix it rikatsune 1:07:20 Unknown_04: wait, hello hello i actually kinda changed my nickname here but whatever uh, fucking great stream dude like, it was starting out slow like, i had no fucking clue what i was getting into but you did not disappoint with this shit this is a fucking bargain i didn't realize how many- like i kinda figured out while i was reading the cards like oh, this is probably a bit boring let me skip through- i just wanted to emphasize the point that fucking thing- that presentation was woeful Unknown_10: woefully inadequate for preparing people who are themselves mentally unstable on how to deal with suicidal, mentally unstable people like, that's a very specific thing you need some training on that fucking 90 slide presentation? not adequate not adequate Unknown_04: this is just fucking incredible like i was not following this thread but now i kind of want to now i kind of want to follow it so i see every fucking post on there it's like 650 pages good luck with that but yeah fucking if i'm gonna have like a day off i'm gonna skip through it but yeah i can't believe fucking gates they're supposed to block cop cars this is amazing yeah okay great great stream man yeah uh that's about it yeah see ya take it easy 1:08:32 Unknown_10: Jason Polera, I think that's LordCat, right? Yeah, that's LordCat. Unknown_08: What's up, man? How you been? Unknown_10: Pretty good. Unknown_08: Yeah, so just got a little bit of a spoiler alert for Jameis and everyone else who follows TLL. Bunny is actually doing better than Greta has done. anybody- anybody who gives even a little bit of a shit would've done better than- I would've done better! Unknown_10: I would've done better! I would've legitimately done better than fucking Greta, cause Greta did not- it was just- 186,000 dollars in travel expenses, are you fucking kidding me? Unknown_08: I mean, listen, you know what? Sometimes they just gotta live the fuckin' rich nigga lifestyle. I don't know what to tell you, man. 1:09:06 Unknown_10: Well, they lived the rich nigga lifestyle for about, like, three or four years. They got- they- they had enough, like, uh, opulence in those years to- to rule out most people. Most people don't get that kind of fuckin' luxury. Unknown_08: Look, the- the way I look at it is that they won the lottery and they did what every lottery winner does. Unknown_10: They won the nigga lottery. Unknown_08: But, uh, I just want everyone to know right now Bunny stands at 12% pickup rate instead of, like, 2%. Unknown_10: beautiful, it's beautiful there you go i'm glad to be of service to the trans community you know what? 1:09:42 Unknown_08: at least somebody's being a fucking service to somebody because Greta is only servicing herself with the fucking trim blinking man what the fuck is going on out there? Unknown_10: that's just Greta's hatred of police that's all that is Unknown_08: You realize you realize what that gate right there. She's making like a big fucking like cocaine dealer compound, right? Like this is gonna end fire It's gonna be like Waco with trannies. Unknown_10: I bet I bet I bet if you set like a tranny compound on fire, it smells even worse Unknown_08: Listen, I have met several trans people in my life. The coolest one I ever met was Zion Liz. She's like really fucking like... Yeah, she could be on fucking Killstream. She cool. She cool enough, but like... Motherfucker, the rest of the trans I've ever met, like the ones online, or people who just want to shit talk on Twitter, they're fucking nuts, dude. What the shit? 1:10:27 Unknown_10: They're insane. I don't even know. I can't even wager a fucking guess at what's wrong with them. Unknown_08: Oh man. Well, listen, I just wanted to give everyone that update, so have a good one, man. Unknown_10: Yeah, thanks for coming on. Unknown_05: Give her the D. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Unknown_10: Hey. Unknown_10: What are your thoughts on Trans Lifeline, on life itself? Unknown_02: Absolute fucking scam. You think? You think it might be a little bit of a scam? Yeah, you know. 1:10:59 Unknown_02: They have zero volunteers every day fucking spending 80% of their money on travel. It's just a big fucking money funneling. Unknown_10: Oh yeah, no, it was entirely designed. I don't know if it was designed, but the actuality was they were just siphoning that money to travel around until Nina got fucking caught by border guards. What a fucking idiot. 1:11:30 Unknown_02: is sassy gay man i'm just reading the fucking chat and it's like damn yeah it's a mess fucking hitting on me all right well anything else uh not really i mean i i was just watching in and out i i just wanted to come on a stream because this is my first stream coming Unknown_10: Sorry, you cut out a little bit. Your first stream on, uh... This is my coming on first stream on Kiwi Farms. Unknown_02: This is my first one, but, uh... Oh, we just started, so you're in good timing. Yeah, yeah. Unknown_10: Alright, well, thanks for coming on. Unknown_05: Yeah, you too. Take it easy. Denden. Hey, Josh. Hey. Unknown_05: Well, you've followed this, haven't you, from the start? 1:12:24 Unknown_05: Shit, one sec. Unknown_10: Motherfucker, I gave you all the time in the world to fix your mic. Unknown_11: Yeah, yeah, I tried to click mute and I clicked the wrong button. I'm a boomer. Okay, yeah, nah, I just wanted to come on and tell you how I'm feeling. Unknown_10: How are you feeling? Unknown_11: Tell me how you're feeling. I just want to make you understand. Unknown_10: Lay it out. Lay it out for me. Unknown_12: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and hurt you. Never gonna say goodbye, never gonna make you cry, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. 1:13:00 Unknown_10: Don't you want to say that Nelchette's a toilet though? Isn't that your thing? Unknown_12: Nah, she got really scared and asked me to stop talking. Unknown_10: Did she really? Yeah. I felt bad. Oh, fine. Don't cyberbully her. This is a cyberbully-free zone, you fucker. Unknown_12: I didn't even cyberbully her hard. She just, you know, she's soft. You've got soft people working for you. Unknown_10: She doesn't work for me. She doesn't get paid. She volunteered like a trans lifeline operator. Unknown_12: Yeah. So she does less. Unknown_10: That's true. That's okay. We all like much. All right. Anything else? 1:13:34 Unknown_12: No, no, that was the, I just wanted to sync to you. Unknown_10: Thank you. I appreciate it. Everybody appreciates it. Unknown_12: Talk to you later. Unknown_10: Take it easy. Unknown_05: Uhhhhh... DesireLines. Privyet. Hey. Unknown_05: What's up? Unknown_05: Hey, what's up? Unknown_05: Nothing. What's up? You called in. What do you gotta say? 1:14:06 Unknown_14: I was going to say, holy fucking shit, I've never read this thread. What a fucking story. The Lazora especially. In chat I said, this sounds like a plot to Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3. And then, like, this fucking anarchist steakhouse gets mentioned and I'm like, oh no. Unknown_10: Yeah. Holy shit. Unknown_10: It's crazy. It's one of the crazier threads we have on the entire site. Unknown_14: Yeah, I especially like the part when you're in the bathroom. That's good. That's a highlight. 1:14:45 Unknown_10: That's obviously the best part. Unknown_14: Yeah, would you shoot Greta if she tried to hug you or something? Unknown_10: Try to hug me? Yeah, like if she wanted to make up with you. If she was coming at me I would have to. In Florida it's standard ground. You don't have a fucking retreat. They come at you with the zombie arms out, you fucking shoot them. Unknown_14: that's pretty much all I have to say, and because then I still didn't say it, now it's just a fucking toilet alright, well thank you, thank you for the dialogues take it easy puck hey josh, how are you man? 1:15:32 Unknown_00: pretty good, what's up? Hey, well, first of all, I want to say that it's nice to talk to you, you know. Yeah. I'm one of the more casual users of the forum. But anyways, yeah, man, I would like to comment on quite a few things here. Unknown_10: Go ahead. Unknown_00: Yeah man, so first of all, I would like to like... Man, what is it with fucking transies, man? Like, why are they like so goddamn sensitive, you know what I'm saying? Like... Dude, you cannot like... I don't know, be critical about it? Or anything? 1:16:08 Unknown_10: Yeah, it's like the scientific journals and stuff, you can't really criticize the trans culture. You'll get picked apart for it. Unknown_00: Yeah, and this whole like, the thing you were saying about reporting them to the IRS, my comment would be like, why haven't more people done the same as you, man? Most people don't give a shit. Unknown_10: The only reason why we gave a shit is because Gritta tried to take down the site. If Gritta didn't fucking try to take down the site, they'd probably still be running it and still be raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars for travel expenses. 1:16:38 Unknown_00: and do you honestly think that they'll be like properly prosecuted man? cuz you know since they are- oh no, they're not gonna get prosecuted they're not gonna get prosecuted Unknown_00: Well, well that that's kind of disappointing, you know, just cuz they you know go around crying about their shit They you know, they get a pass and I don't know. I think that's kind of a bit of an unfair treatment, you know Anyways, and also I would like to ask you man. What are you planning to for next week's? 1:17:20 Unknown_10: Next week is Halloween. I got something spooky lined up Unknown_00: cool well uh other than that i i guess that's uh pretty much everything i wanted to say man and i enjoy your streams and uh yeah it's nice to have uh oh yeah one final comment it's nice to have like this sort of uh live streams because you know uh well especially for people like me who are like more of a casual user Unknown_00: So, you know, I don't I usually stick to my cows, you know, you know. 1:17:53 Unknown_10: Yeah, I think there's a there's a large audience for people who just want to catch up on crazy shit that people are doing online. But that's not being scratched right now, which is why I decided I would do recaps of some of my favorite stories on the on the forum. Unknown_00: Oh, yeah, you should definitely go ahead and do some of a stream based on the the forums like culture, you know, like I know. Unknown_10: Just recap the history and stuff. Unknown_00: Yeah, I know there's like some notable members and stuff, and you know, I've always wondered what's the in-joke, you know? I don't know if I'll do that. Unknown_10: I'll do the history and stuff. That kind of stuff is for people to find out if they're interested, because otherwise it would be too much of a jerk. 1:18:29 Unknown_00: All right, man. Well, take care and have a nice one. Unknown_10: Take it easy. Unknown_00: And I think I don't want to take too many calls because we're going to get caught up. Unknown_10: So I'm going to join the free for all. And if you guys want to join me in the free for all for about five minutes or so, just say whatever you want. Unknown_10: Let's do it. Hi. How's it going? Unknown_06: Hey. Unknown_10: oh my god 1:19:17 Unknown_11: shoutout to the people, shoutout to gay people, shoutout to my niggas, shoutout to all my niggas, ayy boy, shoutout to ya girl, ayy nigga Unknown_10: I didn't, I really didn't expect like 80 fucking people to join. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to people, but that's just how it is. Alright, let's uh, I have an outro song for everybody. For those of you who did not leave during the few 30 seconds I was in that chat, I'm sorry for the people I couldn't take calls from, but this is the last thing I got. 1:20:00 Unknown_07: Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb And the shape of an L on her forehead Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb Unknown_07: What's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go. You'll never shine if you don't glow. Hey now, you're an all-star. Get your game on, go play. Hey now, you're a rock star. Get the show on, get paid. It's a cool place, and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now, wait till you get older But the media men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is getting pretty thin The water's getting warm, so you might as well swim My world's on fire, how about yours? 1:21:12 Unknown_07: That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored Hey now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, yeah Unknown_07: Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid And all that's left of this crowd, only shooting stars Somebody once asked, could I spare some change for gas I need to get myself away from this place 1:22:16 Unknown_07: I said, yeah, what a concept. I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change. Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming. Fed to the rules that our hipster crowd running. Didn't make sense not to live for fun. Unknown_07: So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow Hey now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get ready Break the mold