Margaret MacLennan's Stalker Kenny Jones 2018-10-06

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Unknown_03: hello hey hey what's happening nothing much i i've not uh i'm being thrown into this kind of head first without knowing any of the backstory so i've only heard what uh roxo what roxo said in the voice chat yeah some some of the some of the things he said i did is right but he leaves out a significant part of context behind what was going on you know saying

Unknown_03: So the reason that I gave a computer part to Margaret is so she could make better quality videos and more videos.

Unknown_00: Did you guys talk at all outside of streams and stuff?

Unknown_03: I mean, we chat in DMs, not in Discord. I might say something here and there on Twitter, DMs or something. We never really talk socially in Twitter. I try my best to keep my distance in that way because I've seen her as a popular individual.

Unknown_03: And I knew that individuals like that don't have time to talk to, you know, just random members in the subscriber base. You know what I'm saying?

Unknown_00: Yeah.

Unknown_03: So I try my best to keep my distance in that way at the time. And, you know, I didn't encroach upon trying to be a friend or anything along those lines.

Unknown_03: So what happened was back in the day, Margaret had a bad laptop.

Unknown_03: Well, I guess I better go further than that. So Margaret MacLennan was the first manager of Milo Yiannopoulos' privilege grant.

Unknown_00: Oh, okay. I do remember that. I remember there being a little bit of a scandal because I don't think anybody got any money from it, though.

Unknown_03: Right. Exactly. So she was the first of, I believe, five different managers of the privilege grant of its lifetime.

Unknown_03: um and i don't think anyone has found someone that's got the money yet but regardless he was the first of five um after after she did some work and everything those lines for milo milo refused to pay her for the work she did so really yes yes so that was a big heart you know a big you know

Unknown_03: A big bomb that blew up. She went crazy for a while. She let everyone know in no uncertain details what happened on Twitter.

Unknown_03: Even to this day, she will occasionally bring it up. That's one of her pet peeves.

Unknown_03: She's after Milo, I guess, sort of, like I've been after her, sort of.

Unknown_00: Has she like sued him or is this just like an online thing?

Unknown_03: It's pretty much an online thing.

Unknown_03: Um, see, see, I don't, I don't really know all the great, great details behind, you know, that, you know, there wasn't a contract apparently. Um,

Unknown_03: She didn't sign a contract and there wasn't an NDA.

Unknown_03: She didn't sign a contract at all regarding payment either? Right.

Unknown_03: She was as dumb as I was.

Unknown_03: as well in that regard. So what happened was she spent quite a few months focused on a privilege grant and basically for fake promises she continued. So she focused so much on that, for months she didn't apply her work on other things, other opportunities she could have had. So she fell behind and she didn't, you know, she didn't make any money doing anything else that much. You see what I'm saying? Yeah. So

Unknown_03: So also during that period of time, she was in, she, she had a, like they said, she had a colon removed a few, a few years back, not 2016, but I think like 2014 or 13, she had a colon removed. And around the August of 2016, she was in and out of hospital constantly, you know, from August, 2016 to about, you know, I would say November or so she was in and out of hospital constantly. And the only computer she had at a time was, was an overheating laptop that a fan, a previous fan gave her. That was before I even got here, donated to her. And so she couldn't live stream with that laptop and she couldn't make videos with that laptop because she couldn't do her other work. I mean, she couldn't do her other work while the laptop was doing a video.

Unknown_03: It would overheat so she can only do one thing at a time and most times Yeah, I choose our work over the videos and that's why she couldn't make many videos at time Am I making sense so far?

Unknown_00: Yeah. Yeah, just because it's a bad laptop. She can't do much with it Right.

Unknown_03: Okay, so she couldn't do any live streams too much of a live stream if she couldn't you know You know, she couldn't do much content because those reasons legitimate reasons in my opinion

Unknown_03: Um, so, so what happened next? And so, you know, her laptop was so buggy and stuff that when she did try to do live streams, um, she had a, uh, a camera issue that was referred to as the spooky cam because it was doing October at the time.

Unknown_03: And, uh, it was kind of like, you know, it was a running joke. So that was how bad the video quality was in the videos that she made at time was because her laptop was about to go nuclear.

Unknown_03: So seeing all this and seeing that, you know, seeing how much he was trying and stuff and knowing that, you know, how, you know, the rotten luck she had with the Milo thing, I'll be honest, I felt bad for her. And I decided to, you know, to see what I can do to help her out.

Unknown_03: And so the first thing I did was I offered her, I contacted her, it was the first message I ever sent her. I contacted Margaret and said, hey, if you want a computer, I have an old computer with a, it was a subpar graphics card immediately, but it was...

Unknown_03: It was definitely better than the laptop she had. If you want it, I can just send it your way. It was just an old computer. I already had a new computer anyway. I was just going to send it her way. She said, basically, I appreciate it, but I'm already halfway done with my computer. I've already halfway done, you know, buying the parts I need from my new computer already. I don't need, you know. i'm i'm already halfway done and so on and so forth so you know knowing that i i said okay well you know she had a decent of she had a very loyal fan base at time extremely loyal like people people like margaret and you know they just and that's the thing about ralph ralph even ralph himself hates to uh

Unknown_03: see the truth about Margaret. People naturally like Margaret. If you ever talk to Margaret, she has this magnetic personality. It's not her looks.

Unknown_03: It's just she has this magnetic personality that seems to kind of make everyone let down their guards. I don't know how to explain it. I know it sounds strange.

Unknown_03: But if you watch one of her live streams... Can you clarify what you mean about Ralph?

Unknown_03: See, Ralph and Nora have been friends with Margaret for a while, since Gamergate. And she was different back then.

Unknown_00: Before you met her?

Unknown_03: I beg your pardon? Before you met her, they were friends? No, no, no. I met Margaret. The first time I ever saw Margaret was on the Milo Yiannopoulos stream with Lauren Southern about the privilege grant.

Unknown_00: But I mean you they were friends before you started talking to her about the computer. Yes.

Unknown_03: Yes, definitely. I I think so See Gamergate. Well, let's see. Yeah model the office Chris Grant started at the Gamergate and stuff so yeah, definitely they were friends before that but um what I explain is is Ralph and Nora have been playing defense for Margaret and

Unknown_03: And to the point where, you know, Nora and Zidane for two months forbidden me to talk about Margaret in the Discord at all.

Unknown_03: So Nora and Zidane pulled me into another chat room.

Unknown_03: And talk to me. See, they said, you know, we don't talk about Margaret anymore. We see how much you, you know, you post about Margaret and all you're trying to do is you want Ralph to make a hit piece on her and so on and so forth. Because basically you have sour grapes about Margaret. Right. So that was basically the gist of what it was saying.

Unknown_03: she wouldn't give me much time to explain, but that was pretty much it. So like I said, Ralph and Noah have been playing kind of defense on the server for Margaret since I got here the first of this year.

Unknown_03: and this server.

Unknown_03: To summarize past that point, so Margaret didn't have, so my idea, it was my idea to get, you know, I said if one of each of her supporters donates one part apiece, she will have a working computer. And she had the components on her wish list

Unknown_03: um displayed at the time and she had you know the reasoning behind why she needed her computer and the reasoning for why she had she needed a computer was so she can make live stream and do live streams so she can play games with her fans and so she can make more videos and so on and so forth so that was the reasoning she gave on her wish list uh description for why she wanted these computer components so i donated a power supply

Unknown_03: Some other guy donated a GPU, and the highest of all of us, I don't know who he is, but the highest of all of us donated a CPU, which was $500. And you donated the CPU? No, no, I donated a power supply.

Unknown_00: Okay.

Unknown_03: How much was that?

Unknown_03: I don't know.

Unknown_03: I think like $300 or so.

Unknown_03: No, when I buy something, I make sure it's of good quality. So I bought, I think it was a 1,200-watt gold certified power supply.

Unknown_01: Yeah, that would be expensive.

Unknown_03: Yeah, so that's what I bought. I figured, hey, it's future-proof.

Unknown_03: If there's anything she upgrades in the future, that power supply has her covered, no matter what she plans on doing. So that was my mindset.

Unknown_03: I'm not hunting for money, to be honest.

Unknown_03: So that was my mindset and going into it. So my idea was basically that was a PC project. So everyone basically, we had enough people that was going to send the parts and we all sent our parts in. And by January, all the parts were to her, in a room and you know and good to go right so she you know so for Valentine's Day 2017 she did a live stream of her assembling assembling the computer and all the components and so on and so forth so you know basically wham bam boom there's her working brand new computer you know made possible by

Unknown_03: our supporters and patrons and fans and so, so on and so forth. Right. And, uh, so, you know, everything was good. Everything was, uh, you know, everything went like it's supposed to. Now, like I was saying earlier, I don't know if you were there, but my original plan was donated computer parts, you know, make sure things going well, like she's doing, doing the, what she says she's going to do. Everything, everything's going well. And I was going to disappear into ether. I'm, I'm not, I, I'm not kind of individual, uh, that belongs on the internet.

Unknown_03: If you see the Discord voice chat right now and how they treat me, you can see how I come to that conclusion.

Unknown_03: In 2016, I knew that. And so I plan on just disappearing off the internet because some people simply are not compatible.

Unknown_00: What makes you incompatible with the internet?

Unknown_03: I'm not totally sure what it is.

Unknown_00: Well, the other guy that was impersonating you said that you had autism. Is that true?

Unknown_03: Well, that's true, yes. I have Asperger's syndrome.

Unknown_00: Okay.

Unknown_03: yeah so i look like uh there's some there's certain individuals that would would that would do a lot better if they simply were not online right so if for example uh let's say let's say somebody that's uh what was that guy's name uh uh chris chandler or uh spax spax let's try spax

Unknown_03: You know specs mr. Medica made a few videos about specs back in a day Not entirely sure but just specs is an autistic geek that made videos about Sonic the Hedgehog and so on and so forth Basically, he made a clown at himself and he turned and mr. Medica made a law cow out of him you know that kind of individual isn't hurting anyone he's just

Unknown_03: highly peculiar and uh he simply he would be better off not being on the internet and that's basically this you know that's the summary that i got them that i've come to as well i knew that in 2016 and i i stayed around only because i tried i tried to get margaret to keep keep to her you know commitments a commitment about what she was going to do to computer parts um

Unknown_03: So I stuck around and, you know, hope, you know, the original hope, this is her plan. Not, not mine. Nope. Not my plan. Not anyone else's suggestion. This is her original schedule. Her original schedule was, she was going to, uh, do a, uh, a gaming. She was gonna do something called straight talk on Monday, which was basically relationship advice, uh, live stream. I don't, don't ask me. That was her idea. It wasn't mine. Um,

Unknown_03: Number the next day the Tuesday she was going to do a one-hour gaming stream Wednesday she was going to release a new video Thursday she's going to do another game stream and She said at a time that it was possible, but what she didn't know for sure That she was going to possibly make sadia a gaming day for fans and so on patreon or something those lines so and I usually just crossed out an awful list because she wasn't sure about her say herself and

Unknown_03: Not one single week since she had that computer has she kept to that week plan.

Unknown_03: Not one single week. Has she ever done that? Did she ever stick to that schedule? Not one week since that computer was built. Did she give a reason? Yeah, she gave reasons. And to be honest, the first reason she gave was legitimate. The first reason she gave was that she was sick. She got sick again. She went back in the hospital. She took pictures of herself laying in a bed. You can't dispute that.

Unknown_03: Legitimate reason for me um why you know things had to be delayed and stuff and you know so on and so forth um but you understand that you know she did she did she did somewhat attempt somewhat for a little while a few months until like like may or so and that's when everything went apart went went down a toilet and she used she used so many excuses that her excuses simply wasn't viable any longer

Unknown_03: her main excuse was, I have other jobs.

Unknown_03: I have other contract work I'm doing. It pays more. Therefore, I'm doing that instead. And that's reasonable. No adult, no reasonable adult would argue with that line of reasoning.

Unknown_03: The problem with it, the issue I take with that is

Unknown_03: Can you, you know, we have, you have a week's period of time. It is Monday through Friday. And in that week, can you not find at least one hour of time to show that you're trying?

Unknown_03: Just one hour showing that you are trying to keep your commitment in some regard. And that's basically what people were asking you to do. Just show that you're trying. Just show that you're putting some effort and you're not just...

Unknown_03: You know, just throwing everybody to the side and saying F you and that's it. And that's basically what people were asking her to do. And when people were asking her to do that, she got less and less communicative to the point where it seemed like it might even be a scam.

Unknown_03: Um, she had a patron, she had a, she had a discord server. She stopped showing up with that. She stopped, you know, one of her patron rewards was, you know, she had a special channel and her page and her discord where you can talk to Margaret, you know, and, and so on and so forth. Um, she stopped showing up with that. So that was a patron rewards. He wasn't keeping, um, you know,

Unknown_03: the Patreon videos that was made for two years. She had a Patreon for two years. And if all the videos that were made in that period of time,

Unknown_03: Was, you know, just taken down. No warning. She completely wiped her history? Yeah, yeah. Her channel is blank. Completely blank.

Unknown_00: So just to do a quick recap of everything you've said thus far, after the Privilege Grant fell apart, she started doing live streaming and started networking with Gamergate people like Ralph and Nora.

Unknown_00: No, no, no. Gamergate was before Privilege Grant. Right, right. But after the privilege grant fell apart, she started talking to people active in Gamergate, like Ralph. Yeah, somewhat. I mean, she... She started her own livestream and stuff, right?

Unknown_03: Yes, sort of. It wasn't constant.

Unknown_03: At that time, she didn't have a show, so I don't know what period of time we're talking about. I don't know if you're talking about 2016 or 2017, but she did a live stream with Blair White. She did a live stream.

Unknown_03: She did the Kill stream.

Unknown_03: She did...

Unknown_03: She's done some live... One of her famous ones, actually one of her infamous ones, was the one she did where she was drunk with Sargon of Picard.

Unknown_03: That was a downright disaster, to say the least.

Unknown_00: For her?

Unknown_03: For her, yeah. It was... I don't know that history.

Unknown_00: What happened with that? It... It's beyond cringey.

Unknown_03: And...

Unknown_03: I can't get through it it's that bad.

Unknown_03: Now, that's not saying much because I'm not a troll and I'm not a cringe lover like some other people are. So some people would enjoy it. Some people have a lot more tolerance of cringe than I am. So you need to take me not being a target with a grain of salt.

Unknown_00: Yeah, but this was before you started following her, I guess?

Unknown_02: Yeah, it was.

Unknown_03: So...

Unknown_03: I've seen the video. Fans linked it. I've been following her for a while. I followed her on Twitter at the beginning of 2016, but I wasn't active on Twitter until August or so, 2016. I wasn't really up to date on what she did and stuff because I wasn't all that active on Twitter myself.

Unknown_03: And so as he wasn't when she got this started up and started having problems with her computer Everybody kind of pitched in probably spent between our 35 patrons.

Unknown_00: You said they probably $100 each or not. No, no, no What this was separate from patreon?

Unknown_03: so the individuals that donated the computer components and

Unknown_03: Didn't even, wasn't even, the only person that donated a computer component that was also a member of her Patreon was me. Everyone else was just followers of hers on Twitter and YouTube.

Unknown_03: Um, she wasn't missing, she was missing like about half of the parts that she needed.

Unknown_03: Um,

Unknown_03: And the individuals basically just came out and said, hey, I volunteer. We said, okay. I said, hey, I'm going to donate a power supply. And another guy says, hey, I'm going to donate a GPU. And says, what we need now is we need a RAM.

Unknown_03: We need hard drive. We need OS and so on and so forth.

Unknown_00: Yeah, she just listed all the individual parts that she wanted for her build. And you got the power supply, but some guy even donated $500 for the CPU, right?

Unknown_03: No, he bought the CPU straight out.

Unknown_00: Oh, yeah. Well, that's what I mean. He bought it for her. So she gets her computer and is she doing her live streaming stuff like up until the day she gets it or does she stop a little bit before? No, she's not.

Unknown_03: She's unable to do it that much.

Unknown_03: Um, you know, she's, like I said, she's unable to do it because her laptop is overheating, right? She's unable to do as many streams and make videos and stuff. She did, she tried to do, um, something on, uh, doing the Trump, uh, you know, the big thing in Trump in 2016.

Unknown_03: Um, but that turned out to be a debacle in its own, um, uh, she was live streaming, what was that thing called, uh,

Unknown_03: The election coverage? The party that the Republicans would have.

Unknown_00: The RNC party, okay.

Unknown_03: No, no, no. The one that Gavin McGinnis went to and stuff. I can't remember what it was called.

Unknown_03: But it was a somewhat famous party. Yeah.

Unknown_03: that, uh, gorilla mindset went to, I call him a gorilla mindset. Uh, but he also went to it.

Unknown_03: Um, I think Alex Jones was there. I'm not, I don't know, but basically the, the, the big, bigger side of YouTube right wing guys all went there and stuff. And he was live streaming it. And, uh, it was a right wing news network, like got pretty mad about her live streaming. So she had to cancel a live stream. How would they get mad at her for, for live streaming it?

Unknown_03: because they were live streaming it.

Unknown_00: Did they find that to be competition or what's the deal with that?

Unknown_03: I guess. I don't know for sure.

Unknown_03: She basically just kind of submissed to them being upset about it. And she just stopped the live stream. And instead, she did a live stream with that guy, T, instead. So that guy, T, decided to hop in so them two can do something in that time frame.

Unknown_03: That was that was supposed to be that the live stream or that media coverage wouldn't you know? So that Chi T's jumped in and say today that basically that's what happened And okay, so this was all before she got her new computer, right, right?

Unknown_00: She was trying to build up like a public profile Yes, she I had a public profile before that.

Unknown_03: That's pretty much and

Unknown_00: So after everybody buys her parts and stuff, or at least after you buy the power supply unit for her, are you talking to her? Are you keeping in contact to see how it's going? Or what's the deal with that?

Unknown_03: Not really. I'm not really talking to her. I'm basically just watching Twitter and YouTube and stuff and just keeping up there that way.

Unknown_03: I don't remember. I mean, I could have said something to it for update, but I don't remember me saying all that much to a privately. I guess I could have said something publicly, like posted on Twitter publicly and asked or something. But like I said, I try my best to keep my private DMS between me and Mark to a minimum because I didn't want to be that, get that fan that one to try to be a friend that, you know, you know,

Unknown_00: um so i mean could you estimate how many messages that you've that you've sent her like over time um like or like less than 100 more than 100 yeah yeah less than 100 definitely so uh okay so she gets maybe maybe less than maybe less than 50 so um she gets her computer right and when did she get her her new build from the fans

Unknown_03: Everything was assembled and ready to go on Valentine's Day of 2017.

Unknown_00: Okay, and she immediately starts reneging on her previously public schedule for how she was going to proceed with her videos, right?

Unknown_03: She gave a reason why, like I said at times, she got sick. She had a legitimate reason at first for not doing it. She had pictures of herself in a hospital, blah, blah, blah.

Unknown_00: She was having medical issues after the PC got built, is what she said.

Unknown_03: Right.

Unknown_03: That's why she didn't keep to the schedule. Um...

Unknown_03: So it's kind of – to give you – if you want to get a little bit more minutiae about it, more than minutiae, I mean, this is how it went down. So she had something called the straight talk on Monday. So every Monday night she had a straight talk, and that was basically a –

Unknown_03: a live stream dating advice show.

Unknown_00: Is this something that she actually did?

Unknown_03: Yes.

Unknown_03: For a week, she kept that up. That one thing on that day.

Unknown_03: She didn't do anything else that week, but she tried to keep that up.

Unknown_03: So she kept that up for about two months or so. Was that the only thing that she was doing during this time?

Unknown_00: Pretty much.

Unknown_03: Everything else was kind of sparse, right? She might do two gaming streams a month or so. Right.

Unknown_03: Right. So, you know, some of those lines. And so after a while, you know, finally, you know, that streak of two months of solid straight talk and so on and so forth broke. And then she started getting less and less of that, you know, and doing less and less live streaming. And, you know, in the time period. So between between.

Unknown_03: Valentine's Day 2017, to this date right now, she has only made three total videos of three total videos, right? Not live streams that was pre-recorded, live streams that was saved, but videos that, you know. She edited and put together for you. Right. So in total, only three videos was made.

Unknown_00: and about three edited videos to game live strings and maybe eight of these these relationship help videos or Well, I mean it was there was more but but I'll just sometimes say is like there was more but it was broken up so for example She went two months without she went two months without interruption with a straight talk and then she skipped one week and then all of a sudden she starts skipping two weeks and then three weeks and then she stopped you see I'm saying and

Unknown_00: Yeah, yeah.

Unknown_03: So it was, I'm not saying it was like this eight and that was all period. It was, you know, that was, you know, I'm just trying to explain the minutia of it. It's been a little while, actually. So, you know, in total, I mean, she probably made 12, maybe 15 straight talks, I guess, if I had to guess.

Unknown_03: She probably did a few gameplay live streams.

Unknown_03: I don't know, maybe 10 or so from Valentine's Day.

Unknown_03: I guess. I don't know.

Unknown_00: Can I ask how much you were giving to her on Patreon over this time?

Unknown_03: I was giving like $5 per video. At the time, it was per video.

Unknown_03: So, um, you know, if she did a video, she gets $5 per video. Um, she, uh, so that, but it also counted live streams that was safe, not just pre-recorded videos.

Unknown_03: I mean, uh, rehearse videos and everything else. You see what I'm saying? So it was, you know, she did a straight talk. She got paid. If she did a game stream, she got paid. If she did, you know, so on and so forth.

Unknown_03: Um, right.

Unknown_03: Um, so, so, so after, after all that, um,

Unknown_03: Around her birthday, which I forgot when her birthday was, but around her birthday is when everything started going to pot completely. That's when the same thing kind of turned up on its head and went nuclear when it comes to her content. She really started slacking off, like one stream a month. something along those lines um was she still talking about her health at the time or did she switch over to a different excuse it was it was a job thing so now it went from my health to hey i got contract work i'm really busy guys um you know i'm really busy busy blah blah blah right and

Unknown_03: Like I said, that's fine and dandy if you didn't make a commitment to get the computer components. It's fine and dandy that you can't keep to your original schedule.

Unknown_03: However, you made a commitment and a lot of legitimate money has been spent.

Unknown_03: And you can at least do an hour a week. Like I said, you can at least show that you're trying, that you put an effort into it.

Unknown_00: Did she give any hint as to what kind of work she was doing?

Unknown_03: Just contract work. She doesn't want to give out what kind of work she does because...

Unknown_03: Most likely, she's afraid that some of her fan base will harass her boss, which is a legitimate concern. Not just her fan base, but she's a conservative, so she might have some enemies on the left that might want to contact people or something. But she's basically a ghostwriter for people, and also a social media marketer. So, you know,

Unknown_03: I don't know. She did a few things here and there. There's a website called Warfare Media, and that's the people that she works for the most, I believe. They do marketing online, I think.

Unknown_00: Well, after after she stopped doing these streams, did she and she started doing contract work? Did she ever make a commitment to come back to live streaming or?

Unknown_00: No, not really.

Unknown_03: No, just this. I may do it soon. I don't know when I come back, guys. You know, I can't give you a date when I'm going to start get back on schedule, blah, blah, blah. So on and so forth.

Unknown_03: Let me find something. Let me find this image that will give you a better clear idea of what I'm talking about.

Unknown_02: Okay, so this is a guy that was...

Unknown_03: that was talking to Margaret. The reason... This is unusual. Do you see the screenshot? Yeah, I'm looking at it. The reason this is unusual at the time because she wouldn't usually talk to people. She wouldn't usually talk about this topic with normal people or normal fans on Twitter or anywhere else for that matter. The reason she talked to this individual is because he had a blue checkmark.

Unknown_03: And and so, you know, he's basically saying, you know, what the fans were saying, you know, can can you give an explanation? Can you can you give some time, any time kind of, you know, something, you know, and, you know, she's coming up with these this nonsense excuses and so on and so forth.

Unknown_00: So they give to you, and this is how you give back. All they're asking is for a five-minute hello in Discord and a three-minute live stream. That's too much. And, ooh, that's a lot of retweets. So that must have struck a chord with quite a few people who were fans of her. And some people write me every day if I'm their girlfriend. So it sounds like she's at a point where she's concerned that her presence is having a negative impact on her well-being because of, well, she's getting creeped out by some guys.

Unknown_00: Apparently. But that's it.

Unknown_03: You need to understand that doesn't happen. How can I explain?

Unknown_03: When Margaret gets upset about something, when someone crosses the line with Margaret, she'll let you know. She makes sure that she puts it on Twitter. She will not hide something like that. There was guys back in the day. She has quit doing this, though. But there was guys back in the early days when I was following, like in 2016, that was in her dick pics. She would post the guy who sent them and the dick pic and so on and so forth. Because she enjoys instant battles. She enjoys these Twitter fights. You see what I'm saying? Yeah, so she would just humiliate guys that were trying to fuck with her, basically. Right, right.

Unknown_03: If she was having individuals creep her out in DMs and stuff, she would let you know. She wouldn't...

Unknown_03: This hiding it and trying to act. This hiding stuff is not her style. I can show you many cases of her. I'm one of her

Unknown_03: I'm one of the victims of her shenanigans on Twitter.

Unknown_03: Did she ever call you out in the public way? Oh, man, has she ever?

Unknown_00: Well, I mean, prior to her stopping her streaming, did she ever have a confrontation with you or regarding you on Twitter or in any other public place? No. No? No, no, no.

Unknown_03: No, I never...

Unknown_03: when it comes to me, when it comes to the relationship between me and Margaret, I tried my best to keep it as professional as possible.

Unknown_03: Um, to the point where I, you know, there was, you know, there was, there was guys legitimately, you know, talking, you know, hitting hitting on her and and you know into twitter posts and that we might you know we'll hit on her in the live stream and so on and so forth and then there was fans that you know the longtime fans and she knows that the fans are joking with her you know they they joke around yeah with a little bit and she knows that they're joking right so longtime fans she knows they're joking these newcomers come around to see a tit streamer right they don't stay around for long you know um And they might make comments here and there, you know, that that would that's suggestive in some way.

Unknown_00: Well, if you were sitting there watching her playing games and stuff like did you like how often would you witness like sexual harassment in her chat?

Unknown_03: Not very often at all. I mean, not.

Unknown_03: No, definitely not with a regular, not too often. Like I said, from randoms, once in a while you might see it on occasion, but it was really uncommon. I mean, like you would think it would happen more. I mean, she's a, I'm not going to lie, she's a bomb show of a looker, you know.

Unknown_03: She's well endowed. Yeah, just a minute, just a minute. You like the tits because the tits are massive on that woman. Well, see, here's the thing. You know, I hate tits.

Unknown_00: What? How do you go after a white girl who has the biggest tits ever if you don't like tits?

Unknown_03: That's the thing. I like faces. I'm a face man. If you ask people in Discord, if you ask them, you know, what does Kenny think about tits? They'll all tell you the same thing. Kenny hates tits. I'm a face guy.

Unknown_00: See, I don't believe you're black now.

Unknown_03: I beg your pardon?

Unknown_00: I don't believe you're black now. I'm half Native American. Do you identify more as a Native American than as a black guy?

Unknown_03: Yes.

Unknown_03: Well, see, I was I was adopted by a by a by basically a white household. So my mother, my mother is white and my father was Native American and they adopted me. And so I was basically raised in a white household.

Unknown_03: and raising that kind of environment. So, you know, most, the culture where I live at is strongly Native American. And so I just, most of my life I just identify more as a Native American than a black person. now you know within recent years i've i've come to accept you know hey i look more black than american so i i just swing out of the way i just you know i did you know if some black guy comes up and says hey my i said hey what's up my brother whatever you know if some indian guy comes up and says you know what's happening chief i say what's happening cuz you know um it i don't really put too much weight on which which side i don't really the culture isn't really all that uh

Unknown_03: All that different from where I live at anyway when it comes to black culture and Native American culture.

Unknown_03: You know what I'm saying? I can't explain it. All I'm trying to say is I did not donate and I didn't do this for tits. And I didn't do it because of a looks. I did it because I thought it was a person in need that could use a helping hand. And I thought it was individual. And when I saw that she was doing what she was doing with a rundown overheating computer, being as sickly as she was, she was doing the things she was doing.

Unknown_03: I thought that if she was given the tools to succeed, better tools, that she could do great things. If you give a person that already has the motivation and already has the talent and the willpower, the tools to succeed, then they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

Unknown_03: So that's basically where I was coming from with this.

Unknown_03: for no other reason besides that. I know there's speculation, like, why would a guy donate a $300 part if he didn't like the girl and so on and so forth?

Unknown_03: Like I said, she's a bombshell. I'm not going to lie.

Unknown_00: She's really pretty.

Unknown_03: Yes, I'll give her a 9 out of 10. I don't give that to many people in my lifetime, right? That didn't influence... I guess it did influence. I'm a guy to a point. I've seen better looking women and yet I didn't donate to them.

Unknown_00: After it becomes clear... After how long did it become clear that you didn't really want to come back to making content on Twitch or YouTube or anywhere?

Unknown_03: It didn't really become stone...

Unknown_03: See, that's the thing. She was vague with it. She played around with the idea. She hand-pawed around. So right now, she's doing a live stream.

Unknown_03: With an individual on YouTube right now. So for every week, she does a live stream on YouTube.

Unknown_00: Doesn't that count as keeping up with the promise if she's making content still?

Unknown_03: Sort of. Kind of. She just now recently started doing that. See what I'm saying? This is a somewhat... See, he's only been doing it for about a month and a half.

Unknown_00: How long of a break did she take between getting her computer and just starting up this new podcast with this guy?

Unknown_03: See, the girl, it's a woman. It's two women? Yeah, it's one woman. Her and one woman. So it's two people in total. So it's a woman that works for Rebel Media. So them two have a podcast together.

Unknown_00: Oh, okay.

Unknown_03: And stuff. So she completely stopped making any kind of content in August.

Unknown_03: And she didn't do anything until about November. No, no, no. August 2017, she stopped. Okay. Okay.

Unknown_03: And then she didn't do anything pretty much until October. She did one live stream. And then in November. I beg your pardon?

Unknown_00: This October, she started doing stuff?

Unknown_03: No. Okay, excuse me. Let me. I've forgotten the name of the day. Okay, so in August of 2017, she stopped completely.

Unknown_03: She didn't do another live stream or make any kind of videos until October of 2017, Halloween.

Unknown_03: She made one video then.

Unknown_03: Then she went on someone else's live stream in November.

Unknown_03: After that live stream, she talked about the possibility of charging more money to Patreons. Um, and not only that, but making it, making it where she's, she's going to charge money, money per month and instead of per video. So that, that way, you know, she wouldn't have to make any content and she'll still get paid. You see what I'm saying?

Unknown_01: Right.

Unknown_03: And that, you know, to me that that's pretty shady and you know, that's, that's, it seems pretty shady. Um,

Unknown_03: Like if you don't, you're not keeping your promises as it is. You're saying you need more money from Patreon supporters. You've already got a computer that you've asked for and you're not keeping your promises on that. And then you, now you're saying, you know, you want to change the Patreon type to per month instead of per video. And we're supposed to just believe that you're going to uphold, you know, a certain standard of how many videos you can deliver a month. You know, that, you know, something don't add up there, you know.

Unknown_01: yeah and uh and you know basically i made a um well i this was before she hated my guts but i made a bombshell you know message underneath her uh her website post about that copy of it i'd like to see that if i could oh yes oh yes i have a copy of it just had everything man and uh when was this made

Unknown_03: Uh, let me try to find it and I'll tell you the exact date.

Unknown_02: How old are you, by the way? Just out of curiosity.

Unknown_03: I'm 27.

Unknown_02: How old is Margaret?

Unknown_03: Uh, she's 31. Okay. I believe, yeah, she's 31.

Unknown_00: Do you happen to know her birthday? Any chance?

Unknown_03: No. I don't know her birthday by heart.

Unknown_02: Um,

Unknown_02: The only way I check on the birthday thing is I look on her Twitter and she says something about it.

Unknown_03: I have it somewhere. You have to give me some time to find it, sorry thing.

Unknown_03: I have the website images, but for some reason I don't have my post with me at this time.

Unknown_03: But that's pretty pretty much the gist of Of of why we have I said they started thinking she was acting kind of sneaky kind of shady In general just like your post to her Like you have an idea of what you said is it just kind of like Like what you've been just your the story like a timeline or did you have something to say I?

Unknown_03: I just basically told, I basically just summed up what I've been telling you, but did it in a way to an individual to actually know what happened, right? So you didn't, you don't know, you didn't know the details, but I know that Margaret knows the details. So, you know, I'm talking to a individual that knows this. I'm just trying, I'm basically, I was trying to remind her of her obligation.

Unknown_00: How long after she stopped making videos did you write this on her blog?

Unknown_03: I wrote this on her blog not too long after she put down her new Patreon idea. I don't even know. What would you call that? Patreon setup.

Unknown_03: Oh, you left it on a Patreon post?

Unknown_03: No, I left it on her website, but it wasn't long after she made the changes to her Patreon. You see what I'm saying?

Unknown_00: Oh, right. Okay, so it was around the same time everything was happening.

Unknown_03: Right, right.

Unknown_03: When I made that post, that's when she took down her YouTube channel and took down her Patreon.

Unknown_00: It was shortly after she had those posts?

Unknown_03: Yes. I can't help but think, I mean, I don't cuss. I don't insult people by name-calling. On occasion, me and Roxo might have at it in the chat.

Unknown_03: Typically speaking, I'm not one for foul language and name-calling and so on and so forth.

Unknown_03: Give me one moment. I can show you the tweet of Marwitz, at least, about the Patreon thing.

Unknown_00: but in uh are you saying that in this post it wasn't offensive or that you were particularly kind of vulgar in it oh it wasn't it wasn't offensive i wouldn't i wouldn't call it any names and i wouldn't threaten and i wouldn't you know use any curse words um you know that's just not that's just not me i don't yeah

Unknown_03: It's not how I do things.

Unknown_03: The closest I come to that when it comes to Margaret is I sit at home and I'm like, I'm mumbling with my breath. I'm like, why are you? I can't believe you did something. I can't remember. That's about as close about that as I ever came to Margaret after reading something she did on Twitter. I would like to see this tweet if you happen to have it. I'm about to send it your way.

Unknown_02: So between her getting her computer and I guess now, do you think, have you been trying to get into touch with her or?

Unknown_03: Look, I've long since, I have tried getting touched with this year, but not here recently. It's been four or five months since I've, probably six months since I've attempted to have contact with Margaret and expect her to respond back to me in a civilized, decent way.

Unknown_03: Um, like, you know, I'm making this video, but this making this video is not my, my first option. My first option was just to send her a DM and just, and just, you know, ask her what's going on, asking her so on and so forth, you know, and she just stopped replying. She wouldn't never, never reply. So I, you know, I started making it more public, you know, on, on, on, under her tweets. Hopefully that it would, it would, make her respond.

Unknown_03: And so, you know, screenshots of her saying different things that prove my point.

Unknown_03: Um, and yet again, she didn't, she wouldn't respond. And so I went and turned up, turned up to maximum and I challenged her to a Kumite, you know, I was going to pay a hundred dollars. I, you know, she was talking about how, you know, her time was cost a lot of money and time is money and so on and so forth. I said, Hey, if Margaret McLennan will accept my challenge, I will pay her a hundred dollars for her time or donate that hundred dollars to any charity that she picks.

Unknown_03: That's what I told Failure and Tonka at the time. So Failure said, yeah, that sounds like a pretty good deal to me. And he sent her a tweet saying, hey, you've been challenged to Kumite. And the next day, I wake up and she blocks me. And she blocks me because she's going to tell failure something she doesn't want me to see. And the things she tells failure is a whole list of things that some is true, some is not, and some is completely outrageous. About things she says. So basically she makes this stuff up. To give herself a legitimate reason. For why she's not going to accept my challenge on a Kumite.

Unknown_00: So for a while you were kind of. In her Twitter. As like a reply on her public tweets. You were kind of like pointing out like. Hey how come you're not keeping up with these obligations. With your live streams. Right. And then after a while, you tried to get her to appear on Church of Failure's show, the Kumite. And I guess she kind of backed out of it, saying that she didn't feel safe or something. What was her reason?

Unknown_03: Basically. She basically said...

Unknown_03: See, Margaret, she's not completely stupid. She knows how to say things, but it's not legally binding. She can say things where people get her point without being legally binding.

Unknown_00: What did she say about you to save face with not showing up on the commentary?

Unknown_03: One thing, she alluded to me being a serial killer. She called you a serial killer? She alluded to me being a serial killer.

Unknown_00: How did she allude to it without just saying it?

Unknown_03: Yeah, I know it sounds strange. So basically she says, the individual that's challenging me lives 20 miles away from where three women were killed.

Unknown_03: And one woman is missing.

Unknown_00: Is that true?

Unknown_03: It's true. I do live in the same city that that did happen. I mean...

Unknown_03: I mean, she docks my city, by the way. But hey, it's true. That did happen in my city. And I'm not 20 miles away from it, I don't think. It's on the other end of town. I mean, I'm in a county, and I would have to go to town and then go on the other side of town to get to where this location was at, that these bodies was found and so on and so forth. So

Unknown_00: Yeah, that'd be pretty inconvenient to do. I mean, hey, and I made a point to, you know, underneath the tweets.

Unknown_03: I'm like, hey, if you think I did it, then you should feel obligated to call the police.

Unknown_00: Right. Do you think she was joking at all, or do you think that was like an actual attempt?

Unknown_03: I think it was an attempt to get—it wasn't a joke. See, Roxo was swear up and down that, hey, she's just joking, she's joking, blah, blah, blah.

Unknown_03: She didn't do it in a joking way. I'm autistic, and that's true enough, right? It's possible that jokes can slip past me, definitely. This wasn't a joke because it was also included with other things to also disgrace my name. So for one, she's talking about me buying stuff with my mother's credit card for gifts, buying her gifts with my mother's credit card, for example, right?

Unknown_03: Is that true? Which has a grain of truth to it. So my mom and father, like I said, they're a generation above me. So they're older than most parents would be. Um, when, when they became parents, when they, when they adopted me. So they're, they're, they're older and the spectrum boomers and they don't know much about computers and stuff. So what happened was, is, is I opened an account, an Amazon account, um, from my mother and father. So they can, they can use, use it, um, and order stuff they need from Amazon. So we, as a family, we share an account.

Unknown_03: And we share a card. Now the card is my mother's name because the stuff that they order is shipped to their house.

Unknown_03: And so what happens is if I order something, I just send my mom the money, and it goes to my credit card to save money and get points. So I send my mom the money, and she pays for it immediately, and jobs are good.

Unknown_03: That's why the card is in her name for Amazon.

Unknown_00: I guess she saw on her on the donation of the power supply unit that she saw the donator was a woman and she just kind of assumed that was your mom and said that you were like stealing the card.

Unknown_03: I suppose that's what she was getting at. Basically, she was implying that, you know, I was a sad individual buying her gifts for my mother's credit card. You know, a basement dwelling, you know, mama's boy, I suppose, you know.

Unknown_03: You know, the stereotypical, you know, mouth-breathing geek, right? Yeah.

Unknown_00: Did you buy her any other gifts besides the power supply and that?

Unknown_03: Yeah, I did, but it wasn't anything but tools for her setup. For example, a sound-canceling phone.

Unknown_00: Oh, acoustic phone.

Unknown_03: Yeah, acoustic phone. Another thing is a mic stand.

Unknown_00: Right, and this was all on her wish list at the time?

Unknown_03: Yeah, everything was on the wish list.

Unknown_00: Okay, so you bought her a couple things to help her with her live streaming stuff. I can get why you'd be mad that she would not live stream afterwards. Do you have an idea how much you spent altogether for the stuff?

Unknown_03: I don't know. Probably $500 total.

Unknown_00: So the power supply was $300, right?

Unknown_03: So maybe $200 and stuff.

Unknown_00: Somebody said $700 in voice chat earlier. I know.

Unknown_03: They sent a lot of things. It's not true.

Unknown_00: Well, did you happen to send anything after the fact, like a couple months later? A couple months later when?

Unknown_03: I mean, what are you talking about?

Unknown_00: well after after she got her her computer set together he said that'd be about five yeah yeah i mean that that was after the that was i've sent the the canceling foam at the computer stuff did you get her i mean was that the only part that you got her or a graphics card or anything like that no no no that's like i said the guy donated a graphics card i donated power supply

Unknown_03: I can eat if you if you You know give me your word you're not going to spread his name around I'll give you his Twitter and you can contact hit the guy that gave her the GPU You know in a They so so basically like you know I said I gave so I saw things that she needed that she was missing like sound cancelling things a mic stand for a Blue Yeti a

Unknown_03: Um, and so on and so forth. And so I bought these missing things that she needed for her setup.

Unknown_03: Um, and I, you know, I guess I, I shouldn't have bought all that stuff. I, I, I just, I was just trying to help.

Unknown_03: Um, that was it. Um, I, I, I.

Unknown_03: I mean, I did anonymously as well.

Unknown_03: I didn't put in like, oh, this is from Kenny Jones. How you doing, Marvin? It was all anonymous and stuff. I thought she needed it. Actually, she did need it. She needed it and just sent it in her direction.

Unknown_00: Who was the guy that got the card?

Unknown_03: I'll link his Twitter. Give me a moment to go on Twitter for a moment.

Unknown_02: While this was going on, by the way, did she block your Twitter accounts?

Unknown_00: Did you have to make other ones to get around it?

Unknown_00: Yep.

Unknown_00: Any idea how many Twitter accounts she ended up blocking?

Unknown_02: Probably five or so.

Unknown_03: Like I said, I was trying to get my point across and stuff still with facts and evidence and

Unknown_03: And, uh, you know, she, she wasn't taking, she wasn't having a, you know, she didn't see what she wasn't happy about being exposed.

Unknown_03: Um, and stuff.

Unknown_00: Yeah.

Unknown_00: Did you, uh, did you see other people kind of tweeting these kinds of messages too? Or was it, uh, mostly, uh, I were calling her out.

Unknown_03: Everyone else pretty much gave up.

Unknown_03: Um, for the most part, everybody else, you know, some people, uh,

Unknown_03: There was a select few people that's major fanboys.

Unknown_03: They basically are doormats for Margaret.

Unknown_03: That's pretty much the best summary I can give you of them as individuals. Can you find that guy's Twitter?

Unknown_03: I'm trying to find it.

Unknown_03: His name's Rob.

Unknown_03: See, I'm not on my typical Twitter. I'm on my alternate Twitter on my computer.

Unknown_03: So usually I can just go to the DMs and find them that way.

Unknown_00: Oh, yeah. Did you and Rob kind of talk about trying to get her to go back to doing live streaming and stuff?

Unknown_03: We discussed it.

Unknown_03: Rob is a medical guy. He's in the medical field.

Unknown_03: And he doesn't have the time, basically, to deal with internet women's. In which I should have been...

Unknown_03: If I didn't invest so much money, I guess, if I didn't put so much time and effort into it, I guess I would be in the same boat as some of these other individuals. Who cares? Because he asked for all these things, because I'm one of her primary supporters and stuff,

Unknown_03: I have a lot more incentive to keep on going and to keep on asking and keep on seeing where's the stuff at, Margaret? Where's the videos at, Margaret? You said you're going to do this, Margaret. Where's the stuff at now? You said that she had a Discord channel, right? She did. She deleted when people were starting to call her out on her Discord. Not just me, but her other fans are starting to call out on her Discord.

Unknown_00: Do you engage her on Discord as well?

Unknown_03: Yeah, I tried to.

Unknown_00: Did you go through a couple accounts with that too?

Unknown_03: No.

Unknown_00: No, just one? No, just one.

Unknown_03: No, I couldn't.

Unknown_03: I promised these guys I wouldn't make another account. I found a loophole by getting my brother to make an account.

Unknown_03: But we didn't do much with that account either. Yeah.

Unknown_03: It didn't matter anyway.

Unknown_00: The fake Kenny in the voice chat was kind of hinting at you got in trouble with your work for a while?

Unknown_03: Yeah.

Unknown_03: Give me a minute to log into my Twitter. I'm going to concentrate instead of talking on this thing.

Unknown_02: But that's a...

Unknown_02: Instinct story that you might want to hear definitely

Unknown_02: Okay, the Twitter handle is at Rickster, so it's the at symbol with lowercase r, lowercase c, lowercase k, lowercase i, lowercase s, lowercase e, lowercase r.

Unknown_03: And he used to come up, he has a black and white little image.

Unknown_00: So you and this guy kind of, uh, pout around talking about, uh, confronting her in different ways to, uh, try and get her back to obliging the.

Unknown_03: We, we discussed it, but he didn't, we discussed it, but he didn't really have time for, like I said, he didn't really get involved with the, trying to get it back on.

Unknown_03: Um,

Unknown_03: Like, he's the graphics card guy. He's the guy, right? If, you know, Roxo will tell you all day long, Kenny donated a graphics card. Kenny donated a graphics card. It was Kenny, Kenny, Kenny, Kenny. This is the guy. Please, you know, if you contact him, ask him, and he says, I donated a graphics card, please feel free to tell Roxo that I did not donate a graphics card.

Unknown_03: Right.

Unknown_02: He can't.

Unknown_03: Okay, so now you want to talk about a job thing, right?

Unknown_00: I'm just curious about how that came back to you. Was it her directly? No, no, no.

Unknown_03: It wasn't her directly. When she called me a serial killer, I used my account for my work as well. Your Twitter account?

Unknown_01: Yeah.

Unknown_03: Yeah, my Twitter account. People know me from my Twitter account. So I'm a field researcher for the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in North Carolina. And they have a zero tolerance policy, which means if you get a certain amount of complaints, regardless of what the complaints are for, you get in trouble.

Unknown_03: so that's what's your, you know, zero tolerance, blah, blah, blah. So, so two people came in raising concerns about basically, you know, them saying, Hey, this individual says that this guy is a serial killer. Is that true? Is he under investigation and blah, blah, blah. Right. So basically they had to file those other complaints and that was two complaints and that was three months of me without pay.

Unknown_03: Um, and you know, that was, that was pretty much it. So because of Margaret's lie, uh, in,

Unknown_03: eluding lie, or whatever you want to call it, I got suspended without pay and stuff, which made me really mad because here's Margaret making a better life for herself with a computer that it was my idea and I'm helping her out with that. Her life is significantly better off because of the computer and stuff. She can only work at home. Because of her disease. So she's saying on Twitter how much her life is improving, how many things she's got set. And here she is doing so well with something I helped out with. And then basically she does the opposite to me.

Unknown_03: She taunts my reputation.

Unknown_03: Instead of me making more money, she costs me money. She costs me my job. You know, that's personal. You know, it starts getting personal then.

Unknown_00: Was it just her fans or randoms or did she complain at all?

Unknown_03: Like I said, I don't think she had any direct involvement in it. Right. It was basically just a side effect of something that she did. Right.

Unknown_00: And so you said that you got pretty mad and you got suspended, which is pretty understandable. I'd be pretty pissed, too.

Unknown_00: Did you do anything to her while you were suspended or after suspended or?

Unknown_03: Nothing, nothing illegal. And I would I'd never threatened to call any called it any kind of name that, you know, that she wasn't deserving of. Right. Right. You know, I might call her a cheater, right? Something like that, because, you know, she seemed like she kind of cheaters out stuff, right? But I didn't call her, you know, derogatory names like whore or, you know, something stupid like that, because she's not a whore. You know, she's, you know, as far as I know, I mean, it's none of my business, but as far as I know, she's not. So I don't call, I never called her a name that I haven't felt that she deserves.

Unknown_00: Right.

Unknown_00: And I didn't mean to imply that you did. I'm just curious, were you trying to talk to her about it on Twitter or anything?

Unknown_03: By that time, the talking was over. Another thing I tried was I was trying to find a third party...

Unknown_03: A go-between between me and Margaret. What's the word for?

Unknown_00: Like a negotiator?

Unknown_03: Yeah, like an ambassador between us. An intermediary. That's what I'm looking for. So I was trying to find an intermediary between us. Somebody that can communicate between us. So we can establish communication between me and her. Or just settle things between this third party.

Unknown_01: Mm-hmm.

Unknown_03: And Ralph was one individual I tried. Okay, so that's how Ralph got involved because you talked to him trying to get some help dealing with her.

Unknown_03: Right, right. So one of the things I asked him to do was maybe write a story about it. He was writing stories at the time. I said, I have the evidence. I'm not asking you to write a hit piece. I just want the truth out there. You know, I give you my evidence. Feel free to look into it and write the story, you know.

Unknown_03: But he basically didn't want to get involved because Margaret's a friend of his.

Unknown_01: Hmm.

Unknown_03: And, you know, that's a legitimate reason. I couldn't complain too much about that. I mean, I can't blame the man.

Unknown_03: I asked him to be the intermediary between me and Margaret. You know, I was willing to pay him for it. Still, that was, you know, this was before he was big. This was before Kill Street got real big, you know.

Unknown_03: Um, so, you know, he, you know, he still, he declined. Um, I tried another woman, um, the, uh, the person that owns World Warfare Media is, Warfare Media is a pretty small company that has, you know, maybe 10 employees. And so I contacted her saying, you know, hey, if you could, you know, help me establish, establish communication with my, like, you know,

Unknown_03: be an intermediary, so I can work things out and get this thing settled. I want to put an end to it at that point because I lost my job and I want to put an end to it.

Unknown_03: That didn't work out. It didn't work out as it was supposed to. I never sent her an email or anything on this issue. I never sent her emails or anything.

Unknown_03: This is around the time I got the private detective. So here's the private detective when he comes in. So...

Unknown_03: So I didn't know much at time about how to go about lawsuits and what can be sued for what and so on and so forth. I didn't know much about it.

Unknown_03: I never had to sue anyone in my life. I never got sued. So the only thing I knew was from watching television is you had to have papers subbed to the individual and had them sign them.

Unknown_03: And so to do that, you had to have basically her address. And so what I was going to do was I was looking for myself a lawyer. And at the same time, I figured I killed two birds with one stone and have a private detective be looking for an address and phone number and me be finding a lawyer at the same time.

Unknown_03: And, you know, that was my train of thought. And, you know, money, you know, I'm not hunting for money, but, you know, money was a little bit tighter than usual because I just, you know, I'm two months in without pay.

Unknown_03: And so, like I said, I'm looking for a cheaper way of doing things than me going out and finding a super expensive private detective. And I'm looking for online, and I'm typing private detective, and these private detectives are listed on Fiverr, a few of them. And I said, well, hey, get it pretty cheap. That man gives me a price. And I figured, hey, a private detective is a private detective. I didn't really know about licenses and stuff at the time, but I didn't know private detectives had to have a license. And so I said, hey, what I need is I need an address. I need a phone number.

Unknown_03: A man said, I'll do it. He gets the phone number, but he doesn't get the address. He still wants to get paid for it. I said, I ain't going to pay you. I'm not going to pay the same price just for a stinking phone number. That's not what we talked about. I said, I want an address and I want a phone number.

Unknown_03: Then he starts getting upset and stuff. I said, all right, fine. Here's your money.

Unknown_03: And, you know, then, you know, he comes back at me, you know, basically, you know, give me another chance. I think I can really do something. And me, like a fool, I give him another chance.

Unknown_03: And, you know, then that's when he starts trying to blackmail me, $3,000 out of me, or I'm going to go tell Margaret you're looking for her. I said, well, I'm not paying her $3,000, so go ahead and do it. And so he did it. And so Margaret had a field day on Twitter talking about me being a stalker. And that's when Keenan the Stalker began. So I went from Kenny the Twitter serial killer to Kenny the Twitter serial killer stalker.

Unknown_00: so the private detector basically just to kind of go back and review this you went on I think Fiverr to find somebody to help you find a servicing address for her so that you could file litigation against her and after he came back with only a phone number he said he weren't going to pay him and he tried to extort you for several thousand dollars it sounds like did you pay or did you not pay

Unknown_03: No, I did not pay him that money. I'm paying him $3,000 to keep him quiet. One, it's no guarantee he's going to actually keep quiet.

Unknown_03: Two, even if he wasn't going to keep quiet, I wouldn't pay him that kind of money for something like that. The kind of money that he's asking for is something that somebody is guilty. If I was hiring him to be an assassin... or something stupid like that, then that's the kind of money that people that's doing something illegal would pay. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm doing everything within the law.

Unknown_03: Go ahead and tell Molly. Sure, I would prefer if she didn't know because...

Unknown_03: Because just like that happened, she got the wrong idea and she spread the wrong idea out there. And everybody thinks I'm a stalker. But, you know, it's not illegal. Do you have any correspondence with this private detective that he could have shown her to give you that impression?

Unknown_00: Or did he just say...

Unknown_00: Did you say anything to him about what had happened? Did you give him any kind of background? And he kind of showed that to her, that kind of gave her the impression that she was being stalked? I mean, we communicated through Discord as well.

Unknown_03: So I got some of the things, I think, if I'm not mistaken.

Unknown_03: Um, but, but basically, I mean, uh, I, I don't, he, he wasn't, he's, he's, he wasn't English. That's another thing. So we had a fear to communicate most of the time. So whether, I don't know if I told him the story, but I don't know how much of it he actually understood. Um, you know, so on and so forth. Um, but yeah, I did tell him the story, I think. And, but how much he understood, I don't know.

Unknown_03: of it.

Unknown_00: Yeah. But he just saw an opportunity to make a little bit more money and trying to keep her from, from knowing that you were looking her up. Yeah, pretty much.

Unknown_03: I think, I think in his mind, like, I think he thought I was doing something illegal. Yeah. And so he was trying to hold it over me to get more money out of me.

Unknown_03: Um,

Unknown_03: you know, which like I said, I didn't, I wouldn't do anything illegal. So I was like, well, go ahead and do it.

Unknown_00: And he did. Did he ever get you her address or was it just the phone number? No, no, I never, I never got her address.

Unknown_00: So did you ever call her with that phone number or app?

Unknown_03: No, I never called her that phone number. Did you post it anywhere? I told him not to call her that phone number, but he did anyway.

Unknown_03: Oh, is that how he told her over the phone? Yeah, he told her by text message, I believe. Oh, okay. And she posted the text message she got on Twitter.

Unknown_00: Oh, is that still public by any chance?

Unknown_03: Yeah, somewhere, somewhere on the Twitter. It says, you know, Kenny, you know, Kenny Jones, Kenny is the one that hired me to look into you and so on and so forth or something like that. Yeah. So she got down on the phone.

Unknown_00: I think I remember, I think I remember in voice chat, somebody said that you did call her. Is that true?

Unknown_03: No.

Unknown_03: She's gotten calls from people from different numbers or some of those lines or something. Here's the thing.

Unknown_03: I'm not a coward.

Unknown_03: If I wanted to call Margaret, I wouldn't use a third-party phone. I'd just use my phone. You know, I don't, there's nothing I had, like, there's nothing I had to lose. Like, there's nothing, you see what I'm saying? Like, the reason I don't call Margaret, well, there's two reasons. One, because she, you know, she didn't give me her number, therefore it's not polite to call her. And two, you know, even if I did call her, once she knew who I was and heard my voice, she would hang up and block the number, you know.

Unknown_00: How would she know your voice? It wouldn't get me anywhere, right?

Unknown_03: So.

Unknown_03: How would she recognize your voice?

Unknown_03: We've talked doing a game stream before.

Unknown_00: Oh, okay.

Unknown_00: Has she ever explicitly said, don't contact me? Has she ever gotten a restraining order or anything like that?

Unknown_03: Never once. That's another strange thing I never understood about Margaret. You would think she would say eventually, don't contact me. Don't talk to me.

Unknown_03: I'm sick of hearing from you. But instead, she just don't say anything.

Unknown_03: That's as far as it went. On Twitter, on Discord, she never said it. I don't understand. You would think that she would say that, but she never did. I can't explain why she didn't.

Unknown_03: If she hated my guts as much as she appears to hate my guts, then that's what I would do if I was in a position. But she never did. Um,

Unknown_03: I don't know. I, I, I, you know, I was the only person in her, in her discord, in her live streams, in her Twitter and everything else that never, never once made a, uh, you know, a lewd comment nor a, uh, you know, a pickup line towards it. Right. I never tried it. Um, she said not to, to her fans, you know, as a whole. And I, I respected that. I said, okay, I never crossed that line and I never did. Um,

Unknown_03: As far as I know, I followed all the rules to the letter, like I do in Ralph's Discord. I followed the rules to the letter.

Unknown_00: Have you considered following through with your litigation? I tried it, and basically it would be more trouble than it's worth.

Unknown_03: What do you mean by that?

Unknown_00: Did you consult a lawyer? Did you file anything? Yes, yes, yes.

Unknown_03: I talked to a lawyer, and he said it would be more trouble than it's worth because it would be an international lawsuit.

Unknown_03: Oh. So it'd be United States and Canada.

Unknown_00: Oh, I didn't know she was Canadian. That does complicate things, doesn't it?

Unknown_03: Oh, yes. She's from Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Unknown_00: Okay.

Unknown_03: Canada. And you just know the city, you don't know where her address is? No, no. She publicly gave her city. That's not private information.

Unknown_03: My city was private information until she doxed my city, but hey, apparently I'm the one that's guilty of doxing somehow. At least in Ralph's mind, I'm a stalker and I'm the guilty party in Ralph's mind. I don't know how he comes to that conclusion, but he's publicly called me a stalker twice on Discord.

Unknown_00: Well, uh, they, uh, they mentioned like a video. Is it true that you're working on like an expose video?

Unknown_03: Yes. Yes. I'm, I'm, I'm on a, I'm on a third and final step as right now. Um, you know, I paid someone to do the editing and stuff and, and put all the pieces together and, you know, all the fiber money chance, right?

Unknown_03: Yes. I hired some all fiber.

Unknown_03: Yeah. Look, look, but, but video editing isn't, isn't like, uh,

Unknown_03: You would think, one, this person's American.

Unknown_03: Two, I've already talked to them in Discord voice chat, and they understand what needs to be done.

Unknown_00: Where was the first guy from? I beg your pardon? Where was the first guy from, the guy that extorted you? Who knows?

Unknown_03: Egypt, somewhere, Bangladesh. Bangladesh, that is pretty fucking far.

Unknown_00: That's about as far away as you can get.

Unknown_03: I don't. He wasn't from...

Unknown_03: He was a pain to talk to and anything else. I don't think I ever talked to him through voice. I think we tried one time.

Unknown_00: He wasn't Bhutanese by any chance, was he? He couldn't be Zidane.

Unknown_03: Oh, it wasn't Zidane. It wasn't Zidane. So how much are you paying this guy to edit your video, just out of curiosity?

Unknown_00: Because it seems like it's a pretty straightforward project. $100. How long is the video? How long do you think it will be?

Unknown_03: About 10 minutes.

Unknown_00: And it's just going over what we've talked about?

Unknown_03: basically it's it's going over the pay yeah basically yeah with evidence and context i had to pay a voice actor that's another you know that paid that cost me some too and i had to pay somebody to write the script it cost me some too did you pay about a hundred dollars per per person or yeah yeah i did

Unknown_00: So this video, I guess it's going to be kind of professionally produced because you paid a writer to kind of sort through your story and write a thing for you, and you paid a voice actor to narrate it for you, and you paid somebody to edit it professionally as well.

Unknown_03: That's right. That's right.

Unknown_00: So it should be pretty hard-hitting then, hopefully.

Unknown_03: If everything goes as planned, it will be a decent video. I'm not going to say it's going to be a slobber knocker, a stone cold stunner or something like that. This video, the primary reason I'm making it is to put closure. I want to have something to put closure for myself.

Unknown_03: More than anything. Because I've been dealing with this for almost a year and a half. I'm tired. Roxo is not the first person I've had to deal with. That chat and that Discord and people on Twitter and throughout other Discords, Wikipedia Discord, Wikipedia... Wikipedia Discord? Yeah, I've been the butt of the joke from here to...

Unknown_03: It does.

Unknown_03: To Bangladesh?

Unknown_01: To Bangladesh.

Unknown_03: That's right. To Bangladesh.

Unknown_03: I'm sick of it. I'm tired of it. You know,

Unknown_03: I mean, I had personal issues with dealing with the same period when Margaret was not doing what she was supposed to do with a computer. My father died in 2017 from cancer. I had neurosurgery in November. to help take care of an aneurysm. My brother died a few months ago in 2018. And it's just, you know, mentally speaking, I'm not all that stable. And I'm fed up with this nonsense.

Unknown_00: It seems like this should be at the bottom of your list of concerns.

Unknown_03: Yeah, I'm trying to put an end to it. That's what the video's for. It's for me to put an end to this dead topic, this dry subject.

Unknown_03: But unfortunately, you got these individuals starting nonsense in the Discord over there. So if Margaret watches that video and she goes on Twitter and uses it against me, even after that video, I might can't still let it go because when they search for my name, I'm going to be on the internet with all these accusations and accusing and so on and so forth.

Unknown_03: And you can only put an end to it if you take care of it not too long after it happened, not two years down the line.

Unknown_00: And my thought, though, is that if you were trying to put an end to it, and this video was closure to you, but you recognize that retaliation might cause you to spur into it again, come back to this, and continue trying to confront Margaret, you'd think you'd maybe not want to make the video.

Unknown_03: I spent all this money on this video. I just cannot leave it on the cut moon floor. Well, you can finish it.

Unknown_00: You can watch it yourself. Watch it.

Unknown_03: That's not going to help other individuals from falling for a trap. It's not going to help another individual from making my mistake. I mean, if I help one individual not succumb to Margaret's good looks and whatever else,

Unknown_03: like I, you know, well, I didn't, it wasn't a good looks I've succumbed to, but like succumb to a good looks and donate money. I think she's going to do something. If I just convince one individual to think twice, that's something at least that, you know, that's someone benefited from my lesson that I've, you know, I've learned. I can't, I can't just leave it for myself to watch. I mean, it's ridiculous.

Unknown_00: So is your objective then to kind of cut her off from, from support?

Unknown_03: Well, it's to be a warning, you know, warning to us to somewhat attempt, which I doubt is going to ever happen, but to attempt to clear my name somewhat and to have the real story in a clear, you know, undisputed fashion with proof and evidence that's given, you know.

Unknown_03: And stuff.

Unknown_03: But I wouldn't be surprised that after this stupid kill stream that I'll be hearing from Mr. Medica. And I'll be his next Ross.

Unknown_00: Well, hopefully you're not a pedophile. I don't think you would go... I'm saying the law cow aspect of Ross. Jim's unpredictable. I don't know if he would consider you material enough for that kind of thing.

Unknown_03: If he gets Roxo's story, and that's the story he's gotten, then yeah, I'd be interesting to him.

Unknown_03: But Mr. Medica is the kind of individual that actually looks into things, so I doubt once he knows that there's

Unknown_03: Once he sees that there's some decent reason for the things I did, I don't think he would care too much.

Unknown_00: Maybe. But ideally, I mean, after this video comes out, you said it's partly trying to clear your name, but also as a warning. Do you think that in an ideal world after this comes out, would you have any patrons? Would you have any kind of supporters? The Patreon's gone. Well, how is, uh, how is she collecting support from, from donors and stuff? Does she actually have right now?

Unknown_03: She's pretty much not collecting support. Um, but, uh, but she's, she's trying, she's still trying to ask people for PayPal donations and so on. And so, and Bitcoin and stuff.

Unknown_00: So, uh, and so ideally after this video, nobody would be donating to her on PayPal or through Bitcoin.

Unknown_03: Right. Right. Hopefully.

Unknown_00: You mentioned, just really briefly, you mentioned the Wikipedia Discord. Have you tried amending this information to her Wikipedia pages? Does she have one?

Unknown_03: Wikipedia Discord. No, no, no. Encyclopedia Dramatica Discord.

Unknown_00: Oh, okay. So you were trying to compile this information on the ED article for Thursday.

Unknown_03: Right. See, here's the thing.

Unknown_03: When I went to... I don't know much about... I don't really know that much about Reddit. I don't know much about 4chan or 8chan or Tumblr.

Unknown_03: I'm just about as close to a normie as you can get without being a normie.

Unknown_03: When it comes to your website and to Encyclopedia Dramatica, I didn't understand that it's a

Unknown_03: it's supposed to be a kind of, at least it's not gonna be too dramatic. I didn't understand that it wasn't just accumulation of information. It was accumulation of negative information, right? It's to make fun of the individual, not just accumulation of information itself, right? So I didn't know that. And so when I posted, I went on a website and I posted, I basically copied and pasted basic information about Margaret. I was gonna put that information up there. And then later on, put down other information about what she did. But before I had a chance to, I got banned for what they call spam.

Unknown_03: Because basically, the thing that I posted wasn't funny and insulting enough.

Unknown_03: Uh, and I didn't, I didn't realize that was the idea. And so I went to, I went to the discord to see if I can get myself unbanned, uh, for spamming and, and so on and so forth. And, you know, they ate me alive. What can I say?

Unknown_00: So spam, spam's a kind of particular ban though. I can't imagine that you got banned just for, you know, trying to append something they didn't like. Like, did you try to make a bunch of articles on there or did you, did you try to resubmit the same information multiple times or?

Unknown_03: no no spam one time i i mean i made a i made a page for myself um just just a placeholder uh but just spam i mean i did those i did those two pages i think on the same day uh a placeholder for myself i didn't know any better you know uh page article yeah well i didn't really make put anything on it i don't think i put anything on it have they added information since No, no. One guy said he might now that, you know, I've been the lamb to his thought over there, you know, which, hey, if you will, if they want to add me, you have at it. But it's just that, you know, that's all I did. I didn't constantly put stuff up there and I got banned for spam for that one time. And I went to him and I told him that and I explained to him and I, you know, And they asked me, well, what did you do? I said, well, I tried to make a post about this woman. Why did you try to make a post about this woman? Well, I donated, you know. So you're trying to, you know, did us wrong about on Patreon and me donating computer parts and stuff. And, well, you know, they basically went and turned to a rock so on me, right?

Unknown_03: That's it, you know.

Unknown_00: You mentioned rock so a lot. Are there other people who kind of get your goat on the kill stream?

Unknown_03: They eat me alive.

Unknown_00: Is it, uh, like, is it, like, well, besides Roxo, is it, like, Negro Joe? Who else is the, uh... He eats me alive.

Unknown_03: Caesar eats me alive. Um, and everybody, everybody pretty much eats me alive. They all eat me alive.

Unknown_00: They eat me alive. Why do you stay on the kill stream?

Unknown_03: I stay on the kill stream, uh...

Unknown_03: I was still on Killstream to let as many people know about my videos as possible. And once the video comes out and I've done a decent amount, a little bit of promotion for it, you know, I'm going to disappear off the internet entirely. You know, just gone. Kaboom. Gone. No Twitter, no Discord, no YouTube. Gone. Off. And, you know, like I said, there's some individuals that simply aren't meant to be on the internet. And I'm one of them.

Unknown_03: Um, And this is a prime example of what happens when an individual that isn't meant to be on the internet attempts to be on the internet.

Unknown_00: Yeah, so I don't know. You seem very aware that people online would be kind of cruel to you. I'm just kind of confused why, if you have this job, and I've been told that your job pays well, it pays about $6,000 a month, which is really nice.

Unknown_00: I'm just curious why you wouldn't just give up on this chick, why you wouldn't just move on and find somebody else.

Unknown_03: Because she made it personal.

Unknown_00: Well, did she make it personal before you got suspended from work?

Unknown_03: No, not really.

Unknown_03: Why didn't you give it up before then, though?

Unknown_03: I don't know. Like I said, I invested a lot of time and money in it, and I just wanted her to stop making content again.

Unknown_00: It seems like it would be better just not to associate or follow her content.

Unknown_03: Well, I was not even stupid at time.

Unknown_00: See, my thought now is, uh, you mentioned that she, she made it personal by going after your work, right?

Unknown_03: Well, that's what made it personal when she did what she did in my name. That's what made it personal.

Unknown_00: Do you think that by making this video, people might eat you alive, as you say, again?

Unknown_03: That doesn't matter because I won't be here.

Unknown_00: What do you mean you won't be there?

Unknown_03: I won't be online. Like I said, I'm leaving the internet.

Unknown_00: Okay, but you're still going to be working your job, right? People are still going to know where you work.

Unknown_03: Well, my job's changed slightly, so I don't work at the place anymore, so I don't have to worry about the zero-tolerance as much so i don't work at the museum i work you know i'm out in the field solely now so there's i don't have any interaction with the public do you get paid by the museum yeah yeah the same the same thing i get paid the same but i'm just solely solely a researcher before i had i was a researcher and a lab kind of guy but now but now i'm um you know solely uh you know out in the field and

Unknown_03: You know, I mean, so now I can't be affected by that zero tolerance thing. If they want to show up at that thing, I just, you know, I mean, there's nothing that can happen to me now.

Unknown_00: I don't know. I'm going to be careful with that.

Unknown_03: Well, I don't.

Unknown_03: Yeah, I would say it doesn't – there's nothing that can – there's nothing that can happen with my job now.

Unknown_03: Not with a zero tolerance policy thing in mind.

Unknown_03: If I end up getting – I just don't see me getting fired for it. If I do get fired for it, then yeah.

Unknown_00: I mean, especially if you're considering that this video might get Jim to do a video on you.

Unknown_03: No, no, no. I didn't say Jim was going to do a video because of my video. I was talking about Jim might do a video because the nonsense made by the kill stream today or this morning or whatever you call it.

Unknown_00: And you're 100% certain that if Jim sees your side of the story presented in this video that you're creating, he will not do a video on you.

Unknown_03: I'm pretty sure. I mean, I'm not that much of a locale.

Unknown_03: I don't think so. I mean, hey, look, if Jim wants to do a video of me, like, you know, hey, I do it. I mean, I talk to him.

Unknown_03: I do it. But, I mean, I don't think I'm on the category level of anybody he deals with. I would hate to think that I'm that sick in the head um if i was truly stalking margaret if i was you know basically in her trash can digging up toenail clippings right that would be the kind of gem story that i'm thinking right

Unknown_00: Even if Jim doesn't do a video, what's immediately going to happen following the release of this video is that Ralph is going to watch it, and he's probably going to watch it with Margaret, and they're probably going to talk about it line by line.

Unknown_03: Okay. Look, I got to do something with my name.

Unknown_03: I got to do something to warn people.

Unknown_03: I got to do something with the money I spent and the time I've invested in this.

Unknown_03: You know, it's not just something that I can say, well, you know, I changed my mind. You know, there's a certain amount of, you know, commitment already being committed here. You know, I would be lying if I said I don't care about my job. I care about my job. It's my dream job. You know, it means nothing to the people in Discord. It's laughable to these guys.

Unknown_00: But if it's your dream job, why would you jeopardize it? Because you say there's nothing they can do to your job. There's no zero tolerance policy. But, I mean, if they go after you because it's the same place at work, and if they continue to complain about you because of alleged harassment with this woman, don't you think that that's going to jeopardize even that relationship? But you have to do it in person, though.

Unknown_03: So no two individuals came in person. You can't just make a phone call.

Unknown_00: Yeah, you can.

Unknown_00: There was a guy who got fired from his job as a trash man over internet comments. And all they did was comment on the garbage company's website and he got fired from it. He was not allowed to collect trash for them after internet comments.

Unknown_03: I'm trying to explain the policy at a museum.

Unknown_00: But, okay, the policy of the museum is just rules. It's like, this is the typical case, but if you get like a gym video and a thousand people contact your place of work, the policy really doesn't matter. They're not bound to be that protective of you.

Unknown_03: I agree.

Unknown_03: I agree. So it would be very bad if that happened, right?

Unknown_00: You would agree with that?

Unknown_03: If that was the scenario...

Unknown_03: Yes, it would be very bad. However, the chances are very extremely slim.

Unknown_00: There's zero right now. There's a 0% chance that 1,000 people would harass your place of work right now. There is a non-zero chance that would happen if you publish this video.

Unknown_03: Actually, there's a higher chance right now because someone went on the kill stream in front of 3,000 people.

Unknown_03: And, you know, impersonated me. Right. So that now is a higher chance. So actually, you know, a gym, a gym, a gym video wouldn't actually increase all that much, you know, after something like that.

Unknown_03: This is my name. This is my name. Kenny Jones, right? So when that guy went out there and they put Kenny Jones with my logo, which I'm pleased he did, with my logo, that's when, you know, look up Kenny Jones. 3,000 people saw it. But they're not going to find it from that.

Unknown_00: They might find it, but just some guy in person, and that's easy to explain away. Work asks about that. Hey, this guy said some stuff on the stream. What do you got to say about it? You just say, well, it wasn't me. It was just some guy that sounds like me making a joke. I mean, really, if I were you, I would ghost now. You have nothing to gain from this.

Unknown_03: I...

Unknown_03: There's different reasons as to why I don't want to do that. Like I said, one, I invested this time and money in this stuff.

Unknown_03: Two, it's personal. It's personal. She made it personal. I need closure.

Unknown_00: Don't you think that risking... You said it's your dream job. You legit used the word dream job.

Unknown_03: Yes.

Unknown_03: Believe me when I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

Unknown_03: I understand the gravitude of what could potentially happen. We're talking about a particular scenario that I've calculated to my best probability of having extremely low chances of happening. Like you said before, we talked about it. I'm making a professional quality video. I let a third party write the script. I let a third party you know, uh, voice through a voiceover. I'm letting a third party edit the script. These are people that, that, that actually, you know, that has at least the first two people has done an extremely good job. And I would say it was, it's a professional level, right? If you do a real good job, if I do a real good job with this video, which is turned out to be a good video right now, I simply don't see it turned to be a net negative for me.

Unknown_00: Because, especially right now, I mean, the way that you persistently maintain contact with her is going to come off stalkerish with people. Because that's what she's going to say. When she sees this video and she sees that you're continuing to try and rob her of support, she's going to say that you stalked her. And especially in the current political climate, that's the last thing that you want a woman saying about you.

Unknown_03: But she's already said it. She can say it again.

Unknown_00: I want to know, if you lose this job, what happens?

Unknown_03: I guess I get me another one.

Unknown_00: You just get another one?

Unknown_03: I mean, I'm not going to lie to you. It's not going to be easy. You don't go to the next town over and you find a job for a hepatologist.

Unknown_03: But I mean...

Unknown_03: Other jobs out there, if nothing else, I can open up my own lab, right?

Unknown_03: Like I said, I'm not taking this lightly. I clearly see the consequences. I've had the consequences of being the butt in the joke and the law cow for a year and a half. having people lie about me and humiliate me when all I've tried to do is be honest and do the right thing. Instead, I'm treated as if I'm one of the lowest scums on the internet.

Unknown_03: Trust me when I say I know the burden and the gravity of the situation. I've analyzed it quite heavily at nighttime when it keeps me up.

Unknown_00: You said that you and your parents shared an Amazon account. Do you live with them?

Unknown_03: No, I don't live with them.

Unknown_00: How far away do you live from them?

Unknown_03: I live about 45 minutes away.

Unknown_00: Do you need their help with anything at this point? Do you live completely independently? No.

Unknown_03: Completely. Actually, they need my help. At least my mom does.

Unknown_00: Well, if they need your help.

Unknown_03: My father died in 2017. So, like, you know, go over there and cut grass and stuff like that.

Unknown_00: Well, if they need your help to function and you lose this job as an outcome of this video and going after this woman again, are you just going to move them with you to wherever you get your next job?

Unknown_03: I don't know. It's possible.

Unknown_00: You said that you did the math and you calculated the risk. I calculated the risk.

Unknown_03: I didn't calculate what I'm going to do in that very unlikely scenario when it goes nuclear in my face.

Unknown_03: If it goes nuclear in my face...

Unknown_03: Then I figure it out. But I'm just going to tell you that the chances are so slim. One, the video is going to turn out, is it going to be that extremely bad? When she points to this video and people say, look at that video, it's not going to lead them to conclude that I'm a stalker.

Unknown_00: There is a 100% chance that Ralph is going to do a video over this. There is a partial, a very high chance that Margaret, who I imagine still has a lot of followers because she's still doing stuff online, is going to tweet about it. And there's a non-zero chance that Jim is going to make a video on it and talk about this after the fact. He's not going to make a video.

Unknown_03: Jim isn't going to get involved. Let me tell you, I'm hoping Ralph...

Unknown_03: I've been nice. I've been nice to Ralph. I've been polite to Ralph. I followed the rules to Ralph. But me and him both know that he's done some unethical things to me when it comes to Margaret. And I've tried my best so far just to grin and bear it so I can make this video

Unknown_03: And just get on and get by.

Unknown_03: But if Ralph stopped making videos, then I'm making myself another video.

Unknown_03: And he's not going to like that video.

Unknown_00: What are you going to say about Ralph?

Unknown_03: I'm going to tell the truth.

Unknown_00: Like I always do.

Unknown_03: I'm not going to talk about it. I'm not going to talk about Ralph. Because if I talk about Ralph and it gets out, then that's going to be justification for him to talk about me and start a war.

Unknown_00: He's going to talk about you regardless.

Unknown_03: I don't care. I'm not going to... You just said you care.

Unknown_00: You said you would retaliate against him if he said anything about you.

Unknown_03: No, no, no. Until he makes that video, the case with me and Ralph is closed.

Unknown_03: That's my position.

Unknown_03: Until then... But you know for sure it's going to happen. I don't know for sure. No one can lead the future.

Unknown_00: I'm pretty sure it would happen.

Unknown_00: I'm pretty sure. Because I don't know why you think, if he's fans with this chick, and you're going after her income, I mean, first of all, I don't even understand that. Because he knows I'm right. He knows you're right. So you're saying right now he would agree with you on what you're saying?

Unknown_03: He knows he doesn't. He knows not to challenge me when it comes to Margaret. He knows better. Why does he know better? Because he knows I'll win. He knows that he don't have a stone cold bit of evidence to support that I'm the aggressive party in this. He knows.

Unknown_03: And there's a good reason for why he hasn't called me out one-on-one on Killstream by now. There's a good reason why he hasn't accepted my offer to have a Killstream about this.

Unknown_03: He knows. There's a good reason why he hasn't invited Margaret on with me on there to go ahead and own me, because him and Margaret both know that I have the evidence and they don't.

Unknown_03: I have the winning proof here. They don't got nothing.

Unknown_00: What if it was just because she doesn't want to encourage you by contacting you?

Unknown_03: I'm just trying to explain when it comes to me and Ralph. You're talking about me and Ralph. I'm just trying to explain why I'm getting the idea from her. You see what I'm saying?

Unknown_00: I don't understand it though. What would keep Ralph from saying that you're wrong? If he has her on a stream and they're watching your video together and they're commenting live as it goes on. I'm talking about him challenging me like me and him on the same stream talking.

Unknown_03: That's what I was talking about. I wasn't talking about them two doing a narration over my video.

Unknown_00: Well, he might not find it entertaining, but I don't think he would side with you.

Unknown_00: he like he doesn't have proof he doesn't have evidence he doesn't have witnesses in fact i just remember all those when i was talking to dr ratso in the voice chat he said that you were supposed to be on the kill stream with him talking about this today and he no no that's a lie that's a lie why would he lie about that

Unknown_03: Because he wants me on Killstream so he can make me a public law cow.

Unknown_00: Well, if he can do that, why would Ralph not do that?

Unknown_03: because Ralph is an individual that he can't, how can I explain? So see, Roxo is a troll. He uses troll tactics. A troll that uses troll tactics doesn't require evidence. He doesn't really require logic. His goal is to make me lose my cool. His goal is to get me to start stuttering. His goal is to make the audience

Unknown_03: is to get the audience on his side. It's not to understand the minutiae of the situation and the evidence that's presented.

Unknown_00: If Ralph is friends with this chick, I don't think that he's going to be concerned with the minutiae either.

Unknown_03: But Ralph... Ralph is in a situation where he has had people on before where he's had to give them a fair chance. If he has me on there and he just makes accusations and I try to give him proof and evidence and stuff and he doesn't want to accept it, he doesn't show it, he doesn't acknowledge it, that doesn't look good for Ralph. See what I'm saying? Ralph has a name and a brand he must protect. Roxo doesn't have one.

Unknown_00: I'm pretty sure Ralph's name and brand is called The Killstream, and I'm pretty sure that is to get that kind of troll reaction from stuff.

Unknown_03: He also gives people a fair chance when they're accused of something. Did you see that thing with Zoom?

Unknown_00: Uh, no.

Unknown_03: You didn't see that video? For example, Zoom was accused of some crazy shenanigans. It had a multitude of different individuals on there, right? Um,

Unknown_03: Each individual had a chance to ask questions and Zoom had a chance to make his rebuttal. Look, I'm tired. I'm sick. Believe me when I tell you that I don't want any more trouble.

Unknown_03: from anyone. All I want to do is just make this one final piece of closure.

Unknown_00: But you know for sure that's not going to be it. You know for sure.

Unknown_03: On the contrary. I think it's going to be because I'm not big news.

Unknown_03: I'm not big news. At the end of the day, I'm nothing. I'm nobody. You could be big news at any moment, depending on how far this escalates.

Unknown_00: Because you've already said that you're willing to go back and forth with Ralph.

Unknown_03: I really don't want to if he makes a video. But if he makes a video, I might.

Unknown_00: And what if your retaliation to Ralph is big enough that Jim wants to do a video on you? Are you going to go back and forth with Jim?

Unknown_03: If I go back and forth with Ralph, I might as well go ahead and make myself a YouTube channel.

Unknown_03: I don't want to be a public figure. I don't want to be a public figure. You have no idea how much I dread such a thing.

Unknown_00: Are you intending on publishing this video anonymously?

Unknown_03: Well, I mean... Is that why you went to the trouble of paying people to write it and speak it and edit it for you because you didn't want to have your name attached? You hear my voice, right? You hear my accent, my speech impediment. Clearly, you know, I can't be taken seriously, right? And a video that really needs professional, that needs to be taken seriously. It wouldn't be taken seriously if I did a voiceover.

Unknown_00: But are you going to publish it anonymously?

Unknown_03: If I did the script, it would be autistic as all hell, right? So I need a professional to do the script for me.

Unknown_03: um so it won't be you know a joke for the for the votes to act before it's acted out to read am i going to do it knowledge i mean it's going to be on a channel that everyone knows i own uh everyone knows i made the video pretty much everyone is going to pretty much watch it i don't know if i'm going to put my name on it the channel that's going to have it on it isn't going to be my is this going to have my name on it uh

Unknown_03: I wouldn't say anonymous because pretty much everybody knows who made it. But again, I don't plan on putting it on my channel.

Unknown_00: It's just a secondary channel that you already know.

Unknown_03: I own an archive channel for Margaret's videos.

Unknown_00: Oh, so you archive all her videos as well.

Unknown_03: Some of her videos, yes. The reason I archive her videos is because her Patreon supporters bought them and sponsored her videos.

Unknown_00: Well, she still owns the intellectual property of those videos.

Unknown_03: Yes, she does. Here's the thing. None of them are being monetized.

Unknown_00: Well, that doesn't matter. She could DMCA them, for instance, if she wanted to.

Unknown_03: She could, but she's tried. And I counted it, and she wasn't willing to go to court for it.

Unknown_03: That's what happened.

Unknown_03: All right. Look, people, this is how I see it. This is how I justify it. And I'll be honest with you. You know,

Unknown_03: you know, see almost the rights to the videos. The thing is, if an individual pays for something, if an individual makes something possible, sponsors something and makes it possible, that individual has the right, should have the right to have access to it.

Unknown_00: Well, you realize the main reason that she probably didn't want to counter your claims is that if she were to try and counter your claims, she would have to give you her address and stuff, right?

Unknown_03: Well, I mean, I don't know her true reasons, but regardless of her reasons, I couldn't. I've stopped caring about what Margaret wants.

Unknown_03: I stopped caring months ago once she accused me of being a serial killer.

Unknown_03: You know what I'm saying? So I don't really take what she wants in consideration anymore. Like I said, people sponsor those videos.

Unknown_03: People made those videos possible. They wouldn't... See, open a Patreon, ask for money for those videos. And people should have the right to watch the videos that they made possible. You know?

Unknown_00: To me... If someone... Let me ask you a question, right?

Unknown_03: Let me put it another way. If... You know, there's Kickstarter.

Unknown_01: Have you ever... Have you ever... Have you ever... Kickstarted a game at all?

Unknown_03: I've not, but I know what it is. Okay, so let's pretend for a moment that there was a new game coming out, an indie game, and it was being kick-started. And you decided to put in, let's say, a small amount, $5. It's not much money, but it's $5. And so the game developers say, hey, we got enough money. We're going to make the game. You guys, we appreciate it. We asked you for something amount of money. You achieved it. We're working on a game. right so the developers the developers in question you know go and start working on a game and they say okay it's ready and you know you're like oh hey hey you know you know when is it coming out when's release date and then the developer says uh there is a release date i'm keeping it to myself you know it's just for my personal collection just i'm just gonna keep my shelf

Unknown_03: You know, you get, there's no access to it. You can't, you can't play it. You can't see it being played. It's just, I just, I want it for my collection. It's just going to sit on myself. To me, that's not right.

Unknown_00: Well, don't you think a more apt comparison is if they do let you buy the game, or they just don't give it to you for the amount that you charge? My problem with that is, I mean, I archive a lot of stuff. I get that. I do believe in archiving stuff. but the the strange thing with this is that it's it's that you run it and It seems to be a sort of sense of entitlement. It's like I gave you the money for this PSU So you're gonna make the videos and then when she takes the videos down you say well I own the videos or I own rights to the videos because I was your patron during this time and it seemed like a lot of entitlement that doesn't really necessarily That shouldn't really exist because That is in actuality the kind of mindset of a stalker. Have you ever heard of a guy called Russell Greer by any chance?

Unknown_00: No, I haven't Russell Greer is a bona fide stalker of somebody called Taylor Swift and He he has sued her multiple times over violation of contract and when he alleges in his lawsuits is that he he bought something from her and and felt obligated that she take her out or take him out on a date. And because she didn't take him out on a date, she violated that contract. Now, obviously, it was never said that she was going to date him if he donates this money to meet her in person. They did meet in person, but they didn't progress to a date. But now he thinks that's reason for a lawsuit. Don't you think it's kind of similar? I bought you a PSU, so you have to make these videos for me. Don't you think that's a kind of obligation that I guess really doesn't exist because you didn't sign a contract with her. And she said that she was sick, right? She said that she had work obligations.

Unknown_03: Well, she says she had work obligations, but I don't that that wasn't.

Unknown_03: That isn't a sufficient reason for not giving at least an hour a week.

Unknown_03: You see what I'm saying? There has been times in my lifetime that I have very little time to spare. I have been extremely busy and it may have been a week where I couldn't spare an hour. I could only eat and sleep and that's the only time other than my job I could do. However,

Unknown_03: Suggesting that every week, no matter what week it was, she simply couldn't find an hour of time to press two buttons on a computer and stream Overwatch even though she's already playing it is ridiculous.

Unknown_03: It doesn't make any sense. It's not logical. Now, you're talking about how I seem to be saying I'm entitled. And you have a point to a certain degree. And the truth about it is Patreon supporters are indeed entitled to what they are promised. Yes, they are indeed entitled. If someone says, I'm going to do something if you become my Patreon, then Patreon supporters are entitled to what you said you're going to do. When she says, I'm going to stream content, I'm going to make more videos, I'm going to Play games with fans. I know and so on and so forth I'm willing to do all these things if you buy me if you help with this if I get these computer components if I if you hit me with his PC Then yes, I'm you know, she says she's going to do that thing That's an obligation that she says she's gonna do in exchange for the computer components Didn't you say it was your idea to make the wish list though?

Unknown_00: I?

Unknown_03: No, no. That was her wish list. She made a wish list. It was my idea to get the guys to get one component apiece.

Unknown_03: You see what I'm saying? Not every component was bought off the Amazon. It was simply bought another way. For example, Rob had a spare CPU. He sent that spare CPU to Margaret instead of buying it off Amazon.

Unknown_00: Right. Well, I mean, okay, I agree to an extent that if you are a patron of someone and you're giving them a certain amount of money and they say they're going to do something, they should do it. I think everybody would agree with that.

Unknown_00: Do you know a lot about her condition, Crohn's disease?

Unknown_00: I beg your pardon? Do you know a lot about her condition, Crohn's disease?

Unknown_00: I know a little bit about it. Are you aware of how painful it is?

Unknown_03: Yes, I'm pretty aware of it. I'm also aware that she's claimed over the last several months that she's feeling, you know, bad never. That she goes to the gym, she works out, you know, she's able to push.

Unknown_00: The last several months was after your dispute with her, right?

Unknown_00: Yeah, it was. So think of it like this. You're talking to her, and she agrees that she's going to do the schedule if she gets her parts.

Unknown_00: But then her complications rise up. I think they operated on her. No, that was before. I mean, in that kind of pain, even if he did take an hour out to do a live stream, I can't imagine the quality would be there. that great you would essentially be watching a patient in in agony trying to play riverwatch i can't imagine that would be you wouldn't but but you wouldn't need it i mean you have to understand that we didn't we weren't asking for a necessarily a webcam but you were asking her to play despite being in pain we're asking her to the live stream a game that she was already playing while in pain she was playing it it's not like that she was playing it but not live streaming it

Unknown_03: because it showed up on our discord so okay so you were looking at her discord while she wasn't streaming and it said that she was playing early watch i mean she couldn't just be in the menus right we were we were part of a discord right so when she when she had a certain time she she had uh there was a time when you know the games that she plays pops up underneath her name on the discord

Unknown_03: All right. So when she starts playing Overwatch and Overwatch pops up, you know, Overwatch. Another thing is she has a friend, a friend named Simon. That's his name, Simon. You know, he does he does live streaming. And every once in a while you'll see her pop on there for about, you know, an hour or two hours, you know, live stream Overwatch with him, you know.

Unknown_03: She's not live streaming. She could match two buttons on the keyboard and live stream. Well, live streaming is a bit more than hitting buttons.

Unknown_00: You got to be prepared for it. You got to exercise your voice and you got to hydrate. You have to have a presence. It's not just like if she was streaming with no voice, you would say that's unacceptable, right?

Unknown_00: I'll be happy with that. If it was just her streaming without any voiceover? Yeah, yeah.

Unknown_03: Do you know why I'll be happy with that? Because it'd be better than nothing.

Unknown_00: See, that sounds creepy to me, because it's like, no one does it. It's better than nothing. But it's just like, it's like you want her to stream so badly, you'll take her with no camera, with no voiceover or commentary whatsoever, just knowing that she's sitting there live streaming is enough for you. And that, to me, is like she's trying, she's doing what she can do to keep her word, to keep her commitment.

Unknown_03: Yes. Yes. If someone told you, here's another thing. If someone told you that, hey, I'm going to do your yard for, you know, I'm going to cut your grass. I'm going to trim your trees and bushes. You know, I'm going to do all these. I'm going to do this thing for $50. You're paying $50. I'll take care of your yard. You know, and, you know, the person doesn't show up the next day. You're paying $50, you know, because he says, honestly, I got to go back. I got to get something to eat and stuff. You pay $50 ahead of time. He doesn't show up the next day.

Unknown_03: He doesn't show up at all. Him doing nothing looks pretty bad. It seems like that guy completely cheated you. It looks like the person just completely used you. However, if that individual comes over and says, hey, I don't have much time today, but what I'm going to do, I can't cut all your grass. But what I'm going to do is I'm going to trim your bushes at least, and I'm going to try to do your grass maybe tomorrow and so on and so forth. You see, the act of trying –

Unknown_03: When trying to do part of your commitment means a lot to people that's thinking, you know, hey, this woman could cheat us. Hey, this woman could scam us. Hey, she won't communicate. She won't explain herself. She won't say anything. She's not telling us anything. She's ignoring us on Discord. She's outright ignoring us on Twitter. She hasn't made a video update. She hasn't done any of these things, right? So...

Unknown_03: So when I say it's better than nothing, it's better than nothing. It's not as if I'm saying, hey, if I have to tie you down with a ball and chain, you're going to play this game. It's not like it. It's not in that same perspective.

Unknown_04: Well, let me just say, if I hired the neighbor boy to mow my yard and trim my bushes, and the neighbor boy had Crohn's disease and was shitting himself in utter agony, I'd be like, you know what, neighbor boy?

Unknown_00: You don't have to trim the bushes. You don't have to cut the grass. I'll do that. And if you're feeling better, let me know, and I'll pay you again. Because it's not that important to me. It would not be that important to me that I need to see somebody livestream themselves playing Overwatch. I wouldn't need them to cut the grass. If they're in pain, I would excuse them from that obligation because it's not necessary.

Unknown_00: It's not like she managed the nuclear plant And has to push a button every day to keep the plant from exploding. And she just decided, I'll stay home sick and not push the button that keeps the city from exploding. She just made some shitty videos and stuff, right?

Unknown_03: It's shitty videos that was sponsored by people that she made obligations to.

Unknown_00: I'm sure that she felt bad at first, but don't you think that by hammering her to fulfill this obligation, you might have sucked the fun out of her? Don't you think there's maybe a possibility that you... Like hell I did. Like hell I did. Well, you said there were multiple people and you were conspiring with them to get her to come back, right?

Unknown_03: Well, we were talking about, we didn't really conspire. I guess we talked about it in Discord DMs, but we didn't really conspire. We tried to get her to, we tried to remind her of her obligations.

Unknown_03: You know, here's another scenario for you, right? You have this boy that's caught this next story. He has this, you know, this sickening disease. He says, hey, I can't come to your house and cut your grass.

Unknown_03: I'm so sickly that I just can't, you know, I have to stay in the house all day. I can't do anything. Okay, you say, okay, yeah, I forgive, you know, I forgive you your debt, right? No problem, no big deal. You know, that's a legitimate reason. Okay. That now, so, but you know, and you know, an hour later you start hearing one more, start going, you start seeing, you know, humans, the weed eater and he's outside cutting his own grass, you know, as if nothing, nothing happened at all. Right.

Unknown_00: So it's not, it's not like she was streaming for a different audience. She was just playing the game. And again, streaming, like, again, I don't empathize at all with this idea that if she was streaming without any kind of commentary or voiceover or webcam that you would be satisfied by that. You'd probably be just as angry to see the stream with nothing else going on.

Unknown_03: See, once again, you have to understand that it comes to a point where even the smallest sign of something is desirable.

Unknown_00: Well, think of it like this. The neighbor boy is sitting at home. He's shitting himself. He's really sick. And you knock on the window and you're reminding him, are you feeling better yet? You got to go and cut this grass eventually.

Unknown_00: That might exacerbate it. One of the things that really affects people with Crohn's disease is that stress is a huge factor over their health because Crohn's disease is an inflammatory issue. It's a thing with your immune system. So and one of the things that can exacerbate immunodeficiency disorders is stress. So if a bunch of people are like, hey, you're going to come stream, you're going to come stream like she would associate streaming with stress. And anytime she would think about streaming, she would potentially be actually in pain thinking about streaming for you. And I think a huge part of why she never wanted to come back was that people hounded her with this entitlement to having this video content that eventually drove her away. But you're acting as if they were just normal subscribers.

Unknown_03: You're at, see, that's the, that's the, that's the, that's the miscommunication.

Unknown_00: She had 35 patrons, even if they were giving her $10 each.

Unknown_00: I would not put myself through pain for $350. That's not worth it.

Unknown_00: It might not be financially worth it to you, but you made an obligation.

Unknown_03: I'm not saying you have to jump to the pits of hell to make the content. I'm not suggesting that you can't miss a week. I'm not suggesting you can't miss a month. I'm saying that you show some kind of sign and you put some kind of...

Unknown_03: effort into doing something. You said that she was doing her podcast once a week with the relationship thing.

Unknown_00: Isn't that good enough? Why does it have to be Overwatch?

Unknown_03: That was good enough.

Unknown_00: I was happy with that. But she quit doing it.

Unknown_00: You know what I'm saying? Well, were you bothering her about the Overwatch stuff before she quit?

Unknown_03: People in Discord, I guess including me, said, are you going to get back on schedule? Well, don't you think that would... Reminding. There's a difference between hounding and reminding. Again, it's stress.

Unknown_00: If she's stressing out at all for any reason, that would associate what she's doing with pain. And if she's only making like a couple hundred dollars at most for what she's doing, it's just not worth it.

Unknown_03: But then she said, one, she should have taken down her postage picture a long time ago. And here's another thing. And number two is, you know,

Unknown_03: Like, I just, I just, I just don't, I'm just not getting, hold on one second.

Unknown_04: Oh, Lord have mercy, God. Why have, oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Unknown_00: Well, you realize Ralph is in the chat, and you realize that he said that he wouldn't corroborate you not, or him not going after you after that video comes out, right? What are you talking about? Well, what are you talking about?

Unknown_03: No, I was talking about Mr. Medica.

Unknown_00: No, that's a fake tweet.

Unknown_03: Oh, someone sent me a fake tweet. Yeah, you can go check it right now.

Unknown_00: Okay. Okay.

Unknown_03: All right. Someone sent me a DM. I thought that was real.

Unknown_03: Oh, okay. They got me. They got me.

Unknown_03: What is it about Ralph again?

Unknown_00: I asked Ralph in discord if he would if you released a video about Margaret Would he would he have nothing to say about it? And he said he probably would he would have a lot to say about it Okay, that's fine. Well, isn't isn't that?

Unknown_03: Look, I'm love of I Guess I guess I need to put this way I'm at peace

Unknown_03: with the potential consequences.

Unknown_03: And I'm gonna do what I feel is the right thing to do. And what I think is the right thing to do is to tell the truth and to make sure others don't fall for the same trap that I did.

Unknown_03: That's the Christian thing to do.

Unknown_03: And that's the thing that I feel I need to do.

Unknown_00: No, the Christian thing is exacerbating things repeatedly until it becomes a real problem. Negative.

Unknown_03: That's not how it's happening now. You see, his thing, right? So the Christian thing to do, the Christian thing that I feel, see, his thing, the key word here is obligation. I feel an obligation to do something. I feel an obligation and that obligation drives me to do it.

Unknown_03: So I can't just leave it and know that there's individuals that can go through the same thing I went through.

Unknown_03: I cannot, and knowing that I could have said something to prevent it from happening.

Unknown_00: But if she doesn't have her Patreon thing up anymore, there is no obligation. If people donate 50 bucks to her on PayPal, that's 50 bucks on PayPal, but that's not an obligation to create certain content.

Unknown_03: I'm not really, the thing is, I'm not talking about the present. This video is talking about the past and what really happened.

Unknown_00: No, but no, you said the point of making the video is so that people wouldn't try to form that kind of contract with her by trusting her to produce content, right?

Unknown_03: Yeah, I mean, no, no, no. So they won't donate thinking that she's going to do something with the money that they donate that she says she's going to do.

Unknown_00: Well, that's even more tenuous than expecting a PayPal donation to be a sort of contract, don't you think? Hey, I don't...

Unknown_03: Look, if she goes on Twitter right now and she says, hey, guys, I'm trying my best to buy a new camera for a streaming thing I'm going to do in Canada. I don't know, a wild live stream. I need to buy a new camera. If I had the money somehow donated to me on my Patreon, I would use that money to go buy a new camera. That's not legally binding.

Unknown_03: I know that for a fact. It's not legally binding, and you'll be right. In a court case, a person will get fired for trying to enforce that. However, morally speaking, ethically speaking, she has an obligation if someone donates that money to her.

Unknown_03: And they do have a certain amount of right to expect to do what she says she's going to do.

Unknown_03: There's no reason, if she says, I'm going to go buy a camera, there's no reason for me to think that she's going to go out and buy a pair of slippers.

Unknown_03: You know what I'm saying? If she says she's going to do something, that's her word.

Unknown_00: But don't you agree even a little bit that what I said was true? That maybe she wanted to oblige, but after the stress kicked in, she didn't want to anymore? She couldn't?

Unknown_00: To a degree, I can see that happening.

Unknown_03: But but but and I guess I guess in a way that me being part of all this could blind me to certain realities, you know, maybe a third person, maybe maybe your spectator perspective allows you to see things that I can't see. Right.

Unknown_03: But also you need to take into account, because I was part of it, I was part of discussions and conversations, and I was part of screenshots that were shared and evidence that was provided and witnesses that testified in discord of different behaviors by Margaret that didn't add up, different things that Margaret said that turned out to be flat-out lies. I was there, and I've witnessed it. I not only have I witnessed it, I have the proof. And not only do I have the proof, you want to see that proof in these video.

Unknown_03: OK, like like, you know, you need to understand that I'm not doing I don't I'm not I would have done I'm not doing this just for the hell of it. Like, you know, I've taken careful consideration into, you know, what I'm what I'm doing.

Unknown_00: I don't know. It just seems like it's a whole lot of wasted time over somebody who's not very important over some money that wasn't that great to begin with. Like you said, you made quite a bit of money off your line of work. Why does a small fraction of that really affect you emotionally to the point where you feel that this is warranted? It's the principle.

Unknown_00: She's just some dumb bitch from fucking Twitch. I just don't get it. It's the principle.

Unknown_00: So you feel not only entitled to these videos and her time.

Unknown_03: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Unknown_03: Once again, this is not entitled to the videos because of the PC parts. I want you to understand that. It's entitlement because of the Patreon.

Unknown_00: It's still entitlement.

Unknown_03: There's nothing wrong with entitlement.

Unknown_03: Over this amount of money, over this length of time, it feels obsessive. It doesn't matter if it was a dollar.

Unknown_01: If she only had one Patreon supporter and they were donating one dollar, that one Patreon supporter and that one dollar has a right to see that video that he helped sponsor.

Unknown_00: I would agree with that, but the time invested versus the reward gain, it feels not only like an entitlement to seeing the video, but it feels like an entitlement to punish her for the perceived offense.

Unknown_03: I have every right to be offended.

Unknown_00: She called me a serial killer.

Unknown_00: She cost me three months of my job. Well, she might cost you more if you keep going after her.

Unknown_03: No. I'm not going to sit by and let her continue with that clear, spotless name of hers and let Ralph cover her butt.

Unknown_00: But do you not see that that validates what I'm saying? I'm saying you not only feel entitled to the content, you feel entitled to punish her. And you really shouldn't feel entitled to punish her.

Unknown_03: That's your perspective. I didn't say you feel entitled to punish her. but i feel entitled i feel you just said you specifically mentioned her spotless name you specifically mentioned her spotless name so and you specifically mentioned that one of your goals is to make sure that people don't support her so it feels like it's not punishing her it's wanting others it's it tantamount to the same thing but here's but you but here's the thing see it hit you

Unknown_03: Just because you're aiming for one and it will affect the other doesn't mean the motivation behind what you're doing is the same.

Unknown_00: I think it is, because obviously, again, the amount of money is really insignificant. And the amount of money that she earns to this day from public support probably is less than $200 a month just off PayPal donations or whatever. I don't think she's making bank. So it would make it seem to me that the only point of it is to cause her emotional distress. And since we've discussed, by the way, that what...

Unknown_00: What her condition is, and the fact that it's anti-inflammatory, that seems like it's a pretty pointed thing, right? It seems like you want to physically hurt her if this causes her stress.

Unknown_00: Now you're putting words in my mouth. I'm just telling you. I'm not putting words into your mouth.

Unknown_03: His thing. Let me explain this.

Unknown_03: If Margaret McLennan magically teleported right here next to me in this room right now, I would say, what are you doing here, Margaret? Then I would say, okay, let's go.

Unknown_03: Then I would drive her to Raleigh, North Carolina myself. to the closest airport so she can get home.

Unknown_03: I wouldn't charge her gas money.

Unknown_03: I wouldn't yell at her.

Unknown_03: I would never, ever, ever, ever, you know what I'm saying? Even if I was put in a perfect situation, that is not in my thoughts.

Unknown_03: I didn't accuse you.

Unknown_00: I'm just trying to explain so it can be understood that that is so far out of the realm of who I am that it's not even visible with a telescope.

Unknown_00: But I did not at all accuse you of being violent. I'm just saying that you're trying to punish her.

Unknown_03: But you connected in a way to imply that it could be interpreted as a physical assault on Margaret because of stress issues.

Unknown_00: It could be. Because of her condition, it could cause her pain.

Unknown_03: I mean, she's the one that made these obligations, right?

Unknown_03: No one, I mean, no one, she had this illness.

Unknown_00: Okay. Didn't you mention before that her Patreon was like per video and not per month?

Unknown_03: Yes, I did.

Unknown_00: So doesn't that mean that you wouldn't be paying for videos other than the videos you've already received?

Unknown_00: That's right. So what's the issue?

Unknown_00: The issue is she took them down.

Unknown_00: But you have archives of them. Not all of them.

Unknown_00: So if she gave you those videos, would you, would you leave her alone?

Unknown_02: Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown_03: I'd say that's simple. She won't have to give them to me. I don't have to have them. All she has to do is upload them somewhere else.

Unknown_00: That's it. If she gave them to you or re-uploaded them to you, you wouldn't make videos about her? You wouldn't try to contact her at all?

Unknown_00: I'd be done.

Unknown_00: Why? What's in those videos that was so special to you that it's worthless?

Unknown_03: It's not about what's in the videos. It's the principle.

Unknown_00: Okay, let me rephrase this. If she uploaded the videos or gave them to me and I gave them to you, would that suffice?

Unknown_00: I beg your pardon? If she uploaded the videos publicly on her own, or if she gave them instead to me or Ralph and they went to you, would that suffice?

Unknown_03: Well, I guess if I can put them all up so people can see them, I guess so.

Unknown_00: What's in these missing videos? Do you watch these videos on your own time? No.

Unknown_03: Once again, you mentioned... I think you... Do you understand what I mean by when I say it's the principle?

Unknown_00: I know what the principle of something means, but not in this situation.

Unknown_03: But do you understand it?

Unknown_00: In this context? No, I absolutely 0% understand. Okay, so let's try this again. Okay, so...

Unknown_03: If I sponsor something and I make something possible through sponsoring, and I'm not talking about computer, but I'm talking about Patreon. If I sponsor one video, then I should have the right to view the video that I help make possible. To deny me that right is unethical because of the principle of the matter.

Unknown_03: It's unethical conduct. It's just a couple videos of some chick, dude.

Unknown_03: But you're not... No, I still get it.

Unknown_00: I'm just saying... You're focusing on the quality of the videos. I'm not focusing on the quality of the videos, but I'm just saying it's just video footage of some chicks. Why does it matter?

Unknown_00: How many videos do you not have?

Unknown_03: How many videos? I don't know how many I don't have. I don't have that many.

Unknown_03: I mean, I might have at most, and this is on the high end, I probably have one-fourth of the videos that her Patreon supported.

Unknown_00: And if she re-uploaded them, would you watch them?

Unknown_03: Probably not. To be honest, after I get done... I mean, if she uploaded them and I was done with this, I don't want to hear her name again. I don't want to see her face.

Unknown_00: Have you ever told her that this is all you wanted?

Unknown_03: I don't want to... Yeah. Yes, I have. Yeah, I sure have. I said, Margaret, if you would re-upload your videos, if you would... What else did I say? I got it in my...

Unknown_03: I DM'd. There's two things I asked her. Oh, yeah. I know. I said, Margaret, if you would re-up those videos that people pay for, and if you would do at least a one-hour stream a week, you won't hear from me again. I told her I signed a contract.

Unknown_03: I signed a contract. You won't never hear from me again.

Unknown_00: See, you just lied to me. Because you're saying that she would have to continue uploading streams. How long would she have to upload streams to oblige this?

Unknown_03: But she's already doing it right now.

Unknown_00: So she's already making her streams. And if she ever stops, she'll start contacting her again.

Unknown_03: Remember when I said she was streaming once a week now? Do you watch those? No, I don't. Why do you care?

Unknown_03: Because, once again, it's the principle of the thing.

Unknown_03: I bought a PC for her to do live streams. I put money... You bought a power supply unit for her to do live streams. Yeah. I bought a power supply because she said she would do live streams and so on and make videos. I'm giving up on the videos. I gave up on the videos. You know, I've given up on two live streams a week. All I'm asking for is one hour live stream a week. That's it.

Unknown_00: You don't watch them. You don't watch her videos. You don't watch her live streams. Why not just forget about her and go on and look at snakes? I just don't.

Unknown_00: How old are you? I'm 25.

Unknown_03: Okay, so that might be one issue I'm having.

Unknown_00: Didn't you say you were 27?

Unknown_00: Yeah.

Unknown_00: What two years of difference does that make in regards to the principle of the thing?

Unknown_03: Because I was raised by an older generation.

Unknown_03: And that older generation's mentality made me where basically I think above my years when it comes to things.

Unknown_03: Not knowledge. I'm not talking about knowledge necessarily, but I'm talking about the way I see things is more old school than other people in my generation.

Unknown_00: Well, let me tell you how I see this. Because, again, you said you... Actually, let me ask a question first. You said that you would be happy with one hour of streaming a week, even though you don't watch them. And you would want her to upload the videos, even though you don't watch them. If she stops, how many weeks would she need to stream in order to oblige your contract and for the principle of the thing to be settled?

Unknown_03: I would say at least a year's worth.

Unknown_03: Yeah, I'll say that would be good. And she can do what she wants to far as I concerned after that. I think, I think, uh, uh, you know, and I think a computer, uh, that's, that has a value of a total of a thousand over a thousand some dollars, you know, is, is worth, you know, a year supply of a one hour stream a week.

Unknown_00: But haven't you said that all the other guys who put pitched into that computer have, have forgotten about this by now?

Unknown_00: They might have, but I haven't.

Unknown_00: So let me tell you my perspective then, because now it's down to you. You said that you don't watch these streams. You said that you don't watch her videos. And overall, you probably might have spent maybe $700. I didn't say that.

Unknown_00: Well, you have the things you've gifted her, and then you have your Patreon contributions of $5 a video. So that probably adds up to about $700 altogether, right?

Unknown_03: If she made that many videos, then yeah, I guess it would, but she didn't make that many videos.

Unknown_00: Well, she made enough during that time to probably add up to about $200, right? But this is, okay, so if it is $500 total, that's about one, not even, one-tenth of what you make in a month, right? Right.

Unknown_00: So it's an insignificant amount of money. Very insignificant. But for the principle of the thing, you feel entitled to force this woman to make one hour of live streaming a week, regardless of her health, and upload all these videos that she produced in the past.

Unknown_03: Look, you're making it as if she's in bed sickly.

Unknown_03: She has a disease that will kill her by 40, most likely.

Unknown_00: It's a very, very terminal illness that puts people through excruciating pain and their life expectancy is bottomed out.

Unknown_03: Look, I'm not asking her to do anything strenuous. I'm sorry as I can be, but all I'm asking her to do is stream. She's always streaming. What if she doesn't want to?

Unknown_00: She's always streaming.

Unknown_03: What if you agree to pick Cotton for a month and then you don't because it fucking sucks and the people are hitting you with whips and you leave the presentation and they drag you back and put you on ball and chain because it sounds like you want to put her on ball and chain.

Unknown_00: It sounds like you want to put her on ball and chain and say, make these fucking streams for me, you cunt.

Unknown_03: I don't know. It doesn't.

Unknown_00: Then let her... Let her fly free. Let her go. She's gone. She wants to do her shit with this chick. She wants to put all that streaming shit in the past.

Unknown_03: She clearly doesn't want to put it in the past because she's streaming right now.

Unknown_00: She's streaming for a different audience. She doesn't want your audience because those people are crazy apparently and stalk her.

Unknown_00: No, they don't stalk her.

Unknown_00: I would put this as a statement of fact that what you are doing at this point qualifies stalking because you feel absolutely entitled to having her time and having every second of her caught on film or digitally recorded, just even of her voice, even of her playing a game. What are you talking about? You feel obligated to have that in a personal collection.

Unknown_00: What?

Unknown_00: What do you mean what?

Unknown_03: How are you getting what I said? Because nobody else has the principle of the thing.

Unknown_00: The principle of a thing is your rationalization of an irrational entitlement to her time going forward for at least a year, in your words. Negative. Because it's not like it's a specific kind of content that you want. You said it doesn't matter how she streams. You feel entitled to crack the whip to get her to produce this.

Unknown_00: So she can do anything she wants. But why does it matter? You don't watch it.

Unknown_00: I told you why it matters. You just want the pleasure of forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do. No. No.

Unknown_00: No, I just want her to keep her obligation. Nobody else gives a shit except you. It's a personal thing between you and her. You feel entitled to force her to do something she doesn't want to do, and you feel entitled to harass her until she does it. How is that not stalking, Kenny? No, I'm not harassing her. You are contacting her when she does not want to be contacted by you. You're hiring people to find out where she lives. yeah for a lawyer but you've already contacted your lawyer and he's told you that a lawsuit wouldn't be worth it yes and i've stopped trying to look for and you are completely willing as you said there is a non-zero chance that this will come to bite you in the ass and get you kicked out of your job if it does if it does at least the internet would have a nice laugh

Unknown_00: I guess, but you're going to be out of a job. And when people Google your name, they're going to find this shit. And they're going to say, I don't want this guy. He stalks women. Hey, I'm willing to risk it.

Unknown_00: Why? See, that's the creepy thing. A normal person would say, I evaluated the circumstances, and even if it's a 0.1% chance of this biting me in the ass, it's some bimbo I don't give a shit about. I don't watch her streams. I don't watch her videos. I'm just going to let her get away with stealing a couple hundred dollars, a thousand dollars, and I'm going to continue to go about my business because what I do is more important. And you're explicitly stating that... Your life and your time is not more important than this. This is what's most important to you because of the principle of the thing. And that to me is fucking weird and creepy.

Unknown_03: It might be weird and creepy to you, but it's logical and principle to me.

Unknown_00: Because of a mental health thing, assuredly.

Unknown_03: It's not normal to people.

Unknown_03: I don't see why it isn't. She made an obligation.

Unknown_00: Because I'll tell you right now, I've been live streaming this entire conversation and nobody has said Kenny might be in the right. I beg your pardon? I have been live streaming this entire conversation and nobody has taken your side. Everybody says this is the creepy motherfucker. I still say she's not...

Unknown_03: She's obligated to keep her word. I don't see how you can see it any other way. It's not as if someone is telling her to do something she says she wasn't going to do.

Unknown_03: She said... Let's say I agree with you 100%.

Unknown_00: She had to make those videos. She should have kept them up. She should have kept live streaming to the best of her ability. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's not worth all this bullshit and everything that you've done since.

Unknown_00: has been crazy and creepy yeah you're not fucking in her trash can collecting her toenails but you're making sure she doesn't forget that you exist and you feel crazily obsessed with making sure that she keeps her word regardless of the fact that nobody else on this planet except you and her give a shit and she only gives a shit because you're forcing her to give a shit she's forcing you to do that or you're forcing her to do this and it's like

Unknown_00: Again, you don't even watch them. Even if she fulfilled this principle, you don't watch her shit. You don't give a shit. Why does it matter?

Unknown_03: But now you're contradicting yourself. Right. So you're saying that this can qualify as stalking, but a stalker would not only accumulate, but also view all available content. And if I'm telling you that I don't care and I'm not viewing the content, that doesn't seem very stalkers to me.

Unknown_00: No, it does. It seems even worse. If you were a fan of her stream and wanted her to keep making that stuff, no, it does seem worse.

Unknown_03: No, it does. It's not stalkers. You may call it something else.

Unknown_00: See, that's a rationalization. You've made that condition in your head. It's not stalking as long as they don't watch her. It's wrong because you're still trying to force her hand. Even if you're not watching what she does, you're still obsessed to her.

Unknown_03: Let's try another perspective. Let's try someone like Count Dankula. Count Dankula could easily and simply pay the simple fine to get out of trouble he's in.

Unknown_03: But instead of using a, uh, once one could argue a normal individual by normal, I'm saying a majority majority in a bill visuals, uh, opinion. Right.

Unknown_03: But instead of going to come to that conclusion, he decided to stand to principles. It's the principle of the thing. It's the principle.

Unknown_00: It doesn't matter. The principle of the thing. I want you to think in your head. Every time you say the words to yourself, the principle of the matter, that is a mental conditioning that you've done to yourself to justify this. Because, again, it is only you and her. Do you think Count Danko did the same thing?

Unknown_00: Excuse me?

Unknown_03: Do you think that Count Dankula is guilty of the same thing that you're accusing me of?

Unknown_00: For what?

Unknown_03: That's what I'm asking you.

Unknown_03: No, I don't think Count Dankula is guilty of anything. Do you know the Count Dankula story? Do you know what I'm talking about when I was referencing Count Dankula?

Unknown_00: Not really, no, because... Okay, so let me explain Count Dankler's story.

Unknown_03: You know about him and the Nazi pug, right? Yes. Okay, and he went to trial, and the judge said basically the only thing we're going to do to you is charge you a fee.

Unknown_00: The thing, okay, the difference between the principle... Let me finish. No, I know what you're going to say. The principle of not paying that fine is that he's standing up for freedom of speech. Yeah, but you might... You're not standing up for freedom of speech. You're not standing up for anybody's rights. You're just fucking with this bitch.

Unknown_03: Freedom of speech is also for principle. It's the principle that he's going to be charged. But the principle of the matter is he doesn't want to set the precedent that this fine is okay.

Unknown_00: He doesn't want to set that precedent. The principle of it is fighting it to the highest court so that you can have silly jokes like that in England. The principle of your matter is fucking with this bitch. No, it's not. It's the only thing you care about. You don't care about the content. You don't care about what she actually makes. You just want to fuck with this bitch, and you rationalized it by saying that it's the principle, and it's not. If you can't understand that if someone makes an obligation, they should keep it.

Unknown_00: I agree with you. But I would have stopped doing that shit to her months ago. I would have said, fuck it, this bitch is conceited. I don't want nothing to do with her. I'm going to go about my business. You, on the other hand.

Unknown_00: I would have stopped months ago.

Unknown_03: But you didn't. You know why I didn't stop months ago? Because she started talking shit in my name. Because you were stalking her.

Unknown_00: No, I wasn't. She didn't call out anybody else. She didn't call out anybody else. You know why?

Unknown_03: Because no one else challenged her to Kumite. Because they didn't give a shit.

Unknown_00: Okay, and the principle of the thing, yeah, they might have thought, oh, she's a bitch for copping out, but they didn't stalk her. That's why. No, I didn't stalk her. You're stalking her to this day. No, I'm not. You're paying money to have a professionally edited video so you can slam her and get her support cut off at the fucking knees for people who aren't happy with the stuff she's doing now.

Unknown_03: How do you know they're happy with the stuff she's doing now? How do you know?

Unknown_03: You didn't know. You're saying you didn't know much about her.

Unknown_00: I didn't know much about her either. I'm not saying that she's happy with it. I'm saying the people giving her money for the things that she's doing. I'm asking you. I'm asking you, how do you know?

Unknown_00: Because, assumingly, they're just giving her money because they like what she does.

Unknown_00: How do you know? Because they're not going to give her money if they don't like what she does.

Unknown_00: But they don't know if she's going to keep her wood or not. They don't have to. They're saying, I appreciate what you've done so far. I want you to go get a coffee. Here's five bucks. They're not saying, I appreciate what you've done so far. I'm going to give you five bucks. And if you ever take this video down, I'm going to come over to your house and slit your fucking throat. That's not what they're saying. I'm not, they're not saying I'm going to give you this money. And if you don't do it, I'm going to harass you until you fucking do it.

Unknown_03: That's an extreme leap. I mean, you know, you're talking about, oh, if you don't make this video, I'm going to come to you. No, no.

Unknown_00: Even if you're not, that's another rationalization you have. You're saying as long as they don't watch your content, it's not stalking. As long as they don't do anything physically to her, it's not stalking. I didn't say that. I didn't say that.

Unknown_00: It's what you're implying. I'm telling you that this is how your mind is conditioned. And you need to go to a doctor because you're fucking freaking out on this bitch.

Unknown_00: No, I'm not. You can't see it because you're autistic.

Unknown_03: I'm making a video and I'm putting that beat and that's the end of it.

Unknown_00: I didn't say I'm making a video and I'm gonna go eight more months. Let me repeat this because I don't know if you got it. I'm live streaming this to a bunch of people. Ralph and Jim are in a hangout right now watching this stream. So your thing about the nuclear situation where Jim might make a video, the nigga's fucking watching this. Shout out to my fucking groomer, Jim. He's fucking watching this right now. Okay.

Unknown_00: You said 30 minutes ago this wouldn't happen. So now you're having a situation where Ralph is definitely going to talk about this with Margaret. You have a situation where Jim might make a video because they're watching it, they're entertained by this, and they think you're fucking crazy.

Unknown_03: If Jim wants to grace the woe about a video about me, then so be it.

Unknown_00: But you realize that's going to cost you your job if people start fucking with you like you fucked with this chick. Hey...

Unknown_00: Hey, if I'm wrong, I'm willing to suffer consequences. But you could just not. You could say the principle of this, you know, I'm in the right, but I'm going to go watch my snakes and I'm not going to fuck with a chicken. An adult.

Unknown_00: An adult would have put this behind them a year ago.

Unknown_03: His thing, an adult is willing to face the consequences.

Unknown_00: Jim is 40 and he would have put this behind him a year ago.

Unknown_03: I told you, I made a mistake. I trusted you. My mistake in trusting you I'm, you know, is trusting that this was a private conversation. You didn't say you were streaming this. It's live stream. And so I'm willing to accept those consequences. There's consequences for my mistake in trusting you.

Unknown_00: And you can't do the same for this woman. You can't say I made a mistake in expecting her to do these live streams, especially with her health conditions. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Then why do you continue to insist that this woman give you something that she's not going to give you? Because now, especially, you have creeped around. out so much she will never do this for you she will go out of her way to make sure you never get what you want because she's creeped out by you uh-huh yeah um but but you you don't you don't you don't she's quit she was quit making them videos long before i even did anything well now she definitely will never go back to streaming because she's had such a negative experience in dealing with you that she'll never feel comfortable doing it and and what exactly have i done to her again

Unknown_00: Uh, you've harassed her for a year. You said that you went through six Twitter accounts. You said that you were on her Patreon. You said that you left her shit on her blog. You paid somebody to try to figure out where she lives so you could sue her over this. Fucking $700 tops.

Unknown_03: Yeah, I know I was doing a sue hub for a defamation because I lost my job.

Unknown_00: Because she called you out as being a creepy weirdo.

Unknown_03: No, she called me out for trying to imply me being a serial killer.

Unknown_00: She implied that because you're a creepy weirdo, like a serial killer. Like if you ended up killing this shit. She linked the news articles to my home's town. And if she ended up in the body pile, I would not be surprised at this point based on the level of obsession. You wouldn't be surprised at this point.

Unknown_03: Do you realize that I've never so much got a traffic ticket in my life?

Unknown_00: I don't think Jeffrey Dahmer got a traffic ticket. What's your point?

Unknown_03: Wait a minute. Don't bring him up because you don't know that.

Unknown_03: I'm pretty sure that serial killers... You're pretty sure, but don't bring up a point that you can't... BTK was a fucking... was like a priest.

Unknown_00: He was a Protestant preacher man. He didn't have... he might not have gotten a traffic ticket either. What's your point? He might not have. He might not have. You don't know. You know what they all had in common, though? They had creepy fucking obsessions with people, and they lost their moral compass. Uh-huh, and they wouldn't let it go, would they?

Unknown_03: Exactly. They wouldn't let it go. Okay, so I'm making this video and I'm going to let it go.

Unknown_00: But you're not going to let it go because you've already said if people start retaliating against you, you're going to make more videos.

Unknown_03: If need be, if Ralph wants it feels froggy, How you doing, Ralph? How you doing, man? If Ralph feels froggy and he wants to challenge me and say, hey, I didn't do this. I didn't prevent you from talking about Margaret. I didn't defend Margaret and so on and so forth. I didn't stand in your way when I didn't need to. If Ralph wants to talk about this between me and him, And he allows me to show evidence to prove that he did indeed do that. I'll be more than willing to. Okay, if he wants to retaliate for that reason, I'll be more than happy to.

Unknown_00: But what if he's just going to shit on you and call you a creepy stalker?

Unknown_00: Then I won't show up.

Unknown_00: Okay, so if you don't show up and he just goes on to call you a creepy stalker, is that where it ends?

Unknown_03: It's over.

Unknown_00: If Jim does the same, is that where it ends?

Unknown_03: Yeah. Hey, look. Hey, Jim, if you feel a need to make a video about me and need some help, hey, I do some autistic screeching just for you, man.

Unknown_00: Could you give us a sample of that autistic screeching?

Unknown_03: No.

Unknown_00: Please.

Unknown_03: And here's another thing.

Unknown_03: you've also been doing unethical conduct.

Unknown_03: There's no reason in the world that I shouldn't have been informed that you're live streaming when it's supposed to be a DM private conversation.

Unknown_00: Yeah, but people told me... People told me to record it because you might say some crazy shit that might come up in a criminal case when her body's discovered in your body.

Unknown_03: They said record it, but they didn't say you stream it, right?

Unknown_00: No, I didn't cut on the stream until things got weird. And I was like, okay, people need to see this live. So what you're saying is...

Unknown_03: You've just now started and now that you left out the first beginning, that means some context is lost?

Unknown_00: I'll post up the entire thing.

Unknown_03: If it's not, then we'll see just how much ethical ethics you have. In a private DM, a private DM, streaming someone in a private DM,

Unknown_03: I mean, without saying anything, without giving a warning, who knows?

Unknown_03: I mean, that's low.

Unknown_00: Yeah, and you probably wouldn't have said as much as you said about what you did to her if you didn't think it was confidential. What do you mean what I did to her? You tried to make an idiot article about her. I've said this in voice chat.

Unknown_00: I've written it down. Then what's the point? Okay, this is a private conversation, but it's all stuff that you wanted to get out there anyways. Yeah, a private conversation. But it's all stuff that you wanted to get out there anyways.

Unknown_00: Not this way.

Unknown_02: Well, what have you said that you wouldn't have said in private?

Unknown_02: No, I think it's the reverse.

Unknown_03: What I said in private that I wouldn't say in the public is what you were trying to say. Yeah. Right. So there's really nothing that I wouldn't say that I've said in this private conversation, what I thought would be a private conversation, I wouldn't say in public.

Unknown_03: Because as you know, like I told you, I don't cuss. I don't call names that I don't think that person's accused of. If Margaret McLennan teleported right here next to me, I'd say, hey, what are you doing here? And I'd take her to a car and drive her to Raleigh to the airport so she can fly right back home peacefully. That's it. So once again, even in a private conversation,

Unknown_03: I'm PG.

Unknown_03: I'm non-threatening.

Unknown_03: And then somehow you're implying that if her body turns up, that you wouldn't be surprised. So I can't comprehend how you come to that conclusion.

Unknown_00: Because everything you do is creepy and obsessive. And if you don't understand why it's creepy and obsessive, you should probably talk to a therapist about it. Because the whole shit about the... I actually, you know what...

Unknown_03: If Jim is really watching this, I actually would like to see his take on this.

Unknown_03: Jim is an individual. He's not like Ralph. He's not like these other individuals that would be in chat. He's the kind of guy... that analyzes what someone says. And he looks at the facts and the evidence that's provided. Typically he does. And I kind of see what he says. And if he comes to the conclusion that you just did, if he comes to the conclusion that I'm out of my mind, wacky tobacco, dangerous individual, off my rocker, you know, heading to the happy house kind of guy, then, you know, I might have to reassess my stance on things. Because Jim said it, not anybody else? I trust Jim. I don't trust Ralph with this.

Unknown_00: Okay, well, I'm going to ask Ralph to get Jim to say something in chat, and I'll show it to you. And I guarantee you he's going to ask you to leave this girl alone because she doesn't deserve this.

Unknown_03: Okay, I'm going to leave her alone. That's not, you know, I never said I wasn't going to leave her alone. I said I'm going to make this video and that'd be it.

Unknown_03: That's exactly what I said. I didn't say I was going to continue anything.

Unknown_00: But you said you would if they said things that you didn't like, if you didn't agree to. No, that's not what I said.

Unknown_03: You're not very good at interviewing someone because you can't repeat what I said.

Unknown_00: Okay, then correct me. Try again. You would continue after this video if they did what? If Margaret did what?

Unknown_03: If she came back with another video slandering me again and making up more baloney and BS and I need to come back and clear my name again, who knows? I might need to make another video.

Unknown_03: declare my name. That seems like a pretty reasonable thing to do to me. If someone goes out there and starts slandering you and stuff, it seems pretty reasonable to me that you come out not too long after they slandered you to clear your name. You wouldn't wait a month. You wouldn't wait two years to do it, would you? I just don't see how this is such an out-of-this-world suggestion.

Unknown_03: I just don't see it. You haven't established how you come to that conclusion. I have.

Unknown_00: No, you haven't. Look, everybody else who felt like you did, even in the beginning when they felt betrayed by the fact she did not keep up her promise, has left. So even the people who were in the exact same situation as you, who felt the exact same way as you, have since abandoned this quest. You're the only one. Let me read something to you. Before you read it, let me go over this. After they left, you made six different Twitter accounts to get to her. You commented on her Discord to get to her. You made posts on her site to get to her. You tried to dox her so you could sue her to get to her. You run an archive of her videos to get to her.

Unknown_03: No.

Unknown_00: You do all of those things.

Unknown_03: I was invited to the Discord.

Unknown_00: You were probably invited to her Discord because you were a Patreon.

Unknown_00: That's right. And then you got at her in the Discord and she had to kick you out because you were disturbing her.

Unknown_00: No, that's not true. Just like when she blocked you for disturbing her.

Unknown_02: She didn't kick me out. I left.

Unknown_02: Didn't you say that she kicked you out?

Unknown_03: You're a sham.

Unknown_00: You should have left everything, buddy. You should have given up at some point.

Unknown_03: You should have left everything, buddy. You should have left everything. You're a sham.

Unknown_03: Is that what you got? Like I told you, I don't call names.

Unknown_03: That doesn't apply to people. I'm not going to call you, you know, these derogatory names.

Unknown_00: I don't give a shit what you call me because you're a creepy weirdo. Here, I don't call people things they don't deserve either. You're a creepy weirdo and a stalker. And probably a serial killer. A budding serial killer.

Unknown_00: Anything else? No, that's it. I'm just going to let you know that when you make this video, it's probably going to be fucking awful. You're probably going to get dragged back into it again. You're probably going to end up with a forum thread. When people start contacting your work, letting them know that you're stalking this woman, again, the same one you've already received a suspension for stalking and getting shit for, and you end up without a job, despite the fact that your job pays a fucking monumental amount of money, You're going to have a Kiwi Farms thread on top of all this other shit.

Unknown_03: So this was supposed to be a private conversation. That means I revealed information about myself that I was going to trust you with. Not only that, but I also revealed information about a third party that shouldn't have been revealed in front of the public. Right. So so now, you know, I'm responsible and no, no, we are responsible. Mostly you because you you didn't tell me that this is being live streamed. Right. I was I was I was I was, you know, trusting you with certain amount of, you know.

Unknown_03: a certain amount of secrecy, a certain amount, you know, it keeps things under your hat. And yet now we have an individual that doesn't deserve to be contacted and harassed. Now his Twitter's out there for people to do so, right? Now people know exactly where I work. So if it wasn't possible before, it made me reveal information about myself publicly, right? That I would have done so otherwise, right?

Unknown_03: I don't see how you consider this more ethical.

Unknown_03: Actually, I would even say, in a way, it's even creepier. because you you're it's a very nice try what you're trying to do what's going to happen with this is i'm going to dump this on the public ralph is probably going to look through it he's listening so he's probably going to look for certain things that have been said assemble some clips watch it with the kill stream people and he's going to wash his hands of that too if it gets put into a thread it's going to be a thread and as long as you don't fight back against the thread it's probably going to be a short-lived one and not that popular it's going to have a list of all the shit they've done to fuck with this lady

Unknown_00: It's going to have more than just your story, because that's what a threat is. But I'm going to forget about you after this. I'm not going to keep being like, oh, I'm not going to be checking on you, knocking on your door, being like, hey, you still stalking that bitch? Because it's the principle of the matter that you stop. Like, I'm not going to do that. I'm washing my hands of this matter. You, after this, a month after this, maybe even a year after this, are still going to be listening to fucking Margaret's streams or checking on her to make sure that she's streaming and shit. And you're going to be tallying her sins and putting her on the naughty list, making sure that she's doing right by you and your weird set of principles that nobody else fucking cares about. Like, you can call me whatever you want. I don't give a shit. But this shit is really unhealthy, and you should definitely seek therapy for it because it's going to get you in trouble eventually. There's going to be a snapping moment.

Unknown_03: You're not supposed to care about my principles. You're supposed to care about your own principles. That's the point of having principles.

Unknown_00: And my principles are don't fuck with people for a year straight when they're just minding their own business and they're not doing anything. That's the point. She's not doing anything.

Unknown_03: That's right. She's not doing what she says she was going to do.

Unknown_00: Can I just say that you're fucking retarded and you're going to destroy your life over this stupid thought? Can we have that out on the table?

Unknown_02: You can say it.

Unknown_02: Because, like...

Unknown_00: You're completely willing to sabotage yourself on the altar of this stupid bitch that nobody gives a shit about. Who hasn't been relevant for fucking two years. You're... Like, I don't know anything else about you except that you like snakes and you really want this bitch to keep live streaming. For no reason. It's not even that you watch them. You don't watch her streams. You said so. But you'd accept... her live streaming shit you don't watch just to fulfill this fucking obligation that does not matter to anybody else except you and that's psychosis that is a mental health condition uh-huh uh well one one thing you're leaving out though right so i said i said people aren't trying to do anything right what what i didn't what i didn't let me what i didn't add to that

Unknown_03: is that people are depending on me to fence... Nobody cares.

Unknown_00: If you can find a single fucking person who supports what you're doing, I'll take back everything I said. But nobody gives a shit. And this is entirely in your head. You have made up people who give a fuck about getting the rest of our archive. They don't fucking matter. Even if it's like one or two fucking people who... gives a shit it doesn't matter if there are one or two people one minute if i find one person you take everything back now if it's one or two people you don't care so i'm just saying even if there is just like you even if there are one or two people they're still fucking crazy and you might find one or two people who are in this mutual psychosis with you but it's not it's not normal it's not healthy how many do you need

Unknown_00: Well, no, I'm not going to. I'm taking that back. I'm not going to help you, motherfucker. You fucking weirdo, stalker-ass motherfucker.

Unknown_03: So it doesn't matter the number of people that support me?

Unknown_00: Who supports you? Can you just name a name? Who gives a shit about this besides you?

Unknown_03: No, we're not going to dox normal people.

Unknown_00: There are no normal people who give a shit about this still.

Unknown_03: Everybody is crazy like you. That's the problem. Yeah, you're right. That's the issue. There's no normal people that's watching this stream. That's even worse. Yeah, you're right.

Unknown_00: But there's like 60 people watching this stream.

Unknown_00: Uh-huh. Oh, so this Rob Kaiser guy. Is that the guy? Is he your one person? Could you find a second person besides Rob Kaiser who's stalking this chick?

Unknown_00: Will you please stop saying his name? Rob Kaiser, Rob Kaiser, Rob Kaiser, Rob Kaiser is stalking Margaret.

Unknown_03: He doesn't deserve to be harassed. The only thing that man did was give Margaret... You could hate me. Hate me about all the things I've done.

Unknown_00: Is he still actively involved in this?

Unknown_03: Is he rooting you on? No. Then who is?

Unknown_03: someone else well his thing you can hate you can hate me you can hate me for what things i've done and criticize me for things i've done but rob rob always think he did was give a gift and it hasn't done anything else and yet you're dodging him and that's what should have been done that's what should have happened you should have said oh well stupid of me to give my money to this bitch but i guess i'm gonna move on now i'm gonna go i'm gonna continue with my life and not give a shit okay

Unknown_00: Yes. You think it's all right? No, I don't think it's okay to steal money, but I don't care enough.

Unknown_03: Do you think it's okay to dox that man?

Unknown_00: Yes, I do. I think it's okay to dox everybody.

Unknown_03: Why?

Unknown_00: Because I'm unethical.

Unknown_03: And Jim approves of you, does he?

Unknown_00: I wouldn't put Jim's fucking endorsement on me, but I've talked to him. He's never come on the kill stream while I'm there and been like, be gone, vile demon. You're a doxer. I'm pretty sure he's okay with doxing, too. I can't say that 100%, but I'm pretty fucking sure.

Unknown_03: Certain individuals that deserve it. Yeah, you're right. What if he says that you deserve it? Can he? If he says I deserve it, then whatever. Why is this random fucking boozer your moral compass?

Unknown_00: Because you're not intellectually strong enough to... I'm intellectually strong enough to leave people who want to be left the fuck alone alone. At least when it comes to one-on-one engagement. Well, I want to be left alone.

Unknown_03: I want to be left in private, but you wouldn't... You couldn't have.

Unknown_00: If you had ghosted the internet like a week ago, you would have been okay.

Unknown_03: If you would have just had a private conversation...

Unknown_03: If you would have just had a private conversation with me, we would have had a civilized conversation. This is civilized.

Unknown_00: I'm being very nice to you, actually.

Unknown_03: No, you're not.

Unknown_00: I'm telling you the truth. No, you're not. I am telling you the truth, that what you're doing is creepy and weird. I'm not saying that to have a bazinga moment. I'm not trying to fucking— Oh, yes, you are.

Unknown_03: Oh, yes, you are. No, I'm not. You tried your best a few times to have a bazinga moment.

Unknown_00: I'm trying to bore a hole in your thick fucking skull that you are a stalker. You're trying to correlate my action with being a serial killer, saying you wouldn't be surprised if Margaret turned up dead.

Unknown_03: If she ended up dead in your city, who would be the most likely person to have killed her?

Unknown_00: Yeah, but you didn't save my city.

Unknown_00: You said turn up dead. Well, if she turned up dead at all, you would be the most likely suspect. Who the fuck would be more obsessed with her than you?

Unknown_00: I don't know. I don't know Molly's life.

Unknown_02: You've been following her for a year?

Unknown_02: Yeah, on Twitter.

Unknown_00: Yeah, sue me. I mean. Fuck, she might, dude. She might get a restraining order against you at this point. All right.

Unknown_03: So how do you want to end this stream? You want to shake hands mutually or do you want to, you know, say I get you again, Batman or whatever? So how do you want to end this stream?

Unknown_00: Well, I'm going to go to bed in a bit. I don't know. I'm just going to tell you from the bottom of my heart. How do you want to end the stream, Moose? I'm about to go. I'm going to have my fucking Jerry Springer moment. I'm going to bring in a moral. The moral is you should fucking delete everything. You should seriously reconsider your life. And you should not go through with fucking with this woman. Because it doesn't matter how wrong she is in having not done the streams. You will not gain sympathy. And people will fuck with you if you fuck with her. Because that's how the internet is. She's going to look like a victim no matter what. No matter what happens at this point. Because of what you have done. Because of how long this has been. You will always look in the wrong for what you're doing. And if you have any sense. If you like your fucking job. You said it's your dream job. If you really fucking care about this shit. You will turn all this off. And that's not even in my interest. It's funnier to me if you go forward and you fuck up everything that you've worked for. A dream job that you've put in jeopardy, by the way.

Unknown_03: Yeah. Sucks.

Unknown_03: But I haven't done anything to deserve it.

Unknown_00: Really sucks. Really sucks to be you right now. If you have any sense, you'll stop fucking up. If you want to be funny, please continue to fuck up in the current proceedings because it's really funny.

Unknown_00: You've been funny enough that 50 people have been watching this for almost three hours now.

Unknown_00: I thought you said you weren't going to follow me no more. I'm going to publish this and people can do what they want. That's how my forum works. But you're saying it's going to be funny like you're going to watch it. Well, if you continue to fuck up and it's funny, people will show it to you. So you are going to follow me some more.

Unknown_03: If it's funny?

Unknown_03: So you lied a few minutes ago.

Unknown_00: I guess I could have clarified that I wouldn't follow you if it was funny, but if you continue to be funny, then yeah, I'll continue to follow you. Sorry to make that mistake.

Unknown_03: Okay, so I'm not a nobody.

Unknown_03: What? Because you said you're not going to follow a nobody, right?

Unknown_00: I said I wouldn't follow somebody who's not funny. If you continue to do shit like this, then yeah, you will be somebody. You'll be a fucking locale. You keep saying that you're afraid of being...

Unknown_03: You know, I'll live with it. It's been interesting talking to you.

Unknown_03: To everyone in the stream, how you doing?

Unknown_03: And to Ralph, how you doing? And if Jim's out there, how you doing? I've got one final question, if you may.

Unknown_00: Are you feeling suicidal right now?

Unknown_00: No. Okay.

Unknown_00: Okay, we'll finish. I'll let you finish. Last word. That's it.

Unknown_03: The end of stream.

Unknown_03: Okay, I'll take it easy. I'll see you later, man.

Unknown_02: Bye.