Everybody says about Nick shit.
Nick: I don't even read, like, summaries. I sometimes will see a clip here or there and I just go, okay. I'm more concerned about what the state says about me than anybody on the internet at the moment. So that's fine. And, you know, the state will be dealt with as appropriate in time.
Nick: If you want me to comment on my case, it's not going to happen.
Nick: in any real meaningful or significant way.
It's really, I was talking to my dad about like just how, I was just bitching, you know, because dads are good for bitching. You bitch to your dad. I was just bitching to my, do you guys want to meet my dad sometime? Should I bring him on a local show? Should we have an interview with Papa Rackets, I guess, on local sometime?
Nick: Maybe we should do that. AG Biochemist says, how do you not have time? Because, man, I've got... This one is different than not having time before.
Nick: Before, I didn't have time because I was busy. Like, with life. Now, I don't have time is more of a philosophical...
I don't have time to engage in this shit. I don't have the attention span, the bandwidth, the emotional reservoir, or anything like that. I don't have that. Hang on. This is very important. Sorry, I had to get up to the speed limit very quickly.
But I just have... I don't have the...
Nick: the attention to give to this matter because I have way fucking more important stuff to do with my life at the moment more things I have to take care of and get get wrapped around like trees in this car obviously gonna wrap this car around some trees I love the internet sometimes but uh
Nick: I've been talking to my dad about having him on my show. That wasn't what I was going to tell you, though. I was talking to my dad just about how irritating it is to have to meticulously think through everything you're going to say.
Nick: Because most people, when they're dealing with what I'm going through right now... And I love how all the statements I make right now are going to be picked apart by internet-tisms and really bad internet lawyering. But they're going to be like... There's a bunch of people who are going to say some combination of Nick needs to shut up and not say anything. And also, at the same time, Nick needs to accept full accountability for everything he's ever done in his entire life immediately and tell everybody every detail of it. And it's like, guys, those are incompatible positions.
But here's the deal. Most people who are charged with crimes that are being dealt with by the state, they don't
depend on speaking in public as part of their livelihood. Most people aren't dealing with that. And so it adds this little wrinkle where, you know, it's really easy to not say anything if you're not normally saying something. But when you're saying something, even if it's stupid nonsense like me all the time, it becomes much more difficult to not say anything at all.
Nick: So, um, I was just bitching at my dad about that. Uh, no reason, nothing special. It was just like, you know, before, uh, in the before times, you're going to, you're going to go on a stream. We're going to go like a friend wants to talk to me or something. I can do it. And I'm able to pop on the show. I don't have to think about shit. You just go on and you talk and laugh and have fun.
Now, I have to make sure I don't say something that the state can use against me. Not that it would even pertain to the case or even me.
Nick: I have to carefully consider whether or not the state can grab some sort of bullshit context and erase that and use a statement to try and be about something I said.
or something that, sorry, not something I said, but to try and make something I said be about me when it might not be. So you just have to be extra on guard. And it's not that you can't correct that shit. They actually have rules around this, the rule of evidence, the rule of completeness, for example, is if the government, or well, the opposing party, or to introduce evidence against you that is partial or incomplete, and a more complete or thorough examination of accompanying evidence, say the same writing, for example, which show that what was used was actually meant in the opposite manner, or used to derive a different common understanding, then you can invoke the rule of completeness and demand that the proper context be provided for it. So, you know, they have ways to deal with this stuff so that you're not getting fucking tagged on these little bitch statements.
But you don't want to have to deal with that. You don't want to be making the argument, well, there's other contacts. Like, obviously, you just don't want the state to mess with you at all.
Nick: So with that, you know, it makes it a really, it's really a different kind of challenge in a way. It's kind of interesting and exciting because it's like, okay, I have to be more cautious, meticulous and thoughtful.
Nick: Cool. Plan a little bit better.
Planning is for nerds, but okay. It's a new challenge. And, um,
Nick: Your 636 would dust my new gen Shelby. Okay. Cool. Probably.
Nick: Maybe. I don't know.
Nick: I'm not like a pro driver.
Nick: I just drive. And I have a good time. And it's loud.
Nick: But...
Nick: I had like a little piece of chicken wing stuck up right where my gum meets my lip. Man.
Sun's going down. We'll get the eyes out, I guess. But... But yeah.
Nick: So I was just talking to my dad about how fucking annoying it is to have to really carefully plan everything you say. Because then people start to like read into everything you do.
Nick: They read into, oh, why is he talking like that? Why is his voice cadence like that? It's like, I don't know, maybe because normally you just talk and now you have to ponder over the next three words the whole time.
But we'll...
Nick: We may have to go through Riley's Arrest. This is where I think I was starting. We have to go through Riley's Arrest sometime. I am planning on coming back to YouTube and Rumble, YouTube and or Rumble, whatever it is, either tomorrow or Wednesday, thinking Wednesday maybe, because I want to get the stream up more than two hours in advance, maybe 12 to 24 hours in advance, so that people have enough notice to come back to the first stream.
Looking for some great topics. Oh, I did get some new fan mail. It's been a while. It's been a while. And after all of this, after all of this shit, fan mail is just a nice reminder that sometimes shit's kind of funny.
It's, um, it's good. It's good to come back to YouTube and Rumble. I've been looking forward to getting the stream going again. I haven't quite finished redecorating my office. Now, it's not because I'm doing, like, major redecorating things. It's just that it got back-burnered to other shit that I had to take care of. So, it's, um, that's the way it goes.
Nick: But there are things I could maybe talk about.
I guess at some point there are things I can talk about that are related to my experience but not related to my case, so to speak. Like talking about what jail was like. It was a laugh ride a minute for that. We've got stuff like what it's like being arrested or having your house searched.
Nick: We can talk about the average weight. Of the sheriff's department.
Nick: I might have to bring on, like, an Asian lawyer for that much math. But, um... I'm not sure.
Shower stories? I had my own cell. I did not have a cellmate. And, um... The way it works...
Nick: The way it works there, and I am not a frequent visitor of the county jail, so I had my own cell, and there's a common room between me and my cell and another cell. My cell did have two bunks, so I did have to...
You know, I had to go after myself, right? Like I had to be both top and bottom with bunks. And then while I was asleep, I had to take advantage of me because no one else is there to do it. But I did have another guy in the other cell and he seemed really interesting, but I didn't talk to him. His name was Derek.
Nick: And he... They give you this bucket of big fucking tub of clothes.
Nick: And he had his wrapped around his face like a fucking Muppet monster or something. It was weird. From Fraggle Rock.
And he was just pacing around all day.
Nick: Like this big... It was like a cartoon. It was so strange. I don't know what the hell was going on. with that guy. But he seemed cool. Like, I'd like to talk to him and figure out why he was doing that.
Nick: What his, uh, what his angle was. Because, like, they know who you are. You're already booked. You're not, like, obscuring your identity. There's no, like, particular dust or anything for him to hide around in? Or, like, hide his face from? Like, was it filtering the air? I'm not sure. As long as they're in there, like, uh...
I got there around 11 a.m., maybe 11, 15 a.m., and I was out at 3, 15 p.m. the next day.
Nick: So, a little over 24 hours. That's impatient, I think, right? At that point, you're an impatient.
So, um, but it was not, uh, it was not difficult or scary. It was just boring. But the cool thing is like, uh, I'm narcolepsy. People kind of forget that narcolepsy thing. I'm narcolepsy. So just went to sleep.
Nick: I made things nice.
Nick: I kept waking up to different sack lunches.
So there was that. I got in a fun Fourth and Sixth Amendment argument with the booking guy.
Nick: That was good.
Nick: Most of the jail staff were polite. One guy wanted to watch me change my clothes.
Nick: He's like, all right, you got to put on this outfit. And I was like, am I stripping all the way down?
Nick: Because I'm not wearing underwear or anything. He's like, yep. Like, where are you? He goes, I'm going to be in the room. All right.
I mean, usually I charge for this.
Nick: But okay. I guess for the government I can do it.
Nick: And he seemed to have a good time. I don't know.
Nick: What percent of the jailed were Somalian? That day there was a...
Nick: Okay, so this jail facility is, they partner with the feds. They do an ICE holding, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. So they were predominantly Hispanic.
Predominantly Hispanic when I was, from what I saw.
Nick: This town, Wilmer, this town has a high Hispanic population, a fairly high illegal Hispanic population. It does have a high Somali population, too. It's pretty comparable. But the really bad Somali communities you hear about in Minnesota tend to be in the St. Cloud area, which is about an hour north of here. And then in some of the city suburbs, they get really bad. Out here, the Somali population is not... From my understanding, I haven't looked at the stats lately. They're not a high crime source out here as much as...
as much as some people might expect, based on the other cities with high Somali populations in the city. But we're not one that gets on the news all the time for a bunch of, like, bad Somalis doing bad Somali shit. That happens predominantly in the city, St. Cloud, maybe Rochester even. But here it's...
I've met a lot of people in the Somali community, uh, and, and they, like, they're pretty much reserved to themselves and, and quiet. Like, they are very insular from my experience.
Nick: My experience is limited, however.
Nick: So, so I couldn't tell you much more than that about them.
Nick: But yeah, it's, uh,
I think most of the people I saw there that day were Hispanic, but the jail roster may say otherwise. I don't know.
Nick: I wasn't paying that much attention to what was going on. I was more concerned about what was going on in my life at the moment. And then, of course, I was very concerned for Lady Rackets as well.
Nick: And I saw a lot of people earlier asking how Lady Rackets is.
Nick: I mean, given the circumstances, better than expected.
Nick: She's a strong lady.
It's tough. Like, this shit is really unfun, obviously. Being under the government thumb is not enjoyable. It's not supposed to be. It's designed this way. It's designed to be stressful and strenuous. And that's...
Nick: That's how it is, right?
Nick: But, you know, you take it a day at a time.
Nick: And some days are good and some days are fucking garbage.
And then some days are partly good and partly garbage. And then other days, you know, your mood kind of swings back and forth by the minute. There's no predicting it. You get a phone call or a text message or an email from a lawyer or from the government or whatever. Or even from a family member or friend. And it can be really uplifting.
Nick: It can be heartbreaking.
Nick: And it can be infuriating. And you never know which one it's going to be. How do I feel? Fine. It's the first time I've said that in a while. No, I mean, again, given the circumstances, taking the opportunity to do some shit that I needed time to do. Lots of that just being having time to, you know, redecorate the studio. Change the... Work towards shifting the...
Worked towards shifting my show schedule towards daytime a little bit. I'm still not 100% sure how that's gonna pan out. It'll be a growing pain that we do it.
Nick: I look more rested than I am. You know, we were waiting for the end of the school year to hit. And the arrest was on Thursday. The end of the school year was just the next day.
And so we had been getting things ready
Nick: We've been getting things ready to get completely organized and, you know, your spring cleaning, so to speak.
Nick: And it's funny how things get used against you inappropriately.
Nick: But yeah, that's that. And then finally, not being sick.
It's really nice because I have been able to put weight back on and I'm still under massive stress. Different kinds of stress though. The stress I had before is, you know, getting through the schedule and dealing with the time management stuff. The stress I have now is like the government watches everything you do and say, and all five eyes are on you.
And so you go, okay, well, I'm going to have to deal with this at some point.
Nick: But it's not the immediate and ongoing constant pressure of the schedule that we have. And I know people have kind of like said, oh, yeah, kids, whatever. I challenge anyone to run a week of the driving that we did for our kids and to just say that was easy.
Nick: It was not. It's an extremely trying and stressful schedule. It's why we literally had to hire a nanny to assist with it. What most people think of like driving their kids around, they're under the impression that their kids are gone for eight hours for a school day, for example, and then they're talking about maybe the hours of four to nine, four to eight, four to nine. to do some driving to limited amount of activities. We didn't do that. Our homeschooling curricula for our kids involved tons of supplemental education outside the home. I mean, we wanted our kids to find opportunities to build on talents and interests that
that we might not even see or know, or more importantly, be able to teach. I can't teach my kids how to play piano or violin or drums, but there are other people who can. And so you're bringing the children to these places all over, and they have diverging interests and stuff like that. So it's tough to... It's tough to deliver, convey what that looks like. But again, it's an extremely busy...
Nick: schedule and it's pressing. You're always, always, always moving. So it's a, you know, it's a mess, but Hey, the, the new stress is not a time pressure stress. It's just general stress. But that means when you're under that time pressure stressor, when I am, I don't eat, I don't eat during the day. Now I eat, I eat lunch and dinner, sometimes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes I even eat some snacks like chips or ice cream, which I haven't done really much snacking in like a year.
I cut that out as part of my
Nick: People don't remember that I set out to lose a lot of weight, specifically in the belly. So that's diet, man. That's not exercise. That's just not eating and letting your body eat itself. And I did that. I didn't snack much. I didn't have desserts. I barely had meals. And that was easy to do when you're driving all over the fucking place and you're busy all the time. And it's a very effective weight loss program. I don't have that anymore. I now eat two meals a day, sometimes three. I get to supplement with snacking. I've never been much of a breakfast guy. I like breakfast. I just don't want to eat it at breakfast time. But yeah.
But hey guys, I am at my destination. It's time for me to log off for a little bit. I do plan on doing a live stream here on Locals in a little bit. Again, I gotta go find out what the rest of my night looks like. I would look around the time of maybe 11 midnight. Probably another hour, hour and a half show like last time. Be a little more focused. I just wanted to talk with you guys while I drive.
Nick: It's been a minute. And um...
Nick: there we are. So let you guys, and also let you guys know I'm, I'm alive. I do plan on streaming tonight. and the full like return to the streaming channels is coming. And I hope you guys are looking forward to it. I think there's been some big moves in the Trump cases.
You know, the Georgia election fraud case is suspended. Eileen Cannon is considering Jack Smith's appointments, constitutionality, which is very interesting. Alvin Bragg is now having to justify before Congress his prosecution of Trump in New York. We got some crazy shit going on there. Plus, I got fan mail. Always fun with fan mail. We got some unbreaded to do. And the NRA did something fucking useful the other day with the Supreme Court. Supreme Court's under ongoing pressure. Lots happening. We'll get on it. Doggone it. And that's just a humble shout-out to my friend Camelot, who apparently signed the biggest contract in his life. Hey, man.
I just signed the biggest contract in my life. I gotta think back.