Hey, what's up guys?
How's it going? Hopefully you can hear me through these headphones.
No, go ahead and tell me. I'm turning on supporters only mode. Oh wait, I have to wait 43 seconds.
I am alive. Hey, what's up guys?
Um... I am...
Alive and I'm going to make food for me. It's late. A little closer.
Fucking hell. I don't know why I have these headphones in anyway. It's not like I need to hear. I was about to... I was acting like I was going to just do some work in the kitchen. Hold on, let me take them out.
Should be better. We'll see. Let me know.
Hey, what's up, Pixlexia? Nose man bad. Oh, yeah. Yep.
Audio's the same. Motherfucking thing is going to disconnect every 10 seconds.
Catch you later, Grizzly Wisley. Thanks for stopping in.
Nick, totally sexy. I love you so much. Thank you. Thank you. So hey, y'all. What's up? I'm alive. I was informed by a good friend who cares.
What the hell? Anyway, that I should... What is going... I feel like a Trump comb over going. Whatever.
That I should probably stop in, say hi, and thank you for all the supporters.
Out there. Speaking of it, supporter only time in one minute. Have I been drinking? No.
No, I can't.
I'm still drug and alcohol tested like four times a week. So no, can't drink.
Can't wait for the day I can. It'll be great.
But no. I've not been drinking or doing any drugs or anything like that. I know there's a bunch of people out there who really want that to be true. They're like, oh my God, he tweeted. There you go. But hey, you know what? I realized something today.
There are people out there that didn't get bullied enough.
And they're still fucking nerds.
So they can get lost. I'm tired of it.
I wouldn't talk to these people in normal, real life. And so if you want to talk to me, I don't care who you actually are, but have some common fucking decency. Because I will have common decency with other people. When I find out that someone's just a fucking nerd with no joy in their life, I don't want them around anymore. So they're gone.
And you'll know what I mean. I don't mean like, oh, I'm a nerd because I like books. I mean you're a nerd because you're a fucking nerd. So get out.
And all those people should be bullied and beaten to death.
Yeah. No, I'm good with it. I said to make sure that I was comfortable saying that. Very much so.
So it's like, yeah.
Yeah, it was really refreshing. It was good. It made me happy to do that. I have never blocked people on Twitter. I don't think... I may have an errant block in there somewhere, but I don't think I do.
In something like six years, I haven't blocked anyone.
And today I just started blocking a whole shitload of people. And it's so great.
Oh, so good.
And I'm going to do it again, uh, as they, you know, show up and, and waste my time. I'm just going to start blocking people. I gave them long enough. So, uh, it's done with them.
And that makes me really happy.
And I found out that that's, uh, that's something that should be focusing much more on in my life is joy.
Speaking of joy, I'm making a sandwich.
Strange cultists really deserve it. Dude, it's unhealthy.
There are some people out there who just are really, really into it, which is fine. I just don't need them on my timeline. shitting up every post I make and every reply because, you know, I've got other stuff to do and other stuff to talk about. And they make it difficult to even have conversations with people. So I got rid of them.
Is that a sandwich for Sean? No, I don't have two loaves of bread.
By the way, you want to fucking nerd? There's one. I'm going to paint my models. Yeah, have fun.
What a loser.
So remembering like all these people are actually just losers and the internet made them forget that they were, and they should all be shoved into, I mean, you can't shove him into a locker. You need a whole dumpster or whatever, but they all deserve to go back to where they were. And, uh,
And yeah, man, these people are joyless.
They have no concept of like comedy or humor or self-deprecation in any real capacity. And they're always so fucking serious. And it's like, why?
Why can't you guys, like you can't, they'll take a joke all day except for when you actually make one. Then they won't take a joke anymore. Then they want to call the fucking police.
because of jokes or whatever it's like oh my god when did the when did the internet police show up to everything oh look that person they're talking they're talking and i don't like them okay cool i am tired of it i'm just grabbing some ingredients i'm still with you guys
I'm going with turkey today for a sandwich.
See, I'm hungry, so I have to make a sandwich so that I can have something to eat while I cook my food. I need y'all's help.
The other thing that makes me laugh is, because I know nerds, I am one, right? I'm just a cool nerd. The other thing that makes me laugh is, okay, I think it's back.
The other thing that makes me laugh is, I know it's going to fucking bother him being called nerds.
Because it always will. That's the funny thing about nerds.
They're always bothered when they're reminded that they're nerds. The internet removed the ability for someone to get punched in the fucking mouth.
And it made these people think that they were, like, cool. It's like, all right, I don't... You're not, though. Like, I've seen you people.
You don't fit in at a brothel.
You don't fit in anywhere. That's why you're on the internet all day.
That's fine. Stay there. Just don't talk to me about how I live. Because I like my life way better than that.
Can you imagine that 700 pound? Oh, if you ever listen to one of his boring ass streams, you sit there, he's like, yeah, we got a 16 grams of Bolivian blow. You know, like, say these expressions that he's either made up or stolen from some shitty book, and he acts like he's cool, like, he's done all this stuff, and he's got this experience, he's a criminal defense attorney, but it's like, no, look at him, he's just a model-painting fat nerd, which is fine. It's probably who you want defending you, honestly. You probably don't want me. I'll probably ruin something for you, but he's fine with that, but stop trying to like pretend to be cool because that's that's weird you're not cool and we can all see you but he does that and then all of a sudden he's like nick you got caught with blah blah blah okay like i'm i'm sorry how does that affect you please tell me more about it All these little bitches sitting there whining and crying at me. My friend I'm worried about. No you aren't. They never were. There's like three or four people out there who are actually concerned for me from jump stayed concerned with me because they're actually friends. The rest are most people are just neutral which is perfectly acceptable.
Who cares? And then a couple of people are overtly hostile for no fucking reason because I was never, ever rude to them or bad to them. But man, were they just waiting for the opportunity to really show the world how much they needed to make me wrong about something.
Little concerned about EBS tonight. I haven't talked to EBS in a fucking month. I mean, what have you.
Fine. Someone's got a problem with what I do or say at this point. You can't take my kids. The government can. Fuck off. I'm not scared of any of you.
You get a little perspective change.
Get a little perspective change when the government comes into your life and starts fucking around. You start finding out. Because the government never finds out. They just make you do it.
I have never felt as unhealthy.
As being under the watchful eye of the government, I've never felt as terrible about, like myself, mentally or physically. They've truly done a number on my life and I get to spend a lot of time fixing it. But hey, the good news is I actually want to fix it. Oh, EVS loves me? Good. I saw someone said something
Uh like negative about it and I was like, I mean, I guess I don't know though But man So what happened with evs then?
Weird bar video and said this frog looked wrong Someone say passed out in a bathroom Oh shit
Mr. Mimiagi, I will. I'll send him one tomorrow.
I didn't know about that. I feel like I have fucking Parkinson's.
I don't mean that as a joke. I mean that semi-seriously. So I'm opening up this new container of turkey.
I really like making my own turkey. AVS got hammered.
Was it over the news about his wife? Is that why?
It's one thing they don't really prep you for in streamer school. You're going to live your shitty days in front of the camera too because the show keeps going.
And that's where a lot of big problems come in, at least for me. You know, reacting to a shitty day. Most people's shitty days aren't recorded and broadcast.
What's the mood up there? Is it that Trump might take Minnesota? I have no idea, man. I haven't paid attention to anything other than, well, to be honest, trying not to
I got really close to some really dark thoughts.
So keeping myself away from, you know, cliffs or whatever has been high priority. So I'm not paying attention to election stuff right now. I'm about to get back in the swing of everything so that I'm ready to go for trials and other shit.
But I got through that.
So, seriously, thanks for everybody out there who sends me messages of support and stuff. I'm really sorry I have not gotten back to them like I used to.
But, you know, that's how it goes.
How is the Sarah Boone trial for those who watched it?
Was not pulling the numbers I thought it would be, except for Emily Baker, but she doesn't count. She's not a person anymore. She's now just a machine of awesome streams.
She figured it out.
She's really good at what she does. She works really hard. I admire her greatly, so please, Emily, don't ever take anything I say like that as negative and entirely positive.
Do you guys put lettuce on your sandwiches?
I love lettuce in my sandwiches. I prefer, I think it's called butter lettuce or bibb lettuce, butter leaf.
Butter leaf lettuce or bibb lettuce, it's like, it comes alive like this. Sort of ripping off leaves.
I do that and then I put pickles on top of that and then I put spinach on top of the pickles.
But I don't, I, I like those long skinny pickles. Dick joke.
Uh, but I don't have any of those. I just have the like regular sandwich ones.
only iceberg the crunchier the better oh dude you'd probably like the butter leaf lettuce it's really crunchy ryan you don't like pickles something's gotta be wrong with you you don't like pickles
Fucking hate them, really.
Oh, man.
All right, my sandwich is almost ready. Then I use my sandwich to keep myself, you know, like sustained while I make my real food.
All right.
I don't know about you guys, this is how my sandwiches look.
So it's pretty, pretty good size.
I like green shit on my sandwich.
Not everybody does.
But I do.
I'm not a sauerkraut person.
Needs bacon. I agree, but I don't want to make bacon. I don't think I have any right now.
Real problem is a stuttering stream. The locals app, man. I don't know about it.
I should probably switch to using YouTube members only shit.
Maybe rumble.
When did I start vaping?
When the government fucked me.
And I needed a cigarette after.
Yes, Pixlexia. I am.
I've just been... Out of the loop on everything. So I don't... I want to make sure I actually, like, know what I'm talking about when I come back.
Did you say, was it as good for you as it was for me after they fucked you? No. They left me sleeping in the bed.
Is April really pregnant? April is not pregnant.
But it's a funny rumor.
A rumor cut completely out of, I think, you know, out of whole cloth by Aaron.
I can't wait for this shit to be done, guys.
Chijunia, I saw him. Doing great. Keep it up.
Last time I streamed, I think, was before Trump got shot.
I don't think I did one after.
Was there any end in sight yet? I have a settlement conference on November 25th.
Ending before that is really unlikely. I guess it's possible that my appeal could go through. It's possible that Lady Rackets could get the warrant thrown out.
If she gets the warrant thrown out, it's possible that April could get the warrant thrown out.
Left lots of money on the table not streaming after you got shot. Yeah, no kidding.
I've left lots of money on the table the entire year by not streaming. But here's the thing. Like, with streaming, if you're streaming and you kind of look like a sad sack of garbage, people don't really want to watch.
It's not entertaining. So I didn't... While I was a sad sack of garbage, I didn't stream.
But that is coming to a close. I've had a very nice revelatory week in some ways. In other ways, it's been really complicated. But I've been spending a lot of time finding myself.
I've done a shitload of therapy, which is great.
Does either Kayla or April getting the warrant tossed help your case? Yeah, any of them get the warrant tossed and we all win.
Here you go. There's the sandwich again. I cut it so it's got the nice clean look so you can see all the sediment layers or whatever.
Go on the Kino Casino.
Two fucking loser Canadians with a combined IQ that's lower than the average calories in a bite that PPP takes? No thank you. Andy Borski can get fucked. And PPP can't get fucked because it's biologically impossible. It's too fat. It's too much of a nerd.
Hi, we have a show where we make up shit. Okay, cool. Great. So does everybody else.
I sound scared. Cool.
Funny thing, there was a time they could have easily gotten me on the show, and I would have been happy to make them a bunch of money.
But not anymore.
Aw, good job, Skull Leader. I would have noticed if you would have told me, but you're just text to me.
Then you're just felted. No one's ever fucking cared about that expression.
When the government can take your kids, you don't give a shit what two retarded Canadians think.
Sorry. They burned their chance for me to give a shit.
Thanks, Torrin3.
I remember that the way things improve is that you improve them.
I fucking love sandwiches. I hadn't made a sandwich in like six months before a little bit ago, like a couple weeks ago.
I made his sandwiches at my parents' house.
They were helping watch the kids.
My dad's really good about making the kids food.
He always makes like little mini charcuterie boards for them.
It's really, it's like rolled up lunch meat. It's not like fancy.
Lunch meat, you know, Crystal Farms cheese or whatever.
Some grapes, apples.
Very small rocks. But, um, so yeah, I dealt the lunch meat and cheese. So I was like, well, I'll make a sandwich.
I made it. I remembered how fucking good a sandwich is.
See ya.
Get fucked.
Well, he's not here anymore. It's amazing.
I don't give a shit anymore about other people's like imposition of my personal policies.
I didn't block people because I didn't want to block people. Well, seven years of retards.
I'm going to block him.
Oh, he's a paying customer? Okay, go. Don't pay me anymore. Sorry. Like, I just don't care. I really do appreciate all of you. Every single person who stuck with me through all of this stuff. But if someone's going to be here just fucking bitching, goodbye. I'm done with it.
Again, I'll say it one more time for those in the back. When the government can take your kids, none of this other shit matters.
People are toxic.
They're not good for your life.
Fucked with one too many streamers.
And they're unappeasable and joyless.
So they can just go
Polish meat from the city today. Ooh. What kind of Polish meat? I mean, I think of like a kielbasa or something.
All right. What am I making? Am I making ramen?
Mr. Mimiagi, yes. A million percent yes. Post all of them.
Thank you, Charlie.
I really need to hear that from time to time. It really helps.
Yeah, Mr. Mimiagi.
There was so much opportunity to have fun through a lot of this. And it got burnt by angry, sad people. And here's the thing. Look, I get that some people feel...
Betrayed. In some way. And I'm sorry. I don't see it. Because I didn't.
I didn't tell anybody. On some promise.
Other than the 5,000 locals gift. Which believe it or not.
That will happen. If I die doing it. It'll happen.
Hey thanks Kaufman.
But um.
A whole bunch of crazy shit has been alleged and I'll get around to addressing all of it as I can but like there's a duality where people want you to they say like don't talk about your personal life so then you don't talk about your personal life and then they're like you lied about your personal life. It's like actually it just wasn't your fucking business.
And it doesn't affect you in any way. That's the amazing thing is that
outside of maybe some content variations that happen when one person goes on a crazy tirade, it didn't affect anybody at all.
So I didn't scam anyone for a charity or anything like that.
I don't even know how to do a crypto thing. I would do one of those crypto scams. Those seem great.
But I don't know how to do those. I'm not tech literate in that way. So that didn't work.
Put you on a pedestal of their own making and you failed the anime headcanon of you. Just like you always said, judges are just a person in a robe. Nick is just a dude on the internet. I don't know why people are so hung up. Me either. And I'm just a fun, happy dude.
Not right. Not lately.
reasons but in general like all these people I didn't watch the video but like legal mindset it's like why people stopped interacting with Nick Riccata it's like I stopped inviting people on my show because I couldn't reliably say I would be on a given night I think you guys remember before I got arrested my schedule was very erratic and I was canceling a lot of shows I mean I think it's obvious now I was dealing with a maniac
as part of it. And I was genuinely sick. When I said I was sick, I was genuinely sick. That was never a lie. Not once. So I want that to be known. But that being said, I stopped inviting people on the show because I couldn't promise to actually show up to my own show. That's why people stopped interacting with me.
legal mindset can make up whatever reason he wants. I stopped interacting with him because he's a fucking nerd. He's sitting here selling this like, oh, here's how you go be a big swinging dick in Asia. It's like, why? Because you couldn't in the US? What's wrong with you? Oh, wait, look at you. There's tons wrong with you. First of all, you're a fucking nerd. Second of all, you're not actually interesting or entertaining. Third of all, you're not attractive and you're not a slayer of women like he portrays to be. It's fucking hilarious that he's out there teaching guys how to do guy shit. Bro, anybody can look at you and just tell that whatever you're selling is not a healthy product, man.
So, God, this is good.
Hey, what's up, Lucas?
You won't be missing me much longer.
So, I really wanted to stop by
and say thanks. I wanted to be on earlier, but I was saving a friend from some personal demons.
Skull Leader, he's not a lawyer with money.
He's tall and has good hair, sort of, except he walks with a really awkward limp when you meet him in person. Kind of takes away from that tallness.
And he's got that lazy fucking eye. Scanning for the government or whatever at all times. Looking for his debt collectors.
Well, it doesn't matter.
As I come back, I'm only going to talk to people I want to talk to.
It really sucks because I'm not going to be in the mood to help people for a while. They probably don't want my help, which is fine.
It's dumb, though, because I'm fun.
But that's okay. I'm not going to be in the mood to help people out or whatever because it's exhausting helping people only to have them try and fuck you over and over and over again.
Yeah, it's a couple bracelets.
One made by one of my kids and then Lady Rags made me this one, which is our, it's complicated, but it's our family.
So, all right. Am I making ramen or am I making eggs?
Can't do watch parties anymore, Matthew 9th does. Not like, not the way you could on Twitch.
Ramen with the eggs. Okay.
I just ate my sandwich, which is to tie me over until I make my ramen.
Eggs and ramen. Let me see. I boiled some eggs earlier. Let me make sure my kids didn't read them.
Oh, baby. Alright, this is easy.
Try it.
Oh, Chachuni, I do not eat.
I'm up to 168 pounds.
Well, that's weird. I thought I had chicken.
I gotta see what other protein I have. I mean, I have three eggs. That's pretty good on protein. I just normally like to have chicken. I don't... I just... No, I just bought some. I know where it is.
We'll be right back.
It's me, Broncos Trial Coverage. Well, look, my biggest goal for my channel right now is finding a trial that I can actually cover reasonably. I don't know if you guys remember it, but I think it was like, I said the same thing like a day or two days before I got arrested.
And I was serious. I was so mad. By the way, normally people say, oh, yeah, you should try something. You shouldn't, uh, don't try getting arrested for a felony.
Like, don't. That's not one I recommend.
Keep that off the list.
Caesar Dave, thank you. I'm glad you don't feel betrayed. Because I didn't betray you. And I wouldn't. I like you guys.
Doesn't make sense to betray you. Am I going to jail? Very unlikely.
It's always possible.
Dr. Junior doesn't sound right to me either. Amen, Jim.
I've been making a shitload of these bracelets to get more and more intricate. Cool.
My nose wouldn't fit in the cell.
Oh, Amanda, that's the worst. I had a bouncy leg. everybody says is from cocaine or whatever, but I wasn't doing cocaine when I was like 12, so my bouncy leg started.
But anyway, I had that bouncy leg.
I always had the babies at night because my leg would bounce. I'd just sit in a chair. My leg would bounce. I'd just put the baby on there and just bounce. And they'd just go to sleep. So I'd sit there and Watch TV or watch a movie or whatever and just bounce a baby for two hours.
Matthew, you said basic ADHD.
Do they not know you? Dude, these shit. I mean, I get to talk about all this eventually, not right now.
But the litany of shit and how the telephone game effectively works through government to just fuck you is amazing. It's amazing because, you know, on the criminal side, you have some protections. In the family side, you don't.
So they use everything against you, even shit that didn't happen, because they misread stuff. That's cool.
I've said it a couple times and you get to tell all this story
I'll explain it more thoroughly, but people always think of the conspiracy as like a grand thing that like the government is like, aha, we target this guy, but it's not.
Cool thing is I actually found the multiple mini conspiracies and the evidence.
It's not...
what some people believe. It's not like the government did not target me as far as I can tell and go, this guy is dangerous. We got to blah, blah, blah. But they don't normally do that.
That involves too much. What happens is one or two people get a bug up their ass and they just do something a little bit wrong or they leave out something or they accidentally switch a detail.
And you're like, you're done.
You're done.
There's nothing you can really do about it either.
You can try and argue. They'll never be punished.
And the judges don't like to go your way, especially on drug cases.
Because of one very specific thing, like especially out here, right out here, there's one drug testing lab. in the county and the next closest drug testing lab is an hour away and after that it's another hour to the next one so if they find a problem with the drug testing lab every case then goes on the chopping block
So they're hesitant to find a problem with drug testing because then all of the drug testing that they're doing becomes suspect. And that means that people who maybe have a drug case or whatever that makes sense,
might be getting off, it might be able to use that problem. So in all the decisions about any drug testing lab are always like these limiting things like, oh, it's only this one, like this is the only time in heaven. It's like, well, why do you have a bunch of decisions that go this way?
But it makes it,
kind of difficult to fight and defend, right?
When you know the judge isn't going to go, he's not going to rule for you against the drug lab. Just not.
Maybe in a major metro area on certain cases, but out in the country when it's only lab, no way. Not in a way that'll make the lab look at all bad.
They're just not.
They have no reason to believe you. Because they think you're a drug user.
So it doesn't really matter.
But that's what jury trials end up for.
But the reality is a lot of the stuff in Family cases especially should have been dealt with by judges as a matter of law, and they don't. And there's no jury.
There's no jury in the family case.
Judge has no interest in bucking the system.
Am I going to do Colin shows again? I don't know. I got to get down and sit down and do a regular show again. I gotta remember, I gotta see if I can ride the bike, you know? I'm just, my food's really basic. I just got some chicken and ramen.
You and Drexel still on bad terms, as I heard. You said he was mad at you. Well, he doesn't talk to me, so I don't know if we're on good or bad terms at all.
I would like to talk to him. I think I have some things to talk to him about, but you know, you can only go so far. Bro, this app cuts off constantly.
Nailed it.
I can't wait to tell you about my case, though. I mean, win or lose, it doesn't matter.
The stuff that's happened is stuff that should really trouble people about the system.
And I have all the evidence to back it up. It's not making it up. I've got recordings. I've got the documents. I've got all this stuff.
Not to talk too much about it, but one thing people make fun of is Is it the government says that they gave me my video and that I downloaded it on July, whatever.
They didn't present evidence that they did that.
The judge just accepted that they did that, but they never did. They have not ever given me a copy of my video and they haven't gotten it from Rumble or YouTube. I can tell because I have the analytics, right? I can tell. when the views stopped coming in, what day it was. Guess what? Views stopped coming in on the 21st because that's when I locked both of them down. There are no views on the 22nd. So that officer who said he watched my video absolutely did not.
He didn't. He has lied.
But the state said, well, we gave Nick his video. And the judge said, oh, okay. And that's the reality of court.
They didn't have to prove it. In fact, the judge came after us for not filing something to prove them out. The thing that my lawyer didn't file is actually great.
That thing is Supplemental Report 8.
Supplemental Report 8 includes four videos that the state sent me, actually Detective Pomplin, four videos that he says that he used to make the warrant request, right? Mind you, the warrant was signed by the judge at 4.06 p.m. on the 22nd, okay? That's important.
The four videos that are provided to me by the state that the detective said he used to make his... The four videos provided to me by the detective that the detective claims he reviewed to make the warrant request were all created after the warrant was approved by the judge.
And the judge in my case doesn't care.
So, I mean, my lawyer tried to explain that to the judge. Jesus.
The lawyer tried to explain that to the judge, and he's just like, no, no, no. The state says it did this. But the state never provided any evidence that they gave it to me. They just said it. It's amazing.
I haven't read my appeal. I hope they... Guys, my appeal is going to lose. Almost guaranteed. Because appeals are for losers. Winning them is a long shot.
Not making any bones about it. Believe me, I want my appeal to win, but it's probably going to lose. I haven't read it, though.
So I hope it's competent this time. That would be good.
I'm getting a lot of criticism from people who should know better insinuating or directly saying that it's me who's writing these briefs, me running legal defense and all that stuff in the strategy. Now you hire a lawyer to do that for you and then you let them do it. It's infuriating. It's not what I would do in some cases.
Uh, and that goes both ways. Like it's not what I would do because I, you know, it's very smart, like a angle to attack, or it's not what I would do because I don't think it's very useful, but that's, I mean, that's why you hire someone else.
I'm still dealing with my defamation suit. Yeah. I think I got some status update coming in November.
It's really hard to care about that, but I need to.
What a waste of time that is.
Yeah, Spanksy, no kidding.
Again, I have so many stories that have to... I'll have to wait until this is done.
Everything's wrapped up.
And, like, specifically so. I have to really watch what I say.
So I just won't say anything.
Serial and bail of family law. Divorce one child. Follow the watching of your channel 100%. Don't talk to me. Talk to my attorney. Yep. 100%.
There is no thing that can go well from at that point.
Even if you think things are going nicely, very, very easy to just take any conversation and twist it after the fact.
Technically might not matter, but didn't you tweet that you did mountains of cocaine? I think I tweeted that I was on a mountain of cocaine at some point in time. Yes.
It says absolutely nothing about the crime I am charged with. I know some people are freaking out about it.
But, you know.
Catch you later, Ryan.
Andrew, what's going on about that? Andrew's a fucking idiot. Like, it doesn't matter. Dude, if they...
If I otherwise am winning and they hang me on a tweet about doing mountains of cocaine at a completely different date and location, I guess they got me.
My bad at that point.
If you have concerns about your attorney's competency, can you hire a new one now? Yes.
I don't think the tweets help public opinion. Yeah, I'm not trying to.
Like, it's funny. People like, Nick needs to take accountability or whatever. And then you say something and they're like, I can't believe he said that.
Which one do you want, man? Like, do you want
Do you want someone to be honest? Or do you want them to not say anything? Like, what... Oh, why do you care? That's the other thing.
I don't mind that people find my life interesting. Or, like, my situation interesting. I find it interesting. I want to talk about it more. It's one of the reasons I haven't been streaming so much is because it's... I didn't want to talk about it tonight, but I drift into it.
So it's like...
But I don't mind that people are interested.
But that's where it should stop. You're just interested. You're learning about it, whatever. People make it out like my life somehow affects theirs in some way. I've grossly offended them.
Oh, and anyone who thinks that I gave cocaine to my child or that my child actually ingested any cocaine is fucking retarded. And you should kill yourself.
so man i am yeah a little tired of that one oh you did this no i didn't say some pepper it's the worst pepper grinder on the planet dude like the amount of pepper that came out of there is embarrassing
Some spinach.
All right.
I missed dinner. I was helping some of the kids get dinner. The older ones fend for themselves a lot of times.
Oh, by the way, let me just say this. Literally all of the kid shit is bogus.
All of it.
Anything about the kids... Anything where the... Let's try again.
Anything where the kids are hungry or dirty or stinky or whatever, any of those reports, those are all fucking false.
None of that happened. None of that was true.
People make a big deal out of my six-year-old.
People make a big deal out of my six-year-old asking the police officer to
Help her get clean clothes.
They're like, see?
Dirty child. No, she had just woken up for the day.
She was still in pajamas. She needed to change into clean clothes because our kids do wear clean clothes.
So, all that shit was entirely fake. Our kids have the amount of money spent on food in this house.
Yeah, they're not hungry. They can all cook for themselves. It's insane.
But hey, that's how it goes.
Dead pap. It's a good question. And when we found out about the test, we demanded a retest. We asked them, please, like, help us figure this out.
The state refused.
The state refused to retest the child. We believe there was some sort of error in the testing process.
Also, well, there's something to cover at trial if it comes down to it. as well about that but eventually probably talk about publicly but for now it's got to remain under wraps but let's just say that there's an alternative explanation but uh the one explanation that makes the least sense is the one that the test says occurred would you anticipate being able to tell your side completely unfettered um
Hopefully by the end of the year.
But I don't know. It depends. It depends on if I'm going to trial and it depends on when the trial date is. The trial date could be, if I'm going to trial, the trial date could be in February or March. It's hard to say.
Yeah, Mr. Mimiagi, Dick is suspicious of anything that doesn't make sense. That test doesn't make sense.
We wanted to know what happened, right?
Lady Raggetts and I wanted to know what happened because that's our child and we had concerns about it and we know it didn't happen.
But that's not the only false test that's happened in this case. So it's crazy.
Were you not able to arrange your own test?
No. No, you don't have custody.
Yeah, we the rabble, the liquor is not coming back to the show for maybe a long, long time.
Maybe, maybe never.
Which is fine.
It was part of the show. I used way too much of it. It became a crutch on the show. It was first a feature, then it became a bug, we'll say.
And so for at least a good while, there's not going to be alcohol on the show. I may not legally be able to have it, too. I don't know. But even so, there probably won't be any on the show because...
for now I need to focus on making a good show again and that's what I'm more concerned with and for what it's worth right now at least I do a better show when I'm not drinking of course I don't really know I haven't had a drink since June 5th seize the day me either
Revertune, yes.
Yeah, Pixlexia. It's kind of the way it goes.
But that was on me. It was my fault. My choices.
I'm the one who chose to take all the drinks. So we're going to be streaming one day with Melody Mac? Maybe. Maybe.
I don't know. I never responded to her. I feel bad, but not that bad. I was dealing with some personal shit. I'll eventually apologize.
White Claw Ranch Water? No, I'm not a woman. Sorry.
No, I didn't see the Joe Rogan Trump podcast. I haven't watched anything.
I watched some Shameless.
Yeah, it picks likes, yeah. All right, what's up, AJ?
Yeah, Billy, she was very kind.
I've always had kind, not very many, but kind interactions with Melanie.
There was one show she did where she and Alex Stein kind of went after someone I think they're a porn star or something. They kind of double teamed her, which she should have been used to. And I thought maybe that was a little bit out of kind.
But I mean, worse things have happened.
Charlie, I don't think Tim Pool retired. I think he retired from doing his Twitter account. Someone else runs his Twitter now.
Alex Stein is a twat's twat on drugs. Wow, damn.
Oh, TMF Squid. Yeah, that dude's cool.
What up, Squid?
One thing I started doing is cooking again. It's been a long time since I cooked.
Tim Pool is going to be a dad.
My son has been buddy-buddy with Vic Mignogna. Yeah, I need to talk to Vic. I voted my conversation since December.
I'm still here, Janelle. How are you doing?
What are your general impressions of the dabbleverse, since you're thrust in, more or less, Toxic and LawTube?
My impressions of the dabbleverse is, God, I hate every community that exists on YouTube. All of them.
Unequivocally, without exception.
I think they're all terrible.
I don't think the dabbleverse is any better, and I am shocked at how many people watch shows about absolute fucking nobody.
Spacey, I need to... I have a really great kitchen.
to do like a Julia Childs style cooking show like a huge island with my stove on it and like it all comes this way you don't have to like have your back turned or anything it'd be great problem is it's a house that's lived in with seven people and so this kitchen island like right now just has you know piles of folded laundry and stuff that need to go it's a mess
How is Venom, Janelle?
Am I still barred? Yeah.
Yes, Charlie, seven people.
Just putting some stuff in the fridge. One second, guys.
What do you mean why are irons so fucking expensive? Like, golf irons? Because there's a bunch of them?
Zan, that's disgusting. I never thought about that with like the streamers who stream all day. I always was just like, there's no way I could do it because of the kids, right? Like I have way too much.
Am I going to be sideways?
Oh, there we go.
But, um... Yeah, I just, uh... You know, I always thought Tampon Tim was Tim Pool.
I didn't realize it was Walls.
But... I, um...
Yeah, so what I was saying about all-day streamers, like, I never thought about all the shit they'd have to... They sit there all day.
Seize the day. I like that plan but I'm not going to do it.
I'll probably do some of it.
Going through all this has been really frustrating.
But recently I remembered something. I fucking like me.
I like me like
I don't really want to change much. Obviously, there's some things that probably need to be changed, but just in general, I like me.
Fuck anybody who doesn't.
Go away.
Go do something else. I don't mind.
Where is this?
I had a drink.
I had a ginger ale somewhere.
That vanished.
Solid drink management.
Supposed to fuck the ones that do like you.
Trust me, Skull Leader, you get in trouble for that one, too.
Oh, yeah, seize the day.
There's this interesting thing that happens on the internet.
Where is my... People say they just observe, right? They just watch or whatever. They have their people that they watch for whatever content. However they consume the content, it doesn't really matter.
But people insist that they don't participate, that they're just watching this thing. But the internet isn't that way.
The interactivity of the chat, the ability to have direct contact with creators, and the fact that most creators are managing chats that are smaller than a couple thousand people, the chats are actually pretty manageable.
People directly interact with and influence streamers in ways that entertainment hasn't been able to be influenced before. And I think it has a real potentially detrimental effect on mental health, emotional health, and all that stuff.
I know it's really, really affected me.
And there's not like a training course or a warning label or whatever.
But the thing is, once some people decide that your life needs to be ruined, they just try and ruin it.
In different ways, different levels for each person. But for some people, it's just, you know, it's just saying, hey, you're a retard or whatever, which is fine.
But one of the things that I learned is that someone compiled stuff I said about Jesus out of context and sent it to the pastor who reported us.
So the pastor's report is influenced by out-of-context quotes I made about Jesus, which are quotes not of authority, because I'm not an authority on the Bible.
all I'm just a guy who likes to read and think I have time and so the exploration of the text was me doing textual criticism of various parts of the Bible doing doing textual criticism of various parts of Bible because I find it interesting and then being a little cheeky about Jesus's divinity and
which I actually believed in, never didn't.
But I think there's a... I'm going to get into theology, and it's going to go to hell, straight to hell right with me.
There's a point, I think, to the fact that God came down as man. And I don't think Jesus saw himself as sinless.
The way he describes sin at the Sermon on the Mount, I think he very clearly considers himself a sinner.
We say that Jesus was without sin. That's fine. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. I don't think Jesus considers himself without sin. I don't think that God is constrained by some rule that requires the pure blood sacrifice to forgive sin. God can just go, ah, forgive you. Like he can just do that because he's God, right?
But people are like, nope, he couldn't do that. He needed Christ to die on the cross. It was the only way. It's like, that doesn't make sense. That's magic. That's not religion. That's not faith.
And so it's like, you know, the problem is I get into discussions about that and I actually think through the problems and the questions that come up. And I often come to a conclusion that sounds something like regular Christian doctrine. But sometimes there's a period in the middle where I'm like, I mean, that's kind of weird.
That's kind of a strange part of the text. And people take that and they go, see, he hates Jesus. No, I like that guy. He's funny. He hangs around with cool people.
An old discussion to me.
It was more about, do I care if Jesus wasn't sinless? No. I don't give a shit.
The Virgin says, Jesus cannot sin against himself. That's how I reconcile that, Nick. Of course he can.
Why can't he?
Like if Jesus just murdered a guy, like he'd be sinning against himself, it wouldn't I guess you could say, well, since he's God and God makes a choice of right and wrong, God can only choose right, then Jesus' choices are always right, therefore he's sinless. But that's like a fallacy. That's not a real way to get to that. That's a philosophical cheat mode.
But the whole thing is, the pastor who reported us
I got video compilations from people about things I said about religion. He never talked to me about them. He could have. I talked to him all the time.
But he never said anything.
Not one thing.
I think he's an absolutely terrible human.
I just thought he was a mediocre pastor before, but he always seemed caring.
But people show you the truth about them.
Oh, we the rabble, don't worry about that. It's taken care of. I want to point out that never wasn't happening.
I know there's a snaky retard out there who's told a bunch of stories about my life.
One day, friend, I get to talk to.
And I have a bunch of stories about your life. I have a bunch of stories about your life.
I'm thirsty.
Can I tell you now how does it hurt your case? No, I don't want to do anything that could potentially influence the testimony of a potential state witness.
So any of those stories will just have to wait until all that legal ramifications are out of there.
Billy the Kid Long?
Yes. He 100% is.
Christianity is Jew shit. Yeah, but it's like Jew 2.0 or whatever. Jew .0.
What are you having? You're having cocaine-flavored Kool-Aid? Ew. Why? Yeah.
Well, guys, I should probably wrap it up.
I meant to stream earlier today. Like I said, I had a friend with some personal issues that I needed to help out. So sorry about that.
More locals content is coming more frequently. Stuff like this.
I worked really hard to keep my kids kind of off of stream and stuff like that.
But I may relax that a little bit. Not have the kids on the stream, but just not worry about them being in the background. If I'm going to be cooking meals or whatever, just hang out with you guys up here. You guys can hear the chaos in my house.
But my absence should be fading.
My return is here, and it starts on Locals. So, thanks again. Really, thanks for hanging with me. It was a really long time that I basically didn't stream and haven't been on Locals, but that's changing.
My return starts here, because this is where the people who've supported me the longest have been.
This is where they stayed while I went through a whole bunch of shit. So...
My return starts here, starts today, and then it'll move back to YouTube and Rumble really soon. And I started to hint, but one of the issues I always had
was that... How do I word this?
There's a bunch of stuff I didn't talk about.
Because it wasn't ever meant to be public.
It's not that I didn't want to talk about them, the stuff. It's...
Stories that involved other people and other people, you know, I respect the wishes of other people on stuff like that.
But I like talking about stuff. I don't really care what people know.
Someone decided to make public a lot of things that were not supposed to be public.
And along with that came a lot of lies and I have the truth.
And the reason you'll know the truth is because I'm just not fucking ashamed of much of anything.
Because again, it wasn't anybody's business.
And but yeah.
I have fun stories to tell coming up.
I always hated not telling them.
So I'm looking forward to that. Some of them are going to have to wait until the court cases are over.
Let's just say there's been some dishonesty out there.
Who am I voting for? Probably Trump.
Oh, we the rebel.
Yeah, it's a long time.
So anyway,
In the meanwhile, you can probably watch, keep an eye on April's Twitter.
That was rather unexpected today, but it's very, very funny.
Gal 515. Yeah. Amen.
That's about the only words I've said to that pastor. I said, where was my family's pastor?
Do I still talk to Jeff or Kurt?
Rarely. I just haven't been talking to many people at all.
I've been
Really working on myself.
Done like three different types. I've got like three different types of therapy.
And in a lot of ways, I'm a completely different person.
And in other ways, I'm very much the exact same.
Problem is I had lost myself for a while.
But I found him.
So that's fun.
I don't know. Seize the day.
I've talked to him sometimes. He seems normal enough to me. Hmm.
All right, guys.
How do you know yourself better? Well, you have to spend some time talking to yourself, dude.
Have I played Warhammer 2? You mean Space Marine 2?
Not yet.
Congrats, Charles.
I'm proud of other people's sobriety. I have mine because I have to. I don't really care. I don't... I don't care about liquor. I like whiskey.
But I don't, like, need alcohol. I just really like whiskey.
So... Yeah, I'm...
Space Marine 2 is on my list. I haven't played a video game in a long, long time.
The first order of business for me, though, is my son has been asking me to play Risk of Rain 2 with him. And we've just been busy, so I haven't been able to do that.
The new DLC, so I'll probably do that.
All right, guys.
Love you all. I will see you very, very soon. Thanks again. And I hope you all have a good night.