That should fix it.
Nick: Bring me down a little bit.
Nick: Okay. There we go. Hi.
Nick: Do I have reverb?
Nick: Oh, no. Hold on.
Nick: I had my audio monitor on.
There we go. That should be better. Is that better? Okay.
Nick: Is the mic good today? I heard the mic was terrible the other day. Oh, fuck off.
Nick: I heard the mic was terrible the other day.
Nick: Sound a thousand times better than last time? Yeah, I had the mic gain at its default setting, but I'm in a way different room than I normally do. I had the setting that I use downstairs, which also runs through some different fucking filters. Don't worry about it.
Last time, it had way too high of a gain support on the mic. through the fucking road caster.
Nick: So I turned it way, way down to where it normally is or where it's supposed to be or what it's supposed to sound like. And I used my fucking audio from my monitor speaker to get it there. I am exhausted.
I'm exhausted from getting this shit to work.
Nick: I now have, you can't see it, but I have an easel here with my controls so I can get to you better.
Nick: No, the lazy bastard, I didn't have it on karaoke. You would have had reverb on it, but I didn't do that.
Nick: So basically, RODECaster defaults this mic, the RE-20, to 51 decibels of gain or whatever. Gain? I don't know. Negative 51?
No, it's 51 decibels of gain. And then I dropped that down to 36 decibels.
Nick: Should be your new standing background. It looks cool as fuck with the reflections.
Nick: Yeah, but I don't want to broadcast from in here. I'm not a big fan of that. We can see everything through your window. Yeah, yeah, that's fine. There's nothing to see. It's just a local screen so I can see the chat. That's what I'm looking at. There's a camera, mic. Oh, yeah, you can see the easel here.
You can probably see my giant sex doll here. I need air movement.
Nick: We need air movement in this room. So I turn the fan on. You can see the fan up there in reflection.
Nick: Oh my god.
Nick: Yeah. And like a stray hair somewhere my fucking shirt color. Oh, I didn't button a button.
There we go.
Nick: How you doing, guys?
Nick: How are you?
Nick: So anyway, we've got, I decided to do a local stream. I was going to do a local stream anyway tonight. And then I decided to do a driving show earlier because I had a, you know, 30 minutes of driving to just have a good time.
And I figured I'd join you trying to get back into the swing of jumping into more locals.
Nick: which is what I talked about doing before all of this nonsense started, but taking the opportunity to do that and get into that habit.
Nick: It was, it's, you know, changing up how you do everything is like not the easiest thing in the world normally, but I have this unique opportunity to do so.
Nick: So that's nice. So that's nice. So trying to get back in the habit, I told people,
that I told you guys a while back that more locals content was coming.
Nick: More locals content was coming exclusive to locals. We are supporter exclusive right now. And that's going to be, you know, something you guys can get used to a little bit is this extra content. And that's what it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be extra content for y'all.
Nick: And it's separate from the Rumble YouTube show and all that stuff. It's supposed to be a thing for you guys as a giant thank you for supporting me and a little bit of just candid chat and access time. Obviously, I'm in a situation where some of that candidity has to be curtailed. Right. Can't talk about a bunch of things because I'm sure somebody is furiously masturbating to this from the government right now.
Quinn, that's you. But but yeah.
Nick: So we're not going to talk about the case.
Nick: I can talk a little bit about my situation, experiences, and stuff like that, and we'll be doing that as we go. Eventually, this will all probably make a really interesting story in hindsight, in the present. It's not the most fun thing ever, but you go through what you go through, and that's great.
It's great. People are mad at me, I guess, or seriously. I got my hair cut, obviously, and I think he left one annoying piece. One hair too long. I'll try and find it.
Nick: But that's been fucking infuriating. What is this?
Nick Naylor says, to be honest, your arrest has been good for me. I get non-hammered streams again. By the way, cover that batshit crazy Georgia judge.
Nick: Oh, is it the one who put that attorney in contempt for like 20 days? I mean, he's 20 days to be served on weekends and stuff like that.
Nick: But yeah, that's wild. I mean, some of this shit is just
Nick: It's just wild what you see happen when people are able to infringe on your rights up front. And then you have to go and go back to try and un-infringe your own rights.
It's a fucking mess.
Nick: It's a fucking mess. Government's a mess.
Nick: But hey, you deal with it.
Nick: We deal with government as it comes because despite the mess that it is, despite the mess that government is, and this is a quote from my friend Ty pretty much, as shitty as our legal system can be, it's still the best legal system in the world.
Nick: And it's probably the one I'd rather be under.
I mostly agree.
Nick: I can't imagine another system I'd want to be in. I just don't want to, you know, you don't want to be under any legal system. You don't want to be under any system at all.
Nick: But the Internet is such a funny place, man.
Nick: You can post something.
Nick: you can post something or say something or do something and someone will find a way to have the most retarded possible take on what you said. And it's like, that's not a single, that's not anything that I said at all, uh, to a real Patriot media, no Patriot party media, whatever. Um,
He says, dude, EQ wasn't enough. That's good. That's good.
Nick: Yes, I did get the poker chips. Those are awesome. Dude, the little Nintendo Switch game case holder is fantastic. We already loaded it up with the kids' Switch games and stuff like that. So it's really cool. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Nick: Oh, hey, what's up, Camelot? Camelot, what contract did you sign? Do you finally partner with OnlyFans or whatever?
Is that what happened?
Nick: I have no idea. Camelot's just like, I'm signing the biggest contract from my life. Did you guys notice that Camelot sounds like Kermit the Frog if he got hit by a baseball bat in Alabama?
He partnered with Pornhub. I'm being in Texas.
Nick: So, guys, I don't know if you've ever had these. I discovered this because Lady Rackets and I participated in a charity auction. Well, a silent charity auction in our community just the other day. And one of the items we got involved is element water.
Nick: This is the new hotness of health drinks, I guess. This is apparently, there's no sugar in this, no caffeine. It's salt water that's flavored. They call it electrolyte water. Electrolyte is faggot for salt.
Just kidding. It's got salt and potassium, magnesium. Those are all electrolytes. But this has got 1,000 milligrams of sodium per can.
Nick: And so your first sip of this fucking thing is horrifying because it's this thick, salty water. I'm guessing that's what Camelot's Pornhub contract came from. They're like, no, don't worry, Camelot. Your first sip of this is going to be thick and salty, but you'll love it by the second.
I'm just kidding.
Nick: So here's the thing.
Nick: It's a lot of sodium, but I think we've got sodium wrong.
Nick: And I'm going to say this as a doctor. I'm going to say this as a doctor and as someone who has drank copious amounts of sodium and very little just plain Jane water over his entire life. And somehow...
Managed to always be well hydrated and to not die. I think we've got sodium all wrong. And as a doctor, I watched a clip of some other doctor on Joe Rogan's stream.
Nick: And he was talking about how, well, yeah.
Nick: Yes, the human body is 70% water or whatever, right?
Nick: sure but it's not water it's not liquid water uh the sodium the water in your body takes on a crystalline structure because like if you get punctured you bleed blood from specific areas but there's not enough blood in your body to make up how much of it it's not actually 70 water if you're well hydrated as a man is between 50 and 60 and i think women between 60 and 70 doesn't matter um
We're going to keep going. Crystalline structure of water in your body is facilitated by these electrolytes, these different types of mineral salts that your body uses to process liquid water into that. So there's probably some, you're probably like that whole like eight cups of water bullshit thing
Nick: that they talk about is, I'm guessing, just an overcompensation of the amount of liquid water needed to utilize our limited salt intake. If you're like me, you just eat a fuckload of ramen, get all the salt in the world, shove it into your gullet, put it in your lungs, put it in your butt or whatever, and then you're healthy. That's what you do.
That's what you do.
Nick: Long story short, boofing ramen packets.
Nick: Keep you hydrated, healthy, and strong.
Nick: So with that, and I know that I'm not making those claims. Actually, seriously, I know nothing about it. I'm just justifying the fact that I don't like drinking regular water and salt is delicious. Ross had electrolytes. That's a plant's crave. Hello. Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Thank you, Lacey.
Nick: Lazy Bastard says, Cody is going to grand marshal the San Francisco Pride Parade. No, he said it was a new contract.
Nick: It was a new contract. Jessica Reloaded says, no ramen for me, fam. That's how I gained weight. It wasn't the ramen.
Nick: It wasn't the ramen.
Billy the Kid Law, it was all of them. Billy the Kid Law says, lots of people covering you lately.
Nick: Nick is streaming, making light of things and only focusing on himself. Clearly hates his family and loves not having them around. I know that's not true without discussing the case details. Can you please enlighten these people on that front, Nick? It's quite annoying seeing this misrepresentation of you going around. It's funny because people have, I commented about this on Twitter. There's this duality.
Nick: where people want me to shut up and not say anything because I have a case, which I would contend that in 2024, it's nearly impossible for even an average human
in a modernized country to exist without some level of public participation. We shouldn't expect them to, right? Our communication is openly public and it's notoriously public. The platforms on which we communicate are at least semi-public in general, keeping in touch with family, friends, relatives, coworkers. It's often requiring us these days to have some sort of social media account, Twitter,
Nick: Facebook, Instagram, whatever it may be.
Nick: Now, some people can shut that down, but a lot of people can't. And I've kind of talked about this in a different way before with sort of the oppressive, insidious nature of social media bans by big tech because big tech creates a product that is necessary for use in public participation. For example, lots of companies have actually taken advantage of the fact that Twitter existed and they eliminated a lot of front end customer service staff because what they could do is they could simply have you tweet and direct message
either an outsourced or a consolidated team that utilized the Twitter direct messaging system as a customer service front. And I'm talking about small companies. I mean, one time when I was coming back from Matsuri, Lady Rackets and I's plane, I think they had us booked on United. A United plane from Houston to Minnesota was actually rained out
and got delayed and we had to wait overnight in the airport. Well, I wanted to get that switched to a different flight. And what I did was while standing in the line that didn't move for 30 minutes, I actually just went on Twitter and, Shouted out United. They direct messaged me. I was like, hey, I want to get a new flight. I need to get these fucking tickets refunded so I can get this new flight funded. And we did basically all of it over the Twitter direct messaging app.
And I then left the line and everybody else is still standing there like dummies for hours. It was like, OK, fine.
Nick: But now consider how evil it is to have that become the way you engage in customer service with a company. And I mean, United still has physical customer service, but some companies don't. They outsourced that infrastructure, we'll call it, to social media companies. And like companies don't have websites, smaller businesses may not have websites. They just use a Facebook page because you can have all of the functionality just baked right in. People are already on Facebook. It's great.
So they utilize that now imagine getting banned in a similar way. Imagine as we incorporate these social media platforms into all of our daily expected communications,
Nick: Now imagine we're expecting people to just be completely silent because they have a pending legal matter, even if it's a criminal matter. Maybe in their best interest, but it may not also be plausible in the real sense to just shut all things down. Instead, the new hotness is to recommend extreme caution in how you partake in that communication. That becomes doubly, much exponentially, we'll say, more difficult for people who have to speak publicly on these platforms because, well...
If you have to keep speaking on the platforms to, say, generate a revenue stream or keep a business going, then you have that sort of as a millstone around your neck.
Nick: You still have to do the thing, even though it's not recommended or not wise. So attorneys get in these ruts of using truisms as advice.
And you'll find that a lot in law, too. Never say anything. Don't do this, blah, blah, blah. It's great. It's very cool, but it's completely impractical. And you can find a big difference when lawyers start speaking. And I'm not criticizing people of not having particular specialty advice. I don't in almost any field at all, other than making ramen better than Jessica Reloaded. That being said, you can find out when an internet lawyer or whatever
When they hit their stride and they actually hit their practice area and they actually know their stuff, it's crisp, it's concise, and the advice is modernized and contemporary to what's going on right now.
Nick: When they're completely out of their element, they start offering truisms.
Nick: And those truisms are like never do this, never do that, always do this, always do that. And, yeah, as general truisms, they've existed for a while because they're generally true.
Nick: But they become impractical very quickly when the circumstance actually folds up. And this is exactly how life is. Like this is not limited to law. This is everything. You tell someone never do this, and they go, but what about this situation that I just experienced? It's like, well, then you do it. But you just said never.
yeah same goes for all commentary but legal commentary especially as it modernizes um the thing with law legal advice and and sort of the general notions and principles of law that people spout off all the time is that they're anachronistic they're archaic they're old
Nick: old things and the law is necessarily sticky we don't want it to change fast we want people to have expectation expectation is a huge part of why our justice system is supposed to work you're supposed to know when you read a statute that you can expect it to work in a specific way and the courts generate the common law
through precedent, effectively, they generate the common law based on this understanding of reliability and predictability for every man. The every man who is looking at a legal issue should be able to reliably predict with the right facts to fill in the variables how things will go.
Nick: That's what the judge does. The fact finder finds the facts to fit into the variable slots. They plug those bad boys in. They fill them airtight like Riley Reid on a Thursday. And then they just shove that thing into the computer and say, this is the law, son. And then you go to jail because the government wins.
I'm just kidding.
Nick: But yeah, it's kind of funny watching that happen. But so the truism that they throw out is never say anything, never talk about your case, whatever.
Nick: To some extent, that's great advice. It's not always practical. But to the people who think I don't care about my family, I don't care about my kids, look. I said it before, I'll say it again.
Everybody gets to judge me based on what's presented, what you see, what you read, and then your judgment of my character, your assessment of who I am based on whatever information you have. For some people, that's six years.
Nick: For some other people in my life, that's 42 years, right? My parents have known me the whole time.
Nick: The new viewer to the show has only known me six months. They're going to have a different expectation than someone else who's known me 15, 20 years. If someone's known me 20, 25 years, like let's say Drexel's known me 25 years, but there are big gaps in the time that we've hung out. And in those times, our lives diverge quite a bit. We come back together, get to catch up on the stories and like the camaraderie and stuff is still there.
The experiences are wildly different. That's fine. But that sculpts and molds how people look at each other.
Nick: I'm not immune to that and I'm not here to defend it at all. I obviously love my wife and children. I love them dearly and immensely. But people want me to make like commentary about them or about something like, well, in the situation, like what's going on? You're not going to get it out of me.
I'm not going to talk about this stuff. There's ongoing legal matters. Those legal matters have to be dealt with before I can be out on the internet blabbing about shit.
Nick: So no, from the deepest depths of my heart and soul, as always, Lady Rackets and the kids are my paramount concern at all times. And I do mean that. I don't think people understand what that is unless you've experienced it.
That's the way it goes. That's the way it always has been.
Nick: People will judge you, make comments about you. You can be presented in a good or bad light, either way, towards other people. I wrote this to someone today. Let me read the words that I wrote specifically.
Nick: Because I thought this is in the middle of a message. You guys don't need the context of the whole message to just hear this.
Nick: I said, I've never complained or even defended myself from how I'm presented to a group of people or perceived by said group of people. My role as a husband is to bear those wounds for my wife and also my children in a different context. It works the same, but not in this particular message, as I can, and to hold support and even carry her when I must. I will never, ever fail that role.
They're the...
Nick: There are times when you get presented in a bad light, people perceive you in a bad light, whatever.
Nick: If you as a husband or you as a father are out there bitching about that, And I don't mean like generally making a statement in public or something. You're like, oh, gosh, people are getting the wrong idea about you. No, no, no, that's not what I'm talking about. If you're out there whining and bitching, oh, God, everybody's looking at me the wrong way all the time. And I can't believe that so-and-so would say this that would lead someone to that. Okay.
Look, it's your fucking job.
Nick: It's your job.
Nick: That's the role of a husband and a father, in my opinion. You take those things. Your job isn't to, again, more generally contextualize to personal relationships, but your job isn't to defend yourself.
Your job is to defend your partner, your children. Your job is to sometimes take the wounds for them, to stand in the gap is a Christian expression based on, well, it's a Judeo-Christian expression based on an old battle. But the idea is that you stand in the way of those things. That is masculinity. And I think we forgot that.
Nick: I think we forgot this a long time ago, but masculinity is being so twisted and distorted from what it used to be. But the idea was that men did stand in that gap. They did stand in the way of things, and they shielded everyone around them. They were the protectors of their community, of their tribe, of their person, of their people, of their families, all of that.
And so, you know, again, people can mold their perceptions about me based on what's out there, what they have observed, what they expect, even things they don't expect, whatever it is they want to do. It's not my job to sit here and try and correct it all the time. It's not my job to sit here and try and justify a bunch of things.
Stories unfold over time in ripples and waves outward. And the time, like, you want to get really metaphysical, metaphorical, metaphorical with it and use math.
Nick: You know, as the story goes out from the source,
Nick: uh if we analogize it to like electricity lightning strikes water like a body of water as it goes out each cubic meter of expansion is a cubed reduction in voltage i think and it's the same with uh stories in a way right the the stone hits the water the ripples go out but as the ripples get farther and farther out they're stretched thinner and thinner and they space bigger and bigger apart
And so the story unfolds like that for everybody. The people closest to the story know the whole thing or as much of the thing as they can. And then as it spreads out, it takes longer and longer to disseminate the farther and farther away you are from the striking spot. The problem with the internet today is everyone wants to move the striking spot to be universal. The striking spot is everywhere and we're there in that striking spot at all times, but you're not. You're not. So people have this, there's a long rambling way to get back to this question of how do you answer and address these concerns that people bring when they say, don't talk about shit, but also tell me everything that I want to hear right now about this story.
The story will unfold.
Nick: It will take longer and longer for that story to unfold. Different parts will get to different places faster. And there's going to be a lot of misrepresentation that goes on
Nick: depending on how a story is disseminated.
Nick: But it will eventually be out.
Nick: You can't accelerate that timeline. If you try to accelerate that timeline, what you do is you end up getting yourself into some bullshit. So for everybody who wants, like, the story to happen, I think the story is going to happen on a couple live streams in a couple days, and I got news for you. It's not going to. It necessarily can't.
So as for me, I talk about what I can.
Nick: Always. But I'm not compromising anything, and I'm certainly not going to compromise Lady Rackets or the kids because someone needs me to tell them a story.
Nick: The fifth says, I can't control the narrative, so I'm salty. I hope you're not talking about me. I'm not salty at all about it.
Nick: People want the story to come out right now. And, for example, I'm constrained in what I'm able to talk about.
And that's not like, no one's preventing me other than just wisdom. So with that, stay tuned. The story will out over time. And some of that story will have to be told in court documents. Other parts of that story will get told in public discourse. And I'm not asking anybody to believe any part of my story or to make any judgments in some specific way about me.
You got to see a lot of stuff said about me. You already know some level who I am one way or another. In your mind, your perception, the figure that you've built me to be is there. I don't even know what it looks like. I have an idea of what I would want it to, and I know that what I would want that figure to look like versus what I have even given you reason to make it look like are definitely different things.
Nick: So how can I expect you to have the figure of me that's in my head in yours if I haven't even given you the same reasons to believe it?
So I don't ask you to believe anything.
Nick: I just say, watch, listen, and make your own judgments.
Nick: Brandon McCollum says, I want to know every single detail because I'm the curious type. Dude, I know that feel. That hits me right here. I can go my whole life not knowing a thing. A thing, like we'll call it this widget, right? Like the widget thing that exists. If I don't know this fucking thing exists,
and I cannot know about it, I never care. It's completely irrelevant to my life.
Nick: The second I know it exists, it doesn't matter if it matters. You know what I mean? I want to know. I'm like, wait, what the fuck? Wait, no, don't tell me something exists. Now I want to know.
Nick: I didn't want to know before, but now that I know that something happened or something is there or there's information about this, I You have it or you have it or it's available here, here, here. Now I want to know. Now I want to know it. And it will fucking eat me alive. Like, God, I just want to know. Which is why some people get like,
They get weirdly crazy when I have some just barely above surface level knowledge of a subject that would surprise them. And that's usually why. I heard something, so I get the surface level knowledge, and then I heard there's this little couple... clues of deeper understanding of the thing. And I'll follow those down. And they're not really useful. They don't make you like an expert or knowledgeable. What they do is they allow you some breadcrumbs to like reverse breadcrumb yourself into a conversation with someone who is knowledgeable and say, hey, I understand this thing, this thing, this thing. And then they're like, oh, yeah. And so then you can ask questions that are somewhat intelligent to get a broader understanding of the topic that they may know really well.
Oh, for a dumb example, personal example, I was talking to a car stereo guy the other day, and my basic knowledge of audio input equipment from this damn broadcasting stuff
is uh allowed me to ask questions and understand answers about audio output about speaker setups about you know these different things um that matter in this car stereo world which i haven't talked about car stereos in like 20 something years since i worked at circuit city and juan told me uh that cruel intentions was exactly his life and i was like bro you work at the Burnsville car stereo department of circuit city, I'm pretty sure your life is not cruel intentions. Like, I don't think your rich step six sister is trying to fuck you. And you're not Ryan Felipe because your name is one and you're not even white. Like, so that's, but I haven't talked about car stereos and forever. So then I'm talking to this guy and, um,
Nick: He's telling me about this different stuff and different specs and like I understand some of it and I'm able to kind of noodle my way through the stuff that I don't understand. But then I can ask questions about things that I can't figure out. He can tell me and my existing knowledge in a different subject. But once he started talking to me about like voice coils and a subwoofer, I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? I don't even know what that is. I don't even know what that is.
Okay, now I want to know. So that's Randall McCollum. That's exactly how my fucking brain works. Once I know there's something to know, I got to go find this out.
Nick: Davis Mark says, if you love me, you'll analyze how the defense attorney Steele is not in contempt for defending his client today. We'll probably do that maybe on the return stream.
I love this. Who's this guy? Who's this guy?
Nick: Van Damme says, like every other lol account in history, he just can't stop making himself the topic. I doubt you'll get Karen Reid out of him. Dude, homie, I don't know if you realize where you are.
Nick: Locals, the creator, is the topic.
Nick: You're literally on the platform where the creator is the topic.
It's a whole mission of Locals. If you even read the
Nick: fucking channel mission statement of arcadealotallogals.com, the about section, I'm pretty sure it's like, well, this is more about, this is about me. This is about having access to me and like talking with me, me, me, me, me, me. Yes. It's about me because that's what it's about. I'm not here to talk about Karen Reed or these other cases. I'm here to talk about me and my life. So, um, Billy, the kid loves us all. So, you know, I kind of asked about Nick. Yeah, that's true.
But yeah, that's what this platform is.
Nick: The other platforms, other stuff's a topic, and that's what we do on those.
Nick: But yeah, but welcome.
Nick: Reading comprehension zero.
Nick: But...
It's great.
Nick: But, hey, like, I don't care. Like, really, I just find it funny because that's what it's like such an internetism.
Nick: Such an internetism is to, like, go to the place where personalities make the entirety of the content. You're like, well, but this is about their personalities. Well, yeah.
Van Damme says, I wasn't talking to you, Nick.
Unknown_03: Damn it, Van Damme.
Unknown_03: I was using you as an example.
Nick: Still Life says, dude, your hair looks like a cross of Hitler and Forrest Gump.
Nick: Yeah.
Nick: Forrest Gump.
Nick: Or whatever.
Nick: Camelot, you don't have troll cum. Wait, what troll cum? Camelot's out here.
Nick: This motherfucker is going to get me in so much trouble with this stupid... You know what?
I don't know how much Nick's spending on Transformers toys, but I heard it's like $70K a month.
Nick: And then everybody's like, let's calculate out how many Transformers he's buying every month.
Nick: So here's the saddest thing about living out in the middle of nowhere. The best donuts they have around here, this is literally the best donuts they have around here is this.
These Walmart mini donuts, birthday cake mini donuts. These things are so fucking good.
Nick: These are actually really good. These are not powdered donuts.
Jessica Reloaded says, hell no, Walmart, bro, do better, Nick, stop snagging like a poor.
Nick: No, no, no, you don't understand.
Nick: You see, Scandinavians,
Nick: Scandinavians settled Minnesota. And Germans.
Nick: Scandinavians and Germans cannot make donuts. They're fucking bad. They should be good at it.
Nick: But they're bad at it.
Nick: Yeah, these are way better than the regular Walmart donuts. Regular Walmart donuts are garbage.
Nick: Absolutely garbage.
Try out, though.
Nick: These little fucking mini donuts are so good. I don't know why.
Nick: AJ, your son, I love those donuts. Yeah. Yes.
Nick: Yeah. Oh, God, they're so good.
Okay, let me check out some of these other chats. By the way, thank you for sending in the local tips.
Nick: Really appreciate that.
Nick: Davis Marks, are you concerned at all that the state could claim that you in your live performances demonstrate that you're impaired even though you're not?
Nick: Everyone should be concerned about what the state can claim at all times.
Nick: If you live your life in complete fear of what the state could claim, let me just go ahead and enlighten you.
When the state is ready to, they will lie about you.
Nick: This is a fact.
Nick: It is an unavoidable fact of government.
Nick: now some people are going to say i'm playing this up or whatever the evil corruptor that this is a libertarian argument nope it's not libertarianism and i'm not claiming anything specific about any of my uh situation at all okay listen
This is the legal system we're in. Ignore the government for a second.
Nick: Ignore the government for just a second and go in a civil lawsuit between two similarly situated individuals, person A and person B. It's a car crash, all right?
Nick: Person A and Person B have their cars collide. They're both driving in the same direction, and they hit each other, right? They hit each other exactly on the dividing line between the two cars.
Really difficult, right?
Nick: Really difficult to determine who's at fault in this very basic scenario. And I'm not going to give you any other information about it.
Nick: Each of those drivers is going to present a story that the other drivers at fault.
One of those is right.
Nick: One of those is wrong in theory, okay?
Nick: One of those people, both of those people can 100% believe they're right.
Nick: And so they present the case that is beneficial to them. And the system will determine that one of them is more right than the other, correct? Ponderance of the evidence, 51%, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
And that person will win.
Nick: That's the system we have. It's adversarial.
Nick: The system is built with immunities for each party to allow them to present a case where a statement that is truthfully believed and not intentionally deceptive made to the court in order to present a fact is considered roughly protected. To get to the standard to meet perjury, you have to show that they intended to deceive court, the other parties, et cetera, that all these steps, people lie in court all the time and it's not perjury. Even when they're caught lying, it's not always perjury because the lie isn't always an intentional deception with material harm to the other party and stuff, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, or material gain for themselves. So you've got this standard.
Lie in court all the time. Adversarial system is supposed to weed that out. If we determine that every untruth or everything said in a court proceeding that was not determined by the fact finders to be correct was a lie, then the loser of every case would be punished for lying, right? Like we can see that kind of basic concept.
Nick: now replace party a in the scenario with government you should expect nothing less than the government to present an adversarial position to yours we wrote down a bunch of rules to try and constrain that We wrote down a bunch of processes. We've raised the standard because we say the government has all this power. So therefore, rather than preponderance of the evidence that we would have in a civil case, we need to go to beyond a reasonable doubt. We do all these things to try and protect the rights of the much smaller party versus the fucking government.
And it's impossible. Again, this is not in any way even slamming government. This is a natural progression of a system with power that writes its own rules existing within its own adversarial system where the adversarial system allows for each party to push forward its own narrative and allows for that narrative to have untruth in it.
where maybe they have to fill gaps or whatever, or maybe just present it in the way that is most beneficial to them so long as they're not intentionally misrepresenting something.
Nick: The government is going to do this the same way any normal people would. The problem here is that the government's result is a deprivation of your essential liberty.
Nick: When it comes time, the state will lie.
Nick: because it's malicious or nefarious, not because it's anything other than the adversarial system and the state is your adversary.
Treat them that way because that's what they are.
Nick: Expect that they will lie about something. Now, I already know some dumbass is going to be out there and be like, Nick's denying all accounts. This government has set him up. I haven't said any of this shit at all. Other people have said tons of stuff about my case that involves like conspiracy and blah, blah, blah. And when I say something like, hey, you know, the story isn't what it seems.
Nick: People come up with these harebrained theories about what the state has done, how some sort of crazy conspiracy, I hate saying that word over and over, some sort of crazy plot against me or whatever. I've never said that. People keep saying I'm saying that or that I'm implying it. I'm not. I'm saying that the natural facet of the adversarial system
is that when the time comes, the state's going to lie about you and to you.
Nick: It just won't.
Nick: Be ready for it.
Nick: But you also can't live your life in fear of that because you can't go around curtailing your behavior to say, well, I have to act in this perfect way. The state will lie about me.
Lie. The state will lie about you anyway. Live your life the way you need to live it
Nick: The state will lie. There you go.
Nick: Spices says, and they are allowed to. And they're technically not allowed to lie under oath. They do. They never get punished.
Co-leader says, so the state lies about every single case or just yours? You see, you've presented the false choice fallacy. I haven't said the state has lied about my case or that the state will lie about every case, but they will.
Nick: And they do, practically, because that's the system. They have to.
Nick: adversarial system says the state presents the case against the defendant in the light most favorable to the state.
There you go.
Nick: That's just what it will do. Again, this isn't saying that it's malicious, it's nefarious, or even necessarily bad.
Nick: This is about the philosophy of how you live your life.
Nick: If you're living your life in a certain way because you fear the state will lie about you, the state will lie about you.
Nick: So why are you trying to pander to eliminate the lie? Even if you try and eliminate the possibility of the lie, they'll just lie. There you go.
They just do. I don't know how to say it any different. I know people are going to take it in a completely wrong way. And guess what? The state will probably take what I just said, if they get the opportunity, and lie about it.
Nick: Even though I haven't talked about my own case or any particular person acting in any particular way within my case or any particular statement or any particular representation made by the state, I'm just saying that generally the state will lie about you. They will. And they already do. They already do. They do in little ways that don't matter. Not everything is a felony charge, right? The state lies about you.
State lies to you. State lies to other people about you. I believe the fifth says, is it a lie or a different interpretation?
Nick: That's a question for Eric Holder, right? About fast and furious. It wasn't a lie, he said.
Even though they knew it was untrue, it wasn't a lie.
Nick: Go to Eric Holder for the definition of a lie.
Nick: But no, and again, understanding what I say, in the adversarial system, you put forth facts in the light that says you win. Don't misrepresent the facts. Don't have the fact mean something other than, or don't, that's the thing. What does the fact mean is a different question. But don't create a fact or distort a fact
You present the facts in the way that say you win.
Nick: That's what you do.
Nick: If the facts line up and say you win, that's what happens. But in every case, both parties present the facts to say I win. And in a lot of cases, neither side is lying.
Nick: But one party wins. So the other party must have necessarily misstated a fact, right? Like that has to have happened. Logical outcome is that two parties can take the same set of facts, represent them in a way where each one of them should win in their own mind, and one wins and one doesn't. So one was wrong, but they presented and asserted it as truth, so it must be incorrect. It must be a lie.
But it's a colloquialized use of lie. The state will lie about you. The state will misrepresent about you to you, to your friends, to your family, whoever.
I challenge anyone to try and show me that the state won't do that because they already do it to everybody.
Nick: So that being said, I don't want to talk about that subject too much.
Nick: Neurodivergent says the state lies early and often.
Nick: They present their thing.
Nick: Well, like I said, for me specifically, I'm not going to comment on what things are true, untrue, whatever on here.
Nick: If you want to see those things, I'm sure anything that I and counsel find to be whatever will be presented in due time in its proper medium.
Nick: Nick's BF Johnny.
Nick: Release the body cam footage. Wonder if we can get that trending. I mean, you can try. I don't have it.
Nick: I don't know what people want to see in the body cam footage.
Nick: I don't even know what the state will release in regards to the body cam footage.
Nick: Because if you're talking about the body cam footage of my arrest...
Nick: There's not a ton, I would think, of my arrest. I think people are conflating the body cam footage of my arrest with the body cam footage of the search of my property.
And I'm not sure what the state would be releasing. Like, I don't know.
Nick: what their planned release is or what footage they have. I don't know if they'd release the search. I don't know if they'd release just the arrest footage. I don't know what it is. Like, I have no idea.
Nick: So I'm not sure what people want to see there.
But, you know, that's that.
Nick: You think I'll be blissed in the footage?
Nick: Well, considering I was...
Nick: Driving and not charged with DUI, I guess, seems unlikely.
Nick: Billy the Kid Law says, on a more serious note, perhaps the most serious note of all, can we get a sexy shout-out to Drexel in the Kermit voice? I think he needs it.
Nick: Hey there Drexel, Kermit the Frog here. I'm just wondering when the next time you're going to let me wash your balls is. You know what I love is a big sexy ball washing.
There you go.
Nick: NebPatriot89, Kate Ola, update on my wife's cancer. The hormone therapy has been working for the last six months.
Nick: The oncologist is optimistic that she'll beat it if everything keeps going the way it's going. Everyone's prayers and positive vibes have definitely helped. Awesome, man.
Nick: That's great.
Heard I was driving a whole 80 miles per hour, as said by some nerds.
Nick: When the rain, I was at a stop sign. I was just sitting there.
Nick: Oh.
Nick: The 80 mile an hour speeding ticket was from a while back.
Unknown_03: Man, not up to 80.
Juggalo Debo.
Nick: Me and my brother do competition car audio builds. Keep us sane and insane at the same time. I bet that's cool.
Nick: They're bitching I was going fast, but fast is three digits or more.
Nick: Wait, people were bitching that I was going fast. When I got a ticket for going 80 in a 65? Oh, boy. Wow.
Nick: Lazy Bastard says, I don't care what you do in your life. Just love your family and don't go to fucking jail. Don't leave me alone with Cody. Well, yeah.
Nick: Why not?
Nick: They really gave me a ticket for that shit? 80 to 65? Yeah. Yeah, of course they did.
Nick: I mean, I was just glad it was 80 and 65.
Andrew Ryan says, are you innocent of all charges, Nick? Well, as of right now, I am innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Nick: There's a presumption of innocence. So yes, sure.
Nick: Will I always be innocent of all charges? I have no idea. We'll find out, right?
Nick: The state is a fucker in that way. And, um,
Nick: You'll get what you get.
Nick: Chili Cheese J says, we just want you to be sober and sound of mind. I know you hate hearing that. I didn't hate hearing that, but we care about you, Nick. It's time to prepare for 4th of July festivities. Yes. I don't hate any of that.
I hate when people are obviously lying about it.
Nick: And no, that's not everybody.
Nick: People, again, the internet conflation is that what you say about one, you say about everything. So when someone who you know routinely is saying something just absolute dog shit about you, and like, I just want them to get better for X, Y, Z, like, you know they don't.
You know they don't. Concern trolling exists and has for a long time.
Nick: So then you're like, well, yeah, well, that's bullshit. And then people are like, no! It's like, okay.
Nick: There is a distinction between genuine things. No, I don't mind people saying they want to see me sober and of sound mind.
Nick: You see me sober and of sound mind right now.
Nick: Actually, the majority of the time, sober and of sound mind.
Even when I was drinking, the majority of the time, I'd be sober and of sound mind because the intoxication of the liquor wouldn't hit till late in the show most of the time. Now, some shows, it hit a little earlier than others, right? Obviously, there's some shows that show on the 21st.
Nick: I need to go back and look at just how much
Nick: alcohol i had drank on that show it was a lot if i remember right it was quite a bit did you find that interesting but uh but yeah i'm unable to get the stream to load that's because it's privated
Grouchy Old Geezer says, happy belated killdozer day.
Nick: Anyway.
Nick: Rags, if I might give my annual toast.
Nick: Here you go.
Nick: If I might give my annual toast to all reasonable men left with only unreasonable choices. You may be by yourself right now, but you are not alone in your trials. And I have this on good authority. You are not a piece of shit.
To Marvin Hemeier.
Nick: Davis Marks says, I'm a 39-year-old IT network engineer. How could I connect with a female lawyer?
Nick: You're a network engineer. I guess you could do it wirelessly or with an Ethernet cable.
I'm sure she's got a port for you.
Nick: What kind of connect do you want, buddy? Are you looking to date a female lawyer? Why would you want to do that?
Nick: Oh, my God.
Nick: Don't, don't date female lawyers.
No, the way you connect with women is you go talk to them.
Nick: That's the fastest way to do it. It's to go up and then talk to them about something. Just pick something.
Nick: Not anime or Magic the Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever. Not Alex Jones. Not InfoWars.
Nick: Pick trees or something.
Slurring when you first started that show. If I remember right, I think I had three shots in the first like 10 minutes of that show. That was going to go downhill really fast.
Nick: But, you know, that's that.
Nick: Allison Barnes says, perhaps this was a divine intervention, Nick.
Nick: I don't know you as well as others, but I'm an empathic human and not one to judge. You can only imagine it's hard to stop drinking, et cetera, cold turkey. No.
It's actually remarkably easy to stop drinking cold turkey. You just don't.
Nick: I don't know.
Nick: When you want to not do something, you just don't do it. Now, I'm not downplaying addiction, okay? I'm not.
Nick: But, man, it's like, oh, will Nick be able to stop drinking? Yep.
That was easy for me.
Nick: You're completely abstaining from alcohol. Yep. Not a drop.
Nick: Completely sober. Yes.
Nick: Completely sober. No alcohol. No THC even.
Nick: Nothing.
Nick: Just me.
Nick: There you go. It took no effort at all.
For me. I'm not talking about anybody else.
Nick: I was telling my friend this. I was talking to him earlier today.
Nick: And I was like,
Nick: It's frustrating when you try and talk to people about alcoholism because they'll look at you and you're like, well, I'm not really an alcoholic. I don't care. I like liquor. I love whiskey. It's great. It's wonderful.
But when you can't do it or it's prudent not to, if you're not addicted, you just don't.
Nick: Now, there are people, this is addiction. Addiction is compulsive use that ends up being detrimental. It's not abuse. People can, like, I have definitely abused the shit out of some alcohol. You guys have watched me abuse alcohol multiple times.
You'll never catch me saying anything else. People who abuse alcohol are not automatically addicted to alcohol. If you don't have a compulsive need to consume something, you don't have an addiction.
Nick: That doesn't mean it's not good or not bad for you. That doesn't mean it can't cause damage to your life or something like that. You don't have to be an addict for something to cause a bad outcome. You don't have to at all.
Nick: Like George Floyd wasn't addicted to Chauvin's knee, but that knee force fed him fentanyl and he's fucking dead.
One time, just one time.
Nick: But no, so, like, I was telling my friend, because he's like, man, so you're not drinking anything? I was like, no. How is that? I was like, it's easy as fuck.
Nick: Guys, I stopped playing EverQuest. This was a joke from Ross earlier. I stopped playing EverQuest, I think, 22 years ago. I think it was 22 years ago.
To this day, right now, standing here, I want to fucking play EverQuest right now more than I want a drink of alcohol. And that is true every day. That's how fucking gay I was for EverQuest.
Nick: So there you go. I don't know.
Nick: Like, I understand addiction in that weird, stupid way.
Nick: But no, completely, completely sober. It's not hard for me. I didn't have to before.
My job was at home at night while my children were asleep. That keeps getting miraculously left out. At home at night, my children were asleep, other sober adult in the house.
Nick: just in case. And if by chance there was another adult in the house who was not able to care for someone in an emergency, for example, like they're able to provide general care, but maybe for whatever reason, not able to drive or something like that. There is not like 911 exists.
So if I'm drinking and intoxicated late at night while my family's asleep,
Nick: There is still a caregiver in the house.
Nick: And if you think that that's like not sufficient, parents go to sleep.
Nick: Like they do sleep.
Nick: And during that time when they're asleep, those children are unsupervised. And that's every household on the fucking planet. It's amazing. But no, so it was easy to not,
It was easy to drink and to do that. It didn't have to impair with things.
Nick: It didn't have to cause me to be unable to do something. Didn't drink during the day if I had to care for a child or whatever. Okay, cool.
Nick: But that was why I was drinking.
Nick: Now, like, not really wise to drink this time. So you just don't.
I don't know what else to tell people about that.
Nick: But yes, to answer your question, stone sober.
Nick: Crass Cat, what's your opinion on Keno Casino?
Nick: Andy and PPP, I mean, they do their thing. People like their show. They have opinions.
Nick: They say things right and wrong, and it's a mix of comedy and truth. And that's a nice shield for them. And I hope they make a million dollars.
Now, I don't care. Like, Andy and PPP have been doing their thing for a while. The show is remarkably successful. Go get them, Tigers.
Nick: Allison Barnes says perhaps. Oh, wait. Yeah, yeah.
Nick: I applaud you. You honestly look so much better. Well, again, it does help that I finally was able to put on the weight that I wanted back on. I know there's a nice meme about my sicknesses being not true, but as I stated last stream a billion times, they're true. It's hard to put on weight when you can't eat.
I put the weight back on. The sun's been out and it's been warm enough for me to go outside and I'm still stark white, but I do get to have a little color on my skin, which is good. Ever since I had my melanin removed and became a white man, tanning has become risky. And also tanning is gay.
Nick: Like tanning is really gay.
Nick: So I only do it from time to time. But it's been nice enough to be outside, be warm, be in the sun. And I'm trying to do that more and more because having a little bit of color is good. Minnesota winters get really, really long.
Davis Mark says, I'm turned on by female attorneys. I can't explain it. Oh, so you're a sub.
Nick: Debbie Tom says, praying for you and your family, Nick. Hey, thank you. I've been crazy worried about you. Thank you. You've always helped me when I'm worried about cases. So how do I stop worrying about you and your family? Debbie was seven kids from Hawaii. Oh, hey, Debbie.
Don't stop worrying about me and my family, please.
Nick: Please don't do that.
Nick: I appreciate when people are genuinely concerned.
Nick: That's not unwelcome in the slightest. It's always heartening to know that people are looking out for you. They have your back. And honestly, I am a Christian. I'm not always great at it. I want to read you guys a story I've been thinking about a lot lately.
from the bible people i told this story i think uh i'll stream a couple days before uh getting arrested told this story it's about david but um i am still a christian i i do believe in prayer uh even it's weird because take the faith out of prayer
Knowing that someone's got your back in a way that they will sit, they will take a minute out of their day, close their eyes and invoke divinity to intercede on your behalf.
Nick: All right, I've said for a long time, one of the hardest things to do in the world is to convince someone to press a button. And if you think you're really good at convincing someone to press a button, start a YouTube channel and try and get subscribers. It's really fucking difficult to do.
Nick: Now, expand that.
Nick: Instead of having someone click a button, make them stop.
Nick: close their eyes, think really hard about you and send you to their God to fix you.
Prayer is powerful.
Nick: Even if it has no power, even atheists should be able to understand that knowing someone has done that for you alone is powerful and it's great.
Nick: So, um, I, of course, believe there's a little bit more to it than that.
Nick: But even if you don't, prayer is valuable in that way.
Trying to make this differential with the sickness period, but you looked like skinny shit before that. I was this weight right now before getting sick.
Nick: And then I got sick and lost from here.
Nick: It would eventually be, I think, 14 pounds.
Nick: From here.
Nick: It was 10 pounds. I started to gain some back, and then I lost another 10 pounds, but I'd gained some. So the net loss was like another four.
Nick: Dude, down 14 pounds. This is as thin as I want to be ever.
This is the minimum weight that I want to be at.
Nick: Up from here, intentional. Not over 40, dad. Fat belly, fat fucking obliques. body that becomes common.
Nick: I'm going to gain weight. I want it to be intentional. Shoulders, arms, legs, because I'm working out. That's it.
Nick: That's that. But for me, this is the weight I wanted to be at. I got here, got sick, dropped. Eventually, like I said, another 14 pounds. I did not like the way I looked. Believe me. I said it a million times, guys, I know. People just don't believe that I was sick and couldn't eat. I was sick and couldn't eat. All right. Billy, the kid lost his purse. You and your family always thanks me. I appreciate that. All right, guys, I wanted to, I am bringing up, I'm getting the gears turning on the Bible story.
Exploring faith here on Locals. This will be a Locals-only thing for people who are interested. And it's not preachy. It's not evangelical.
Nick: It's not preachy. It's not evangelical. So don't be afraid of that. I'm not trying to convert anybody. This is literally taking either Bible or sermon or something, looking at it maybe with a little different light and a little perspective.
Nick: Crass Cat says, thanks for opening up about all of this. Still a bit shocked about your lifestyle if the rumors are true.
If the rumors are true.
Nick: It's, again, the story will unfold.
Nick: The story will unfold.
Nick: So here we go. EDW Raptor says religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Believe me, I've got a shitload of problems with religion. I have no problems with faith in God, but I have shitloads of problems with religion. There's a story I was trying to tell.
And this is 1 Samuel 25. And I'm going to read it. So if you don't want to be bibled, but it's not the way you think, I doubt you're going to hear anybody talk about this story like I do. I often call myself a fucking heretic, all right? Often.
Nick: Jews and Christians venerate David. David's a man after God's own heart, right?
Nick: Man after God's own heart.
Nick: David is a fucking asshole.
David is a shit man. He is garbage. Like everybody's like, Oh, David had his rough spots. No, David had his okay moments. He's a bad dude. And it's so funny that we like go through and we're like, and look, there's,
Nick: Prior to the Jews getting a king from God, they had judges, the book of Judges. And they had these judges who ran the society. And they had these judges that did it. And they're like, we want a king. We want a king. God's like, no, you don't. No, you don't. You don't want a king. And they're like, no, we want a king. He'd be great. Put him on the throne. Make it gold. Well, not too much gold. A little bit maybe on the outside. Gold. We want a king. We want to do this. And God's like, if I give you a king, it's going to be bad. It's going to suck.
You don't want a king. Trust me. And they're like, give us a king. So they're like, here you go.
Nick: And then they go through this list of kings, and they're all bad.
They're all terrible.
Nick: And God's like, I told you. But then the Jews are like, no, they're not bad. Stop hitting me, David. Stop hitting me.
Nick: He's really good when he's not drinking and killing his soon-to-be wives' husbands, right?
Nick: David's a shit dude all over the place. And we just glossed this.
Nick: So here we go. I'm going to read this story to you. And when I read this story to you, this is important. Forget anything you know about the Bible. And when you hear the name David, think like Tony Soprano instead of David. Okay. So this is 1 Samuel 25. Now Samuel died, chump, and all Israel assembled and mourned for him, and they buried him in his home in Ramah. I want to be buried in my house. That'd be cool.
Then David moved down into the desert of Maon. A certain man in Maon who had property there at Carmel was very wealthy. Oh, okay. Okay.
He had 1,000 goats and 3,000 sheep. Very wealthy. 3,000.
Nick: How do I charge interest on a sheep? I've got interest in a sheep. Which he was shearing in Carmel.
Nick: His name was Nabal, and his wife's name was Abigail.
Nick: She was an intelligent and beautiful woman. But her husband, a Calebite, was surly and mean in his dealings.
Okay, sure. While David was in the desert, he heard that Nabal was shearing sheep.
Nick: Just shearing some sheep.
Nick: So he sent ten young men...
Nick: And said to them, go up to Nabal at Carmel and greet him in my name. So go tell him that you're here with David.
Nick: Say to him, long life to you, good health to you and your household, and good health to all that is yours. Okay. Are you fucking kidding me?
Tony Soprano says, so I send these 10 young guys.
Nick: Go up to them. They say, hey, long life to you. You know, good health to you, all of your household. And good health to all that's yours. You know, good health to everybody. Great health.
Nick: Now I hear, he says, now I hear that it is sheep shearing time. When your shepherds were with us, we did not mistreat them.
Nick: And the whole time they were at Carmel, nothing of theirs was missing.
We protected them. We just, we kept it good.
Nick: Ask your own servants and they'll tell you, therefore be favorable towards my young men.
Nick: Since we come at a festive time, please give your servants and your son David whatever you can find for them. Oh, okay. So wait a minute.
Nick: Nabal's shearing his sheep up in Carmel. David's like, you know what? I was protecting that place. We kept it safely.
And you now going to need you to be good back.
Nick: Okay. When I told this story, people did not fucking believe that this is the story, but listen to this fucking, this is what it says. This is just words. When David's men arrived, they gave Nabal this message in David's name. Then they waited. Nabal answered David's servants. Who, who's this David? Who is this son of Jesse? Many servants are breaking away from their masters these days. Why should I take my bread and my water and the meat that I have slaughtered for my shearers and give it to men coming from who knows where?
Wait, wait, wait. I don't know this, David. Oh, he was protecting me? He was protecting me? Hey, Frank, whoever says you was a cop, right? From Scarface? Who said you was a cop, Frank?
Nick: He's like, I don't know this David guy. Who the fuck's Jetsy?
Nick: David's men turned around and went back. When they arrived, they reported every word. David said to his men, put on your swords. So they put on their swords and David put on his. About 400 men went up with David while 200 stayed with the supplies.
One of the servants told Nabal's wife Abigail, motherfucker's like, we're going back. 400 men. 400 men with David.
Nick: Won't give us some bread. I'll shoot him some fucking bread. One of the servants told Nabal's wife Abigail, David sent messengers from the desert to give our master his greetings, but he hurled insults at them.
Nick: Yet these men were very good to us.
They protected us. They did.
Nick: They did not mistreat us, and the whole time we were out in fields near them, nothing was missing. Night and day, they were all around us. All the time, we were herding our sheep near them. Did you ask to be encircled by these guys? Did you ask for the protection? I don't know. Now think it over and see what you can do because disaster is hanging over our master and his whole household. He's such a wicked man that no one can talk to him. Abigail lost no time. She took 200 loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five dressed sheep, five siahs of roasted grain, 100 cakes of raisins. California raisins. 100 cakes of pressed figs, giggity, and loaded them onto donkeys.
Then she told her servants, go on ahead, I'll follow you. But she did not tell her husband, Nabal. Okay, didn't tell him.
Nick: As she came riding her donkey into a mountain ravine, there were David and his men descending toward her, and she met them. David had just said, it's been useless, all my watching over this fellow's property, which he didn't ask for, in the desert so that nothing of his was missing. He has paid me back evil for good.
Oh, okay. May God deal with David, be it ever so severely, if by morning I leave alive one male of all who belong to him. So David and his 400 men are going to go kill this dude and everybody else. All the men.
Nick: All the men. Just the men, though.
Nick: Well, I'm probably going to leave the women there. When Abigail saw David...
She quickly got off her donkey and bowed down before David with her face to the ground. Face down, booty up. She fell at his feet and said, My Lord, let the blame be on me alone. Please let your servant speak to you. Hear what your servant has to say.
Nick: May my Lord pay no attention to that wicked man Nabal. He is just like his name. His name is fool and folly goes with him. But as for me, your servant, I did not see the men my master sent.
Nick: So she's face down, booty up saying, I'm here to serve you.
Quote, Quote,
Nick: Please forgive your servant's offense, for the Lord will certainly make a lasting dynasty for my master because he fights the Lord's battles. Let no wrongdoing be found in you as long as you live. Even though someone is pursuing you to take your life, the life of my master will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the Lord your God. But the lives of your enemies he will hurl away as a pocket from a sling. When the Lord has done for my master every good thing he promised concerning him and he has appointed him leader over Israel, my master will not have on his conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed or of having avenged himself. And when the Lord has brought my master success, remember your servant.
Look, look, look. Take all the money and supplies. Look, you're going to be king someday. It's going to be cool. Everything's going to go great. Your enemies just don't fucking kill us. David said to Abigail, praise be to the Lord God of Israel. Bitch. Who has sent you today to meet me? May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands.
Okay, cool, great. Otherwise, as surely as the Lord, the God of Israel lives, who has kept me from harming you, if you had not come quickly to meet me, not one male belonging to Nabal would have been left alive by daybreak. You would have killed everybody.
Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him and said, go home in peace, girl. I've heard your words and granted your request.
Nick: When Abigail went to Nabal, he was in the house holding a banquet like that of a king. He was in high spirits and very drunk, so she told him nothing until daybreak. Then in the morning, when Nabal was sober, his wife told him all these things, and his heart failed him, and he became like a stone. About ten days later, the Lord struck Nabal, and he died.
Nick: When David heard that Nabal was dead, he's dead. Nabal dies.
God kills him.
Nick: David heard that Nabal was dead. He said, praise be to the Lord who has upheld my cause against Nabal for treating me with contempt. He has kept his servant from doing wrong and has brought Nabal's wrongdoing down on his own head. So God kills Nabal. God does. No poison, nothing. Definitely.
Nick: Then David sent word to Abigail asking her to become his wife.
His servants went to Carmel and said to Abigail, David sent us to take you to become his wife.
Nick: Bitch, get in the car.
Nick: She bowed down with her face to the ground, face down, booty up again, and said, here is your maid servant ready to serve you and wash the feet of my master's servants. Abigail quickly got on a donkey and attended by her five maids, went with David's messengers, and became his wife.
Nick: David had also married Ahinaham of Jezreel, and they both were his wives. But Saul had given his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Paltiel, son of Ladesh, who was from Galem. So now David's got three bitches, although Saul took one of them.
Saul took one of those bitches.
Nick: He's got two wives, one of whom...
Nick: He like went up, ran a protection racket. Guy's like, I don't know who the fuck you are. Like, fuck you, pay me.
Nick: He doesn't pay him.
Nick: His bitch does.
Nick: He dies because we're just supposed to believe, like we're supposed to believe this story.
We're supposed to believe this story.
Nick: And again, if you put that story in The Sopranos, you know that somebody offs Nabal. Not God. Probably Abigail. Because David's going to be king, so he's going to be top pimp. So she's going to go with him. But my man sends his messengers. They're strapped. They're like, hey, man, you're going to have to pay up. I don't know you. I don't fuck with you. I got my own shit there. I have my own protection people. I'm shearing sheep. I got...
Motherfuckers in the islands and stuff with swords and shit. No, no, no. That was us. We did it. He's like, I've never even heard you. I've never met you. I want to give you a bunch of stuff. Dave's like, no, pay up, bitch. You got to give me money. Where's my money? Where's my money?
Nick: Doesn't give him the money. Dies. And then he takes his woman.
Nick: And I'm sitting here going.
pastor at the church read this story. And he's talking over and over about how great Abigail was because she recognized the potential in David.
Nick: He was going to be the king of Israel.
Nick: And I'm like, this is not a good story. This is not a good story at all.
Nick: What the fuck is this?
Nick: And there's nothing about how shitty David is. David's an asshole in this story.
Absolutely fucking terrible.
Nick: And you find that to be really common with David. And we forget that. And the reason I love this story is because it just jars right back into memory how much of a prick David is throughout the Bible. He's consistently a man after God's own heart.
Nick: But maybe we're reading that part wrong. And this is the part that's interesting to me. And one of the things that one of the themes I want to explore with my exploring faith or exploring Christianity or whatever series that I want to do coming up here on Locals that this is, again, a little preview for.
Exploring what that means, the man after God's own heart.
Nick: Because we always assume that that means David was a great man and that he had these mistakes and God forgave these little mistakes because he's great and he's the model that we use and the Jews venerate him.
Nick: He's venerated by Christians.
Nick: But maybe being a man after God's own heart, the important part is not that David fucked up from time to time, but that David was all around a piece of shit.
all around david is garbage he's not good he's not great he's not this vaunted figure that the man after god's own heart is also the piece of like the worst guy like that's who god's after that's that's who god is in and
Nick: saving and for and all of this shit is not supposed to be uh like this is an aspirational David it's aspirational to never be David this is only the first man that David marries the widow of right after uh right after they miraculously die the other one he sends off to go die right uh Beth Sheba's husband he sends him to the front line of the war so that he will die so he can marry that chick
Nick: This guy dies by God, and we have to just assume that that wasn't by one of David's servants poisoning some water or poisoning some wine or whatever, or Abigail causing this motherfucker to die.
Sparkle Mom says, the story was written because David was flawed, but even flawed people can do great things. No, the flaw in David is that occasionally he was good.
Nick: That's the flaw.
Nick: The flaw in David, David does not have flaws in being a great person.
Nick: David's flaw is that he occasionally stopped being shit.
Nick: And it's amazing because that is what we should be taking away.
Nick: We should be taking that away. Like we should not be going because Christians are so fucking guilty of it.
I'm a good person who makes my mistakes.
Nick: They lead with, I'm good, therefore my Christianity, I'm a good Christian, God loves me because of my good Christianity. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Nick: No.
Nick: Don't start with the premise that you're good and you make mistakes. You've already fucking failed because you're already going beyond what God requires of us.
Nick: And that also allows people to judge.
Nick: Because they're good and they make mistakes. David's good and he makes mistakes. That's why he gets to be king of Israel and judge people.
He gets to be ruler and lord of all because he's great. He made his mistakes, but he's great. He's a great man. No, he's garbage.
Nick: His judgments are garbage. His choices are bad.
Nick: David does a bunch of shit wrong.
Nick: All the time. Not sometimes.
Nick: But it doesn't matter because that, even there,
Nick: God says, I'm going to give you a king because you demanded it, and your kings are all going to suck. They're always going to be bad. And they're like, give them to us. They'll be fine. Like, here you go. And then we just ignore that God told them they're going to be bad.
We ignore that, and we're like, no, David was actually great. God told you he was going to be bad.
Nick: He just picked the worst bad guy.
Nick: It's great.
Nick: This is a critical approach to the Bible. You take it and you just explore. What does that mean?
Does that invalidate Christianity? No. Does it invalidate Judaism? No. It doesn't do any of that shit. It doesn't mean anything. Actually, I think it makes it much more meaningful because –
Nick: You know, sometimes and people are going to attribute this to me being self aggrandizing. I'm not long before I was ever on YouTube, there are times in your life where you feel like you are conquering things really well, feel like you're doing it fucking great.
And then you mess up a little bit here and there. And you'd like, get down on yourself, not being good enough or whatever, like you messed up, maybe mess up a whole lot in a row right after being on top or whatever. Or Maybe we're never up on top and you're always just down. If you look and say, I have to be a good person, I have to do this for religion or faith or God or whatever to matter, you're already out there. But when those people get up on top and they start being judgy and haughty, they forget that all of the people on top in the Bible are pieces of shit over and over and over.
Stevie Nicks, the height of hypocrisy, reading the Bible after the way you speak and the life you live. Stop playing everyone as a fool. Jesus Christ. Literally said this. I wasn't evangelizing or telling anything other than my opinion of it.
Nick: But Stevie Nicks, that is one of the funniest statements you can make if you're talking about Christianity today. and redemption and what it's about.
Nick: But I wasn't even doing that. I was just reading a piece of literature and saying, let's read this as if it's not biblical and see how fucking insane this story is.
Because if you don't think that that's just a great plot of a fucking mobster movie...
Nick: or an episode of a mobster series. It really is.
Nick: It really is.
Nick: It's cool.
Nick: And I think we should be, like I said, for me, it's encouraging because sometimes I feel a lot more like the David that's a piece of shit than the David that's venerated.
David was made king and then had to flee because he was hunted down. He was named to be king, I should say. And Saul the entire time is trying to kill this motherfucker. He's running around. He's not living the high life. He's not living large. He's barely scraping by. He's making shit decisions. He's building up an army. He kills a bunch of people all the fucking time. I'm like, wow. Wow.
Nick: That guy sucks. Maybe if that guy sucks enough to keep, like, and keeps going, though, I can suck as bad as I am and maybe be okay. It's cool.
Nick: So, yeah, there's a whole bunch. Tell us, nigga, are you David? I, God, I fucking hope not.
Nick: No, that guy, that guy's, like, he's a piece of garbage. I try not to be most of the time. But, yeah, so that's kind of a preview of some of the themes and exploration that we're going to do. Just take a Bible story and read it and, like, man, forget it's the Bible for a second and just read it and you go, whoa. Even if you do nothing else, you go, that is a great fucking story. That's why this story lasted 2,000 years. It's usually like, this story is going to be around 50 years. 50 years, like, yes, 150 years, 1,200 years, 2,000 years.
Of course, they're great stories. They're prototypical, archetypal stories. You can find satire in the Bible. You can find slapstick comedy in the Bible. You can find these elements of storytelling that we hold on to and venerate today in literature. You can find there just early examples and iterations of them. Allegory, metaphor. It's all there. You have talking fucking snakes. That's prototypical allegory. The parabolic story, the parable, parabolic stories.
Christ is a storytelling technique that kind of came into and then fell out of favor and then comes back every now and then. And you get from Jesus Christ to Hans Christian Andersen telling these parables and that are brought with meaning that applies at all different times in our lives, but they're told in such simplistic and childish ways that we understand them contemporary to when they are written, understand them intuitively because they're told to us the way we live.
And that's like the early examples of that shit's right there. So if nothing else, it's this literary tool that is preserving some of the best writing of its time.
Nick: that best writing persists today sure there's a bunch of faith and there's a bunch of other stuff um in there there's a bunch of other stuff in there and there's a bunch of other reasons why it's preserved it's not just because it's good stories but they are really good stories they are really good stories and i think to me that's really an interesting approach to it i get a lot of joy out of reading the bible that way And I'm not sitting here trying to like, again, I don't proselytize and evangelize. I don't tell people, oh, you got to do this. Billy Graham, just say Jesus Lord, and then you can shove dildos in your butt or whatever. He's kind of right, I guess.
At least I hope so. No, it's...
Nick: damn it don't just just stop but um no it's it's like so silly like let's just explore the text and literature and or or even sermons and stories that are told because they're wild when you think about them that's it i don't care if people become christians or not like i'm not that wasn't ever my calling like i said borderline heretic wait i want to see what this uh
What was that?
Nick: Your Honor, look, I'm reformed. I'm talking about the Bible and everything. Okay, that was good. I wasn't sure if that was like a joke message or like a serious one, but no, I get it. It's a... Yeah, I...
Nick: I don't know how else to say it.
Nick: I love looking at things like that, through that lens and finding out what they said. When I taught Sunday school at a church for a while, that's what we did. I mean, we looked at these Bible stories and we kind of took an approach to them of like, let's just read it and figure it out.
Let's just read a story and figure it out. A great one is Esther. We'll go through Esther at some point. It's a short book.
Nick: Go read Titus sometime. This is actually one of my favorite things to challenge people to do. In Titus, Paul's letter to Titus, he tells him, he leaves him on Cyprus, I think.
Nick: at the church on Cyprus, and he says, I need you to find leaders for the church.
Titus is like, I don't know what to do. And so Paul gives Titus this great list, and it's a list of the qualities that a leader of the church should have.
Nick: You guys ever heard a preacher preach Titus?
Nick: Because you can ask him. You can just ask him, do you think you'll live up to the list in Titus?
Real quick.
Nick: This will be short.
Nick: Crete, not Cyprus, Crete. The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town.
Nick: As I directed you.
Nick: Here we go. Here's the list.
Nick: From Paul to Titus on how to pick elders in Crete. Ask yourself if you have heard this sermon from a preacher anywhere.
An elder must be blameless.
Nick: the husband of but one wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.
Nick: Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless, not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
For there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach, and that for the sake of dishonest gain. Even one of their own prophets has said, Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.
Nick: This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply so they will be sound in the faith.
So the elders, not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent. I'm not an elder of the church. I shouldn't be. Never want to be.
Nick: Not out for dishonest gain. They must be hospitable, loving what is good, self-controlled, upright. What about those fire and brimstone pastors or those pastors who get just so mad? I know if you're in an evangelical Christian church, I know you've seen your pastor get indignant and mad, really mad.
Nick: I know I'm not material to be an elder, teacher, preacher, whatever in the church.
Nick: But did they know that?
Nick: I don't know if they do. See, today says Proverbs rock too. Proverbs is such a fucking interesting book.
Nick: Neurodivergent Spice says, Clippers, please find the show where Nick spoke of doing just what he's doing. I don't know when it was. Long ago, he's playing to a local religious series. Oh, yeah, yeah.
it's easy to say Proverbs rock too I don't know if most people know this Proverbs were written for young Jewish aristocratic men well adolescents to young men who are about to basically need to be told how to live I don't know if God or God isn't the focus of the book he's barely mentioned Proverbs is just like good living for this specific subset of Jewish culture and people are like oh Proverbs are good for everybody he's like not really
Not really. It's pretty cool.
Nick: I mean, and there is wisdom in there, obviously. There's good stuff. But that's not what it was for.
Nick: So there you go.
Nick: I just love that modern conservative Christian pastors.
Nick: exhibit many of the traits that Paul says don't do this. And they do it publicly and popularly. And there are whole denominations built around the idea of being indignant and angry and out for some sort of game.
But that's that.
Nick: So anyways, guys, that's it. That's what's to be expected in the upcoming sort of Explorations of Faith, except I will have sounding boards and people to challenge what I say as well. And we can talk back and forth about this stuff for fun, not because we're trying to, like, convert anybody. There's no motive. There's nothing other than providing some entertainment and some thought.
Nick: Like, look, thoughts aren't only on OnlyFans. They're also here.
With that, we got a couple more chats and then we'll, well, one more chat here. David Marks, David Marks says, I would love to have a live discussion with you about the Bible. Maybe we can set it up sometime, man.
Nick: Interesting take on the story. It's just the story.
Nick: It's just the story. That's the funny thing. I mean, I added some little jokey commentary, but that's just the story. And we gloss these stories all the time because you've heard them a million times, but you've never heard them and thought about them. I shouldn't say you've never heard them and thought about them. Often we don't hear them and think about them because...
You're sitting in church and you're like, yeah, I know this one, David. He's got a sling and this big fucker in some armor. I don't know. David goes and drinks beer or whatever.
Nick: Yeah, I didn't take it in a bad way. All right.
Nick: With that, I'll see you guys. It'll either be tomorrow or Wednesday. YouTube and Rumble are coming back. There will be more of these locals' live streams. Many of them are going to be supporters only, not all of them. But, yeah, stay tuned. Thanks for hanging out.
Love you. Welcome to Costco. I love you. And we'll talk very soon.
Nick: Peace, guys.
Nick: And the stream.
Nick: Debbie Thompson says, Mahalo, Nick. Take care of yourself and your family. Thank you.